JRNI https://www.jrni.com/ JRNI Blog: Trends, tips, and more en Wed, 15 May 2024 11:49:41 -0400 Wed, 15 May 2024 11:49:41 -0400 Does Your Customer Engagement Software Do This? Same Day Delivery https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-same-day-delivery Fri, 19 Apr 2024 08:39:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-same-day-delivery

Who says that same day delivery is limited to food, or flowers, or groceries? One of the outcomes of the global pandemic was the advancement of same day delivery services with the capability of deploying gig labor to deliver almost anything. In turn, today’s consumer looking for personalized connections with the brands that they engage with have come to expect that same day delivery becomes increasingly an option.

That said, it is costly and not always scalable to carry every possible retail item and brand in every possible location. Moreover, the expectation of certain buyers purchasing certain items, such as automobiles, electronics, furniture, cases of wine or liquor, or even high end apparel or jewelry, is to not have to carry out the item but rather to have it ‘booked’ then delivered to their preferred location at their preferred date and time (and yes, same day!).

JRNI’s mission is to enable lasting, trusted connections between brands and consumers. Simply put, we make the ordinary feel exclusive. JRNI’s customer engagement software supports simple and easy integration with vendors capable of delivering products and services based on the preferences of each individual customer, extending a new, unique, and personalized option to further exceed the expectations of today’s consumer.

JRNI’s Same Day Delivery capability is standard in JRNI’s customer engagement platform, meaning it is packaged together with JRNI’s Customer and Staff Appointment Scheduling capabilities.

Last but not least, Same Day Delivery is truly global, and customers are using this service in multiple countries including China, Australia, and South Korea, helping to extend value to more rural areas. To learn more about Same Day Delivery with JRNI, click here.

Does Your Customer Engagement Software Do This? Thematic Appointment Events https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-thematic-appointment-events Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:01:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-thematic-appointment-events

Consumers value innovative products but more often than not the differentiating factor driving the customer experience (and in turn ongoing customer loyalty) is the human connection between a consumer and a brand expert. JRNI’s financial services and retail customers have shown that consumers are up to four times more likely to buy additional products and services, and five times more likely to “transact again” if they have access to a trusted expert at the time of and in the critical days following a large purchase. However, it is costly, and often not scalable, to have experts offering highly personalized and specialized, often exclusive services staffed and ready at all locations.

JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform solves both problems, allowing customers to execute thematic “appointment events” at scale. As the name suggests, these events are really a series of appointment slots that connect consumers and experts in a location based on a theme, or service, offered by the brand.

For example:

  • A top US Golf brand offers days where up to four golf pros with expertise in golf club fittings visit locations in a particular geographic area. Advertised in advance, existing customers can sign up for up to 32 slots in an existing location (retail outlet or pro shop) where they receive personalized consultation on tailored clubs and accessories.

  • A regional US-based bank offers a series of personal advisory services to Spanish speaking customers on select days in certain branches

  • A top global fashion brand offers ‘personal styling days,’ a series of associated appointments for high value, exclusive customers. These thematic events offer consumers an immersive experience including exceptional pampering, exclusive amenities, and personalized consultation.

  • A top global jeweler offers ‘appraisal events’ where jewelry appraisers visit a series of locations and offer appointment slots (paid or free) to have jewelry appraised. This leads to upsell of services (i.e. repair, battery replacement, upgrades) in addition to the halo effect of additional sales.

  • A top US-based liquor and spirits distributor holds regular classes and thematic tasting events, such as Italian wine tasting or Kentucky Bourbon tasting, to attract new buyers to the store and drive up the halo effect from visitors tasting and learning from experts about available products.

JRNI’s customer engagement platform offers the following capabilities:

  • The ability to create one, many, or bulk import a series of thematic appointment events

  • The ability for staff to be assigned to the event with full calendar integration for appointment scheduling

  • The ability to take payment as part of event registration

  • The ability to design customized landing pages by theme, service, or location

  • The ability to offer scheduled communications (reminders, discounts, and follow up) to attendees and to ‘no shows’

  • The ability for central administration of events including calendar management, appointment window availability and blocks, and seamless capability to re-schedule and cancel appointments as needed

  • The ability to track registrants and attendees and attribute transactions back to the event

Interested in learning more about how JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform transforms ordinary events and appointments into experiences that encourage customers to actually want your attention, request a personalized demo here.
The Connection Economy is here, and Wow, am I all in! https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-connection-economy-is-here-and-wow-am-i-all-in Tue, 26 Mar 2024 10:31:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-connection-economy-is-here-and-wow-am-i-all-in

I had the wake up call I needed as CEO to realize that things needed to change at the company I run.

I woke up trying to reconnect with our purpose…..Like many, I’m feeling fatigued by over-saturation, dispersed work environments, and all of the unwanted distractions in our world. I quickly realized that what actually motivates me every day at work are the connections I make both with my teammates and our customers.

Outside of work? The same.

Connecting with my family, friends, and all those that I can share experiences and wisdom with keep me energized, purposeful, and alive.

It is these connections, far more than the things I have done or items I have collected, that I am most grateful for. Hint: connection economy in play.

More often than not, when you ask a professional what is your favorite part of a job, they say “the people.”

Why is that?

Research has consistently shown that maintaining strong social ties and a sense of belonging can lead to a longer lifespan and that tends to be what we naturally seek as humans. (The Power of Social Connection for Longevity | HealthNews).

Or more simply put, we humans just innately seek connection. That may seem ridiculously obvious but I feel that many brands either overlook this or don’t know how to lean into it and offer connection to consumers.

As I continued to self reflect and digest these observations, I realized I needed to re-chart the course for the company I run.

I want a society where people feel included, connected, and together. My team at JRNI wants the same.

I feel incredibly lucky that we are in a position and in a market that can do something about this. We are shaping our products and services to deliver unparalleled human connection, whether it is virtual, in-person, across languages, locations, and time zones.

We are in the business of human connection.

I am pleased today to share JRNI’s new mission statement, the “why” of our business, that embraces the undeniable force of the Connection Economy that is effecting us all.

Our Mission is to Create Lasting, Trusted Connections Between Brands and Consumers

Premium brands with enterprise scale across the globe trust JRNI with their most important assets: their customers’ experiences (and their customers’ data). I am pleased to share JRNI’s new vision and focus, as we usher in a new era of lasting, trusted, human connections in a world where this is badly needed.

Does Your Customer Engagement Software Do This? Connecting With Customers via Trunk Shows https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-connecting-with-customers-via-trunk-shows Mon, 18 Mar 2024 08:55:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-software-do-this-connecting-with-customers-via-trunk-shows

Trunk shows are an important mechanism used by retail brands to offer exclusive experiences to their customers. When executed correctly, trunk shows have driven up to 4x the volume of transactions while encouraging brand loyalty, increased customer lifetime value, and word-of-mouth marketing. The only problem is that most retail brands end up leaving “exclusive experiences” out of their overarching strategy, turning a valuable trunk show into a more transactional event. Trunk shows should make attendees feel special through unique and differentiating experiences powered by technology designed for this purpose.

At JRNI we support over 6,000 trunk shows every year including several at some of the world’s largest and most pre-eminent retailers. By studying trunk shows across North American and European luxury brands, JRNI was inspired to create software capable of delivering unique, one-of-a-kind, end-to-end delightful and differentiating trunk show experiences. The following summarize lessons learned that we’ve designed into JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform:

  1. Make the ordinary feel exclusive - Brands desire the ability to offer additional one-to-one services (fittings, repairs, consultations) before, during, and after trunk shows, capitalizing on benefits of having a captive and interested audience. Being able to turn one-to-many events into one-to-one exclusive, personalized, human-to-human shopping or services experiences with ease can turn an ordinary trunk show into a feeling of an exclusive, VIP event!

  2. Feeling Connected: Product and service experiences are best driven by personal connection, delivered by educated staff - an email or website popup can only be so engaging. Offering customers the ability to feel, try on, and engage with your product and service experts drives interpersonal relationships, the feeling of being important, and in turn brand loyalty and the likelihood of larger, more frequent purchases.

  3. Getting loyal customers to the store: Trunk shows are a great way to re-engage your best customers. Using past visit data and purchase history, outcomes from previous trunk shows can be used to offer exclusive, personalized, experiences: early access, VIP discounts, and even the ability for your most loyal customers to participate in the trunk show are amazing tactics used to ‘wow’ your most loyal customers.

  4. Halo effect of more engagements: Attendance at your trunk shows is only one point of engagement. Having the ability to communicate before, during, and after each trunk show with personalized offers and experiences grabs the attention of your customers and encourages them to book and return for more frequent virtual and in-store engagements.

  5. Staff Make or Break the Experience: With mobile-first, customizable, and simple capabilities to promote a trunk show, customize a landing page, simplify registration and check in, and use Artificial Intelligence to automate follow up to attendees and no-shows, staff are able to focus on delighting customers and not on difficult and manual trunk show marketing and administration. Remember, trunk shows give staff an opportunity to amaze customers when their attention is captive, hence the technology must enable and not inhibit this pursuit!

    JRNI Creates Lasting, Trusted, Connections Between Brands and Consumers

    Interested in learning more about how JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform transforms ordinary trunk shows into experiences that encourage customers to actually want your attention, request a personalized demo here.

    The 3 Rules of Retail Success: Rule #2 - Increasing Average Order Value https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-3-rules-of-retail-success-rule-2-increasing-average-order-value Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:52:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-3-rules-of-retail-success-rule-2-increasing-average-order-value

    Success shouldn’t be solely measured by the number of transactions but measured by the value derived from each one - Rule #2 Increasing Average Order Value (AOV). This rule recognizes that the path to sustained success involves not only attracting customers but also maximizing the potential of each transaction.

    The Significance of Average Order Value

    Beyond Transactional Metrics: While tracking the number of transactions is crucial, the Average Order Value provides a more nuanced understanding of customer behavior. A high AOV indicates that customers are not only making purchases but are also investing more (dollars, but also likely time and share of mind) in each engagement.

    Maximizing Revenue Potential: Increasing the AOV is a direct avenue to maximizing revenue potential. Rather than focusing solely on acquiring new customers, businesses can capitalize on their existing customer base by encouraging larger and broader purchases across product lines. This approach unlocks revenue streams within the current customer pool, contributing more valuable engagements.

    Strategies for Increasing Average Order Value

    1. Personalization: By tailoring each individual's journey, brands can offer relevant products and events in alignment with past purchasing habits. By understanding customer preferences, businesses can not only recommend complementary items but also craft unique experiences, extend exclusive invitations to product showcases, and offer discounts tailored to customer interests. This approach enhances the probability of customers expanding their purchasing interests, fostering greater engagement and satisfaction.

    2. Focus on customer convenience: Offering convenient services such as bookable in-person stylings or virtual shopping assistance enhances the overall experience and gives your customers access to a professional. Offering customers professional, one-to-one guidance where and when they need it increases the probability of a purchase, as well as encourages customers to purchase more and remain loyal. With personalized one-to-one experiences, retailers can increase AOV by facilitating educated purchases and encouraging customers to explore additional products that they may have not considered browsing on their own. More so, the ability to schedule in advance reduces walk-in wait times, drives velocity, and allows for a more prepared staff member.

    3. Post-purchase engagement: Engage with customers throughout their entire journey, not just at the point of purchase. This practice encourages repeat business and increases the chance of larger, more frequent orders. Creating an experience where your customers feel special and unique drives brand loyalty, making your business their first stop when looking to make a purchase. Post-purchase engagement doesn’t start and end with promotional emails. It extends to creating an experience that includes invitations to trunk shows and product launches, and other VIP events that drive brand differentiation, relevance, and loyalty.

    4. Exclusivity: Provide exclusive incentives, rewards, or perks for high-value customers who consistently spend above a certain threshold. This could include VIP discounts and events, early access to new products, or personalized shopping experiences. Recognizing and rewarding loyal customers can foster brand loyalty and encourage repeat purchases at higher order values.

    The Ripple Effect: Business Growth and Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

    Sustainable Revenue Growth: Increasing the AOV is not just about immediate gains; it sets the stage for sustainable revenue growth as measured by long term customer lifetime value. As customers consistently make higher-value purchases, the cumulative impact on the bottom line becomes evident. This strategic approach to revenue generation contributes to the long-term financial health of the business.

    Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: When customers perceive added value in their purchases, whether through bundled deals, personalized recommendations, VIP treatment or exclusive discounts, their overall satisfaction with the shopping experience grows. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates.

    Rule #2 underscores the strategic significance of increasing average order value. By implementing thoughtful and customer-centric strategies, businesses can maximize the revenue potential of each transaction and set the stage for sustained success. Elevating the AOV not only contributes to immediate financial gains but also fosters a positive customer experience, creating a win-win scenario that positions the business for long-term growth and prosperity.

    The JRNI Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform with AI-Powered solutions for event management, self-booking appointments, and queuing uses a data driven approach to providing customers with high quality engagements across the entire customer journey. JRNI utilizes behavioral and demographic customer data to not only increase the frequency of purchases but also to give brands the tools they need to treat each customer as if they were their one and only customer. This type of approach to customer engagement creates loyal customers who are willing to invest more, over time, into your brand.

    Missed Part #1? Read our strategies for creating a customer for life here!

    Byte Back or Bust: The Digital Revolution Regional Banks and Credit Unions Can't Afford to Skip https://www.jrni.com/blog/byte-back-or-bust-the-digital-revolution-regional-banks-and-credit-unions-cant-afford-to-skip Wed, 07 Feb 2024 09:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/byte-back-or-bust-the-digital-revolution-regional-banks-and-credit-unions-cant-afford-to-skip

    In the dog-eat-digital world of finance, the smaller players are at a crossroads. The role of technology has become pivotal in determining the success, competitive positioning, and sustainability of regional financial institutions. As larger banks and corporations continue to invest heavily in digital innovation, the pressure mounts on smaller financial institutions to keep pace. Embracing digital transformation is not merely a trend but a necessity for smaller, regional banks and credit unions to stay competitive and relevant.

    Customer Expectations and Experience:

    Customers are demanding more from their financial institutions than just a transaction. Today's consumers, accustomed to seamless digital experiences in various aspects of their lives, demand the same from their financial service providers. Whether it's mobile banking or the ability to make virtual and in person appointments directly on the website, customers expect convenience, speed, and accessibility. Smaller institutions that invest in digital platforms can enhance their customer experience, build loyalty, and attract a broader customer base.

    “Our customers were looking for an experience that allowed them to connect when, where, and how they wanted. In-person meetings were no longer the most convenient way to interact for everyone and we needed a way to lower the friction when connecting customers with our financial experts. If a customer needed a financial expert while on vacation, traveling for business, busy at home, or simply just preferred the experience from the comfort of their home, we needed to support that. We wanted to make it as easy as possible to do business with us.”

    Read the rest of our interview with Independent Bank
    on “Putting Customer Convenience First”

    Cost Efficiency and Operational Effectiveness:

    Automated communications, digital experience enhancements, and streamlined workflows reduce manual errors, increase productivity, and cut down on operational costs. Smaller institutions can leverage technology to compete with larger counterparts without the need for an extensive and physical presence, thereby optimizing resources and achieving cost efficiencies.

    For example, having the ability to offer bookable virtual appointments with subject matter experts (wealth management, mortgage, loans) means you don’t require to staff those subject matter experts in every branch or location anymore. Automated communications, such as text reminders and communications, cut down on costly outbound calls and direct mail. At the same time you're offering a more convenient and familiar experience to your customers.

    Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making:

    Information is not power; it’s the currency of delivering an exceptional and personalized customer experience. Access to actionable insights through data analytics is a game-changer for financial institutions of all sizes. Smaller players can leverage past history to understand customer behavior, preferences, and service trends. This information allows for targeted communication and more informed bankers and agents. In a competitive landscape, the ability to harness data for strategic purposes provides a significant advantage, enabling smaller institutions to compete on a level playing field.

    Collaborations and Partnerships:

    Digital advancement opens doors for smaller financial institutions to collaborate with technology companies that offer seamless experiences your customers desire. Partnerships can bring cutting-edge solutions, expanded service offerings, and a quicker response to market demands. By embracing digital technology partnerships, smaller institutions can position themselves as agile collaborators, fostering mutually beneficial partnerships that enhance their competitiveness.

    Embracing technology allows smaller, regional banks and credit unions to deliver a personalized, local experience while innovating to meet heightened customer expectations. Sophisticated, open platforms facilitate more efficient operations and enable data-driven decisions to accelerate growth. As the financial industry continues to evolve, the digital journey is no longer a luxury but a necessity for smaller players to thrive in the rapidly changing financial ecosystem.

    JRNI’s Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform is designed to offer banks, credit unions, and smaller financial institutions the tools they need to be competitive at all levels. With a suite of customer engagement solutions built specifically for the financial services industry, JRNI enables digital transformation not only for your customers but also for your staff and the efficiency of your organization replicating that of a global financial powerhouse. Learn more here.

    The 3 Rules of Retail Success: Rule #1 - Creating a Customer for Life https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-3-rules-of-retail-success-rule-1-creating-a-customer-for-life Fri, 26 Jan 2024 10:33:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-3-rules-of-retail-success-rule-1-creating-a-customer-for-life

    Retail trends have always evolved rapidly and consumer preferences are shifting constantly, the one thing that has always stayed consistent is that the key to sustained success lies in creating customers for life. It’s important to understand that each transaction is not just a one-time sale but an opportunity to forge a lasting relationship. Building customer lifetime value is the holy grail for retail.

    The Essence of a Customer for Life

    Long-Term Value Over Short-Term Gains: While attracting new customers is undoubtedly essential, the real game-changer lies in retaining them over the long term. Customers for life represent a continuous revenue stream, providing consistent value that surpasses the fleeting benefits of one-time sales. The focus shifts from immediate profits to the enduring value that loyal customers bring to the brand.

    Building Trust and Loyalty: Trust is the bedrock of any lasting relationship, and the customer-brand dynamic is no exception. Cultivating customers for life involves consistently delivering on promises, providing quality products, and offering exceptional service. As trust deepens, so does customer loyalty, creating a bond that withstands the allure of competitors.

    Strategies for Creating Customers for Life

    1. Exceptional Customer Experience: The customer journey extends beyond the moment of purchase. Creating an exceptional customer experience involves every touchpoint, from the first interaction to post-purchase support. Seamless transactions, personalized service, and responsive customer care contribute to an experience that customers remember and want to repeat.

    2. Personalization and Understanding: Acknowledging that each customer is unique is pivotal in building lasting relationships. Utilize data and insights to personalize interactions and shopping experiences, recommendations, and promotions. Understanding individual preferences and anticipating needs fosters a sense of connection, making customers feel valued and seen.

    3. Consistent Communication: Regular and meaningful communication keeps the brand in the customer's consciousness. From event invites and product updates to social media engagement, maintaining an open line of communication builds rapport. It also provides opportunities to showcase new products, share brand stories, and address customer concerns promptly.

    4. Loyalty Programs and Exclusive Benefits: Implementing loyalty programs is a strategic move to reward customers for their commitment. Exclusive benefits, such as discounts, early access to products, or invitations and engagement around special events like a trunk show or VIP event, enhance the perceived value of the relationship. These perks go beyond transactional benefits, creating a sense of belonging and appreciation.

    The Ripple Effect: Positive Word-of-Mouth and Business Growth

    Word-of-Mouth Marketing: A customer for life is not just a revenue source; they are brand ambassadors. Satisfied customers willingly share their positive experiences with friends, family, and online communities. Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful tool that extends the reach of a brand organically, attracting new customers and further solidifying the loyalty of existing ones.

    Sustainable Business Growth: The cumulative effect of cultivating customers for life is sustainable business growth. A loyal customer base forms the foundation for expansion, enabling a brand to weather industry fluctuations and economic challenges. As the customer for life mantra becomes ingrained in the brand ethos, the business transforms from surviving to thriving.

    Rule #1 in the rules of retail success is clear: prioritize cultivating customers for life. In a landscape where trends may come and go, and competition is fierce, the enduring value of a loyal customer base is unparalleled. By focusing on exceptional customer experiences, personalized interactions, and consistent communication, retailers can build trust, foster loyalty, and set the stage for sustained success. As the saying goes, it's not just about making a sale; it's about creating customers for life.

    At JRNI we understand the value of creating customers for life. That is why we purpose built a suite of global enterprise solutions to help your brand build sustainable growth and long-term value. JRNI gives you the power of event management at scale and personalized appointment booking - integrating the two to create unique customer experiences throughout the entire customer journey that will turn your first and one time purchasers into loyal brand ambassadors!

    Magic Expectations: NRF 2024 https://www.jrni.com/blog/magic-expectations-nrf-2024 Wed, 03 Jan 2024 09:42:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/magic-expectations-nrf-2024

    By: Olga Kotsur, CEO Mercaux and Philip Meer, CEO JRNI

    This holiday season, like all others, conjured up images of “magic” moments. One typically imagines a young child dreaming of Santa Claus delivering the exact gift they wanted under the tree on Christmas morning, or a stocking stuffed with exactly what made the Christmas list for those lucky (and well-behaved) enough not to find a lump of coal. Some celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah and the eight nights of gifts corresponding with eight nights of miracle oil that helped save the Jewish people. We see Salvation Army collectors, toy drives, food drives, and other displays of human miracles where, for this very precious moment, the world is galvanized to meet the needs of greater humanity.

    So what the heck does this have to do with NRF and consumer engagement strategy in retail? Magic Expectations. Yes, today’s retail consumers are expecting that the brands they spend their precious discretionary income with will (magically) know them personally, their buying preferences, their tastes. They have come to expect that the brands they purchase from can deliver on a Santa-like experience of knowing what they want and meeting them with that exact product or service where and when they want to receive it. Moreover, with the proliferation of digital and social channels, consumers more than ever are comparing retailers that they do business with and rating their experiences against the best retail outlets across the globe. Unfortunately, technology has “leveled the playing field” but, as we have seen through disruption of the traditional ‘brick and mortar’ and old style ‘one size fits all’ eCommerce outlets, technology is literally “leveling” the retail landscape as we know it.

    “Online customer reviews and ratings are the most influential factor when consumers research a product online, which outranked price, return policy and shipping costs”...“45% of consumers will definitely buy from a brand again in the future if they receive authentic customer care while 40% will recommend that brand to others”
    -Social Media Today

    NRF 2024, retail’s biggest show, is returning to New York City from January 14-16, 2024. NRF boasts 6,200 brands coming together in the interest of “learning, collaboration, and discovery.” Our companies, JRNI and Mercaux, are exhibiting together to share our approach to meeting and exceeding “magic” expectations. Knowing that 6,200 brands are all seeking the holy grail, that is, to meet consumers where and how they want to be met with products and services (and more importantly a buying experience) that delivers magic, our work as technologists serving today’s retail buyer is difficult. That said, below are three very important tech-enabled best practices that we are sharing in advance of NRF, to help our prospective and current customers to meet the magical expectations of today’s retail consumer.

    Personalization and Humanization: The idea of personalizing a buying experience is not new. The Amazonian way of using prior purchases to ‘recommend’ a product or service is core to most eCommerce platforms, and loyalty programs/coupon codes and other mechanisms are common data gathering tools used by retailers to gather consumer preference data. However, having actual human agents with the knowledge and data to deliver personalized experiences has historically been reserved for the elite few that could purchase a private jet or that gambled enough in a casino to receive the VIP status (and freebies!). Not anymore. Today’s consumers expect that when they walk into their favorite retail outlet, that they will be met with an educated agent familiar with their buying preferences and buying history. They expect to be able to explore a product or service online or in-store and have a knowledge-able agent with the information needed to deliver a connected experience in real time (via video or phone at the time when the consumer is online shopping). By collecting and rendering data on prospective and existing customers, and by offering this data to available agents before, during, and after human-to-human interactions, customer engagement and clienteling platforms not only personalize but also humanize a buying experience.

    “66% of consumers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations, and 52% expect all offers to be personalized. This sentiment shows that it’s no longer enough to apply a “one-size-fits-all” approach—companies need to leverage data and behavioral science to determine what the consumer wants and when they want it.”
    -Salesforce Research via Forbes

    Intelligent Steering: Remember the days when consumers would walk into a store, wait in line for the next available salesperson, try out a product, and come back later if the product was not in stock. We can’t! Those days are long gone. Today’s retail consumer wants to shop without waiting in line, and speak with a prepared agent at a time and location that is convenient to them. More and more retail brands are offering appointment scheduling and human-to-human online and video chat mediums. Moreover, top retailers are collecting data to intelligently steer prospective buyers to virtual channels or to locations where inventory is available and wait times are shortest, based on their likely interest in a particular item or brand. The existence of AI allows retailers to not only suggest what a consumer may like, but to match them with the most appropriate sales agent and most desired sales channel where the item they are most likely to buy is most available. Yes, the traditional ‘funnel’ can now be steered, intelligently, using AI, driving velocity across all steps in the buying cycle.

    “82% of consumers will avoid patronizing a business with a line, with only 58% of those people returning to complete a purchase and 40% claiming they’ll go to a competitor or not make a purchase at all.”...“Nearly 70% of consumers said they would rather schedule an appointment, and 57% prefer virtual queues.”
    -Retail Brew

    The World is Flat: Much like waiting for Santa’s Christmas Eve sleigh ride, consumers want to remain at home and have the ability to “shop” and have goods and services delivered to them. They no longer desire to start their shopping experiences by leaving their homes, and they certainly no longer expect to have to travel to Paris, London, New York, or Los Angeles to shop for luxury brands. Clienteling solutions allow for a human to reside in one location, time zone, country, or continent, and shop virtually, with an agent on the other end, anywhere in the world, using video to virtually “visit” a store. They can view styles, browse inventory, see specifications, check pricing, and literally ‘walk the store’ with a qualified salesperson while participating in an immersive virtual experience. For example, a businesswoman in Kuwait may want to compare a bracelet in London and speak in Arabic to a salesperson located in Dubai while seeing pricing in Euro. This magic is now possible with the latest clienteling technology that can, within seconds, offer a magical moment in an ever changing flat world.

    JRNI, the leading AI-powered intelligent customer engagement platform for retail, with solutions including event management, appointment scheduling, and queue management, has partnered with Mercaux, a Single App for Store Associates with Clienteling, Assisted Selling, Omni-checkout, and Remote Selling. Together, our solution is ahead of tomorrow’s consumer expectations, and we hope you will seek us out at NRF 2024 to see how we can make the magic happen!

    Join us at NRF, booth #6444, book a meeting with JRNI at the date and time that is most convenient for you!

    Customer Engagements Drive Revenue. Here Are 5 Ways You Can Ensure Your Engagements Pay Out https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagements-drive-revenue-here-are-5-ways-you-can-ensure-your-engagements-pay-out Mon, 20 Nov 2023 09:25:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagements-drive-revenue-here-are-5-ways-you-can-ensure-your-engagements-pay-out

    Did you know that enterprises with superior customer engagements bring in 5.7 times more revenue than their competitors? Or that 84% of companies that work to improve their customer engagement strategy report an increase in their revenue?

    Unfortunately, it’s one thing to simply recognize this correlation. It’s another thing to be able to harness it to your advantage. Why? Because, while the goal of every customer engagement strategy is revenue, too few companies actually know how to design a system suited to this aim.

    That’s why JRNI is excited to provide readers with our 5 recommendations for building a revenue-centric customer engagement strategy.

    1. Tailor your engagement to the customer and the moment

    Personalization—delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time–--is critical in creating a customer engagement strategy to drive revenue growth. In fact, Salesforce.com’s most recent Trends in Personalization study found that 99% of marketers say personalization positively impacts their customer relationships.

    But what constitutes the “right” target or the “right” time?

    While the very nature of personalization means there’s no one answer, careful consideration of where a given customer is on their sales journey will help you provide tailored content for an individual to engage with. Early in the process, resources that provide customers the information they need to feel confident in their research into a given product or a specific pain point are vital. For customers later along in the funnel, more hands-on engagement is better: 1:1 instructional lessons, personal appointments with product specialists or trials and product tests.

    A successful customer engagement program must be built around the understanding that different customers will respond to different experiences, so having a diverse range of resources across touchpoints is necessary. That same Salesforce study that told us marketers love personalization also tells us that 92% believe prospects and customers expect personalization.

    2. Treat human-to-human interaction as a high-value conversion event

    When it comes to creating a rapport between your organization and your customer, nothing is better suited to personalization than…well, a person. So, if your goal is to move that prospect towards a decision, one-to-one appointments are your best opportunity for both you and the customer to gain more relevant insights that will ultimately advance the sales cycle.

    Train your staff to recognize opportunities to turn a request for information into a no-pressure meeting. Work with people across your business so that no matter what your prospect is curious about, you can sit them down with a relevant expert. This doesn’t mean turning everyone in your company into a sales representative, but to give key people the tools to gather structured information in a way that builds a detailed customer profile over time. When the customer feels like they know you—and you truly know the customer—that’s when engagement becomes revenue.

    3. Think of staff as both a revenue-generating resource and a customer service resource

    Speaking of training staff, you need to make sure that every person your customer interacts with understands the goal of your engagement strategy, and factors that into how they approach their work.

    If your website’s primary goal is to communicate who you are, what you do, and provide ways for customers to take next steps and/or purchase, your engagement staff is a living extension of your website. A well-trained, motivated staff combine product knowledge and enthusiasm; they are your best option for advancing customers along a sales path. Consider your own buying experiences.

    Sales representatives shouldn’t only think of themselves as sales representatives but as customer service representatives as well. Meanwhile, customer service teams should remember that every question they answer is a chance to build enthusiasm for future purchases or upcoming renewal.

    By combining these mindsets, you create representatives who not only exhibit deep knowledge of the product but equally deep commitment to the individual customer.

    4. Provide staff with directional intelligence before, during, and after engagement

    In order to ensure your engagement staff are able to appropriately work with the people they speak to, it’s critical that they have access to all the relevant information you’ve collected on a given prospect, at every stage of the engagement. Not only that—they need to have the tools to easily collect additional information in order to facilitate future engagements.

    Data integration is key to presenting relevant information to your staff. One of the challenges that enterprises often face is that given the vast amount of information they gather on an individual as well as that this information is often collected across myriad channels, all of this critical data exists in disparate systems. Creating a centralized hub for all this data ensures that it’s easy to access, synthesize, and leverage for revenue generation, and that you’re able to foster the best human interactions by directing prospects to the most relevant people.

    5. Use engagements as the foundation of personalization

    Customer engagement is cyclical, and understanding that is the key to making the most of every opportunity. In the first section of this blog, we talked about how personalization is the bedrock of fruitful customer engagement. Well, it turns out customer engagement is the bedrock of personalization.

    Each engagement you have is a chance to better the customer experience. It helps you collect additional data to better understand prospect needs, and gives you the information required to further target said prospects down the line.

    How? Just a few examples for your consideration. Volume of engagement and engagement type can indicate a customer’s level of interest and what product and service offers are most likely to succeed next, or what kind of engagement they might next participate in. Engagement can also be used to ‘bucket’ customers according to appropriate next steps.

    We often think of the customer journey and its stages as a given, as certain as the Law of Gravity. But it is only through customer engagement—and building off each interaction—that we can even chart that journey in the first place.

    Turn engagement into revenue with these simple tricks

    If you’re examining your revenue stream and wondering where you could do better, you might want to take a look at your customer engagement strategy. Are you harnessing personalization? Are you availing person-to-person interaction? Are you using every point of engagement as a springboard to the next?

    With these 5 recommendations, we guarantee you’ll get more out of your interactions with customers and see material results from your efforts.

    Looking for help with your customer engagement strategy? Contact us here!

    Can Your Enterprise Scheduling Software Do All This? If Not, You Could Be In Trouble. https://www.jrni.com/blog/can-your-enterprise-scheduling-software-do-all-this-if-not-you-could-be-in-trouble Wed, 08 Nov 2023 09:59:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/can-your-enterprise-scheduling-software-do-all-this-if-not-you-could-be-in-trouble

    One-on-one experiences are by far the best way to ensure customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and drive high-value commercial transactions. Because of this, an enterprise-scale scheduling software platform is an essential tool for any company invested in connecting with their prospective buyers and customers.

    But not all solutions are created equal, and, while many software offerings label themselves as ‘enterprise-grade,’ that doesn’t mean they actually have the functionality to support the needs of enterprise-size businesses.

    Large organizations in global industries require appointment setting technology that allows for flexible deployment options, handles organizational complexity, supports multi-national business interactions, and meets ever-expanding compliance needs.

    Here are the 5 essential functionalities your appointment-setting software should have in order to enhance the customer experience and build stronger customer relationships.

    1. Support for a Global Business

      Successful businesses can no longer operate in a local bubble. Across industries, enterprises big and small are expanding their footprint around the world, striving to break into new markets and reach new customers daily.

      Working in a global industry means that you’ll be interacting with customers and partners around the world, and your software must facilitate that. This means simple requirements, such as seeing time zone differences for scheduled meetings and having a range of supported languages, but it also demands more complex and nuanced features, many of which so-called enterprise-grade offerings can’t provide.

      For example, different languages have different naming conventions. Does your software allow the customer to enter their name and have it displayed properly? While these might seem like minor issues for a US or UK-centric business, they’re vital. If your software can’t handle the complexities of a global, diverse customer base, it’s only a matter of time before you accidentally alienate potential business.

      2. Seamless Customer Experience

        Today’s consumer expects a seamless experience, whether they are booking an appointment online, through a mobile app, or in-person. By the same token, customers expect an experience that feels personalized. If they’re a longtime, loyal patron, will they be satisfied when the process of booking an appointment feels the same as that for a new prospect?

        Enabling these seamless customer experiences requires tight integrations between the appointment-setting software and other enterprise software systems on both the front and back ends. By integrating payment software like Stripe, communication solutions like Zoom, CRMs, accounting, web analytics, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, you can harness customer data and product information to address your customer more accurately, and provide additional convenience.

        Finally, your software must be able to quickly adjust for last-minute cancellations, rescheduling, location changes If an enterprise’s appointment setting software can’t handle these changes in real-time, the business is at risk of double-booking, missing appointments, and delays, which can result in a poor customer experience and frustrated staff.

        3. Robust and Actionable Analytics

        Data can be a goldmine, but only for enterprises that have the capability to harness it effectively. Too often, businesses make decisions based on hunches or gut feelings, but in an increasingly competitive landscape, this is simply not enough.

        The right appointment setting software offers analytics capabilities that allow businesses to more readily notice trends and allocate resources for enhanced success. What is the ROI for meetings held at a specific location or with a specific staff member? Which appointments are resulting in tangible revenue and which end in abandonment? Are certain locations or departments over or understaffed for appointment needs?

        The answers to these questions will help you notice patterns that you can incorporate into your business strategy in any number of interesting ways. For example, let’s say a business wants to know how its appointment scheduling software is being used during the end-of-year holiday season. By looking at performance data from previous years, the business can identify trends in when and how customers are scheduling appointments. This information can then be used to plan for future end-of-year campaigns, ensuring that the business is always one step ahead.

        4. Compliance

        The costs of non-compliance are steep and varied, from litigation to reputation damage to brand damage. It is important for enterprises to consider compliance when reviewing their appointment scheduling software options. Data sovereignty, data access, and data retention are all compliance issues that need to be considered when setting up an appointment system—especially when the software deals with and stores personally identifiable information (PII).

        Enterprises must also consider compliance when transmitting data between different software systems. The complexity of these requirements is compounded by the aforementioned integration needs. The appointment software must be able to store data securely and encrypt it at rest and in transit. There should also be processes in place for data archival that meet compliance requirements.

        Data auditing and governance capabilities are key requirements for compliance. Enterprises need to be able to track who did what and when, as well as have the ability to control which staff members have access to certain data.

        5. Scalability and Reliability

        When it comes to enterprise software, non-functional requirements such as performance, security, scalability, integrations, supportability, auditability, observability, and reliability are just as important as the functional requirements. The appointment system you choose must be able to handle patches and upgrades without disruptions and be resilient in the face of outages.

        For instance, if a different integrated software system experiences an issue, the appointment system needs to handle it without going down. It is also important to meet the demands of a large customer base. This means being able to handle a high number of appointments per minute and a large number of users hitting the system simultaneously.

        Another important non-functional requirement is real-time availability. Enterprises need to be able to see in one place which staff members and physical locations are available for appointments. This information should be integrated with other enterprise systems so that it doesn’t have to be input manually—this would create an unnecessary burden on staff.

        Scheduling software is a direct line to your customer. It cannot fall short.

        There is a lot to consider when you are selecting appointment scheduling software for your enterprise. Taking the time to review your options carefully will pay off in the form of increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased revenue.

        While lightweight tools and apps may work for consumers or small businesses, they are not suitable for enterprise-level deployments. Enterprise appointment scheduling software must be able to handle multiple levels of complexity—a large number of customers, staff, and appointments; integrate with other enterprise software; and meet compliance requirements.

        Only the right enterprise-grade software can enable enterprises to provide a great customer experience—and great customer experience is key to satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue.

        JRNI Appointments, The Enterprise Appointment Scheduling Solution That Drive Revenue

        Why Appointment Scheduling Software Is Mission Critical, Not a Nice-to-Have https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-appointment-scheduling-software-is-mission-critical-not-a-nice-to-have Thu, 26 Oct 2023 16:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-appointment-scheduling-software-is-mission-critical-not-a-nice-to-have

        In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to find new customers, offer new products and services to existing customers, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and boost overall staff productivity and morale. One tool that has emerged as indispensable in achieving these goals is appointment scheduling software. While some might view it as a mere convenience, its significance runs far deeper. Here are 8 reasons why appointment scheduling software is not just a nice-to-have, but a mission-critical asset for any business, regardless of its size or industry.

        1. Streamlining Operations:

        Appointment scheduling software simplifies the complex task of managing human-to-human interactions, ensuring that employees and customers are connected seamlessly. By offering self-service appointment bookings and automating cancellations and reminders, valuable staff time is freed up, allowing them to focus on more strategic, revenue-generating tasks.

        2. Enhancing Customer Experience:

        In the age of instant gratification, customers expect seamless and hassle-free services. Appointment scheduling software empowers customers to book appointments at their convenience, 24/7. Additionally, automated reminders reduce the likelihood of no-shows, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

        3. Maximizing Resource Utilization:

        For service-oriented businesses, proper resource allocation is crucial. Appointment scheduling software helps in organizing resources such as staff, equipment, and facilities across locations. By avoiding overbooking or underutilization, businesses can ensure that their resources are used to their maximum potential.

        4. Real-Time Accessibility:

        Traditional appointment booking methods often involve phone calls and manual data entry, leading to errors and miscommunication. Appointment scheduling software provides real-time access to available calendar slots and eliminates the risk of double-bookings. This accuracy is essential for maintaining a professional image and preventing customer dissatisfaction.

        5. Data-Driven Insights:

        Data is invaluable in today’s business landscape. An appointment scheduling platform generates detailed analytics and reports, providing insights into customer behavior, popular services, lead times, peak booking times, and more. Armed with this information, businesses can make informed decisions to enhance their services, improve staff allocation, and increase customer satisfaction

        6. Adapting to Remote Work and Hybrid Models:

        The rise of remote work and hybrid work models necessitates tools that enable businesses to operate seamlessly across locations. Appointment scheduling software allows staff to access schedules and manage appointments from anywhere, facilitating collaboration and ensuring continuity in service delivery. Staff can set their availability based on their personal preferences, and flex their schedule to accommodate on location and remote meetings easily.

        7. Compliance and Security:

        Certain industries, in particular those that store personal information, require strict adherence to centrally-managed brand and data security standards. Enterprise-grade appointment scheduling software is designed with strict brand consistency and language along with robust security features, ensuring that sensitive customer data is protected and compliance requirements are met.

        8. Cost Containment and Impact on Revenue:

        Last, but certainly not least, implementing appointment scheduling software can significantly reduce operational costs associated with manual scheduling and administrative tasks. By automating processes, businesses can cut down on labor expenses and minimize errors, leading to substantial cost savings. Moreover, the enhanced customer experience and streamlined operations result in increased customer retention and acquisition, ultimately boosting revenue.

        Appointment scheduling software is far more than just a convenient tool—it is a mission-critical asset that impacts all facets of any enterprise that depends on human-to-human interaction.

        Embracing this technology is not merely a choice; it is a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in the modern landscape. Recognizing its mission-critical nature empowers businesses to stay ahead of the curve, delight customers, and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive market.

        Watch the JRNI Overview Video Here:

        Reflections on the JRNI 2023 CAB https://www.jrni.com/blog/reflections-on-the-jrni-2023-cab Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:31:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/reflections-on-the-jrni-2023-cab

        “Start with the customer and work backwards” is an expression that has always resonated with me as I think about how best to craft company strategy, create “critical few” corporate priorities, and craft a product roadmap. I began appreciating this approach to product management and product development after reading The Lean Startup by Eric Reiss, who cited the software development lifecycle used at a company I admire, Intuit. The idea of taking a Minimally Viable Product (MVP) and improving it by obsessively listening to user feedback and by observing the manner in which end users engage with the product fascinated me, in particular because one need not be a visionary, an innovator, or a disrupter to do this. A CAB, standing for Customer Advisory Board (CAB), is a mechanism for bringing stakeholders representing your customers together to dialogue around ways to provide additional benefits to their stakeholders. For a company, a CAB is a time to listen to your customers carefully for feedback around benefits (the “so what”) versus feedback around product features (the “what”). JRNI held its Annual 2023 CAB Event this week.

        JRNI offers its Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform to large, enterprise brands operating primarily in the financial services and retail verticals. JRNI customers have staff and operations that typically span across multiple service lines, locations, time zones, languages, and shifts. This week, JRNI’s Management Team facilitated conversations with Executives from 13 US and EMEA-based enterprises and 10 APAC-based enterprises covering topics around the current capabilities of JRNI’s event management, appointment scheduling, queue management, and analytics solutions. We covered topics such as:

        • The ROI of having series of centrally managed retail trunk shows, tastings, fittings, and services including the halo effect of related sales opportunities that occur via appointments integrated with such events

        • The benefits of having centrally managed financial services webinars to drive volume of appointments for wealth managers and advisors

        • The need for integrated queue management and appointment scheduling to manage wait times and staffing levels

        • The importance of user experience for not only those using JRNI as consumers but also the user experience of staff using JRNI to properly prepare for their daily interactions

        We came away with validation that in some cases we understood our customers’ needs and feature requests, while in other cases we did not understand the ‘so what’ and hence had to re-calibrate our thinking. One Executive told us that we are the first impression, the “front door to their customer experience", so our user experience has to be as perfect as anything they do as an organization. Awesome feedback!

        JRNI’s 2023 Customer Advisory Board was an experience of intensive listening, great learning, and most importantly, positive alignment with our customers. We showed our appreciation for our customers by listening, asking questions, collecting feedback, and re-calibrating our software development lifecycle and customer success strategies as a result. We continue to start with our customers and work backwards and our annual CAB has successfully launched JRNI’s 2024 planning process!

        Independent Bank on Putting Customer Convenience First https://www.jrni.com/blog/independent-bank-puts-customer-convenience-first Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/independent-bank-puts-customer-convenience-first

        Today’s community banks and financial institutions are facing unprecedented competitive pressures, and as such require a heightened focus on differentiating based on stronger, more personalized, advisory relationships with their customers. This requires a commitment to deliver convenient service with a focus on availability, proactivity, and a well-informed and well-prepared staff of trusted advisors, ready to meet customers in a way that matches customer preference. A core strategy of our customer, Independent Bank, is called “Digital Delivery First, or DDF”. DDF means designing everything to specifically perfect the digital customer’s experience. Making it easier for the digital customer AND the branch customer to receive face-to-face personalized financial advice and assistance from an expert from anywhere in the world is the ultimate in customer service and convenience, and JRNI worked with Independent Bank to deliver that.

        Independent Bank is a Michigan-based bank with a focus on its community. For nearly 160 years, Independent Bank has worked hard to earn the business, and the trust, of those across Michigan—and beyond. Their customers have been their primary focus since the day they opened their doors, and doing whatever it takes to meet their needs and empower their customers to “Be Independent” has always been the top priority. Independent Bank aims to offer the products and services of a big bank, while delivering the personalized customer service and support of a local bank.

        Below is a short interview about Independent Bank’s goals in selecting its technology partnership with JRNI:

        (JRNI) How did Independent Bank make a business case to bring on an appointment scheduling software?

        (Independent Bank) “We spent a lot of time building a model to establish an economic value for each appointment and made some calculated estimations of the number of appointments we could generate with an online scheduling tool. Value x Volumes = Potential Revenue less the cost of JRNI. When we did the math, it just made sense to give it a try. We also generated a lot of support internally with the various department leaders who could understand the vision and opportunity of embracing the tool.”

        (JRNI) What was Independent Bank's process prior to using JRNI?

        (Independent Bank) “Prior to implementing JRNI at Independent Bank, we were mostly focused on in-person interactions. We realized that meeting customers where they are is invaluable. We want to be there for our customers—whether that is meeting with them in-person, from the comfort of their own home, or anywhere in between. Customer convenience is our top priority and we weren’t set up for that, a change was necessary. “

        (JRNI) What was Independent Bank’s reasoning for innovating past the status quo?

        (Independent Bank) “Our customers were looking for an experience that allowed them to connect when, where, and how they wanted. In-person meetings were no longer the most convenient way to interact for everyone and we needed a way to lower the friction when connecting customers with our financial experts. If a customer needed a financial expert while on vacation, traveling for business, busy at home, or simply just preferred the experience from the comfort of their home, we needed to support that. We wanted to make it as easy as possible to do business with us.”

        (JRNI) How has working with JRNI changed your business?

        (Independent Bank) “JRNI has allowed us to shift to a more appointment-driven culture, and creating a culture that enables more appointments and grants customers access to our calendars is a culture shift for sure, but it’s not the reason we value JRNI. We are genuinely trying to make banking easier and more convenient for our customers and specifically make it easier for them to get help and advice when they need it. JRNI has allowed us to do that.

        Our customers now have the ability to make appointments from any internet-connected device, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without having to pick up the phone. If customers have a specific banker they enjoy working with, they can easily choose them from the list of available bankers. On the flipside, if a customer doesn’t have a banker they work with today, JNRI makes it seamless to connect them with one who can help them with their specific area of need. We now provide a level of convenience to our customers that we didn’t before; our customers can choose to meet with us over the phone, at their preferred branch, or from anywhere in the world via our partnership with JRNI & Zoom.

        As a result of this, we are seeing more appointments, more successful meetings, and more sales opportunities. We have been able to grow our footprint without adding new branches and still deliver personalized face-to-face community banking”

        (JRNI) What are some of the ways Independent Bank is utilizing JRNI to drive appointments?

        (Independent Bank) “We are implementing online appointment setting into our marketing campaigns, online banking, and our website as well as using personalized booking links in our banker’s email signatures.”

        JRNI is the leading enterprise engagement platform for scheduling & accelerating successful experiences across the entire customer lifecycle, at scale. With AI-powered applications for facilitating appointments, queue management, and events, plus an industry-leading analytics tool, JRNI helps businesses offer remote and in-person experiences that build stronger customer relationships, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and increase revenue and efficiency. For more information about JRNI’s Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform, click here.

        Unveiling the New Customer Journey, Journey Builder, and Branding Theme Builder https://www.jrni.com/blog/unveiling-the-new-customer-journey-journey-builder-branding-theme-builder Fri, 30 Jun 2023 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/unveiling-the-new-customer-journey-journey-builder-branding-theme-builder

        JRNI is proud to announce our latest innovation in creating seamless customer experiences with the launch of our new Customer Journeys, Journey Builder, and Branding Theme Builder!

        As a market leader in enterprise appointment bookings, our clients provide feedback on the challenges they face in creating a customer experience that is convenient for the customer, effective for their goals, and on brand. Our clients want the flexibility to modify their customer journey as their offerings change. They also know a consistent look and feel across locations and engagement types is critical to projecting their brand image and fostering customer loyalty.

        Our new Customer Journeys are designed to make the process of booking an appointment more enjoyable and streamlined for your customers and have been upgraded in terms of design and usability. We have also taken into consideration the customer feedback regarding the importance of accessibility and mobile optimization, offering customer journeys usable by everyone on any device.

        New Customer Journey

        But what’s even more exciting are the tools in Studio that we launch alongside the new Customer Journeys. With our intuitive Journey Builder, we put the power in your hands, allowing you to customize settings and turn on features with a simple click, eliminating the need for endless back-and-forth emails. Say goodbye to code and confusion; you can now make changes as frequently and whenever you want. With our real-time preview feature, you can see your changes reflected instantly, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free journey design. Once you're satisfied, publishing is now done in one click, granting immediate access to a URL or HTML snippet, so your customers can start booking without delay.

        Journey Builder

        But that's not all—the new Branding Theme Builder is our central hub for all things design and branding. You can infuse your corporate identity into every aspect, matching colors, fonts, buttons, and images to brand guidelines, creating a seamless customer experience. We've transformed the journeys into an open canvas, allowing you to be creative and design an experience that truly reflects your brand. The branding themes you create can be effortlessly selected within the Journey Builder, ensuring cohesive and consistent branding across all your locations. Organizations that manage multiple brands can create unique branding themes for each.

        Branding Builder

        Interested in switching to the new journeys or starting a new JRNI with us? Contact your CSM or enquire about a sales demo - our team is happy to explain all the details and answer any questions!

        Engagement Innovation: A Conversation with our SVP of Product, Manish Barmecha https://www.jrni.com/blog/engagement-innovation-a-conversation-with-our-svp-of-product-manish-barmecha Thu, 11 May 2023 00:06:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/engagement-innovation-a-conversation-with-our-svp-of-product-manish-barmecha

        We sat down with our SVP of Product Manish Barmecha for a discussion on the how JRNI is powering the future of customer engagement:

        QUESTION: JRNI has recently released a number of new features. What is the vision that guides JRNI innovation?

        MANISH BARMECHA: JRNI’s vision is to help our customers drive ‘More Engagements. Less Waiting. Faster Revenue.’ We know that the more quality engagements an organization can generate, the better it can meet the needs of customers, which progresses them to the next stage of their customer journey. ‘Less Waiting’ has dual meanings; reducing the wait time for customers to be connected to the best engagement option as well as less waiting for the brand to advance customers through sales stages. When more customers have their needs met faster, sales cycles are accelerated, hence ‘Faster Revenue.’

        It is this vision that guides our innovation. We strive to enable an exceptional customer experience, make the front-line staff experience as simple and streamlined as possible, and deliver actionable insight and intelligent automation, while providing a true enterprise-grade platform.

        QUESTION: With that vision in mind, can you describe some of the new features added to the platform?

        JRNI continues its market leadership with the addition of several new and impactful engagement features:

        • Availability By Method: Allows JRNI users (bankers, wealth advisors, sales agents) to set up flexible shift schedules that control not only the location(s) users work at, but also the meeting method(s) (in-person, phone, video) that users would like to provide. Whether users are working from home in the afternoon, taking phone appointments outside of normal operating hours or circulating between locations - JRNI can be configured to match users’ availability windows.

        • Multi-Staff Appointments: Supports appointments that require the skills of more than just one staff member. This functionality allows users to create bookings with multiple staff or add staff to existing appointments. Before adding staff to appointments, JRNI checks if the desired staff is available and intelligently presents configurable options if they are not.

        • Personal Booking Links: Fosters a closer relationship between staff and customers and bridges the gap between enterprise and individual appointment booking. This allows customers to quickly and easily book appointments with specific staff members and these direct booking links can be shared via email signatures, social media posts & advertisements, or via user profile pages and personal websites.

        • Reservation Workflow: Requires a confirmation of attendance before customers arrive for their appointment. This dramatically decreases the number of appointment “no shows” and optimizes staff efficiency by eliminating the need for staff to chase appointment confirmations.

        • Lead Time Reporting: Provides detailed insights into how long customers have to wait to find an appointment for specific services and locations. This helps you understand demand vs. capacity for services and optimizes the allocation of staff across services, locations and methods, while improving the customer experience by reducing lead times.

        • Journey Builder: User friendly interface that allows business users to build and configure the appointment booking journey with fine-grained control over the flow, functionality and look and feel of the journey. The Journey Builder allows organizations to maintain brand standards, while customizing the customer experience to fit their business objectives.

        QUESTION: How are these features incorporated into an engagement workflow?

        MANISH BARMECHA: Let’s take a simple example. Let’s say a customer wants to book an in-person appointment at a bank for a mortgage. If they have an existing relationship with a specialist, they might use a Personal Booking Link to schedule that specific specialist. If not, they would book an available employee at their preferred branch. The enterprise team would have used the Journey Builder to ensure the booking experience is on brand and collects all the required information. Availability by Method ensures the appointment is scheduled with a specialist when they are available for in-person appointments (as opposed to virtual appointments only) at that branch. Let’s assume the specialist determines they need managerial assistance with the appointment. They can create a Multi-Staff Appointment to add the manager to this appointment which would update calendars accordingly. The Reservation Workflow may be set up so the customer is required to confirm the appointment as the appointment approaches. Appointment availability data is continuously fed into Lead Time Reporting, which helps the bank evaluate if the wait times for that appointment type are within acceptable standards.

        As you can see, each of these features significantly enhances the appointment process for both the customer and staff.

        QUESTION: Can you give a preview of what is coming next in JRNI’s commitment to innovation?

        MANISH BARMECHA: Without giving away too much, I can say that we are investing heavily in AI and Natural Language Processing technology with the goal of providing intelligent automation that enables brands to proactively engage with the right customer or prospect at the right time and pair them up with the right staff. We are incredibly excited about these groundbreaking intelligent automation capabilities because they will not only improve the customer experience but also help brands optimize business outcomes and drive more engagements, less waiting and faster revenue!

        White Paper | Facilitating the Customer Journey
        Your #1 weapon for sales https://www.jrni.com/blog/your-1-weapon-for-sales Fri, 17 Mar 2023 16:23:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/your-1-weapon-for-sales

        If you had the option to direct a potential customer to any of your channels in order to make a sale, what would you choose? You would want a channel that builds relationships, focuses on benefits, creates a sense of urgency, provides social proof, and listens and responds to your audience. A banner ad view would not provide all of these. A website visit can provide information but isn’t responsive. A chatbot is more interactive but doesn’t facilitate relationships. So what is your best option?

        The bottom line is the most powerful asset you can bring to the sales process is a knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and motivated staff member. A person such as this can deliver a message of benefits and urgency, can provide examples, and can respond immediately based on information provided by the customer. On top of that, they can display a contagious energy around your products and/or services that no other channel can. If a potential customer is put in contact with an energized and informed staff member, and they don’t purchase, they were never going to. No banner, or email, or chatbot would have done better.

        Forrester recently released research on the employee experience, with some interesting results: “Nearly three-quarters (74%) of retailers with mature EX strategies achieve double-digit revenue growth year over year, compared to only 49% of retailers with low-maturity.” A mature EX strategy improves employee retention, promotes efficiency, and facilitates productivity. However, the most direct link from EX to revenue is a workflow that reduces frontline staff administrative burden and facilitates interaction with as many customers as possible.

        When you acknowledge how powerful a connection with your staff can be, you will want to set up as many engagements for them as possible while at the same time reducing their administrative burden around scheduling and administering appointments. Critical functionality includes:

        • Real-time calendar updates to provide as much notice as possible when an appointment is booked.

        • Schedule visualization so staff can easily understand their calendar, including drag-and-drop rescheduling

        • Customer profiles that include past appointment outcomes and communication history to help staff personalize the customer experience

        • Intuitive data entry so information can easily be collected prior to and during appointments

        • Automated confirmation and reminder messages for both the customer and staff

        • Offers of appointments with sales staff across the customer journey. A ‘Book an Appointment’ button (with in-person or virtual options) can be implemented in email and web pages, with QR codes posted in-store

        Not every purchase requires a human-to-human connection, and not every connection results in a sale, but when it comes to your most powerful option, nothing can match the power of people.

        Discover JRNI Studio, the staff tool that empowers your staff to get the insights they need to build personalized relationships at scale:

        Outstanding Trunk Shows Require Event Management https://www.jrni.com/blog/outstanding-trunk-shows-require-event-management Wed, 01 Mar 2023 23:48:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/outstanding-trunk-shows-require-event-management

        There is something about trunk shows that just feels different. Trunk shows generate buzz as staff unveil new products for the first time and consumers eagerly await to see them. Trunk shows aren’t just a chance to discover new offerings; they are a chance to celebrate a brand.

        Trunk shows benefit brands by allowing them to test out their go to market offerings and strategies. "You instantly learn what's working, what's not, how it can improve and even what you might be missing," says designer Jonathan Cohen. Retailers build customer loyalty with events that offer exclusive access. Customers enjoy getting early access to new styles.

        The benefits of a trunk show can be supercharged with more attention to the administration and operation of the event. Many shows are posted without an event management workflow, leaving gaps in the data and deficiencies in both the staff and attendee experience. Below are 5 reasons to use an event management workflow for your next trunk show.

        1. Staff Allocation
          When a trunk show is posted without any registration requirement, your staff is left to guess at how many attendees might show up. Staff can be overwhelmed when attendees exceed expectations. Conversely, an overstaffed event is both an inefficient use of time and can detract from the mood; too much staff ‘standing around’ makes the event seem like a failure. Use event management for better planning of staff needs.

        2. Measurement and Analytics
          When registrations are collected and attendees recorded, long-term ROI of the trunk show can be measured. Many trunk shows may not show their largest revenue effects in the short term.

          Kristen Cole, president and chief creative officer of the luxury boutique Forty Five Ten, argues that trunk shows are valuable beyond the same-day monetary gains. "Sometimes we don't see the immediate sales impact day of, but often we do it anyway because after our clients meet the designer and the selling staff gets more behind the designer, we see a spike in sales later…in subsequent seasons," she says. If you don’t have a record of trunk show attendees, then you are just guessing.

          Beyond revenue, you can use an event management system to measure and optimize performance. For example, do attendees tend to register the day of, day before, week before, or several weeks before? This can help direct the timing of promotions.

        3. Customer Experience
          An event management system can facilitate communication before and after the trunk show to provide a better customer experience. Pre-event reminders can minimize no shows and build excitement for the event. Post event emails can contain exclusive offers and other related calls to actions, including booking 1:1 appointments for further personalized experiences.

        4. Staff Efficiency
          In addition to not being overstaffed or understaffed as mentioned above, an event management system can improve the performance of individual staff members. If you use an event management system to collect information on an attendees interests or preferences, staff can be ready to quickly direct attendees to the appropriate products. This level of personalized service can be another enhancement to the customer experience.

        5. Consistent branding
          One reason brands push back against using event management for trunk shows is the perception that events are difficult to set up and present inconsistent branding. Enterprise-grade event management solutions offer templated events that can be spun up quickly by either location staff or centrally. If a template needs to be updated, this can be done centrally and disseminated out, saving you the hassle of updating multiple events.

          Trunk shows are an investment in brand health and customer relationships. Use an event management system to maximize that investment.

          Welcome to the New JRNI! More Engagements. Less Waiting. Faster Revenue. https://www.jrni.com/blog/more-engagements-less-waiting-faster-revenue Fri, 10 Feb 2023 08:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/more-engagements-less-waiting-faster-revenue

          As a consumer, every day I am flooded with massive amounts of digital marketing content. I understand why. Studies show that there are between 5 and 7 brand interactions before a consumer remembers a brand, let alone interacts with it. I am being ‘sold’ at every turn; brands large and small are trying to engage with me often, through various digital channels. It is clear that the ability to find an engaged consumer or to keep an existing customer engaged with a brand is ever more challenging. The quest for the attention of today’s consumer has resulted in a deluge of mass marketing and messaging.

          In what I think of as a paradox, there is increasing demand for technology to facilitate more ‘human’ interactions. After all, humans don’t buy from companies, they buy from humans, so solving for humans is every smart company's primary goal. Moreover, consumers don't just care about what you sell. They also care how you sell it. Most buyers are halfway through the buying process before talking to a person. Therefore, creating more engagements, faster, is the holy grail for any growth-minded professional. How can technology help deliver engaged customers and more ‘human’ interactions? What is the best way to move an engaged consumer into a 1:1 appointment and ultimately into a transaction? Can this cycle be accelerated?

          JRNI’s Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform is engineered to deliver an overwhelming ‘yes’ to each of the aforementioned questions. It is designed to not only help businesses attract new customers and retain their existing customers but also to dramatically accelerate velocity in the customer conversion lifecycle. Simply put, more engagements, less waiting, faster revenue. This is why JRNI exists, and why JRNI is different from every other calendar booking service or scheduling application in the market today. I am proud to introduce More Engagements, Less Waiting, Faster Revenue as JRNI’s new company tagline!

          So how do we do it?

          More Engagements. More than 50% of consumers expect brands to know them and help them discover new products and services. Enterprise financial services organizations and retail organizations use events to engage with, to educate, and to communicate with their customers. Holding group events such as free seminars or individual financial planning sessions in the financial services vertical or customer events such as tastings, trunk shows, free trials, and loyalty promotions in the retail vertical help brands to offer differentiated, relevant, and ‘human’ interactions, bypassing the typical difficulties of low conversion and sales attribution associated with mass marketing. JRNI's platform not only manages the scheduling, processing, and follow up tasks related to an event, but also and more importantly, uses the data collected from engaged customers attending a live or virtual event to match the customer with the optimal path and advisor in a 1:1 appointment. Moreover, JRNI’s platform facilitates a seamless call-to-action to an appointment using customer preferences collected from prior consumer behavior to automatically propose an optimized appointment cadence- including meeting times, mode, and advisor- a proposal that will statistically most likely to result in acceptance. These “intelligent” capabilities not only result in higher appointment volume but also in increased quality of customer engagements. After all, an engaged consumer that has proactively interacted with a brand and self-scheduled an appointment is 40%-70% more likely to transact than a ‘walk in’ customer.

          Less Waiting. JRNI's simple and flexible scheduling capabilities are designed to systematically and dramatically accelerate the velocity of the sales funnel. Engaged customers are offered access to in-person or virtual appointments without the frustrating back-and-forth of negotiating schedules, checking availability, and manual follow-up emails and text messages. Agents minimize chasing and waiting for engaged prospects and customers to "get back to them", as JRNI's intelligent appointment scheduling module, with real-time integration to all major enterprise calendar applications, uses data and analytics to anticipate and match appointments to customer preference (i.e. first available, best time, best location, virtual vs. in person), and to manage ongoing appointment booking negotiations. These capabilities drastically reduce administrative burden, lead times, leakage, and... waiting (for all parties), in every stage of the buying cycle.

          Faster Revenue. A consumer that is ready to engage with a brand will not remain engaged very long (see above, the deluge of messages competing for attention!). Every day, marketing dollars are being wasted as lack of access to an available appointment with a qualified agent can, and does, result in “leakage” as engaged consumers become less engaged or, worse, engaged with a competitor. JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform, through intelligent automation, is purpose-built to drive immediacy in the customer purchasing process. Qualified consumers receive and negotiate appointment times when they are actually interacting with your brand- the strongest possible call to action, and simply put the fastest path to revenue.

          Lastly, JRNI’s platform is designed for enterprise scale. JRNI allows customers to control the look, feel, content, and message in a single, secure, and compliant platform capable of scaling to serve the largest brands in the world. The platform is easy-to-use, multi-lingual, compliant, with open APIs built on a robust, secure, and compliant infrastructure. These attributes make JRNI an unparalleled and unmatched solution. An investment in JRNI a strategic growth imperative for enterprise-scale financial services and retail customers across the globe.

          JRNI’s “true north” and business purpose is to provide the following value: more engagements, less waiting, faster revenue... we’ve adopted this new tag line to best describe the power of JRNI’s Intelligent Customer Engagement Platform. JRNI is spending millions of dollars investing in new artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning capabilities designed to automate workflow and drastically simplify the user experience, and over the coming months we will be releasing new features that help our customers realize these benefits. Welcome to the new JRNI!

          Does your customer engagement have Long COVID? https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-have-long-covid Wed, 01 Feb 2023 12:36:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/does-your-customer-engagement-have-long-covid

          Survey after survey indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation, moving timelines up by months or even years. In speaking to companies about how they shifted customer engagement strategies in response to the pandemic, we hear a common story:

          1. There was an immediate demand for consumers to increase digital engagement.

          2. For in-person engagement, consumer preferences were to avoid waiting in crowded lines and therefore show up for agreed upon times, communicate and transact, and depart.

          These changes in consumer behavior necessitated upgrading omnichannel customer engagement capabilities, often prioritizing speed of deployment over a thorough evaluation for long-term fit. Many companies implemented appointment scheduling systems that allowed stores, branches, or even individuals complete freedom to schedule appointments, but were lacking in enterprise functionality that optimizes customer experience, staff efficiency, and corporate accountability. As we now approach the third year of the pandemic, this mismatch between enterprise appointment scheduling needs and the systems implemented during the pandemic are resulting in ‘Long COVID’ symptoms for customer engagement strategies. This lack of enterprise functionality results in less appointments booked, increase in no shows, and extended sales cycles.

          Many companies we speak to know the cure to their customer engagement Long COVID is to upgrade to an enterprise-grade appointment scheduling system to centrally manage access, branding, and analytics. If your organization cannot do any of the following, you should consider an upgrade:


          Easy-to-understand reports and visualizations tell the story behind the numbers, providing you an ROI of engagement. This is only possible if reporting is possible at the individual, team, location, service, and/or organizational level.


          Integration with systems like CRM, service desks, employee calendars and POS firmly place appointment scheduling in context of your customer experience strategy. Double-bookings do not occur because of calendar synchronization. After booking, reminders to both employees and customers happen automatically. Changes to appointments should automatically update customers through multi-channel communications. When an appointment is completed, the resulting data is automatically added to the customer’s records.

          Templated Workflows

          Vendors should offer pre-built templates and workflows so you can customize the kinds of appointments you want to offer without having to create new customer journeys from scratch.

          User Hierarchy

          Access should be controlled for user setup, appointment rebooking and cancellation, follow-up communications, analytics, and of course, the booking process. This access should also take into account each employee’s abilities to provide services, their schedule, and their physical location and virtual availability.


          Enterprises operating across wide geographical areas often need to present their customer journey in multiple language options. This also applies for the presentation of the staff experience.


          Regulated industries often have rules on what can be communicated and how records should be maintained for auditing purposes. Centrally managed systems provide communication oversight and automation into compliance systems, monitored mailboxes, and secure endpoints. Vendors should be able to integrate with these compliant communications solutions. Violations of communication regulation can result in fines in the billions. Vendors should have ISO 27001 and SOC 2 certifications too, which together demonstrate global compliance with information security and data management.


          Systems designed for SMBs or self-service often do not have support staff to handle urgent inquiries or provide regular check-ins to ensure usage is optimized. Your vendor should offer support during your working hours, and ideally 24x7x365.


          Simply put, how much volume can your system handle? Can you bring on additional locations and employees with ease? Can it handle a holiday rush? Can you enable single sign-on for everyone and sync hundreds or thousands of calendars? Can you handle a holiday rush? Can you rely on it to be there when the revenue opportunities are greatest?


          Appointment scheduling should be a fully accessible experience, built and tested based on WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

          None of this functionality is at the expense of staff flexibility in scheduling or general ease of use. Enterprise-grade appointment scheduling functionality can meet the needs of both centralized staff and geographically dispersed users.

          If you rushed an implementation of an appointment scheduling platform and are ready to upgrade any of the above functionality, be sure to request a demo of the JRNI Customer Experience Platform.

          White Paper | Facilitating the Customer Journey

          Compliant wealth management appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/compliant-wealth-management-appointments Mon, 23 Jan 2023 12:17:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/compliant-wealth-management-appointments

          What do wealth management appointments and diet have in common? Both are all about balance. A balanced diet helps a body function optimally. Wealth management appointments need to balance the need for flexibility and self-service for individual financial advisors with the compliance needs of a financial services firm.

          One study indicates that top wealth advisors spend 37% of their time in client meetings. Flexibility in how appointments are booked allows wealth managers to maximize their time while building these critical customer relationships. However, total freedom with no oversight by a financial services firm risks running afoul of compliance regulations. This is not an abstraction: in September 2022, the SEC fined 11 banks, investment firms, and their affiliates more than $1.8 billion in fines for “widespread and longstanding failures” in monitoring, maintaining, and preserving electronic communications by employees. This was specifically in reference to messages not being recorded, captured, and stored by the firms, all of which can apply to communication prior to and during an client appointment.

          Adhering to standards such as ISO27001 and SOC2 are obviously critical to compliance. Most vendors try to adhere to one or the other (JRNI is certified to both!). Beyond infosec and data handling standards, there are two critical components of appointment setting workflow that you should consider for maintaining compliance:

          1. Automatically send relevant communications to compliance systems, monitored mailboxes, secure endpoints providing a searchable and structured audit trail. This is only possible through integrations of a centrally managed appointment setting solution and the ability to configure compliant and secure communication and auditing processes.

          2. Securely collect ‘just enough’ information, and no more. Your goal is to create a process for booking productive appointments that is easy for both customers and staff. It is recommended that you only collect minimum amount of information to schedule and route the booking. Additional information should be collected at other times and in other systems. It is recommended that you ask for email and phone number to confirm the appointment along with areas of interest to prepare staff for the appointment. Avoid collecting personally identifiable information (PII) during booking process to lessen risk. For example, we recommend you don’t ask date of birth, social security number, or pin numbers during the booking process. A centrally managed appointment scheduling system can templatize the information that is asked on digital forms.

          Appointment scheduling is a critical piece of the customer experience process for wealth advisors. With a little planning, advisors can efficiently drive revenue through appointments without generating expensive regulatory violations.

          White Paper | Facilitating the Customer Journey

          The Customer Engagement Lifecycle https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-customer-engagement-lifecycle Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:58:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-customer-engagement-lifecycle
          Customer Engagement Lifecycle

          Many sales and marketing professionals look at customer engagement as a series of individual interactions rather than part of a process. Understanding the logical progression of these interactions can improve customer engagement strategies, resulting in increased ROI and customer lifetime value.

          The Customer Engagement Lifecycle provides organizations a framework for brand interactions. Each of the four stages (Discover, Engage, Transact, and Grow) have their own particular best practices and tactics that, when optimized, drive conversion rates, increase spend per transaction, and reduce cycle time.


          During the Discover stage of the Customer Engagement Lifecycle, the customer is seeking information about your products and services. At the same time brands are seeking information about the customer, specifically their needs and engagement preferences. Your marketing messages should contain engagement offers that maximize flexibility for time, place, and type. This is both best practice for customer experience but also begins to build a profile of customer preferences that can be used throughout the lifecycle.


          The Engagement phase should offer personal interactions regardless of type. For example, a human-to-human connection should not be reserved only for in-person interactions, while virtual interactions are left to bots. The option of a human connection should always be present so you can showcase your staff’s product and industry knowledge whenever needed. 80% of shoppers indicate they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences. Only one-third of banking customers trust chatbots to handle simple financial transactions. In competitive industries, human-to-human connection can be a powerful differentiator.


          Not every engagement results in a transaction, but when it does, tracking those transactions is critical. The actual engagement associated with the transaction can give you critical insights into how you might generate more in the future (What was the engagement type? How long did the engagement take? What was the initial inquiry), but the preceding engagements can provide insights as well. Analytics can discover patterns in the engagement paths so you can optimize your messages for revenue, tips on product utilization, or improved customer service.


          Converting from a non-customer into a customer represents an important milestone in the customer journey. It is after this milestone that engagement calls to action can change. At this point you should offer educational events, product coaching, loyalty programs, and/or personal advisory services. The goal is to turn customers into loyal brand advocates. Tracking user engagements at this stage can give you insights into who your potential brand advocates are, which you can then use to further personalize outreach around product previews and feedback.

          The Cycle Continues

          Notice that the Customer Engagement Lifecycle is presented as an endless loop. That is because customer can re-enter the Discovery stage at any point. In fact, the customer might be in different stages relative to different products and services at the same time. This is why the Analyze and Optimize category wraps around the entire lifecycle; utilizing this framework should provide you rich data of customers’ engagement preferences that you can use to build further personalization for wherever the customer falls in the lifecycle.

          White Paper | Facilitating the Customer Journey
          Phil Meer - CEO Interview Series October 2022 https://www.jrni.com/blog/phil-meer-ceo-interview-series-october-2022 Tue, 18 Oct 2022 14:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/phil-meer-ceo-interview-series-october-2022

          We sat down with Chief Executive Officer Phil Meer for the first in our series of regular interviews. This series will contain thoughts on the industry, insights from our customers, and updates on how JRNI continues to help organizations build outstanding engagements.

          Question 1: Talk about the experiences that have led you to JRNI.

            My career has evolved around the concept that technology and operations are one in the same. If a business has a concept that helps solve the problems of today’s consumers and businesses, technology can help codify and operationalize that concept, repeat it, improve it, and accelerate it! Early in my career, I gained an appreciation for the design, distribution, deployment, and support of enterprise software at scale in a business-to-business setting through various Executive Leadership assignments at ADP. Working for a world-class Fortune 500 company helped me to appreciate the complexity that today’s businesses face, especially those enterprises that are operating across geographies, locations, and international borders. This experience also helped me to appreciate the need for seamless data integration capabilities and the value of speed, accuracy, simplicity, and quality in the enterprise software delivery lifecycle.

            My remaining experience up until JRNI was as COO or CEO with small software companies that used data to help improve decision-support and operations. This impressed upon me the value of data and analytics in driving “next best action” to help companies and their employees to deeply understand and engage their customers in a manner that appreciates consumer preferences and results in positive experiences and, in turn, loyal customers. Today’s consumers have come to expect that their individual preferences for how they want to discover, engage, and transact with businesses will be honored and remembered, that they will not have to ‘start again’ when moving through various channels (social, digital, call, text, in person), and that a relationship between a consumer and company is made through consistent and repeated high-value human interactions based on the needs of the individual consumer matched with knowledge-able and well-prepared staff.

            These experiences brought me to JRNI, a company with the right solution available at the right time to meet today’s market needs. Our platform helps customers to discover, engage, transact seamlessly with businesses, and in turn helps our customers to grow customer loyalty and lifetime value with analytics that support optimized decision-support at each step in the customer journey. We serve over 120 large enterprises including several of the top global financial institutions and retail brands across the globe. With over 15 years of experience, 60,000 global users across 166,000 locations and $2B in annual global transactions facilitated, JRNI has proven its ability to not only help our customers to meet their consumers’ engagement preferences but also to offer unparalleled analytics to support their efforts to analyze and to optimize their customer journeys.

            Question 2: What have you learned about the industry and/or the customer experience landscape since coming on board?

              I have spoken with over 25 customers since joining in June. One of my first questions is why do you need a ‘customer engagement platform?’ What are the issues that you expect JRNI or any vendor to help solve?

              The most common theme was that large enterprises want to know the efficacy of customer outreach efforts. What tactics are working to drive loyal customers and which should be adjusted? Where are we in need of more staff or more consumer education or more appointment availability? What marketing campaigns are leading to deeper engagements, which are leading to transactions and, ultimately, return on investment (ROI)? What products are consumers most interested in? Which geographies and locations are benefitting from virtual appointments and events? Where do consumers still want reliable human interactions, in the language and manner in which they are accustomed to?

              What I have learned about the market is that there is no single problem solved by our customer engagement platform. Examples of why the market is in need of a customer engagement platform include:

              • Low customer conversation rates

              • Slow velocity/ long cycle times and too many touch-points in the way of consumers fulfilling their transaction

              • Long lead times for consumers attempting to engage an advisor/salesperson

              • High leakage rates/High customer no-show on events and appointments

              • Huge variation in customer experience across countries, geographies, and locations

              • Inability to organize staff and have resources available to serve customers based on their preferences

              • Low Net Promoter Scores/staff unprepared to effectively engage consumers

              • Fragmented technology footprint causing data integrity challenges impacting agents and consumers

              • Lack of visibility into efficacy of customer outreach efforts across digital, phone, and in person channels, across geographies, physical locations, and service lines

              This feedback helped us to shape the Customer Engagement Platform offered by JRNI. In particular, we know we have to offer an Enterprise-grade platform, capable of operating across geographies and service-lines, with a multilingual user interface, a robust analytics reporting engine, and an open ecosystem that allows data to flow into and out of JRNI seamlessly. Moreover, with our staff productivity and scheduling engine, we have focused on our customers’ employees to help them be prepared for every customer interaction in a manner that accounts for their scheduling preferences. We have learned a great deal from businesses across industries and realized that JRNI cannot offer a simple ‘point solution’ to meet the myriad of needs demanded by the market.

              Learn more about the ROI of appointment scheduling by downloading our eBook:

              The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

              Question 3: How might the customer experience environment evolve and change in the next 2-3 years? What strategies will organizations need in the long term?

                I actually envision a rather dramatic shift towards consumers demanding human interaction when making a purchasing decision. Over the past 10-15 years, and especially since the pandemic, we have see an aggressive shift to eCommerce with companies attempting to replace human interaction with ineffective chatbots, with robotic phone menus, and with rather frustrating experiences when a consumer wants trusted guidance from their banker, or insurance carrier, or retail brand’s sales or support teams. This problem has been exacerbated by data privacy and mistrust of online eCommerce sites' ability to secure and protect data. Ironically, with video conferencing becoming somewhat mainstream since the pandemic, it is exponentially easier to connect with a trusted advisor over video, or to attend an event and learn more about a product or service without leaving the home. I therefore foresee that consumers will demand more intimacy in the buying process. They will want the brands they trust to know them, to humanize the transacting experience, and to offer seamless discovery, engagement, and transaction capabilities through a more human experience.

                Question 4: What has you most excited about JRNI's future?

                  I am most excited about the continued rollout of JRNI’s Customer Engagement Platform. JRNI was founded in the UK and grew up as a point solution largely focused on appointment scheduling. That use case helped JRNI to build a fantastic company with over 800 global customers including several of the top financial services and retail brands in the world. That said, our customers are demanding a broader, end-to-end platform, integrated with their MarTech Stack, CRM, Workforce Management System, and transactional systems (i.e. payment processing and document management) to better serve their customers and employees, with analytics and reporting helping to recommend actions and measure the efficacy of their unique customer engagement, customer loyalty, and growth strategy.

                  JRNI has invested in innovation (we have development teams in the UK, US, and India) to not only provide a solution to today’s enterprise customer engagement challenges but also to do so across the globe, with customers in Australia, Korea, Hong Kong, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. We recently went live with a fantastic customer in Iceland and Sweden! JRNI is the only Customer Engagement Platform that has demonstrated the capability of serving the needs of the complex Enterprise buyer hence I could not be more optimistic about our future.

                  Question 5: Since joining the JRNI team you have made it a point to speak to as many clients as you can. What themes have emerged from these conversations?

                    Since joining JRNI in June, my goal has been to speak with as many existing customers and prospective customers as possible. My initial hypothesis was that customers across banking and retail would have largely the same challenges in reaching customers with a strategy that yielded positive experiences, loyalty, and customer lifetime value. I was actually wrong in my hypothesis.

                    I have heard multiple themes by deeply listening to our customers. Moreover, these themes are not necessarily correlated to the size of our customer or the industry in which they operate. Examples include:

                    • One large customer wants to divert calls into their call center into virtual appointments

                    • A large retail customer has a robust social media presence and wants to embed the ability to speak to an agent (their primary call to action) with 1-click throughout their omni-channel marketing efforts

                    • Another large retail customer has high variation in lead times between when a customer wants an appointment versus when they can actually access an appointment based on location and channel

                    • Another customer runs frequent wine tasting events and wants to not only reduce leakage (people who register but do not attend) but also measure the ROI of these events

                    • Another customer wants to ensure that their high net worth customers have access to a wealth advisor as soon as they have a need (via phone, video, or in person). They also want to give their customers the ability to choose their advisor or select a ‘next available’ appointment

                    My management team and I have adopted the slogan made famous by Jobs and Bezos: “Listen to the customer and work backwards.” We are certain that the aforementioned challenges highlighted by JRNI’s customers will not be solved by a ‘point solution’ for scheduling, or events management, or transactional solution. JRNI is in the business of Customer Engagement which requires an end-to-end solution serving consumers and employees not only with transactional capability (events, appointments, payments, document management) but also the capability through analytics to optimize and analyze the Customer Engagement Lifecycle at every step. JRNI is defining the new standard for Customer Engagement, and we could not be more excited to take on the broad array of themes that our customers are pulling us towards!

                    Facilitating the Customer Journey - Download Now
                    You’ve heard of the No Show. Discover, and avoid, the Whoa Show https://www.jrni.com/blog/youve-heard-of-the-no-show-discover-and-avoid-the-whoa-show Wed, 21 Sep 2022 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/youve-heard-of-the-no-show-discover-and-avoid-the-whoa-show

                    You are well aware of the cost of No Show appointments. Having your staff prepare, block out time, and wait for a customer who does not show up is a productivity killer. A similar scenario to avoid is what we call the Whoa Show, as in your staff saying “Whoa, I had no idea I have an appointment scheduled with a customer right now.” Unprepared staff results in both poor customer service as well as a demoralized workforce. Luckily there are several strategies to make sure your staff is always ready to deliver exceptional service.

                    These strategies are part of an overall appointment culture. Organizations with an appointment culture:

                    1. Provide customers choice and flexibility in booking appointments while gathering context on their needs.
                    2. Ensure staff is aware of appointment strategy and individual appointments.
                    Facilitating the Customer Journey - Download Now

                    Booking Process

                    There are several optimization points in the booking process that can help you minimize Whoa Shows. Configuration of minimum and maximum booking times can ensure your staff has proper time to prepare for the appointment. For example, you can require 24 hours minimum for availability, so no appointments can be booked on short notice. Conversely, setting a maximum booking time (for example a customer cannot book an appointment further than 3 months into the future) ensures that the appointment isn’t communicated to your staff, only to be forgotten due to a large time gap.

                    Most organizations know it is customer experience best practice to provide multiple appointment options such as video chat, phone appointments, and live meetings. Less discussed are benefits of optional offerings to staff members. Appointments should have 'pre' and 'post' time that bookend the appointment. These are used for staff preparation and follow up. Different appointment methods require different lengths of time for these bookends. For example, an in-person appointment may require time to take a customer’s coat or offer them a drink of water. These clearly don’t apply to virtual appointments. Time needed to document results after an appointment may vary according to the topic discussed. Bookend time allotments can be automated according to appointment type. Ensuring that proper preparation and follow up time is available helps avoid an unprepared Whoa Show situation.

                    Organizations should also expand their notion of availability beyond just which staff members have unscheduled time. Staff should be categorized based on customer service capabilities to match expertise with customer need. What kinds of appointments can they best handle? What have they been trained and certified for? What kinds of requests can they fulfill, and which should they avoid? When staff is only asked to provide service in areas where they are most capable, their preparation time decreases and confidence increases.

                    Expanding organizational appointment strategy beyond individuals will also ensure fair distribution of appointments across employment teams. With a data set of employees, availability, and capability, you can group employees together and set your scheduling system to book appointments evenly among that group. Staff can be grouped by skill set such as lending services, method of appointment such as in person or virtual, line of business such as consumer or wealth management, or other operational scenarios such as time zone and channel. This type of scheduling optimization will ensure that individual employees aren’t overloaded with appointments. A balanced workload will help improve appointment awareness and ability for appointment preparation.


                    At some point soon after an appointment is booked, a staff member must be informed of the date, time, location, and customer information. The method of this communication can be the difference between an aware and prepared staff and a Whoa Show.

                    Automated reminders are a standard practice for customer communication. They should also be made standard for staff communication. These reminders should take advantage of as many channels as possible; better to over communicate than under communicate. Calendar apps, emails, automated phone messages, text messages, and CRM systems can all be vehicles for notification. Appointment reminders would mirror existing communication workflows to optimize convenience for staff.

                    The timing of appointment notifications is just as important as the vehicle of reminder. The optimal timing for an appointment notification is immediately after booking. The sooner the staff is aware of an appointment, the sooner they can plan preparation or make adjustments. Achieving this real-time communication workflow requires integration between your appointment scheduling software and your employee calendar app such as Microsoft Outlook. This, in conjunction with setting minimum booking times as mentioned above, can ensure that you don’t have an employee walk into an appointment first thing in the morning that they were never notified of.

                    Preplanning Process and Strategic Adjustment

                    In a perfect world, customers would book their appointments, staff would be informed, the customer would show up at the designated time, and the appointment would occur. Unfortunately, we do not live in that perfect world. If, for example, an employee calls out sick, the worst outcome is having to cancel that employee’s appointments. The second worst outcome is a panicked attempt to find someone to cover last minute without providing them the proper time or context to prepare. The rescheduling of appointments from one employee to another must be simple while at the same time comprehensive. Steps taken during the preplanning process gives managers this ability to move appointments efficiently.

                    Appointment reassignment is usually the responsibility of a branch manager. The first requirement of user-friendly reassignment is a comprehensive view of existing appointments and matching staff availability. Icons for appointment type (in person, video, phone) can improve visualization of an appointment list. Combining simple appointment visualization with ‘click and drag’ functionality makes it easy for branch managers to reschedule appointments.

                    Beyond available staff, additional resources should be defined and bookable within the system. For example, there may be a designated room for video appointments. If this room cannot be associated to and moved along with an appointment, you may end up with a version of the Whoa Show where the staff member is fully aware of and prepared for a rescheduled appointment but is still unprepared to deliver excellent customer services due to a lack of an available location.

                    Once an appointment has been reassigned, the same staff communication workflows as the initial booking should initiate for the newly assigned staff. A high priority designation might be added to draw greater attention to the notification. A customer notification may also go out, but this is optional and up to the discretion of the organization. For some types of appointments, a change in staff may be critical to the customer. In others, they simply may want to speak to any knowledgeable person. A good rule of thumb: if the customer has been given the name of their initial appointment staff, you will want to update them when that staff changes.

                    Strategic adjustments can also be made at an organizational level using aggregate appointment data. Appointment scheduling systems can uncover trends in requested appointment times, cross referenced with types of requested services. This data can be used to adjust availability and better match staff schedules to expected appointment requests.


                    Avoiding Whoa Shows is about empowering your staff to deliver excellent customer service. In addition to improving customer experience, this focus on staff empowerment delivers a message to your employees that their success is your success.

                    Facilitating the Customer Journey - Download Now
                    The Handoff: A decisive moment in the customer journey https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-handoff-a-decisive-moment-in-the-customer-journey Wed, 14 Sep 2022 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-handoff-a-decisive-moment-in-the-customer-journey

                    Financial institutions are engaging in digital transformation resulting in more customer activity occurring online. A customer may open an account online, account online, receive tutorials and on-boarding information through their app, receive automated loan decisions, and pay bills or send funds online. However, there is still a need for customers to connect with a person, especially when it comes to larger transactions such as a mortgage or wealth advising. A recent survey found roughly 1,000% more new customers come through a bank or credit union’s website than the branches.

                    There is a key point when a customer who has been engaging in commoditized, digital transactions seeks engagement with a knowledgeable human. This point is the Handoff, and it is a uniquely important moment of the customer journey. There are two customer expectations that explain why this is:

                    1. The customer expects human interactions to be convenient and flexible, as the customers are now conditioned by the availability and ease of use of digital transactions
                    2. The customer expects the banking representative to quickly access that customer’s previous activity and current state, and incorporate that information into the interaction

                    Let’s consider what makes a successful Handoff.

                    Initiation and Timing

                    A Handoff that is scheduled in advance gives staff the ability to prepare for the meeting. Easy to use appointment scheduling software is the best option for providing customers the ability to book their service and identify their needs in advance.

                    Appointment scheduling options should be an integrated part of the customer’s digital experience. As the customer engages in online transactions, the appointment booking option should always be present. When online activity indicates a higher value transaction might be of interest, such as a mortgage, a personalized message about appointment booking for that specific type of transaction should be offered via online buttons and email solicitations.

                    The customer should be able to find an available appointment slot in as few clicks as possible and receive a seamless experience, whether they are booking an appointment online, through a mobile app, or in person, no matter how complex their journey may be. When the booking process is optimized, the customer is more willing to share information that can be used during the Handoff.

                    Defining Relationships

                    Customers may develop personal relationships with your staff, such as a wealth advisor or mortgage consultant. However, at the point of the Handoff, when they are first going from digital to human interactions, they have not developed these connections. Despite this, you should not assume the customer has no expectations during the Handoff process. Better to assume that to the customer, your entire staff ‘exists as one person.’

                    What this means in practice is that information shared by the customer to one area or person your organization is assumed to be immediately available to anyone the customer interacts with. The customer does not want to tell the same stories over and over. If they have, for example, indicated online that they are interested in college savings for their newborn, providing excellent customer service would dictate that this is already top of mind for any of the staff they meet with. If the customer recently took out a small business loan, excellent customer service would dictate that your staff inquiries about the progress of the small business, even if the customer is inquiring about another service at that time. When the customer provides critical information to any human or non-human in your organization, that customer assumes that information has been provided to everyone in your organization.

                    Knowledge Transfer

                    We’ve seen that quite a bit of information on the customer and their intentions can be generated before The Handoff takes place. We’ve also demonstrated the benefits of getting that information to your staff before and during their meeting with the customer. The mechanism for transferring this information can determine how informed your staff is and, ultimately, how personalized the customer experience is.

                    All banks have some sort of grading system for customers. This system defines who is likely to need a mortgage, who is a candidate for a home equity loan, etc. This grade should be highly visible to staff prior to and during the Handoff. Additionally, information about the appointment and generated during the appointment should supplement the grading system itself, improving the data quality of your institution.


                    Appointments, whether in-person, over the phone, or by video, give that personal touch and human-to-human experience your customers and members are looking for. Combining the strengths of both technology and human experience is the key to building a stronger data culture and a more effective customer engagement model that will drive revenue and loyalty. Timing the Handoff portion of the customer journey right will ensure a seamless, professional and rewarding experience for both the customer and your organization.

                    Facilitating the Customer Journey - Download Now
                    3 tips for lobby management optimization https://www.jrni.com/blog/lobby-management-optimization Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/lobby-management-optimization

                    If you organizational aspires to provide the best possible customer experience, you cannot ignore lobby management. An optimized lobby management strategy will promptly direct visitors to the information that meet their needs via flexible, frictionless service. If customers entering your store are instead confused as to where to go, who to talk to, or how long they can expect to wait, then your lobby management is broken.

                    Let’s address 3 key challenges of lobby management:

                    Challenge 1: Finding out what customers are looking for

                    At some point, you have to find out what your customer is trying to accomplish during their visit. The faster you can get this key information, the faster you can get them to their proper destination. One strategy to improve lobby management is to collect this information before the customer sets foot in your lobby. Easy to use appointment scheduling allows you to collect customer goals and other relevant information, as well as provide specific instructions on where to go upon arrival. When this information is collected and disseminated outside the lobby, the flow of customer movement improves.

                    Challenge 2: Processing Walk-Ins

                    Even if you provide seamless and convenient scheduling options to customers, you will always have walk-ins. Efficient lobby management utilizes the same system and the same process for walk-ins as for pre-scheduled appointments. If customers are able to sign up for appointments before arrival, but staff is using post-it notes to process walk-ins, efficiency of movement will be greatly diminished.

                    For example, if walk-ins are able to either enter their request into an interface or interact with an employee who does so, they can be added to the same queue pre-booked appointments, thus experiencing the same benefits of information. That walk-in customer is now part of a complete data set of appointments, with corresponding analytical benefits for your organization.

                    Additionally, this can be an opportunity for cross-sell. By entering the walk-in into the appointment system, your staff can be made aware of previous customer interactions and additional context. Staff will be able to quickly provide the desired service, as well as pivot to additional products and services based on the customer details provided automatically.

                    Challenge 3: Managing wait times

                    One inescapable truth of lobby management is: no one enjoys waiting. You may provide waiting customers with visual stimulation or perhaps something to eat and drink, but it will always be a net negative on customer experience. To truly minimize the pain, you must provide context. Imagine you’ve boarded a flight, and before takeoff you receive one of the following messages:

                    • “We are sorry but our flight is delayed due to mechanical issues. Please remain seated.”
                    • “We are sorry but our flight is delayed due to mechanical issues. We anticipate these issues will be resolved in 25 minutes.”

                    Which of those messages would you prefer?

                    Providing information such as expected wait times and a customer’s position in the queue can be a powerful tool in managing wait time expectations. You will want to provide customers the ability to join the queue from kiosks or their phones prior or during the visit, and prominently display the queue. For even better results, allow customers to track their queue position from their phones so they can leave the location until they need to be there, thus eliminating the pain of wait times all together.

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                    Lobby management is the movement of customer to service. That movement is facilitated by the movement of information on customer needs to store capabilities. Addressing these challenges improve the flow of movement in your lobby and improve the customer experience.

                    The ROI of improving appointment setting and customer acquisition https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-roi-of-improving-appointment-setting-and-customer-acquisition Sun, 31 Jul 2022 15:13:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-roi-of-improving-appointment-setting-and-customer-acquisition

                    Introduction: Customer Acquisition in 2022

                    As the world enters an era of uncertainty, it's more important than ever for businesses to focus on providing a great customer experience. In today's environment, characterized by low consumer confidence and high inflation, customers are cutting back on spending and are more likely to churn. Compounding these challenges is the fact that we're in a recessionary environment. Businesses need to be extra careful about how they allocate their resources or customer acquisition will suffer.

                    To make up for lost revenue, businesses need to focus on providing a great customer experience. The CMO of Redpoint Global, John Nash, explains that “with a personal understanding of an individual customer, retailers can better weather the storm.” Fortunately, most marketers recognize the importance of digital customer experience in an uncertain environment, with Gartner research showing that 7 out of 10 marketers indicated that their budgets had increased in 2022 over 2021.

                    One area that is essential to a business's success is optimizing appointment setting and customer acquisition processes. As the first step in “greeting a customer” in the new hybrid world, appointments present an opportunity for businesses to engage with customers, build relationships, and generate revenue.

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                    Trying to understand the ROI of enterprise appointment scheduling?

                    Great appointment setting experiences are especially valuable for high-touch, high-value customer facing interactions in retail, automotive, financial services, insurance, event management and other industries.

                    However, many businesses still rely on legacy appointment setting and scheduling processes. Systems that rely on a "call to book an appointment" do not allow for self-service, which is the preferred method for the new generation of consumers and busy, high-end customers. Further, inefficient digital appointment setting can also result in lost opportunities and extended response times for customers.

                    For example, appointments that are double-booked or canceled at the last minute are frustrating for customers and leave them with a negative impression of the business. In today's competitive landscape, businesses can't afford to lose customers due to poor appointment setting and scheduling.

                    There is a solution that can help businesses improve their appointment setting and customer acquisition processes: JRNI. JRNI is a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to automate and optimize their appointment setting and scheduling processes. By using JRNI, businesses can increase growth in appointments by up to 60% annually. Better appointment setting software generates significant value not only through boosting customer satisfaction, loyalty and increased purchases (AOV), but also through increased operational efficiencies and employee satisfaction.

                    There are four additional benefits of using JRNI to improve appointment setting and customer acquisition.

                    Delighting Customers

                    We all know the feeling of delight when we receive great customer service. It's that "wow" moment when everything just clicks and we feel appreciated and valued as a customer. These moments of delight can be rare, but they're also incredibly important for creating loyalty and repeat business.

                    Appointment setting is one of the most important touch points between a business and its customers, yet it's often overlooked as a source of customer delight. There are so many potential friction points in the process of booking an appointment, from finding the right time slot to dealing with reminders and follow-ups. But if businesses can focus on making this experience as smooth and seamless as possible, they'll be rewarded with higher conversions, repeat business, and more delighted customers.

                    Improving Coordination of the Customer Journey

                    From booking to the appointment itself and post-appointment follow-up, every step in the customer journey should be a well-oiled machine. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. In today's environment, with customers' time becoming increasingly precious, it is more important than ever to have a customer experience that is coordinated and seamless.

                    Customer changes, from location to time, can easily disrupt the coordination of an in-store appointment. This not only causes frustration for customers, but can also lead to lost sales. In order to avoid this, it is important to have a system in place that can quickly and easily adapt to changes. JRNI provides such a system, improving event booking by 45%.

                    Changes in internal resource availability can also disrupt the customer experience. By quickly and easily linking resource availability with appointment scheduling, JRNI ensures that the customer experience is not only coordinated, but also expedited.

                    Improving Sales Associate Productivity

                    It's no secret that sales associates are the lifeblood of any retail operation. They are the ones who interact directly with customers, provide product knowledge and recommendations, and ultimately drive sales and profits. Given their importance, it's critical that retailers do everything possible to optimize their sales associates' productivity.

                    One key area that is often overlooked is appointment setting. Without proper appointments, sales associates can end up spending a significant amount of time dealing with walk-ins or ad hoc consultative requests, which can take them away from other tasks or scheduled appointments. This can lead to staffing issues and inefficiencies, as well as decreased customer satisfaction.

                    Systems with strict timetables and pre-booking capabilities for appointments can help safeguard sales associates from having to deal with unscheduled requests. This allows them to better plan and coordinate their time, as well as ensure that the right associate is available at the right time. It also allows retailers to prepare for pre-scheduled appointments, so they can deliver a better in-person, consultative sales experience.

                    Better Physical Customer Experience

                    In today's digital world, it's easy to forget the importance of the physical customer experience. But in many industries, from retail to banking, the in-person experience is still a critical part of the customer journey.

                    Creating a great physical customer experience requires staff to be highly engaged and focused on providing a personalized, consultative service. This can be difficult to achieve if staff are bogged down by operational tasks or managing a high volume of ad hoc requests.

                    Automating and optimizing appointment setting and scheduling processes frees up staff to deliver that great physical customer experience.

                    Ultimately, businesses that invest in improving their appointment setting and customer acquisition processes will be well-positioned for success.

                    Trying to drive more value from your enterprise appointment scheduling?

                    See how with our free infographic: 5 Must-Haves for Enterprise Appointment Scheduling Software

                    View Now
                    Infographic: Facilitating the customer journey - the ROI of enterprise appointment scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/infographic-facilitating-the-customer-journey-roi-of-enterprise-appointment-software Fri, 29 Jul 2022 10:51:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/infographic-facilitating-the-customer-journey-roi-of-enterprise-appointment-software

                    As we mentioned in our detailed accompanying white paper, Facilitating the Customer Journey: Delivering Customer Centric Experiences in a Hybrid World, many companies are still using the legacy omni-channel approach to customer digital experiences, which can result in a lack of uniformity when it comes to customer engagement.

                    Instead, businesses need to adopt a customer-first mindset, with the customer at the center of every decision. Digital appointment setting is one of the key ways to provide a convenient, customer-centric experience and bring the best of both worlds to the interaction - the convenience, predictability and productivity of the digital journey with the white-glove, highly personal and effective live interaction.

                    This infographic shows the ROI of enterprise appointment scheduling software, including:

                    • Annual ROI including payback
                    • Expected growth in appointments
                    • Potential increase in event bookings
                    • and more...

                    It's free! View the full infographic below.

                    Click the image above to open the full infographic in its own tab or download it below.

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                    Click below to view your Facilitating the Customer Journey - the ROI of Enterprise Appointment Scheduling Software Infographic

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                    B2B2C needs in enterprise appointment setting software https://www.jrni.com/blog/b2b2c-needs-in-enterprise-appointment-setting-software Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:40:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/b2b2c-needs-in-enterprise-appointment-setting-software

                    The post-pandemic consumer spends more cautiously and selectively. In order to succeed in this new environment, it is essential for businesses to have a customer engagement strategy that is focused on customer centricity.

                    Putting the customer first has always been important, but it is now more critical than ever. Customers have become increasingly selective about where they spend their money and are looking for convenience, flexibility, and no wait times. Not only do businesses need to consider the customer when designing their engagement strategy, but they also need to take into account the needs of their employees.

                    Employees want a fast and efficient way to create appointments with as little friction as possible. This means automating from a pool of potential staffers, quickly updating calendars, and more.

                    Fortunately, there are software platforms that can help bridge the gaps between an excellent online experience and a great in-person experience, for both employees and customers. By starting with the customer in mind, organizations can think through and map their customer’s journey to, during, and post-appointment. Here are four steps to creating a successful B2B2C customer engagement strategy.

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                    Step 1: Set goals

                    The first step in any successful customer engagement strategy is to set specific goals. For customers, this might mean booked appointments and revenue per visit. For employees, this might mean unstaffed online appointments or employee satisfaction with the software.

                    Once you've identified your KPIs, you need to set targets for each one. Your targets should be realistic and achievable, and should be compared to your current performance levels. This will help you benchmark your progress and determine whether or not your customer engagement strategy is successful.

                    Setting goals also helps to ensure that everyone in your organization is aligned around a common purpose. When everyone is working towards the same goal, it's easier to create a cohesive and efficient customer engagement strategy.

                    Step 2: Design processes that support XRM

                    The second step in creating a successful customer engagement strategy is to design processes that are convenient, flexible, and efficient and support experiential relationship management - or XRM - the process of managing the personalized experiences you deliver to your customers. This means thinking about every touchpoint in the customer journey and designing each one with the customer in mind. They want to buy into an experience - and they expect that kind of experience to be delivered to them regardless of company size.

                    Focus on:

                    • Providing unique experiences
                    • Offering human-to-human connections
                    • Building personalized relationships
                    • Managing experiences at scale

                    Your processes should be designed to make it easy for customers to do business with you. They should be able to easily book appointments, reschedule or cancel if needed, and receive reminders, with enough flexibility in the system to accommodate changes on the customer's end. These processes should also make it easy for employees to be notified of upcoming appointments, to confirm attendance, and provide post-appointment information on the customer.

                      These features should hold true whether the customer is booking an appointment online, over the phone, or in person. By making your processes customer-centric, you'll be able to deliver a great customer experience that sets you apart from your competition.

                      Step 3: Implement technology

                      The third step in creating a successful customer engagement strategy is to implement technology that supports your goals and processes.

                      Manual approaches to customer engagement are no longer feasible in today's fast-paced environment. Customers expect a convenient, flexible, and efficient customer experience, and manual processes simply can't deliver on those expectations.

                      Technology can help you automate and optimize your appointment setting and scheduling processes. Employees should be able to see upcoming appointments in their existing calendar systems, and appointment information should be updated in real-time. This includes everything from online booking to reminders and follow-ups.

                      By using technology to support your customer engagement strategy, you'll be able to scale your employee operations and deliver a consistent, convenient customer experience across all channels.

                      Step 4: Measure success

                      The fourth and final step in creating a successful customer engagement strategy is to measure your success. This involves tracking your KPIs, comparing them to your targets, and learning to to use analytics data to your advantage.

                      It's important to track your progress over time in order to identify areas of improvement. By regularly measuring and reviewing your performance, you'll be able to fine-tune your customer engagement strategy and ensure that it is always delivering the best possible results.

                      Customer engagement is essential to a business's success. By focusing on customer centricity and designing a customer engagement strategy that addresses the needs of both customers and employees, businesses can create a winning formula for success.

                      Interested in learning more about facilitating your customers' journey?

                      Get our latest white paper | Facilitating the Customer Journey: Delivering Customer-Centric Experiences in a Hybrid World

                      Free | Download Now
                      Infographic: 5 must-haves for enterprise appointment scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/infographic-5-must-haves-enterprise-appointment-scheduling-software Fri, 22 Jul 2022 10:51:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/infographic-5-must-haves-enterprise-appointment-scheduling-software

                      As we showed in our detailed accompanying white paper, 5 Must-Haves For Enterprise Appointment Scheduling Software, today it's more important than ever for firms to focus on providing a great customer experience. Consumer confidence is at its lowest level since the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic while inflation has hit historic 40-year highs; therefore, even small improvements to customer experience can help greatly. To that end, two areas that are often overlooked are optimizing appointment setting and the customer acquisition process.

                      State-of-the-art appointment setting software generates significant value not only through increased consumer satisfaction, loyalty and increased purchases (AOV), but also through improved operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.

                      But what should businesses look out for in enterprise-grade appointment software? This infographic can help: it shows you the top 5 things businesses should look out for to get the most value out of appointment scheduling software.

                      It's free - no form required! View/download the full infographic below.

                      Click the image above to open the full infographic in its own tab or download it below.

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                      Click below to view your 5 Must-Haves for Enterprise Appointment Scheduling Software Infographic

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                      From hybrid working to hybrid retail https://www.jrni.com/blog/from-hybrid-working-to-hybrid-retail Mon, 02 May 2022 12:05:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/from-hybrid-working-to-hybrid-retail

                      I attended a college reunion via Zoom the other day. Since the start of the pandemic, I’ve also attended a wedding, a child’s birthday party, 4th grade and 8th grade orientation, and even a doctors appointment. I think we can all agree on one fact: Virtual meetings aren’t just for work anymore. After all, if that were the case, my 10-year-old would not know how to turn on the Zoom mustache filter, which she happens to love.

                      It’s no surprise, then, that the application of virtual video meetings is now beginning to expand beyond even those categories and into the world of retail. People still want to shop! And some have important buying questions that require in-person 1-to-1 meetings. But they also want to do it on their own terms - for example, perhaps via a guided 1:1 experience that includes expert consultation and no crowds. Some others don’t want to come in at all - because the culture of Zoom has made the whole world realize that we can accomplish a whole lot more over video than we thought we could.

                      So, all these things considered: What do you have to do as a retailer to meet consumer expectations these days? Three things, actually:

                      1. Be willing to meet customers more than halfway.

                      2. Build a truly omnichannel experience and give control to customers.

                      3. Be human and offer a meaningful experience.

                      And how do you actually do that? Check out this recent article in Total Retail, which tells you more about what, exactly, you need to put on your to-do list.

                      No matter what you sell, the bottom line is: You better be ready to be flexible about how you do it. Because it’s not just a hybrid work world anymore - it’s a hybrid everything world.

                      Omnichannel eCommerce — More Than a Buzzword This Holiday Season https://www.jrni.com/blog/omnichannel-ecommerce Tue, 21 Dec 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/omnichannel-ecommerce

                      The holiday season typically generates around 25% of annual sales for major retailers and significantly more for smaller brands and eCommerce stores. You’ve got a chance to woo more customers and dollars than ever before this year, and taking an omnichannel eCommerce approach can help you reach them no matter how, when, or where they shop.

                      Uncertainty is in the air just as much as holiday spirit, especially after two years of pandemic concerns. Your operations can start to offset that worry by embracing omnichannel in your mobile support, pickup options, and personalization efforts. Those are just the tip of the iceberg for omnichannel eCommerce, but they represent actions you can tackle now and use to capture more holiday sales. Let’s dive into what these are and where to begin.

                      Defining omnichannel for eCommerce

                      Initially, eCommerce-focused omnichannel discussions focused on marketing. Companies wanted to reach every potential audience with a unified message. As channels grew, that meant needing more help to push messages in search results and ads, SEO work, social media, and more. Omnichannel was a response to this diversity because it became too difficult for companies to craft individual elements for each channel.

                      Then, with the advent of marketplaces like Amazon and the ability to sell directly within social media like Facebook and Instagram, omnichannel shifted to include sales efforts. Customer understanding and integrating CRMs and other tools make this easier, giving companies a holistic view of their customers.

                      The conversation has shifted again, especially during the pandemic, moving the needle on omnichannel. Now, omnichannel includes digital sales and marketing efforts and connects them to in-store retail. The goal for eCommerce is to develop an omnichannel understanding of the customer, not just an approach that combines sales channels because the customers now can interact with you in a multitude of ways and locations.

                      Go mobile-first in development

                      eCommerce efforts play an influential role in holiday spending and will likely set elevated sales levels in Q1 and beyond. Looking at 2020, some 23% of all Black Friday purchases in the U.S. happened on mobile devices. Today’s shoppers always have a mobile within reach, and now services like Apple Pay make it easy to shop and checkout without changing devices. Autofill options, especially for home addresses, also make the mobile device a better experience than in years past.

                      Retailers of all sizes should capitalize on this hungry market by developing your website, sales materials, and other elements with smartphones in mind. Such platforms help you reach any customer at any time, ensuring that click-throughs from ads and other efforts always work. While some retailers are developing their own apps — this can help manage loyalty programs — smaller shops only need to ensure that their website is mobile-friendly.

                      Another positive for assessing your site and prioritizing mobile development is that it helps you think about and create experiences, sales tools, and more for different platforms. Mobile commerce is expected to reach 15.5% of all retail sales in 2022 across websites, marketplaces, social media “buy buttons,” and apps. Many new channels, such as social selling, can leverage your mobile content, allowing you to create fewer assets.

                      The most significant development in the omnichannel space around mobile in 2021 has come from options after someone purchases. Chief among this is the potential to buy on a mobile device at home, then pick up the product in-store at the shopper’s convenience. However, more shoppers also want to interact with sales associates via text, requiring some mobile effort.

                      Can you offer BOPIS?

                      People are buying more, and they’re looking at your store in multiple ways. While 2020 pushed a majority of people into greater online shopping, 45% of U.S. consumers feel more comfortable shopping in-store now than they did 12 months ago, according to an eMarketer survey. People are willing to walk through your doors, and it looks like that isn’t going to stop. According to the same survey, 42% don’t plan on changing their shopping patterns even as new coronavirus variants emerge.

                      Retailers can meet many such customers with an omnichannel sales and service approach by enabling buy online, pickup in-store (BOPIS) services. These capabilities offer a mix of online and offline interactions to give your customers the easiest ways to buy, pickup, and return goods. Customers are demanding your clerks have more devices to answer questions and more options to perfect their shopping. The eMarketer data also notes that 69% of today’s shoppers want to pick up retail purchases curbside — not just foods or other traditional takeaway items.

                      So, BOPIS, as part of an omnichannel customer strategy, is being driven by customer demand at retailers large and small. To meet that demand, you’re going to need to check your POS and eCommerce tools. Look for options that work across in-store and online sales, plus bring together your inventory management and order management. Thankfully, many digital POS tools are adding BOPIS tools and add-ons.

                      If you’ve got the retail location and want to capitalize on customers coming back into stores, look to add curbside and BOPIS options. While turning that feature on quickly might be possible, don’t neglect training before it goes live. Customers are more familiar with technology, making them a little more demanding around pickup — compounded by the standard increase in demands around the holidays. Getting this right now also makes it easy to manage the increase in holiday returns expected in 2022.

                      Personalization and data-driven experiences

                      Let’s take the omnichannel discussion out of the back end. In 2021, your systems should be able to talk easily and share customer information. Now is the time to use it.

                      The growth in online shopping allows you to track more than ever, so consider creating experiences that follow customers based on their accounts and other details. You’re able to track the channel people find you through, how they buy, the devices they use, their location, and even retarget them if they abandon a shopping cart. All that information should inform what emails you send them or if they’ve opted into texts.

                      The pandemic has shown us that nearly all consumers are willing to engage with online shopping. For brick-and-mortar retailers, eCommerce expands your potential base significantly. Unfortunately, you’ve now got a lot more people to segment and understand. Take time to research your customers and get an idea of how they’re shopping and who they are.

                      The personalization you can do through segmentation is a long-term play. This goes beyond greeting someone by name and should consider their overall spending and preferences. For the holidays, you may not have the capacity to start segmenting everyone. Thankfully, you can start small.

                      Consider building pages and experiences that would mirror in-store displays. Make a page equivalent to a “gifts for him” or “gifts for her” section. Craft themes around products to target someone who might be shopping for a staycation versus a wonderland excursion. And focus on products in stock in your store and warehouses to make the most of potential holiday sales across all channels.

                      Give customers the choice

                      Omnichannel efforts are designed to give the customer the best experience, but it requires that they have control. Consider applying the eCommerce omnichannel mindset to all your efforts. Look for counterparts to your online and in-store efforts too. Help your customer have and use this control to manage their experience.

                      Customer control can range from adding new payment options – 69% of Millennial and 42% of Gen Z shoppers are more likely to purchase items if a buy now, pay later (BNPL) option is available – to setting unique customer appointments and creating a personalized journey. Taking an omnichannel approach here means having multiple options and being flexible, such as appointments being available in-store or via video calls and Zoom.

                      Offering and scheduling remote and in-person appointments through the same online platform enables customers to quickly choose and use what they prefer. It minimizes what your team needs to learn, too. This empowers customers with choice, and they’re more likely to finish that transaction.

                      Plus, you can use these 1:1 interactions for entirely customized proposals to deliver the perfect personal touch. Using your CRM and appointment-setting tools allows you to predict customer concerns and have answers ready. You can also offer free support and training, encouraging happy customers to shop again and to leave positive reviews.

                      That’s just one additional way to think about handing your customers greater control over their experience. Having an omnichannel focus means you’re treating every channel at every point — discovery, sale, payment, and pick up or delivery — the same. This approach makes it easy to let your shoppers pick what works best for them. And don’t forget to communicate this to your customers. Show them all the wonderful things they can do, and you might be surprised with how much they embrace those options and open their wallets.

                      How Retail Adapted in the Face of COVID-19 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retail-adapted-in-the-face-of-covid-19 Wed, 15 Dec 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retail-adapted-in-the-face-of-covid-19

                      Retailers spent 2020 adapting to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. From the initial lockdowns to the holiday season surge in cases, the virus threw all predictions and expectations for the year out the window.

                      If 2020 was the storm, 2021 has been the subsequent period of rebuilding and reflection. The pandemic sadly forced many stores to close for good, and as the dust settles, those that survived have seen the landscape shift permanently. Not necessarily for the worse: As with any major upheaval, the changes wrought in retail revealed opportunities for improvement.

                      JRNI’s CEO John Federman recently joined Jim Barnes, CEO and co-founder of Envista Corp, and Melissa Gonzalez, founder, CEO and Chief Strategist of the Lionesque Group and Principal of MG2 Design, for a live discussion about trends in the retail industry over the last two years.

                      They talked about pandemic-related changes they’d like to see stick around, what the 2021 holiday season could look like, and the real benefits of brick and mortar stores over eCommerce.

                      The COVID-19 pandemic shook retail out of its stupor

                      The immediate issue COVID-19 created for retailers was uncertainty. In March 2020, when lockdowns went into effect across the world, it wasn’t clear how long stores would be forced to close, whether stores would be able to reopen to full capacity, and what safety procedures would have to be put in place.

                      Faced with such sudden upheaval, some businesses struggled to stay afloat, especially those that didn’t have cash reserves to tide them through. However, other brands were able to pivot in ways that not only made it possible to keep operating through those early days, but ultimately led to an improved customer experience.

                      As a consumer, Federman says, “You began to look back at the things that really bugged you [but] you didn’t know they did.” For example, having to share store associates’ time with other customers. When many stores switched to appointment-only, customers benefited from one-on-one attention.

                      Related: 9 benefits of appointment scheduling software

                      They also paid more. Federman says that on average, a customer with an appointment buys more items in that transaction (i.e. increases their basket size) compared to customers who didn’t book to come in in advance.

                      Being forced to take operations and customer interactions back to the drawing board presented retailers with an opportunity to experiment with new approaches. It turned out that some of the measures introduced to manage the impacts of COVID-19 were welcomed beyond the immediate emergency.

                      Faster in-person transactions

                      Eradicating long lines has been a goal of stores for as long as stores have existed. And customers are only getting more impatient. Unless you’re selling essential goods like groceries or medicine, customers in 2021 will not wait for 15 minutes to buy something or speak to a sales associate.

                      COVID-19 transformed the desire to reduce time spent waiting in lines from a wishlist item to a must-have. The airborne nature of the virus and the resulting capacity restrictions have ensured that long lines in stores are longer just a nuisance: they’re a potential health hazard and can lose you business. If someone won’t stand in a line to pay at a store, they won’t stand in a line just to get inside.

                      This situation finally pushed stores to devote more attention than ever to solving the problem of lines. Thanks to that, transactions have finally become more streamlined.

                      “Transaction moments are getting a lot more efficient, especially at checkout: Checkout is a key area,” Gonzalez says. For example, after years trailing the rest of the world when it comes to mobile payments, this technology has now started to become more available and popular throughout the US.

                      Seamless omnichannel communication

                      An omnichannel marketing approach was already being floated in the retail space as the most effective strategy to build a brand that was synced across all digital and physical channels. With fewer people coming into stores, businesses were forced to use online tools to communicate with customers faster than some may otherwise have adopted them.

                      Those that did it best were the ones that created a consistent brand identity in every environment. “What retailers have to do is maintain their sense of their own brand,” Federman says. “So could it be done with a sense of humor? Yeah.”

                      eCommerce won’t necessarily trump stores this Christmas

                      One of the things the COVID-19 pandemic has shown over and over is that you can’t predict the future.

                      In December 2020, much of the Northern Hemisphere was experiencing a spike in cases that kept many shoppers away from stores, relying on eCommerce for their holiday shopping. What this year’s holiday season will look like is still uncertain, largely thanks to the omicron variant.

                      However, just because people got used to online shopping doesn’t mean they’re ready to completely abandon stores.

                      One year of switching to eCommerce isn’t enough to erase people’s need to physically interact with certain items before feeling comfortable buying them. “There are some purchases that are 100% fine to be all digital,” Federman says. “But there are some purchases where the consumer wants to touch and feel and look at the merchandise. And last holiday season suffered because of that.”

                      He predicts that shoppers will be more cautious, and that stores will need to enforce clear safety measures to entice them back in. Giving customers the option to shop by appointment only may be a helpful tool. But compared to last year, he thinks in-store shopping will be more prevalent in 2021 than 2020.

                      That said, making shoppers feel safe is the bare minimum stores will have to do to entice them back. Brick and mortar retailers also need to offer a special experience that customers cannot get online.

                      “We have to give reason and motivation for people to leave their house,” Gonzalez says. She adds, “Something a little bit more discovery-based, experiential, differentiated.” For example, a Santa’s grotto, or holiday-themed classes or workshops.

                      Retailers certainly have an incentive to encourage shoppers to move away from eCommerce, or to at least combine it with an in-store visit.

                      As Barnes explains, sending packages through carriers such as FedEx and UPS is expensive, time-consuming, and not necessarily reliable. You can’t guarantee when the product will reach the consumer, which is an especially significant concern for holiday shoppers who need it before a specific date. And consumers won’t blame mail carriers: They’ll hold it against your brand. There’s a reason Amazon spent millions building its own fleet of delivery drivers!

                      Much more preferable to retailers is the Buy Online, Pickup in Store (BOPIS) model, “which by far is the least expensive way to fulfill an eCommerce order,” Barnes says.

                      The purpose of stores has come into sharper focus

                      You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. When stores were forced to close and an unprecedented amount of transactions moved online, retailers and consumers suddenly understood the true value of brick and mortar stores.

                      It became clear that there were two main benefits: Physical interaction with products, and positive human connection with the brand.

                      Some products are easier to buy in person

                      Although you can buy virtually anything online, some products benefit from an in-person sales experience.

                      For example, if you need a very specific piece of hardware for a DIY project, it’s less convenient to scroll through Amazon, decipher complicated product descriptions, and wait two days for it to be delivered than it is to go to your local hardware store and pick it up in person.

                      Clothes and shoes are another interesting example. They have to fit properly, and anyone who has shopped for jeans knows that no matter what the size guide says, you won’t know whether they fit until you’re trying to pull them over your thighs.

                      Online fashion retailers have learned to make returns free and easy: but it presents environmental and economic challenges. With more brands abandoning free returns, the fashion pendulum may yet swing back in stores’ favor.

                      In theory, buying something from the comfort of your couch is always easier than physically going somewhere to get it. But when you shop in a store, you know what you’re getting and you get it instantly. In the case of certain products, that’s the ultimate convenience.

                      An in-store experience creates brand ambassadors

                      The other thing stores do much better than digital tools is create a sensory brand experience. It’s an opportunity to connect with a customer on a human level, and to give them the above-and-beyond service you can’t deliver online.

                      “The physical store is changing and evolving,” Barnes says. “There have been some retailers that have really done a nice job evolutionizing how the physical store works today [and] in the future, and using that store for more than simply transactional [purposes]: Using that store to figure out how to engage with customers from an omnichannel perspective.”

                      If anything, in-person customer service has improved since the pandemic started — staff shortages notwithstanding. The option to book an appointment and receive one-on-one service is a luxury most customers previously didn’t have access to. In addition, stores have started to understand the importance of a frictionless in-person experience, made easier by options like curbside pickup and mobile payments.

                      If the changes in retail over the last two years have proved anything, it’s that customers have higher expectations and less patience than ever. The most effective way to meet those demands is by combining the ease of eCommerce with the wow-factor of stores.

                      Learn more about implementing an appointment strategy for your business, or reach out to one of our experts.

                      3 takeaways from our recent retail consumer research https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-takeaways-from-our-recent-retail-consumer-research Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:43:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-takeaways-from-our-recent-retail-consumer-research

                      McKinsey calls it The Quickening: ten years of digital transformation compressed into a ninety day period. Microsoft says that two years’ worth of transformation has transpired in two months. Whatever your measure, and regardless of industry, the pace of innovation, transformation and the resulting changes in consumer behavior has never experienced such turmoil. And nowhere is that more evident than in retail.

                      One day shoppers were out and about, and the next several months, they were home leveraging online shopping, delivery services and worrying about when the world would return to normal. As our world situation eases, retailers are confronted with managing a more demanding, fickle consumer, with new demands from personal safety, engagement preferences and increased options from retailers.

                      We’ve spent a fair amount of time advising retailers on how to create safe environments, provide shoppers with control, and avoid crowding by offering the ability to queue virtually or set up a pre-arranged appointment. Especially during this holiday season.

                      Retailers have responded with a spate of customer-focused solutions from BOPIS to curbside pickup to video shopping and more. Retailers are creating new types of personalized experiences for their customers, and much is poised to become the new status quo. Along with the technology innovation, shoppers have new demands, a need for safety, and a desire for control over how, when and where they interact.

                      As such, we recently commissioned a survey of 2,000 retail consumers - equally dispersed between the United States and the UK - to see what’s on the mind of customers and what they want to see from their preferred retailers.

                      Here are just some of the highlights and global trends to note from our Hybrid retail report 2021:

                      1. Shoppers are making early moves

                      With a backdrop of new variants, pending lockdowns and potential disruptions to the supply chain, holiday shoppers are taking no chances to miss the holidays this year, and as a result, they’re shopping early. Despite the availability of a vaccine, and the numerous contactless options introduced by retailers, consumers are taking no chances.

                      We’re seeing that 56% plan to do their shopping early, and as the survey was fielded, 8% had already finished. Spending levels stayed fairly consistent, but time is clearly of the essence

                      64% of shoppers will go in-store

                      2. In-store shopping is here to stay

                      Nearly half of those surveyed reported that human contact is an essential part of the shopping experience. As such, shoppers are looking to get out into the stores with 65% of UK shoppers looking to “hit the high street,” and 59% doing so in the US.

                      Over half stated that they’d be more likely to book an appointment than queue outside in a crowded waiting area. This is up from 34% in our 2020 survey. Four in 10 are more likely to book an appointment in-store today than they were prior to the pandemic. They feel that retailers offering appointments as an option means the retailer is considering the safety of both staff and shoppers, while proactively managing store capacity.

                      Consumers want control over their time, their wait and their safety, and that’s just the beginning of some of the benefits that appointment scheduling provides.

                      55% of consumers prefer appointment to queuing

                      3. Shoppers want options

                      Today’s retail consumer is a hybrid shopper, choosing which products and services to purchase online, and those that must be seen in-stores. And some demand to move seamlessly between the two.

                      And they’re looking at new ways to augment the shopping experience. Many report positive experiences with virtual and video appointments. Savvy retailers are offering omnichannel options for shoppers for a consistent experience no matter how they choose to engage.

                      With the rise of hybrid retail, there's significant focus on balancing the in-store and online experiences, while ensuring that there is continuity between the two for optimal customer experience. To learn more about what consumers are looking for, and what you, in turn, may want to offer, read the full report: Hybrid retail report 2021.

                      From hybrid working to hybrid retail
                      Enterprise-level compliance: The ISO 27001 certification process https://www.jrni.com/blog/iso-27001-certification-process Thu, 02 Dec 2021 08:20:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/iso-27001-certification-process

                      At JRNI, security is a top priority. From ISO to GDPR, we have strict policies in place to protect you and your teams, and equally important, your customers and your data. At the core of our commitment to security, we are dedicated to ISO 27001 compliance, safe practices, and risk management.

                      Since it’s also the number one topic raised by every customer and prospect, we thought it was time to tell the full story. We sat down with our Head of Engineering, Niall Giggins, to discuss the importance of ISO 27001, our internal processes and controls around security, and other compliance considerations. Our internal security and risk management processes are in place to ensure we are meeting specific standards, while our internal controls are the actions taken to ensure the accuracy of our processes. Keep reading to learn more!

                      How does our ISO 27001 certification benefit customers?

                      It gives our customers the assurance that they have security when working with us. When we have strong security and risk management processes with ongoing auditing, our customers can be sure that they have end-to-end security in place.

                      Why does JRNI choose this certification?

                      While most people believe that the standard is focused only on security, it's actually more around process and risk management, of which security is just one of the considerations that should be addressed. ISO 27001 is about building a framework within which we identify risks and requirements, and tune our business processes to operate in a manner appropriate to the needs of JRNI and our customers.

                      This is in contrast to some of the other certification processes out there, which while having great standards in their own right, are often interpreted as a checklist of must-do actions that give little emphasis on the reasoning behind the requirements. In some cases, these can be seen as box-ticking exercises by those that are implementing them, leading to a false sense of overall security and processes that are not as robust as that organization requires.

                      The first thing ISO 27001 teaches you is that you have to look at what you have (assets, data, processes, etc.), and what specific risks may affect those. Along with potential security risks, there may also be other risks to take into account, such as a process failing, or not being completed on time, or with data not being accurate.

                      ISO 27001 gives you a way to identify and understand these risks, and once you have done so, you can look at what you can do to reduce or eliminate those risks. As a result, you often end up implementing some of the more ‘checklist’ standards I previously mentioned. The difference being that as you’ve gone through the exercise of truly understanding your needs, you are better informed as to what those standards bring to the organization and your customers.

                      Repeating the process over time allows you to review and monitor your progress and determine if your controls are still effective or need to be updated, while also identifying changes in the business or risks that are emerging from outside of it.

                      Does JRNI have any other certifications or standards it uses?

                      Well aside from ISO 27001, which provides our core framework, we have also adopted two of the other ISO standards; ISO 27017 for additional cloud security measures and ISO 27018 for the protection of personal data contained on our systems.

                      Speaking of personal data, we are also fully compliant with GDPR, the CCPA, and several other global data protection privacy laws and regulations.

                      We have worked with a wide range of customers over the years and adopted or met the requirements for a number of other specific standards such as; PCI:DSS for our customers that take payments; the National Health Service N3 / HSCN requirements or HIPAA for our healthcare customers; government information security standards such as Cyber Essentials (UK), FedRAMP (USA), and AGISM (Australia).

                      Other areas of the organization have also adopted standards that help them deliver our product to customers. Our product and development teams have spent a lot of time working with the WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines and have achieved an AA rating.

                      That’s a lot, is it hard to manage so much?

                      It can seem that way, but many of them are trying to achieve the same goals, so there is a lot of overlap between them. One of the strengths of the ISO system is that it makes it easy to incorporate new standards into your management system and to identify what these overlaps are. Once you’ve done that, you can follow through to see what your existing controls are and check whether they’re sufficient or need updating.

                      Another benefit is that you can also leverage the security and compliance of your hosting providers’ and key vendors’ security as well. ISO makes you very aware of the concept of your scope and what is and is not within your control.

                      JRNI uses cloud hosting for instance, so many of the traditional information security requirements and processes aren’t ones that JRNI performs itself. Instead we ensure that our hosting providers all have the same or higher standards of information security processes and certifications, so that we can leverage these alongside our own.

                      Our hosting providers have standards such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001, SOC 2, and so on, and we get the benefits of all these standards as part of the service we offer to our customers.

                      What’s the audit process like?

                      Well, a lot of people get involved with auditing at some stage. There is always some part of an internal audit taking place throughout the year. We have a dedicated team that leads the effort and coordinates with stakeholders from other parts of the business.

                      Most of the work is spent on ensuring that key processes are working, and that those processes are still relevant to the risks or assurances they’re designed for. There’s also an element of ongoing improvement; as risks or our business needs change, processes often need updating. The auditing process is designed to identify where this change is needed, and then measure if the controls we put in place as a result are effective.

                      JRNI is also audited externally once every six months. At these audits, we’re visited by an independent auditor at one of our global offices, where we spend several days going over the entire management system and its controls. During these external audits, we can use the results from our internal audits as part of the evidence to show that our security controls are working as expected. This leaves the external auditor more time to focus on working with us, to ensure our controls are as good as they can be.

                      How long does the auditing process take?

                      Auditing at JRNI is always ongoing. We use a lot of automation to increase frequency and accuracy of the audits we do, often turning a few-day manual audit (per month) into a real-time monitoring process. This greatly helps to reduce the overall effort involved with specific audit tasks and allows us to focus our time on exploring new risks and improving our handling of existing ones.

                      There will always be new products, features, and processes at JRNI, and there will always be new threats and risks out there, so there will always be work for the Information Security and Compliance teams here.

                      When they’re not involved in auditing or designing and evaluating security controls, these teams are engaged in staff training. While training and staff knowledge are part of our compliance requirements, JRNI staff are our biggest assets in keeping our security processes working.

                      Want to learn more about appointment scheduling and providing personalized experiences at scale with the JRNI platform? Want to learn more about how we make security a priority? Schedule some time to speak with an expert!

                      Why use a virtual queue? https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-use-virtual-queue Wed, 17 Nov 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-use-virtual-queue

                      Situations change daily, and organizations must adapt to the new normal as these changes occur. For service providers, the need for a safer environment for visitors and employees is more important than ever as the pandemic persists. This includes a focus on social distancing practices.

                      Consumer behavior is evolving, and as they increasingly crave better experiences, along with safe experiences, businesses are looking for ways to better accommodate their needs. One of the best solutions to keep social distancing in place, while also improving the waiting experience, is to use a virtual queue management system.

                      But what is a virtual queuing system? How does it work? We’ve put together a list of some of the most asked questions about virtual queues, the benefits of virtual queues, and how virtual queues enhance the customer experience.

                      How a virtual queue works

                      Virtual queuing allows businesses to set up online waiting lines, so customers can wait for assistance without physically standing in line. Virtual queue management solutions also give customers control to join a virtual queue from their mobile devices and receive a notification once it’s their turn for service.

                      What is a virtual queue?

                      A virtual queue is used as a way to manage lines and wait times to improve the overall customer experience. Employees also use virtual queues as a way to better manage customer flow.

                      Many of us have been in a virtual queue before, whether we realize it or not. For example, think about when you’ve gone on a ticket vendor’s website when there are thousands of other people trying to buy tickets to the same concert. You may have been placed in a virtual queue so that you had a “spot” in line to purchase tickets. Once it was your turn, you were notified that you could now enter the ticketing site and make a purchase.

                      For service-based businesses, virtual queuing saves customers from having to wait in a physical line or waiting room. Instead, they can wait in their cars outside or go take care of other errands in the area before being seen by an employee.

                      What is the purpose of a virtual queue?

                      During the pandemic, virtual queues have provided an easy way for customers to social distance and remain safe. In addition, virtual queuing also gives customers time back in their days, so they can take care of other errands or business without having to wait in a line or confined area.

                      Not to mention, virtual queues are a great way to retain customers since 70% of queuers would be less likely to return to an organization if they had experienced long wait times.

                      How are virtual queues used?

                      Several types of businesses use virtual queues for various reasons including product releases, high-demand ticket sales, university admissions, government applications, and much more.

                      Many service-based providers are using virtual queuing as an option for customers who want to schedule an appointment on the fly or to pick up an order. Additionally, virtual queues are being used for lobby management at places like doctor offices and banks.

                      Benefits of virtual queuing line management

                      Some benefits of virtual queue management include increased customer satisfaction, streamlined communication, improved customer flow, and reduced wait times. With a virtual queuing system, companies are also able to accommodate more customers.

                      How does virtual queuing management improve the customer experience?

                      Virtual queue management helps improve efficiency and the quality of service by giving customers the freedom to check their waiting status whenever they want to, which provides customers time to do more of what they want instead of waiting in line. Virtual queue management systems can also send the customer a predicted wait time and alerts when they are close to the front of the line. Additionally, customers can manage their place “in line” if they aren’t ready to be served. All of this leads to customers having a better experience, which leads to an overall positive outlook of your business.

                      Additionally, you can also collect data on your customers with a virtual queuing system. What service are they there for? What questions do they have? By gathering more information about your customers during this process, you can offer them more personalized service, helping increase customer satisfaction.

                      How does virtual queuing improve efficiency and quality of service?

                      Employees who don’t have to constantly manage the till can improve their productivity, efficiency, and overall quality of their service. By having more time to focus on what matters, they can complete urgent tasks and better accommodate customer needs.

                      How does virtual waiting line management reduce operational costs?

                      Increasing customer experience, improving efficiency, and reducing wait times are all great benefits for a quality virtual queue management system that can help reduce operational costs.

                      As you collect data, you’re able to identify and fix service bottlenecks that will end up saving you money in the long run. You will also be able to better see the peaks and valleys of your physical locations and ensure you have enough employees - and the right employees - on hand to help serve customers for their various needs. Also, by having a virtual queue system in place, you can save money on things like take-a-number systems and ticket machines.

                      The impact of virtual queues on the customer experience

                      As we’ve noted, virtual queues don’t just increase productivity for the business, they also can have a huge impact on the customer experience. Whether customers want to schedule a same-day appointment or secure a place in line, virtual queuing allows them to do what they want while they wait leading to a more enjoyable waiting experience.

                      How do long waiting lines affect customer spending and perception?

                      Studies show that customers won’t wait very long before leaving a queue. In fact, customers are only willing to wait 14 minutes before they’re served. Otherwise, they’re likely to leave with nothing.

                      We live in a society where instant gratification is a must, or at least gratification with little waiting time. This is because customers don’t want to waste their time waiting in lines: they’re busy people. Additionally, perception can be everything. Studies show that customers overestimate wait time by as much as 36%. Whether you provided fast service or not doesn’t matter in this case - it’s all about the customer’s perception of the wait.

                      How can a virtual queue system strengthen relationships with customers?

                      A virtual queue system is a great way to strengthen customer loyalty and relationships because it reduces waiting times and allows them to choose how they wait. This means that customers are more likely to come to your business because they know the experience is going to be much better than waiting somewhere else.

                      A virtual queuing system helps you provide experiences so great, it keeps your customers coming back for more!

                      Strategies for managing virtual queues

                      If you’re looking into virtual queuing solutions as an option for your business there are several important things to consider. Here are some of the best ways to streamline a virtual queue management system:

                      1. Set up a virtual queuing flow: Analyze how your current queuing process works and then decide how you want to change that. How do you want customers to join a virtual queue? Going online or on your mobile app? Or scanning a QR code at your physical locations? Do you want to have a single virtual queue or multiple virtual queues? There are many ways you could provide access to join your virtual queue.

                      2. Consult with your employees: You need to make sure that your employees are prepared to work with this new technology. What kind of training will they need? Who should be in charge of managing the virtual queuing system?

                      3. Try your virtual queue internally: Before bringing the system to the public, try it out within your company to see if there are any issues. Resolve any pain points or frustrations before launching it for your customers.

                      4. Keep monitoring: Customers and employees will likely have feedback as the system is being used, so be open to feedback to continuously improve.

                      5. Analyze reports: Keep track of the reporting with your virtual queuing solution. You should be able to make operational decisions based on reports such as peak times, purchases and other outcomes, customers issues solved, types of services requested, and more.

                      Physical lines are out, and virtual queuing is in! If you’re looking for a way to provide a pleasant waiting experience and improve both the customer and employee experience, then it’s time to consider a virtual queuing solution. If you want to learn more about JRNI Virtual Queuing, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet. You can also schedule a time to speak to one of our experts!

                      Download the datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing
                      Hybrid banking services: How to deliver a great customer experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/hybrid-banking-services Tue, 09 Nov 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/hybrid-banking-services

                      There’s no question that banks and credit unions have seen significant (and permanent) shifts in the industry since the beginning of the pandemic. Consumer behavior has drastically changed, and the increasing demand for seamless omnichannel experiences will continue to push the bar for innovation in banking.

                      While the adoption of digital banking services continues to rise, there are still many reasons why customers prefer to do certain bank transactions in person. When it comes to making services and expert guidance available when, where, and how customers want, banks and credit unions have never had more options to be flexible. By providing an easy appointment scheduling process, customers and members can choose what works best for them.

                      According to our new 2021 Hybrid banking services research, customers want personalized banking services offered via both video appointments and in-person appointments. Here are some of the research highlights and trends to note:

                      Appointment scheduling is key to great customer service

                      Banking consumers are looking to receive personalized digital and in-person services, and advice based on real-time changes in their lives. When customers receive personalized service, they feel valued and cared for. In fact, 69% of bank customers have considered switching banks because they couldn’t get personalized service.

                      69% of bank customers have considered switching banks because they couldn’t get personalized service.

                      This is why many customers and members are looking for easier ways to schedule banking appointments. Being able to secure one-to-one time ensures they are getting the help they need from an expert who cares. Providing easy access to speak with bank employees via appointments is crucial to improve the customer experience, as 33% of bank customers say they have found it challenging to talk to the right person at their bank in the past six months.

                      Ease, speed, and convenience are other important factors for customers. As they look to engage with their banks, 59% of customers think it will be faster to speak to a specialist if they schedule an appointment online.

                      59% of customers think it will be faster to speak to a specialist if they schedule an appointment online.

                      In addition, more and more customers are looking for increased flexibility in hours to meet with their bank. In the past six months, 39% of bank customers have considered switching to a financial institution with more flexible service hours.

                      Providing a simple way for customers and members to book appointments can help meet the demand for personalized, convenient, and flexible banking.

                      Banking consumers want a mix of remote and in-branch appointment options

                      One trend that continues to hold strong is the need to provide hybrid banking services, both in-person and remote appointment options. Some customers and members want to bank in the branch, some want to do everything they can online, and some want to take a hybrid approach. Current trends for video banking appointments and in-branch appointments show that both are here to stay.

                      Video appointments

                      Video appointments are becoming increasingly popular as a way to bank. The top reasons customers want to bank remotely is to receive more personalized service, to avoid travel time to the branch, and to meet at a convenient time. Other video appointment trends to consider:

                      • An increase in video appointment comfortability: 62% of bank customers say COVID and remote work have made them more comfortable with video appointments.

                      • Customers choose banks that provide remote video services: 50% of bank customers say they would choose a bank based on the extent of their remote services.

                      • Customers want to bank with an expert outside of normal business hours: 51% of bank customers expect bank employees to be available after normal business hours for video appointments.

                      51% of bank customers expect bank employees to be available after normal business hours for video appointments.

                      In-branch appointments

                      There are still a number of services that customers would prefer to do in person. As the future of physical branches continues to be reimagined, important considerations for in-branch appointments include:

                      • Customers want to bank in a branch to discuss loan options: The top reasons customers want to bank at a branch include mortgages, home equity loans, small business loans, and commercial real estate loans. The commonality among these transactions are the many options available and a desire to discuss with an expert.

                      • Some customers still prefer in-branch banking versus remote: 45% of bank customers would prefer meeting with an agent in person compared to 34% who prefer a meeting via video.

                      Every customer and member will have a different journey and different ways they want to bank. To meet the demand of your entire customer base, in-person and video appointments remain imperative for your customer engagement strategy.

                      Bank customers increasingly expect not to wait in lines

                      As banking customers have adapted to on-demand services and more convenient ways to do business, the idea of waiting in line is becoming a thing of the past. In order to avoid waiting in a physical line at a bank, 56% of bank customers say they would prefer to schedule an appointment. This holds true across demographics:

                      • 56% of bank customers aged 23 to 40 say they would prefer to schedule an appointment over waiting in line.

                      • 59% of bank customers aged 41 to 60 say they would prefer to schedule an appointment over waiting in line.

                      • 43% of bank customers over 60 say they would prefer to schedule an appointment over waiting in line.

                      With the rise of hybrid banking, there’s a keen focus on balancing physical branches and online banking to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. To learn more about what you can do to attract and retain customers while creating experiences that drive growth, then download the full report: Hybrid banking services research.

                        3 tips for executing a successful appointments strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/tips-for-a-successful-appointments-strategy Tue, 02 Nov 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/tips-for-a-successful-appointments-strategy

                        Whether you’re currently using an appointment scheduling solution or about to implement online appointment scheduling for the first time, creating a strategy for your appointments will be key to long-term success.

                        From internal employee adoption to external customer promotion, there are several items to consider when putting together an action plan for your strategy. That’s why we’re pulling together top tips from a few of our appointment scheduling experts! Our team has years of experience working with leading retailers, financial institutions, and other enterprise-level companies to ensure they’re on the path to success with their appointment strategies. Here are three tips from the JRNI team!

                        1. Measure the success of your appointments

                        Kelly Weaver, VP of Product

                        Appointment scheduling shouldn’t be a set it and forget it project! That’s why Kelly’s top tip is to ensure you have something in place to continuously measure the success of your appointments. By digging into your appointment scheduling software’s analytics tool, you can review the data to help you understand what you’re doing well and where you need to improve.

                        Are there specific appointment types that are most successful? Are certain employees seeing better outcomes than others? How much revenue are you seeing from appointments? Are there trends you can identify that will help you improve your business and the experiences you provide?

                        By seeing the story behind the statistics, you can translate vital data into actionable insights, and continuously improve upon the experiences you deliver to customers. It’s about making informed business decisions to provide the best customer experience possible.

                        Learn more: See how you can measure the ROI of your appointments with JRNI Analytics - watch the demo.

                        Measure the ROI of experiences - watch the JRNI Analytics demo!

                        2. Integrate appointments with the rest of your tech stack

                        John Nolan, Senior Customer Success Manager

                        An appointments strategy isn’t just about the appointment - it’s about the entire customer experience. That’s why it’s important that your appointments fit in with the rest of your enterprise processes. John’s top tip for a successful appointments strategy? To make sure your appointments strategy isn’t siloed from the rest of the business and can seamlessly integrate with the rest of your tech stack.

                        If you have a customer who makes an appointment, you want to make sure that information flows through to all of the other tools you have - whether it’s a CRM system, a clienteling system, or a workforce management system.

                        By having the tools and information you need at your fingertips, you will be able to provide a personalized, exceptional appointment experience. The kind of experience that keeps your customers coming back for more!

                        3. Promote appointments across multiple channels

                        Angie Tiwari, Director of Sales (EMEA)

                        When it comes to appointments, there is no such thing as oversharing! Take it from Angie...her top tip is to ensure you’re actively promoting appointments through multiple channels. A lot of companies add a “Book an Appointment'' button to their website, which is a great first step. But there’s so much more you can do to promote appointment scheduling!

                        You can promote your appointments via email newsletters, social media, on-site printed signs, chatbots, on-hold customer recordings, and more. Additionally, your employees can help promote appointments to ensure customer adoption. By sharing more about appointments during one-to-one conversations, placing a “book an appointment” button in their email signature, and sharing about appointments on their own personal social media accounts, you’ll start seeing your appointment volume soar!

                        “If you build it, they will come”...maybe. But if you promote it, they definitely will!

                        Learn more: Check out our industry-specific guides on promoting remote video appointments! Each has promotion ideas, industry examples, and tips to help supercharge your campaigns.

                        These three tips are a great starting point on your path to building a successful appointments strategy! If you’re currently looking into appointment scheduling software, and want to learn more about our solution, we would love to connect. JRNI has extensive experience delivering scalable, enterprise scheduling solutions to a wide variety of companies globally, and we are here to help you. Schedule a time to speak with an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale - sign up to speak to an expert!
                        How retailers can prepare for Black Friday in 2021 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-can-prepare-for-black-friday-in-2021 Tue, 19 Oct 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-can-prepare-for-black-friday-in-2021

                        In another unusual year, many shoppers are looking for cheer this upcoming holiday shopping season. And in the spirit of it all, Black Friday is one day that many consumers look forward to as an official “kickoff” to the holiday season.

                        While many have already started tackling their holiday shopping lists early (and in some cases, already completed their shopping), there are still many shoppers eager to get back into stores and take advantage of special offers this Black Friday. In the US, Black Friday is predicted to be the top shopping day of the year, despite the pandemic.

                        Even with predicted supply shortages and holiday shopping already in full force, retailers can still prepare for and provide a great Black Friday shopping experience to maximize success. After all, with 66% of consumers in the UK and 64% of consumers in the US planning to spend more this holiday season, there are a lot of ways retailers can stand out from the crowd this Black Friday:

                        1. Create a safe shopping environment

                        Due to the pandemic’s impact on last year’s holiday season, many retailers have worked hard to establish safety measures throughout their stores to give customers peace of mind. As consumers become increasingly cautious with recent COVID-19 variants, safety has become a top priority for many shoppers again. And while many know what they do and do not feel comfortable with, the responsibility of maintaining a safe environment has fallen on retailers this year.

                        In fact, a recent study shows that 72% of retailers are considering maintaining in-store safety, security, and sanitation measures this season, and retailers should plan the same for Black Friday. Here are some safety measures to consider:

                        • Offer additional contactless payment methods

                        • Lower store capacity to ensure your physical locations aren’t overcrowded

                        • Create social distancing measures near checkouts so customers know where to queue

                        • Post signage that encourages social distancing and other safety measures

                        2. Give shoppers control

                        Consumers have been through a lot over the past year and a half. When it comes to the holiday season, they are looking to enjoy their shopping experiences, while also feeling safe. By providing customers options to shop with you in the way they feel most comfortable, you will increase trust and improve loyalty.

                        This is where an omnichannel retail strategy becomes essential for success. Brands using an omnichannel strategy enjoy up to 90% customer retention rates when compared to brands that don't.

                        This Black Friday, customers will be searching for the most convenient, affordable, and frictionless ways to make purchases instead of favoring one channel over the other. Be sure to consider all of the ways your customers want to shop with you this year, whether that’s online, in-store, via curbside pickup, or a combination of it all.

                        3. Avoid long lines and prevent overcrowding

                        As consumers look to shop safely this Black Friday, one thing is certain: they don’t want to feel overcrowded at your stores. In order to prevent overcrowding, you should consider your maximum capacity and how to accommodate as many customers as possible without the inconvenience or health risks. Plus, if the weather outside is frightful...the last thing you want to do is make customers wait outside to enter your store!

                        This is where virtual queuing comes in to save the day! Virtual queues allow customers to wait in line without physically waiting in line. This means they can wait safely in their cars instead of waiting outside in crummy weather or at home until it’s their turn to shop or meet with an employee for an appointment.

                        4. Offer personalized appointments

                        Making sure that you provide appointments on Black Friday - whether in-person or remote - can drive value for your organization.

                        Many retailers are already implementing appointments to embrace the increase in early holiday shopping, and as a way to provide personalized experiences this Black Friday. By offering online video appointments and in-person appointments on Back Friday, you will be able to:

                        • Minimize crowds and reduce wait times in stores

                        • Provide more flexibility and a safer shopping experience

                        • Provide a more personalized shopping experience

                        • Increase transaction volumes by being able to share additional gift ideas on the fly

                        There are many benefits in offering appointments as a part of your Black Friday strategy, and it’s certain to be an experience your customers won’t forget.

                        What do consumers want this Black Friday? They are looking for safe, personalized, and convenient shopping experiences. To maximize your “kickoff” to the holiday season and earn share of wallet, consider how to prioritize safety, reduce wait times, and offer options like appointments to give customers the cheerful holiday shopping experience they want (and expect)!

                        Want to learn more about how to prepare for the upcoming holiday season? Then be sure to download The 2021 Future Stores Holiday Report to help you get ahead of retail trends this year! In addition, check out our recent podcast episode, “Prep the halls: 2021 holiday shopping season tips and tricks” to see what CEO John Federman, and National Sales Leader of Harry Rosen, Adam Percival, have to say about Black Friday and this year’s holiday season:

                        Digital banking trends and the future of physical branches https://www.jrni.com/blog/digital-banking-trends-and-the-future-of-physical-branches Tue, 12 Oct 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/digital-banking-trends-and-the-future-of-physical-branches

                        As the pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital banking across demographics, the role of physical branches started to evolve rapidly as well. With safety becoming a top priority for customers due to the Delta variant, there is more to balance than ever when it comes to meeting customer needs.

                        In this episode of The Experience Evolution podcast, Nick Barnes, Practice Director for Financial Services at JRNI, and Sean Jones, Sr. Assistant Vice President, Marketing & User-Experience at Redstone Federal Credit Union, share insights on current banking trends. How is digital banking changing, and what is the future of physical branches?

                        Episode 6 of The Experience Evolution podcast with Sean Jones, Sr. Assistant Vice President, Marketing & User-Experience at Redstone Federal Credit Union and Nick Barnes, Practice Director for Financial Services

                        Key takeaways:

                        • Consumers are choosing banking options that are safe and convenient

                        • Digital banking adoption from the baby boomer generation and up grew during the pandemic

                        • Consumers like having a hybrid approach to banking with all methods, online and physical, available

                        Digital banking continues to rise

                        As digital banking services accelerated across the industry, Jones said that Redstone Federal Credit Union members were looking for ways to bank from the comfort of their homes or in a remote fashion. Additionally, Redstone has seen increases in other types of services that don’t require members to go into a physical branch.

                        “We've seen a fairly significant increase in the use of ATMs, which are our interactive teller machines, that allow members to do their banking without needing to come into a branch. And then obviously, there's been a significant explosion of the volume of mobile banking and digital banking that's taking place,” Jones said.

                        Barnes agrees that due to safety and health concerns, more members and customers are continuing to embrace remote ways of banking, including video appointments.

                        “It seems like everyone across every demographic is comfortable with [video appointments]. And often, people prefer it. A recent study from Vonage shows that globally consumers are now using video calls to communicate with businesses 67% more than they were a year ago. And so from a banking perspective, video appointments mean that the customers or members can avoid the hassle of drive time and waiting in queues,” Barnes said.

                        Physical branches are here to stay

                        While the conversation around physical branches has been ongoing long before the pandemic, many wonder what role branches play in today’s world now that digital solutions have been widely adopted.

                        Regardless of the necessity of digital services throughout the pandemic, many members and customers still prefer to bank in person, especially for certain transactions. Barnes said that recent research on hybrid banking shows that loans are the number one reason why customers want to meet in a branch.

                        “Research shows that 45% of bank customers would prefer meeting with an agent in person. And the top reasons for that is wanting to discuss mortgages, home equity loans, small business loans, and commercial real estate loans,” Barnes said. “And this shows that even though a lot of this can be done online now, people still value in-person connections. They want to be able to physically sit down with an expert to discuss options.”

                        Jones agrees, stating that many members have certain services where they prefer to sit down with an expert.

                        “I think you're always going to have certain services that individuals are going to find comfort in talking to an individual [in person],” Jones said.

                        While determining the best way to balance digital banking and physical branches, Barnes also notes that banks and credit unions should evaluate branch performance from an operational standpoint.

                        “It’s also about evaluating performance across branches, and ensuring a cohesive experience across online and digital channels. What were your top performing or most trafficked branches? What services need to be provided and what languages need to be spoken? You want to accommodate the needs of your customers as much as possible, and remain operationally efficient,” Barnes said.

                        Consumers want more efficient ways to bank

                        Additional changes in consumer behavior point to efficiency as an important factor. Jones said this is especially true when coming into the branch, which is why they’ve seen an increase in appointment scheduling, to ensure they have a set time to speak with an expert.

                        “So behaviorally, one of the things that was a significant change for us was the wider adoption of appointment setting. What we're seeing is that if individuals choose to come into the branch, they're definitely doing it in a more streamlined fashion, they want to come in, take care of their business and move on with the day.”

                        Sean Jones, Sr. Assistant Vice President, Marketing & User-Experience at Redstone Federal Credit Union

                        In addition to efficient and convenient services, Barnes said that customers and members are also looking for personalization, with recent research showing that 69% of bank customers have considered switching banks because they couldn't get personalized service.

                        “I cannot emphasize enough how important that personalization is in today's world,” Barnes said. “If you aren't providing personalized service, both online and in branch, and engaging your banking customers, they will find another place to bank.”

                        Subscribe to The Experience Evolution today!

                        Want to be updated when our next podcast episode is available? Then be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify! You can download the episodes and listen at your convenience. Additionally, you can find all future podcast episodes on our podcast page. If you are looking to provide better customer experiences through appointment scheduling, then sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                        Radius8 and JRNI: Bridging the gap between digital and physical shopping experiences https://www.jrni.com/blog/radius8-and-jrni Tue, 05 Oct 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/radius8-and-jrni

                        Radius8, now part of the Carat omnichannel commerce ecosystem at Fiserv, enables retailers to connect a brand’s digital and physical commerce strategy. By making a retailer’s eCommerce presence geo-aware, merchants are able to create more commerce by digitally surfacing relevant, hyper-local experiences for their customers. With the continued rise in mobile web traffic, Radius8 helps customers easily locate a retailer’s nearest store, identify special services, and access unique geo-fenced promotions. The result for the business is optimized online conversion, and an increase to in-store traffic and store-level productivity.

                        Radius8 enables businesses to improve ROI by efficiently delivering location-relevant consumer journeys (promotions, purchasing, customer service, informational) with quick-to-market offerings that require no technical integration. Benefits include:

                        • Local targeting at scale: Easy-to-use, business-focused management of your physical locations and market experiences

                        • Real-time engagement: Communicate and update customers in real time regarding changes in operation, on premise events, interactive experiences, and promotions

                        • Faster speed to market: Rapid go live, with minimal setup

                        • Measurable results, rapid ROI: Easily measurable results with rapid path to return

                        Radius8 is part of the Carat omnichannel commerce ecosystem that more securely delivers unlimited payment experiences across the most popular channels and devices. Carat enables clients to easily access pre-integrated solutions – such as Radius8 – that allow businesses to imagine and realize cutting-edge customer journeys.

                        Streamlining appointment booking with JRNI and Radius8

                        Together, JRNI and Radius8 can streamline appointment booking to shoppers. By presenting the available appointments at the nearest location automatically, Radius8 helps reduce customer confusion and compresses the number of clicks required to get an appointment booked. The result can be increased customer satisfaction and number of appointments scheduled.

                        Customers leveraging Radius8 and JRNI can take advantage of this value-add connection between the technology. To add the JRNI-powered appointment card to your Radius8 implementation, simply log into the Radius8 web interface, drag and drop the card from the partner library, style the experience, and activate. The experience automatically determines the nearest store, queries available appointments, and returns customer appointment requests to be managed in the JRNI back office.

                        The powerful combination of JRNI and Radius8 provides a seamless mobile web experience for today’s omnichannel shopper – which is essential for merchants to enable. Together JRNI and Radius8 are helping bridge the gap between online and physical shopping experiences.

                        For more information, go here: Welcomer Radius8.

                        It’s still a pandemic - why am I in line at my bank? https://www.jrni.com/blog/pandemic-why-waiting-in-line-at-bank Fri, 01 Oct 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/pandemic-why-waiting-in-line-at-bank

                        You know it, I know it, we all know it: Waiting in line is so 2019.

                        COVID has changed a lot of things. Not just about how we work, how we travel, and how we go to the grocery store - but also about how we expect to interact with other humans in any setting. Going out in public is suddenly full of potential pitfalls, because what used to be normal - a handshake, a hug - is now a point of uncertainty.

                        Plus, there is the danger of accidentally violating someone else’s comfort levels without even meaning to. The other day, while standing in line to board a plane, the person in front of me turned and said, “Excuse me, do you mind taking a few steps back?” I was already several steps back, dear reader! But I know that everyone is still figuring it all out. So, I hurriedly apologized to the plane stranger, and backed up even more.

                        Which brings me back to my original point: Waiting in line is so 2019! Actually, let’s be honest - even in 2019, before a global pandemic, no one was particularly wild about waiting in line. Need proof of that? Here are some fun facts you should know. (Spoiler: They’re all about how nobody likes waiting in line!)

                        In a global pandemic, when plane strangers are asking you to please back up a few steps (again, plane stranger, my apologies), and with the Delta variant making it clear that COVID isn’t going away anytime soon - it’s time we all came together as a planet and agreed: Lines are dumb.

                        And that is why virtual queues are the direction in which we need to go. (What’s a virtual queue, you ask? We’ve got a blog on that.)

                        Virtual queues are not new, but their applications have been fairly targeted up to this point. You might be familiar with them from going in person to telecommunications stores, waiting to be served at the post office, or watching the board for your number at the department of motor vehicles. But the concept of being in line without actually physically waiting in line - actually, a much more modern version of this concept! - can be applied in more than these settings, and is especially appropriate when someone is waiting for personalized 1:1 service.

                        My favorite example of where virtual queues should be more prevalent is in banks, credit unions, and building societies. My bank offers appointments - something new since COVID! - and that made me a happy customer. Having the option to book an appointment gives me the opportunity to plan my time more effectively - instead of estimating how long a bank visit might take (“Be back in 20 minutes...maybe 40 minutes...could be an hour?”), I know exactly when I am going to arrive and that I will be served immediately. Huge improvement in customer experience.

                        But though I loved the appointments experience, I also found that, sometimes, I hadn’t had the foresight to make one - usually because I had just decided to pop in while I was out running errands. But when “popping in” is actually more like “standing in line outside” (thanks, Delta variant…), I’m a whole lot less likely to go through with it. Banks, credit unions, and building societies (because the UK hates queuing too), I implore you: Why not enhance this customer experience by transforming a line into a virtual queue?

                        In other words, instead of having to go inside, tell the person what I need help with - “I got a call about possible fraud,” “I need to ask a question about my mortgage,” “There’s a charge on my card that’s wrong” - etc., and then wait outside in line (with, ahem, subjectively-appropriate space between you and the person behind you or in front of you), a virtual queue would allow me to get a wait time estimate and then regular updates via SMS, so that I can go off and run the rest of my errands. Not only can I accomplish things while “waiting” - I also am more likely to be warm, dry, and safe. (Still not convinced? Maybe you also want to check out this blog about how to reduce queues in banks.)

                        Are you listening, <<name of Kelly’s bank redacted for obvious reasons>>? Please read more about virtual queues. And then get one!

                        If you don’t do it for me, do it for the plane stranger - who is probably, at this very moment, asking the person behind him in the bank line to take a few step backs.

                        How to improve communication during video appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-improve-communication-during-video-appointments Tue, 28 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-improve-communication-during-video-appointments

                        While the world was already turning digital in many regards, the pandemic accelerated our use of technology to meet the demand for virtual services across every industry. Over the past 18+ months, many of our daily interactions have been virtual, including the way we do business.

                        While human connection and personalization remain in a virtual video setting, there are still notable differences when considering how to conduct a successful video appointment. The biggest difference? Many of the nonverbal cues that we use to communicate in person aren’t relevant in a virtual setting.

                        Nonverbal communication has always been powerful and is universal across many cultures. That’s why it’s important to evaluate the impact nonverbal and verbal communication has and consider ways to improve communication during your video appointments. We’ve previously discussed best practices for video appointments, and in this article, we will share tips on how you can improve communication during a video appointment.

                        Focus on body posture

                        Having proper posture during a video appointment will help you appear more approachable and more professional, assuring your customers that you can provide them the expert guidance they’re looking for. Here are a few tips for improving your posture:

                        • Sit straight up with your back against your chair

                        • Keep an open posture with arms relaxed at your side

                        • When you’re talking, it can be good to use hand gestures to show warmth and agreement

                        • Lean forward from time to time when your customer is talking to acknowledge you are actively listening to their needs

                        Maintain eye contact

                        One of the more difficult things to achieve during a video appointment is good eye contact. That’s because it’s hard to stare directly into the camera when you want to pay attention to your customer at the same time. This might take some practice, but there is a healthy balance of looking straight into the camera (effectively making direct eye contact with your customer during the video appointment), and looking at the screen to read nonverbal cues from your customer.

                        It might feel awkward at first, but the more you practice looking straight into the camera, the easier it will get! You could even record yourself before the appointment to ensure you are maintaining eye contact.

                        Use facial expressions

                        Let’s face it… your face will be the majority of what your customers see during a video appointment. That’s why being attentive to your facial expressions and proactively thinking about how you’re presenting yourself will make all the difference. In fact, facial expressions are just as powerful as strong body language, so here are a few tips:

                        • Smile regularly to help maintain a friendly, open environment

                        • Nod and smile to acknowledge you are actively listening to your customers

                        • Keep your expressions focused to ensure your customers know you hear them

                        • Most importantly, be authentic! While thinking about the balance of eye contact, smiling, etc. it’s also important to relax your face muscles and focus on being attentive above all else

                        Tone and voice

                        Tone and voice can have an impact on how friendly, approachable, and professional you come across to a customer. Various fluctuations in one’s voice, such as tone, pitch, rhythm, inflections, and volume can have different meanings. These cues can have a powerful effect on communication, and can help you establish trust with your customers. Here are ways to maintain professionalism in your voice:

                        • Smile before you begin talking - it helps establish your tone and makes you sound more friendly

                        • Speak at a medium volume so you sound confident and can be heard clearly

                        • Record yourself so you can hear exactly how you sound and can adjust your volume as needed

                        Create a visual experience

                        During a video appointment, visuals will be vital to keep your customers engaged since you can’t physically put something in front of them. Make sure to prepare any useful supplemental materials that can be sent over in advance of the customer’s video appointment.

                        Additionally, using visual tools or creating a visually-appealing presentation about your product and service options is a great way to keep customers engaged.

                        At the end of the day, remember that you are having a conversation with another human. It can be a lot to balance and think about, but if you focus on fostering a positive environment and letting your expertise shine through, you will nail it! The more video appointments you conduct, the easier it will be and the more comfortable you will feel. Plus, I’m sure we’ve all had our fair share of “I’m not a cat” moments - it’s a new virtual world, and it’s ok to make mistakes and have fun along the way!

                        Not offering video appointments yet or looking into new video appointment solutions? We can help! JRNI Appointments gives you the video appointment options you need to meet with your customers remotely and build personalized experiences at scale. To learn more, schedule a time to speak with an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        4 key steps to launch appointment scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/launch-appointment-scheduling-software Fri, 24 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/launch-appointment-scheduling-software

                        Congratulations! Your organization has made the decision to invest in an online appointment scheduling solution as a way to improve both the employee and customer experience and provide personalized, one-to-one experiences. This is the first important step to building more meaningful, deeper customer relationships. But before your employees and customers can start using your new software, a swift yet robust implementation is essential to a successful appointments launch.

                        By planning ahead and working closely with your appointment scheduling software provider, you can evaluate the project progression and be fully prepared to go live with your new system. In this article, we’ll review four fundamental steps for the appointment scheduling implementation process.

                        4 steps to launch appointments: Kickoff, configure, preview, go-live

                        1. Kickoff

                        When it comes to appointment scheduling software, there are a lot of considerations to set your enterprise up for success. During the kickoff, your technology provider should ask your team in-depth questions to ensure the implementation process meets your unique needs.

                        From core business integrations to the functionality your customers will expect, the kickoff phase is the perfect time to address how the software will impact employees, processes, and more. Some of the questions your provider will probably ask are:

                        • What integrations need to be set up prior to launch?

                        • Who is your training lead, who will become the in-house appointment scheduling software expert?

                        • Who are your super users?

                        • Who needs to be trained on the software before launch?

                        • Who should receive analytics reports on things such as appointments booked, employee capacity, and appointment conversions?

                        • What should your booking journey templates look like?

                        • What should the branding look like across your booking journeys?

                        Aside from working with your software vendor during this stage, this is also the best time to start planning your appointment promotion plan. How will you promote this new booking solution internally to employees and externally to customers? From internal employee advocacy to a marketing strategy, your team can put a plan in place that will be ready for launch.

                        2. Configure

                        As the next step in the implementation process, your software provider should configure and set up the system in line with the agreed upon deliverables and configurations. During this time, your software provider should also have their internal QA team do testing to ensure proper configuration of the system for your organization.

                        As you work with your software’s implementation team, some questions and considerations your provider should take into account include:

                        • Are all of your bookable employees set up in the system?

                        • Are all of the integrations added?

                        • Is information properly flowing between your appointment scheduling system and integrated systems?

                        • Does each booking journey have the proper questions set up and configured?

                        • Does each booking journey have the correct branding applied?

                        • Is information properly populating the correct fields?

                        Once everything is configured, tested, and set up according to your agreement, it’s time to move to the next step for a look at the system prior to your go-live date.

                        3. Preview

                        Hooray! The preview stage is certainly an exciting step in the implementation process. Your system is very close to being ready, and you can start to fully picture how the solution will fit into your workflows and how the system will function to make booking appointments a simple and intuitive process for your customers and employees.

                        This step is your chance to do a review of the appointment booking system prior to launching externally. Of course, the flexibility of enterprise appointment scheduling software allows you to configure and edit things like booking services, booking descriptions, employees, etc. as needed post-launch as well.

                        Along with your team members, you should closely evaluate the customer booking journey, the configuration from an employee’s perspective, and any technical integrations and considerations. This is the time to loop in your internal experts and ensure no stone is left unturned. Review everything to confirm that the configuration looks correct and everything is working as expected.

                        This is also the time to ask your software provider any outstanding questions. Once you can confirm the preview of the system looks ready to go, it’s time to train and go-live!

                        4. Go-live

                        It’s almost time to celebrate! You’ve made it to the final step in implementation, and it certainly is an exciting one.

                        First and foremost, it’s time for training! This is where your training lead(s) and super users come in. Your training leads will become your go-to internal resources on the software. This sets up your team for success because they will be able to help onboard new employees and users on the software as needed. In addition, your software provider should be able to help onboard any new users as well. Training is a great way to get your employees involved and engaged before the official launch of the software to help with internal promotion and adoption of the software.

                        Now you’re ready for launch! It’s time to push the new appointment booking system live and promote it externally to your customers.

                        Learn more: If you’re looking for some tips on promoting your appointment scheduling solution, then be sure to check out our industry-specific guides:

                        These four implementation steps will have you on an immediate path to success with your appointments strategy. As customers and employees start to use your new appointment scheduling software, you’ll be well on your way to improving their experiences and increasing customer loyalty.

                        If you’re currently looking into appointment scheduling software, and want to learn more about our solution and implementation process, we would love to connect! JRNI has extensive experience delivering scalable, enterprise scheduling solutions to a wide variety of companies globally, and we are here to help you. Schedule a time to speak with an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        Holiday shopping season 2021 https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-shopping-season-2021 Tue, 21 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-shopping-season-2021

                        The upcoming holiday shopping season is poised to be another season unlike any other. As more consumers become increasingly cautious with the recent surge in the Delta variant, there is a lot to consider in preparation for the upcoming holiday season. While uncertainty lingers, there is a sense of familiarity from last year.

                        The good news for retailers? According to recent research, there will be a strong shopping season ahead. In fact, 66% of consumers in the UK and 64% of consumers in the US say this holiday season will be more important and emotional than prior years, and plan to spend more to make it special. Recent projections from Deloitte also show that holiday retail sales could grow up to 9% over last year.

                        To get their holiday shopping done safely and conveniently, many consumers are continuing to pursue, and expect, shopping services like buy-online-pick-up in store (BOPIS), curbside pickup, virtual consultations, and more. For retailers, this means meeting consumers where they want to shop and giving them options for how they want to shop.

                        Here are some recent holiday shopping season trends and strategies to navigate another atypical season:

                        The next surge in online shopping

                        According to research by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), COVID-19 was the reason 58% of consumers shopped online instead of in-store during the holiday season in 2020. In fact, in the past year it’s estimated that more than 150 million new shoppers migrated online.

                        Deloitte recently projected that online shopping sales could increase by 11% to 15% year over year this holiday season - so a comprehensive plan for eCommerce is a must. Here are some ideas on how to engage your shoppers online to drive eCommerce sales:

                        • Build a team of online digital consultants who can share more detailed product information, answer shopper questions, and provide additional recommendations

                        • Provide an easy way for customers pre-book virtual video visits where store associates can share gift ideas and direct customers to purchase directly online

                        • Provide curbside and in-store options for same-day pickup

                        Consumers are researching online first

                        The line between digital and physical channels is blending, and one key example of this in retail is how many consumers are doing research on products online before making a purchase in-store.

                        In fact, The 2021 Future Stores Holiday Report says that 46% of retailers believe consumers are currently searching for more information online before shopping in-store.

                        Consumers have become a lot more conscious about their spending habits during the pandemic, and thorough research has become a way for them to ensure they are making the right product purchases. They also want to make their in-store experience as productive as possible. This holiday season, retailers should evaluate the cohesiveness of their experiences across digital and physical channels to address this growing trend.

                        In-store considerations: Increased staffing and safety measures

                        When opting for in-store shopping, consumers will likely take advantage of slower shopping days during the week to avoid crowded stores. With more people working remotely, many shoppers have more time to get to the store during the week to complete their holiday shopping.

                        Keeping up with peak times this holiday season will be difficult for many retailers. In fact, 55% of retailers say matching labor schedules to in-store customer demand is one of their biggest workforce management challenges. Reviewing employee capacity data regularly can help ensure operational efficiency during the holiday season. Additionally, finding ways to effectively engage your employees through additional perks, flexible hybrid work models, and more will help you retain top talent.

                        In addition to staffing considerations for physical locations, retailers are also heightening their safety protocols to give customers peace of mind when shopping in-store. To help consumers feel more comfortable, 72% of retailers are considering maintaining in-store safety, security, and sanitation measures, and many plan to continue implementing technologies and alternative shopping solutions for all shopping experiences. Here are some ways retailers can offer safer shopping environments:

                        • Offer more in-store contactless payment options to ensure a smooth checkout process and eliminate lines

                        • Consider using pre-booked appointments in-store to help proactively manage capacity and reduce crowding

                        • Set up your checkout areas in a way that makes it easy for shoppers to social distance

                        • Clearly communicate safety measurements and restrictions, such as mask requirements

                        Personalized, omnichannel offerings to meet consumer needs

                        Omnichannel retail strategies were prevalent in the 2020 holiday shopping season and show no signs of slowing down. While omnichannel has proven to be a challenge for many retailers over the past two holiday seasons (52% of retailers cited this being a top challenge both years), finding the right technologies to create a robust omnichannel strategy will be key to meeting consumer demand.

                        Even after this holiday season, shoppers will be increasingly channel-agnostic, searching for the most convenient, affordable, and frictionless ways to make purchases instead of favoring one channel over the other.

                        One way retailers are finding success to implement the omnichannel offerings consumers want this season? With in-store and virtual video appointments! Appointments allow retailers to provide a more personalized shopping experience to take place throughout the holiday season that customers crave.

                        In fact, 66% of retailers say they will use an appointment scheduling or booking platform to manage in-store customer experiences this year, and 48% of retailers claim their in-store customers will most likely shop in their physical stores via pre-arranged appointments only this season.

                        This holiday season, appointment scheduling can help retailers:

                        • Minimize crowds and reduce long lines in-store

                        • Provide a safer way to shop and allow for more flexibility and convenience

                        • Increase transaction volumes with optimal upsell and cross-sell opportunities

                        All in all, consumers are looking for safe, personalized, and convenient shopping experiences. Even with another non-traditional season, retailers have ample opportunities to exceed customer expectations. Planning ahead, being adaptable, and honing in on key performance data will be fundamental to “sleigh” this season.

                        Want to learn more about how to prepare for the upcoming holiday season? Then be sure to download The 2021 Future Stores Holiday Report to help you get ahead of retail trends this year!

                        The journey to long-term success https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-journey-to-long-term-success Thu, 16 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-journey-to-long-term-success

                        Over the past 18+ months, we’ve all had to adapt to a new way of living. We’ve found new ways to work, new ways to celebrate, and new ways to connect with each other. One thing that’s been on everyone’s mind is what will life start to look like post-pandemic. Just a few months ago, we got a taste of that as more and more businesses began to reopen and restrictions started to ease.

                        We started to picture what our lives back out in the world would be like and began to embrace the idea of what our new normal would be. And as meticulously as we planned what our new day-to-day might look like, the Delta variant had other plans. Return to office dates have been delayed. Restrictions have been reinstated. Safety has once again become top of mind.

                        Recent studies confirm that consumers’ comfort levels are dropping again. The number of people who said they had resumed pre-COVID behaviors fell from 39% in July to 27% in August. Additionally, nearly half say they expect a full reopening to be delayed until 2022 or later, up from 23% in July and from 18% in June. And this, for now, is our “new normal”. With all the uncertainty over the past several months, one thing is certain: there is no “business as usual” anymore.

                        The recent surge in the Delta variant has truly shown us that something like this can and likely will happen again. From a business perspective, it’s not about getting through this time - it’s about being infinitely adaptable. It’s about taking a proactive approach to ensure your business remains agile, resilient, and competitive - no matter what.

                        In an ever-changing world, this means putting the safety and happiness of your customers first. It’s about providing options and availability to accommodate their needs. It’s about giving them peace of mind as their go-to brand or bank. That’s why it’s never been more important to recognize how impactful technology can be in enhancing the customer experience. Rather than being a replacement for human-to-human connection, technology can help your teams build stronger customer relationships and personalize at scale.

                        Here are three ways you can set your business apart and build a strategy for long-term success:

                        One-to-one personalization: Appointments

                        One-to-one appointments are extremely effective in giving consumers the human-to-human connection and personalization they crave. In fact, customers have rated personalization as the number one driver for customer loyalty. Even though appointments were a key strategy for consumer-facing businesses prior to the pandemic, many have recently turned to appointment scheduling as a way to keep their customers safe and to provide human-to-human experiences. Through virtual video appointments and in-person appointments, you can provide customers the options they want to safely do business with you.

                        Virtual video appointments

                        Did you know? Globally, consumers are now using video calls to communicate with businesses and service providers 67% more than one year ago (Vonage 2021). This increase in video calls demonstrates how much consumer behavior has changed, and how many have adapted to new ways of doing business. Remote video appointments provide businesses a way to connect with their customers on a personal level, without the health risks. This has become increasingly important again with the Delta variant, as many people are choosing to do business virtually to reduce risk.

                        After the pandemic, many consumers will continue to expect the convenience and safety of virtual appointments. It has empowered them to meet when and where they want to, and has allowed many businesses to expand hours and reach a wider customer base than before. In addition, virtual appointments are extremely efficient. In fact, one top 10 bank in the US has reduced their appointment length by half using virtual appointments. This means customers are getting the same great service while getting valuable time back in their days. From virtual shopping consultations to video banking, video appointments are playing a key role in increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty in the retail and banking sectors.

                        In-person appointments

                        As many people have adapted to a virtual way of life, there are many people who still prefer in-person interactions. In fact, 73% prefer having in-person interactions with experts when receiving financial advice and 48% of respondents said they prefer to shop in-person at a physical store when given the choice. This is where in-person appointments come in and can help serve your customers who want that experience. By implementing in-person appointments, whether at your store or your local branch, you’ll also be able to better manage customer flow and ensure social distancing.

                        Pre-arranged time slots eliminate the need for your customers to queue either in your store or branch, or outside if capacity is limited. It ensures they can meet with one of your employees at a time that works best for them and avoid waiting in line.

                        No more physical lines: Virtual queuing

                        Speaking of lines… crowd management and a healthy flow of traffic into your branches and stores is pivotal right now. People want to be able to maintain a safe distance from other customers when in your stores or branches. A virtual queuing solution helps with social distancing when your customers need to wait to be seen by an employee. Customers can wait in line without actually being in line, which doesn’t only help with social distancing, it’s a much more pleasant experience. Whether helping with lobby management at your bank or peak times at your store, virtual queuing can provide peace of mind and alleviate frustrations for both your employees and customers.

                        Plus, if customers aren’t quite ready to be seen, they can adjust their spot in the queue without issue. With estimated wait times and notifications, the waiting experience is vastly improved with a virtual queuing solution.

                        This will remain an important way to improve the customer experience, especially as more people venture back out to brick-and-mortar locations. No one wants to wait in a physical line - and virtual queuing will ensure your customers never have to again.

                        Increased engagement: Events

                        One strategy businesses have turned to throughout the pandemic is virtual events. By providing different types of virtual events, you can easily keep your customers engaged through innovative, interactive experiences. Whether you’re showcasing a new product line or hosting a financial well-being workshop, you can offer entertaining, value-driven events to keep your customers engaged - all while they remain safe in the comfort of their homes.

                        In addition, you can also provide in-person events to increase engagement. Right now, it might mean limiting the number of people who can attend, but still will provide the in-person experiences some of your customers are looking for.

                        Regardless of whether you’re looking to engage customers virtually or in-person, events are a great way to build excitement and provide one-of-a-kind experiences in a group setting.

                        Since the onset of the pandemic, JRNI has been committed to helping organizations build business continuity and long-term success by offering solutions that provide their customers frictionless, safe, and personalized experiences.

                        If you’re looking to implement appointments, virtual queuing, events, or all the above to increase customer loyalty and drive revenue growth, we can help you! If you’re interested in learning more, then sign up to speak with one of our experts.

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        Prep the halls: 2021 holiday shopping season trends and tips https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-5-2021-holiday-shopping-season Tue, 14 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-5-2021-holiday-shopping-season

                        Subscribe: Apple | Spotify

                        Will this holiday season leave retailers with the gifts they desire, or lumps of coal? As consumers look to engage with their favorite brands across all channels this upcoming holiday season, retailers will need to find ways to bridge the gap between in-person and online to provide seamless experiences.

                        In this episode of The Experience Evolution, John Federman, CEO, and Adam Percival, National Sales Leader at luxury menswear retailer, Harry Rosen, break down the recent holiday shopping trends they believe will impact the upcoming season, and provide tips to find success.

                        Episode 5 of The Experience Evolution podcast with John Federman and Adam Percival. Key takeaways: Appointments can eliminate lines and provide a safe shopping environment this holiday season; With the anticipated surge in online shopping during the holidays, retailers are ramping up their digital offerings; Consumers are looking for safe, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences

                        Key takeaways:

                        • Appointments can eliminate lines and provide a safe shopping environment this holiday season

                        • With the anticipated surge in online shopping during the holidays, retailers are ramping up their digital offerings

                        • Consumers are looking for safe, convenient, and seamless shopping experiences

                        Safety remains a top priority in the 2021 holiday shopping season

                        One behavioral carry-over from last year is people’s need to engage on a personal and safe level, Federman said. “They want to celebrate the holidays, but they want to do so safely. What’s different from last year is everyone feels a little like a veteran. They feel they know the ways to comfortably and safely get accomplished what they need to get accomplished.”

                        What’s also different this year is that the responsibility of implementing regulations and creating a safe space has fallen into the hands of brands. Retailers who want to succeed will need to consider how to create safer shopping environments.

                        “What we're finding is that it's not just a responsibility that we all have personally, but it becomes a brand responsibility and that's what's so interesting in this year versus last year,” Federman said.

                        The need for a cohesive omnichannel retail strategy

                        From Harry Rosen’s perspective, Percival said they’d worked hard to develop new strategies for creating a unique shopping experience during the pandemic, and this will be critical during the holiday season as well.

                        “We see the trend of online shopping continue. Consumers want to shop when and where it’s convenient to them. I do see the appointment business continue to be very strong. People want to shop either at home, or in their office, or online. For us, it’s going to be about these personalized, or private, appointments for customers,” Percival said.

                        With the online shopping surge last year during the holiday season, Harry Rosen has ramped up their digital offerings in preparation, and is working hard to ensure a seamless blend of highly personalized experiences both in-store and online.

                        “We really accelerated a lot of our online strategies. A very important strategy that developed over the last year for us, for instance, was creating a team of online digital sellers where they're engaging with customers that are just shopping online,” Percival said. “They may not have even been to our store before. They may be in a market where they can't access a Harry Rosen store yet, but they're still getting that personalized outreach. They have contact with a professional that understands what they’re looking for.”

                        Federman stressed that the holiday shopping landscape isn’t one format over another. A customer’s journey may start online, but it can, and often ends with someone shopping in a physical store. What this means is that consumers are looking for an efficient in-store shopping experience, and appointments can help provide that experience.

                        “People want to make the time spent in the physical as focused and as ultimately productive as it can be,” Federman said. “They're assuring through appointments that when a consumer walks in the door, there's an associate ready to give them undivided attention. What that means is that the associate isn't getting pulled into other questions or concerns from other consumers. They're focused to make sure that the brand experience is singular from online to physical.”

                        The importance of business continuity this holiday shopping season and beyond

                        With the Delta variant continuing to push retailers to think of new ways to adapt, Federman said it’s a lesson that something like this could happen again, which is why retailers need to focus on business continuity this holiday shopping season and beyond.

                        “The question isn't how do I get through it this time? The question is, how do I set my business up so it has continuity? The only constant is change and the differentiation between those that win and those that struggle is how adaptable you can be as the consumers themselves have demonstrated they're infinitely adaptable. And they will make their choices based upon what's right for them, their families, and their safety,” Federman said.

                        Subscribe to The Experience Evolution today!

                        Want to be updated when our next podcast episode is available? Then be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify! You can download the episodes and listen at your convenience. Additionally, you can find all future podcast episodes on our podcast page. If you are looking to provide better customer experiences through appointment scheduling, then sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                        9 benefits of appointment scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/benefits-of-appointment-scheduling-software Thu, 09 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/benefits-of-appointment-scheduling-software

                        Appointment scheduling was a monumental part of many businesses’ strategies long before the pandemic. With numerous benefits from increased revenue and loyalty to improved operational efficiency, appointments have been a key component across industries and use cases for years.

                        From a business perspective, the pandemic positioned appointments to be even more critical - as a way to ensure safety and build trust. Pair that with the convenience, the one-to-one attention, and the personalization that consumers love - appointments are certainly a winning strategy for improving customer experiences. As businesses adapt to keep up with consumer expectations on great experiences, many have turned to appointment scheduling software as a way to meet demand.

                        How appointment scheduling software can impact your business

                        Whether you’re looking into appointment scheduling software for the first time, currently using a manual method, or are looking for a better way to accommodate your customers’ requests - online appointment scheduling software can have a major positive impact on your business outcomes.

                        If you’re wondering how an online appointment scheduling solution can help you and not sure where to start making a business case for appointments, this post is for you! We’ll examine the top benefits of appointment scheduling software and how these benefits quickly outweigh the upfront investment.

                        1. Appointment scheduling software empowers both your customers and employees

                        Since appointment booking software easily allows customers to schedule and update appointments via web-based systems, they have access to book appointments 24 hours per day, seven days a week. This gives your customers full control of the appointment booking process, allowing them to meet at a time and place that works best for them.

                        In addition to saving employees the headache and time spent booking, rescheduling, and canceling appointments, appointment scheduling software also provides employees in-depth customer details. Employees will have all the information they need at their fingertips to properly prepare for each upcoming appointment. This allows your employees to understand their customers’ unique preferences, and gives them ample opportunity to build stronger relationships.

                        Since scheduled customers do more research upfront and tend to spend more on products and services, your employees are more likely to close the deal and enjoy their interactions with customers. Whether helping someone feel great about their wedding dress purchase or giving their customers financial peace of mind, employees will feel empowered in their customer interactions.

                        2. Provide a seamless customer journey with online appointment scheduling

                        Customer experience today must be viewed broadly. It’s not just what happens in-store, online, on mobile platforms, or on social media, but is the total sum of the experiences customers have across all touchpoints.

                        With in-person and remote appointments, there are plentiful opportunities for your brand or financial institution to exceed customer expectations. These appointment modes also give your customers an easy way to interact with you on their terms - whenever, wherever it’s convenient. With this seamless blend of online and offline channels, your customers can schedule appointments as they please and get the one-to-one, tailored experiences they crave.

                        3. Appointments increase revenue and conversions

                        Many companies see immediate results of increased conversions and revenue shortly after implementing appointment scheduling software. Because customers are looking for human interaction, even as technology improves, appointments provide the attentiveness and responsiveness they want. This also lays the foundation for employees to build deeper, more consultative relationships that result in higher transactions.

                        Just imagine the upsell and cross-sell opportunities for your employees when they have the insight to purchase history, previous conversations, and more. Whether you’re a retailer who offers personal shopping appointments or a bank offering mortgage appointments, the stats speak for themselves!

                        • Customers who pre-book appointments spend 7 - 8X more than walk-ins (Forrester Consulting)

                        • Customers are 110% more likely to add items to their baskets, and spend 40% more than planned when a shopping experience is highly personalized (Boston Consulting Group)

                        • 64% of customers will invest more in a service after an in-person interaction (PwC)

                        • 90% of financial institutions using online appointment solutions saw new accounts opened and new balances gained (The Financial Brand)

                        Learn more about the ROI of appointment scheduling by downloading our eBook:

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        4. Appointments increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

                        Loyalty comes down to customer satisfaction. Happy customers are not only going to keep coming back to do business with you, they are going to spread the good word to their friends, families, and across their social media. Since appointments build customer experiences based on individual needs and preferences, your employees can connect with customers in a way that is personalized and memorable.

                        What this does is it makes your customers feel like they’re doing business with a company who knows them as an individual, and can offer an experience as unique as they are. It also shows your customers that you care about them, that you care about their needs and preferences. And by offering an experience this compelling through in-person and remote appointments, you will be the brand or bank your customers remember.

                        Appointment scheduling software sets you up to provide experiences so personalized and so exceptional that you will win your customers’ loyalty.

                        5. Appointment scheduling software improves operational efficiency

                        Your business operates across multiple locations, multiple employees, and multiple time zones. Imagine trying to manage appointments manually across your entire organization (if you are, you deserve a very long vacation)! With an online appointment booking system, you can scale your appointments strategy to suit your business needs. This means your employees will spend less time manually managing appointments, appointments will automatically sync to their calendars, and customers can easily schedule, reschedule, and cancel appointments as needed. This automated scheduling is a win-win for your customers and employees!

                        You’ll also always have a pulse on employee capacity to ensure operational efficiency. Since employee downtime is a major cost driver for service-based businesses, having a steady stream of appointments will ensure your employees are focused on what they’re best at: serving your customers.

                        Plus, the top enterprise appointment scheduling platforms ensure you have access to robust analytics data so you can make more informed decisions to continuously improve business outcomes.

                        6. Appointment scheduling software increases employee productivity

                        Since appointment scheduling software allows customers to book appointments with the right employees at the right time, it saves employees a tremendous amount of time.

                        It eliminates the back and forth of trying to schedule and reschedule customer appointments. They can then spend this time focused on more important tasks, as well as have more time to better prepare for their upcoming appointments and serve customers more effectively.

                        Additionally, appointment scheduling makes it possible for employees to know exactly who they will be helping in a given shift. This helps them better manage their time and days, allowing them to be as productive as possible.

                        7. Online appointment scheduling reduces no-shows and cancellations

                        Online booking software doesn’t only improve the customer experience, it also helps reduce no-shows and cancellations. Why’s that? Because customers can easily manage the scheduling process on their own to reschedule or cancel if needed. In addition, an appointment scheduling system sends out automated appointment reminders. By sending out an automated reminder, there will be a clear path of communication between you and your customer, which is crucial in minimizing cancellations and missed appointments.

                        8. Gather important customer information to build deeper relationships

                        The collective data that companies can glean from an online scheduling platform allows them to gather deeper customer insights and continuously provide exceptional customer experiences. Before an appointment, you can collect information that will help deliver better service, or ensure a meeting with an employee with specific skills.

                        After an appointment, employees can add additional notes and track business outcomes. As a result, businesses can use this information to continuously build and strengthen their customer relationships. Not only are you gathering more information from appointments, you are gathering the information that helps you truly personalize experiences and connect with your customers in new ways.

                        9. Meet and exceed customer expectations

                        Last, but certainly not least - we’ve seen a lot of changes in consumer behavior since the pandemic, and consumers, more than ever, want convenience, experiences, and human-to-human connection.

                        If you have an online scheduling software solution in place, customers know that you care about their wants, needs, and desire for more personalized interactions. It shows that your business takes their unique needs seriously. It means you’re giving them control of their own experience with you - allowing them to schedule an appointment to get the expert guidance they want. You’re empowering your current and future customers to do business with you on their terms. In the ever-competitive experience economy, that goes a long way.

                        Transform your business with JRNI's appointment scheduling solution

                        In today’s world, where customers not only expect omnichannel experiences, but also unique, personalized experiences, appointments have become an imperative strategy to transform the way businesses connect with their customers. If you want to learn more about enterprise appointment scheduling software, and how it’s enabling top retailers and financial institutions to deliver exceptional experiences at scale, check out the eBook: “A complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling”.

                        The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Download the guide now!
                        Mobile retail solutions makes for better customer experiences https://www.jrni.com/blog/mad-mobile-and-jrni Tue, 07 Sep 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/mad-mobile-and-jrni

                        A customer walks into a retail clothing store and is approached by a sales associate, who welcomes them with a smile and a greeting.

                        The associate knows exactly what the guest is looking for, how much they want to buy, what their likes and dislikes are, their sizes, their favorite colors, etc.

                        It’s impossible for a sales associate to know that, even if the customer is a regular. A guest’s preferences change.

                        However, through the Mad Mobile platform, an associate can know everything there is to know about a guest, with a 360-degree customer profile that guides vendors in providing more personal and informed customer service.

                        The customer’s journey begins at home, where they can set appointments with a sales associate, search for their products, purchase products, and then choose their delivery method either in-store pickup or sent to the home.

                        Even online, the sales associate is there to guide the customer into the right size, combination of colors, or whatever the guest would ask, just as if they were in the store. This is also an opportunity for the associate to boost customer satisfaction, upsell an order, and generate the best customer experience possible.

                        JRNI is an appointment solution that is enhanced by the Mad Mobile platform technology, which provides a more complete 360-degree customer profile. Being mobile is no longer an app on a phone. In 2021, mobility is all about speed of information to your sales staff on the floor to provide the best customer experience possible.

                        Mobile technology empowers associates

                        By using in-store mobile point of sale technology, a retailer can give detailed customer and product information store associates need at a glance — so that every one-on-one appointment drives revenue and customer loyalty.

                        A personal touch by a sales associate goes a long way in the minds of a customer. Through a mobile device, an associate has the ability to send personalized texts or emails to the guest online.

                        This allows the associate to:

                        • Sell more easily with endless aisles and buy online, pick up in-store options
                        • Convert more customers by providing customer-specific product recommendations
                        • Grow revenue with more customers and more sales
                        • Drive customer loyalty by building personal relationships
                        • Increase efficiency and productivity

                        “We can start the process online with the customer shopping with coffee from their own bed,” says Megan Johnson, District Manager, Signet Jewelers. “It can become a virtual appointment, they can consult a team member in the store, we can have a full presentation where they get all the bells and whistles that we offer within the location.”

                        When the guest books an appointment with an associate to shop in the store, the clienteling technology continues in a personal matter.

                        Associates can have items prepared, displayed, and ready for the customer to view when they come into the store. This allows for more interaction, advice, and synergy making for the ultimate customer experience.

                        There was a demand for appointment-setting capabilities from current high-end brands. The result has been an experience that shoppers love.

                        Much of the demand was born from the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 as retailers needed to find a way to survive when brick-and-mortar stores were closed. Achieving mobility gives retailers that omnichannel power to ease COVID restraints and grant easy access for virtual appointments at home.

                        Moving forward

                        Customers want a seamless experience, and the demand for retailers to scale out omnichannel experiences that bridge the gap between eCommerce and in-store purchases is clear. Last year began a major shift to online buying, curbside pickup, and eCommerce.

                        Data shows that 80% of the revenue for retailers still comes from in-store purchases. However, the journey started further away in a digital world.

                        Technologies that retail employees can use in the store are the future. Connecting a buyer's journey from a simple keyword search online to a welcoming face in-store is how you get a smile from your customer after their purchase - and everyone appreciates a happy customer.

                        How digital performance impacts the customer experience in financial services https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-digital-performance-impacts-the-customer-experience Tue, 31 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-digital-performance-impacts-the-customer-experience

                        At the recent FDS / CXFS Connect Virtual Event, Nick Barnes, Practice Director of Financial Services, Jennifer Mathissen, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Santander Bank, and Lauren Kessler, Customer Experience Strategy at PenFed Credit Union, spoke on the panel “How Digital Performance Impacts the Customer Experience”.

                        During the session, they discussed the importance of using data to continuously improve experiences for both online and in-person banking as well as what key metrics are most important to do this. Additionally, they spoke about the surge in digital banking during the pandemic, and what impact this had on the industry.

                        Here are some of the top takeaways about how to use data to positively impact the customer experience and improve business performance:

                        Increased focus on digital banking to meet evolving customer needs

                        The acceleration of digital transformation during the pandemic presented both challenges and opportunities for the panel. From Barnes' perspective, he said that the additional digital options driven by technology gave customers and members more options than ever before, increasing their expectations for seamless omnichannel experiences.

                        “We’ve seen customers empowered by choice - we heard that loud and clear. And as a result of the pandemic, there were other priorities that came through, such as safety and peace of mind when it came to [banking] interactions. It also solidified that desire for choice across all omnichannel experiences and that choice is here to stay.”

                        Nick Barnes, Practice Director of Financial Services

                        In addition to providing options to meet the demand that many customers and members now have, Barnes mentioned the importance of human-to-human connection in banking.

                        “With this need for human interaction, which is more important than ever, customer experiences are being driven by tech but powered by humans,” Barnes said.

                        When banking experiences are personalized with a human element, Barnes said financial institutions are seeing the benefits of increased account openings, stronger customer relationships, enhanced experiences, and improved customer loyalty.

                        At Santander, Mathissen said they saw a huge shift to digital banking, as many others did out of necessity during the pandemic. With a strong branch presence and a customer base who often relied on going into physical locations, Mathissen said it was a tough transition at first for both employees and customers.

                        “Culturally we have been very successful at building a very warm and welcoming branch experience, and so our clientele is maybe a little bit more reliant on that than some other banks,” Mathissen said. “But we’ve seen signs of fantastic adaptability and resilience.”

                        With customers adopting more digital channels, Mathissen said that they are really focused on their mobile banking app, which has seen rapid growth over the past year, and remote banking options to meet new demand and a wider customer base.

                        “We’re really interested in remote banking and advisory, and I think there's an opportunity for banks and other financial institutions to unlock customer segments that otherwise might not have had a relationship with us,” Mathissen said.

                        Kessler said that the pandemic presented PenFed with the opportunity to shine light on where they could make improvements.

                        “The pandemic really created a digital transformation acceleration by 10 years in a matter of months. It did the same thing for PenFed,” Kessler said. “It really pushed a lot of the aspects of our online banking experience and shined a spotlight on that for us internally. The past year, a lot of my focus has been on driving digital adoption, trying to reduce call volumes, etc., but within that there’s a wonderful body of knowledge that you can also find in seeing what people are struggling with on your platforms.”

                        Harness the power of data to continuously improve

                        By embracing data across the entire customer journey, banks and credit unions can focus on improving the customer and employee experience while simultaneously improving business outcomes.

                        Barnes said that by looking at ways to improve efficiency and by creating highly personalized experiences, there are several business benefits. From improved customer acquisition and higher customer lifetime value (CLV) to reduced operational costs and lower risk, measuring the right data translates into more informed decision making.

                        Kessler said she likes to measure everything, then hone in on data points along the journey to better understand each unique journey and make improvements.

                        “I’m a big fan of data - so I always say measure everything. What I think the pandemic really helped accelerate was paying attention to the entire journey. And being able to say, okay, within that journey, there's going to be different segments that are going to come out. How can we better understand them?”

                        Lauren Kessler, Customer Experience Strategy at PenFed Credit Union

                        At Santander Bank, Mathissen said they collect a lot of information during various customer interactions - from the profile data they collect at their branches to observed engagement data. They also measure experience data, which they use to identify areas for improvement.

                        ”Experience data helps us really understand what kinds of interactions drive customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. It helps us prioritize where we need to make changes,” Mathissen said.

                        Track the data that matters most to improving the customer experience

                        There is a wealth of data that banks and credit unions can track. From marketing campaigns to digital product offerings, the omnichannel banking world creates several touchpoints to consider. The panelists spoke about what key performance indicators (KPIs) they consider most important to measure for enhancing customer relationships.

                        As many banks and credit unions focus on how they can better personalize their experiences, Barnes said that there is an interesting new movement that focuses on measuring return on experience (ROE) versus return on investment (ROI). This focus is to ensure customer experience is a prominent aspect to everything banks track.

                        “Those data points you would normally track and measure to make proactive decisions, but taking a look at the experience itself, what your financial institution is providing. What are you looking at? Time to market, customer satisfaction, acquisition costs, how costly is it for you to gain customers, etc.,” Barnes said. “Measuring those data points continuously allows you to see where you can improve upon the experience you offer.”

                        Mathissen said there are quite a few KPIs that can help make impacts to the overall experience - especially now from a digital perspective.

                        “I think continuing to look at the percentage of your clients who are digitally engaged and recognizing that definition shifts over time and becomes more stringent. Increasingly, we’re really going to focus on the percentage of our new accounts that are opened online versus in the branch.”

                        Jennifer Mathissen, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer at Santander Bank

                        The KPIs you track should be based on what you’re trying to accomplish with your digital transformation strategy, Kessler said. It’s about pinpointing the areas where you can improve the member relationship and increase engagement.

                        ”Something we recently started measuring - and I think it's a really good thing to measure - is from analog to digital, how many applications start on analog or digital and then where do they end?” Kessler said. “Seeing how many people start an application or start a task of making a payment, etc. on a digital channel and then end up having to complete that task in an analog channel. That’s a really good KPI to look at to get your finger on the pulse of ‘Are we meeting our customers where they need to be?’”

                        With the only constant being change, financial institutions have a lot they can gather from their data along the customer journey. All three panelists said they are looking forward to what the future holds for the industry and how data will continue to play a key role to their strategies. To learn more about what Barnes, Kessler, and Mathissen shared during their panel discussion, you can watch the full video:

                        Best ways to increase credit union member engagement https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-credit-union-member-engagement Thu, 26 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-credit-union-member-engagement

                        Increasing member engagement is no easy feat. With hyper-personalization across so many people’s day-to-day experiences, whether it’s Netflix’s personalized show recommendations or Amazon’s curated homepage of product suggestions based on purchase history, the bar has been set high for credit unions as they seek to offer great, personalized experiences. The truth is, people are starting to expect these types of experiences across every industry and every business. Add in the acceleration of digital transformation, and you’ve got an endless list to consider if you want to keep up with member expectations.

                        What can you do to increase member engagement? Since engagement is about taking a proactive approach, credit unions should look for ways to build meaningful connections with members and to continuously improve upon the experiences they provide.

                        To get started with a credit union member engagement strategy, we’re sharing ways you can measure and increase engagement to drive member loyalty and member retention:

                        Indicators to measure and increase member engagement

                        There are a variety of ways to measure and increase engagement, and could be dependent on your product and service offerings. Overall, it’s best to look at metrics that show how active your members are, how many products they have with you, and how many referrals you receive. Some metrics to measure include:

                        • What percentage of members have an active checking account?

                        • What percentage of members have an active savings account?

                        • How many members have mortgages?

                        • How many members have lines of credit or loans?

                        • What percentage of members have at least two products? More than two products?

                        • How many new member referrals do you receive?

                        • How many members have an active online account?

                        • How many members engage with your emails?

                        • How many members follow you on social media?

                        • What percentage of members take your feedback surveys?

                        This is a general, high-level list to consider, but all of these key metrics can make up an overall key performance indicator (KPI) that your team uses to regularly track engagement. Some of these metrics might be more important to your credit union than others, so be sure to measure what matters most for your team.

                        Creating a strategy to increase member engagement

                        People choose credit unions because the member benefits typically include access to more customized products, higher interest rates on savings accounts, lower borrowing costs, and reduced fees. There are several other reasons why people choose credit unions, such as a commitment to their community, but what matters most is continuously showing members why they chose your credit union in the first place. And this is why building an effective member engagement strategy matters.

                        According to the Credit Union Innovation Index, 21.9% of members would consider switching to more innovative financial institutions. As members look for more ways to engage with their credit unions, it’s important to adapt, meet new demand, and provide the best experiences possible. Here are some best practices on how to increase member engagement:

                        Transparency and clear communication

                        Clearly communicating in every aspect of your business is vital to ensure more engaged members. Transparency plays a huge role in this as well. As mentioned, many members choose credit unions for the low fees, high-interest saving accounts, low interest rates, and how involved they are in helping their local communities. So be sure to always be upfront and clear about your rates, your product offerings, what you’re doing in the community, and what you’re doing to make members' lives easier.

                        There is a variety of ways to communicate with your members, so make sure to keep them updated across it all:

                        • On your website

                        • On your social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

                        • Through email

                        • Through one-to-one outreach from your employees

                        • During one-to-one appointments

                        • Through targeted, direct mailings

                        And more… If there’s something changing or something your members need to know, don’t wait to communicate! There’s nothing more important when it comes to building trust, creating deeper relationships, and increasing engagement than being transparent and having open communication with your members.

                        Holistic strategy to improve the member and employee experience

                        There are several ways to improve the member experience. Sometimes the smallest things can have the largest impact. But one of the most critical aspects that sometimes credit unions forget about is just how connected the member experience and employee experience are.

                        By improving the employee experience, you will also increase employee engagement. This means creating a work culture where employees are passionate about their work - where they take pride in helping your members find financial peace of mind.

                        Engaged employees are more likely to reach out to check in on members and be sure your credit union’s services are meeting their needs. They are more likely to recommend additional products and services that can help your members. They are more likely to be empathetic in their interactions with members. This increased engagement translates to happier, more loyal members, which is why having synergy between the employee and member experience is key.

                        Enable hybrid banking

                        There’s no doubt about it - today’s members are looking for easy, seamless, and convenient banking experiences. Giving members a way to choose how they interact with you also shows that you are empathetic to their needs. By meeting each member’s unique needs through a variety of banking channels, your credit union can ensure you are doing what you set out to do: helping guide members to a better financial future.

                        The goal is to provide the right interaction option at the right time. This could be a chatbot, this could be an in-person appointment, this could be a self-serve digital banking experience, this could be connecting with an employee virtually through a remote video appointment - whatever the channel, members have a variety of needs and want to bank on their terms. By enabling these interactions through technology, your credit union can be there when your members need you most.

                        Want to learn more about enabling hybrid banking at your credit union? Download the eBook, “The rise of hybrid banking” to learn more about how you can provide the hybrid banking experiences your members want.

                        The rise of hybrid banking: Enabling hybrid banking experiences to meet new customer and member demand.

                        Conduct regular member surveys and create an advisory group for feedback

                        A consistent touchpoint is to send out regular surveys to gather member feedback. Taking this feedback and finding quick ways to make improvements, as well as making more long-term strategies, will show your members you truly care.

                        This is also a great way to gather more in-depth feedback from particular members. You can reach out to current members who provide useful feedback and ask for a one-to-one time to gather additional insight on how to improve. What’s more, you could create a member advisory group that meets in a regular cadence to gather consistent feedback from your most engaged members.

                        An important thing to remember is that almost every business your members are interacting with are asking for feedback too - after every service they receive, after every interaction with a customer service representative, after every event they attend - so make it personal, and be transparent about the changes you’re implementing that have come directly from member feedback so they know it’s a valuable use of their time.

                        Drive personalization through data

                        A recent report from BAI Banking Outlook shows that two thirds of financial services organizations “sometimes” or “infrequently” use customer data. Member engagement is personal, and data empowers you to create unique member journeys. In fact, there’s no better way to proactively engage members than to personalize their experiences at every point in their journey.

                        A data-driven approach to membership engagement ensures you are sending the right message at the right time, and making your members feel heard and cared for. By leveraging the power of data, your organization can continue to adapt their strategies across digital and physical touchpoints, providing the hybrid, personalized experiences members are looking for.

                        In the end, member engagement matters because it leads to long-term member loyalty, and can bring in new members through referrals. Additionally, it gives you multiple opportunities to continue to improve your engagement tactics and stay true to your mission of empowering your members and improving your community.

                        Want to learn more about improving the member experience and increasing engagement? Check out these resources:

                        At JRNI, we help credit unions drive engagement while delivering exceptional service. JRNI helps schedule and manage in-person and virtual appointments that provide personalized, one-of-a-kind experiences. Learn more about JRNI for Credit Unions here. Additionally, watch the video below to learn how Visions Federal Credit Union quickly surpassed their appointment booking goal after implementing JRNI as a way to improve their member experiences:

                        How to create an omnichannel retail strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-create-an-omnichannel-retail-strategy Tue, 24 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-create-an-omnichannel-retail-strategy

                        In any given year, an estimated 2.14 billion people worldwide shop online. Moreover, one of the four biggest companies in the world (worth over a trillion dollars) is an online retail store - Amazon. This goes to show just how far online shopping and omnichannel retailing have come.

                        There was a time when retail was all about brick-and-mortar stores. During this period, the kind of customer experience offered within the stores, coupled with affordable prices, kept retailers in business.

                        Today, however, the customer experience is influenced by a variety of interactions - both physical and digital touchpoints. Things like, how quickly can a retailer respond to tweets or address issues raised on any of the many social media platforms. Similarly, consumers tend to shop or research products on whichever platform is most convenient.

                        That level of omnichannel customer experience calls for a robust and highly effective omnichannel strategy. So what do retailers need to know? There are many items to consider:

                        • How do you come up with the right sales channel to capture and retain your omnichannel customers?

                        • Are today's omnichannel shoppers attracted to the same things as traditional brick-and-mortar shoppers?

                        • How can you create the perfect sales channels to improve the customer's journey and their overall shopping experience?

                        These are all questions that you need to ask yourself to come up with an omnichannel approach that will ensure you are not only successful, but leading the way.

                        In this post, we’ll review what an omnichannel retail strategy is, ways to implement a strategy, and how leading retailers are approaching their omnichannel strategies.

                        What is an omnichannel retail strategy?

                        Omnichannel retailing is the art of providing your clients with a seamless shopping experience regardless of which channel they choose to use. Whether your clients prefer shopping on your website, your Facebook page, your Instagram page, or as a walk-in to your brick-and-mortar store, the shopping experience should be consistent throughout.

                        An omnichannel retail strategy, therefore, is putting a plan into motion that ensures these seamless shopping experiences excite and engage your customers, regardless of demographic or channel.

                        For example, your target market comprises people 15 to 45 years of age. While some strategies could work across the board, the truth is that what entices a 21-year-old shopper probably isn't going to be the same thing that entices a 40-year-old shopper.

                        According to research, 90% of all B2C customers conduct online research before purchasing. That doesn't mean that all of these people are going to take out their credit cards and buy from you online, because the majority are doing their homework first. Research suggests that up to 46% of shoppers still prefer to shop in physical stores. Some of the main reasons for this include:

                        • Human touch

                        • Fear of financial fraud

                        • Damaged or sometimes fake goods being delivered

                        • Products being different than what was advertised

                        In many cases, these customers simply want to get a real-life feel for the product and many want to talk to a real human about it before making a purchase. Without the right kind of omnichannel retail strategy, you will find that simply focusing on online sales and neglecting a brick-and-mortar option may cause you to lose potential business. At the end of the day, having a successful omnichannel strategy means having a holistic approach across all shopping channels for all target demographics.

                        How to create a successful omnichannel retail strategy

                        There are several reasons why creating an omnichannel strategy for your business is key to success now and in the future. Here are a few:

                        • Brands using omnichannel strategy enjoy up to 90% customer retention rates when compared to brands that don't

                        • Brands using omnichannel strategy generally have improved customer experience scores

                        • These brands often see more orders

                        There's no doubt that in today’s age, you need to create a successful omnichannel strategy. This means bringing several departments onboard, including marketing, PR, customer service, delivery, and even sales. Here are some steps you can take to create a successful omnichannel retail strategy to capture and retain more omnichannel customers:

                        Mobile-friendly website

                        Studies show that 79% of all smartphone users have made at least one purchase using their mobile device within a period of six months. Therefore, your website needs to be optimized for all types of devices, including tablets and smartphones.

                        Find your customers

                        Where do your customers go online? How often do they shop at your physical locations? You should be sure you have a presence there and provide a cohesive and seamless omnichannel experience wherever customers engage with you. For example, when it comes to social media, Gen Z buyers are more likely to be on Instagram just as millennials will more likely be on Facebook. You should focus your omnichannel marketing campaigns where your customers go.

                        Study the customer journey

                        The importance of mapping out your customer journey is that it shows you where there are gaps that you need to close to improve customer experience, conversion, and retention.

                        Offer a vast array of shopping options

                        Consumers are using a mixture of traditional online and in-store shopping and are eagerly taking advantage of new technologies that enable them to tailor their shopping experience to their exact needs. Providing options — in-person and remote appointments, touchless checkout, virtual events and experiences, curbside pickup, buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), and more — will give customers the unique experiences and convenience they’re looking for. This could mean purchasing online and picking up curbside. That could mean browsing in a store then ordering online for delivery. It could mean booking an in-person appointment and then making additional purchases online. Providing a variety of ways for customers to engage with your brand is what omnichannel is all about.

                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                        By honing in on your target audience, ensuring that you are present in any place shoppers are active, and providing options, you’ll be well on your way to a successful omnichannel strategy!

                        How to implement an omnichannel retail strategy

                        As is the case in most businesses, no one size fits all scenarios. Every business has different goals, different targets, and therefore requires a different omnichannel strategy. The path you take should align with your business goals. With that in mind, here are some factors to consider when implementing your omnichannel retail strategy.

                        Synchronize your physical and online presence

                        A huge part of omnichannel is ensuring that the experience is consistent across all possible shopping channels. This will create a better user experience and provide you with the data you need to continuously improve the omnichannel customer experience.

                        To do this, you need to not only build all the necessary channels (website, mobile app, social media accounts, and digital sales platforms), but also make sure that what is on these platforms matches what the customer will experience should they choose to walk into your brick-and-mortar store.

                        Create a flexible business model

                        B2C customers with an amazing omnichannel experience with one brand will expect the same kind of treatment elsewhere. In fact, 73% of consumers now say that an experience with one organization changes their expectations for all other organizations. In addition, with all the other business models out there (D2C, B2B2B, and marketplaces), it’s possible to have the same customers at different stages.

                        Your business needs to be flexible enough to engage these customers (especially if it's the same individuals) no matter which section of the channel they engage with your brand.

                        Create a consistent look

                        There's more to creating a seamless look and feel than just making sure the message is the same across all channels. You also need to ensure that the colors you use, the fonts, the imagery, the flow, and the style of speech are all similar. This applies to any technology partners who integrate into stages of your customer journey. Ensure you can have a branded, consistent experience all the way through.

                        Share data across all the channels

                        To run a successful omnichannel strategy, you need to share data across your business's shopping channels and the way consumers shop with you. Whether you’re diving into appointment conversion and revenue outcomes, or tracking how many conversions your recent email campaign had, the proper analytics tools will arm you with the information you need to be successful across your entire business. This will also ensure that all the necessary parties have access to crucial customer and business data to create a harmonious omnichannel customer experience.

                        If you focus on a uniform, branded experience across all of your shopping channels, and can gather the most relevant data, you will have a solid start to your omnichannel retail strategy. Remember, as a best practice, using data across your customer journey is a great way to continuously improve your strategy.

                        Examples of omnichannel retail strategies in action

                        There are countless examples of different omnichannel retailing strategies in action today from top retailers. Let's take a quick look at a couple of them to give you an idea of how you can put an omnichannel strategy into practice.

                        Harry Rosen – luxury menswear retailer

                        Harry Rosen, an international men’s boutique that delivers a curated selection of luxury menswear, has been elevating the level of service they provide through all channels.

                        From integrating a human element to their digital shopping experience with online sales advisors to implementing appointment scheduling software for in-person and remote video appointments, they have created a robust omnichannel strategy.

                        Learn more: See how Harry Rosen is providing one-to-one, and one-of-a-kind, experiences through appointment scheduling while increasing conversion rates, online sales, and customer loyalty.

                        Harry Rosen and JRNI logos with screenshot of case study

                        Neiman Marcus – luxury brand

                        As a well-known brand, Neiman Marcus created a unique omnichannel experience for its customers through a series of innovations. Some of the most notable include:

                        • The ‘Snap. Find. Shop.’ app: Customers can simply upload products that they want, and the app will show them closely matched options in Neiman Marcus. Customers can then either buy or reserve it for later.

                        • ‘Memory Mirror’ technology: With this, Neiman Marcus provides a camera that captures a 360-degree video of a customer trying on one product. The customer can then save that video and either share, rewatch, or even see how other colors would look on them. All this ensures that customers don't have to go through the trouble of trying on several clothing items to find what they like.

                        Omnichannel retail is the way of the future. Every futureproof business should consider creating and integrating a robust omnichannel strategy to remain competitive and be the brand that customers keep coming back to.

                        One surefire way retailers have been seeing more success with their omnichannel strategies? Through appointments! If you want to know how an online appointment scheduling solution has given retailers an edge with their omnichannel strategies, then be sure to check out our blog post, “How retailers are using appointments to improve the customer and associate experience”.

                        Or, if you’re interested in learning how JRNI can ramp up your omnichannel strategy through remote and in-person appointments, curbside pickup, and more, then be sure to schedule a demo to speak with one of our experts!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale - speak to an expert.
                        My Journey to JRNI: Jasmine Anderson https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-jasmine-anderson Thu, 19 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-jasmine-anderson
                        Meet our Recruitment and Talent Manager, Jasmine Anderson

                        Meet Jasmine Anderson, our Recruitment and Talent Manager! To learn more about her career path, her experience working at JRNI, and her hobbies outside of work, we sat down *virtually* with her to ask a few questions.

                        Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                        I have quite a varied background to be honest. Firstly, I didn’t go to uni and got a job for a few years as a care worker - that was the most rewarding experience and really taught me a lot of life skills. From there I had a total career move into sales administration; I helped train other staff, owned all the ‘desks’, including new business and finance, deliveries and logistics, and support / customer service. I realized I loved being organized, bringing new ideas to processes, and working in a fast-paced office environment. So, once I outgrew this position, I moved over to JRNI!

                        JRNI was an incredible change. When I started as Office Manager, there were about 30 people in London, and we hadn’t opened the international offices. Seeing the business grow over the years, as well as my own personal career growth, has been incredibly rewarding.

                        What’s one of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career at JRNI?

                        Moving up into the role I’m in now and starting from the ground up.

                        What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                        Hands down the people - I’ve made some lifelong friends working here and have never worked with such a lovely group of people.

                        Tell us a little about JRNI’s culture. What’s your favorite part about it?

                        It’s collaborative. Working in a scale-up company means it’s super fast-paced, priorities can change very quickly, but everyone in the company, no matter their role, will always put the customer first and go above and beyond to complete something or help out.

                        What’s your favorite thing about your coworkers/team?

                        I have a fairly small team around me at the moment, but we all have a very open relationship and can discuss anything that’s on our minds. That’s really valuable to me.

                        If you had to pick one, what’s your favorite memory at JRNI so far?

                        I can’t pick one….! There are loads.

                        Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?

                        The gym, and all the foods.

                        What's one thing that people don't know about you?

                        I bit my sister on the arm when I was four because I was jealous of her getting all the attention. Should I be telling my employer this?

                        If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                        Oh so many places - anywhere in New Zealand, St. Petersburg, the Amazon….

                        Want to join Jasmine and be a part of the JRNI team? We're hiring, and would love for you to check out our open positions.

                        We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                        How to use appointment capacity data to improve operational efficiency https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-use-capacity-data-to-improve-operational-efficiency Tue, 17 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-use-capacity-data-to-improve-operational-efficiency

                        It’s no question that optimizing your workforce can have a major positive impact on your business outcomes. Improving employee efficiency and productivity is a key part of this, and one way major retailers and financial institutions are seeing increased customer satisfaction and loyalty is by getting insight into appointment capacity data on a daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal basis. By looking at real-time capacity analytics data, you can manage the ebbs and flows of your business to optimize operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and ensure your appointments strategy is up to par.

                        Optimize employee efficiency

                        To maximize employee productivity, evaluating capacity data will help you make more informed decisions. Capacity reporting can illuminate which locations are overstaffed and which locations are understaffed - and work toward a better balance across all locations. It’s about surfacing the overall trends to drive improvements in efficiency. Some questions to consider include:

                        • How much bookable time is available on each employee’s calendar - per day, per week, per month?

                        • Which locations are booked the most?

                        • Which employees are booked the most?

                        • Are your locations properly staffed to handle the types of appointments scheduled?

                        • Are you tracking capacity thresholds to ensure maximum efficiency?

                        • Are your locations staffed to effectively manage ebbs and flows?

                        There are many things to examine, but ideally, setting capacity thresholds will ensure your business is meeting this standard. An additional consideration for banks and credit unions is having an appointment booking solution that syncs to employees' Outlook Exchange calendars to ensure there is up-to-date information when customers book, cancel, or reschedule appointments. After all, we know that pre-booked appointments tend to lead to more accounts opened and more balances gained. So if you work at your bank or credit union, then a seamless calendar sync is crucial in order to accurately analyze employee availability.

                        Improve the customer experience

                        It’s an on-demand world, and when customers book an appointment, they expect to be able to book within days - even hours. Plus, once they arrive for their appointment, there’s nothing more frustrating for a customer than having to wait to be seen for that pre-booked appointment - even if just for a few minutes. To prevent long lead and wait times, analyze your capacity data to ensure you are properly staffed across your business.

                        By having enough employees on hand, and enough employees with the right expertise, you can improve the customer experience, and help your employees feel more prepared to manage their customer appointments. Things to consider:

                        • Do you have enough experienced employees on hand to meet with customers during busier times?

                        • What is the average lead time for your appointments? What is the lead time per appointment type?

                        • How long do customers with a pre-booked appointment have to wait before meeting with an employee?

                        • How can you prepare for busier times in the future to minimize wait time and improve the customer experience?

                        As important as capacity data is for employee efficiency, it also plays a huge role in customer satisfaction and their perception of your business.

                        Prepare for seasonal trends

                        Capacity reporting can also help you prepare for seasonal trends throughout the year. By honing in on these trends, you can identify low-performing and high-performing times throughout the year using date comparisons and ensure you have enough employees scheduled to meet demand during peak periods.

                        In the retail industry, many companies have seasonal trends they need to plan for. Whether related to the upcoming holiday shopping season, wedding season, or a personal shopping consultation for a spring wardrobe refresh, retailers can use capacity data to ensure they are available to meet all of their customers’ needs during busier times.

                        Similarly, banks and credit unions also see trends throughout the year. For example, many banks used to see lunchtime rushes across branches - although that has changed since COVID-19. Bankers and credit unions should reevaluate the heavily trafficked times and use capacity data to meet new demand.

                        Here are some questions to consider for identified seasonal trends:

                        • Were you properly staffed for the increase in certain appointment types?

                        • Did you have enough qualified employees available to meet the demand for specific appointment types?

                        • How can you reallocate employees across locations to meet demand?

                        • What can you do better next time to be fully prepared for this trend?

                        Leveraging seasonal trends is key to ensure you’re offering the right services at the right time, and to ensure your employees are prepared for the increase in appointments.

                        Capacity reporting with JRNI

                        At JRNI, our industry-leading analytics tool provides employee optimization data so you can improve planning at the individual location, regional, and employee level. JRNI Analytics comes with easy-to-understand dashboards and reports out of the box, giving your teams a simple way to start measuring the success of your appointments strategy right away.

                        With real-time capacity data, our Capacity / Lead Time Dashboard shows you the capacity of your employees, as well as how long it takes for a customer to book an appointment in advance. Pair this with our Appointments Dashboard, and you’ll get an easy-to-digest overview of your appointment bookings and can quickly apply filters to see data at the store or branch level.

                        Additionally, your teams can set up thresholds on your capacity reporting. You can alter this based on risk tolerance, and continue to monitor and edit as needed to ensure optimal efficiency. This threshold customization ensures that our capacity reports are working for your unique business - and empowering you and your teams to make the best decisions.

                        Want to learn more about the power of data and how JRNI Analytics can help you optimize employee efficiency? Then download a demo of JRNI Analytics to learn more!

                        JRNI Analytics demo: Watch the demo

                        Or if you’re ready to learn more about how we can help you deliver exceptional experiences at scale (and easily measure success), then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                        The Experience Evolution Episode 4: How to cater to the human element of banking https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-4-the-human-element-of-banking Tue, 10 Aug 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-4-the-human-element-of-banking

                        Subscribe: Apple | Spotify

                        As a result of the pandemic, banking innovation accelerated across the industry. Now, technology is driving new trends in banking across channels, and customers and members expect their online experience to match their in-branch experience.

                        So, how do banks and credit unions maintain the human element in their online banking experiences to match or exceed their in-person experiences? Nick Barnes, Practice Director for Financial Services at JRNI, and Thomas Novak, Vice President and Chief Digital Officer at Visions Federal Credit Union, provide insights on keeping human-to-human connection central to all banking experiences.

                        The Experience Evolution's 4th podcast episode, "How to cater to the human element of banking" featuring Nick Barnes, Practice Director of Financial Services, and Thomas P. Novak, VP/Chief Digital Officer at Visions Federal Credit Union

                        “First and foremost, banks need to consider the emotional impact of their engagements with customers,” Barnes said. “From a digital standpoint, consumers demand more today than just speed and ease-of-access. They want to feel good about their interactions with technology, which requires an element of human connection. Banks can deliver meaningful, powerful, personalized experiences by using their existing data and everyday customer touchpoints.”

                        One keyword that Novak said Visions Federal Credit Union focuses on is empathy. “It all starts for us with the North Star, which is a focus on - how do we put digital-first experiences out there for our members so that we can empower them towards financial independence?”

                        Another critical focus for Novak and Visions is blending the digital and physical sides of banking seamlessly to make it intuitive for their members. No matter how they choose to do their banking, it’s an easy process. “So, taking that approach to really think through how a member might go through a particular journey is central to that empathy and helps us build digital experiences that enable the fostering of empathy and improving the member experience.”

                        Accelerated digital transformation in banking with a focus on building relationships

                        For every industry, digital transformation was accelerated during the pandemic. For financial institutions, it meant pivoting to prioritize what would best serve their customers during the pandemic and beyond. Barnes quoted a recent Deloitte study that found 80% of respondents from top financial institutions noted that COVID-19 uncovered shortcomings in their digital strategies. Barnes said that now, as financial institutions are re-evaluating their digital transformation strategies, they should embrace technology to ensure they can provide personalized experiences across all engagements.

                        “The focus should really be on providing that personalized experience,” Barnes said. “As I mentioned, it's a 24-hour business, and customers want to choose how they bank with you. But they want to get the same level of service across all [channels]. So it comes down to how banks and credit unions invest in technology to give their customers and members options.”

                        Novak said that this focus on digital-first experiences means taking a deeper look into each step of a member’s journey, finding ways to improve their experiences while also building better relationships.

                        “And now that we're in the age of digital transformation and digital-first experiences, we need to move from transactional to thoughtful, that's a really big difference. It's not just a shift in mindset. It's a shift in how we approach everything that we do as a financial institution. We're here to build relationships. And we're here to gain feedback and go through multiple iterations of a solution, not simply set it and forget it.”

                        Thomas Novak, Vice President and Chief Digital Officer at Visions Federal Credit Union

                        A focus on improving both the member and employee experience in banking

                        Novak noted that many financial institutions forget that the member experience and employee experience need to be connected and thought of from a holistic standpoint to provide the best experience possible.

                        “If we're only focusing on one side of it, we're going to have a drop off in that overall experience,” Novak said. “On the member side, appointment booking is crucial. I would even say table stakes, starting to up our game in personalization is becoming table stakes. Because our members, our customers are comparing us to the best experiences that they're having.”

                        Novak and Barnes also said there are things that credit unions and banks can do now to have an immediate impact on the experiences they provide.

                        “Number one is a relentless focus on your customer in their experiences. So what small improvements can you make, things like reducing clicks, providing relevant content, and making the customer feel they have a more personalized experience, that you're there for them. These small steps can have a dramatic improvement.” Barnes said.

                        “There's often this hesitation or procrastination by financial institutions that they need to boil the ocean, that they need to do it all at once, they need to fix everything. And that's really a paralysis by analysis kind of mindset,” Novak said. “By targeting a specific journey or specific interaction that you want to have with the member, you're going to make sure that you put out a best-in-class solution for that member. And all the while you're getting lessons learned that you can apply to other solutions and other journeys that you need to work on.”

                        Subscribe to The Experience Evolution today!

                        Want to be updated when our next podcast episode is available? Then be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify! You can download the episodes and listen at your convenience. Additionally, you can find all future podcast episodes on our podcast page. If you are looking to provide better customer experiences through appointment scheduling, then sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                        Retail management: How to increase employee engagement to optimize productivity https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-employee-engagement Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-employee-engagement

                        Engaging retail associates has always been key to improving morale and productivity. However, there has never been a more important time to improve the employee experience and find ways to keep employees motivated and engaged.

                        As the retail industry continues to face a labor shortage, there is even more emphasis on retaining and recruiting new retail associates to meet demand. With an omnichannel strategy being crucial for retailers, creating a happy, productive workforce that can fulfill the need for services like curbside pickup, buy-online-pickup-in-store (BOPIS), in-store experiences, and one-to-one appointments is essential.

                        With a focus on employee engagement and creating a more productive work environment will ensure you are providing your customers with the best experience possible.

                        Why is it important to engage your retail employees?

                        Let’s take a step back and dive into why engaging retail associates is a crucial part of retail management, especially in the experience economy, where it’s all about meeting the unique needs of each customer. The stats don’t lie... having engaged employees matters:

                        When your retail employees are engaged, it makes all the difference for providing better experiences that increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is why it’s crucial to have an employee engagement strategy in place.

                        Ways to engage and motivate your employees

                        Retail employee engagement comes down to fostering a work environment where retail employees feel valued and supported. Here’s how to engage retail employees to remain competitive in today’s retail job market:

                        Offer hybrid or flex work options

                        With a large majority of employers adopting a hybrid work arrangement, the retail industry can also benefit from this approach for their store associates as well. While not every retail associate role is suitable for hybrid options, for some, it makes a lot of sense - and would give your employees more flexible, convenient work schedules! In fact, Apple is currently testing hybrid work-from-home models for their retail employees. Here are some ideas on remote work options for your employees:

                        • Shopping consultations: Remote appointments provide the perfect opportunity for your employees to meet with your customers - still getting that face-to-face, one-to-one time, but from the comfort of their own homes! Virtual appointments have been driving additional revenue and online sales for several retailers, and has given employees the chance to build better relationships, earn more commission, and feel empowered to make the decision to work from home.

                        • Product Q&A sessions: Your retail associates can also provide great one-to-many experiences for your customers through virtual events. This could be a series of several Q&A sessions going over your top products or a one-time event going into depth on one to two products. This is another opportunity for your retail associates to choose to work remotely while providing a high-level of customer service.

                        • Customer service: Setting up a customer support line where you are using more of your in-store employees to answer incoming calls to specific brick-and-mortar locations is another great option to give more flexible working options. This could be a general question line or a technical support line. You can also find other alternatives to minimize downtime between calls.

                        Looking for an appointments solution? Download our eBook about the ROI of appointments to understand what appointments can do for your retail business.

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        Evolve your benefit offerings

                        With the current candidate-driven market, there’s never been a better time to review and evolve your benefits. This is also a great way to remain competitive and capture your employees’ attention to engage them further. Explore new options for how to improve your benefits across wellness programs, parental leave, health benefits, short-term disability, and more. Get creative in the way you communicate any new changes, whether an informal webinar or short video explaining the new perks.

                        If your retail employees are leaving due to benefits, now is the time to get employee feedback and address any further needs and do what you can to retain top talent with better offers.

                        Embrace technology that empowers associates

                        There’s no way around it. Technology is at the core of everything we do, and it is a major factor in the retail industry. Digital transformation has skyrocketed over the past year, making it the perfect time to evaluate your current retail tech stack to ensure your organization is up to par. But the focus should first and foremost be on your employees. How does this technology make their lives easier so that they can better serve your customers? After all, customers are craving human connection, even as technology improves.

                        A recent customer experience survey from PwC found that:

                        • 75% of consumers want more interaction with a real person as technology improves

                        • 82% of consumers want more human interaction when purchasing products and services

                        • 71% of consumers would rather interact with a human than a chatbot or some other automated process

                        So, as you can see, your customers want to interact with real humans. And your associates want to be successful in their roles. How can you accomplish this with the ever-evolving world of retail? This is where embracing technology to improve the employee experience in the workplace is a must. From appointment scheduling solutions to improving lines and wait times with intelligent queuing solutions, your employees will feel empowered to do more.

                        Appointment scheduling empowers employees to build deeper relationships

                        Appointments, both in-person and remote, are a surefire way for employees to build deeper customer relationships, sell more products, and gain more opportunities to cross-sell and upsell. If you aren’t offering appointments yet, this is a way to give your employees more options to succeed and be more flexible with their work schedules through remote options.

                        Additionally, having the right appointment scheduling software in place will make the scheduling and managing of appointments a simple and intuitive process from both the customer and employee side of things. With an automated online appointment software, employees can focus on what matters most, preparing to provide an exceptional customer experience, rather than wasting time scheduling and rescheduling appointments manually.

                        The right tool will give your associates the insights they need to properly prepare for their one-to-one engagements with customers. They can review past appointments, communications history, and past outcomes to provide a unique and personalized experience tailored to the customers’ wants and needs versus providing generic recommendations or advice.

                        For your employees, a robust online appointment solution will:

                        • Empower them: Having a pre-scheduled time to meet with a customer one-on-one puts your employees in control.

                        • Make them more efficient: They can spend their time working on what matters and engaging with customers who are more likely to make a purchase.

                        • Boost their morale: Customers who schedule appointments are more likely to transact and are looking for help - employees can easily be prepared to exceed their needs and feel confident they provided the best solution.

                        More connection with customers, the ability to manage their own appointment process, and ways to properly prepare will all lead to an improved employee experience.

                        Learn more: Using JRNI, Harry Rosen was able to empower their clothing advisors to run their businesses as entrepreneurs, managing and scheduling appointments with customers. Download the Harry Rosen case study to see how JRNI helped put Harry Rosen’s 250+ clothing advisors in control of managing the in-store and virtual appointment process.

                        Virtual queuing solutions to anticipate capacity, manage traffic flow, and automate curbside processes

                        Many businesses have implemented a virtual queuing solution to mitigate the need for physical lines and to improve the customer experience, including retailers. With virtual queuing, customers can choose to wait in their car until it’s their turn to enter the store to shop, come inside to pick up their order, or to meet for a one-to-one appointment.

                        While virtual queuing systems provide great benefits for customers, your employees will also reap the benefits. From managing traffic flow in and out of your store to helping automate the curbside and in-store pickup process, virtual queuing solutions empower your retail associates to take control.

                        • Capacity management and traffic flow: Virtual queuing can drastically improve a retail associates’ experience during their shift. Instead of worrying about capacity limits or being overwhelmed at busy times, virtual queuing technology can allow them to predict traffic flow and manage it as needed.

                        • Curbside pickup: It’s also a great way to alert employees when someone has arrived for a curbside pickup or in-store pickup order. With the recent uptick in curbside popularity, this technology could have a positive impact on the experience customers have when arriving at a store to pick up an order. An automated approach improves this for both your employees and customers.

                        Learn more: Want to know what results customers are seeing with JRNI Virtual Queuing? One homewares retailer implemented JRNI to improve the customer shopping and pickup experience. Customers are able to join a virtual queue via their phone or using a QR code, and are then notified when their items are ready for collection.

                        “Dunelm ran an extensive trial, and JRNI triumphed with the best solution for us. Colleagues have found it easy to manage, and customers have found it easy to use.” Grace Henry, In-Store Service Project Manager at Dunelm

                        When your retail associates know they are valued, and you give them the tools they need to succeed, they will work even harder for your business. With a true focus on a great company culture, you can improve job satisfaction and employee retention across your workforce. All of this leads to increased productivity, profitability, and customer loyalty.

                        Want to learn more about how JRNI improves the employee experience, empowering your team to easily prepare for appointments and provide unique, personalized experiences? Then be sure to request a demo to speak to an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        SigFig and JRNI: Transforming bank and credit union appointments through needs-centric conversations https://www.jrni.com/blog/sigfig-and-jrni Tue, 03 Aug 2021 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/sigfig-and-jrni

                        Across the country, banks and credit unions saw a surge in scheduled customer appointments during the pandemic. Because of this rise in demand for appointments, JRNI prioritized building technology platforms to help bankers, “be available anywhere, anytime, and from any device,” focusing especially on enabling more remote appointments given lockdown-imposed branch closures.

                        Both financial institutions and their customers enjoyed major benefits from this shift toward more predictability and structure in banking interactions, and most institutions have only doubled-down on scaling their efforts since lockdowns have eased. The logic isn’t surprising: easily-scheduled appointments cut down on waiting times, allowing both customers and bankers to reclaim precious time in their days.

                        But what happens between when an appointment is scheduled and when a customer actually sits down with a banker, mortgage officer, financial advisor, or other specialist? Historically, not much, other than waiting, and maybe a confirmation email. Enter SigFig, a new product partner with JRNI, that aims to bridge this common gap in customer experience.

                        SigFig builds a digital needs discovery and pre-appointment engagement product called SigFig Discover, with the goal of better equipping bankers with customer data and needs-based profiles before an appointment even starts. SigFig’s partners have found using SigFig Discover that customers have 5.6 average unmet financial needs at any point in time--often related to retirement planning, home ownership, and emergency savings. As a result, SigFig partners have seen on average a 7X lift in specialist referrals, driving expansion in wallet share and deeper customer loyalty across multiple lines of business.

                        The JRNI and SigFig partnership is a natural fit. “Working with a partner like JRNI that builds innovative technology to help engage customers and set qualified appointments for bankers was a no-brainer for us,” says Sean Tynan, Head of the Discover product vertical at SigFig.

                        “Our partners love having more scheduled appointments, and really see value in the combo of pre-discovering customer needs using our product to drive warmer, deeper conversations and having predictable, scheduled appointments using JRNI’s product to build deeper relationships.”

                        - Sean Tynan, Head of the Discover product vertical at SigFig

                        As fellow digital innovators helping financial institutions adapt to a tech-first and increasingly remote environment, JRNI and SigFig are keen on helping banks to transform digital and remote channels into long-term revenue and growth drivers. Branch traffic has long been declining, a trend accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. As branch visits went down, so did opportunities to engage customers in richer and deeper interactions that might have built stronger relationships and uncovered additional needs.

                        Even when people come back into branches, most will expect (or at least appreciate) a more efficient experience, with some digital pre-work and asynchronous follow-up to make that 10-minute meeting worth what might be a 30-minute trip to get there. Banks need to better understand their customers outside their branches and deliver advice wherever, however, and whenever is best for the customer.

                        The new JRNI and SigFig partnership helps financial institutions in the short-term, whether meeting with customers in-person, in-branch, or engaging out of branch. But the partnership, according to Tynan at SigFig, “offers even greater long-term value to banks and credit unions, as more and more banking activities shift to remote channels.” The combination of engaged customers and prepared bankers sets up financial institutions for stronger growth, while also enabling customers to receive more helpful service, advice, and guidance.

                        Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                        How to increase CLV with appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-customer-lifetime-value-with-appointment-scheduling Thu, 29 Jul 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-customer-lifetime-value-with-appointment-scheduling

                        Appointment scheduling is a key tool for enterprise businesses who want to build meaningful relationships with their customers. By providing one-to-one - and one-of-a-kind - experiences through appointments, businesses are seeing improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

                        So how can your business implement online appointment scheduling to improve customer lifetime value? Keep reading to find out!

                        What is customer lifetime value?

                        Customer lifetime value (also referred to as CLV) is a measure of a customer’s profitability over the course of their relationship with your business. Because the lifespan of a customer is variable, businesses tend to look at a 12- to 24-month period as a way to calculate the benefits, looking at things like average order value.

                        The goal of measuring customer lifetime value is to have a more holistic view of your customers, so that your business can focus energy on nurturing customers who are more likely to bring long-term value. That includes customers who do repeat business, customers who recommend you to friends and family, and customers who share positive reviews about you on social media. All of this provides more value than one transaction. And taking a deeper look at customer lifetime value ensures you have a solid customer acquisition and customer retention strategy in place versus only looking at short-term, quick wins.

                        In fact, retaining customers and building loyalty has been proven time and time again to provide the greatest value:

                        There is considerable value in retaining customers - and nurturing them over time. By evaluating and finding ways to improve customer lifetime value, your organization can more easily measure success, and target your customer acquisition efforts where it matters most.

                        Now you may be asking, how can online appointment scheduling affect customer lifetime value?

                        Reasons to use online appointment scheduling to increase customer lifetime value

                        When nurturing customers into loyal customers - your business will automatically be improving the overall customer lifetime value. Nurturing is about building deeper relationships and personalizing experiences that make your customers come back for more! One of the best and easiest ways to do this in today’s competitive landscape? Through appointments!

                        For customers, online appointment scheduling provides amazing benefits in both retail and banking industries. Appointment scheduling software provides a way to easily connect customers with employees, no matter where or how customers choose to join - remotely from their car, or in-person at your store or branch. Appointments are personalized, efficient, omnichannel, safe, immediate, convenient, and perhaps most importantly - human. After connecting with an expert, customers can leave feeling great about how their time was spent and what purchasing decision they made.

                        Appointments can lead to greater transaction volume

                        There are numerous benefits of appointment scheduling, but when it comes to customer lifetime value, it’s all about how appointments give your customers the one-to-one attention they want and give your employees a way to build stronger connections. During an appointment, employees can focus on serving customers in an undistracted environment. This gives them ample opportunity to make tailored product and service recommendations that lead to increased transactions, and additional ways to cross-sell and upsell.

                        In general, customers who schedule appointments are also more likely to transact and more likely to become loyal because of the one-to-one, personalized interaction. In fact, customers who schedule appointments:

                        • Are more educated on the products and services you provide

                        • Are more likely to transact because of the research they do pre-appointment

                        • Can be more easily nurtured by your staff, who can build deeper relationships with them by knowing their preferences, wants, and needs

                        Online appointment scheduling ROI

                        Appointments provide customers convenience and responsiveness from an actual human. This is a main factor driving the hard ROI businesses are seeing from appointment scheduling, especially in consumer-facing industries such as retail and financial services. Recent studies show clear value and ROI associated with appointment scheduling:

                        • Customers who pre-book appointments spend 7 - 8X more than walk-ins (Forrester Consulting)

                        • Customers are 110% more likely to add items to their baskets, and spend 40% more than planned when a shopping experience is highly personalized (Boston Consulting Group)

                        • 64% of customers will invest more in a service after an in-person interaction (PwC)

                        • 90% of financial institutions using online appointment solutions saw new accounts opened and new balances gained (The Financial Brand)

                        Want to know what results our customers have seen using JRNI Appointments? Check out Harry Rosen’s success story! Using JRNI, Harry Rosen is seeing a conversion rate of approximately 70% for customers who schedule appointments. Download the Harry Rosen case study to learn more!

                        With JRNI, Harry Rosen improved conversion rates (approximately 70%), increased online sales, and reduced no-shows and cancellations (less than 10%)

                        Tips for scheduling meaningful appointments with customers

                        If you’re looking for ways to ensure your appointments strategy will win the hearts of your customers, there are certainly ways to ensure your teams are properly preparing for, conducting, and following-up after an appointment.

                        Data and personalization is key

                        To have the best, most productive appointment possible, employees should do their research prior to conducting an appointment. Utilizing customer data is a key way to provide a better experience and increase customer satisfaction - all of which ties back to improving customer lifetime value.

                        Employees should review past communications history, past appointments, and any past product purchases or current services to ensure they create an appointment experience that is tailored to each customer.

                        Follow up and continue to improve after the appointment

                        Proper preparation means your employees are also ready for the follow up after an appointment. To keep the conversation going, your employees should immediately follow up and personalize the outreach. Perhaps they send more product recommendations, or perhaps they send a link out to schedule the next appointment.

                        Additionally, this is the perfect time to send a survey on how the appointment went, or for the employee to directly ask for customer feedback. By gathering this information, your teams can continue to improve upon the appointment process and make it even more productive and personalized for your customers in the future.

                        Want to know more about how to engage your customers after an appointment? Check out industry-specific blog posts to ensure you are engaging your customers post-appointment!

                        How to determine if your customer base will benefit from online appointment scheduling

                        So will online appointment scheduling benefit your customer base? Will it actually help improve the customer experience and increase customer lifetime value? Yes, why yes it will! Here are some of the benefits of appointment scheduling for your customers:

                        First and foremost, it's important to find a SaaS solution that makes it easy for your customers to book appointments. The primary advantage of using appointment scheduling software is the accuracy and convenience for customers, which allow them to schedule appointments in real-time and get automated reminders. The entire online scheduling experience - from selecting the most convenient time to receiving appointment confirmations and calendar reminders - can also be done whenever, from wherever consumers are - at home, in the office, or on the go.

                        How else do they benefit your customers? Well, in a world where omnichannel is now the expectation - appointments can bridge the gap between online and offline to provide a seamless experience. Some people want to open a new checking account online, but would like to meet with a banker in person to ask questions about the account. Some people prefer shopping for certain home goods items online, such as kitchen supplies, but prefer shopping for things like bedding in person - where they can touch and feel the products. No matter if conducted in-person or remotely, appointments pair experts with customers to help guide them in their purchasing decisions. Overall, online appointment scheduling improves the customer experience by:

                        • Eliminating the back and forth: They no longer have to have the back and forth of trying to book an appointment, they can select a service and time that suits their needs.

                        • Providing ease of use and convenience: Easy to book, and easy to join from wherever they are!

                        • Getting human-to-human, expert advice: The customer gets to meet with an expert that knows exactly why they made the appointment, and can have a more productive, satisfying meeting.

                        So if you are looking to improve your customer lifetime value, then it might be time to consider appointment scheduling!

                        Want to learn more about how JRNI helps leading retailers and financial institutions personalize experiences at scale? Want to know more about how appointment scheduling can be a part of your strategy to improve customer lifetime value (CLV)? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert! We look forward to speaking with you soon!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        Best practices for scheduling and managing remote appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-practices-for-remote-appointments Tue, 27 Jul 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-practices-for-remote-appointments

                        Whether working remotely, attending a virtual town hall meeting, having a telehealth appointment, or planning for your financial future with your banker via video, our day-to-day lives are more virtual than ever. While necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic, the benefits of video services are clear: convenient, efficient, and safe.

                        Globally, consumers are now using video calls to communicate with businesses and service providers 67% more than 1 year ago (Vonage 2021). Consumers are finding value in video options, including the convenience and efficiency. A recent study found that there was a 20.1% decrease in the average length of meetings when conducted as virtual video meetings. This is true of virtual video appointments across industries as well. Reduced appointment length means consumers are getting what they need faster, without wasting a minute of their time. These video experiences are just what consumers want to continue moving forward.

                        So it's no surprise that consumers are requesting - and expecting - ways to get personalized, exceptional experiences virtually. In fact, video calls are now in the top 10 of omnichannel customer engagement channels. Remote or video appointments provide the level of personalization consumers are looking for - and give them the control and flexibility to have a scheduled virtual visit that best suits their schedule and lifestyle.

                        While many of the important things remain in a virtual setting, such as the human-to-human connection, video appointments do need to be run differently to provide the best experience possible. Providing customers and employees an easy way to connect and be productive via a robust, intelligent appointment scheduling solution is going to ensure your team is set up for success. So here are the best practices for remote appointments to nail your strategy!

                        Best platforms for scheduling video appointments

                        To start, your business should look for an online appointment solution that will provide all the necessary features for scheduling remote customer appointments. The best solutions have flexible booking rules, allowing you the freedom to customize the appointment types that you want to offer your customers.

                        Automation for managing remote appointments

                        Having a system that focuses on automating processes is essential for a successful video appointments strategy. Automated reminders help to ensure there is a steady stream of communication between customers and employees. It doesn't benefit employees or customers if appointment details need to be changed manually, or if an employee needs to send reminders manually.

                        Your online scheduling solution should include automated messaging and appointment reminders that keeps customers up to date on everything they need to know. This automation is important for increasing attendance and decreasing no-shows and cancellations!

                        Powerful appointment integrations

                        When discussing remote appointment scheduling, one of the most important considerations is how to integrate with your current tech stack to ensure you’re getting the proper insights across your business. Finding a solution that can integrate with your customer relationship management (CRM) software is a vital tool to ensure data is properly piped into the customer’s profile.

                        Aside from a CRM integration, your online appointment solution should be able to integrate across your workforce management, online payment, and other mission-critical tools.


                        Another major consideration when evaluating an online appointment setting solution is security. Does the provider offer a native video solution that helps reduce security risks? Or do they offer an integration with a leading video conferencing service that your team is comfortable with?

                        It’s important to find a technology partner that takes the security of you and your teams, as well as your customers, seriously.

                        Promote video appointment availability

                        So once you've found the right appointment scheduling solution to help you scale your virtual appointment strategy, the next step is launching and letting your customers know about the new service.

                        To get the word out, here are three suggestions to start promoting video appointments :

                        • Email: Personalize email communication based on customer segments and create an email campaign that shares this new offering. Adding this into a footer of additional upcoming email campaigns is also a great way to continuously get the word out!

                        • Social media: Social media is one of the best ways to reach your audience where they are actively spending time! Promote your remote appointments across your social media channels, and be sure to point your audience directly to where they can book a remote appointment. Also consider paid social ads as a way to increase appointment volume.

                        • Prominent website placement: Give your new remote appointment options visibility by placing it prominently on your website. Maybe it’s a main menu option leading to an appointment landing page, or a pop-up message across your pages. Test and see what pages and areas of the website work best, and continue to drive traffic to your remote appointments solution.

                        LEARN MORE: Looking for more ways to promote appointments? Don’t miss our industry-specific guides! Each has promotion ideas, industry examples, and tips to help supercharge your campaigns:

                        How to personalize virtual customer appointments

                        One of the most important considerations for video appointments is how to personalize the service. While there is still a high level of face-to-face, personal connection in a virtual appointment , it requires proper preparation and should be consistent with any in-person appointment experiences you offer. With the right appointment scheduling software tool in place, your customers can easily book a time for the preferred appointment type. Before your employees confirm an appointment with a customer, make sure the right person is taking them on. An appointment scheduling solution with multi-mode appointments should make it simple to switch employees and ensure the right people are available.

                        Appointment preparation

                        By being properly prepared, your employees can provide the type of experience that keeps customers coming back for more! Here’s how to prepare:

                        - Dive into the data

                        To provide a unique - and one-of-a-kind - experience, your employees need to dig into the data to review things like conversation history, past purchase history, preferences, and more.

                        As a retail associate, you’ll want to utilize customer data to tailor unique looks and make customized product recommendations. As a bank employee, you can dive into your analytics to more precisely target and tailor products for customers and utilize this information for cross-sell opportunities.

                        Pre-booking questions should also give your employees a way to customize the remote appointment. This information will give them insight into why the customer booked the appointment and what they want to accomplish during their visit.

                        - Run a test before the scheduled time

                        Before the appointment, you need to ensure that your technology is set up and ready to go to make a connection virtually! As your employees prepare to meet with a customer, they should take the time to test:

                        • Do they have a strong internet connection?

                        • Is there enough lighting?

                        • Are they able to share their screen?

                        • Are they able to share the products and services they want to review?

                        • Are they able to easily pull up additional products and services on screen?

                        Testing this will ensure that things go as smoothly as possible during the video appointment.

                        - Create a visual experience

                        On a remote consultation, visuals will be vital to make up for the fact that employees can’t physically put something in front of customers. Make sure to prepare any useful supplemental materials that can be sent over in advance of the customers’ appointment if they’re choosing a remote option.

                        Additionally, using visual tools to put together a look-book for a personal shopping video consultation or sharing a visually-appealing presentation about your financial service options is a great way to keep customers engaged during the virtual visit.

                        When your employees have the tools to properly prepare for a client meeting, they have the opportunity to connect with customers on a deeper level and be more successful in their roles. All of this leads to increased employee engagement and higher customer satisfaction.

                        Post-appointment engagement

                        Along with preparing for the remote appointment, another best practice is to have an established post-appointment follow up strategy in place. After the appointment, employees should immediately follow up with a thank you - whether via email or SMS - to make each customer feel like a true VIP. Additionally, other options for engaging customers post-appointment outreach include:

                        • Sending a personalized follow-up communication reviewing what was discussed and any additional product or service recommendations

                        • Making the ask for the next appointment with a recommended agenda

                        • Reaching out to follow up on any product purchase or new service - make sure they don’t have any questions or need help

                        • Asking for feedback on the remote appointment and if they had a great experience, asking for a review where they specifically mention the virtual visit

                        The way you follow up after a video appointment matters just as much as how you prepare! By giving just as much attention to personalization after the meeting, your customers will feel that you truly listened and cared, and this will lead to more loyalty long-term.

                        Taking the time to find the right appointment booking solution, promote your virtual appointment options, and personalize the experience all the way through will ensure you're providing the best virtual appointments for your customers.

                        A key consideration is making sure that your appointment scheduling software provides options, and choice for customers. Some will never warm up to a video appointment and will insist on an in-person appointment. But providing the ability to do either, or better yet, move between the channels, will result in productive visits and happy customers.

                        At JRNI, we have the tools to make video appointments a simple, intuitive process for both your customers and your employees - and can help you personalize at scale! Watch the video below to learn more:

                        Interested in learning more about JRNI can help you level up your customer engagement strategy with video appointments? Then schedule a time to speak with an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        How retailers are using appointment scheduling to improve the customer and store associate experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-are-using-appointments-to-improve-experiences Thu, 15 Jul 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-are-using-appointments-to-improve-experiences

                        Omnichannel retail strategies are key to success as consumer behavior continues to evolve post-pandemic. There are many innovative ways retailers can use appointment scheduling to meet and exceed customer expectations, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. The convenience and personalization of one-to-one appointments is something many shoppers are looking for when it comes to engaging with their favorite brands.

                        Learn how three retailers have implemented intelligent appointment scheduling solutions to improve both the customer and store associate experience and drive ROI!

                        Harry Rosen

                        Harry Rosen is an international men’s boutique that delivers a curated selection of the world’s top menswear from luxury designers for the modern man. Providing tailored, one-of-a-kind experiences is fundamental to Harry Rosen’s business, which is why they’ve had appointments integrated into their customer experience strategy for a long time. During the pandemic, Harry Rosen leveled up their appointment strategy with virtual options to continue providing seamless, human-to-human experiences for their customers when they couldn’t meet in person.

                        With video appointments, Harry Rosen was able to give their customers the one-to-one, white-glove service they have come to expect from the safety and convenience of their homes. This also was a way for their clothing advisors to drive additional online sales as they were able to assemble products shown during the remote appointment to send over as a post-appointment follow up.

                        Additionally, an online appointment scheduling solution gave their customers more options and more control over the appointment process. In the case customers needed to cancel or reschedule, they could easily manage this process on their own, leading to a reduced no-show and cancellation rate of less than 10%. With an appointment scheduling solution in place that improves both the store associate and customer experience and helps build deeper relationships, they were also able to improve their conversion rate to approximately 70%. With 250+ clothing advisors now conducting three to five appointments per week, they are averaging 100+ appointments per day.

                        Takeaway: Using an appointment scheduling solution as a way to put your customers and store associates in control can have a major impact on your success. Look to appointment scheduling software as a way to empower both your customers and store associates, and as a way to provide the level of personalization and VIP service customers want and have come to expect.

                        Harry Rosen case study

                        Download the Harry Rosen case study

                        Room & Board

                        Room & Board has been creating practical, timeless, and comfortable modern furnishings for more than 40 years. To put together a cohesive look at home, many consumers seek advice from Room & Board’s design experts. Room & Board turned to an automated appointment scheduling platform to do just that: Connect customers with expert Design Associates who provide personalized, one-to-one consultations on modern furnishings.

                        This removed any manual processes the store associates were previously using, and led to an increase in design service bookings across all 19 stores. During the pandemic, Room & Board focused their efforts on ensuring appointments were a part of their reopening strategy so customers could feel safe booking a pre-scheduled time to meet with a consultant.

                        As their showrooms began to reopen last year, they saw an elevated desire for customers to schedule design appointment times, as well as work remotely/from home with their Design Associates. The virtual consultations eventually outpaced their in-store bookings, ensuring they were meeting customers where they felt most comfortable - regardless of where they were. By offering appointments, Room & Board sees a typical increase in spending with scheduled customers, and is able to build a more intimate customer relationship that keeps customers coming back.

                        Takeaway: Even if you have an appointment process in place, the benefits of using an automated, scalable approach to make your store associates more efficient can produce amazing results. Consider how an appointment scheduling solution can reduce employee time spent scheduling, rescheduling, and cancelling appointments and give your customers the peace of mind that they have a secured time to meet with an expert. Plus, providing these appointment options with trusted experts - both in-person and remote - translates into increased conversions and loyalty.

                        Room & Board appointments case study

                        Download the Room & Board case study

                        Monkhouse Schoolwear

                        Monkhouse Schoolwear is a provider of school uniform and physical education kits to over 850 schools across the UK from its 31 stores. During COVID-19, Monkhouse Schoolwear needed a way to safely reopen and help manage customer flow in their stores. With school uniform and physical education kits, their “back to school” peak during the summer was always difficult to manage - but even more so during an uncertain time with capacity limits.

                        With appointment scheduling software, Monkhouse Schoolwear enabled customers to book times to help flatten the “back to school” peak and provide exceptional customer service. They were able to ask pre-booking questions to better prepare for their interactions, and with a successful appointments strategy, had 90% of their customers pre-book an appointment during their busiest time. With this, they saw better outcomes during COVID than they had during the same peak period the year before. Additionally, the experience was so great for their customers that they achieved an average net promoter score of 90+ through the peak trading period.

                        Takeaway: Appointment scheduling solutions are not only great for maintaining a steady stream of customers into your stores, they also help customers feel heard and cared for - leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. Even though originally used as a way to manage crowds during the pandemic as stores reopened, they saw better results than the year before and increased their NPS score. By asking the right upfront booking questions, your store associates can be prepared to exceed customer expectations by personalizing the appointment!

                        Monkhouse Schoolwear appointments case study

                        Download the Monkhouse Schoolwear case study

                        These are just a few of the ways retailers can use appointment scheduling software to maximize ROI and success. If you are interested in learning more about how top retailers use appointments to improve the customer and store associate experience, increase revenue, and drive customer loyalty, then check out the following video:

                        The Experience Evolution Episode 3: Emerging trends of the post-pandemic shopper https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-3-emerging-trends-post-pandemic-shopper Tue, 13 Jul 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/episode-3-emerging-trends-post-pandemic-shopper

                        Subscribe: Apple | Spotify

                        As businesses begin to open in earnest, the spotlight is on the trends and patterns emerging in the era of the post-pandemic shopper. To gain better insight and understanding of where retail is headed and what retailers need to do to capitalize on new shopping behaviors, three retail thought leaders joined The Experience Evolution podcast: Jonathan Horemans, Head of Growth for Mercaux, Roger Sowerbutts, Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Go Instore, and Graeme Greenwood, VP of Product at JRNI.

                        Episode 3 of The Experience Evolution podcast "Emerging trends of the post-pandemic shopper", featuring Graeme Greenwood, VP of Product at JRNI, Jonathan Horemans, Head of Growth at Mercaux, and Roger Sowerbutts, Global Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Go Instore

                        In the third episode of The Experience Evolution, they’ll discuss:

                        • How today’s consumers want to engage with retailers on their terms

                        • How retailers need to focus on developing true omnichannel strategies to satisfy shopper needs

                        • How it’s important to meet shoppers where they are, customize their shopping journeys, and give them access to 24/7 retail experiences

                        Omnichannel retail strategies are key to strong customer relationships

                        As shoppers look for ways to engage with retailers on their terms and use a mixture of traditional online and in-store shopping experiences, Greenwood said it’s becoming increasingly important to focus on a well-defined omnichannel strategy.

                        “We are seeing a number of demands and trends from retail customers,” Greenwood said. “First, we see a comfort level with different types of modes - so - either video, call, or face-to-face. Most retail customers are happy to be on Zoom, or WhatsApp, or different types of video. We’re also seeing a new hybrid type of shopping reality where consumers are really seeking out truly optimized, agile, safe, and frictionless services.”

                        Before the pandemic, Horemans felt many retailers put efforts of ensuring they had the systems in place to fulfill their brand’s value proposition on the backburner. That’s why retailers need to have a strong tech foundation to provide the options consumers are looking for.

                        “Generally, the retailers I’ve been speaking with have been quite rattled by the pandemic,” Horemans said. “And it’s thrown them off-kilter, which has made them aware and emphasized the importance of a strong tech foundation.”

                        Consumers want personalized, frictionless shopping experiences

                        From a consumer perspective, Horemans said they have noticed that consumers are now a lot more value driven and focused on brands that can relate to them.

                        “Given the tightening of the wallet during the pandemic, consumers were a lot more conscious of how much they were spending and what they were spending money on. There was also an increase in loyalty. So a deeper loyalty to the brands that they already were loyal to,” Horemans said. “I also think consumers are generally moving away from this idea of perfection. We've all been home, we've all re-evaluated what matters to us in life, what makes us happy, so when [consumers] are buying from a brand, they're looking for the brands that understand them as an individual.”

                        Additionally, Greenwood said that shoppers are doing more research and expect to engage with retailers and have experiences 24/7.

                        “We've seen a much more competitive landscape across retail, and those retailers that are on-demand, 24/7 will pick up brand loyalists from other retailers,” Greenwood said.

                        New virtual modes of shopping are here to stay

                        Sowerbutts wonders as retail stores begin to open up, if customer engagements with video drop off. But he found that customers, even an older demographic, adapted to the new ways of shopping during the pandemic, and they like having these additional options.

                        “What’s happened is the pandemic has accelerated the use of eCommerce and eCommerce platforms by five years,” Sowerbutts said. “It’s forced people to think about different ways of operating and different solutions to offering customer service.”

                        Greenwood points out that video and live streaming options, including virtual video appointments, not only benefit consumers, but also, retailers.

                        “You're seeing that you can drive new sales and new revenue through different channels, like live streaming and video, which is a great asset for the retailers,” Greenwood said.

                        Retail management moving forward

                        Moving forward, it’s important to consider that each customer journey will be unique, and retailers should be prepared for anything.

                        “Some people are really interested in booking videos, some people are interested in going to the store. Some people are interested in SMS or texting. And I think fundamentally, as a retailer, you just need to now have those options,” said Horemans. “You have to give the customer the journey they want to have based on their comfort level, based on what they find intimate, based on what they find convenient. No customer journey is going to be the exact same every time anymore, and I think that's what's changed.”

                        “My advice would be, don't rule anything out. Don't think that because the doors have been thrown open that all customers will come flooding back and it will be how it was pre-pandemic - because it simply won't,” Sowerbutts said. “I think the world has changed forever. And I think everybody should learn the lesson of ‘be ready for anything’ and adapt to this new world.”

                        Subscribe to The Experience Evolution today!

                        Want to be updated when our next podcast episode is available? Then be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify! You can download the episodes and listen at your convenience. Additionally, you can find all future podcast episodes on our Resources page. If you are looking to provide better customer experiences through appointment scheduling, then sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                        The cost of waiting to implement an appointment scheduling strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/cost-of-waiting-to-implement-appointments Wed, 07 Jul 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/cost-of-waiting-to-implement-appointments

                        Digital transformation is in full effect. The pandemic forced businesses to quickly adapt and offer more digital solutions, and simultaneously forced many consumers to adopt online services. With this acceleration, many organizations are now re-evaluating their digital transformation strategies to meet consumer demand.

                        If you’re currently evaluating your digital transformation strategy and prioritizing what matters, have you considered appointments? Have you considered the impact of NOT offering appointments?

                        Appointment scheduling has been an integral business service for years across many industries, and has become a key investment for enterprise-level companies to provide the convenience, speed, and personalization consumers have come to expect. The benefits have been incredible for organizations that have taken action and created an appointment scheduling strategy to improve the customer experience, the staff experience, and the bottom line.

                        There is a lot to contemplate when it comes to digital transformation, but for many enterprise-level businesses, the return on investment (ROI) by adding an online appointment solution has been significant. So what kind of ROI could you see with appointments? Keep reading to learn more about why now is the time to make appointment scheduling a priority!

                        The cost of offering an online appointment scheduling solution

                        Similar to any company-wide initiative, there is always going to be a cost. No matter how you approach an appointment scheduling strategy, whether you go with an automated appointment scheduling software solution or use multiple internal resources to build, it’s going to have some upfront costs and take time and resource. So you might be asking yourself, when does the ROI of an appointment solution outweigh the investment?

                        Between increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and the fact that many consumers purchase more products or invest more in a service when their experience is personalized, there is tremendous value in offering appointments. When done right, the ROI of an appointment scheduling solution will quickly outweigh the upfront time and cost!

                        The cost of losing customers

                        We live in a world where customers demand instant access to services anytime, anywhere, via any device. If you’re not offering the ability for new customers or existing ones to easily book an appointment, then you could be losing out to the competition. For consumers who have come to love and expect the convenience of appointments, they will continue to seek out businesses that offer them.

                        In fact, a recent McKinsey study found that 73% of U.S. consumers have changed stores, brands, or the way they shop. Additionally, recent studies have shown that one out of every ten people is considering switching their primary financial institution within a year and opening new accounts to meet the financial essentials and align with the values in their lives.

                        It’s certainly not cheap to acquire a new customer, regardless of industry. Plus, the benefits of and profitability associated with existing and loyal customers proves just how important it is to retain them:

                        With the benefits of customer retention, it’s crucial to consider how appointments can help you improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

                        The ROI of appointment scheduling

                        Along with the potential cost of losing customers, there is also significant ROI that enterprise-level companies are seeing with appointment scheduling. Here are some of the results businesses are seeing:

                        The conversion rate of scheduled customers vs. walk-ins

                        One JRNI customer is seeing a conversion rate of approximately 70% with their scheduled customers. What would a conversion rate of 70% mean for your business? Additionally, a recent study from Forrester Consulting found that scheduled customers spend 7 to 8 times more than walk-in customers. That’s right - 7 to 8 times more! Appointments are helping many businesses increase their conversion rates and average order volume (AOV).

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        The increased spend for personalizing one-to-one experiences

                        Consumers want personalized experiences. And one of the best ways to offer one-to-one, unique experiences is through appointments. This type of personalization can help increase revenue and profitability.

                        In fact, recent studies show the power of personalization:

                        By providing personalized, exceptional experiences through appointments, you can easily impact the customer experience and increase revenue growth.

                        Profitability and benefits of appointment scheduling

                        There are significant benefits associated with appointment scheduling! From a profitability standpoint, one JRNI retail customer saw a $3.1 million increase in profit over a three-year period, due to the higher AOV seen with customers booking appointments. Additionally, the customer saw a total of $4 million in benefits over the three-year period.

                        A chart of $4 million in benefits with JRNI over three years. It shows the profit from customer acquisition, the profit from improved appointment volume, and added benefits from saved time for the customer experience team

                        For financial institutions using appointment scheduling solutions, data indicates that over 90% of their appointments resulted in new balances gained and new accounts being opened. With appointments driving so much value at financial institutions, appointment volume is a key performance indicator (KPI). So what kind of results are banks and credit unions seeing? One financial institution saw a 2200% increase in appointments year-on-year with JRNI. Another financial institution exceeded their appointment-booking goal by 752% shortly after implementing JRNI.

                        These are real results that leading retailers and financial institutions are seeing with their appointment scheduling strategies, helping them stand out in today’s competitive landscape.

                        Developing a business case for appointment scheduling

                        How can you build a case for appointments? Along with sharing the hard ROI that an intelligent appointment scheduling solution can provide, you should also focus on what appointment scheduling can do for your business from all perspectives. It’s not only about improving the customer experience, but the staff experience as well. Appointments are a win-win all the way around!

                        For customers, having an online appointment solution:

                        • Eliminates frustration: They no longer have to have the back and forth of trying to book an appointment, they can select a service and time that suits their needs.

                        • Provides convenience: Not only can they book whenever they want, with virtual appointment options, they can meet with staff from wherever they are.

                        • Improves the experience: The customer gets to meet with an expert that knows exactly why they made the appointment, and can have a more efficient, more personalized, and more satisfying experience.

                        For staff, having a robust appointment solution:

                        • Empowers them: They feel in control of their time and feel like they can properly prepare to meet with customers.

                        • Generates efficiency: They can spend more time on what matters versus taking the time to manually schedule and reschedule appointments, or feel ill prepared to help a walk-in customer.

                        • Boosts confidence: By working with scheduled customers, they are more likely to close the deal and enjoy their interactions with customers. Whether helping someone feel great about their new wardrobe or giving their customers financial peace of mind, staff will benefit too!

                        So while there is a cost to buying, training staff on, and implementing an enterprise appointment scheduling solution, it’s quite possibly only a small fraction of your overall digital transformation strategy budget. Plus, there is so much opportunity to improve customer loyalty and increase revenue and profitability! By waiting to implement an appointment scheduling solution, you could be missing out on new customers and revenue.

                        So what are you waiting for?! If you’re ready to learn more about appointment scheduling and how JRNI can help you personalize experiences at scale, then sign up to speak with an expert who can help! Not ready to talk to someone, but curious to learn more about the benefits of appointments? Then download our eBook, “The ROI of appointments” to learn how appointments are driving value.

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                        My Journey to JRNI: Luis Fleitas https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-luis-fleitas Tue, 29 Jun 2021 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-luis-fleitas

                        Meet JRNI’s Professional Services Manager, Luis Fleitas. We sat down (virtually) with Luis to find out more about his career progression, what makes JRNI different, and what he enjoys doing outside of work!

                        Meet JRNI’s Professional Services Manager, Luis Fleitas.

                        You’ve been at JRNI for four years now. How have you grown in your role thus far?

                        I started out as a Solutions Architect on the pre-sales team four years ago. I worked with many large enterprises designing integrations that are still up and running today. I am now managing the Professional Services team in the U.S. In the past four years, I have had the good fortune to work closely with the Sales, Product, and Engineering teams and have learned a lot from them.

                        What’s one of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career at JRNI?

                        It's hard to pick one single project or task as my biggest accomplishment in JRNI. I have worked on multiple large challenging projects that have helped the company grow and establish ourselves as market leaders. However, I would consider building a truly amazing PS team as my biggest accomplishment. It’s rewarding to see how my team delivers large projects and maintains a high level of engagement with our customers during the implementation cycle.

                        What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                        The impact of our work. We work with very well established and recognizable brands, and our products are used by hundreds of thousands of people every month across the world.

                        What’s your favorite thing about your coworkers/team?

                        There is a direct line to anybody in the organization. We are truly an open door organization. I am able to reach out to anybody if I have an idea or issue I need to discuss.

                        What makes JRNI different?

                        The fast pace of change and how quickly we can react to market changes. It was truly amazing how our company was able to react to the changes that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to the marketplace by introducing new product offerings that helped bridge a gap.

                        Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?

                        I have two main hobbies. I love to cook and I also practice Crossfit. I bought a side smoker a couple of years ago and have been perfecting my technique. I am always reading on what is the best way to smoke and season a brisket.

                        If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                        I have been lucky enough to travel a little bit and see some truly amazing places. However, if I could pick my next destination it would probably be Istanbul. I love the idea of walking through the open markets and visiting the Hagia Sophia mosque.

                        Interested in working alongside Luis and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointheJRNI!

                        We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                        One year later: A look at consumer behavior https://www.jrni.com/blog/consumer-behavior-changes Thu, 24 Jun 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/consumer-behavior-changes

                        The new normal. The next normal. Long hauler. Social distancing. Zoom fatigue. Today, they’re part of our accepted lexicon. One year and some months after the start of the pandemic, we have several reminders of its existence beyond just language, and nowhere is it more evident than in the behavior of consumers.

                        The pandemic, no doubt, drove companies to accelerate their transformation plans from years to months to ensure the safety, happiness, and return of customers and prospects. And never has it been more important to focus on how technology enhances the customer experience, truly complements it rather than replace or dehumanize it. Many of these changes, and their effect on consumers show no signs of waning.

                        General behavioral shifts

                        Remember when “Who’s zoomin who” was best known as an Aretha Franklin song? Today, with web conferencing being the de facto means of communication, market leader Zoom enjoyed 418% growth in adoption rate in the first few months of the pandemic. In fact, all of the web conferencing tools had a great year with the demand for face-to-face communication combined with social distance.

                        A chart showing how web conferencing tools grew by 87% from January 2020 to April 2020.

                        Other key behavioral shifts include:

                        • An Accenture survey reveals that 83% of customers have no issue sharing their data provided they get a personalized experience.

                        • Google research shows that over 98% of Americans switch between devices every day.

                        • 73% of consumers now say that an experience with one organization changes their expectations for all other organizations.

                        Consumers are becoming far more demanding, and want the best experience available.

                        Shopping shifts

                        Whether you’re a grocery store, an apparel vendor, a luxury retailer, or a car dealer, you’ve seen shifts in your customers demanding immediacy, convenience, safety, and a selection of channels. They want high touch, but little contact.

                        • Online retail sales were up 29% in Q1 2021 (Digital Commerce 360)

                        • Curbside pickup grew 700% at Target, and drove 41% of revenue in Q2 for Best Buy (New York Times)

                        • BOPIS (buy-online-pickup-in-store) and curbside pickup adoption has increased for 78% of shoppers since the beginning of the pandemic, and 69% of consumers expect to continue using these services (Raydiant’s State of Consumer Behavior 2021)

                        • Customers that use more than three channels while interacting with a brand are 250% more likely to make a purchase compared to single-channel users. (ClickZ)

                        • Last summer, 42% of US shoppers ordered groceries online in comparison to 29% for the same period in the previous year (NPD Group)

                        • 79% of US consumers reported missing the social aspects of shopping in physical stores during lockdown

                        • Online experiences are not permanent substitutes for in-person experiences as 46% of respondents said they still prefer to shop in person rather than online. (Raydiant)

                        With the shifts in behavior, it is clear that consumers are looking to maintain their safety, indulge their needs for convenience, and seek out the ability to interact with others. Similarly, banks and financial institutions are experiencing similar trends from their customers.

                        Banking trends

                        Despite who you are listening to, the trends in the banking industry remain fairly consistent. Consumers want to deal with people when it comes to their finances, they demand omnichannel options, and are looking for human, personalized services.

                        • Three-quarters of financial services executives — from banking, insurance and capital markets — report that half of their customers’ financial activities switched from in-person to digital. (Microsoft)

                        • 43% of respondents say the way they bank has changed due to COVID-19 (EY)

                        • One in four financial institutions are planning to invest for the first time in video technologies. Going into 2020, only 20% of banks and credit unions had already deployed these tools—heading into 2021, that percentage is roughly 30%. (Cornerstone Advisors)

                        Maybe it’s time to look at a scheduling solution

                        It’s clear that consumers are looking for engagement that is:

                        • Personalized

                        • Omnichannel

                        • Immediate

                        • Safe

                        • Human

                        If you’re looking for a solution to check all of the boxes, appointment scheduling software is your best bet. It provides the ability to offer face-to-face communication, while building stronger customer relationships.

                        At JRNI, we’re here to help you ramp up your XRM strategy to remain competitive in the current landscape and beyond! Our experiential relationship management (XRM) platform helps top retailers and financial institutions personalize experiences at scale through in-person and remote appointments, virtual queuing, and more. If you’re interested, then sign up to speak with one of our experts! We’re more than ready to help you look ahead and move forward!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        Best practices for curbside pickup to meet omnichannel demand https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-practices-curbside-pickup Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-practices-curbside-pickup

                        Omnichannel strategies have been crucial to retail previously, but providing customers BOPIS (buy-online-pickup-in-store) and curbside pickup service options is now essential. It’s no longer a nice-to-have for physical locations, it’s a must-have to continue to meet ever-changing consumer demands. In fact, as we start to come out of the pandemic, 87% of consumers say they want businesses to continue to offer options like curbside pickup.

                        Due to the numerous changes over the past year, including a need for digital offerings and contactless methods, curbside pickup services and the like soared into popularity. Many retailers adapted quickly to give consumers the options they needed at the time, and now that curbside is here to stay, it’s about providing the best curbside pickup experience possible.

                        Here are some best practices for nailing your curbside pickup and BOPIS strategy:

                        Analyze curbside data to improve customer satisfaction

                        It’s imperative to have the right data in place to improve customer satisfaction and to scale your curbside and in-store pickup services. Here are some of the data points you need to analyze to ensure the best experience possible:

                        • Inventory data: First of all, the most critical part of a great experience is ensuring that you actually have the item in stock at the store for a customer to come pick up. If inventory data is not up-to-date at any given moment, you could not only be losing a sale - you could be losing a customer entirely. In fact, a recent study from PwC states 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company after two or three negative interactions. So make sure your technology and inventory management systems are updating in-real time.

                        • Customer satisfaction data: What do customers love about your service, and what do they hate? How can you make small changes that immediately impact and improve the customer experience? A simple survey that includes an open field for comments via email after the service could be a great way to collect some of this feedback. You can then prioritize improvements by what is most negatively affecting your customers.

                        • Lead time data: How long does it take for your store locations to fulfill a curbside or BOPIS order? How can you improve this time to fill? How can you optimize your workforce to improve this process? Ensuring that people can get the items they want and need in a reasonable amount of time is critical to an exceptional experience!

                        Taking time to look at your data and understand how it’s impacting your customer experience is a great way to keep the process running smoothly, and provide you with the insights to make enhancements.

                        Clearly communicate the curbside pickup process

                        Clear communication around the process with curbside has, and will continue to be, one of the most important aspects of your services. Even for repeat curbside customers, your pickup locations and processes are likely changing all the time, and it’s crucial you communicate this before, during, and after each service:

                        • What can customers expect before arriving?

                        • What part of the parking lot do they park for curbside pickup? Where in the store do they go for in-store pickup?

                        • Do they need identification, an order number, or any other information to get the item?

                        • How do they alert you they’ve arrived?

                        • Is there a specific staff member they should look for, or an easy way to identify a team member helping with the curbside and BOPIS orders?

                        • What should they do if no one comes out to their car or they can’t find a store associate to assist in-store?

                        • Can they make any additional requests or orders at the time of pick up?

                        By establishing clear communication from the initial order confirmation email or notification, you can give your customers peace of mind when using your services.

                        Personalize your curbside services to exceed expectations

                        While curbside services picked up significantly over the past year, that doesn’t mean every single one of your customers was using it. Some customers have yet to try it! In the same regard, there are some customers who know exactly what to expect and are already planning their next curbside pickup order with you. That’s why it’s key to personalize services for each and every customer, including curbside beginners, repeaters, and loyalists.

                        • New curbside pickup customers:
                          • For someone who hasn’t used your services before - even if they are familiar with your brick-and-mortar locations - your communication and messaging should be as clear and helpful as possible.

                          • The focus should be on educating the customer, while alleviating any concerns over using the new service.

                        • Returning curbside pickup customers:
                          • With returning curbside customers, you should personalize the communication before, during, and after the process to show them you are listening and that you care.

                          • While you should still focus on communicating where to park, how the process works, and more, the goal should be to provide such a seamless experience that they turn into a curbside loyalist.

                          • After they complete the pickup, be sure to send them a follow-up, personalized email recommending other products based on their previous purchases, and thanking them for their order and time.

                        • Curbside pickup loyalists:
                          • How do you continue to meet and exceed the expectations of customers who love and continue to use BOPIS and curbside? How do you ensure they stay loyal?

                          • Personalize their experience and reward their loyalty. Maybe offer a discount on their next curbside order, or give them additional program points when making curbside orders.

                        Offer curbside appointments for added convenience and reliability

                        As much as consumers love the convenience and instant gratification of curbside services, they also expect it to be seamless - sticking to a specific timeframe. Your consumers don’t only want on-demand, convenient services - they expect them too!

                        With appointments scheduling, your curbside customers can choose a time that’s best for them, versus scheduling a later time frame due staff availability and the number of orders coming in. It can help your team manage traffic flow and give more time to ensure accurate inventory counts, and to mitigate any issues before a customer arrives.

                        By setting realistic expectations with your customers, and being able to optimize your workforce with curbside appointment information that helps your team plan ahead, you can improve the entire process.

                        Continuously improve curbside pickup and BOPIS services

                        Like everything in the retail realm, there is always room for improvement! This goes hand-in-hand with the best practice of analyzing your data. As you continue to offer curbside and BOPIS services, be sure to make it a part of your strategy to continuously analyze the data and processes to identify areas for improvement. Continue to get customer feedback and look for ways to streamline. Ask questions such as:

                        • What are our lead and wait times on curbside orders and appointments and how can we improve them?

                        • How can you better promote these services on your website to make it easy for customers to find and use?

                        • How can you use data to continue to have the most popular products in stock for this service?

                        • How can you use data to personalize the experience for the various customers using this service?

                        Ideally, finding a way to make your services stand out, and provide the highest quality of service will ensure your curbside shoppers become loyal customers in no time.

                        And as a final note, if you aren’t offering curbside pickup services, now is the time! With 73% of U.S. consumers changing stores, brands, or the way they shop, and 43% of consumers saying they are willing to spend more on convenience in the future - curbside and in-store pickup services will be key to your omnichannel retail strategy.

                        It has become an expectation of many consumers, and if you don’t provide this service, the customers who have come to love this option will likely shop somewhere else. Plus, the benefits for your customers are undeniable: convenient, easy, fast, and safe! And while digital banking and online shopping are also on the rise, there will always be customers who want the option of an on-demand service like curbside.

                        Want to learn more? Check out our blog post on how to personalize curbside for first-time curbside customers, returning customers, and curbside loyalists!

                        The Experience Evolution Episode 2: Appointments are a key business investment in the experience economy https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-experience-evolution-episode-2 Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-experience-evolution-episode-2

                        Subscribe: Apple | Spotify

                        In JRNI’s second podcast episode, CEO, John Federman, and Cimarron Buser, Founder & CEO of TASBIA (The Appointment Scheduling & Booking Industry Association), share insights on the importance of appointments in providing great experiences and meeting demand, and becoming a core part of many organizations’ strategies. They’ll discuss:

                        • How appointment scheduling is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have, to meet consumer expectations

                        • How appointments have become integral to the operations of enterprise-level companies

                        • How the pandemic accelerated the want and need for appointments, and how many businesses utilized them to continue providing personalized, human-to-human experiences

                        • Appointment scheduling trends, including how appointment times are going down, while productivity is going up

                        John Federman, CEO of JRNI, and Cimarron Buser, Founder & CEO of TASBIA discuss why appointments are a key business investment in the experience economy.

                        Businesses already recognized the importance of appointments as an experience driver for customers and prospects long before the pandemic.

                        However, once the pandemic hit, the need and desire for appointments accelerated. Retailers, financial institutions, and many other businesses are driving significant value and ROI from providing one-to-one appointments for consumers.

                        In working for an appointment and scheduling provider, Buser saw the need to educate companies on the value appointments could bring to their businesses, which led him to start TASBIA (The Appointment Scheduling & Booking Industry Association).

                        “I started the association last year with a two-fold mission,” Buser said. “First, to help appointment scheduling, booking, queuing, and other similar technology providers that have common challenges, including trying to get access to industry information and trying to understand customer behavior. And, secondly, to promote the use of appointment scheduling to anyone interested. This is primarily for business customers.”

                        Federman said that one of the trends he saw during the pandemic was the role of appointments transforming from a nice-to-have to a must-have for organizations in many industries. With this, appointments have become integral to the operations of many enterprise-level businesses.

                        “What we're starting to see is, rather than appointments being an add-on, is the transition to being an integration into the full business processes. In other words, it's not a standalone widget. It's now integrated into the CRM system, it's integrated into the marketing infrastructure, it's integrated into all analytics, and those dashboards which drive performance. What we've done ourselves at JRNI, and in the industry, is recognize that this transition means that all the requirements that every senior-level enterprise buyer puts on other software purchases is now firmly a part of the requirements in the appointment industry as well.”

                        John Federman, CEO

                        The differentiator and transition to becoming a key part of enterprise-level businesses means taking things into consideration such as information security, multiple languages, multiple time zones, and the multiple disciplines that enterprises require. As large companies have entered the appointment category recently, many aren’t built to take on enterprise needs.

                        “There's a little bit of a no man's land, you've got your big enterprise application software providers who are adding on appointments as a feature. And the best news for the category, frankly, is that they’ve come up short. And the reason I say that is, it underscores just how differentiated and how complicated the infrastructure of creating a scalable enterprise appointment solution really is,” Federman said.

                        Appointment scheduling software has become a must-have

                        The usage of appointments offered by companies also skyrocketed during the pandemic, and continues to trend upwards as things start to return to “normal”.

                        “We’ve seen one top-10 U.S. bank increase their appointment volume by about 2,200% from 2019 to 2020,” Federman said.

                        As the need for appointments increases, so does efficiency. Businesses now strive to make the appointment experience as value-oriented for both sides as possible.

                        “Companies create a customer journey on the front end that asks a lot of questions, so that, when that appointment happens, the associate has all the information in hand,” Federman said. “That appointment is productive, it’s personal, it’s relevant, and it delivers an experience that keeps people coming back.”

                        In addition, Buser adds that the convenience and availability of appointments, including virtual appointments, has accelerated the need not only for appointment scheduling, but the need to provide various appointment modes to meet consumer expectations.

                        “I think a big trend is that some types of meetings that people thought historically just had to happen in person, all of sudden, they realized, no, actually we can do it differently,” Buser said. “Once people get that experience of doing it differently and better, and saving all this time, they don't want to go back.”

                        Federman said appointments have become so critical to provide exceptional customer experiences that it becomes a disadvantage to not offer them.

                        “The competitive disadvantage is not offering appointments, they continue to provide a considerable value to consumers,” Federman said. “So if you think about it, it circles back to the importance of providing true omnichannel, personalized, frictionless experiences, and you don't get that personalization and human connection by just browsing products and services online, or frankly, in person. You get that when you are paired with an expert, to help you shop for that new wardrobe or plan your next financial move.”

                        Subscribe to The Experience Evolution today!

                        Want to be updated when our next podcast episode is available? Then be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify! You can download the episodes and listen at your convenience. Additionally, you can find all future podcast episodes on our Resources page. If you are looking to provide better customer experiences through appointment scheduling, then sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                        How banks can keep their customers engaged after an appointment https://www.jrni.com/blog/engage-customers-after-banking-appointment Thu, 10 Jun 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/engage-customers-after-banking-appointment

                        Appointments are the new normal - and your financial institution has embraced this by providing customers the options they want and need to bank with you on their terms. Your staff is trained and conducting appointments regularly, and your customers are getting the expert advice they want and need from your team. You know exactly how to meet and exceed your customers’ expectations by using the appointment information and booking questions to facilitate a great appointment experience. While there is a lot of emphasis on the appointment itself, how you handle the follow up is just as critical.

                        But how can you continue to exceed your customers’ expectations after an appointment? How can you continue to build deeper customer relationships? As an integral part of your business, your appointments strategy needs to consider post-appointment engagement.

                        Why is a customer engagement strategy important in banking?

                        While providing an excellent customer experience is important, engagement is just as crucial when it comes to building better relationships to drive loyalty. Customer engagement is a true measure of customer experience success, and leads to happy customers who will do more with your financial institution. Plus, it all comes back to providing memorable - and personalized - experiences. Personalization in banking matters:

                        So as you can tell by the stats, customers care about personalization. That’s why it’s vital to ensure you personalize the entire banking appointment experience from booking to follow-up communication.

                        How to engage your customers after a banking appointment

                        Establishing solid customer relationships includes nurturing them before, during, and after their appointment. They reserved time with one of your expert staff members for a reason, and your team needs to capitalize on this. Appointments should not be a one and done, but an ongoing strategy to nurture your customers and improve customer lifetime value (CLV). Because after all, the cost to acquire a customer in the banking industry is high. In fact, banks spend approximately $200 to acquire a new customer, yet their average customer generates $150 in revenue annually.

                        So whether a new customer or an existing customer, having a solid customer engagement strategy post-appointment matters. Here are some ways banks and credit unions can engage their customers and members after an appointment:

                        • Set an appointment schedule. When it comes to banking, your customers and members want to work with trusted experts. From the moment your staff meets with a customer for an appointment, they should ask when they want to book their next appointment. As a go-to appointment offer, your staff could mention that many other customers have enjoyed a one-to-one appointment to review all available products and services. Of course, if they want to book an appointment for a specific service, they might need to meet with another staff member who is an expert in the area, but making the ask during a remote video appointment or in-person appointment is the perfect time to do so. This will help build trust and show that your bank or credit union cares to help them make their next financial move.

                        • Thank them for their time. Immediately following the appointment, your staff should follow up with a quick message - either via email or text - to thank them for their time. A thank you goes a long way! An automated thank you message is a great way to ensure your customers receive this right away.

                        • Follow-up communication to check in.
                          • Check in on your customers and members to see how they are doing with the new product or service and recap your appointment conversation.

                          • Ask if they need any help. Do they have any additional questions on their new checking account? Were they able to set up an online account to access their loan information easily - and at any time? Do they want to schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss more?

                          • Make the ask to schedule another appointment for a related service if this wasn’t done during the actual appointment. Maybe as you discussed opening a savings account, the customer mentioned wanting to purchase a home in the next year. This is a great opportunity to reach out and put a mortgage appointment on their calendar to discuss loans and how the process works.

                          • Between personalizing the outreach, and making the ask for the next appointment, you’ll be well on your way to improving customer satisfaction and building stronger relationships!

                        • Offer an exclusive banking event for return appointment customers. Appointments drive significant value for banks, so reward your loyal appointment customers by offering an exclusive banking event for them! An educational workshop - whether on investing, retirement, or what types of services you offer - would be a great way to continue building rapport with your customers, and become a trusted advisor to them.

                        • Use data to proactively reach out. By harnessing the power of customer data, your staff can truly begin to understand your customers and help them reach their financial goals. If a customer downloaded the mobile app but hasn’t logged in - reach out to see if they’d like to set up an appointment to go through app benefits and how to use it. If there is a new feature or service available that can assist customers with their goals, reach out to see if they want to review the new services and how it could suit their needs. There are many ways your team can use customer data to further engage them after the initial appointment.

                        • Ask for feedback and reviews. Ask your customers and members to give you feedback on the entire appointment experience so you can continuously improve. Additionally, if they had a great experience, ask them to leave a review - whether on social media or Google - and specifically mention your appointments. This is a great way to promote your financial appointments while also improving your ratings.

                        These are just a few of the ways your staff can engage with customers after an appointment to make the most of it! The best thing you can do is personalize the outreach and address the ongoing financial needs of your customers.

                        How bank appointment scheduling software helps nurture stronger engagement with customers

                        And if you aren’t already, then you need a comprehensive, scalable appointment scheduling solution to empower your team to provide a cohesive experience, from the moment they book an appointment, to the moment they schedule a follow-up appointment. Leading banks are embracing enterprise appointment scheduling solutions. There are many key considerations for banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions when it comes to online appointment scheduling. From security to must-have integrations, you need to find an appointment solution that scales with your business:

                        • Accessibility: Between the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) legislation, internationally-recognized WCAG 2.1 guidelines, and other local regulations, being accessible for customers across all of your digital entities, including your software vendors, matters. Find a technology partner that prioritizes accessibility so you can provide the best user experience across the entire customer journey and serve your customers without fail.

                        • Information security: As a top priority for the financial services industry, finding an appointment scheduling solution that puts security first is crucial. From GDPR to ISO and more, strict information security policies should protect your company and your customers.

                        • Integrations: When your business relies on all kinds of technology to run efficiently, you need your technology partners to integrate with other tech seamlessly. With the importance of Microsoft Outlook, given the financial services industry has the highest usage of Office 365, you need to find an appointment solution that includes this crucial integration and more!

                        • Analytics: You need to be able to measure the results of your appointments strategy. Utilizing analytics, your financial institution can make critical business decisions to drive growth. You need an enterprise appointment scheduling solution that gives you data on no-shows, cancellations, lead times, wait times, and more! It should be robust while giving you and your stakeholders the information you need at ease.

                        Utilizing an appointment scheduling solution that can help you personalize experiences at scale - before, during, and after the appointment - will be the true differentiator in why customers and members choose you and stay with you. After all, the engaged customer not only spends more, but they’re overall less expensive, they’re more satisfied with their customer experience, and will be more loyal.

                        At JRNI, we’re helping top financial institutions personalize their experiences at scale through appointment scheduling, virtual queuing, and more. With the tools in place to ensure you can engage your customers after each appointment, our platform is driving value for banks, credit unions, insurance companies, wealth management firms, and more! Some results our customers have seen since implementing JRNI:

                        Interested in learning how JRNI can help your financial institution thrive in the experience economy through personalized, one-to-one appointments? Then sign up to speak with an expert!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        Best practices for engaging your customers after a retail appointment https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagement-after-a-retail-appointment Tue, 08 Jun 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagement-after-a-retail-appointment

                        Appointment scheduling in retail is an effective driver of success right now, and will continue to be an essential part of long-term, omnichannel retail strategies. As many businesses implement an appointments solution, they start to consider how to train their staff to be properly prepared to exceed customer expectations during each appointment. But what about the after? How do you keep the conversation going after an appointment? How do you ensure your customers are happy and satisfied? How can you create a customer engagement strategy that will turn a scheduled customer into a loyal customer?

                        To execute a successful appointments strategy, your team needs to consider the full customer journey - from the moment a customer books an appointment all the way to post-appointment communication. By using a customer-first approach and personalizing interactions, your teams can easily increase customer engagement and loyalty.

                        Importance of customer engagement for retail

                        We live in the experience economy, so you better believe that customer engagement matters in retail! With an extremely competitive landscape and a push for more retail technology to harmonize the customer journey across all channels, engagement is one of the key drivers in providing a cohesive, consistent, and compelling customer experience. Doing this well means personalizing at scale.

                        Guess what’s going to help you transform your customer engagements into personalized, memorable experiences? Data! Utilizing customer data, you can tailor unique looks, make customized product suggestions, and get to know your customers on a deeper level. There is so much value you can derive from diving into your data and using it to arm your staff and business with the knowledge to personalize customer interactions. And just how important is personalization? Well, the stats don’t lie...

                        • 71% of consumers feel frustrated when a shopping experience is impersonal (Segment)

                        • 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them (Accenture)

                        • 73% of consumers say a business has never communicated with them online in a way that felt too personalized or invasive (Accenture)

                        If you want to remain competitive in today’s retail landscape, you can’t afford to compromise the customer experience. You need to nurture your customers as a part of your appointments strategy to see long-term success.

                        Retail strategies to increase customer engagement after appointments

                        There are many ways your staff can prepare for an appointment, but there are just as many - if not more - ways you can follow up post-appointment to drive more engagement. Consumers want white-glove service and VIP treatment - so show them why they should continue to be loyal to your brand! Here are some best practices for engaging your customers after an appointment:

                        • Set expectations. This is actually something your staff should do during, or right at the very end of an appointment. When your customer comes in for an appointment or meets virtually, ensure your staff asks to schedule the next appointment. Asking to meet again is a great way for your staff to continue building deeper customer relationships.

                        • Follow up immediately. Immediately following the appointment, your retail associates should send a quick email or text message to thank the customer for their time, and that they will be following up with more detailed information soon.

                        • Personalize outreach. To show a deep level of understanding and attention to detail, your retail associates should follow up with a personalized email or SMS recapping the conversation during the appointment and sending additional product recommendations. If they were shopping for a new outfit to take on a beach vacation, then the follow-up message could include some additional accessories like a sun hat or a pair of sandals. If it was a wedding dress appointment, the staff member could follow up with some venue decor recommendations that complement the style of the gown they purchased. If a customer was shopping for a new sofa and chairs, your staff could follow up with an area rug that matches the set. This personalized outreach ensures your customers feel heard and cared for, and is a great opportunity to cross-sell.

                        • Make the ask. Scheduled customers can easily become your most loyal customers. First, they tend to have done more research on your products and are more likely to make a purchase. In fact, some retailers have seen an average conversion rate of 70% for customers who book appointments. So if a retail associate wasn’t able to secure an additional appointment during the scheduled visit, then ask again in the follow-up communication. Set a timeframe that your staff reaches out again to touch base and schedule another appointment. Remind them how easy it is to book an online appointment with your brand, and how they can easily select which staff member they want to meet with.

                        • Give access to an exclusive event. Every customer wants to be treated like a VIP. They want your undivided attention. Luckily, appointments already lend a hand in this level of service. To reiterate how much you care about your customers, then engage them further by inviting them to an exclusive event - such as an in-store cooking event or online personal shopping event with a local influencer.

                        • Offer a deal. With high conversion rates and improved customer loyalty, appointments are a surefire way to increase revenue. Continue to show your appreciation by offering a one-time offer, whether it’s a free gift with their next purchase or the next time they schedule an appointment. Or maybe it’s a significant discount on their next purchase. But make it count, make it worth it, and make sure it is a unique offer to your appointment customers!

                        • Ask for an appointment review. One bad experience can ruin your relationship with a customer. In fact, a recent study from PwC, 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company after two or three negative interactions. But one great experience is your key to improving customer lifetime value (CLV). If you provide a personalized, memorable one-to-one appointment experience, then ask for a review! Ask if they will mention the appointment in their review and describe their experience.

                        These are just some of the ways you can follow up with and engage your customers after an appointment. Just as you do with a loyalty program, find a way to make your scheduled customers feel like a top priority.

                        Software solutions to help increase customer engagement after retail appointments

                        Having the right appointment scheduling software in place makes it easy to engage with your customers post-appointment. This relationship can continue to develop and deepen over time.

                        Important considerations for retailers when it comes to selecting appointment scheduling software:

                        • Integrations: Does it integrate with your current technology stack? Whether it’s your clienteling system or CRM, you need to ensure your technology works together to give you a holistic view of your business!

                        • Omnichannel retail experiences: It should enable you to meet your customers - wherever they are! Whether they want to meet with you in-person, then shop online, or have a virtual appointment and pick up their purchase in-store, your appointment scheduling solution needs to meet the demands of the omnichannel, hybrid customer.

                        • Appointment control and management: Customers want to be able to schedule, cancel, and reschedule appointments on their terms. Your solution should offer a way for customers to control their own scheduling process. Giving your customers the ability to quickly and easily reschedule will not only help improve the customer experience, but can help reduce no-shows. You should also ensure that customers get automated appointment reminders of scheduled or cancelled appointments. Automated reminders are critical in reducing no-shows and cancellations!

                        • In-depth, actionable analytics: Your online appointment booking system should come with an out-of-the-box analytics solution that makes it easy for you and your entire team to not only measure KPIs and the success of your XRM strategy but to continuously improve. Can you measure things like wait time, lead time, appointment volume, seasonal trends, and more? With insights into critical data, you can take action to improve the customer experience.

                        All in all, the way you follow up after an appointment matters. By giving just as much attention to personalization after the appointment, your customers will feel that you truly listened and cared, and this will lead to more loyalty long-term. And this… this is exactly how top retailers are successful - by considering every touchpoint along the customer journey, including post-appointment and post-sale.

                        Want to learn more about how top retailers are seeing success with an appointments strategy and engaging their customers? Then check out the following success stories:

                        Things have changed: Looking ahead https://www.jrni.com/blog/looking-ahead Tue, 01 Jun 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/looking-ahead

                        Looking ahead, we know nothing will be the same. The way we work, the way we celebrate, the way we connect with others, the way we communicate … it will all be different. It already is.

                        This is true for businesses across every industry as well. Over the past year, consumer behavior has drastically shifted. One of the most impactful changes across every industry was the rapid acceleration of digital transformation. And while the move towards digitalization across all industries certainly preceded the pandemic, some say the digital transformation we experienced in the last year is equal to 10 years’ worth. This created an extremely competitive environment, and the need to adapt and embrace digital strategies was crucial to surviving. Now that many consumers are accustomed to new digital technologies and offerings, but also still want in-person, human-to-human connection, it’s time to prepare for what’s next!

                        It’s time to look to the future and continue to adapt to meet consumer expectations for long-term success.

                        Changes in consumer behavior

                        While consumer behavior is always changing, there’s no denying that the past year has changed consumer behavior in ways no one could have predicted. Consumers have been empowered to shop on their terms, bank on their terms, and do business with you on their terms. When customers could not physically be in stores or branches, online shopping and digital banking provided safety and convenience.

                        Today’s consumer and the future consumer wants their experience to be personalized, memorable, and convenient. With this, there has been a shift in where they do business and how they do business. Let’s take at what’s changed:

                        There is a lot to consider across industries when finding new and innovative ways to be successful in the future. Retailers and financial institutions will need to continue to adapt their strategies to exceed customer expectations:

                        Retailers: A focus on experiential retail and an omnichannel approach

                        Ecommerce was certainly prevalent and crucial, pre-pandemic. However, the sudden shift to online and curbside services had retailers quickly adapting their brick-and-mortar locations to curbside fulfillment centers and optimizing their online presence to increase sales. With more than 150 million new shoppers that migrated online in the past year, and 79% indicating they plan to continue shopping online, having a robust online presence is a must. But, there are still many consumers who prefer shopping in-store. From curbside pickup and click and collect to virtual shopping and fitting appointments, the pandemic has forever changed the retail landscape:

                        It’s been competitive, and there’s no denying that with changes in consumer shopping habits, it’s going to be even more competitive. Here are some things retailers can do to stand out from the crowd:

                        • Embrace an omnichannel approach. This has never been more crucial for retailers. Consumers are using a mixture of traditional online and in-store shopping and are eagerly taking advantage of new technologies that enable them to tailor their remote and in-person shopping experience to their exact needs. That could mean purchasing online and picking up curbside. That could mean browsing in a store then ordering online for delivery. That could mean booking an in-person appointment and then making additional purchases online. Each customer shopping journey is unique, and you need to find ways to not only accommodate these journeys, but make them exceptional.

                        • Reimagine your brick-and-mortar stores as experiential hubs. Look to create flagship stores that aren’t only a point of sale, but provide immersive shopping experiences that increase brand loyalty. Be innovative, and create something memorable. Some shoppers want to research and explore products in stores, but buy online. Make your brand stand out from the rest.

                        • Personalize the customer journey at scale. How can you meet the needs of all of your shoppers? How can you ensure that they are having engaging, consistent experiences across all channels? Your online shoppers, your in-store shoppers, your curbside pickup shoppers, your hybrid consumers who do a mix of it all - it’s about finding ways to meet the needs of all of these different shoppers in a manner that is personalized to them. You must embrace and invest in the right technology to do this at scale, including prioritizing one-to-one personalized remote and in-store appointments.

                        Financial institutions: A focus on bank from anywhere and humanizing digital banking

                        The past year was no easy feat for banks and credit unions. Even with mobile and digital banking already in place, in 2020, customers shifted to online and mobile banking in record numbers - even in regions where previously cash had been the go-to. Between legacy systems and an exponential increase in the need for digital, many financial institutions had to adapt quickly to continue serving their customers to the level they were used to across physical branch locations. In a recent Deloitte survey, almost 80% of respondents from top financial institutions stated that COVID-19 uncovered shortcomings in their digital capabilities.

                        There is a true shift to banking from anywhere, as customers have adapted to mobile banking and virtual banking appointments when they couldn’t walk into branches. They want personalized, positive experiences that have a human touch. And while there has definitely been a trend toward digital, people still want in-person interactions when receiving financial advice. When it comes to banking, people are embracing more digital options, but are also looking for positive experiences:

                        • 44% of retail banking customers said they are using their primary bank’s mobile app more often.

                        • One out of every ten people is considering switching their primary financial institutions within a year and open new accounts to meet the financial essentials and align with the values in their lives.

                        • 75% of customers say that positive experiences influence purchasing decisions in banking.

                        Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions should focus on new customer engagement strategies to improve customer satisfaction:

                        • Provide options and convenience through omnichannel banking. Look to enable banking from anywhere. Consider new innovative ways to connect with the hybrid, omnichannel consumer, such as virtual banking branches. If you can provide more ways to bank, and more expertise to meet the needs of your customers, you will remain competitive.

                        • Upgrade and invest in technology to propel your digital strategy moving forward. To remain competitive and to give the highest level of customer service, you need to exceed customer expectations across all types of banking experiences (both in-person and digitally). From appointment scheduling to give your customers and members the one-to-one connections they crave to virtual queuing to ease customer frustrations of waiting in a physical line, having the right technology in place to meet and exceed customer expectations is key.

                        • Humanize your banking services. Find a way to connect with customers and members on a human level to build emotional connections. Money is personal, and you need to be empathetic and build deeper relationships with your customers if you want to improve customer loyalty and lifetime value. Banking on empathy matters.

                        Personalize your experiences at scale with an XRM strategy

                        Things have changed, and they will continue to change. As more consumers want to shop and bank when, how, and where they want - but still expect exceptional customer service and unique experiences, it can be hard to keep up! At JRNI, we’re here to help you ramp up your XRM strategy to remain competitive in the current landscape and beyond! Our experiential relationship management (XRM) platform helps top retailers and financial institutions personalize experiences at scale through in-person and remote appointments, virtual queuing, and more. If you’re interested, then sign up to speak with one of our experts! We’re more than ready to help you look ahead and move forward!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        How to create a virtual banking branch https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-create-a-virtual-banking-branch Tue, 25 May 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-create-a-virtual-banking-branch

                        With banking from anywhere becoming the new normal, there is so much to consider in terms of creating the best experience for your current and prospective customers. Banking from anywhere doesn’t only mean virtual banking, it means empowering your customers to bank when, where, and how they want to.

                        You might have heard it before, and we have too: “physical branches are dead” - but that’s not true. While there has been a rapid acceleration of digital banking and virtual services, there’s no denying that people still want human connection and interaction. There’s also no denying that many people want in-person interaction when receiving financial advice. That’s why the importance of omnichannel offerings will only continue to increase - at a rapid pace.

                        Virtual banking is here to stay

                        With customers still wanting to bank at branches, but COVID changing their banking experiences - a new question arises: Will the branches that customers are coming back to ever look the same? No, they simply will not. Like so much of the world, the way people and businesses operate will never be the same. So what can banks and credit unions do to improve customer satisfaction and lifetime value? They need to consider the full end-to-end customer journey.

                        “Banks need to make sure there are channels — branches and digital — available for everyone, no matter their personal circumstance.”

                        - Finextra

                        So, what is a virtual banking branch? While physical branches are being reimagined, the concept of a virtual branch - one where customers can still get the dedicated, personalized service they’d receive in person - is a great way to provide the banking options people are looking for. Many banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions have embraced a full appointment strategy to meet the needs of their customers. During the pandemic, customers grew used to the safety and convenience of remote banking appointments, and more people than ever adopted mobile and digital banking. In fact, according to research by Juniper, online and mobile banking growth is expected to increase by 54% compared to 2020.

                        With virtual offerings available to both customers and staff from the convenience of their homes or wherever they choose - the benefits are undeniable. A better customer experience, a better staff experience, and less reliance on physical branches means you can give your customers the personalized financial experiences they want while increasing your bottom line. Here’s how your bank, credit union, or financial institution can create a virtual branch to reap the benefits:

                        1. Invest in a bank appointment scheduling solution

                        First and foremost, to maximize operational efficiency at a virtual branch you have to have an appointment scheduling solution in place. Although many customers want appointments for brick-and-mortar branches, they actually need them for virtual branches - because there's no option to simply walk in and talk to someone. A virtual branch will operate most smoothly with an appointment scheduling solution that allows customers to choose a time that is most convenient for them.

                        The possibilities are endless to exceed your customers’ needs by operating outside of normal business hours with a virtual branch and video banking. The after-hours availability could significantly increase customer loyalty and be the reason why they choose your bank or credit union versus a competitor. Additionally, having more convenient hours and ways to connect with customers opens up your doors to more socio-economic groups.

                        Focusing on creating a virtual branch where staff and customers are located in the same time zone for easy connection is ideal. This makes it seamless for customers and staff to manage their calendars and shift appointments as needed. It might even make sense to create virtual branches by specific locations - states, counties, or cities - to give an extra level of personalization and connection.

                        Virtual queuing

                        Your team could also implement a virtual queuing solution, allowing customers to join a queue (either a single queue at a virtual branch or a queue based on service type) and they can meet with the appropriate staff member once they are available. This is a great way to provide instant service and gratification to your customers who need assistance but didn’t pre-book an appointment. It also guarantees they’ll meet with someone with the background and training to address their questions.

                        Seamless technology integrations

                        Finding an appointment scheduling solution that seamlessly integrates with all of your technology to enable a virtual branch is key. From Microsoft Office 365 to your CRM system, you need a holistic look into your business. This is another reason why finding a true enterprise appointment scheduling solution that connects with other enterprise technologies to give you all the information you need in one place.

                        Technology investment

                        So if you haven’t considered investing in appointment scheduling technology yet, now is the time. In fact, according to Deloitte, “The [pandemic] has served as a litmus test for banks’ digital infrastructure. While institutions that made strategic investments in technology came out stronger, laggards may still be able to leapfrog competitors if they take swift action to accelerate tech modernization.”

                        It’s time to get your virtual branch going to enable banking from anywhere. And a scheduling solution that can scale with you, provide top-level security, be accessible to all of your customers, and integrate seamlessly with your tech infrastructure is fundamental to your virtual branch success!

                        Learn more: Download our "Banking from anywhere" guide to learn how to make banking from anywhere a reality for your customers and members!

                        2. Reallocate bank staff to optimize your workforce

                        Next, in order to provide a seamless experience across all channels, banks and credit unions need to focus on optimizing their workforce to best serve their customers. By creating a virtual branch, or multiple virtual branches, your teams can easily reallocate staff that makes it better and easier for customers and staff members to connect.

                        With certain financial restrictions and mandates, you can ensure you have the right staff available for the various services your bank or credit union provides. For example, for a virtual mortgage appointment, it might be necessary to have two staff members on the call during the signing of the paperwork. Additionally, to serve more customers outside of your traditional business hours, you can work with your staff to determine their ideal working hours and provide customers a greater range of hours. So whether someone wants to bank with you at 6 a.m. or 10 p.m. - they can! This is also great for your staff, who can take on more appointments, build stronger relationships with their customers, and have a schedule that best suits them and their lifestyles.

                        3. Rethink your physical bank branches for cost savings

                        Where can you implement a virtual branch and give your customers the human interaction and level of service they have come to expect from your physical branch locations? By reducing the number of brick-and-mortar branch locations, you will see immediate cost savings on rent and upkeep. Yes, technology, IT, and security are all costs associated with digital experiences, but there is a tremendous opportunity to save and have a major impact on your bottom line.

                        Through a virtual branch strategy, you can analyze which locations are most successful, which are seeing the most traffic, and continue to educate your customers on the digital and virtual appointments you offer.

                        4. Focus on improving customer experience and efficiency

                        When financial institutions instill a customer-led culture, the customer experience is unparalleled. When creating a virtual branch strategy, your customers need to be number one. You need to consider what services you provide, and how it affects them personally. How can you humanize these engagements, providing top-level service while also giving them a reason to trust you? It starts with the relationships your staff members build with customers, and from a virtual appointment standpoint, it means providing a frictionless yet engaging experience.

                        Another benefit of virtual branches and appointments? Reduced appointment length. One top 10 bank has cut their appointment times in half with virtual branch appointments. This meant that customers are getting the same level of exceptional service via a virtual appointment in half the time - so it’s empowering them to not only bank where it is most convenient for them, it is making everything more efficient. They get what they need without wasting a minute of time. On the staff side, there is more time to prepare in between appointments, see more customers throughout the day (or night), and more easily manage schedules. It empowers everyone, all the way around.

                        Let’s recap:

                        • Embrace appointment scheduling technology and automation at scale

                        • Have a customer-led culture

                        • Be operationally efficient

                        • Empower your customers and staff

                        All of this can be accomplished by creating a virtual branch strategy.

                        Want to learn more about how financial institutions are using appointment scheduling for success? Then be sure to check out this blog post!

                        Want to learn more about how JRNI can help make your virtual branch a reality, then be sure to then be sure to schedule a time to speak with an expert! JRNI has helped several leading financial institutions, including banks, credit unions, insurance companies, wealth management firms, and more increase customer loyalty and improve customer satisfaction through intelligent appointment scheduling.

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                        The importance of accessibility in appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/accessibility-in-appointment-scheduling Thu, 20 May 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/accessibility-in-appointment-scheduling

                        At JRNI, we’re fully committed to ensuring our platform is inclusive for all users - regardless of ability or disability. We make sure accessibility is a priority, and is a core part of our development process.

                        That’s why today, we’re celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) by sitting down (virtually) with our Senior Product Manager, Luke Ferguson, to discuss the importance of accessibility and how we work to provide great user experience for all on the JRNI platform. Since online experiences extend beyond your website, it’s important to consider the accessibility of all of your software vendors.

                        The 10th annual GAAD celebration is meant to get people talking and thinking about digital access and inclusion. With 1 billion people having disabilities worldwide, we want to be a part of the conversation that helps bring awareness to making every digital experience more accessible for all.

                        The importance of accessibility: Q&A with Senior Product Manager, Luke Ferguson

                        So, let’s get into our discussion with Luke Ferguson, who has been working closely with JRNI’s accessibility initiative: This initiative gave me the opportunity to meet people that rely on assistive technology, and work with a third party to help test our product. The end result, a new way of thinking: by designing with accessibility needs from the outset, you can provide an experience that everyone can enjoy.”

                        Tell us why accessibility is so important for appointment scheduling software vendors and why companies need to consider this?

                        It’s important because you need to ensure the experience you offer is available for the broadest number of users possible, regardless of ability or disability. There are lots of different ways people use computers: there are screen readers and all sorts of different input devices, so it’s about reducing the barrier to entry, enabling customers and staff members to access the information they need.

                        For companies, there are also some legal aspects to it, and it’s important to ensure compliance with local regulations and guidelines.

                        How does JRNI ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines?

                        It really starts from the design stage, this includes ensuring we are leveraging standard UI components as much as possible, and if we do need to build custom user interface components, considering how those can be made accessible, e.g. is something navigable by keyboard.

                        As we progress into the development stage, we leverage technologies like WAI-ARIA and elements of the HTML5 specification to ensure items are tagged and identified properly. For example, providing alt tags on images, or hidden labels where icons are only visually presented in the interface. Both are important steps for improving the usability of a web application.

                        Next, we test, which is one of the most important aspects. This includes basic testing by our developers and test engineers and more through testing with our testing partner, Quality Logic. They will test our entire product suite, which includes our back-end staff tool, JRNI Studio, and the front-end booking experience. They will test against the WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines and highlight any issues, which we then address on a case-by-case basis.

                        Accessibility, however, is not something that you do once and forget about – it’s ongoing. You have to make it a core part of your process. Even when you address issues, there's almost always going to be room for improvement. So we focus on continuous improvement as well – how can the usability of something be optimized?

                        How does the JRNI product team ensure accessibility is considered when planning new products or features?

                        We start from the very beginning when we’ve identified a new user need. For example, something we’ve seen a lot of feedback around is being able to change the colors used on the Calendar in Studio. Our process is to first understand why people want this change and what value it could bring. In this case, our understanding is that users want to change the color to represent either different statuses or services so they can easily identify different bookings.

                        That’s where we really start to consider accessibility with a new product or feature. In this case, with colors, how will this feature or change impact someone with accessibility needs? If we use colors that are too subtle on a white background, someone who is visually impaired will not be able to differentiate between those two colors. So using color can actually become quite problematic. That’s why during the design phase we’re thinking about things like what is an appropriate use of color? And if we are going to use it, how should we use it? And how can we make that accessible?

                        Ultimately, in the design stage, we're trying to minimize the number of potential issues before we begin development. However, when it comes to development, problems will sometimes arise, and this might necessitate redesigning some aspects to simplify something or make it easier to implement.

                        At the earliest opportunity, we want to test the feature. So for this example, we want to check if users can distinguish what different colors mean. That’s often how we measure success with testing - does someone actually understand the intent of the design? If not, this again might lead us to revisiting the design or implementation. So, for example, adding labeling or making use of patterns instead, something Trello expertly does with it’s color blind friendly mode.

                        So as you can see, accessibility is something you think about from ideation all the way through to delivery, and is something that is always ongoing.

                        How do you coordinate third-party testing for JRNI and what is their testing process?

                        We test across different screen readers, different devices, and different browsers, to ensure the user experience is consistent - it’s really important to make sure we are optimizing for all. We are tested by Quality Logic, a third-party testing company. They will test with an array of different assistive technology including NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access), JAWS (Job Access With Speech), Voiceover, and more. They test all the forms and functions of the application to ensure they operate correctly, and provide accurate information to the user.

                        Quality Logic then reports back on the issues they’ve identified, categorizing them by severity, based on the impact on the user. We then get to work, addressing each issue before submitting the product for testing again.

                        It’s a rigorous process and gives us the confidence that we’re providing a service everyone can enjoy.

                        What is the most important thing someone can do to start being more inclusive for everyone?

                        I think it’s taking the time to educate yourself and being aware that not all disabilities are visible. It’s important to ensure all users, including those with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities have equal access to information and applications online. And of course, from a perspective of building software, it’s important to design for everyone, for the most users possible. When you do this, you end up with the best user experience for everyone.

                        Learn more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day, how you can celebrate, and what you can do to work toward a more inclusive digital world at www.globalaccessibilityawarenessday.org!

                        The new JRNI podcast: The Experience Evolution https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-podcast-experience-evolution Thu, 13 May 2021 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-podcast-experience-evolution

                        The experience economy is here - and many organizations are adapting their strategies to ensure they are exceeding customer expectations. On top of keeping up with ever-changing customer behavior and expectations, digital transformation has become crucial to success, making it difficult to keep up with it all.

                        That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce JRNI’s new podcast: The Experience Evolution! By having in-depth, meaningful conversations with thought leaders, partners, and customers, we’re going to give you insights into the latest and greatest happenings in the industry. With a focus on topics surrounding experiential relationship management (XRM), we’ll share stories and use cases on how to build an XRM strategy that increases customer satisfaction and drives revenue growth in the experience economy.

                        Subscribe: Apple | Spotify

                        Episode 1: A JRNI through experiential relationship management


                        In our first episode, “A JRNI through experiential relationship management,” our CEO John Federman discusses:

                        • How businesses offering unique customer experiences are building loyalty and retention

                        • How an educated online experience will help convert more in-store purchases

                        • Why an omnichannel approach has become essential

                        • How an appointment is more than just scheduling

                        John Federman, CEO of JRNI on the first episode of The Experience Evolution podcast: A JRNI through experiential relationship management.

                        In conversation with host James Kent, Federman shares more details on how retail and financial service companies can take their business to the next level by maximizing customer experiences.

                        Federman said that retailers need to do more to get consumers back into stores as the pandemic begins its early stages of winding down.

                        “Shopping and commerce, itself, have already begun in earnest to become the experience economy,” Federman said. “Consumers want more than just a product or a service; they really want a unique experience.”

                        While the consumer experience is essential, another critical component that Federman said people don’t often think about, is how retail and financial institution staff members can be more effective and efficient working with customers who pre-book appointments.

                        “How can they deploy their staff in a way that their time is spent with consumers who are most likely to transact?” Federman said. “That happens when you create that synergy between online and offline. And when you can get staff to know that they’re going to go to a more informed consumer, they’re going to be more engaged, transaction levels are going to go up, and your conversion experience will be just that; it’s not just a conversion or a transaction - it’s an experience.”

                        As customers look to engage with businesses in the most beneficial and convenient way, an omnichannel approach is no longer an advantage - it becomes a requirement for companies to succeed.

                        “What consumers want, what people are asking for is... I want the best of every world, and I want it every time. I want the breadth of an online experience, and I want the bespoke nature, and the hand-holding nature, of an in-person experience,” Federman said.

                        One vertical embracing digital transformation is banking, which began even before the pandemic. And this change is driven by the fact consumers want options - they want to interact with financial institutions on their terms, both remotely and in person. Recent studies indicate that 73% of consumers still prefer having in-person interactions with experts when receiving financial advice, and appointments can ensure the right staff member is available to help the consumer with their needs.

                        “In this case, what you can see is it’s not just about providing options, it’s about creating that experience that is more straightforward, more productive, and ultimately creates a better relationship long-term,” Federman said.

                        As virtual technologies have increased in popularity as a way to connect during the pandemic, virtual appointments allow consumers - across all demographics - to maximize their time and get the information they need from experts who can help them.

                        “One of the things that's been so interesting is that many of our customers, as they begin to quantify the impact [of virtual appointments], they've effectively come back to us with the exact same insight. They're seeing the adoption across all demographics in a way they hadn't expected. And I think that speaks to a reality that's forever changed,” Federman said.

                        We hope you enjoy our first episode of The Experience Evolution! If you want to be updated when our next podcast episode comes out, be sure to subscribe on Apple or Spotify. You can also find all future podcast episodes on our Resources page. Cheers from the JRNI team!

                        Proximity Insight and JRNI: Making it simple to bring appointments and real-time clienteling to life https://www.jrni.com/blog/proximity-insight-and-jrni Thu, 06 May 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/proximity-insight-and-jrni

                        Proximity Insight partnered with JRNI to provide brands with ways to strengthen the customer relationship and put the customer at the heart of the brand, combining frictionless appointments and real-time clienteling services at the touch of a button. Together, JRNI and Proximity Insight form a strong partnership to provide the customer service wherever he or she happens to be, whether in-store or remote.

                        Joanne Fisher, Head of Customer Success at Proximity Insight says that “The metrics our customer success team consistently see across our clients are extremely compelling and clearly demonstrate that there is an increasing demand for appointment commerce style services, both in-person and remote, and the overall customer experience is greatly enhanced by clienteling and personal outreach.”

                        • 40% increase in average transaction value for in-person appointments

                        • 8 to10% of live chats converting to virtual appointments

                        • 15% conversion rate for online appointments booked via live chat and video chat

                        • 26% higher transaction value for virtual appointments when followed up with personal outreach

                        Across a wide range of retail verticals, customers want to be assured that they can shop safely, either in a store or by arranging a convenient virtual appointment to get a one-to-one consultation over video that shares knowledge and advice. Using Proximity Insight’s feature rich unified communications pre, during, and post appointment, the customer can receive product recommendations, personalized edits, and even payment links via social channels and messaging apps to ensure that the experience is completely seamless. This makes it easy for the sales associate to share important information and truly personalize interactions. This also ensures the customer has a clear call to action and can engage with queries, feedback, and purchases after the original appointment. Overall, customer satisfaction and trust is greatly increased, and the customer feels extremely valued.

                        The Proximity Insight formula for success, recently published in our third Taking Care of Retail report, focuses on three key areas to help brands to supercharge their ability to be personal, drive loyalty, and ultimately sell more:

                        • Adopt a digital-first approach

                        • Go fast, test, and learn

                        • Personal is most powerful when powered by data

                        By using the combined technology features of JRNI and Proximity Insight, brands can utilize best-in-class technology platforms to provide extraordinary service to each and every customer.

                        “We choose our partners carefully and we are proud to work with JRNI as a trusted technology partner who, like us, really care about the end customer and constantly look to innovate and improve the customer experience.”

                        Co-Founder and CEO Proximity Insight, Cathy McCabe

                        Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                        May the 4th be with you: How JRNI Jedis are wielding the Force https://www.jrni.com/blog/may-the-4th-be-with-you Tue, 04 May 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/may-the-4th-be-with-you

                        Lest our PR team get very concerned, we want to start by reassuring you: JRNI has no affiliation with either the Dark Side or the Light Side (although we are pretty sure Jabba the Hutt could have benefited from appointments). But we do have a fair number of nerds on our team, which is why we enjoy saying: May the 4th be with you!

                        May the 4th be with you

                        Last year, we celebrated Star Wars Day by previewing JRNI Analytics, our industry-leading analytics tool, and talking about why analytics is like the Force. Now that JRNI Analytics is a whole year old, we want to take a look back to see how the JRNI Jedis (that’s what we call our customers on Star Wars Day, dear readers) have been using its power to measure the value of their appointments strategy. Here’s what they’ve seen.

                        Results from JRNI customers: 2200% increase in appointments, reduced no-show rates by 63%, 40% better utilization of staff, decrease wait times by 50%, doubled appointments while cutting locations in half, 25% of appointments are via a phone or video call

                        Reduced no-show rates by 63%

                        Nothing worse than a no-show when you’re prepared for a battle an appointment! To give your customers an experience they love, you have to make sure they come. Appointments booked through JRNI are easy to reschedule, so that you can easily cut down on no-shows.

                        40% better staff utilization

                        When you know exactly what the daily schedule of your staff looks like, you can make sure they’re using their time efficiently. You probably don’t need a C-3PO to spout efficiency stats, but fine-tuning your staff’s time a little can never hurt - and is likely to make both them and your customers happier.

                        2200% increase in appointments

                        Yes, you read that right. One JRNI customer saw a 2200% increase in appointments year-on-year. Now that’s some serious Jedi magic! Except that it wasn’t about Jedi magic at all - it was about developing a robust appointments strategy, and then executing on it effectively.

                        25% voice and video appointments

                        The pandemic changed a lot of things, but certainly one of the biggest was customers’ wishes to be helped from the comfort and safety of their own home. We hope you’re not your customers’ only hope, but we’re confident that voice and video appointment options are even better than a hologram message delivered via R2-D2.

                        Thanks to JRNI, our customers can not only improve the experiences of their staff and customers - they can measure the specific ways they’re doing it. And you thought counting Midi-chlorians was cool.

                        Want to learn more about how the JRNI Jedis wield the Force - and how you can be the next Padawan? Get in touch!

                        How to improve the waiting experience with virtual queuing https://www.jrni.com/blog/waiting-experience-virtual-queuing Fri, 30 Apr 2021 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/waiting-experience-virtual-queuing

                        “I want to wait in a line…” said no one ever! Especially not anymore. We’ve been hearing it, and we know you have too - consumers simply won’t wait in a physical line anymore.

                        Recent events have accelerated digital transformation across industries, and technology has become even more essential for businesses to meet ever-increasing demands. This increase in technology has truly empowered consumers to take things into their own hands - and has given them both choice and convenience. Their financial institutions have given them options to bank from anywhere and their favorite brands have made it easy to shop online and find instant gratification through curbside pickup. They are used to getting what they want, when they want it - and that expectation is here to stay.

                        Many businesses have implemented a virtual queuing solution to mitigate the need for physical lines and to improve the customer experience. Banks and credit unions have used it to manage their lobbies. Retailers have implemented it as a way to give customers the option to safely wait in their car until it’s their turn for a one-to-one appointment, or pickup.

                        Virtual queuing will continue to be a key way to provide a frictionless, seamless customer experience as businesses propel forward. Let’s explore the advantages of virtual queuing and how businesses are using it to manage lines and wait times to improve the overall customer experience.

                        Improving the waiting experience

                        No one likes waiting… and as we already mentioned, no one wants to stand in a physical line anymore. Virtual queuing allows customers to join a line without having to physically be in that line. Depending on the service, they can wait where it is most comfortable and convenient: their homes, their cars, wherever they are.

                        Virtual queue management solutions give customers the option to use their mobile device to reserve a place in line and receive a notification when it is their turn. Providing customers this type of control over their waiting experience helps reduce frustration. Whether for an appointment or pickup services, virtual queuing is a seamless way to satisfy customers:

                        • For pre-booked appointments: Once a customer arrives for their appointment on site, they can simply join the virtual queue to notify staff that they’ve arrived. They can wait in their car until it’s their turn for their appointment.

                        • For new appointments: Instead of booking a future appointment, some customers would prefer to join a virtual queue to speak with an expert - whether they are looking for outfit suggestions for an upcoming wedding or seeking financial advice. Customers can join a virtual queue and be notified when a staff member is ready to meet with them for their selected service.

                        • For pickup services: As customers arrive to pick up their orders, whether inside or curbside, they can join a virtual queue that gives them notification when their order is ready inside or when they can expect a staff member to deliver the order curbside - helping to further improve the curbside experience.

                        • For lobby management: Whether in a bank or medical office, this enables people to avoid sitting in a confined space for a period of time while they’re awaiting service.

                        Additionally, to make greater improvements to the overall experience, you can look into creating a digital waiting experience. By creating a digital waiting room, you can educate and entertain customers as they wait. Highlight some of your top sellers, or new financial services. Create an interactive game or quiz that also educates your audience about your products or services.

                        All in all, a virtual queuing system will lead to an enhanced customer experience, the type of experience that will keep your customers coming back for more.

                        Why virtual queuing systems work

                        A virtual queuing system includes both front-end and back-end features that improve the experience for your customers and your staff. From the customer side, they have an easy time finding the services they want to book and joining the queue. Virtual queue management systems can also send the customer a predicted wait time and alerts when they are close to the front of the line. Additionally, customers can manage their place “in line” if they aren’t ready to be served.

                        By putting control in the customers’ hands, providing clear communication, and giving them the option to wait from the comfort of their cars, homes, or wherever they choose - virtual queuing makes improving the waiting experience easy.

                        Additionally, virtual queuing systems provide your staff with a robust dashboard that ensures they are able to focus on servicing their customers without worrying about having to manage customer flow and lines. This type of dashboard can help them prepare by sharing information on what types of services the customers need, who is next in line, and how long they’ve been waiting. Using this type of technology can ease the interactions between your staff and customers, ensuring your staff remains focused on personalizing the interaction and providing great customer service!

                        Virtual queuing in practice: Dunelm

                        In addition to appointment scheduling for their Made to Measure program, Dunelm implemented virtual queuing to improve the customer shopping and pickup experience. Customers are able to join a virtual queue via their phone or using a QR code, and are then notified when their items are ready for collection.

                        “Dunelm ran an extensive trial, and JRNI triumphed with the best solution for us. Colleagues have found it easy to manage, and customers have found it easy to use.”

                        Grace Henry, In-Store Service Project Manager at Dunelm

                        Physical lines are out, and virtual queuing is in! If you’re looking for a way to provide a pleasant waiting experience and improve both the customer and staff experience, then it’s time to consider a virtual queuing solution. To learn more, reach out to one of our experts! Or, if you want to learn more about the advantages of a virtual queuing system, then check out these resources:

                        For more information on virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                        Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                        Humanize your digital banking services for increased customer retention https://www.jrni.com/blog/humanize-digital-banking Tue, 27 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/humanize-digital-banking

                        Nearly half (43%) of financial institution customers have expressed their desire to change the way they bank due to the pandemic – and this largely consists of having digital options. Even before the pandemic, banks had been moving customers out of their branches and onto a digital banking platform. This was led by both economic reasons and efficiency drives, in conjunction with the realization that a new generation of digitally-connected customers are demanding not only convenience, but also an engaging customer experience.

                        According to research from Juniper, the total number of online and mobile banking users will exceed 3.6 billion by 2024, and online and mobile banking growth is expected to increase by 54% compared to 2020. In this new digital world, banks need to find different ways of connecting with customers to meet their needs while also driving growth for the institutions – without necessarily conducting business in-person.

                        Yet simply providing digital alternatives to physical banking, such as apps and chatbots, is not enough. Research by Forrester determined that only one-third of American customers trust chatbots to handle simple financial transactions, and two-thirds don’t trust them to handle complex transactions. Furthermore, almost 80% of people polled want to speak with an agent as opposed to a chatbot according to a survey by conversational AI provider Uniphore.

                        Digital requires the human touch

                        For banks to succeed in this new normal, digital interactions must have a level of compassion that equals or exceeds what is available in branches. Banks need to consider the emotional impact of their digital banking services and how they engage with customers. Consumers require more today than just speed and ease of access. They want to feel good about their interactions with technology, and this requires an element of human connection. Ultimately, humans trust other humans more than they trust technology designed to simulate humans. As such, providing “humanized engagement” through an omnichannel approach will be key throughout 2021 and in the future.

                        The challenge now for the banking sector is getting this balance between digital innovation and human engagement right across all channels.

                        Seamless, omnichannel integration is needed

                        As stated, consumers are seeking convenience, speed, and a compassionate customer experience when it comes to their banking. They want to conduct a transaction and get assistance in a way that is most expedient for them, while receiving individualized attention, instead of having a rushed lunchtime appointment at their local branch. For this to happen, the digital experience must be fully and seamlessly integrated with the physical one.

                        An example would be the ability to book an appointment on an app or through the website at any time of the day and be able to have access to a preferred banker, wealth manager, private banker, or qualified professional. This can be taken even further with the capability to add the appointment to personal calendars, selecting from different locations, choosing different skill types or making the appointment in different modes, such as in-person, via video, or via telephone.

                        Personalizing the experience is key

                        Banks can demonstrate that they care about consumers’ long-term financial happiness by customizing interactions to each individual’s needs. Consumers want personalized digital services and in-person services, and advice based on real-time changes in their personal life. Banks can deliver meaningful and powerful personalized experiences by using their existing data and everyday customer touchpoints. These metrics allow banks to provide services that adapt to new consumer behaviors, embedding personalized, end-to-end experiences for customers in their digital journeys.

                        When handled right, using customer data to provide an improved experience increases levels of customer satisfaction. With personalized service, consumers feel valued and that the banks are taking care of them. In fact, customer experience is overtaking price and product as the key brand differentiator for financial institutions. According to McKinsey, one bank saw an increase of 30% in sales when there was an appropriate and timely (24-48 hours) human response compared to a purely digital journey.

                        Banks can drive business growth

                        In addition to increasing customer satisfaction, humanized engagement also drives profitability. In the US, one top 10 bank had 167,000 appointments scheduled in January 2021 by offering customers three appointment options: “In person”, “by phone”, and “virtual.” This represented a 1,800% increase from the previous year – because customers could now access the right person at a time that was convenient for them via the channel they preferred. The bank also saw the cancellation rate for appointments reduce from 23% to 7%.

                        Flexible appointment choices from virtual technologies also enable banks to reach a broader customer base and, through collecting data and personalizing offerings, build a closer relationship with different socio-economic groups. This opens up significant new markets and audiences for banks with consumers who would not traditionally have been customers. Being able to connect through different appointment options has been a huge innovation for the mortgage market. A mortgage advisor can now share documents online, and customers can sign those documents while on a video call. This makes the process more efficient and flexible, and has had a massive effect on uptake.

                        Humanizing digital is essential for banks now – and in the post-COVID-19 world. To augment growth, banks must integrate the digital and human channels to create a seamless omnichannel offering. If banks provide a personal touch in their digital interactions, they will build stronger connections with their clients, which in turn leads to greater customer acquisition and better customer retention. Those financial institutions that rise to the challenge most rapidly and deliver true humanized engagement will have a significant advantage over their competitors.

                        One way financial institutions are humanizing their customer engagements is with appointment scheduling! Appointments enable banks to maintain relationships with customers however, whenever, and wherever they prefer to engage. Want to learn more? Then be sure to check out our eBook "A case for appointments"!

                        A case for appointments - engaging banking customers online and offline: Access the eBook!
                        Does your enterprise need appointment scheduling software? https://www.jrni.com/blog/enterprise-appointment-scheduling-software Tue, 20 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/enterprise-appointment-scheduling-software

                        Appointment scheduling software has been around for a long time, but in just the past year, it has become a key tool for many businesses. With the challenges of the past year, some enterprise businesses found themselves unprepared to maintain and grow contact with key customers, and are revisiting their customer engagement initiatives. If this rings true for your business, and you’re strategizing ways to make a huge impact on the customer and staff experience, as well as increase your bottom line, then you’re certainly in the right place to be asking “does my business need appointment scheduling software?”

                        Perhaps your organization is in the midst of a digital transformation, and there are many “hot” items as a part of this initiative. How do you prioritize these items? And should an appointment scheduling solution be a priority? With the fact that many customers are now accustomed to virtual and in-person appointment offerings, and the fact that appointments are driving significant ROI for companies, there has never been a better time to prioritize appointments.

                        So how do you know if your business needs appointment scheduling software? Let’s take a deeper look into what you need to know. We’re going to dive into the benefits of appointment scheduling, what to consider when evaluating software tools, and why enterprise companies should invest in an appointment scheduling platform.

                        What is appointment scheduling software

                        When you think of appointment scheduling software, one of the first things that comes to mind is a calendar. While scheduling at its most simple is calendaring, when it comes to running your business, you need so much more than a calendar.

                        Appointment scheduling software automates and manages appointments by allowing consumers to schedule an in-person, voice-based, or video-based appointment with a service provider through an app, a website, or a kiosk. This is all done without the need for a staff member to manually create or book appointments for the customer. Enterprise scheduling solutions also help teams manage this at scale - across multiple time zones, staff members, locations, languages, and more.

                        You might also be wondering, what is an appointment type or use case that enterprises are seeing success from? There are many use cases across industries, and leading retailers and banks are implementing multiple appointment types (both virtual and in-person) to drive revenue.

                        Retailers are offering appointments such as personal shopping, in-store services, and in-store consultations to exceed customer expectations. Banks and credit unions are finding success with a variety of appointments, such as opening or closing an account, mortgage consultations, transaction disputes, mobile/digital banking assistance, wealth management, and much more.

                        How your business can benefit from using appointment scheduling software

                        With online appointment scheduling, your customers will have more control over their own experiences, and your teams will have more insight into a customer’s needs and wants - enabling your staff to deliver higher impact, higher value customer engagements. Appointments benefit businesses in multiple ways from building deeper customer relationships to increasing revenue.

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        Appointment scheduling builds stronger relationships

                        When your staff has the ability to get to know your customers on a deeper level, there is so much opportunity to build stronger, more personalized customer relationships. The right solution empowers a consumer to manage his/her own journey, while enabling the service provider to get to know the customer’s preferences and needs through in-depth insights. Your staff will be able to showcase their expertise, ask engaging questions, and drive additional revenue by recommending relevant products and services during the customer appointment. By personalizing each appointment, your staff can make every customer feel like a VIP, which translates into stronger customer relationships.

                        Appointment scheduling improves customer loyalty

                        Loyalty comes down to customer satisfaction. Happy customers will always keep coming back for more, and will likely spread the word about how much they love your business. Appointments provide the opportunity for organizations to secure valuable one-on-one time with customers and establish real relationships that lead to long-term loyalty.

                        Appointment scheduling increases conversions and revenue

                        When customers book appointments, they are more likely to be more educated on the products and services, and more likely to transact. As your staff builds rapport with customers during the appointment, they will be able to suggest additional products or services based on personalized needs and wants, ultimately increasing sales. After the appointment, staff can also follow up with customers to make additional product or service recommendations.

                        All the way around, from improving staff productivity to increasing sales - booking software is driving conversions and revenue for businesses across industries.

                        When is it worth paying for appointment scheduling software

                        There are hundreds of appointment scheduling software systems available on the market. So how are you supposed to choose? What’s best for your organization? And what’s the difference between free and paid versions?

                        Free appointment scheduling software

                        While it might seem enticing, there are several things to consider if you’re looking at free scheduling software, namely technical considerations that should not be overlooked. Free solutions often require a paid plan for the best features. Additionally, they often have limited functionality for integrations, no in-depth analytics, and very little customer support.

                        Not to mention, many free solutions focus on the calendar functionality, without considering how to make scheduling work at scale. Free appointment solutions might work in some smaller use cases, but the lack of flexibility and scalability will limit what enterprise businesses can do with the software.

                        Low-cost appointment scheduling software

                        So aside from free solutions, what about some of the lower-cost appointment scheduling systems? Unfortunately, these solutions have many of the same limitations for enterprise businesses. Low-cost online booking solutions are built off of basic calendaring functionality, and the use cases extend to smaller, low-volume businesses such as local gyms, salons, dog groomers, etc.

                        They are usually used to manage simple, repetitive tasks and built for a single channel - not designed to be used by high-volume, growing businesses. Again, while low-cost solutions might fit some smaller business needs, they are not built for enterprise use cases, and are certainly not built to manage enterprise scale.

                        Powerful enterprise appointment scheduling software

                        True enterprise appointment scheduling platforms focus on a great front-end user experience for customers and a seamless back-end experience for your staff and business. These solutions are built to scale with businesses as they grow or their use case needs change.

                        The top enterprise appointment booking solutions have a complex scheduling engine with an easy-to-use interface that can handle appointments across the business - including multiple locations, staff members, and time zones. Additionally, top enterprise solutions focus on the importance of integrations, information security, accessibility, analytics, branding, and more.

                        While it may be tempting to test out free solutions, the truth is that if your enterprise organization is considering appointment scheduling as a way to drive revenue, the investment in a powerful enterprise solution is worth it. With the ability to scale, the usability for customers and staff, the technical support, and the continuous improvements that come with a SaaS-based scheduling platform, your team should take the time to evaluate and invest in the right technology built purposefully for enterprise use cases.

                        Why enterprise companies need intelligent appointment scheduling software

                        Now that you know an enterprise booking solution is worth it, let’s bring a little more context to the complexity of scheduling - and why finding the RIGHT enterprise solution matters. Let’s imagine a common problem in the workplace: scheduling meetings. Consider the difficulty of scheduling meetings internally within your own company. We’ve all had the back and forth even with the option to see everyone’s availability on their calendars.

                        Then consider how difficult that is when you are trying to coordinate schedules between your team and an external vendor, partner, or customer. While you can easily see the schedules of your team, you have to go back and forth several times with the external vendor before settling on a date. And what if one key person can’t make that time anymore? Then you’re starting the whole process over. Even with the calendar tools available, this can be extremely challenging, not to mention time consuming.

                        Now imagine doing this at scale...imagine as a bank, your business has to coordinate across hundreds of branches and staff members, as well as several time zones. Giving a customer the control to easily book an appointment at a place and time that’s convenient for them while also ensuring it’s with the right staff member who has the right expertise every single time. Seems pretty hard to envision how it’s possible, right?

                        BUT IT IS possible. The right enterprise appointment scheduling tool can solve this complexity for you, making it a piece of cake for all parties involved: your customers, your staff, and your executive team. Giving your customers the ability to control their experience, empowering staff members with crucial customer insights, and providing stakeholders insights into key metrics like appointment conversions and revenue. That’s why it’s critical to find online appointment scheduling software that doesn’t only meet your needs now, but scales with you as your organization grows or changes. The best enterprise appointment scheduling solutions are taking the following into consideration (and you should too):

                        • Security: Is the software vendor GDPR compliant? Does the software meet industry compliance standards?
                        • Accessibility: Is the software fully inclusive for all users? Does the vendor prioritize accessibility and ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines?
                        • Integrations: Can the appointment scheduling software integrate with various email systems, CRM software, calendars, call centers, video conferencing, and more?
                        • Robust analytics: Is there in-depth data to review performance on key metrics like conversions and revenue, lead and wait times, no-shows, cancellations, and more?
                        • Personalized branding: Does the appointment scheduling software allow you to white-label the booking experience to ensure your brand is reflected throughout the entire customer journey?
                        • Multiple appointment modes: Are customers able to set up different appointment types for all of your services? Can they choose voice-based and video-based remote appointments or in-person appointments?
                        • Self-serve customer features: Can customers schedule appointments and reschedule or cancel as needed on their own? Can they set up recurring appointments?
                        • Staff management and insights: Does your staff get access to critical customer insights before, during, and after each appointment to ensure the ultimate personalized experience?

                        There are many things to consider when selecting an enterprise appointment solution that can accommodate all of your use case needs.

                        The case for prioritizing appointments

                        Right now, the global online appointment scheduling market is expected to reach $360 million by the end of 2023. When appointment scheduling is done right, you can exceed your customers’ expectations and improve customer loyalty across the board. In today’s world, where customers not only expect omnichannel experiences, but also unique, personalized experiences, appointments have become a crucial strategy to transform the way businesses connect with their customers. And the truth is, if you aren’t offering appointments, it’s likely your competitors are. So it shouldn’t only be a priority, it should be about differentiating your service offerings and giving your customers the unique experiences they want. When you consider all of the benefits, there’s no denying appointments should be a top priority.

                        In fact, customers who schedule appointments:

                        • Are more educated on the products and services you provide
                        • Are more likely to transact because of the research they do pre-appointment
                        • Can be more easily nurtured by your staff, who can build deeper relationships with them by knowing their preferences, wants, and needs

                        And recent studies back this up:

                        • Customers who pre-book appointments spend 7 - 8X more than walk-ins (Forrester Consulting)
                        • 90% of financial institutions using online appointment solutions saw new accounts opened and new balances gained (The Financial Brand)
                        • 64% of customers will invest more in a service after an in-person interaction (PwC)
                        • Customers are 110% more likely to add items to their baskets, and spend 40% more than planned when a shopping experience is highly personalized (Boston Consulting Group)

                        Innovative retailers, banks, and other businesses are leading the way by offering immersive experiences through appointment scheduling. At JRNI, we’re proud to be partnering with the best in the industry to help manage and schedule personalized experiences at scale. Want to know how we can help benefit your organization? Well, we recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to measure the ROI of JRNI’s experiential relationship management platform at a $3B revenue company with over 200 locations. The results include 143% ROI, $4M in benefits, 1,676 staff hours saved per year, and so much more. See the results for yourself!

                        The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI study - download now!

                        Interested in learning more about how we can help? Then speak with one of our experts!

                        My Journey to JRNI: Phil Ashe https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-phil-ashe Fri, 16 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-phil-ashe

                        Meet JRNI’s Developer, Professional Services, Phil Ashe. We sat down (virtually) with Phil to find out more about his career progression, what a typical day looks like for him, and what he loves about working for JRNI!

                        Phil Ashe, Developer - Professional Services

                        Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                        I studied Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I always envisioned myself working on embedded systems, circuit design, networking, scripting, and other similar tasks typically given to Computer Engineers. Less than one year into my career, and by complete chance, I was offered an opportunity to work on a full stack web development project. It changed my life! I loved it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I spent countless hours trying out new frameworks, building apps, reading about all the new cutting edge developments. Now almost four years later, I’m here at JRNI continuing to do what I love.

                        What are some projects you've been working on recently?

                        Lately I’ve been working closely with some of our customers to make sure their booking journeys have the right flow to get them the highest possible conversion rates, as well as helping them maximize efficiency when they import their data into JRNI. I’ve also been working with Total Wine & More, one of our major retailers, to tailor their booking process for their specific needs.

                        What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                        Specifically, the moment we deploy a new piece of work for a client. The feeling of accomplishment when taking a challenging new project, designing, building, and then finally delivering to a satisfied client is unrivaled. It’s the culmination of all our hard work.

                        What’s a typical day like for you?

                        • Every good, productive day starts at the gym! I wake up early to go for a run and lift weights.

                        • Log on, go through my Slack, email, and Jira alerts.

                        • Start development on the priority task of the day

                        • At 10AM, I lead our team’s standup meeting, where we talk about what we did yesterday, what we plan to do today, and what (if anything) we need help with.

                        • Client calls are usually next; these typically happen around midday Eastern Standard Time, to allow for overlap with UK working hours. I’ll usually talk about the status of what we are delivering, and solicit feedback.

                        • Lunch!

                        • Generally, I get most of the afternoon to work on my outstanding projects. Depending on what we discussed at the morning’s standup, I’ll spend time checking in with teammates, or meeting with my manager to discuss the current sprint.

                        • Lately, the day usually ends on a final call with the Australian team, who is just starting the workday at this point. We’ll discuss what I’m working on, what (if anything) is blocking me, and the next steps in our project.

                        Tell us a little about JRNI’s culture. What’s your favorite part about it?

                        I’d describe JRNI’s culture as filled with dedicated, ambitious people, who are simultaneously highly collaborative and respectful of one another. We’re “one JRNI”, and that’s the best (and my favorite!) part about our working culture. To use another term, we truly are “all on the same team”. When planning new projects, everyone’s voice is heard. Everybody is always there to support one another, and when necessary, we always find the time to help out a coworker in need. This makes JRNI truly exemplary.

                        What makes JRNI different?

                        Apart from the team mentality I just mentioned, it has to be the impact you can have. You’re more than a cog in a wheel. There is so much great engineering work to be done, so many processes to improve, and so many opportunities to shine. JRNI strongly encourages learning, so that you can arm yourself with the tools needed to be the best you can be. JRNI is a “go-getter’s” paradise. The sky is the limit here. Carpe Diem!

                        Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?

                        I spend a large portion of my free time learning new development languages, frameworks, and technologies, but outside of code - I enjoy traveling, horseback riding, reading, and home improvement projects.

                        If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                        I’d go on the trip that never was (thanks, coronavirus!) - Tokyo, Japan.

                        Want to work alongside Phil and the rest of the JRNI team? Then check out our current roles and #jointheJRNI!

                        We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                        How an XRM strategy increases customer loyalty https://www.jrni.com/blog/xrm-strategy-increases-loyalty Tue, 13 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/xrm-strategy-increases-loyalty

                        Loyalty is defined as “the quality or state of being true and constant in support of someone or something.” For a business, customer loyalty is everything. Nurturing customers into loyal customers is the optimal way to ensure long-term success, and can be the difference between stagnancy and growth.

                        Did you know? Establishing a solid experiential relationship management (XRM) strategy can boost customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty. But how, you ask? As an important element in a customer engagement strategy, XRM is the process of managing the personalized experiences you deliver to your customers at scale. The focus on providing that truly unique, personalized human-to-human connection is going to give your customers an unparalleled experience that translates into loyalty.

                        Here are three ways building an XRM strategy can help you increase customer loyalty:

                        A customer-first approach

                        Customer-centricity is nothing new - but it is something that should remain core to your business. Every aspect of your business and every experience you provide should be centralized around the idea of how to exceed your customers’ expectations. A recent study shows that 70% of consumers say a company’s understanding of their needs influences loyalty. And according to Accenture, “to be truly customer obsessed, companies need better ways to dig deep and uncover these needs.”

                        By making it a goal to uncover the unmet needs of your customers, thereby thinking of ways to make your customers happier and more loyal, you can truly deliver an exceptional experience that will increase customer retention.

                        One of the ways you can uncover these needs is through comprehensive customer data. Using analytics allows you to develop insights on customer segments and behaviors to more precisely target and tailor products and services. This shows your customers that you understand them on a deeper level - and that you care.

                        With XRM, you are building a customer experience based on individual needs and preferences. It’s all about personalization - and finding an XRM platform that provides in-depth but easy-to-digest analytics data will help you build the types of experiences that keep your customers coming back for more.

                        Enabling human-to-human connection with technology

                        The increase in digital transformation over the past year has certainly changed consumer behavior, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is the need for human-to-human connection. Human-to-human engagement is one of the keys to an XRM strategy, and is the reason why a great strategy can help you increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

                        Embracing technology to enable digital transformation at scale is crucial, but businesses need to keep humans at the center of it. With artificial intelligence, chatbots, machine learning, and more - it’s even more important to have this focus on the human-to-human element. Because as much as we love technology, the truth is that 75% of consumers want more interaction with a real person as technology improves.

                        But, having the right technology in place will enable the human aspect of your interactions at a new level. A strong XRM strategy and the right XRM platform will help you keep the focus on your customers - humans who want to purchase products and services from other humans. Humans who want real advice from other humans on the things that matter most to them. With the right technology, your organization can get to know every customer on a deeper level, giving them the human connection they crave.

                        Innovative and memorable experiences

                        An XRM strategy is also about thinking outside of the box. It’s about finding ways to connect with your customers in ways that are not only positive, but memorable. Creating an experience so unique that your customers will not only become loyalists, but will share how much they love you with their friends, family, and peers.

                        What does an innovative and memorable experience look like? There are many ways that retailers and financial institutions are gaining a competitive edge and standing out from the crowd with innovative experiences. Retailers should keep a keen eye on experiential retail and look at creating immersive shopping experiences. Banks and credit unions should embrace digital transformation and find new ways to provide their customers more banking options, like a mobile branch on wheels. Looking and thinking ahead to how you can exceed customer needs is exactly what an XRM strategy can help you do.

                        With an XRM strategy, you will be putting the customers at the forefront, which will in turn increase customer loyalty. But what does this look like and how can it be accomplished at scale? According to Accenture, “You can only enable customer-centricity at greater scale if you integrate technologies, tools, data, and processes.” That’s why we are excited to talk to you about how our XRM platform can help you build and implement a strategy at scale. So if you are interested in learning more, then feel free to schedule a time to talk to us!

                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.

                        If you aren’t quite ready to take that leap, but want to learn more about XRM and how it can help you build stronger customer relationships, improve loyalty, and increase customer lifetime value (CLV), then check out the following resources:

                        Bank from anywhere https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-from-anywhere Thu, 08 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-from-anywhere

                        I recently attended and presented at the Future Branches Virtual Event. The resounding message across many of the presentations and speakers was clear: digital transformation and digital banking has become the core focus for banks and credit unions. While digital banking was a substantial part of many strategies prior to the pandemic, the necessity to deliver these offerings happened at an accelerated rate. So, now digital banking and services aren’t only a nice to have, they’re a must.

                        The notion of how much customer behavior has changed over the past year, and what customers expect now, is exactly we’ve been hearing and seeing across the financial services industry. As customers, and as humans, we don’t just want to buy products or services, we want a truly unique experience. And providing that unique, human-to-human customer engagement is at the very core of where the financial industry was headed. The transition to experiences, and a more adaptable, virtual world was already happening - but the pandemic made it happen that much faster.

                        As many companies have adapted their work policies to not only work from home, but work from anywhere, many customers now want to do business from anywhere. That means many of your members and customers want to bank from anywhere - and expect to. During my presentation, I discussed what bank from anywhere means, how it empowers your customers, and what technology you need to consider to enable banking from anywhere. Here’s a recap of what you need to know about banking from anywhere:

                        The empowered customer

                        The truth is, the need for banking services has not changed. People still need to deposit a check, open a new account, get a new debit card, refinance their homes, and more. What has changed is the way technology enables customers and members to do these services on their terms, and the empowered customer wants convenience, simplicity, and options. They want hybrid banking experiences.

                        With flexible appointment modes from virtual technologies, you can give your customers the services they need anytime, anywhere, via any device, and this is exactly what the empowered, hybrid customer expects.

                        Physical branches aren’t going away

                        So what does this mean for your physical branch locations? There will always be customers who prefer to bank in-person. In fact, phone and branch-level customer service still rank high in importance at banks and credit unions. People value in-person, human-to-human connections. That’s why physical branch locations should supplement with a digital strategy, including remote video- and voice-based appointments.

                        And according to a recent survey, 73% of customers still prefer in-person interaction when receiving financial advice. So, while there might be less dependence on physical branches moving forward, they are still an important part of your business.

                        Embrace technology to enable banking from anywhere

                        How can you embrace technology to make bank from anywhere an option for your customers? How can you provide personalization at scale - across multiple branches, staff members, and time zones? That’s where appointment scheduling technology comes in and can give your customers an unmatched level of service and the personalization that keeps them coming back for more. Additionally, virtual queuing and capacity management can help your branch staff manage lobbies while simultaneously improving the customer experience.

                        Appointment scheduling

                        Appointment scheduling was already used by eight of the 10 largest banks prior to the pandemic, and now, many are seeing additional value from appointment scheduling software. Appointment scheduling helps you run a safe and efficient business, reach a broader audience, and provide the unique, personalized experience customers want and need.

                        There is a slew of appointment scheduling use cases for financial institutions, and many ways to provide memorable experiences, but a couple worth mentioning are:

                        • Mortgage appointments: Video appointments have been a huge innovation for the mortgage market as advisors can now share documents online and customers can sign documents while on a video call. This makes the entire process more flexible and efficient.

                        • Wealth management appointments: According to Accenture, the trend is heading to a blend of face-to-face and remote interactions to provide more personalized and higher value interventions with advisors. Through one-to-one, personalized in-person and remote appointments, there are many opportunities for wealth management advisors.

                        Additionally, with virtual appointments, you get the benefits of providing your services during non-traditional hours. The after-hours availability could be the difference between a loyal customer or having them choose a competitor. Additionally, having more convenient hours and ways to connect with customers opens up your doors to more socio-economic groups.

                        Virtual queuing

                        Another way banks and credit unions can significantly improve the customer experience is through lobby management. Virtual queuing and capacity management technologies are helping banks do this at scale.

                        Virtual queuing can help improve the experience banking customers have when they need personalized help. Customers and members have the chance to go online, virtually enter a queue, and then be notified when it will be time for them to be seen - so they can show up in person at the right time, and avoid waiting in line.

                        Additionally, virtual queuing enables banks to help improve the experience for walk-in customers, especially during peak times. If they walk in and no one is available to see them, they don't have to stand around and wait - instead, customers can enter the queue, leave the branch, and then return when they're notified that it's their turn to meet with an employee. And capacity management can be used to set a limit, manage walk-ins at peak times, and ensure there is enough space and distance in bank lobbies.

                        Technology considerations for financial institutions

                        While appointment booking may seem simple, it’s complex, especially for the financial services industry. There are many technology considerations from accessibility to security compliance. Here are four main considerations for financial institutions:


                        Finding a technology solution that is accessible to all of your customers is critical. Along with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) legislation and internationally-recognized WCAG 2.1 guidelines, being accessible for customers across all of your digital entities, including your software vendors, matters. So find a technology partner that prioritizes accessibility and is dedicated to keeping up with the ever-changing guidelines and regulations.

                        Information security

                        Data breach costs are among the highest in the financial services industry. Finding a technology partner that goes above and beyond to ensure security is a must. From GDPR to ISO and more, strict information security policies should protect your company and your customers.


                        The digital transformation of banking and financial services is becoming increasingly important - and data is at the core of this transformation. Utilizing analytics, your financial institution can make critical business decisions to drive growth.

                        Having an enterprise appointment scheduling solution that puts data at the forefront is key. It should be robust while giving you the information you need at ease.

                        Integrations: Microsoft Office 365

                        Did you know? The financial services industry has the highest usage of Office 365. Ensuring your technology partner can integrate seamlessly with Office 365 is crucial. This will ensure all employees can use your new scheduling technology solution with ease to increase productivity across your organization.

                        Leading banks are seeing value

                        Appointment scheduling software is providing leading banks value in everything from reduced wait times to optimizing their workforce. In fact, leading banks have seen some of the following benefits:

                        • 50% decrease in wait times

                        • 8% to 3% drop in no-show rate

                        • 40% better utilization of staff

                        • Doubled appointments while cutting branch numbers in half

                        So, as we look to the future, it is important to embrace digital transformation and technology like bank scheduling software to exceed your customers’ expectations. By giving your customers the option to do business with you on their terms and give them expert guidance, you will be well on your way to improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. For more information, and to learn more about this topic, watch the full video presentation: “Banking from anywhere: Embracing technology to exceed customer expectations”.

                        Red Ant and JRNI: Working together to deliver a better customer experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/red-ant-and-jrni Tue, 06 Apr 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/red-ant-and-jrni

                        Like any relationship, choosing a tech partner is a big decision that deserves careful consideration. Get it right, and everyone benefits, with increased efficiency and improved functionality for the partners involved, and a better, smoother experience for clients and customers.

                        The unique partnership between Red Ant and JRNI brought all this and more to the retail technology table. Thanks to JRNI's commitment to building booking journeys that meet the needs of users based on real-world customer experiences as well as seamless integration with the products Red Ant offers, we were able to ensure clients using RetailOS, our unified retail technology platform, had access to best-in-class appointment booking services.

                        We were only able to achieve this by establishing three key principles that formed the basis of our working relationship:

                        • An unwavering focus on the client – our joint aim was to deliver an integrated, seamless service which would enable clients to offer a smooth, superior customer experience from start to finish

                        • Open, honest, and regular communication over every aspect of the projects we were involved in – it’s the single most effective way to ensure success because everyone has a clear idea of what is required of them, all potential issues are dealt with at the earliest possible stage, and the outcome can be defined then refined as necessary

                        • Dedication to innovation – as digital transformation takes its place at the heart of retail strategy, it is essential to work with a partner that has the ability to take an agile approach to product development and see the opportunities for improving outcomes by taking advantage of the latest tech evolutions

                        “We always look to partner with like-minded businesses that can extend what RetailOS offers, growing its potential to add significant value for retailers. Working with JRNI has allowed us to deliver projects that make a real difference to our clients and their customers.”

                        Sarah Friswell, CEO at Red Ant

                        At a time when the industry needs to make a concerted effort to rebuild customer confidence, having a platform that gives them the choice to connect with their favorite brands in a way that feels comfortable to them should be central to retailers’ plans. Working together to offer a frictionless experience from booking appointments for in-store or virtual consultations to providing store associates with all the tools and information they require will be key to re-energizing retail and engaging customers in a way that works for them.

                        Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                        And what makes it different than a calendar? https://www.jrni.com/blog/scheduling-vs-calendaring Wed, 31 Mar 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/scheduling-vs-calendaring

                        Over the past year, much attention has been dedicated to scheduling solutions. Scheduling as a means of managing traffic into your location, scheduling to ensure safe occupancy rates and the room to adhere to social distancing requirements, and scheduling to pick up meals and goods to go. Seems simple, right?

                        And at its most basic, it is simple. It is calendaring. It’s one or two clicks and it’s a date in your Google or Outlook calendar. But what happens when you require scheduling to run your business? You need to consider time zones, security, languages, multiple resources, expertise, and more. That’s where calendaring and scheduling start to diverge.

                        The calendar and the schedule

                        At its heart, a calendar and a schedule are different animals. A calendar is any system by which time is divided into days, weeks, months, and years. It was initially designed to organize days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes.

                        Whereas a schedule, by definition, is more complex. A schedule is a timetable, a time-management system which offers a list of times at which a task or action may take place. Resources are then committed to each task. So keeping track of birthdays may require a calendar, but managing a bank lobby and the staff available to manage those customers requires a scheduling solution. Managing a queue of shoppers lining up outside your store requires a scheduling solution.

                        Let’s back up. You know you need a scheduling solution, so you visit a review site, and it returns 200+ results. You know they can’t all be the same, so what criteria should you use to differentiate? Well, over half can be eliminated as they simply offer calendar management. That isn’t going to generate the raw data you need to make key business decisions.

                        Limited use scheduling systems

                        There are several categories of scheduling solutions. Let’s start with free or low cost solutions. In most cases, these are primarily calendaring solutions that offer two basic functions - scheduling and reminders. In addition to those rudimentary functions, most of the calendaring systems offer:

                        • Cross platform access - you can maintain a centralized calendar and add appointments from your phone, tablet, or desktop

                        • Integration with Outlook, Google, or Apple calendars

                        It’s important to know that anything over and above the basics is going to be an additional fee.

                        The second class of solutions are SMB solutions. These solutions offer basic calendaring and are built to manage simple, repetitive tasks. Familiar systems are likely used at your gym, your dentist, or your salon.

                        They are often built for a single channel and some offer the ability to accept payment, but that’s usually based in another system. Smaller scale solutions are great for transactional tasks, but aren’t designed to grow with your business or provide any real level of service.

                        Enterprise appointment scheduling solutions

                        The third option is true enterprise-scale appointment scheduling software.

                        These solutions are built to grow with an organization. Most feature a staff experience for those on-site using the system to manage patrons, and a customer experience for the end-user. Though most have origins rooted in appointment scheduling, many have expanded to focus beyond one-to-one appointments to address one-to-many events, or queuing management.

                        Enterprise-level solutions, as part of a larger, more complex engine, must integrate with other enterprise solutions including CRM and workflow management, not to mention back end payment processing systems. As part of the integration options, most enterprise appointment scheduling software has an API available for extensibility into a variety of software solutions, workflows, and processes.

                        The other differentiator is an analytics module that provides data presented in a way in which a business can make decisions. As an example, if I’m seeing that wait-times are longer on the weekends, maybe it’s time to bring in an extra staff person, or if my financial planners are only busy at lunch time, maybe they start their day at 11 am rather than 8 am.

                        The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!

                        Key considerations

                        Once you’ve determined the goals of your project, and selected the best type of solution, it’s time to scope your requirements. Some of the key considerations include:

                        • Customer experience

                        • Staff experience

                        • Executive/supervisor experience

                        • Technical ability

                        • Vendor expertise and support

                        Customer experience

                        From a CX perspective, the keys are seamless, multichannel, and straightforward as you are building out a booking journey. Customers should feel a connection from the online booking experience until they reach a physical location as a result of consistent branding. They should be able to book from their preferred platform whether that’s online, via mobile, or even through a voice interface.

                        The follow up is just as important as the booking journey. The system should provide a confirmation - via email or SMS, as well as appointment reminders. Notifications ensure that customers are bringing the correct items or information to their appointments. Within these emails, you should also include a download link so customers can add it to their calendar, and the ability to reschedule, confirm, or cancel meetings in advance.

                        Another important feature that improves the customer experience is being able to ask booking questions at the time of scheduling the appointment. Booking questions collect information from customers about their upcoming visit, so that staff don't have to spend the customer's valuable time asking those introductory questions. This also helps staff prepare for the appointment in advance, so they can gather the necessary paperwork or items to bring to the appointment, and delight the customer rather than run out in the middle of the appointment.

                        Staff experience

                        Staff, or on-site personnel, will be the most frequent users of appointment scheduling software, so it's critical to ensure the staff interface is built to address their daily tasks and responsibilities and improve their experience.

                        In the centralized staff calendar view, the most important details of the day's upcoming appointments must be visible - who is booked, what time is still available, any no-show information. This ensures employees can review the customer's requirements, preferences, and needs in advance. If the employee knows that this is a meeting about planning for college savings, they can be prepared in a vastly different way than if the appointment had been set about applying for a first mortgage. And the customer feels listened to and like their needs were met.

                        For follow-up, once a customer is logged as having shown up, the employee may initiate a thank you, a follow-up survey, or even send a promotion for similar services in the future.

                        Executive/supervisor experience

                        When it comes to the enterprise, executives and supervisors need a view into how physical locations are being staffed, how staff is being utilized, which locations are performing as they should be, and which require some adjustments. This data can be critical to optimizing the profitability of each location.

                        Analytics capabilities and insights are essential to assessing online booking metrics including volume, outcomes, appointment type, appointment time, staff performance, staff utilization, and lead times.

                        With analytics at their fingertips, executives are able to answer questions like:

                        • Which types of appointments are most popular with our customers? Which are least popular?

                        • Which appointments drive the most revenue?

                        • How are customers scheduling appointments?

                        • How long is each type of appointment scheduled for? How long do these appointments actually last?

                        • Who are my top performing staff members across the country, region, and individual locations?

                        • What appointment times are least popular?

                        • Do we need to bulk up staffing on specific days or at certain times?

                        With answers to these questions, it's easy to make operational decisions to both improve performance and reduce wasted time.

                        Technical ability

                        When you're researching providers, it is critical to evaluate each vendor's technology and grade them on their respective levels of extensibility, scalability, and security.

                        When reviewing extensibility, consider how the platform is built. Does the vendor have a modern tech stack and offer API integration? How flexible are their APIs? What solutions integrate with their online booking software?

                        When you evaluate technical ability, also examine how the solution can be integrated with existing tools. Do you have Salesforce, Microsoft Office, Google Calendar, analytics/BI tools, or other software already in use? The best appointment scheduling solutions ensure that you can connect your existing solutions to your booking software for a 360 degree view of your customers.

                        Don't forget to examine each vendor's platform security. It is important to understand if they’ve been built for multiple security protocols. Are they ISO27001, PCI, and GDPR compliant? Do they manage all compliance in-house? How regularly are they audited? Are they willing to share proof with you?

                        Vendor expertise and ongoing support

                        With so many solutions offering varying levels of complexity, expertise and experience can help make your decision. Is the vendor providing a consultative approach to help you get up and running quickly with an eye towards expansion? Does your vendor grow with you or charge for every tweak to the system?

                        With 67% of consumers reporting they’d spend more after a face-to-face interaction, it’s clear that successful implementation and utilization of an enterprise solution will result in profitable customer engagements, increased revenue, and better utilization of your resources.

                        In short, if you’re looking for calendaring, there are hundreds of low cost or free options on the market, or if you’re like me, there’s also a great spiral bound version. But, if you’re looking for a true enterprise-grade solution that will grow with your business, provide insights into business growth and help engender customer loyalty, you’ll want to evaluate enterprise appointment scheduling solutions that help make each meeting more than an appointment, but a true experience.

                        For more help choosing the right appointment scheduling software, check out "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling".

                        The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!
                        How to provide a great curbside pickup experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/curbside-pickup-experience Tue, 23 Mar 2021 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/curbside-pickup-experience

                        From restaurants and retail to banking and more, curbside pickup services have emerged as the new, convenient, and fast way to provide customers with seamless, satisfying experiences. As curbside pickup services continue to grow, one important area of focus is figuring out how to personalize this service for your customers.

                        While some customers have been using curbside on repeat, others are trying it out for the first time and don’t know what to expect. That’s why personalization in communication and messaging is going to make a huge difference in being able to provide the best experience possible. For all customers, regardless of how often they use your curbside services, communication should always be clear and up-to-date - both before, during, and after.

                        Given the increase in omnichannel consumer behavior, curbside services are likely here to stay for the long-term. With that in mind, here are a few types of customers to consider when personalizing your curbside pickup services!

                        New curbside shopper

                        Arguably the most important factor for new curbside shoppers is to perfect and customize the communication. For someone who hasn’t used your services before - even if they are familiar with your physical store or branch locations - the communication should be crystal clear on every single aspect. The focus should be on educating the customer, while alleviating any concerns over using the new service. Things to consider communicating in an email or text message for an online order or service appointment:

                        • What do they need to have with them to provide your staff member (order or appointment confirmation, identification, etc.)?

                        • What signage should they look for in the parking lot?

                        • Where should they park?

                        • What time or time frame do they need to arrive by?

                        • What should they expect once they arrive?

                        • How should they notify you once they’ve arrived?

                        • What other ways can they contact you?

                        • What can they expect after the order is delivered or service is complete?

                        Your staff should also be doing everything they can to make the new curbside shopper’s experience as seamless as possible. Being able to note that this is their first time using curbside will let your staff know to be prepared to help with any questions. They should support the customer and ensure they feel comfortable with the process. For example, if your curbside services require that the customer calls in upon arrival, make sure the staff member clearly explains next steps in the process after they call in.

                        If you can provide a safe, simple, and intuitive experience for the first-time curbside customer, you’re well on your way to having them turn into a return curbside customer!

                        Return curbside customer

                        The return curbside customer knows your process, and has used your curbside pickup or services before. So, what can you do to improve their experience? This is all going to be about nurturing the customer and giving them more personalized communication before, during, and after the process. This personalized communication lets the customer know you care. In fact, 72% of consumers say they only engage with personalized messaging.

                        While you should still be clear on things like where to park, how the process works, and more (especially since it’s likely the process has changed since you first started offering these services), the focus should be on a frictionless experience. An experience so great, that they’ll turn into the next stage: a curbside loyalist.

                        After they make a purchase or schedule a curbside service like opening an account, you should send a personalized email to them recommending other products based on their previous purchases or other services based on prior conversations. You can also use it as an opportunity to recommend a complementary product, as an example, if a customer is picking up a salad bowl, perhaps they’re in need of tongs or a salad spinner. This way they know you’re paying attention to their needs and providing exceptional service. By tailoring communications and recommendations specific to them, you will build stronger relationships and show that you truly care about their wants and needs.

                        The curbside loyalist

                        The curbside loyalist - they love you, they love your products, they love your services, and they keep coming back for more. They love the instant gratification of being able to get help or pick up orders without having to leave their car. So how do you continue to meet and exceed their expectations? How do you ensure they stay loyal?

                        Again, personalization is key here. Maybe instead of the same email you always send out as a follow-up, you can mix up your messaging and thank them for being a loyal curbside customer.

                        You should also reward their loyalty. If you’re a retailer, you could offer a discount for their next curbside purchase. Or if you have a loyalty program, you could give your customers additional points when placing a curbside order. If you’re a financial institution, you could do something like offering a free financial workshop for those who have used your curbside services. Continuing to exceed the curbside loyalist with rewards and perks will ensure they stay loyal. And if you’re offering the types of personalized, frictionless experiences they expect - they might also tell a friend or family member!

                        Putting in the effort to personalize each curbside experience for your customers is going to make you stand out from the crowd, and ensure you are able to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. And if you aren’t implementing curbside pickup services at your branch or store, then what are you waiting for? The benefits for your customers are undeniable: safe, convenient, easy, and fast. And while digital banking and online shopping are also on the rise, there will always be customers who want the option of an on-demand service like curbside.

                        Want to learn more? Check out our blog post on best practices for curbside pickup to meet omnichannel demand.

                        How financial institutions can use enterprise appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/financial-institutions-enterprise-scheduling Thu, 18 Mar 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/financial-institutions-enterprise-scheduling

                        Appointments may not be new to financial institutions, but during the pandemic, many banks and credit unions relied on appointment scheduling as a way to manage their lobbies, increase customer satisfaction, and provide their customers and members peace of mind during an uncertain time. And while this is true, many top banks were already seeing the value from using an appointment scheduling solution before this. In fact, eight out of the 10 largest banks were using appointment scheduling software prior to COVID-19 as part of their customer engagement and/or branch management strategy. Now that we are looking to a post-pandemic future, the possibilities for utilizing appointments as a way to provide exceptional service and increase customer lifetime value (CLV) are endless!

                        There are several use cases for financial institution appointments, so how can you use appointment scheduling to meet and exceed customer expectations? Let’s explore some of the ways you can provide a one-to-one - and one-of-a-kind - experience through in-person and remote appointments:

                        Open or close a checking or savings account

                        The best part about providing appointment options is that you are giving your customers and members the choice, and empowering them, to bank with you on their terms. Whether in-person or remotely through video or phone, by giving your customers the option to schedule an appointment to open or close an account, they will be able to choose the day, time, and location that works best for them. Offering various appointment types for opening or closing an account means your customers don’t have to wait in line and can meet with you at their convenience.

                        Curbside services: pick up new debit or credit card

                        Another option that some banks and credit unions have turned to is offering curbside banking services. Similar to the convenience and safety of drive-thru options, curbside services are not only a great option for customers who don’t feel comfortable coming into your branches right now, but for the ease and quick turnaround curbside provides.

                        Being able to pick up a new debit or credit card can alleviate some of the worry involved with waiting for a card to arrive by mail while also allowing customers to engage with your staff from the safety and comfort of their cars.

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        Curbside services: open a new account and receive temporary debit card

                        And why not pair the first two use cases together? If your customers have the option to open a new account curbside and receive a temporary or new card on the spot, this will translate to a seamless and satisfying experience - leading to increased customer loyalty.

                        As we’ve seen accelerated growth of curbside pickup services, pairing a curbside appointment with the option to get what they need at that time will be an undeniable way to increase customer and member satisfaction.

                        Mortgage appointment

                        Modes of appointments have changed the landscape for meeting with a banker on mortgages. What used to be a common in-person, in-branch interaction is now something that can be accomplished via video calls. By offering video mortgage appointments, your staff members can give the personalized experience many expect but from the convenience of their home (or wherever they choose).

                        Plus, technology has enabled staff members to share documents online and have customers sign these documents, all while on the video call. This leads to increased efficiencies and intake - while also keeping customers and staff safe during this time.

                        Dispute a transaction

                        There is nothing more unsettling for a customer than having an inaccurate or fraudulent charge on their account. So, a great way to mitigate this concern is by offering an appointment. No one wants to wait in line or wait on the phone to speak to a representative about a dispute - they want to know that they have a secured time to speak with a real person who can help them correct the situation as quickly as possible. By giving an option for an in-person, phone, or video call to dispute a transaction, your customers will have peace of mind that they have a pre-arranged time to talk to a human about something negatively impacting their lives, and that their appointment will be handled by someone with the skills to solve the issue.

                        Technical assistance with online or mobile banking

                        When it comes to digital banking, there are many things you can educate your customers on. Whether your customers are tech fanatics or have turned to digital banking for the first time during the pandemic, this appointment type is a great way to provide an extra level of service that will satisfy your customers. Again, this service could be offered in-person, over the phone, or on a video call. Your team can walk through the various digital services and information your bank and credit union offers, including everything from depositing a check, signing up for account notifications, helpful resources, and more!

                        So let’s recap… giving your customers and members the option to pre-book an appointment enables you to build stronger customer and member relationships because you’re giving them the option to engage with you when, where, and how they want to. And appointments, whether in-person, over the phone, or via video, give your teams the ability to connect with your customers in ways you never have before. This will translate to a seamless experience for your staff and customers, and give you a competitive edge. In fact, 75% of customers say that positive experiences influence purchasing decisions in banking.

                        After all, the notion of what people need to do when it comes to banking hasn’t changed, it’s how they want to interact with you.

                        “What hasn’t changed is it is still a people business. Banking is a relationship business. You hear a lot of bank CEOs say this. Our customers, both commercial and consumer, still want — when they have a complex problem, need advice, have an issue they’re trying to solve, have a dispute on their credit card — to talk to somebody.”

                        Greg Carmichael, Chairman and CEO, Fifth Third Bancorp - September 2020

                        By improving the customer and member experience through appointment scheduling, you will gain the benefits of upsell and cross-sell opportunities, increased customer advocacy, and improved customer loyalty. In fact, for 90% of financial institutions using appointment scheduling solutions, their appointments have resulted in new accounts opened and new balances gained. So if you haven’t implemented an appointment scheduling solution yet, what are you waiting for?!

                        If you want to learn more about the ROI of appointments, then download our eBook!

                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                        How retailers can use enterprise appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/retailers-enterprise-appointment-scheduling Tue, 16 Mar 2021 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/retailers-enterprise-appointment-scheduling

                        Appointment scheduling in retail has been around for awhile, but given the accelerated digital transformation and exponential growth of online shopping, there are many new and unique ways retailers can use appointments to drive sales and success.

                        Appointment scheduling software is enabling retailers of all kinds to exceed their customers’ expectations. With the pandemic changing consumer behavior, there is even more opportunity to deliver the kinds of personalized experiences that your customers will keep coming back for! Let’s explore various retail appointment types - both in-person and remote options - that you can implement through an online scheduling solution to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction.

                        Personal shopping consultation

                        Personal shopping consultations are truly one of the best ways to give consumers the personalization they are looking for. The benefits are undeniable, given the fact it can help shoppers save time and keep on budget. Not to mention, giving them the human-to-human connection they crave. In a recent study, 47% of consumers confirm that human contact is an important part of the shopping experience. Additionally:

                        If your staff has the proper time to prepare for personal shopping consultations with critical insights from your appointment scheduling software, they can give the best recommendations to enhance the customer experience and boost sales. And while many consumers have enjoyed the safety and convenience of remote shopping consultations, there will always be consumers who prefer in-person interactions and in-store shopping.

                        Remote personal shopping consultation

                        During COVID-19, people were looking for ways to connect with their favorite brands - safely. That’s why digital shopping and services like remote appointments became a crucial way for consumers to engage with their favorite retailers during the pandemic. For now, remote personal shopping consultations give your customers the benefit of meeting with your team without the health risks. Just as many other new behaviors though, customers have become accustomed to these new services and will continue to expect them post-pandemic. In the future, providing remote shopping consultations will empower your customers to interact with your staff on their terms - meeting when and where they want to.

                        The additional benefit of providing remote consultations is the ability to share more products quickly and easily on the fly. By having the proper insights to what your customers want to see and review during the appointment, your staff can continue to suggest new products during the virtual appointment and direct them to purchase online. Your staff can also easily follow up with an email communication and a recording of the appointment to further engage the customer and focus on upsell opportunities.

                          Remote appointment and curbside pickup

                          We know consumers love the convenience and immediacy of curbside pickup - so why not pair it with a personalized, remote appointment? By giving your customers the opportunity to connect with a staff member who can tailor their experience with customized product recommendations, being able to pick up their order that was customized to their wants and needs that same day will be the cherry on top.

                          This option gives customers the opportunity to shop with your retail store from the comfort of their home or wherever they choose, and the instant satisfaction of getting their order in a matter of hours - not days.

                          Of course this type of appointment and curbside service is dependent on what you have in stock at the store(s) near your customers, so ensure this is taken into consideration when implementing an appointment service like this. You’ll want to ensure your staff has up-to-date product information when preparing for the appointment and making additional product recommendations.

                          In-store services

                          In-store services could be a variety of services that your store offers. From technical repairs to beauty makeover consultations, your stores can provide an array of services that your customers want and need. These services are a great way to utilize your appointment scheduling software and provide the types of one-to-one and one-of-a-kind experiences your customers are looking for. Perhaps you offer a free service via appointment to get your customers in the store, and then use it as an opportunity to cross-sell paid services and associated products.

                          The options are endless no matter what types of products or services you sell!

                          Niche appointment types

                          One way to build stronger customer relationships and improve customer loyalty is by looking to a specific niche of your customer base who would be well-suited for appointments. By focusing on a niche, you can truly customize the appointment to your customer and bring a level of personalization that will keep them coming back for more.

                          For example, offering remote appointments to expectant mothers during COVID-19. Expectant mothers will have the opportunity to ask questions about the products they are purchasing for their growing family while feeling safe. As another example, offering beauty guru appointments that share makeup trends and seasonal products for makeup fanatics. You could also offer beauty appointments for different levels of comfortability with makeup, giving each customer the option to select an appointment type most suited for them.

                          This is a great way to pinpoint a customer base that you can nurture through appointments while building stronger relationships and increasing revenue.

                          These are just a few of the ways retailers can use appointment scheduling software to maximize ROI and success. If you are interested in learning more about how top retailers use appointments to improve the customer and staff experience, increase revenue, and drive customer loyalty, then check out the following:

                          My Journey to JRNI: Amazone Ismail https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-amazone-ismail Thu, 11 Mar 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-amazone-ismail

                          Meet Amazone Ismail, JRNI’s HR Manager. We sat down (virtually) with her to learn more about her career experience and what she likes about working for JRNI!

                          Amazone Ismail, HR Manager

                          Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                          I studied HR at university, and ever since, have been working in HR in different industries. I first started out in retail, then went into the transport industry, car sales, real estate, and then took a deep dive into the tech space! I have always enjoyed the employee relations side of HR and really enjoy being involved with the people! UK Employment Law can be so intricate and keeping up with the changes is a challenge in itself.

                          What’s one of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career at JRNI?

                          One of my biggest accomplishments so far at JRNI would be taking all of our policies, putting it together in the UK Employee Handbook, and launching that. I love having a go-to guide for employees that is easy to navigate.

                          What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                          I love being part of a team where what you say really matters. We work so collaboratively and have the opportunity to make a real difference.

                          What’s your favorite thing about your coworkers/team?

                          The collaboration and willingness to help each other. We work together to achieve goals and there is always room for ideas and new innovative ways to do things.

                          If you had to pick one, what’s your favorite memory at JRNI so far?

                          The open BLM discussion that we had last year. Everyone across the business was invited and really gave a platform for everyone in the business to share experiences and join the conversation. It is such a current topic and it was refreshing to see all seniority levels throughout the business involved.

                          What is one interesting thing that people do not know about you?

                          Well….as a child, I once performed on stage performing ballet in the West End for Swan Lake. Seems like a very distant memory now!

                          If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                          Bora Bora….. As in French Polynesia not Ibiza!

                          Interested in working alongside Amazone and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointheJRNI!

                          We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                          Improving the staff experience with XRM technology https://www.jrni.com/blog/improving-the-staff-experience Tue, 09 Mar 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/improving-the-staff-experience

                          You know as well as we do that even though there is a major focus on customer experience, it all comes back to your staff. How happy are they? Do they have the technology they need to do their job well? Are you giving them access to what they need to prepare for customer engagements properly?

                          There are so many questions to consider - and so many reasons why the staff experience is just as important (if not more) than the customer experience. Your employees are the ones interacting with your customers on a regular basis, whether in-person or remotely - so the more informed they are, the happier your customers will be with the level of service. In fact, according to MIT research, businesses in the top quartile on employee experience have double the customer loyalty of those in the bottom quartile.

                          So what can you do to improve the staff experience and thus improve the customer experience? By investing in an experiential relationship management (XRM) platform that empowers your staff to have the information they need to provide personalized services, your organization can increase engagement and revenue. Here are just a few of the benefits that implementing an XRM strategy and enabling your staff through technology can provide.

                          Increased employee engagement

                          Disengaged employees can cost companies between $450 and $550 billion dollars per year, according to Gallup. That’s why focusing on increased employee engagement is crucial to your success. With an XRM strategy and platform in place, you can increase your staff engagement by giving them access to the insights they need to properly prepare for their one-to-one engagements with customers.

                          Your staff will be able to review past appointments, communications history, and past outcomes to provide a unique and personalized experience tailored to the customers’ wants and needs versus providing generic recommendations or advice.

                          When your employees have the tools to properly prepare for meetings with clients, they have the opportunity to connect with customers on a deeper level and be more successful in their roles. All of this leads to increased employee engagement and higher customer satisfaction.

                          Managing customer flow and expectations

                          Customer expectations are ever-evolving and changing, and it can be hard to keep up. Whether your staff is behind on appointments leading to increased wait times, or they are having trouble managing the flow of customers during peak times, it can be easy to feel defeated in these high-pressure situations.

                          Out of your control or not, a bad experience can make or break your relationship with a customer. In a recent study from PwC, 1 in 3 customers will leave a brand they love after just one bad experience, while 92% would completely abandon a company after two or three negative interactions. All it takes is that one poor experience to lose a customer. And we know, especially in banking where the cost to acquire a customer is high, how important customer lifetime value (CLV) is.

                          With people overestimating the time they wait in line by 36%, it’s important to have your staff manage capacity and help reduce wait times - whether in-branch or in-store. By having an XRM platform that seamlessly helps your staff manage appointments, you can smooth the peaks and valleys of foot traffic. Along with crowd control, this also helps manage customer expectations. No one wants to wait in line or feel frustrated that they aren’t being listened to, and by using technology to help ease these interactions between your staff and customers, you are ensuring staff can remain focused on what matters most: providing great customer service!

                          Increased revenue

                          By giving your staff a way to engage with your customers and establish valuable one-to-one time with them, you have the opportunity to increase personalization and revenue. This is a great way to improve the staff experience because whether they are working toward a common goal or receive commission, having the right technology in place will help them meet their specific goals. And the benefit for your business? Personalization has been shown to lead to an increase in customer spend, customer retention, and customer loyalty:

                          • 64% of customers will invest more in a service after a personalized interaction
                          • When the shopping experience was highly personalized, customers said they were more likely to add additional items to 110% their baskets and 40% more likely to spend more than they had planned
                          • 91% of customers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them
                          • For every $100 billion in assets that a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing the interaction

                          As a bank, your staff can prepare for appointments with your customers by looking at past history, ensuring they are providing the proper services and information whether it’s opening a new account or advising on loans and investments. Your staff will be able to pull the information they need in advance to have a great customer interaction and increase customer satisfaction.

                          As a retailer, your staff can look into your customers’ profiles to see what types of products they like and can then tailor customized looks and shopping baskets for them. You can also ask the customer questions before the appointment to provide the most relevant choices and products, further enhancing their experience.

                          By deploying an XRM technology that helps your staff manage the experiences they are providing your customers, you can increase employee engagement, manage customer flow, and drive revenue growth. This will help your employees feel like they are set up for success, and will continue to motivate them to work hard to exceed your organization’s goals.

                          At JRNI, we have a staff tool that empowers your staff to get the insights they need to build personalized relationships at scale. Learn more in the video below:

                          And if you want to learn more about how JRNI improves the staff experience, empowering your team to easily prepare for appointments and provide unique, personalized experiences, then request a demo to speak with an expert!

                          Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale - sign up to speak to an expert!
                          With Go Instore and JRNI: Providing personalized experiences through live video https://www.jrni.com/blog/go-instore-and-jrni Wed, 03 Mar 2021 09:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/go-instore-and-jrni

                          The pandemic has drastically accelerated the use of video technologies in the retail sector.

                          Go Instore is a live-video powered solution that enables retailers to connect directly with their customers and replicate the in-store experience. Throughout the pandemic, retailers rapidly accelerated their adoption of the solution, with Go Instore supporting over 2.7 million calls and interactions across the globe. Retailers using Go Instore can deliver personalized customer experiences through instant one-to-one calls, appointments, or shop via live broadcast.

                          With 43% of consumers saying they won’t be returning to stores when they open, it is no longer just an option to have an instant live shopping option, but a necessity. Now is the time for retailers to realize the full potential of live video with solutions that create an engaging and personalized experience from the moment they click connect.

                          Video-powered retail isn’t a trend, it’s here to stay. Ultimately, people buy from people and 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase after seeing a video of a product on a live video call. Live-video technology not only improves the digital experience but makes it better. Retailers using the live-video retail solution Go Instore achieve an average customer feedback rating of 94%, AOV uplifts of up to 38%, and hit conversion rates of up to 47%. In fact, the launch of Currys PC World’s ShopLive service, powered by Go Instore, saw online sales grow by 145% in 2020.

                          Go Instore live video works seamlessly with JRNI Appointments for one-to-one pre-booked consultations as part of the customer journey. Go Intstore and JRNI are integrated together at time of implementation, and will normally go live within three weeks.

                          Retailers who ensure their digital customers are receiving the same personalized experience that they would receive in-store, will have a clear, competitive advantage in the uncertain retail climate and coming months.

                          Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                          How to be successful now and post-pandemic https://www.jrni.com/blog/success-now-and-post-pandemic Tue, 23 Feb 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/success-now-and-post-pandemic

                          While there have been many silver linings to the pandemic, one of the biggest and most positive advancements was digital transformation. Although digital transformation has been at the forefront of many organizations’ strategies for years, COVID-19 accelerated this transformation at a speed that no one could have predicted. With the necessity of virtual offerings during this time, consumers have come to expect the convenience of doing business with you whenever they want and wherever they are. Digital transformation has empowered customers to do business on their terms.

                          And while vaccinations are happening across the globe, and we know a post-pandemic world is in the near future, we are still navigating this unusual time. That’s why we want to share some tips on how you can be successful now and in the future. These tips are not only important to consider and implement now, but will continue to give your customers the experiences they have come to expect. By providing a blend of hybrid experiences, you will be able to build stronger customer relationships and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

                          Convenient curbside pickup and service options

                          Whether you’re offering curbside pickup or services, direct shipping, or click and collect - customers want options. One of the most successful and loved services (and the one we recommend you implement ASAP) during the pandemic has been curbside pickup. Why? Because it gives your customers a safe option while also giving them on-demand service, and instant gratification following an online purchase.

                          Why it matters now: At the start of the pandemic, curbside pickup skyrocketed. In fact, it increased by more than 208%. Right now, curbside pickup not only gives your customers the convenience they want and quick turnaround they expect, but it gives them a safe and easy way to do business with you. We know a post-pandemic future is around the corner, but many consumers still feel safer doing business via curbside options. Whether your staff are delivering orders to your customers curbside or your staff are providing curbside banking services, your team can deliver exceptional experiences by allowing customers to stay safe in the comfort of their cars.

                          How it benefits you in the future: The truth is, curbside pickup and service options are here to stay! Your consumers love it, and want to see it continue post-pandemic. In fact, 87% of consumers said they want businesses to continue to offer options like curbside pickup after the COVID-19 pandemic.

                          Another important thing to note is that even if you are already offering curbside services, there is always room to improve. One of the most important aspects of providing curbside is to have clear communication about how your service works. Telling your customers where to drive up, park, how to “check in”, and what to expect will continue to keep them at ease during these uneasy times and keep them coming back to do business with you.

                          Personalized, one-to-one appointments

                          After months at home, your customers are craving human connection more than ever. And guess what? That’s not going to change post-pandemic. As we start to embrace the “new normal” - the expectation for true, personalized services is likely to increase. After all, we are in the experience economy!

                          Whether in-person or remote appointments, you can drive value for your organization, improving customer satisfaction, increasing ROI, and giving your customers the personalized service they want.

                          Why it matters now: The time has truly never been better to deploy and rely on appointments to run a safe and efficient business. First, appointments help control and maintain safe capacity and social distancing. Additionally, they put control into your customers’ hands during an uncontrollable situation (this circles back to empowering your customers). Finally, appointments give the human-to-human experiences your customers are looking for. A recent study confirms that 47% of consumers find the human element an integral part of their shopping experience. Regardless of what industry you’re in, human connection matters.

                          How it benefits you in the future: Similar to curbside services, many consumers will continue to want the new service options they have become accustomed to during the pandemic. 63% of consumers say that given the choice, they would prefer to pre-book an appointment rather than wait in line for entry. Additionally, 57% of consumers say they are more likely to book an appointment than they were prior to the pandemic.

                          And as the world continues to change and technology evolves post-pandemic, we cannot drive home the point enough about the importance of offering human-to-human experiences. Appointments are the way to do this. Don’t believe us? These stats from a recent PWC study on customer experience might change your mind:

                          • 75% of consumers want more interaction with a real person as technology improves
                          • 71% of consumers would rather interact with a human than a chatbot or some other automated process
                          • 82% of consumers want more human interaction when purchasing products and services

                          Your customers want to build real connections. And you can use technology to build these types of personalized experiences at scale. We applaud all who are already building an experiential relationship management (XRM) strategy, and using technology to make it happen. Appointment scheduling in 2021 and beyond means delivering the personalized experiences your customers expect and need! Providing appointments is one of the best ways to exceed customer expectations and gain a competitive edge.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                          Ramp up your communication

                          Clear communication with your customers has always been important. That’s nothing new. But what started in the transaction economy as simply communicating your products, prices, and sales turned into a much more complicated world: social media, digital email communication, website messaging, and in-store or in-branch messaging. And now, in the experience economy and during the pandemic, communication - and a touch of personalization - could not matter more! Your customers want to connect with you, and feel like you connect with them. With proper communication, you can help your customers feel at ease and cared for.

                          Why it matters now: Since the start of the pandemic, people have had heightened anxiety surrounding how they interact with businesses. To mitigate customer anxiety, you should provide clear communication about your business operations, guidelines, and services, including:

                          • Your business hours
                          • Senior and essential worker hours
                          • How you’re managing crowds
                          • How customers can wait in line or join a virtual queue
                          • Contact information - phone number, email, and other ways they can get ahold of you
                          • Curbside, click and collect, and in-person service processes
                          • What types of payment methods you accept
                          • Alternative service options (are you providing remote appointments or video banking?)

                          Additionally, you should continue to communicate all safety measures with your customers. Through your social media channels, your website, email campaigns, and effective signage - you should remind your customers what you are doing to keep them safe. And thank them for being a customer! A thank you can go a long way!

                          How it benefits you in the future: Having clear communication is always going to be critical for a great customer experience. But especially as things begin to change again or become more “normal”, customers are going to want to know what to expect, and how they can continue to safely do business with you. They are going to want to know what’s changing, what’s staying the same, and what to expect from your business moving forward! Providing an open line of communication with your customers on a variety of digital platforms and in your physical locations will help improve customer satisfaction because they know exactly what to expect.

                          Provide self-service options

                          Providing a way for customers to choose how they do business with you AND to set it up themselves is truly empowering. This puts more control into the hands of your customers and allows them to do business on their terms, giving them an overall seamless experience.

                          Why it matters now: Offering your customers a sense of control during an uncertain time will help them feel a sense of security amidst the chaos. By giving them a way to schedule, reschedule, or cancel a pickup or appointment, they get to choose how and when they do business with you. This is another way to empower your customers, and will keep them coming back for more.

                          How it benefits you in the future: Giving your customers the flexibility to manage their experiences with you will continue to build customer loyalty. Whether booking a remote or in-person appointment or curbside pickup, your customers should be able to manage this process on their own. Having self-serve options creates a more personalized experience and allows your customers to take charge of how they do business with you.

                          Whether now or in the future, your customers will continue to expect omnichannel experiences and continual communication. By diversifying your offerings and delivering exceptional experiences, you will earn your customers trust, increase customer satisfaction, and improve your bottom line.

                          To learn more about how personalized, one-to-one appointments provide human connection and drive ROI, then download our eBook “The ROI of appointments”.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          Getting started with JRNI Analytics: 4 tips for success https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-analytics-tips-for-success Fri, 19 Feb 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-analytics-tips-for-success

                          We’ve always believed in the power of data, and know the importance of being able to measure ROI and understand how your one-to-one and one-to-many experiences are driving value. With JRNI Analytics, you are able to measure and improve upon the success of your experiential relationship management (XRM) strategy, and report to stakeholders with ease through dashboards, custom reporting tools, and notifications. JRNI Analytics allows you to measure everything from lead times and staff capacity to cancelation rate and conversion rate, as well as gives you a way to compare data over time - ensuring you can use your data to drive business decisions and deliver better experiences.

                          Today, we’re going to walk through four ways you can get started with JRNI Analytics to help set your team up for success!

                          1. Take advantage of the template library

                          JRNI Analytics dashboards
                          Click to see more

                          Your team will have access to six dashboards and 80+ charts out of the box that you can immediately start using. These templates allow you to start measuring the success of your experiences right away! You will have access to all six dashboards including:

                          • HQ Dashboard: overall overview and comparison over longer periods of time (Events, Appointments, Queueing)
                          • Appointment Dashboard: daily/weekly insights into appointments
                          • Event Dashboard: daily/weekly insights into events
                          • Queue Dashboard: daily/weekly insights into queue bookings
                          • Capacity / Lead time Dashboard: capacity of the staff and how long it takes for a customer to book a service in advance
                          • Conversion Dashboard: conversion of appointments and value

                          The HQ Dashboard is a summary of all of your locations in the JRNI platform. This gives you an overall overview and comparison over longer periods of time. You can drill down into more detailed data with a single click, as well as click on predefined data points such as month view, quarter view, and more. The Appointments Dashboard is an overview of your appointment bookings. You can quickly apply filters to see data at the store or branch level. Imagine being able to see how each physical location is performing in total - by region, by week, in comparison to others. The Capacity / Lead time Dashboard shows you the capacity of your staff, as well as how long it takes for a customer to book a service in advance. These are important metrics to follow to ensure an ideal customer experience! The Conversion Dashboard shows you the conversion of your appointments, giving you true insight into how impactful your appointments are on your bottom line.

                          After reviewing these dashboards, you can favorite your most-used dashboards, so you can easily return to them when needed. Additionally, you can check to see which dashboards are most relied upon among your users. Once you get started with a couple of the pre-set templates, we encourage you to spend time with your teams to determine which dashboards and charts you’d like to keep track of as an organization to ensure everyone is on the same page.

                          2. Schedule reports for distribution to appropriate teams

                          Schedule reports in JRNI Analytics
                          Click to see more

                          Look, we get that not everyone is a data scientist or has hours upon hours to dive into layers of data. We know you’re busy running your organization from A to Z, and you likely don’t have the time to customize or run reports. That’s why we made reporting on your experiences EASY. There is no need to fuss with complicated reports or to struggle finding the right information, simply schedule a report to send to your inbox. You can also easily schedule reports to be sent out to key stakeholders. When scheduling the report to go out, you can include a custom message, choose the data format, and select how often you receive the reports. By having reports automatically sent to your inbox, you and your teams will have a convenient and simple way to keep track of success and continuously improve upon your experiences.

                          This is a great way to make sure you never miss an important piece of information, and is super simple to set up. Check out this video from our Global Customer Success Manager, Hannah MacGregor to see just how simple it is!

                          3. Create custom reports

                          Speaking of data analysts… if you are one, or you do want to create custom reports and dashboards, guess what? You can! JRNI Analytics gives you and your team access to JRNI’s predefined data schema so you can create the customized reports and dashboard content that is going to help you evaluate success. With so many established dashboard templates, this is certainly not necessary to measure success or track ROI, but gives your team the option to have full control over how you manage your data.

                          4. Set up KPIs and notifications

                          KPI and notification setup in JRNI Analytics
                          Click to see more

                          Every organization is different, which is why we cannot stress enough the importance of setting up your own key performance indicators (KPIs). JRNI Analytics allows you to not only set up your custom KPIs, but also allows you to enable alerts anytime one of your KPIs goes above or below what you’re expecting. This way you never miss an important event!

                          Using JRNI Analytics for KPIs and notifications provides an easy way to keep track of success, progress, and any issues that might require immediate attention. By having well-defined KPIs and automatic alerts sent to team members, you can be sure the right team members are in the know! This will translate to even more success for your team, as you’ll be able to make better, more informed decisions about your business to meet and exceed goals.

                          So there you go - these four tips will help you start measuring your success right away! If you’re a customer looking for more information on JRNI Analytics, be sure to reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

                          Not a customer yet? Well, we’re excited you’re here, and it’s nice to meet you! We would love to show you our experiential relationship management (XRM) platform and how JRNI can work for you.

                          Want to see JRNI Analytics in action? Then be sure to watch the demo! If you’re interested, you can also sign up to speak to one of our experts.

                          JRNI Analytics: Watch the demo
                          My Journey to JRNI: Luke Ferguson https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-luke-ferguson Tue, 16 Feb 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-luke-ferguson
                          Luke Ferguson, Senior Product Manager

                          You've been at JRNI since 2013. How has your role changed since you joined?

                          I originally joined JRNI as a front-end developer, building out our first mobile-friendly booking journey. My ambition was always, however, to be a Product Manager. It’s something I even highlighted in my original application all the way back in 2013! Today, I live that ambition, and look after the “staff experience” which helps our customers manage their bookings and availability.

                          What are some of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career?

                          It would have to be launching a new product to market! JRNI Studio (which turns three this year) was the culmination of a huge amount of work. It’s incredibly rewarding to take an idea and turn it into something tangible that helps people do their job effectively.

                          Our user base continues to grow and is now in six digits, and we utilize users’ feedback (good and bad!) to shape the product. It might seem odd that I’m enthused by bad feedback, but by understanding where pain points are, it can really help us focus our attention in the right place and make valuable enhancements.

                          One example of this was enacting upon feedback highlighting the need to provide a means to translate user-generated content, something we’re about to roll out very soon!

                          In the last 12 months, we’ve also been working hard to make the product accessible. This initiative gave me the opportunity to meet people that rely on assistive technology, and work with a third party to help test our product. The end result, a new way of thinking: by designing with accessibility needs from the outset, you can provide an experience that everyone can enjoy.

                          What’s the best part about working in the product manager role?

                          How varied each day is! Some days I’m talking to customers all day, whereas others I’m heads down analyzing data or writing product specifications. Other days, I could be talking to partners or vendors, or working with the team reviewing the feasibility of a proposed feature, or ideating new ways to solve a problem we’ve identified. It’s a lot of fun!

                          What’s your favorite part about JRNI’s culture?

                          It’s the people! The company really does feel like my extended family. I think the company name is apt, everyone really is on board for the journey to build the best scheduling experience out there. It’s great to see the results we can deliver when we work as a team!

                          What makes JRNI a unique place to work?

                          The autonomy we’re offered by far. We’re trusted to get the job done, but support is only a Zoom call away when we need it.

                          Outside of work… What’s the best trip you’ve been on?

                          That’s a tough question! I think it would have to be the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This was the first trip where I traveled alone, pushing me far out of my comfort zone. The experience was incredibly rewarding and I made friends for a lifetime there. I can’t recommend doing it enough!

                          If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                          I had the opportunity to visit Australia with JRNI last year (pre-COVID), and fell in love with the place. There’s something really quite special being able to finish work and head to the beach after.

                          What are some of your hobbies outside of work?

                          I love to read, although I'm notoriously bad at finishing books. A “hack” a friend recently recommended, is the brilliant “What You Will Learn” podcast by Adam Ashton and Adam Jones. They take non-fiction books, and digest them into 30-minute episodes so you can learn all the best bits without the big investment needed to read the entire book.

                          Interested in working alongside Luke and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointheJRNI!

                          We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                          3 ways financial institutions can level up their XRM strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/financial-institutions-xrm-strategy Thu, 11 Feb 2021 09:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/financial-institutions-xrm-strategy

                          We’ve talked about experiential relationship management (XRM) before - and how an XRM strategy can help you deliver the experiences your customers not only want, but expect. The types of experiences that turn a customer into a loyal customer. And doing it right means you need to provide unique experiences, offer human-to-human connections, build personalized relationships, and do it all at scale.

                          But what does that actually mean for your financial institution? And how can you step up your XRM strategy? Well, we’re here to help! Here are three ways you can level up your customer engagement strategy to build customer loyalty and drive customer lifetime value (CLV).

                          1. Use data to drive decision making

                          In a recent report from BAI Banking Outlook, data shows that two thirds of financial services organizations “sometimes” or “infrequently” use customer data. If you’re not using customer data to build stronger relationships and increase retention, then it’s going to cost you. In fact, banks spend approximately $200 to acquire a new customer, yet their average customer generates $150 in revenue annually. When profitability is tied to CLV, the importance of using data to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty cannot be understated. Using analytics allows your financial institution to develop insights on customer segments and behaviors to more precisely target and tailor products for customers. Studies show this can lead to an increase in sales productivity as much as 40%.

                          Additionally, financial institutions need to leverage analytics data to provide better experiences. According to the Financial Brand, “Financial institutions must move from using data and analytics for great internal reports to using data, analytics, and content for exceptional experiences.” We couldn’t agree more! By utilizing your data to better understand and serve your customers, you can ensure you’re providing not only a great customer experience, but a memorable one.

                          You need to analyze your customer engagement strategy to truly understand the value of the experiences you provide and to better prepare your teams in the future. Some important metrics to consider tracking:

                          • What services and appointment types are most popular?
                          • Are your locations properly staffed to accommodate busy times?
                          • Are your locations properly staffed with the expertise needed?
                          • What are your lead and wait times?
                          • What is your cancelation rate?
                          • What is your no-show rate?

                          Leaning on the power of your customer journey data is a vital way to keep track of your organization’s success and a surefire way to level up your experiential relationship management strategy!

                          2. Meet customers on their terms

                          While we’ve seen a lot of changes in customer behavior during the pandemic, the one thing that remains constant is that your customers want to do business with you on their terms. Omnichannel banking means meeting your customers where they are.

                          And while the pandemic escalated the need to provide digital and remote financial services like video banking, a recent study shows that 73% of consumers prefer having in-person interactions with experts when receiving financial advice. Being able to meet the demands of the hybrid consumer means being able to provide services across all channels, allowing them to do business with you via your website, mobile app, in-branch, or remotely.

                          Take, for example, your checking and savings account options:

                          • Are your customers able to book an in-person or remote appointment to open an account?
                          • Are they able to book this type of appointment in a way that’s most convenient to them? On your website, your app, or by calling into a local branch?
                          • Are they able to book a follow-up appointment to ask questions about their new account?
                          • Do they have an easy way to contact your staff members or customer support team with questions about your checking and savings account options either online, on the app, or by phone?

                          What it comes down to is being able to meet your customers’ needs. As a financial institution, you have to make sure you are available to them - and for them. And in today’s world, you need to be available anytime, anywhere via any device, regardless of transaction, to make your customers feel heard and secure.

                          3. It’s time to get personal: Personalization is key

                          From your favorite streaming app’s home screen of show recommendations to your favorite retailer recommending products based on previous purchases, personalization is everywhere. And consumers are becoming even more accustomed to this personalization, especially given the increased screen time during the pandemic.

                          Guess what’s going to help you transform your customer engagements into personalized, memorable experiences? That’s right, data! Just as many retailers use customer data to tailor looks and make customized product suggestions, financial institutions too can make customized product recommendations based on customer history and previous conversations. There is so much value you can derive from diving into your data and using it to arm your staff and business with the knowledge to personalize at scale.

                          To make your experiences memorable, you have to personalize your banking services in a way your customers will remember. Knowing their needs and how you can help them is key. Your customers should feel like they are truly benefiting from you - that you understand their financial needs and are recommending the right products. They want to be heard and know they are cared for. They want to know they can depend on you with something as sensitive and personal to them as their finances.

                          Plus, the stats don’t lie - your consumers crave personalization! According to EY, 40% of customers say they would be more likely to stay with their financial services provider if it offered more personalized service. In addition, 70% of customers say a company’s understanding of their personal needs influences their loyalty. One final personalization stat to note: according to BCG, for every $100 billion in assets that a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing its customer interactions. There is no question that personalization is key to your strategy and success.

                          And while personalization is key to your strategy... the key to personalized experiences is being able to do it at scale. That’s why using software to help manage and schedule your customer engagements, be it an in-person appointment or a video call to discuss loan options, can serve all of your customers in a personalized way at scale.

                          So how are you leveraging your data and tools to increase revenue, build stronger customer relationships, and improve customer loyalty? If you’re not using the power of your data, providing omnichannel service options, and prioritizing personalization, then it’s time to start! The experience economy is here - and the financial institutions that are going to thrive are already implementing an XRM strategy.

                          Don’t know where to get started or how?! At JRNI, we’re all about helping our customers provide memorable, personalized experiences! Our XRM platform might be just what you’re looking for to step up your game. If you want to learn more about the ROI of providing unique, human-to-human experiences, then download our eBook “The ROI of appointments”.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI https://www.jrni.com/blog/total-economic-impact-of-jrni Tue, 09 Feb 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/total-economic-impact-of-jrni

                          Over the years, we’ve worked with and partnered with some of the most recognized global brands in both the retail and financial services industries. One common question (a very good one, we might add) when speaking with a new organization is: What is the return on investment (ROI) of JRNI?

                          It’s a question we expect as every investment demands justification. And in doing your research, you want to ensure you are making the best decision for your business. You want to know you can maximize success and ROI by using an experiential relationship management platform that improves the customer experience and drives customer loyalty. Our clients and prospects have a lot of choices when it comes to enterprise scheduling software, and not everyone wants to take our word for it. That’s why we commissioned Forrester Consulting to do the research, and put together The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI study.

                          The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI study - download now!

                          The report examines the potential ROI enterprises may realize by deploying the JRNI platform. This report is based on a methodology developed by Forrester Research, that “helps companies demonstrate, justify and realize the tangible value of IT initiatives to both senior management and other stakeholders.”

                          For us, the goal was simpler: to deliver an objective, third-party assessment of the hard and soft ROI of JRNI.

                          The results

                          To level set, the research was done on a single organization who had been using JRNI for over a year, and the study looks out over a three year window. We encourage you to look through the study in all of its detail! But for those of you who are more interested in a quick summary, instead of pages of calculation tables, here are the results over three years:

                          $4M in benefits from JRNI

                          A chart of $4 million in benefits with JRNI over three years, including the profit from customer acquisition, the profit from improved appointment volume, and added benefits from saved time for the customer experience team

                          With JRNI, there was a total of $4 million in benefits over the three-year period:

                          • A $3,105,200 profit from improved appointment volume
                          • A $801,514 profit from event-driven customer acquisition
                          • $98,989 from customer experience team efficiencies

                          143% ROI from JRNI

                          The Total Economic Impact of JRNI - One customer saw 143% ROI with JRNI over three years

                          With JRNI, the customer saw an ROI of 143% over the three-year period.

                          60% increase in appointments annually

                          The Total Economic Impact of JRNI - One customers saw a 60% increase in appointments annually with JRNI over three years.

                          Prior to JRNI, the customer had a manual process for setting up appointments. Using JRNI, the team was able to automate the process, making it easier for their customers to book appointments instantaneously, which led to a 60% increase in appointments year-on-year.

                          $3.1M in increased profit from appointments

                          The Total Economic Impact of JRNI - one customer saw increased profit from appointments by $3.1 million over three years with JRNI

                          With the higher average order value (AOV) seen with customers booking appointments and the higher number of appointments booked, JRNI increased profit by $3.1 million over the three-year period.

                          1,676 hours saved per year

                          The Total Economic Impact of JRNI - One customer's experience team saved 1,676 hours per year with JRNI over three years.

                          JRNI helped automate many manual processes associated with appointments and events: scheduling, booking, processing, and reporting. With JRNI, the efficiencies seen saved the customer experience team a total of 1,676 hours per year over three years.

                          We are extremely proud of these results - and know that these numbers are a testament to dedication of the entire JRNI team and the commitment to not just solving a problem - but to providing a solution that drives quantitative benefits for our customers. This research is a testament to our mission: to help our customers deliver unique, personalized experiences at scale.

                          If you are interested in learning more, you can download The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI here.

                          With Rotageek and JRNI: Automation and integration to supercharge employee and customer experiences https://www.jrni.com/blog/rotageek-and-jrni Tue, 02 Feb 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/rotageek-and-jrni

                          This is a guest post by Travis Fish, Head of Partnerships at Rotageek.

                          Flexible working has become one of the top buzzwords of 2020. Whether guiding a transition to remote working or supporting those affected by homeschooling and the virus, millions of UK employees have been granted flexibility in the workplace. But what about the forgotten workforce - those without desks?

                          Here at Rotageek, we provide smart scheduling solutions to not only improve productivity and profitability, but also to increase employee happiness. Shift workers and the deskless workforce are often on roster rotations that would shock office-based teams and we aim to enable businesses to bring a human touch to scheduling by leveraging the power of technology and machine learning algorithms.

                          By giving employees input into their rota (think, availability, preferences, and flexing hours up and down, as well as swapping shifts when things change last minute) AND utilizing computer technology to compute millions of shift/skill and person combinations alongside business and legal rules in seconds, you can create rotas that not only work better for businesses but also for employees' ever-changing and complex lives.

                          Rotageek & JRNI

                          So why would you want to integrate employee scheduling and customer journey scheduling? Surely they are two very distinct areas of operation?

                          Our partnership is built on the idea that interoperability is good, and even where your solutions don't specifically overlap, (where things like rotas and payroll naturally do), you can sometimes deliver as much value if you think just a little creatively!

                          Coordinating virtual queuing, contactless store pickup or appointments, and online events requires that the scheduling platform knows not only the times during which those channels are 'open,' but also how many resources (people) are available to deliver that service, and in some cases, specifically whether they are skilled in certain tasks. This is generally solved in most operations by time-consuming double keying, but a JRNI and Rotageek integration would completely remove that work. You could, for example, provide appointment bookings matched exactly to the real-time number of appropriately skilled team members that are working in the store at a given time in the future and inform the customer who will be serving them so they know who to ask for!

                          Once you have that in place in your operation, we see many more possibilities for embracing other integrations with JRNI. We know that rotas are sometimes over-staffed - so imagine being able to dynamically offer more appointments during those periods. This would provide more options for your customers and would overall accommodate more people in the course of a week.

                          This is why we are passionate about helping our customers embrace technology that enables better experiences, both for their own customers and employees in tandem. Removing manual processes and adding automation benefits everyone: customers, employees, and the business.

                          “Too many businesses are still using time-consuming manual processes to run their organizations. As retailers plan to adapt their operating models, automation can help them to improve profitability and deliver improvements in everything from meeting customer demand to conversions, basket size, and customer satisfaction. More than that, in the unusual circumstances we're facing, companies must work collaboratively with their suppliers to help them improve their operations. Offering best-of-breed technology is what we do, but it’s intelligently connecting it to other platforms that really unlocks the potential to impact businesses and teams positively.”

                          Chris McCullough, CEO of Rotageek

                          The other benefit is that you often improve the job that your team members are doing by removing barriers and reducing non-value-added work. This gives your team members more time to focus on higher purpose tasks that are often the reason why they enjoy their job in the first place.

                          Read more about the power of automation in workforce management and get in touch with the team at Rotageek here. If you'd like to learn more about this partnership, you can sign up to speak to one of our experts!

                          Appointment scheduling in 2021: What you need to know https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-in-2021 Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-in-2021

                          If you’re not looking into appointments as a way to increase revenue, build stronger customer relationships, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, then it’s time to embrace the new normal! Enterprise appointment scheduling is the here, the now, and the future. And you better believe it should be a part of your 2021 strategy!

                          During COVID-19, many organizations turned to appointment scheduling (both remote and in-person) as a means for social distancing and as a way to provide human-to-human experiences. Additionally, appointments put control into the customers’ hands in the midst of an uncontrollable situation. And while it is uncertain how the pandemic will continue to transform our world in 2021, one thing is certain: appointments will continue to provide value for your customers, your staff, and your bottom line.

                          Appointment scheduling is growing: The new behavioral norm

                          The global online appointment scheduling market is growing, with an expected value of $360 million by the end of 2023. With many people turning to appointments as a way to safely shop and bank, the convenience and personalization of each interaction is something customers want and need. Here are some customer behavior stats that reiterate the importance of providing personalized, one-to-one appointments as a part of your 2021 strategy:

                          63% of consumers would prefer to pre-book an appointment

                          According to the “Rewriting the rules of retail engagement” consumer insights report, 63% of consumers say that given the choice, they would prefer to pre-book an appointment rather than wait in line for entry. Additionally, 57% of consumers say they are more likely to book an appointment than they were prior to the pandemic.

                          If this tells us anything, it’s that customers are going to continue to look for options to pre-book appointments, and will even come to expect it. The benefit now? Giving customers additional options to safely engage with your business. The benefit later? Meeting and exceeding the new expectations of your customers - allowing them to do business with you on their terms.

                          64% of customers will invest more in a service after a personalized interaction

                          Appointments allow organizations to establish valuable one-to-one time with customers - meaning you have the opportunity to get to know your customers on a deeper level. As you build rapport with them, you also come to know their needs - not only their needs now, but their needs for the future. This is why appointments provide great upsell opportunities! For example, a savings account appointment could turn into a conversation about purchasing a home, and you are able to schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss mortgages. Or a wedding dress appointment leads to a conversation about how your customer is also looking for a bridal shower outfit and interested in reviewing bridesmaid dress options. There are many ways to engage your customers in this one-on-one time to increase the customer lifetime value.

                          47% of consumers confirm that the human-touch aspect is an important part of their experience

                          Humanization is the key to building strong, meaningful relationships with your customers. This stat says a lot, especially given the environment we’ve been living in during the pandemic. Whether on- or offline, giving customers a more personalized appointment experience will become increasingly important as the lines between digital and in-person experiences become increasingly blurred. Appointments can give customers the human connection they are craving.

                          34% of consumers said that offering pre-booked appointments means retailers are more likely taking the safety of customers and staff more seriously

                          And on a final note, more than one-third of consumers said that, in their opinion, retailers that offer pre-booked appointments rather than a walk-in system are more likely to be proactively managing shopper traffic and are taking the safety of staff and customers more seriously. This isn’t only true in retail though - customers are also depending on their banks to provide safer lobbies by effectively managing foot traffic. Safety will continue to be a huge concern for consumers in 2021, and offering appointments is a way to provide peace of mind.

                          What do these stats tell us? That right now, consumers want to feel and be safe. And in the future, booking one-to-one, personalized appointments is something your customers will come to expect.

                          Meeting customer expectations

                          While appointments are something you should include as a part of your growth strategy, you shouldn’t offer appointments just to tick a box. There are many considerations for financial institutions and retailers before getting started with online appointment scheduling solution. Appointment scheduling software should meet your use case needs, and be a true enterprise appointment scheduling solution to manage your appointments at scale. There are - quite literally - hundreds of things to consider, but some of the main features you need to consider are the features your customers have come to expect during the growth of booking online appointments, which they have become accustomed to at many of their favorite places.

                          Appointment options

                          While COVID-19 has certainly shifted consumer behavior, and many of your customers will want to meet with you remotely, in-person appointments remain crucial as well. Right now, remote appointments give your customers the benefit of meeting with your staff without the health risks. In the future, remote appointments will continue to give customers a quick, easy, and convenient way to have personalized experiences on their terms - when and where they are available. In-person appointments, on the other hand, continue to serve as a great touch point for people wanting a face-to-face experience. In fact, 73% of consumers prefer having in-person interactions from experts when receiving financial advice.

                          Omnichannel experiences continue to push the bar in terms of expectations: some customers want their experience to be a hybrid of online and in-person. Some customers may sign up for a new bank account online, but still want to meet in person to ask questions and ensure they signed up for the best account to meet their needs. And some shoppers may prefer buying home goods online, but prefer shopping for clothes in-person. The key here is that with any omnichannel experience, the brand and the flow are seamless and continuous between channels.

                          Appointment accessibility

                          All customers expect to be able to access your appointment booking solution, so ensuring your online appointment scheduling process is accessible to all is vital! Providing an inclusive appointment booking service is not only the right thing to do to ensure all customers can easily book appointments with you, it’s also important as guidelines expand and accessibility-related lawsuits increase.

                          Appointment management

                          Customers want to be able to schedule, cancel, and reschedule appointments on their terms. Your solution should offer a way for customers to control their own scheduling process. Giving your customers the ability to quickly and easily reschedule will not only help improve the customer experience, but can help reduce no-shows. You should also ensure that customers get automated appointment reminders of scheduled or cancelled appointments. By sending automated reminders about upcoming appointments, there will be a clear path of communication between you and the customer, which is crucial in minimizing no-shows!

                          Appointment preparation

                          Aside from the availability of and features your customers will come to expect from appointments, they will also expect your staff to be prepared for both remote and in-person appointment options. Appointment scheduling gives you the opportunity to raise the bar on customer service, and provide a true personalized experience - one that they will remember and want to come back for! In fact, 86% of customers say they will pay more for a great customer experience.

                          In preparation for appointments, your staff should understand your customers’ needs as deeply as the data allows them to. Staff should review notes and previous conversations with customers to ensure efficiency, to provide great service, and to exceed customer expectations. As an additional benefit, appointments also give customers time to prepare. That way, by the time customers meet with your staff, they have a better understanding of the products or services they want and know what questions to ask.

                          Creating memorable experiences

                          Finally, appointments in 2021 means giving your customers unique, memorable experiences. After all, loyalty comes down to customer satisfaction - so what are you doing to make your in-person experiences extraordinary? What are you doing to strengthen your customer relationships? As we’ve noted before, the experience economy is here - and it’s time to make your appointments count!

                          So how can you make one-to-one appointments more meaningful for your customers? By following the four key pillars of an experiential relationship management (XRM) strategy: providing unique experiences, offering human-to-human connections, building personalized relationships, and managing experiences at scale. Don’t know where to get started? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Here are some resources to help you get started:

                          And if you want to learn more about how to deliver personalized experiences at scale and how your teams can benefit from appointment booking software, then check out our eBook “The ROI of appointments”:

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          4 scheduling considerations for financial institutions https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-financial-institutions Thu, 21 Jan 2021 09:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-financial-institutions

                          Banks and credit unions have a slew of considerations when onboarding a new technology partner - especially for something as complex as banking scheduling software. Though the idea of booking an appointment seems simple (after all, it’s just adding an appointment to a staff member’s calendar, right?) - there is so much more than meets the eye when it comes to enterprise appointment scheduling, and integrating with existing systems and processes. From multiple locations, staff members, and time zones to security compliance and accessibility guidelines - having the right booking solution in place goes well beyond a basic calendar function.

                          To find the ideal banking scheduling software, financial institutions should evaluate four key areas: information security, accessibility, analytics, and a Microsoft Outlook/Office 365 integration.

                          1. Information security

                          Information security (InfoSec) is of utmost importance for highly-regulated financial institutions. InfoSec is defined as the processes and tools used to keep data safe from modification, inspection, disruption, or destruction. Data breach costs are among the highest in the financial industry, and breaches also lead to a high churn rate in customer base. For institutions managing sensitive information like bank account numbers and social security numbers, keeping customers’ information secure is critical for customer satisfaction and loyalty. Aside from the commitment to your customers, there are also regulations to which financial institutions must adhere.

                          In the US, there are several guidelines outlined by federal law that financial institutions need to comply with. Additionally, banks and financial institutions operating in the EU have to adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Being GDPR-compliant includes processes like requiring consent for data processing, anonymizing data for privacy, providing data breach notifications, and much more.

                          Being diligent with InfoSec is crucial because it’s not only something that can make or break your reputation, but not meeting guidelines can result in fines or lawsuits. That means every single company and vendor you partner with should be taking InfoSec seriously.

                          When evaluating an enterprise appointment scheduling provider, you should consider the following:

                          • What type of security compliance is the software partner certified in?
                          • How do they go through the certification process?
                          • If you operate in the EU, is your provider GDPR-compliant?
                          • How will the software provider continue to remain compliant in the future?
                          • Does the provider meet the security requirements of your bank or credit union?

                          This is just a starting point for questions to consider, and it cannot be overstated how important it is to partner with providers who make InfoSec a top priority and ensure they are always up-to-date with security protocols.

                          2. Accessibility

                          As banks and credit unions are aware, you need to ensure accessibility across all of your experiences, not just the physical accessibility of your locations and ATMs. That means you need to evaluate accessibility from a digital standpoint, including everything from your website to software providers. Between the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and the growing reliance on digital services, digital accessibility for banks will continue to become increasingly important. Not to mention, you can significantly grow your customer base by ensuring you are accessible for all users - across the entire customer journey. That’s why it’s crucial that your bank scheduling software vendor prioritizes accessibility in their development process.

                          With digital accessibility requirements around the globe, the financial industry is no stranger to the lawsuits and revenue loss that stem from not being inclusive online. The number of compliance issues that financial institutions face is high - meaning risk is even higher. Things you need to consider for an appointment scheduling solution when it comes to accessibility:

                          • Does the appointment setting software make accessibility a priority in their development process?
                          • Are they actively working to meet WCAG 2.1 requirements?
                          • Is the platform compatible with screen readers?
                          • Do they use text alternatives for any non-text content?
                          • Is the platform readable and understandable?
                          • Does the platform use easy-to-read fonts and colors?
                          • Do they use a third-party testing agency to ensure compliance?

                          This is just a starting point of the issues banks and credit unions need to think about for accessibility. There are many implications when you consider the full customer journey of booking an appointment online. Your customers will be using your third-party platform to select appointment types, pick the right time, select a staff member, etc., so you need to ensure the experience is accessible all the way through - from your website to the moment they book an appointment and receive a confirmation.

                          3. Analytics

                          The digital transformation of banking and financial services is becoming increasingly important - and data is at the core of this transformation. Utilizing data and analytics, your financial institution can make critical business decisions to drive growth.

                          Having an enterprise appointment scheduling solution that puts data at the forefront is key. It should be robust while giving you the information you need at ease. With the right analytics tool in place, you will be able to measure the ROI of your customer engagements and build upon your success. Some key things to consider with financial appointment scheduling analytics:

                          • Does the appointment scheduling software provider have an analytics tool built into their platform?
                          • Can you measure key metrics such as appointment conversions, staff capacity, lead times, wait times, no-shows, and more?
                          • Can you build a dashboard that shows you a high-level view of your key data and key performance indicators (KPIs)?
                          • Can you easily automate reports to send to stakeholders throughout your organization?
                          • Can you set up KPIs that are easy to track with milestones and alert notifications?
                          • Can you monitor overall performance as well as detailed branch data?

                          Deploying an easy way to analyze your data, you can optimize the customer journey, and create meaningful engagements that build customer loyalty. This data will help you determine what services are most popular, ways you can improve operational efficiencies, and continue to maximize your success.

                          4. Microsoft Exchange integration

                          Finding a bank scheduling software partner that meets all of your needs is imperative - including the ability to integrate with Microsoft Exchange to support Outlook and Office 365. Since the financial services industry has the highest rate of usage for Office 365, having an integration that can deliver a seamless, intelligent, and scalable scheduling solution is vital to ensure all employees and staff members can easily use your new solution across all branches.

                          If you are looking for a partner with a Microsoft Exchange integration, then consider the following needs:

                          • Does it provide a real-time connection, ensuring the synchronization happens immediately with no delay in response time?
                          • Does it prevent double-booking?
                          • Can you personalize the calendar invites and have them sync with your Outlook and Office 365 calendars?
                          • Does staff have the ability to control these elements of your appointment scheduling?
                          • Does it provide the newest features and enhancements without requiring staff to run an update?
                          • Is there an appointment lock - ensuring that any appointment made in your appointment scheduling solution can’t be edited or changed by staff members within Outlook or Office 365?

                          With many banks and credit unions depending on Microsoft Outlook/Office 365, this is a major consideration for your team, and something that should be vetted properly. You want to ensure an appointment scheduling provider has a seamless integration in place so all of your branches are set up for appointment scheduling success. At JRNI, our extensive integration with Microsoft Exchange is built to Microsoft best practice standards and is designed to provide a full suite of capabilities to deliver scheduling at scale.

                          So there you have it. These four key considerations will help you on your journey to finding the right partner. And, if you are just starting to consider appointment scheduling as an option, then you are on the right track… because personalized appointments help financial institutions drive revenue growth! In fact:

                          With online appointment setting being the new normal for the financial industry, it’s time to find the right software provider for your needs! At JRNI, we provide a platform to help deliver personalized experiences at scale. To learn more about how personalized, one-to-one appointments can improve revenue and conversions, customer satisfaction and loyalty, and customer relationships, then check out “The ROI of appointments” eBook.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          Top 5 product feature releases of 2020 https://www.jrni.com/blog/top-product-releases-of-2020 Fri, 15 Jan 2021 10:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/top-product-releases-of-2020

                          With 2021 is upon us, we wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on 2020 from a product perspective. We know the importance of continually advancing JRNI’s capabilities to help you build strong customer relationships through unique, personalized experiences. We have an ongoing dialogue with our customers and industry experts to drive our product forward, ensuring our platform helps customers maximize their success and ROI.

                          As you might imagine, 2020 was like no other year! At the onset of COVID-19, we did what we do best: focus our energy, our creativity, and our years of experience to build the best product and release features to help our customers thrive.

                          Reflecting on last year’s product launches made us realize how excited we are for what’s to come! While 2020 certainly taught us we can’t predict what’s coming next - we will remain flexible to ensure we are always meeting customer needs and adapting to the current environment. With that, let’s review the top product features from 2020!

                          1. Video appointments

                          Video appointment
                          • What is it: Video appointments enable businesses to serve their customers by offering appointments via phone and video. Video appointments allow you to provide service, demonstrations, consultations, and the like - all remotely to give your customers the one-to-one - and one-of-a-kind! - experiences they are looking for.
                          • Why we did it: At the beginning of the pandemic, the entire world was shifting to remote work. While video appointments was already in process, the release was accelerated in response to COVID-19 - as we knew the dire importance of being able to shift from a face-to-face to remote business model. Video appointments give customers a way to stay connected while also staying safe, and will continue to be an important part of the experiences you provide.
                          • The biggest challenge: When it came to adding video appointment features to our platform, the biggest challenge was around deciding the best way to balance our customers’ needs. On the one hand, many of our customers were already using Zoom, and were interested in using that same platform for conducting video appointments with their customers. On the other hand, other customers didn’t want to throw a third-party solution into the mix - specifically because of all the InfoSec work that often goes along with it. That’s why we decided to make it possible for our customers to decide what was best for them: video appointments via Zoom, or video appointments via JRNI’s own native remote appointments offering.

                          2. JRNI Analytics

                          JRNI Analytics
                          • What is it: JRNI Analytics allows you to measure and improve upon the success of your experiential relationship management strategy, so you can increase revenue, profitability, and efficiency, build stronger customer relationships, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. By tracking revenue and conversions, JRNI Analytics allows you to measure ROI and to understand how your one-to-one and one-to-many experiences drive value.
                          • Why we did it: We strongly believe in the importance of analytics - and using it to drive powerful business decisions. We designed JRNI Analytics so that you can see the story behind the statistics - and use that information to take action and build upon your successes. Having an easy way to analyze your experiences is crucial to growing your revenue and profitability.
                          • The biggest challenge: Our biggest challenge with JRNI Analytics was making sure that the tool was usable by anyone - not just data scientists, or people who were already skilled in business intelligence tools. That’s why we filled it up with pre-populated dashboards based on the kind of data we know our customers need most - so anyone could simply log in and start seeing information that would help them improve their business.

                          3. Accessibility

                          • What is it: At JRNI, we strive to provide an open, accessible, and compliant experience to all users. We prioritize accessibility, and have worked to make it a core part of our development process to ensure, to the extent possible, that our end-user interfaces follow all internationally recognized best practices in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA. With our ongoing focus on accessibility, all users, including those with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities can access and use the JRNI platform.
                          • Why we did it: Accessibility is important to ensure all users, regardless of ability or disability, can access and use our product. This is a commitment we’re dedicated to - to make sure your staff and customers have access to all the information they need on the JRNI platform! This is why we aim to meet WCAG 2.1 (AA) standards by following its four design principles and twelve supporting guidelines.
                          • The biggest challenge: When it comes to accessibility, it is challenging to meet the needs of every user due to the wide range of disabilities, and the fact that people experience varying degrees of conditions. Accessibility is a moving target - and staying up-to-date with changing regulations and developments will always be challenging, but we fully accept the challenge! As accessibility evolves, so will we! JRNI is also regularly tested by a third-party company, QualityLogic, to ensure that we’re adhering to guidelines. We will continue to make inclusion a top priority in our development strategy.

                          4. JRNI for Credit Unions

                          • What is it: JRNI for Credit Unions helps credit unions stay connected with their members by giving them the ability to offer unique experiences. Our specialized credit union package helps deliver the great, personalized service that makes credit union members choose a credit union over a bank in the first place.
                          • Why we did it: Credit unions were looking for additional ways to connect with their customers, and we wanted to provide a solution that allowed credit unions to deliver a personalized touch - while also being able to provide essential services remotely, control branch traffic for safe social distancing, eliminate lines with virtual queuing, optimize staff time, and improve the member experience.
                          • The biggest challenge: When we designed our credit union package, we wanted to make sure it was packed with all the features credit unions need, not just a bunch of bells and whistles. Our biggest challenge was making sure we delivered on that promise - and we’re so grateful to our customers and other experts who made sure we did it just right.

                          5. Member portal

                          Member portal
                          • What is it: The member portal feature provides a seamless experience for your customers, allowing them to easily manage their appointments with you from one place. With the member portal, your customers can log in to view past, upcoming, and canceled appointments, reschedule existing appointments, and book new appointments.
                          • Why we did it: At every step of the customer journey, we want to ensure your customers are having the best experience possible. By creating a one-stop shop for appointment management, the member portal gives your customers full flexibility and control over their appointments - improving their overall experience.
                          • The biggest challenge: The biggest challenge when developing the member portal was making sure that the experience provided additional value, not additional effort. That’s why we made sure that member portal could integrate with a brand’s existing customer account system, so that their customers didn’t have to have multiple logins - one for their standard customer profile, and a separate one for managing their appointments.

                          Looking forward

                          Even as a technology company that is used to rapid change, 2020 truly showed us what it meant to pivot quickly in the most unusual of times! That is a lesson we will always carry with us. While we don’t know exactly what’s on the horizon, we do always take a proactive approach to our roadmap, and are excited for another great year.

                          We look forward to our journey together with you this year! If you have any questions or want to share feedback on what you’d like to see on our roadmap, be sure to reach out to your Customer Success Manager! And if you want to see how JRNI can work for your business, then drop us a line.

                          The experience economy is here https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-experience-economy Tue, 12 Jan 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-experience-economy

                          “Customer experience” has been a buzzword for years. From your mom-and-pop shop to your big box brands, customer experience has been key for years - and we support this. It should be! But something has changed in these past few months, and it’s this: The basic definition of what “customer experience” really means.

                          So what does it mean, and how can brands do it right?

                          Before we get into that and how we got to the experience economy, let’s take a quick rewind back into the past.

                          Remember the transaction economy?

                          If you’re 30 years or older, you might remember the transaction economy. It was pretty basic: As consumers, the main thing we cared about when making a purchase was just that - making the purchase. Our shopping expectations were targeted and specific, and were largely centered around convenience. We wanted to walk into a store, find what we wanted on a shelf, and then walk out of the store with it. We wanted to walk into a bank, cash a check, and then walk out of the branch with it.

                          When online shopping became more common, consumers in the transaction economy were thrilled. The convenience! The speed! Buying something became even more transaction-like, and many consumers ate it up. Amazon prevailed, and more traditional retailers - the ones who had to rely on those physical store shelves to actually have the thing that their customers wanted to purchase - began to struggle. And retailers weren’t the only ones - following the model set by retailers, financial institutions, telcos, and other companies felt pressured to start offering some minimal degree of online services. It all became about an online presence, and it all became about using that online presence to simplify every transaction down to its bare bones - so that the customer could spend minimal time, and exert minimal effort.

                          Introducing the interaction economy

                          About ten years ago, traditional brands understood that they needed to start differentiating themselves in order to stand out in a sea of online transactions. They needed to build a strong digital presence to compete with the single-click retailers and the challenger banks - and it needed to be unique and engaging.

                          Fortunately, something had come along to help them: The sudden explosion of social media. We were in the dawn of the interaction economy: consumers moved from just wanting to complete a transaction, to wanting to be able to feel like they had the chance to interact with a brand.

                          With social media, interaction became not only possible - it became scalable. Whether it was Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or some combination of all of them, brands had a direct line to their consumers in a way that they’d never had before - and consumers ate it up. Although social media started as a way for people to stay in touch with friends, it quickly evolved into a space where people could also connect with the brands that were a part of their everyday lives - whether it was just to pin a specific clothing style to a board for later reference, or to reach out to a financial services organization to ask a question about a mortgage. Transactions still existed - but brands that offered only transactions were quick to be left in the dust.

                          Then came the experience economy

                          And that brings us back to the experience economy, and what the true definition of “customer experience” should really be.

                          Over time, the expectations of consumers for brand interaction grew, and smart brands knew that it was time to start taking advantage of those expectations. The forward-looking brands saw something that others didn’t yet, which was that the interaction economy was a movement that - although it started online - could be complemented offline. And consumers started to respond. As McKinsey & Company put it, consumers didn’t want to just buy products and services anymore - they wanted to buy into an experience. The transaction economy was long gone, and the interaction economy had evolved: The brands that would thrive were the ones that could provide a unique, personalized experience for their customers. And this is exactly where the experience economy comes in. (To learn more about a brand that bought into the experience economy and reaped the rewards, check out this Total Economic Impact™ from Forrester Consulting.)

                          When COVID-19 hit and the world shut down, this concept became even more important than it had before...precisely because it was, in some sense, taken away. More than ever, consumers now crave unique experiences and human connections; more than ever, they long to do something more than just use a single click to purchase something. They long to connect to a brand and to feel like that brand connects with them - and if your brand can give that to your customers, the potential benefits are huge. Consider the following statistics:

                          • Best-in-class personalized experiences can quadruple the revenue lift from these initiatives (BCG).
                          • 59% of customers want to see increased personalization (CSA).
                          • For every $100 billion in assets that a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing its customer interactions (BCG).

                          This is the experience economy. And it’s not just about offering a good experience. It’s not about a great NPS score, or a 5-star review for customer service. It’s about a world where a “good experience” doesn’t mean a “not bad experience” - it means a memorable experience. It means making your customers feel like, when they do business with you - whether you’re a clothing store, a telecommunications shop, a bank, or anything else - they’re doing business with a company who knows them as an individual, and can offer an experience as unique as they are. And if you can offer an experience this compelling, then you are well on your way to increasing brand loyalty and customer value.

                          The experience economy is here. Where are you?

                          The ROI of appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-roi-of-appointments Thu, 07 Jan 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-roi-of-appointments

                          At this time last year, The Economist wrote of an emerging trend they called “The appointment economy.” The piece focused on how retailers, supermarkets, bars, and gyms were leveraging booking software to manage business while ensuring the safety and social distancing of patrons.

                          But think beyond the retail arena. Appointments are now key to lobby management in bank branches and doctor’s offices. They play a pivotal role in the scheduling of vaccinations and testing. They help storefronts determine if they’re at capacity, or have room for that last minute walk-in.

                          The time has never been better to investigate, deploy, and rely on appointments as a means of running a safe and efficient business. Appointments, booking, scheduling - whatever you choose to call it - is the solution of our times for numerous reasons. In this post, we’ll discuss just a few of those reasons and leave you with the option to learn more:

                          Appointments build personalized relationships

                          While the pandemic positioned appointments as a way to build trust and ensure safety, most businesses use them to convert traffic to revenue by providing highly personalized experiences. The right solution empowers a consumer to control his/her own journey, while enabling the service provider to leverage everything they know about that customer to provide the best experience.

                          In fact, Boston Consulting Group tells us that customers are 110% more likely to add items to their baskets, and spend 40% more than planned when a shopping experience is highly personalized. When an interaction is personalized, every customer feels like that luxury shopper.

                          Appointments drive customer satisfaction and loyalty

                          An appointment booking platform enables customers to choose a convenient time to visit the business, and allows the organization to plan accordingly, ensuring they have optimally scheduled staff to meet customer needs. This means that staff is both available, and specialized as required. When employees aren’t rushing through customer interactions and have the time to dedicate to each individual, customer service improves.

                          And where there’s a positive experience, there’s loyalty, the greater lifetime customer value, greater NPS scores, and more opportunity for upsell and cross sell.

                          Appointments increase conversions, revenue, and profitability

                          Research from a number of sources demonstrates that customers who pre-book drive greater value. Sounds far-fetched, right?

                          Boston Consulting Group reports that for every $100 billion in assets that a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing the interaction, and appointments are a key means to end. Similarly, Forrester Consulting reports that retail customers who pre-book appointments tend to spend 7 - 8X more as compared to a walk-in shopper.

                          Appointments are the solution that keep on giving

                          On the surface, you may be thinking that appointments may not offer that much to your businesses, but think again about the flexibility of such a solution.

                          For a bank, appointments can be leveraged for loan or financial consultations, lobby management, broker meetings, security deposit box visits, and investment advice. They also enable the bank to manage capacity, build in time between customers to clean, and integrate with other core systems to get a full picture of each customer.

                          Similarly, in a retail setting, appointments can be used for fittings, remote consultations, events, managing foot traffic, and allocating available staff and space for curbside pickup. The technology is limited only by imagination, and provides ROI in short order.

                          Take a look at our latest white paper “The ROI of Appointments” to learn more about putting appointments to work for your business, or check out our case studies and testimonials to see what results customers are experiencing.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          Mercaux and JRNI: Personalizing the customer experience with appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/mercaux-and-jrni Tue, 05 Jan 2021 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/mercaux-and-jrni

                          Who is Mercaux?

                          Mercaux technology acts as the ‘backbone’ for in-store digital transformation, helping to connect stores to the digital world by providing superior omnichannel experiences for the customer. Like JRNI, Mercaux shares a commitment to uniting physical and digital retail in order to enhance the customer experience.

                          As an existing sales and marketing partner, with a shared commitment to joining physical and digital retail, JRNI was an obvious choice as a partner for Mercaux’s appointment booking service.

                          Why JRNI?

                          JRNI made perfect sense to us as a partner. Not only do the two platforms come together in a seamless integration, but, in terms of our joint proposition, we believe this appointment booking partnership offers retailers something truly unique.

                          JRNI’s customizable and intuitive appointment scheduling software allows customers to request a personal shopping appointment - be it in-store or online - from their favorite retailer. When paired with Mercaux’s clienteling solution, retailers can take appointments to the next level by leveraging customer behavior data to tailor each and every interaction. Instead of providing generic suggestions, retailers can effectively personalize engagement by creating tailored looks, customized baskets, and bespoke invitations to inspire customers to keep shopping with your brand.

                          Before we delve deeper into the benefits of the Mercaux and JRNI appointment partnership, let’s take a closer look at what we mean by clienteling.

                          In its simplest form, clienteling is a technique that allows retailers to improve the shopping experience by personalizing the interactions they have with customers. When clienteling is used to its full potential (as with Mercaux’s advanced clienteling solution), retailers have access to complete customer behavior data - think purchase history, product preferences, and personal wishlists - in order to deliver a seamless and hyper-personalized shopping experience.

                          What does the partnership look like?

                          To help put this partnership in context, let’s look at an example.

                          Imagine that a customer requests a personal styling appointment in order to find the perfect party outfit. First, the customer heads to their favorite shop’s website to book an appointment - this is where JRNI comes into play, providing a seamless and intuitive platform for the customer to select a time that suits them.

                          Next, behind the scenes, a store associate can prepare for this appointment by reading the appointment notes alongside the existing data stored for that customer in the company CRM. Instead of simply offering generic outfit ideas, the store associate can prepare tailored suggestions by using Mercaux’s clienteling capabilities to look at the customer’s previous engagements with the brand, leveraging information such as the customer’s favorite colors, style inspirations, average order ticket, and previous purchases.

                          Once the appointment is finished, the Mercaux and JRNI partnership allows retailers to successfully personalize follow-up communication. Rather than send emails with the customer’s name simply mail-merged into the greeting, retailers can personalize outreach with messages such as “don’t forget these items we talked about” or “the jumper you wanted is back in stock!”. As a next step, retailers can use Mercaux’s remote clienteling capabilities - facilitated by JRNI’s platform - to organize a follow-up video call where store associates can check in to ensure customers are happy with their new clothes, offer styling tips to “complete the look”, or suggest some alternatives if the customer wants to try something different.

                          What’s next?

                          The past year has shown us that this partnership is more topical than ever. Throughout 2020, the repeated closure of retail stores left virtual appointments as one of the few available ways to connect with stay-at-home shoppers. What was once a high-end luxury service soon became a crucial lifeline across the industry.

                          What’s especially exciting about our appointment partnership with JRNI is that it can facilitate appointments irrespective of which channel a customer uses to engage with your brand. Customers can book styling appointments in-store or by video call - and, either way, store associates can leverage the same customer insights to sell in-person or remotely through digital communication tools. To find out more about personalizing the remote customer experience, please read Mercaux’s blog post on the rise of remote selling in retail.

                          A total integration between the Mercaux and JRNI platforms allows retailers to fulfill and enhance personal appointments both in-store and remotely. Not only does this improve the customer experience and conversion rates in the short-term, but it boosts long-term customer loyalty by showing you care about your customers as individuals.

                          A view of an employee's dashboard showing upcoming appointments and availability

                          Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                          How to set up your XRM KPIs https://www.jrni.com/blog/set-up-xrm-kpis Tue, 29 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/set-up-xrm-kpis

                          If you’ve been reviewing your analytics data, then you know just how powerful your data is and how it can help you improve the customer experience. But it isn’t always easy to measure success, especially when you need to tie your experiential relationship management (XRM) strategy to overall business objectives. That’s why it’s imperative to set up key performance indicators (KPIs) for your experiences in 2021 if you want to track performance and continuously evaluate your progress toward meeting goals.

                          Setting up KPIs will help your team measure what truly matters - and ensure you can accurately measure success. So let’s take a look at how you and your team can identify your XRM KPIs.

                          Identifying your XRM KPIs

                          It’s likely you offer many types of experiences for your customers, especially given the virtual world we’ve been living in during the pandemic. From remote appointments and consultations to online events, it’s important to identify all of the ways you engage with your customers, so that you can evaluate the success of each experience and how they fit into your overall business strategy. So what experience-related KPIs are vital for your business?

                          What are KPIs?

                          First, let’s define what KPIs are and what key components make up a KPI. KPIs are a group of metrics that help you measure progress in meeting specific strategic goals. Putting together great KPIs and ensuring that they work well for your business is crucial because they will give you a pulse on how well your experiences are working for your organization.

                          There are four key parts in creating an effective KPI, including:

                          • Measure: What are you measuring specifically? In this case, the more specific, the better! For example, maybe your team wants to increase appointment bookings by a certain percentage next year.
                          • Target: What is the numerical value associated with what you're measuring and by what date do you want to achieve this? So, again, if you are looking to increase appointment bookings by a percentage, your target might be a 10% increase by the end of next year.
                          • Source: Where are you pulling your data from? For appointment bookings, this data can be pulled from your XRM analytics. This data should be your single source of truth when measuring your progress.
                          • Frequency: This is how often you’re pulling your data and updating performance. Is it daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly? This can depend on what your team has time to manage (and if you have the right analytics tool in place to help automate reports/dashboards), but you should aim to check on your KPIs as often as possible - at least monthly!
                          JRNI Analytics demo: Watch the demo

                          What XRM KPIs should we track?

                          Knowing what XRM KPIs to track depends on what types of experiences you offer, and of course, your organization’s specific goals. They should be tied to strategic objectives and should give you insight into the health of your business. Here are some XRM KPIs that you should consider:

                          • Outcomes: To truly understand the ROI of your experiences - whether an in-store or remote appointment, an important KPI to track is outcomes. Is there a certain conversion rate you are targeting or is there a certain amount of revenue expected per experience type? What is your organization’s goal for your experiences? By tracking your appointment and event outcomes by conversion rate and revenue generated, you can track how well your experiences are doing for your bottom line.
                          • Year over year growth: While outcomes could be a KPI to look at for specific types of experiences, you can also track the revenue of all of your experiences. Perhaps your organization has a goal to increase revenue from customer engagements by 15%. Depending on what makes sense for your business, you could set this up as a target and then track monthly or quarterly, or you could set it up to analyze progress over the course of the year. This KPI is good to get a quick glance at your success and be able to easily compare year to year progress.
                          • Cancellation rates: Another great KPI is cancellation rate. Again, you could track this with a percentage - let’s say you’re trying to keep the cancellation rate of your appointments under 10%. By setting up a KPI target of 10%, your team can monitor this KPI and determine what steps you need to take if you hit or go over this target.
                          • No-shows: What’s worse than a cancellation? A no-show! That’s why establishing a KPI with a low percentage or low number of no-shows is also critical. Maybe you aim to have less than 5% of all appointments (both in-person and online) result in a no-show. By closely monitoring the percentage of no-shows, you can make an action plan to improve if you hit or go over your no-show target.
                          • Operational efficiency: Are your store and branch locations properly staffed to ensure minimal lead and wait times? Lead and wait times have a huge impact on the customer experience, so it’s crucial to set up a KPI specific to these metrics. While these metrics should be examined on a case by case basis by your team and staff members as well, having a KPI that tracks the average wait time or lead time is a good way to ensure you can make improvements over time.

                          How to track and measure your KPIs

                          Tracking KPIs is generally done through your XRM analytics and business intelligence tools. The best experience analytics tools will have an easy way for you to assess your progress through dashboards and advanced reports, as well as allow you to set up automated alerts. Aside from your regular check-in meetings, having a tool that allows for automatic notifications is a great way to give your key stakeholders a quick glance into the company’s success and progress, as well as alert them to any issues that might require immediate attention. Having well-defined and established KPIs will keep your entire team on the same page - making it easier to reach and exceed your goals!

                          Additionally, you should continue to evaluate what’s most important to your business over the year. Along with frequently checking your analytics and progress, you should also continuously look at your KPIs to ensure they accurately reflect your goals. Things change, so if a KPI is no longer useful, then you can tweak it or remove it. When there is so much data to analyze, you always want to ensure you are tracking what actually matters!

                          So there you have it - that’s how you can identify and track your XRM KPIs to ensure you are set up for success in 2021! If you want to learn more about XRM analytics and ways you can easily track your progress, then watch our on-demand webinar, “The analytics of experiences”. Additionally, if you want to learn more about JRNI Analytics, then be sure to watch the demo!

                          JRNI Analytics demo: Watch the demo
                          JRNI’s 2020 in review https://www.jrni.com/blog/2020-in-review Tue, 22 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/2020-in-review

                          It has certainly been an unusual year, but here at JRNI, we have so much to be grateful for - and our journey in 2020 wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing customers, partners, colleagues, friends, and families! In a year where we brought our offices into our homes and saw our customers adapt to serve their customers like never before, we are truly thankful for everything you did this year!

                          While things definitely looked different for us in 2020, and it took some time to adjust to our new co-workers (just kidding, they’re PAWsome), we never lost sight of our mission: to help our customers deliver exceptional experiences. In a COVID-19 world, that meant ensuring our customers had a variety of ways to engage with their customers through unique, personalized experiences that provide human-to-human connection. Even if that meant virtually, building strong and meaningful customer relationships was more important than ever this year.

                          And with that - a lot happened (and changed) in 2020… so let’s take a look at our year in review!

                          The pandemic hit: adapting to remote business

                          As COVID-19 rapidly changed our daily lives, employees in all four of our offices around the world - London, Boston, Manchester, NH, and Sydney - packed up and started working remotely. The transition to remote was happening everywhere - and we knew how crucial it was to deliver a solution that allowed our customers to provide remote experiences. We pivoted quickly, and released remote appointments to meet this vital need.

                          Remote video appointments with JRNI

                          Remote appointments provide businesses the ability to conduct seamless phone and video appointments - giving customers a way to stay connected while also staying safe. From wedding dress consultations to opening a new bank account, the options for remote appointments are endless.

                          Hosting a remote appointment

                          Shortly after the introduction of remote appointments, we launched our full suite of COVID-19 solutions with features to help businesses thrive during COVID-19, including virtual queuing, and virtual events. These features enabled our customers to provide safe and convenient options for their customers - giving them peace of mind during this uncertain time. The onset of the pandemic was the first of many changes this year, and there are likely many more changes coming in the near future. That’s why we will continue to address the ever-evolving needs of our customers and adapt quickly to ensure their success - no matter what comes next!

                          We released JRNI Analytics

                          Something we’ve always believed in is the power of data. We know the importance of being able to analyze and measure the success of the one-to-one and one-to-many experiences our customers provide. That’s why we were so excited to introduce JRNI Analytics earlier this year! JRNI Analytics gives customers an easy way to measure ROI, optimize workflow, identify business trends, and improve the customer and staff experience.

                          JRNI Analytics

                          With JRNI Analytics, businesses can understand and improve the value of the unique experiences they’re giving their customers - helping them optimize their XRM strategy for continued success.

                          You can learn more about JRNI Analytics by watching our on-demand webinar, “The analytics of experiences”.

                          Our world began to reopen

                          As retail stores and bank branches began to reopen, there were many safety concerns and safety measures to consider!

                          We knew this was going to be a huge undertaking, so we shared many resources on best practices, including blog posts, webinars, eBooks, and more to help guide our customers during this crucial time. And while many stores and branches have been open again for quite some time, this information will continue to be useful as we navigate into the future - both during and after the pandemic:

                          Banking tips

                          Retail tips

                          A reopening success story

                          As one retailer was ramping up to reopen, they knew they needed a solution to manage capacity and provide a seamless and safe experience for their customers. Monkhouse Schoolwear chose JRNI Appointments to safely reopen during COVID-19. Within weeks, JRNI was implemented and helped them manage capacity and flatten the peak curve to keep both customers and staff safe.

                          Chris Park, Group Head of E-Commerce says

                          Additionally, Monkhouse Schoolwear saw an improvement in the customer experience after implementing JRNI. Monkhouse conducted a customer service ranking survey (net promoter score) during this period and achieved an average score of 90+. This is one of many success stories coming from our amazing customers during this unusual time!

                          We shared our journey to experiences

                          A lot has changed over the past twelve years at JRNI. While we started as a solution for appointment scheduling (and still are), we’ve become so much more than that! Having seen many changes in consumer behavior over the years, it became clear to us that appointments were no longer just about appointments. Consumers didn’t want to simply buy a product or a service anymore. They wanted something that they couldn’t get anywhere else - a truly unique, personalized experience. That’s where our experiential relationship management (XRM) platform comes in: helping our customers schedule and manage personalized experiences at scale!

                          Our CEO, John Federman, shared the full story of our journey to experiences earlier this year!

                          New research

                          In 2020, we released our fourth annual research report for the retail industry, as well as a commissioned study from Forrester Consulting to measure the ROI of our platform. Here’s what we found:


                          Our retail research revealed a lot about what consumers want both during and after COVID-19. Here are some of our findings:

                          • 58% of consumers say they’ve shopped online either for the first time or made purchases in new categories for the first time
                          • 47% of consumers say that the human touch is an integral part of their shopping experience
                          • 67% of US and 60% of UK consumers say that given the choice, they would prefer to pre-book an appointment to visit a store, rather than waiting in line
                          • 57% of consumers say they are more likely to book an appointment to visit a store than they were prior to COVID-19

                          You can learn more by downloading the full research report here: “Rewriting the rules of retail engagement”.

                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                          The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI

                          Earlier this year, we commissioned Forrester Consulting to measure the ROI of JRNI at a $3B revenue company with over 200 locations. Here are some of the results:

                          • 143% ROI
                          • $3.1 million in increased profits from appointments
                          • 1,676 hours saved per year
                          • 8x the average order value from appointments versus walk-ins

                          You can learn more by downloading the full commissioned study here: The Total Economic Impact™ of JRNI.

                          What's the ROI of JRNI? Learn how JRNI can drive value by downloading the Total Economic Impact study.

                          Virtual culture

                          While we couldn’t be together in person for the majority of the year, it didn’t stop us from having fun and making some wonderful JRNI memories!

                          From sharing funny GIFs on Slack to weekly Zoom check-ins, the JRNI team stayed connected through it all. We celebrated several JRNI-versaries and had many virtual events throughout the year, from celebrating Pride with a virtual cook/bake off and educational presentations to celebrating the holidays with a virtual pub.

                          And well it was certainly an unusual year, we kept Zooming along and working hard to help our customers deliver exceptional experiences! We can’t wait for what’s to come in 2021! And if you want to keep up with what we’re doing in 2021, then follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. Cheers!

                          Pssst... we're hiring! Want to #jointhejrni? Then be sure to check out our open job opportunities!

                          We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!
                          5 key metrics to review from your 2020 XRM analytics https://www.jrni.com/blog/key-metrics-xrm-analytics Thu, 17 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/key-metrics-xrm-analytics

                          What a year it’s been (said no one everyone ever)! And while you’re probably beyond ready to dive into 2021, there’s one last thing you need to do this year: review your experiential relationship management (XRM) analytics. Reviewing your XRM analytics is not only crucial to help you understand and measure success over the past year, it’s going to be instrumental in setting up future goals.

                          Now, unfortunately, analytics gets a bad reputation for being complex and overwhelming. While it’s true there is always an endless amount of data to analyze, it doesn’t mean you need to drown in your data. Reviewing your analytics data will help you understand what worked, what didn’t work, and where to go from here - empowering you to make important business decisions. By focusing on some key metrics from this past year, you will be able to translate this vital data into actionable insights. So here are the five key things you should review in your 2020 analytics:

                          1. Revenue and conversion rate

                          We’ll start with the obvious! If you truly want to track your success from the year, you’ll need to review how much revenue was generated and your conversion rate. This is going to show you the true value of your XRM strategy, and how impactful your experiences are on your organization’s bottom line. How much revenue is being generated through each customer engagement? How many conversions do you have from offering these experiences? By reviewing this data, you will be able to identify successes and areas for improvement. Analyzing your revenue and conversion data will help you answer important questions such as:

                          • What services are most valuable to your organization?
                          • How can you expand these services or capitalize on this success in the future?
                          • What regions or locations performed best?
                          • Were there certain services offered in top-performing locations that you should offer elsewhere?
                          • Which staff members are driving the most conversions and/or bringing in the most revenue?
                          • What are your top-performing staff members doing well? Can you train your other employees to use their method to be more successful?

                          There are some powerful insights you can draw from reviewing your revenue and conversion rates. Additionally, you can use this year’s successes to set up goals for next year!

                          2. Seasonal trends

                          Well, it’s fair to say that your seasonal trends might have looked a little different this year - but identifying these trends is still crucial! In fact, this might be one of the most important areas to review this year due to the evolving behavior of consumers during the pandemic. By honing in on seasonal trends, you can identify low-performing and high-performing times throughout the year using date comparisons. This can help you allocate the proper resources during popular times, and identify ways to maximize revenue during slower times.

                          For example, maybe you’re a store that offers dress-fitting appointments and these appointments are a major revenue driver for your business. Maybe the appointments were more scattered throughout this year versus last, but you still saw a spike from May to August. Some questions you could ask about this data:

                          • Were you properly staffed for the increase in dress-fitting appointments?
                          • Were your marketing campaigns aligned with the timing of this trend?
                          • Could you do more to promote this personalized experience next year?
                          • What can you do better next year to be fully prepared for this seasonal trend?

                          Similarly, banks also see trends with their experiences. For example, maybe your bank used to see a lunchtime rush across branches, but that’s changed since COVID-19. You should reevaluate the heavily trafficked times at your branch locations, asking questions such as:

                          • What were the busiest times at your branch locations?
                          • Did you have enough experienced staff on hand to meet with customers during these busy times?
                          • How long did customers with a pre-booked appointment have to wait?
                          • How can you prepare for busier times next year to minimize wait time and improve the customer experience?

                          Again, it’s likely that COVID-19 impacted your seasonal and business trends this year, but this could give you insight into what “normal” will continue to look like in upcoming years. Tracking seasonality can be complex, but by leveraging this crucial information, you can ensure you’re offering the right services at the right time, and are properly staffed.

                          3. Appointment status

                          With 57% of consumers more likely to book an appointment now due to the pandemic, and 41% saying the human touch is an integral part of their shopping experience, appointments are a critical component of your XRM strategy. That’s why it’s important to review your appointment status data from 2020. How many appointments were completed and how many were no-shows? This is a great way to give you insight on what types of appointments are working better for your business and how to reduce no-shows. Here are some important questions to consider when reviewing your appointment status data:

                          • Are there certain types of appointments that result in more no-shows?
                          • What appointment types have the highest percentage of completion?
                          • Which completed appointment types are driving the most conversions?
                          • How can you reduce the number of no-show appointments?
                          • Do you have an automated way to send out reminders? Do you need to send out additional appointment reminders?
                          • Is it easy for customers to cancel an appointment?
                          • Did your cancellation policy leave enough time to reschedule your staff or fill the void?
                          • Did you offer a virtual appointment as an option for someone who canceled an in-person appointment (if it makes sense for the service type)? Or should you offer this in the future?

                          As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider and many ways you can improve. By reviewing your 2020 appointment status data, you will have an idea of what you need to do to set yourself up for success in 2021.

                          4. Lead time and wait time

                          Lead time and wait time are both essential when it comes to providing an exceptional experience. If either are too long, it can lead to a loss in revenue and customer loyalty. So you better believe in the importance of looking at these metrics!

                          Lead time is the amount of time in advance a customer needs to book one of your services. If the lead time is too long, a consumer might go to a competitor. It’s critical to identify what lead time is acceptable and how you can staff your locations to ensure minimal lead times.

                          Wait time is the elapsed time between a customer’s arrival and the actual appointment. Having a minimal wait time is vital because aside from wanting personalized, one-on-one experiences, consumers book appointments to avoid waiting. Through your analytics, you can evaluate how long your customers are waiting to see a staff member. If your wait times in 2020 were fairly short, that’s great! But you can still use this data to improve. Ideally, customers who pre-book an appointment would never have to wait. That’s not going to be 100% possible, but certainly is something to aim for!

                          Analyzing your lead and wait times will help you identify areas for improvement and will give you an idea on how to staff for your various experiences.

                          5. Staff capacity

                          Finally, you should review staff capacity as a key indicator of your success in 2020. After all, by having the proper amount of staff and the right staff available, you can improve the customer experience. Were your in-store locations and branches properly staffed throughout the year?

                          You can look at this data to see which locations are overstaffed and which locations are understaffed - and work toward a better balance across all locations. Don’t underestimate the importance of proper staffing and the direct impact it has on customer satisfaction. After all, 86% of buyers will pay more for a great customer experience. By ensuring enough staff members are available to assist your customers, you can simultaneously improve the staff and customer experience.

                          And there you have it! By knowing what to look at and look for, you and your teams can use your XRM analytics to track success, identify operational efficiencies and areas for improvement, and enhance the customer experience. Here’s to using the power of data to make your 2021 better than ever!

                          If you want to learn more, check out our on-demand webinar: “The analytics of experiences”. You will learn more about what kinds of experience data you need and how JRNI Analytics can empower you and your teams to reach new levels of success! Additionally, you can watch a demo of JRNI Analytics here to learn more!

                          Click to access the on-demand webinar, "The analytics of experiences"
                          What is experiential relationship management (XRM)? https://www.jrni.com/blog/experiential-relationship-management Tue, 15 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/experiential-relationship-management

                          Let’s get straight to the point: Experiential relationship management - or XRM - is the process of managing the personalized experiences you deliver to your customers.

                          Offering personalized experiences is nothing new - this is something small businesses have been doing for years. Why would you choose the sandwich shop three blocks away instead of the Panera on the corner? Because the sandwich shop three blocks away always remembers your order. Why would you drive to the toy store to purchase a birthday gift for your kid instead of ordering it on Amazon? Because the cashier at the toy store is going to ask how your kid is - by name. And why do you stick with the same hairdresser year after year, even if she moves salons? Because that particular hairdresser is the one who knows exactly how you like your hair.

                          Offering personalized experiences is nothing new - but, in the past, it’s often been the purview of the mom-and-pop shops, as in the examples above. That’s not the case anymore - and, if it is for your company, you’re behind the times. According to Deloitte, brands most likely to survive are those that can “provide a tremendous variety of offerings while maintaining, or reviving, the personal touch of a mom-and pop corner store.”

                          The experience economy is here, and that means that, as McKinsey & Company puts it, consumers don’t want to just buy products and services anymore. They want to buy into an experience - and they expect that kind of experience to be delivered to them by even the biggest brands.

                          So what are the four key pillars of an XRM strategy?

                          • Providing unique experiences
                          • Offering human-to-human connections
                          • Building personalized relationships
                          • Managing experiences at scale

                          Let’s dive into each of these in more detail.

                          Providing unique experiences

                          When we talk about customer experience, we’re generally talking about the kind of service that a customer receives. Was it good, bad, or average? How would the customer rate their experience on a scale from 1 to 10?

                          That’s not what experiential relationship management is about. Or, rather - it’s not the only thing it’s about. Experiential relationship management isn’t just about delivering a positive experience - it’s about delivering a unique and positive experience.

                          If you walk into a store, ask a staff member for help finding the item you’re looking for, and are led directly to it, you’ve completed a transaction - and the experience of doing it may even have been positive! But you haven’t had a unique experience that goes beyond a transactional exchange. Now imagine, instead, that you booked an appointment to visit the store, and then are greeted by name by a staff member who has already picked out some items she thinks you might be interested in. That is a unique experience - and that’s what experiential relationship management is all about.

                          Offering human-to-human connections

                          It’s almost impossible to provide a unique experience without putting a human at the center of it - and this is another key element of an XRM strategy. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, etc. are all the rage, but they’re only going to get you so far. Ultimately, your business is designed for humans - and humans trust other humans more than they trust technology designed to simulate humans. PWC’s report on customer experience has some key statistics that really drive home this story:

                          • 75% of consumers want more interaction with a real person as technology improves.
                          • 82% of consumers want more human interaction when purchasing products and services.
                          • 71% of consumers would rather interact with a human than a chatbot or some other automated process.

                          The important thing to remember about this is that a human-to-human connection doesn’t even have to be in-person! Video communication is a great way to get that personal touch - without making customers leave their homes.

                          If your growth strategy is centered around technology, we applaud you - it should be. But if you’re relying solely on that technology to manage your relationships with your customers, then you’re missing a big piece of the puzzle. A solid experiential relationship management strategy can make sure you fill that piece in.

                          Building personalized relationships

                          The great thing about a human-to-human connection is that you can use it to provide a relationship that is truly personalized. And we don’t mean personalized in the creepy way that Amazon follows you around the internet based on what’s in your cart - we mean really personalized: like a store associate knowing your style and being able to suggest a new pair of boots based on the skirt you bought last week, or a financial advisor remembering that you might need a college fund for your school-age child.

                          In the age of social media, targeted ads, and more, consumers are at a point where they expect brands to know what they want. And when brands can give their customers what they want, they see the difference. According to BCG, retail companies “that implement personalization initiatives and become best in class in delivering personalized experiences can quadruple the revenue lift they receive from their personalization initiatives.”

                          But it’s not just about retail - even though “personalization” does tend to be associated with that particular industry. In fact, there’s evidence of similar benefits around personalization for financial services institutions: For example, BCG has found that “for every $100 billion in assets that a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing its customer interactions.” That’s another key thing about experiential relationship management - it isn’t industry specific. Any company is going to benefit from managing personalized experiences for their customers.

                          Managing experiences at scale

                          Arguably the biggest thing that makes XRM different from personalization strategies of yore is this: It has to be done at scale. Again, to call back to Deloitte’s take on it - it can no longer be just the mom-and-pop shops that deliver these kinds of personalized experiences. The challenge is for all brands to learn how to scale up their operations so that they can make unique, human, personalized experiences possible for their customers - even the brands who have millions of them.

                          And that is where technology comes in. You can’t replace humans with technology - but you definitely can, and you definitely should, use technology to make those humans even better at what they do! Managing experiences isn’t just a matter of telling employees to do it - you have to arm your staff with the tools they need to do the job right.

                          So how do you get started with XRM?

                          If you’re ready to up your XRM game - or start one from scratch! - it might be time to consider investing in an XRM platform. But don’t take our word for it. We recently commissioned Forrester Consulting to measure the ROI of JRNI’s experiential relationship management platform at a $3B revenue company with over 200 locations - and the statistics speak for themselves (143% ROI! $4M in benefits! Almost 2000 staff hours saved per year!).

                          Intrigued? Want to know more? If you’re not yet ready to take the experiential relationship management leap, but want to read up a bit more on the topic, we recommend these valuable resources:

                          And, of course - we at JRNI are all about personalization. So if you have a question about experiential relationship management, or just want to chat, we’re here for that human-to-human connection. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, and don’t be afraid to give us a wave!

                          Why software vendors need to be a part of your digital accessibility strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/software-vendors-accessibility Tue, 08 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/software-vendors-accessibility

                          Digital accessibility is about ensuring all people have equal access to online information and services. That means being inclusive for everyone not only on your website, but across all of your digital platforms and experiences. If your organization hasn’t considered it before, it’s time to evaluate your digital accessibility strategy from a holistic approach - at every point along the customer journey. That means in addition to your website, you should be evaluating the accessibility of all your digital experiences, including your software providers.

                          Unfortunately, the accessibility of the software you use is out of your control. Or is it...? While you can’t do the accessibility work yourself, you can ensure that every single software vendor you work with is prioritizing accessibility as a part of their development process. As retailers, banks, and financial institutions use a multitude of platforms to provide omnichannel experiences, it’s more important than ever to ensure accessibility is a priority across all channels. Whether an appointment scheduling software that your customers use to book a remote meeting or a virtual queuing solution that your employees use to manage capacity, you must consider both internal- and external-facing software as a part of your overall digital accessibility strategy.

                          Digital accessibility matters

                          While web accessibility is not a new topic for enterprises, it continues to become more important as digital experiences become more popular. But by having more services and options available online, there is a higher risk of using or working with vendors who don’t take accessibility into consideration. That’s why accessibility guidelines continue to change, and at times, seem increasingly complex. With 1 in 4 US adults living with a disability and approximately 1 in 5 people in the UK living with a disability, creating digital experiences that are accessible for all is not only the right thing to do, it means you can reach a wider audience.

                          Accessibility guidelines across the globe

                          Accessibility guidelines have existed for many years - dating back to the 1960s when there was a focus on accessibility in buildings. In 1999, the first set of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) - known as WCAG 1.0 - was published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Since then, each guideline has been created with the intent to build a better online experience for all users.

                          WCAG 2.1, the latest version of W3C’s guidelines, is internationally recognized and widely used by governments as the standard for compliance. With Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act in the US and the Equality Act 2010 in the UK, there are also many government regulations in place. With the ever-increasing need for online services, governments will likely continue to adapt their regulations to ensure people can access the information they need online. Staying up to date with these accessibility guidelines and regulations will be key for you and your software vendors.

                          Your business does not operate in a silo

                          While the focus of your digital accessibility strategy has likely been on website accessibility, it is not enough if you truly want to provide an inclusive, engaging experience all the way through the customer journey. Your business is a hybrid of experiences - from in-store interactions to virtual appointments to your social media channels (yes, even social media is something you need to consider for accessibility), and you should be providing a consistent, engaging, and accessible experience across it all! Your omnichannel world needs to be an accessible omnichannel world. Digitally, you should consider the accessibility of:

                          • Websites (including forms, widgets, and plugins)
                          • Intranet
                          • Mobile apps
                          • Chatbots
                          • Payment processing partners
                          • Software

                          ...and more! It’s likely that software is playing a big role in your digital offerings, which is why it’s critical to think of software accessibility as a part of the customer experience. So do your software vendors prioritize accessibility? It’s time to find out! Here are some questions you should be asking your current and future software vendors:

                          • Is accessibility a fundamental part of their development process?
                          • What guidelines or standards do they follow for accessibility?
                          • Are they currently meeting guidelines?
                          • How often do they check to see if they are meeting guidelines?
                          • How do they test the accessibility of their product?
                          • If they aren’t meeting certain standards yet, are they working to be more compliant by a certain date?
                          • How do they keep up with changing accessibility requirements or recommendations?

                          And with all of that said, it’s important to note that no software (or website) can claim to be “fully compliant.” Accessibility compliance isn’t pass or fail, it’s more of a spectrum due to the complexity of meeting the needs of each and every user, which is why no one can truly be 100% compliant. Not to mention that accessibility guidelines are ever-evolving! Currently, WCAG 2.2 guidelines are in the working draft phase and will continue to change over the years.

                          Regardless, your software vendors should be making the effort to be inclusive and as compliant as possible. Accessibility is also not a “one and done” project - it is an ongoing initiative that should take precedence in your software vendors’ development processes as they release new updates, features, and products.

                          If not now, then when?

                          As the saying goes... there is no better time than now, especially given the increase in internet usage due to COVID-19. And as we’ve seen over time with digital accessibility, it’s likely that lawsuits will become more frequent and regulations will become more stringent.

                          While you might not have control over the development process, by investing in the right software partners who take accessibility seriously, you can mitigate the risk of lawsuits, reach a wider customer base, and provide an ideal customer and employee experience across all of your digital channels. Not to mention, this will give all humans - regardless of ability or disability - the opportunity to do business with you.

                          So when it comes to your software vendors, keep your accessibility standards high.

                          To learn more about how JRNI prioritizes accessibility as a part of our development process, check out these blog posts:

                          With Yext and JRNI: The power of a personalized search journey https://www.jrni.com/blog/yext-and-jrni Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/yext-and-jrni

                          This post is by Tyler Donahue, Senior Director, App Directory at Yext.

                          At Yext, we’ve seen search experience a massive paradigm shift. People don’t just type in disparate keywords into the search bar anymore: They ask complex, specific questions, like “Where can I get a flu shot near me with my insurance?” or “What is the best hypoallergenic pillow?” In return, they expect — and depend on — relevant, accurate answers to help them make important decisions in their lives. Too often, though, they are left in the dark with wrong answers.

                          That’s where Yext comes in. Our mission is to help businesses and organizations around the world deliver official answers everywhere people search — whether it’s the company website, third-party search engines, voice assistants, and other digital platforms.

                          With the power of Yext’s Search Experience Cloud and JRNI’s scheduling platform combined, businesses and organizations across verticals can improve their ability to meet their customers at the moment of intent.

                          Here’s an example: if a person searches for “Where can I get a flu shot near me with my insurance?” on a third-party search engine, they may land on a pharmacy’s local landing page, powered by Yext. There, thanks to an integration with JRNI, they can immediately take action by engaging with a CTA like “book an appointment.”

                          By enabling Yext-powered local landing pages (Yext Pages) and local listings (Yext Listings) with JRNI scheduling capabilities in this way, businesses and organizations can more effectively drive appointment and event bookings and services — and deliver the kind of seamless customer journey that consumers expect today.

                          Yext and JRNI

                          JRNI and Yext work together seamlessly to keep location, appointment, and event data up to date. Yext remains the source of truth for a brand’s location and event data, while the JRNI Importer keeps the information in sync. The result is discoverable, branded experiences that are as actionable as possible with JRNI-powered service selection and scheduling.

                          With Yext, businesses can also analyze Google Q&A, site visits, and search behavior to gain valuable insights. Its integration with JRNI includes a central dashboard that provides users with the real-time statuses of all synced location and event information for efficient data management across the two systems.

                          The importance of these analytics can’t be overlooked. By looking at the questions customers ask, businesses can learn not just what their intent is, but they can also map their journey more accurately — and use that information to meet similar customers along the way.

                          “Today more than ever, people expect a more seamless customer experience when they search for products, services, and events online — and Yext and JRNI have developed a strong partnership over our shared vision for helping businesses and organizations improve that experience. Together, we’ve made it easier for businesses to drive customers from discovery in search straight through to conversion with the booking of appointments and events.”

                          Tyler Donahue, Senior Director, App Directory, Yext

                          The customer journey - improved during unprecedented times

                          The COVID-19 pandemic brought the criticality of answering questions and meeting customers at the moment of intent to a new level of significance. Take the earlier example search, “Where can I get a flu shot near me with my insurance?” — under normal circumstances, wrong answers to these questions and more can be frustrating and cost business, but during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, they have the potential to cost lives.

                          With JRNI and Yext, businesses can provide customers with the accurate answers they’re looking for and the calls to action they need to continue on their journey — healthcare or otherwise.

                          During these unprecedented times, Yext is excited to continue working with JRNI, innovating new solutions that further improve the customer journey and build on analytics in the platform.

                          This includes collaborating on custom integrations that put brands in control of their facts and of the dynamic, personalized journeys they deliver to their customers.

                          Get started serving your customers perfect answers everywhere - request a demo of Yext today.

                          Want to learn more about this partnership? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert!

                          Curbside pickup: How banks can learn from retailers https://www.jrni.com/blog/curbside-pickup-banks Tue, 24 Nov 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/curbside-pickup-banks

                          As we've adapted to new ways of life since the beginning of the pandemic, many brick-and-mortar businesses have had to completely transform their strategies to survive and thrive. One strategy that many have implemented during COVID-19 is curbside pickup for businesses. While curbside pickup is not a new concept , it continues to become more popular as customers look for ways to safely engage with retailers, banks, grocery stores, restaurants and other storefronts.

                          Curbside pickup is on the rise

                          The popularity of curbside pickup has grown dramatically over the past several months - in fact, curbside pickup for businesses increased more than 208% from April 1 - 20, 2020 as compared to the same period in the prior year. According to a recent study on COVID-19 consumer behavior shifts, 87% of consumers said they want businesses to continue to offer a curbside pickup service and other options that curtail the need for in-person visits.

                          The demand for curbside pickup will continue to impact retail store strategies as the possibility of lockdown looms across the globe. While curbside pickup has become an integral part of many retailers' offerings to improve the customer experience, banks and financial institutions also have a major opportunity to capitalize on the success of this type of service. From pickup options to on-site financial services, curbside service can give banks a competitive edge and help improve bank branch performance .

                          Customers want the option and convenience of getting something immediately, or at least same-day. A curbside pickup experience can provide the safety and quick turnaround that customers expect

                          An opportunity for banks to shine

                          One of the first changes banks made during the pandemic was to offer drive-thru banking - safe and similar to a curbside option. As part of their digital transformation, banks have the opportunity to create an experience unlike any other and to stand out by offering curbside service in addition to drive-thru banking. Here are a few examples of what your bank could offer as a part of your curbside strategy:

                          • Pick up a new debit or credit card

                          • Drop off or pick up financial documents

                          • Notary service

                          • Document signatures

                          • Open or close an account

                          • Debit card orders

                          • Wire transfers

                          Some banks are testing the availability of a few services with a plan to expand, or create a curbside service per branch based on employee availability and expertise. As an additional option for customers who still want to meet in-person, banks may deploy virtual queuing . This service option enables customers to wait safely in their cars until it is their turn to meet with branch staff.

                          Clear communication equals a better customer experience

                          What's the most important aspect of curbside pickup for businesses? Clear and concise communication! Customers are anxious about new processes and regulations surrounding COVID-19, so you want to provide clear instructions on what they need to do. Similar to how you updated your branches with clear signage and communication about hours and COVID-19 policies, any new curbside service should be managed with the same attention to detail. Things you should consider communicating to customers prior to and at arrival:

                          • Parking or pickup area details

                          • Check in instructions

                          • Required documents or identification

                          • Car details or license plate information

                          • Wait time details

                          • Contact information

                          Any communication should be personalized based on the type of curbside service for maximum customer experience. For example, if someone is picking up a new debit card, you should clearly communicate what they need to have ready to show a staff member, such as identification and bank account information. Whatever your service or process, ensure you set your customers and staff members up for success!

                          If you are able to clearly communicate and provide an exceptional experience, customers are more likely to use your curbside pickup service again, and spread the word to friends and family members.

                          Curbside pickup is here to stay

                          As consumer behaviors have shifted during COVID-19, so have their expectations. Whether today or post-pandemic, one thing is certain: curbside pickup for businesses is here to stay and your customers want more of it. If you haven't already, now is the time to rethink how you typically do business to provide better experiences and peace of mind. By improving the customer experience through new, engaging, and safe curbside options, you can increase customer satisfaction, build customer loyalty, and drive revenue growth.

                          If you're looking for ways to meet new customer and member demand, then check out our eBook, The rise of hybrid banking !

                          The rise of hybrid banking: Enabling hybrid banking experiences to meet new customer and member demand.
                          5 questions to ask before building your own appointment scheduling solution https://www.jrni.com/blog/building-appointment-scheduling-solution Wed, 18 Nov 2020 09:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/building-appointment-scheduling-solution

                          Many companies who embark on the process of implementing new technology have to answer one key question first:

                          “Should I build or should I buy?”

                          It’s a great question, and it’s worth giving it due consideration. In this blog, we break down the top 5 questions you should ask yourself before building your own appointment scheduling solution.

                          How much will it cost?

                          One of the reasons companies consider building technology instead of buying it is because they think it is the cheaper option. But make no mistake - building a product is expensive, and appointment scheduling is no exception. Developing and delivering a core feature set - not even including the cost of assessing requirements, which is quite a large project for non-experts - is likely going to cost about $2M in terms of human capital. Then, once the product is live, the annual hosting, maintenance, and development costs are likely to total around $1.5M per year.

                          Do we have the in-house expertise?

                          Building an appointment scheduling solution requires complex backend logic with the ability to manage multiple locations, types of appointments, staff members, time zones, and more - as well as any integrations (such as with CRM systems, other calendars, etc.) that might be necessary. At a very high level, if you plan to build your own scheduling solution, you should have a clear understanding how to manage the following considerations:

                          • Multiple locations. How will you give your customers the ability to choose among a number of geographic locations?
                          • Multiple types of appointments. How will your system know which appointment types to offer, especially when appointment types vary from location to location?
                          • Time zones. How will you account for customers booking from different time zones?
                          • Languages. If you have locations in multiple countries, how will you handle translating your platform into different languages?
                          • Customer data. How are you going to know who is coming in, and what other experiences you’ve already had with them?
                          • Employee data. How are you going to keep track of which employees can deliver which kinds of appointments?
                          • Security. How are you going to make sure you’re securely managing all the data that passes through your scheduling system?
                          • Integrations. How are you going to integrate with other key systems like Salesforce, Microsoft, payment systems, and more?
                          • User experience. How will you make sure you’re providing an optimal user experience, and how will you make sure you’re continually monitoring it for improvements?
                          • Accessibility. How will you ensure your appointment scheduling solution adheres to WCAG 2.1 guidelines for web accessibility?
                          • Reporting. How will you report on data from your appointment scheduling solution so that you can learn how to optimize your strategy?

                          How will you monitor the market to understand necessary new features?

                          Building an appointment scheduling solution isn’t a “set it and forget it” kind of deal - as market needs evolve, so should your solution. The COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of how this must be true. If you’d had your own solution during this time, would you have had the resources to add unexpected but necessary features like the ability to host remote appointments or virtual events?

                          Although a pandemic is certainly an extreme example, it’s important to understand that user expectations evolve - and you have to have the resources necessary to make sure that any technology you build evolves along with them.

                          How will you train employees to use the solution?

                          Once you build a new solution, you actually have to teach your employees to use it. Do you have the resources necessary to launch initial training - and make sure that documentation is kept up to date, or that a training program is in place, for when new employees come on board. A technology solution can’t be effective if its users aren’t using it effectively - and proper training is a key element of this process. If you don’t have a plan in place for this element of your appointment scheduling solution, as well as resources to support it, you’re going to need them.

                          How will you provide support if there are problems with the solution?

                          Build it and they will come...and also occasionally break things, probably. No technology is failproof, and you need to be ready with a plan for support when employees need help. Do you have an internal support team in place that can handle an issue with your appointment scheduling solution? Do you have a customer-facing support team that can address any problems your own customers might have when trying to book an appointment? Both of these are absolutely crucial when building technology - especially technology that will have a customer-facing element to it.

                          Closing thought

                          Building versus buying is a complex decision that is dependent on the organization in question and the teams it has in place, but we think Brendan Witcher of Forrester Research summed it up best:

                          “There is no reason to ever build a technology that doesn’t create a differentiator for you.” - Brendan Witcher

                          Appointment scheduling used to be a differentiator, but it isn’t anymore. Now it’s a must-have. And in most cases, relying on an existing solution built by experts is going to be the easiest - and the cheapest - solution for your company.

                          The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!
                          The journey to experiences https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-journey-to-experiences Mon, 16 Nov 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-journey-to-experiences

                          I’m writing today to talk about how things change, and about how they don’t.

                          When we first launched JRNI in 2008, it was as a solution for appointment scheduling. Now, twelve years later, appointment scheduling is still a core part of who we are - but after working with some of the most recognized global brands in both the retail and financial services industries, we’ve become much more than that, too. Because, at the end of the day, JRNI doesn’t exist to schedule appointments - we exist to serve the needs of our customers.

                          What we’ve observed over the last twelve years is that customer expectations are evolving - and as 2020 began, we saw a sea change coming. It became clear: Appointments were no longer just about appointments. Consumers didn’t want to simply buy a product or a service anymore. At the core, a product or service might fulfill their basic need - but it wasn’t what would keep them coming back for more. Turning a customer into a loyal customer isn’t about selling them something - it’s about giving them something they can’t get anywhere else. It’s about providing an experience.

                          As we looked back at the evolution of our platform over time, and at the plans we had made for the future, we made sure our product strategy reflected what the market was telling us: That what our customers needed wasn’t to schedule appointments - what they needed was to deliver personalized experiences. And they needed a platform that would be able to support that goal at scale.

                          It was a change, but it was a change that had been coming. It made sense. And at JRNI, we were ready to embrace it.

                          Then COVID happened.

                          In March of 2020, everything changed. At JRNI, we had to take quick action to shift our focus and product strategy to reflect the current circumstance. We had to recognize that brands needed different solutions than what anyone could have anticipated - like immediate and simple tools for allowing them to continue to conduct business while keeping their customers safe - and that their customers’ needs had changed too. We knew that this change would be long-lasting. And we wondered how experiences would continue to play a role. We knew the journey forward would be different from what we’d expected, but we didn’t yet know exactly how.

                          As 2020 unfolded, we learned. We watched our customers respond, we watched their customers respond, we listened to what both groups had to say. And what we heard, believe it or not, was unanimous: We, as consumers - as humans! - need experiences more now than we ever have. As we Zoom into our work, as we Zoom into our school, as we Zoom into weddings, and birthdays, and baby showers - we crave human connection more than we crave any product or service. It was already happening, but COVID made it happen faster. A world where experiences are more important than things was already coming - and now it is here.

                          We built JRNI as a solution for appointment scheduling - and it still is. But in the last twelve years, we’ve made ourselves into something much more than that. We’ve made ourselves into a platform that doesn’t just help our customers schedule appointments - we’ve made ourselves into a platform that helps our customers deliver exceptional experiences. We call it experiential relationship management - XRM, for short - and we’re looking forward to showing our customers what it can do for them.

                          At JRNI, we wondered how COVID would change things. And, of course, it did change things. But also: It didn’t.

                          What was true at the beginning of 2020 turns out, after all, to still be true - to be, perhaps, truer. The brands that were thriving before were the ones that knew they had to do more than sell something, and the brands that will continue to thrive are the ones who embrace that idea not as a temporary strategy, but as a real and permanent change.

                          I’m proud to be part of a company that can help lead that transition. And I look forward to showing our customers, their customers, and the rest of the world what it means to change an appointment into an experience.

                          If you want to learn more about how JRNI can help you deliver exceptional experiences, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch.

                          3 ways UK retailers can stay competitive during lockdown https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retail-can-adapt-to-uk-lockdown Fri, 06 Nov 2020 10:32:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retail-can-adapt-to-uk-lockdown

                          Prime Minister Boris Johnson recently announced that all non-essential retail stores must close in England from November 5 until December 2. This is part of a new national lockdown instituted to slow the spread of COVID-19.

                          Unfortunately for retailers, this lockdown coincides with the first half of peak holiday shopping season. So, how can retailers adapt? Here’s some ideas:

                          Offer remote services

                          One of the top reasons why consumers visited stores in the first place is to get staff assistance. According to our 2019 Modern Consumer Research, UK shoppers consider in-store shopping better when they:

                          • Need questions answered
                          • Need an explanation of a product/service
                          • Want help choosing what to buy

                          So, how can you leverage this information and translate the best parts of your store experience to your digital presence? Offer human contact and personalized assistance via remote appointments.

                          Remote appointments benefit retailers because they add a new revenue stream, build customer relationships, and boost customer loyalty. Customers benefit from the convenience of shopping from home, and personalized staff guidance.

                          Think about the experience of shoppers buying a camera as a holiday gift. One shopper may be searching for an action camera such as a GoPro, whereas another might be searching for a DSLR camera. These are drastically different choices, and a knowledgeable staff member can easily direct a shopper towards the right product for their needs.

                          Consider looking at Dunelm for inspiration. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Dunelm has been offering remote appointments for their ‘Made to Measure’ curtains and blinds business so consumers can still get the personalized assistance they need.

                          When asked about the impact of remote appointments, Dunelm said: “At a time when a large proportion of our business is non-operational, the ability to service our customers through these appointments provides a new and much-needed revenue stream.”

                          Implement curbside pickup

                          Are you offering curbside pickup yet? By allowing customers to schedule pickup times, you can control how many customers arrive at once, allowing for best-practice social distancing. This is a great alternative to shipping products, and it satisfies consumer desire for immediacy.

                          This method of shopping has drastically increased in popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will likely remain in demand over the next month. Some even predict that curbside pickup will become a significant part of the post-COVID shopping experience. According to a recent survey by Medallia Zingle, “87 percent [of consumers] want restaurants and other brands to continue to offer curbside pick up and other processes that limit the need for in-person visits.”

                          Start discounts early

                          If you are planning to offer discounts this holiday season, start now. According to eMarketer, UK shoppers are starting holiday shopping earlier than usual this year. Whether this is due to concerns about shipping time, or concerns about the economy, it’s clear that holiday shopping will be well underway by the time Black Friday comes about.

                          Shoppers will also be hyper aware of product pricing this year. In fact, eMarketer predicts that the UK will see a 16.7% increase in holiday ecommerce sales driven by shoppers looking for discounts.

                          By taking the best parts of in-store shopping and translating them online, retailers can get a leg up on the competition and diversify their revenue streams in the face of lockdowns.

                          Learn more about how to capture consumer attention now and in the future by downloading our recent research.

                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                          bookinglab and JRNI: The power of partnership https://www.jrni.com/blog/bookinglab-and-jrni Tue, 03 Nov 2020 08:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/bookinglab-and-jrni

                          JRNI’s Vice President of Partnerships, Amy MacIsaac, recently sat down with Chad Duggan, founder and CEO of bookinglab to discuss their business, the future, and a look inside the Lab.

                          Who are bookinglab?

                          MacIsaac: As a longtime partner in the government market, tell us a bit about who bookinglab is and what you bring to the market.

                          Duggan: The public sector is and always will be our bread and butter. We understand its complexities, its unique demands, and its pain points to ensure an unmatched customer experience. Working with JRNI, we can leverage our expertise to provide the public sector with truly bespoke enterprise solutions, delivering channel shift programs by providing booking and appointment services that are both cost and time-efficient. That’s a powerful partnership if you ask us!

                          We know it is a common cliché, but our customers really are at the heart of everything we do. We are passionate about providing personalized, user-friendly booking experiences that enable our clients to improve back-office efficiency and build lasting relationships with their customers. Innovation is our lifeblood; our driving force, and working alongside JRNI we are laser-focused on finding new ways to revolutionize both bookable services and online appointment scheduling.

                          Over the last 18 months, we have certainly earned our stripes! Using JRNI’s leading technology stack, we consistently provide our public sector clients with industry-leading integration support, full system configuration, and organizational-wide rollout services. Our efforts in this sector during these unprecedented times has matured our relationships with customers. So much that we have been able to extend our service offering, and for the second year running, we have successfully listed our JRNI services on the G-Cloud 12 government digital marketplace.

                          Why JRNI?

                          MacIsaac: What made JRNI appeal to you as a partner for growing your business?

                          Duggan: For us, JRNI was the obvious choice! Their extendable platform provides us with the flexibility we need to meet a diverse range of client requirements, both on time and to budget. Their broad technology offering, and uncompromising accessibility-first ethos ensure that we can provide our customers with a fully configurable, omnichannel experience that prioritizes both front and back-end usability. Importantly for us, the JRNI platform is both robust and secure. With high availability, and strict compliance with a multitude of leading security certifications, including ISO27001, we can guarantee our public sector clients that all-important peace of mind.

                          “JRNI have an unrivaled partner support network, their rapid response time and continued technical support ensures that our team are agile and efficient when dealing with complex customer queries. By working closely with JRNI’s development team, we can offer solutions that continuously push the boundaries of innovation, meeting and surpassing the expectations of our customers. All in all, the future is bright! We are excited to continue to work with JRNI to provide our customers with industry-leading solutions that enable them to improve their operational efficiency.”

                          Chad Duggan, Founder and CEO, bookinglab

                          A constantly evolving relationship

                          MacIsaac: How do you work with JRNI?

                          Duggan: This true sense of collaboration is what drives us on our mission to establish the JRNI platform as a leading technology provider in the public sector. We work in unison to meet the individual needs of each customer, whether that be a full digital transformation or a smaller scale implementation. Due to the close working relationships we maintain with our clients, we can provide JRNI with first-hand insights into the experiences of our public sector users, helping us to influence JRNI’s product roadmap to ensure a process of continual innovation that is designed exclusively with our customers’ in mind.

                          Our technical expertise enables us to work alongside JRNI to integrate additional applications into their already expansive platform, helping to ensure an exceptional experience for all users. A recent example of this is our Elevate Spatial Application, which we developed to empower organizations with mobile workforces to increase their efficiency by integrating geospatial scheduling algorithms into the existing JRNI platform.

                          Don’t just take our word for it

                          MacIsaac: What types of customers are you currently supporting through this partnership?

                          Duggan: Kent County Council commissioned bookinglab to design a bespoke booking solution that would enable council staff to manage a variety of services, across nine locations. Working closely with both JRNI and Kent County Council, we were able to devise a solution that now autonomously completes hundreds (and at peak thousands) of transactions each month, freeing back-office staff to focus on what really matters, serving the public!

                          “Our booking system gives us complete control, ensuring that our resources are used in the most efficient way. Customers are able to self-serve and are no longer subject to restrictions around office opening hours and admin heavy processes. Moving bookings online has enabled us to increase our digital presence and to channel shift customer information to other online streams, revolutionizing the way we interact with customers.”

                          Helen Page, Interim Head of Countryside and Community Development, Kent County Council

                          Following this great outcome, we were eager to further support Kent County Council in their digital transformation journey. Thanks to JRNI’s multi-site, multi-service booking capabilities the team were also able to provide an integrated booking solution to autonomously manage 18 Household Waste Recycling Centres located across the County. Since going live, the solution has facilitated the successful completion of over 90,000 transactions each month, providing an ideal solution to manage safety during the re-opening of HWRC’s.

                          To learn more, visit bookinglab.

                          If you're searching for free appointment scheduling software, read this first https://www.jrni.com/blog/free-appointment-scheduling-software Wed, 28 Oct 2020 07:58:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/free-appointment-scheduling-software

                          The old saying, “you get what you pay for,” applies to so much in life, and appointment scheduling software is no exception.

                          If you’ve identified a need for scheduling software, there’s a vast array of options out there. The first consideration is whether the software is really geared toward companies like yours - for the enterprise, rather than a small business. This is often the case with several of the lower cost or free solutions, they’re built for low volume, small businesses.

                          The fact is, there’s a tremendous difference between enterprise appointment scheduling software and free solutions geared toward small businesses. In this article, we’ll look at the limitations of free scheduling solutions, and give you some things to look for in an enterprise-appropriate appointment scheduling software.

                          What even the best free appointment scheduling apps and software can’t do

                          With free or low-cost appointment scheduling, the best features often require a paid plan.

                          This is the “gotcha” for many free appointment scheduling software solutions out there. They advertise a lot of great features, but users come to find out that those features are only included with paid plans.

                          The free features tend to leave a lot to be desired, even for mid-sized to small businesses with multiple locations. Even with the paid features, most enterprise use cases will reach the limits of what the software can do.

                          For example, even well-known free scheduling software makes you pay for appointment reminders. Appointment reminders via email or SMS are crucial for preventing and reducing no-shows. They shouldn’t be seen as optional. Yet, expect to pay extra for it if you try to implement a free solution.

                          Let’s look at some additional reasons why free/low-cost appointment scheduling is not a viable option for enterprise use.

                          No buffer time between appointments

                          One of the biggest complaints businesses have about free scheduling software is the inability to automatically include buffer time after every appointment. For example, if a customer books an appointment for 2:00pm to 2:30pm, another customer could book one for 2:30pm to 3:00pm.

                          That leaves your staff no time to prepare for the second customer, and it leaves no room for the first appointment to go a bit over if needed.

                          No in-depth analytics

                          Most free or cheap appointment scheduling solutions come with very basic analytics that tell you the times you booked appointments, the customer’s name, email, phone number, etc.

                          The free version of these platforms offer little in the way of tracking capacity, time management, ROI, conversions, revenue, seasonal trends, and so on. These sorts of insights are vital for making changes to your appointment program and improving your level of service. They aren’t optional for enterprises that want to develop a robust program around appointments.

                          No personalized branding or white-labeling

                          As part of an omnichannel experience, appointments are the glue between digital and physical channels. Customers expect a seamless and consistent experience across touchpoints, and that includes how your brand presents itself.

                          Most free or low-cost appointment software doesn’t allow white-labeling or personalized branding. That means that your customers are browsing your site, clicking to book an appointment, and getting taken out of the experience you’ve built for them. They’re brought to a page that doesn’t look and feel like your brand.

                          Even worse is that free solutions often offer little to nothing in the way of customizing the booking experience.

                          Limited functionality for integrations

                          As we mentioned, appointments affect several areas of your business. Marketing teams can use a CRM-appointment scheduling integration to build email list segments based on purchase history and interests. Fulfillment teams need to be able to track orders made during or after appointments. Sales staff need to see real-time calendar updates for their appointments.

                          Some free scheduling apps and software can integrate with CRM, email, and calendar solutions, but many cannot. You would ultimately have to handle large volumes of manual data entry to get your appointment data to the relevant teams and stakeholders.

                          Little to no customer support

                          This is truly where you feel that you’re getting what you paid for. Most free solutions offer chat or email support, but you certainly won’t have a dedicated customer success representative or account manager as your go-to person for support and implementation needs. You’re on your own for the most part.

                          The free software becomes more expensive if you have to hire developers to deploy and implement the software.

                          Why enterprises need true enterprise-level appointment scheduling software

                          Appointments aren’t something you just add on and continue with business as usual. Done correctly, they have a major influence on multiple areas of your business, ranging from store operations to marketing and IT. It’s clear that enterprises with complex needs and multiple stakeholders aren’t going to get what they need out of simple, free software.

                          A recent study from Forrester Consulting looked at the Total Economic Impact™ of using JRNI. The researchers tracked results for a major enterprise with over $3 billion in revenue and 200+ locations. The results over three years include:

                          • 60% annual increase in appointment volume
                          • $3.1 million in increased profit from appointments
                          • 143% ROI

                          That’s why you can’t leave your appointments to chance with free software that wasn’t built for the scale of an enterprise.

                          It’s worth understanding why top enterprises in the retail and banking industries use appointment scheduling software to enhance their omnichannel experiences and manage appointments at scale.

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                          Robust business-side functionality

                          Enterprises need feature-rich appointment scheduling software that is geared toward modern use cases, can handle the complexity of larger organizations, and has the ability to easily scale up as your business grows. Some key features include:

                          • Single sign-on. Single sign-on enables staff to use their existing authentication credentials to log in. Business users don’t need separate keys to log into the appointments dashboard and check their schedule, make changes, etc.
                          • Multiple meeting types. Most free scheduling solutions allow users to book a one-size-fits-all appointment. Enterprises need a scheduling solution that offers multiple appointment types across departments and according to staff expertise. For example, a customer going to a bank to open an account shouldn’t meet with a mortgage expert. Multimodal appointments get customers to the right person every time.
                          • Built-in buffer time. Staff shouldn’t be booked for back-to-back meetings. That negatively impacts the customer experience because staff have less time to prepare for upcoming meetings if they have to jump from one to another. An enterprise solution will build in buffer time to ensure staff have adequate time to prepare, take a break, etc.
                          • Post-appointment notes. Customers who book recurring appointments don’t want to come in and have to start from scratch with every meeting. Scheduling software should allow your staff to save notes on each appointment so customer records are accessible. This is how you build strong relationships over time. Additionally, if a returning customer has to book an appointment with a new staff member, the interaction doesn’t have to start from scratch.
                          • Analytics. Enterprise appointment solutions should come packed with analytics that give staff, managers, and executive teams insight into how appointments are impacting revenue. Tracking conversion rates, basket sizes, trends, capacity, and other business-critical metrics are not nice-to-haves. They are meets-minimum requirements for enterprises that want appointments to be an effective growth channel.
                          • Tailored branding. Enterprise solutions should always allow you to white-label your appointment booking experience. Your brand is a key asset, and it should be reflected everywhere customers interact with you. Additionally, moving seamlessly between digital and physical channels - which appointment scheduling allows customers to do - means eliminating confusion and inconsistency as much as possible.

                          Must-have customer-side features

                          Enterprise appointment software should include features that make customers’ lives easier and allow them to interact with you on their terms. Here’s what you should look for.

                          • Easy rescheduling. Consumers expect lots of flexibility to shop on their own terms. That means they may need to reschedule or cancel their appointments sometimes. The software should make it simple for the customer to find a new time slot without having to call and reschedule.
                          • Appointment reminders. To reduce no-shows and ensure customers are on time and in the right place for their appointments, scheduling software should offer text message and email reminders.
                          • Multi-appointment booking. Customers who want to set up repeat appointments or schedule multiple appointments for different needs should be able to easily do so.


                          At the enterprise level, appointment scheduling software doesn’t stand alone in your customer experience tech stack. It must integrate with email systems, CRM software, calendars, call centers, video conferencing, etc.

                          To get the most out of your appointment program, you need to have all of the moving parts working seamlessly and with minimal manual data entry. Enterprise appointment software can be customized to integrate with your existing tech stack, and you’ll be able to work with an expert implementation team to deploy the software, rather than have to build systems around the limitations of free software.

                          Showing providers that do no meet security or accessibility standards.


                          Enterprise security standards are strict, and failure to protect customer data can lead to major lawsuits and years of bad press.

                          Your appointment scheduling software vendor should, at a minimum, be PCI and GDPR compliant. If your organization deals with extremely sensitive data, you may even want to consider a solution that is ISO27001 compliant as well. While some free tools may be compliant to one of these standards, all of them are relevant for enterprises that handle customer data.


                          Any appointment platform needs to be committed to delivering an inclusive user experience that makes accessibility a priority. In the case of banking, accessibility isn’t an option according to Essential Accessibility. Banks must be ADA-compliant or they risk fines.

                          Even for retailers, there is a history of successful lawsuits against retailers who fail to meet ADA standards for accessibility, according to the Bureau of Internet Accessibility.

                          An enterprise appointment scheduling solution should be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1 AA. This standard lays out a wide range of recommendations for making content accessible to people with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, and other disabilities.

                          Accessibility isn’t just about avoiding lawsuits. It’s a part of running an ethical and inclusive business that can serve customers regardless of their abilities.

                          Free or cheap appointment scheduling software might look appealing based on the price tag and simplicity. Once you look a bit deeper, however, you’ll notice that they lack the flexibility and features to provide a truly enterprise-level experience. If you’re serious about using appointments as a way to grow revenue, you’ll need to find solutions that are purpose-built for your use cases.

                          Learn more about how appointment scheduling drives value by downloading "The ROI of appointments".

                          The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                          How 3 retailers are using appointment scheduling during COVID-19 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-are-using-appointment-scheduling-during-covid Thu, 22 Oct 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-are-using-appointment-scheduling-during-covid

                          COVID-19 is forcing retailers to find new and inventive ways to serve their customers amidst lockdowns and ongoing restrictions. Digital channels have taken on an increased role for retailers, even those that have already embraced the omnichannel model.

                          One of the many ways that retailers are enhancing their online services is through appointment scheduling. By offering remote and safe in-person appointments, retailers can control customer flow while keeping consistent revenue coming in.

                          In this article, we’ll look at three major retailers and their strategies for implementing appointment scheduling during COVID-19.

                          JoJo Maman Bébé

                          A pandemic is a scary time for anyone, but expectant mothers have an extra burden as they ensure they had everything needed for their maternity and nursing without physically going to stores.

                          JoJo Maman Bébé, a maternity wear and baby clothing retailer, used appointments to help their customers through these challenging times through its Virtual Maternity VIP Shopping program. This is a personal shopping experience that allows customers to book an appointment with a consultant who can advise and guide the shopper through her options to find the best products for their needs.

                          The appointments are completely remote, making it safe for pregnant mothers and their families to get what they need. The appointments are useful for shoppers because they aren’t just transactional. The personal shoppers also give helpful personalized advice, tips, and provide insights into complementary products.

                          Takeaway: Look for a specific niche of your customer base that may be especially well-suited for appointments. In this case, promoting appointment scheduling was a great way to help pregnant mothers who needed to take extra precautions due to COVID-19.


                          COVID-19 disrupted wedding plans across the world. Engaged couples had to scramble to find alternative plans or otherwise postpone their weddings indefinitely.

                          BHLDN stepped up to help brides turn a tough situation around by offering remote wedding dress consultations. BHLDN is a women's clothing retailer that specializes in wedding dresses, bridal accessories, and wedding décor. The virtual appointments allow brides-to-be to share links with their wedding-themed Pinterest board and Instagram accounts so their stylist can get a sense of what each customer is looking for.

                          During the video appointment, shoppers can ask questions, get inspiration, and even get options for different parts of the wedding (ceremony, dinner, rehearsal, etc.). To emulate the tradition of the bride inviting her close friends and family to go dress shopping, BHLDN allows customers to invite whomever they want to the video call.

                          In advance of the appointment, the sales associate pulls together information on wedding details, the bride's preferences and gets a feel for her taste through looking at Pinterest and other sources. It’s a completely personalized call, just like an in-person appointment, where the stylist gives tips on how to make sure each bride gets the event she imagined.

                          Takeaway: Appointments should be personalized and guided by true experts. The stylists at BHLDN are passionate about ensuring brides have the best experience possible, even when the in-person experience isn’t possible. Additionally, BHLDN added a nice touch by allowing brides to bring guests to their appointments. Even if you can’t hold in-person appointments, get creative and find ways to replicate that experience. BHLDN has engaged with 25,000 customers since the pandemic hit, and appointments have enabled them to maintain those relationships and take some of the stress out of a stressful time.


                          Dunelm is a U.K.-based home furnishings retailer with over 160 locations across the country. As COVID-19 forced the retailer to limit in-store service, Dunelm saw remote appointments as an alternative revenue stream while the restrictions were in place.

                          Being unable to serve customers would have been a missed opportunity for Dunelm, as home improvement retail sales skyrocketed during the early days of COVID-19 and beyond. According to Statista, “between March 9-15, 2020, online sales of home improvement and gardening retail products grew almost by 50 percent compared to the same period the year before.”

                          With consumers staying home due to the lockdown, they began to tackle home improvement projects large and small with the extra time they had at home. That includes furnishings and decor.

                          In response, Dunelm rolled out remote appointments for its “Made to Measure” curtains and blinds line of business. The program allowed users to measure their windows, browse the available fabrics online, and book an appointment with a consultant to ensure the order is perfect. Customers could do all of this from the safety of their own homes.

                          This provided a much-needed revenue stream for the retailer at a time when many areas of its business were non-operational. Thanks to the success of the Made to Measure program, Dunelm has evaluated how it can incorporate appointment scheduling into other lines of business over the long-term.

                          Takeaway: With appointment scheduling, it doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing implementation. Dunelm rolled out remote appointments for one of its product lines, validated the demand its customers had for appointment scheduling, and then began expanding the appointment model to other offerings.

                          The retail market is still facing several months of unpredictability regarding COVID-19 and the restrictions that come with state and nationwide attempts to contain it. The retailers best primed to survive and thrive until a new “normal” is reached are the ones who are flexible and can quickly find new ways to serve their customers. Appointment scheduling is a powerful way to do just that.

                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                          How appointment scheduling helps retailers manage customer flow https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-helps-customer-flow Wed, 14 Oct 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-helps-customer-flow

                          What is customer flow management and why is it important?

                          Customer flow refers to the movement of people around a store, office, or commercial indoor space. Customer flow management, then, is the practice of overseeing, directing, and managing the movement of people within a store.

                          Customer flow management is crucial for an orderly in-store experience that allows staff to focus on helping the greatest number of people as best as they can, while making it easy for customers to get what they need as efficiently as possible.

                          Most retailers and retail solutions think about flow management mostly as a matter of queuing. Queuing is certainly a major part of flow management, but other methods - such as appointment scheduling and footfall management - have an important role to play as well, particularly with ongoing restrictions on store occupancy due to COVID-19.

                          How appointment scheduling can help retailers better manage customer flow

                          Appointments are another way to bring customers in-store and face-to-face with your staff for a more personalized experience. As a way of managing customer flow, appointment scheduling can augment both virtual and traditional queue management.

                          Appointment scheduling software allows retailers to stagger traffic into their stores by offering a means for shoppers to book set times to meet with a staff member. The software automates this process and eliminates the need for staff members to manually schedule, send reminders, and follow up on customer appointments.

                          Appointments, as an alternative to walk-ins, are a great way to manage customer flow. In this section, we’ll look at how appointment scheduling can be an effective addition to your wider customer flow management effort.

                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                          Give consumers other options for face-to-face experiences

                          Appointment scheduling gives your customers other ways to get the in-person, face-to-face experience without having to just walk into your stores.

                          There are two key types of appointments: In-person, in-store appointments and remote appointments. In both cases, appointments give consumers more power over how they engage with you. They can set a specific amount of time to get personalized service on the things they care about most.

                          As a retailer, you benefit because appointments as an alternative to a walk-in mean that customer flow is predictable. You know how many customers your staff will be working with at every time of day. They’re less likely to be surprised by a surge in traffic that overwhelms your staff.

                          Change operational models when needed

                          If future COVID-19-related lockdowns occur, restrictions on businesses may return. That can mean anything from stores having hard limits on how many people can be inside, to stores having to do full shutdowns.

                          As we’ve all learned this year, even limited traffic can hamper sales. One way to avoid the negative impact of diminished foot traffic due to the pandemic is to switch to appointment-only service.

                          Appointment-only can be a great option to maintain at least some customer flow while restrictions are in place. Customers who would normally be leery of going into a store can feel more at ease when they know they will be meeting with a specific staff member for their needs rather than trying to avoid the crowd.

                          Segment customers based on need

                          Appointments are great when a customer needs that one-to-one face time for a more personalized experience. But not all appointments are for the same purpose.

                          Appointment scheduling software should be flexible enough to allow multimodal appointments, so customers can book time with the right staff member for their needs.

                          For example, a home goods retailer might have staff experts on decor, gardening, appliances, and so on. A customer that needs help with gardening products doesn’t want to wait for a gardening expert to be available.

                          Appointments make it possible to always ensure the customer goes to the right person, saving them the hassle of having to look for items themselves or ask someone who isn’t an expert in the department they need. This makes their trips to the store not only more personalized, but more efficient.

                          Allow staff to better organize their time

                          Scheduled appointments reduce downtime and allow staff to focus on one customer at a time, not manage multiple customers or worry about constant interruptions.

                          Downtime is a side effect of less structured ways of managing customer flow. To manage the peaks and valleys of store traffic, retailers can bolster staff during periods of heavy traffic to eliminate unnecessary downtime.

                          Staff who are serving customers on an appointment-only basis tend to have more structure in their days, as the predetermined cadence of appointments gives them consistent tasks of preparation and time spent serving customers. There’s less of a chance that staff will be standing around during off-hours when customers can schedule appointments with them, allowing you to assign staff only during hours where they’re needed.

                          Understand peak times and schedule staff appropriately

                          As an extension of the last point, appointments help you manage customer flow by giving you insight into when customers want to come in for appointments and when they don’t.

                          By looking at the data from your appointment scheduling solution, you can identify peaks and valleys in customer flow as it relates to appointments. That data can show you when you need more staff to manage rush times and more appointment slots available for customers. It also shows you when you can have fewer staff members on-hand due to slower customer flow.

                          Managing customer flow has always been an important job for retailers. As consumers look for ways to shop more conveniently, and safely, retailers will have to expand their toolset to include appointments as a way to manage customer flow effectively.

                          Want to know more about changes in consumer behavior, and what you can do to improve the customer experience? Then be sure to download the report "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement"!

                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                          How retailers can compete with Amazon Prime Day https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-can-compete-with-amazon-prime-day Wed, 07 Oct 2020 08:57:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-retailers-can-compete-with-amazon-prime-day

                          What is Amazon Prime Day?

                          Amazon Prime Day is an annual shopping event that gives Amazon Prime members exclusive access to over one million deals. Even if consumers aren’t Amazon Prime members, they can take advantage of a 30-day free trial to gain access to Prime Day deals.

                          Revenue from Prime Day plays a significant role in Amazon’s business growth, and sales have steadily increased each year. Internet Retailer estimates that Amazon took in $4.2 billion from Prime Day in 2018, and $7.16 billion in 2019.

                          This year, Prime Day 2020 is a two-day event scheduled for October 13-14, and is available in nineteen countries. However due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ll notice a few differences.

                          What's different this year?

                          Though Prime Day has existed since 2015, this year is the first time that it will be held in October. Prime Day was originally scheduled for July, but was postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The only exception was India, which celebrated Prime Day in August.

                          Prime Day 2020 will also incorporate a new element that promotes small businesses: If shoppers purchase $10 of small business products between September 28 and October 12, they will earn a $10 credit to use on Prime Day.

                          Does Prime Day affect other retailers?

                          Although Amazon is quite busy during Prime Day, other retailers are affected too. Research from Bazaarvoice, Inc shows that consumers are also interested in shopping elsewhere. Those surveyed cited Amazon’s recent issues with fake reviews, and other brands’ brick and mortar stores as reasons for taking caution and browsing other retailers:

                          • 44% of shoppers indicate that Amazon’s issues with fake product reviews will impact their participation in Prime Day shopping. 37% will be more cautious when they shop at Amazon.
                          • 32% of shoppers said they shop outside of Amazon because they find better sales, and 31% shop at other brands because they have physical stores nearby.

                          Whether retail brands are launching sales or not, research from Liftoff suggests that consumers are in shopping mode during this time of year. According to Liftoff, during the week of Prime Day 2018, the percentage of users who installed non-Amazon shopping apps and made a purchase increased by over 46% from the previous five weeks.

                          How are retailers competing with Prime Day?

                          Other retailers are launching similar shopping events in an effort to capture market share and capitalize on consumer interest in shopping.

                          Jason Aten, when writing for Inc, explains this concept best: “This is the digital equivalent of: The retailer across the street is having a big sale, so you might as well take advantage of the fact that everyone is already going to be driving by. Might as well get some of them to stop in your store anyway.”

                          If that explanation doesn’t entice retailers to join in and offer online discounts, McKinsey’s analysis might. McKinsey found that retailers must have a plan to compete against Amazon, and that “retailers without a bold Prime Day plan saw a very limited increase in conversions on Prime Day compared with the prior week–10 percent or less–and some even experienced declines.

                          Here are two top retailers who have already put their hat in the ring.


                          Walmart’s “Big Save” online event will run longer than Prime Day and will offer thousands of deals. To date, Walmart has promised savings on electronics, home items, clothing, toys, and more from October 11-15.

                          Although Walmart did not release sales data from their 2019 event, there are several indications that it was likely a success:

                          1. Searches on Walmart.com surged 130% on the first day.
                          2. Walmart’s U.S. eCommerce sales growth increased 41%.
                          3. Walmart’s overall revenue that quarter increased $3.1 billion (2.5%).
                          4. They are hosting it again this year.


                          Target is hosting their “Target Deal Days” event at the same time as Prime Day. According to Target, this event will offer hundreds of thousands of deals and will not require an annual fee like an Amazon Prime subscription.

                          Another way Target is differentiating themselves is by highlighting their variety of delivery and pick-up options. While Amazon is limited to delivery, Target offers curbside pickup and same-day delivery with Shipt.

                          Target’s latest earnings report reveals they are doing quite well this year, so time will only tell how Target Deal Days will impact their 2020 goals.

                          How can you compete?

                          1. Announce discounts in advance to be included in press coverage

                          We’ve all seen the articles titled “Top 10 gadgets on sale this week” or “The best smartwatches are 50% off this week.” When you announce your top sales in advance, you stand a chance to be included in the (free) press coverage.

                            2. Bulk up reviews across your top sale items

                            ReviewMeta found that Amazon was hit with more than 1.8 million unverified 5 star reviews in March 2019 alone. Because consumers can’t see or feel the item they’re purchasing on Amazon, they have to rely on reviews to determine which product to purchase. Since it’s been revealed that Amazon’s reviews aren’t always legitimate, consumers are keeping an eye out for deception. With credible and authentic on-site reviews, consumers will feel confident when they purchase from you.

                              3. Keep sales active after Prime Day ends

                              Attract late shoppers who missed Prime Day by keeping your sales live past Amazon’s cut off. You may have noticed that Walmart’s deals are set to run even after Prime Day ends.

                              According to Bazaarvoice, there was a halo effect that occurred for brands that offered sales at the same time as Prime Day. These stores saw sales increase for the entire week after discounts ended.

                                4. Use influencers

                                When using social media to announce deals, your reach is limited by that network’s algorithm. It’s also limiting because your customers are likely following competing brands that are simultaneously announcing their own sales. Similarly, your customers’ email inboxes will be jam-packed with promotional emails from Amazon, Target, Walmart, and eBay, just to name a few.

                                Use influencers as a way to reach new customers on the day of your sale. According to Shane Barker, micro-influencerssocial media users with 500-10,000 followersget more engagement, are more affordable to work with, and are considered more trustworthy.

                                  5. Offer curbside pickup

                                  31% of consumers in Bazaarvoice’s survey say they shop at other businesses (besides Amazon) because they have physical stores nearby. Physical stores are key for shoppers who value curbside pickup, or who may need to make a return.

                                  These factors have become increasingly popular as the pandemic continues, and contactless pickup is praised for its convenience, safety, and speed.

                                  Are you evaluating curbside pickup as an option for your network of stores? Consider the following:

                                  • Buy online, pickup in-store orders increased 208% in April 2020 compared to April 2019, according to Adobe Analytics.
                                  • 79% of respondents say contactless store pickup is very important to them, according to a new report from Incisiv commissioned by Manhattan Associates.
                                  • 80% of shoppers expect to increase BOPIS and curbside pickup over the next six months, according to that same Incisiv report.

                                  6. Introduce consultative services

                                  Retailers can also offer personalized services that help ensure their customer experience is better than Amazon's. Chief among these are in-store or remote appointments that give consumers a tailored experience that is much more consultative than Amazon’s cold, algorithm-produced product recommendations.

                                  Shoppers are used to interacting with store associates when purchasing high-value products, and at a time when personal contact is lower than ever, they’ll value the ability to make things virtual.

                                  Plus, staff and stores will benefit from personalized contact as well. Our Consumer Behavior research in 2019 found that 64% of respondents said they typically spend or invest more in products/services after a personal appointment or meeting.

                                  So, what are you waiting for? Though Amazon dominates eCommerce, consumers are still interested in shopping elsewhere on Prime Day and as they enter the holiday shopping season. To compete with Amazon, and to capture market share, consider our tips above.

                                  Interested in learning more about providing one-to-one, personalized consultative services through in-person and remote appointments? Then download the white paper: "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling" to learn more.

                                  The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!
                                  4 ways retailers can safely prepare for Black Friday https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-black-friday Mon, 05 Oct 2020 05:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-black-friday

                                  As we move into the final months of the year, we creep closer towards what is usually the busiest time for retailers. Peak season often means spikes in traffic and purchases as consumers buy presents for their loved ones and, of course, for themselves. This year’s holiday shopping season will be like no other, and retailers are scrambling to adapt to changes in consumer behavior and health guidelines.

                                  Let’s explore how stores can offer a shopping experience that prioritizes the safety of both shoppers and staff.

                                  1. Build trust

                                  Make your consumers feel they come first by preparing a safe environment for all aspects of the shopping experience – waiting to enter, browsing, and checking out. Consumer behavior has drastically changed since the pandemic began, but social distancing has remained a constant. Setting and enforcing guidelines for shopping will show consumers that you’re prepared and taking their safety seriously.

                                  2. Prevent overcrowding and long queues

                                  Overcrowding has always been considered an inconvenience, but now it’s also a health risk. In order to prevent overcrowding, stores must understand maximum capacity as well as how long consumers are willing to wait to enter a store.

                                  With the impending winter weather and holiday busyness, customers will have less patience for waiting in line. To manage this, stores should introduce virtual queuing so shoppers can wait in line without actually having to physically stand near others.

                                  Additionally, offering customer appointments can ensure that foot traffic is spread throughout the day. Another benefit of appointments is that stores can avoid downtime, make time to frequently sanitize, and better prepare for upcoming appointments.

                                  3. Meet shoppers online

                                  Shopping and behavioral habits have changed in 2020 more than ever before. With nationwide and localized lockdowns, and with consumers spending more time at home, online shopping has become the norm. Online shopping rose by 129% across the UK and Europe back in March, and continues to rise across most categories.

                                  In fact, 73% of consumers still do not feel safe in returning to usual activities outside the home.

                                  But it’s not the lockdown alone that has influenced consumers to shop from the comfort of their homes. Consumers are also getting acclimated to the experiences that brands can provide online. Whether retailers offer remote appointments or host virtual events, consumers are engaging with brands from their couches.

                                  “73 percent of consumers are still hesitant to resume regular activities outside the home.”


                                  4. Continue connecting

                                  With continual changes to health guidance and new information daily, it’s more important than ever to build positive and emotional connections with customers. And shoppers are open to this. In fact, over 75% of consumers have tried new brands during COVID-19.

                                  The retailers that will emerge successful after the pandemic will have prioritized customer and staff safety, catered to new consumer behavior, and built relationships.

                                  Want to learn more about how shopper behavior is changing, and how you can meet and exceed new consumer demands? Check out our research report: Rewriting the rules of retail engagement.

                                  Download "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement" where new research reveals what retailers must do to capture consumer attention during and after COVID-19.
                                  How staff can prepare for customer appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-customer-appointments Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-prepare-for-customer-appointments

                                  “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

                                  When it comes to appointment scheduling, this quote from Ben Franklin hits the nail on the head.

                                  Ensuring your staff is as prepared as possible for every appointment your customers book is how you turn a standard meeting into personalized experience, and ultimately, a growth channel.

                                  A recent study from Forrester Consulting looked at the Total Economic Impact™ of using JRNI. The researchers tracked results for a major enterprise with over $3 billion in revenue and 200+ locations. The results over three years include:

                                  • 60% annual increase in appointment volume
                                  • $3.1 million in increased profit from appointments
                                  • 143% ROI

                                  That’s why you can’t leave your appointments to chance.

                                  Preparation is key. In this article, we’ll walk through the steps your staff should take to prepare for customer appointments so they can ensure customers walk away happy and stay loyal to your business.

                                  Make sure they’re going to the right place for their needs

                                  Appointments provide a great opportunity for in-depth conversations and consultation on complex questions and tasks. But they aren’t the answer for everything a customer might need from you.

                                  In-store may not always be the best channel for simple tasks. If a customer just wants to make a routine transaction, or just has a simple question, you can point them to self-serve resources that will save everyone’s time. For example, research from McKinsey showed that while many consumers prefer going to their physical bank branch for complex questions and account servicing, many consumers are completely comfortable handling the simple tasks online.

                                  Even within your appointment program, you likely have different staff handling different services via appointments. A home goods retailer, for example, wouldn’t want to have its decorating experts taking on appointments for customers that want to get a home entertainment system set up.

                                  Before your staff confirms an appointment with a customer, make sure the right staff member is taking them on. An appointment scheduling solution with multi-mode appointments should make it simple to switch staff members and ensure the right people are in the right place.

                                  Prepare for in-person and remote appointments

                                  COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on consumer behavior.

                                  Recent research from McKinsey revealed that consumers are still avoiding out-of-home activities that aren’t completely essential. When they do go out in public, whether to a store or to the bank, they are shopping at businesses that clearly care for their safety.

                                  While some consumers are willing to venture out with the proper precautions, many are still not ready. That’s why it’s crucial that your appointment program is flexible enough to offer both in-person and remote appointments. Remote appointments give customers the benefit of talking face-to-face with your staff with none of the health risks of being in public while COVID-19 is still a threat.

                                  The best appointment scheduling software will be robust enough to offer this sort of flexibility. But regardless of whether your staff are meeting customers virtually or in-person, the level of preparation should be the same. Staff should understand incoming customers as deeply as your data allows them to.

                                  The difference comes in how the format of the meeting impacts how products can be shown and discussed. On a remote appointment, visuals will be vital to make up for the fact that staff can’t physically put something in front of customers. Make sure to prepare any useful supplemental materials that can be sent over in advance of the customers’ appointment if they’re choosing a remote option.

                                  “Regardless of whether your staff are meeting customers virtually or in-person, the level of preparation should be the same. Staff should understand incoming customers as deeply as your data allows them to.”

                                  Get your staff’s knowledge up to date

                                  According to our latest Modern Consumer Research, 56 percent of US consumers prefer shopping in-store to get questions answered, while 46% think that brick-and-mortar locations are a better place to get product/service explanations.

                                  In an omnichannel experience, physical locations are their own touchpoint with unique strengths. Those strengths come back to having knowledgeable staff that can help people make the best decisions without necessarily feeling pressured to buy something. Having a customer book an appointment only to leave without useful answers is how you leave money on the table.

                                  If you have new products or services, or if something that affects customers has changed, be sure your staff knows about it and can answer any questions confidently and quickly.

                                  For example, if you’re a retailer offering personal shopping services, staff should be ready to answer questions customers have around bringing new styles and lines into their wardrobe. If you’re a bank offering a new checking account for students, be sure your staff is well-trained on explaining the fee structure, minimums, etc.

                                  Review the customer’s history

                                  Before the customer’s arrival for an appointment, staff should look at past appointments and see what has been reviewed and discussed. This will prevent the customer from getting frustrated at repeating him or herself, but more importantly, it’s how you ensure every appointment is personalized.

                                  According to research from Boston Consulting Group, “companies that implement personalization initiatives and become best in class in delivering personalized experiences can quadruple the revenue lift they receive from their personalization initiatives.”

                                  Personalization means that customers don’t just have generic encounters with your staff. Their history and context relative to your business are taken into account and fuels every interaction. By reviewing past appointments and purchases, staff can have an up-to-date look at what each individual customer has seen and done with them.

                                  Prepare something new for the customer

                                  One of the best ways to keep your repeat customers excited and coming back for more is to show them something new they haven’t seen or thought of before. While this might not be applicable to a one-off appointment, it’s absolutely something your staff should be doing for recurring appointments.

                                  This is where you need to trust your staff to make decisions about what they want to show a customer based on what they liked, disliked, and purchased in the past. As part of their preparation, they should do some research and plan to show them something new as often as they can.

                                  If you’re noticing a pattern here, it’s that your staff need to be sure that appointments are not just transactional. They’re just as much about long-term relationship-building, and providing guidance, at times, before a customer knows they have a need.

                                  Our Modern Consumer Research also looked at why consumers like going to events in stores. The biggest draw for events by far was getting early access to new products. With large events on hold for the foreseeable future, why not leverage appointments to give your best customers a chance to get a jump on the latest products and trends?

                                  “Our Modern Consumer Research also looked at why consumers like going to events in stores. The biggest draw for events by far was getting early access to new products. With large events on hold for the foreseeable future, why not leverage appointments to give your best customers a chance to get a jump on the latest products and trends?”

                                  Send reminders

                                  Missed appointments are costly. All the time your staff spent preparing, and the unwanted downtime they now have, represent wasted time and money. Keeping appointment attendance high is vital for ensuring your in-person services deliver the business value you need.

                                  To reduce the likelihood of a customer no-showing, send a confirmation of the appointment at the time of their booking, and reminders a day before their appointment. Reminders should come through multiple channels, based on each customer’s preference. Email and SMS are the most common ways to send reminders, and using both channels increases the chances customers see them.

                                  If you’re booking appointments manually, you’ll also have to follow up manually. This can lead to missed opportunities if staff forget to send timely reminders. As appointment volume increases, so do the chances of missing an appointment.

                                  That’s where appointment scheduling software comes in. A robust appointment solution will send automated reminders based on your customers’ preferences, reducing the manual work and human error that come with following up.

                                  Follow up and gather feedback

                                  While this technically happens after an appointment, you’re setting yourself up for success in your next appointment with the customer by following up. Staff should take the opportunity to recap everything that was discussed, and break down what was covered during the appointment so the customer can take action on all relevant items.

                                  A follow-up is also a perfect time to gather feedback to improve the experience your staff provided. It’s easy to pay lip service to the idea of valuing your customer’s feedback, and another to really take the time to gather data and use it to improve the experience. Gathering feedback allows you to:

                                  • Find the most pressing issues customers have with your service and resolve them quickly
                                  • Increase the likelihood of delivering positive experiences for customers in the future
                                  • Predict and plan for future needs. If multiple customers are asking for something you don’t yet provide, you can get in front of it and find ways to offer new services the market wants.

                                  Asking for and incorporating feedback is how you build trust with your customers. According to a 2019 study from Edelman, 81% of consumers say that brand trust has a positive impact on their decision to give a company their business. RightNow found that almost 90% of consumers will shop with your competitors after receiving poor customer service.

                                  Don’t wait for your customers to abandon you to diagnose and solve problems with your appointments. Be proactive and stay on the lookout for ways to delight customers at this crucial touchpoint.

                                  “81% of consumers say that brand trust has a positive impact on their decision to give a company their business.”

                                  Edelman, 2019

                                  With JRNI, staff can easily manage all aspects of appointments - from booking, rescheduling, and canceling, to editing customer details and updating appointment outcomes.

                                  If you want to learn more about how JRNI empowers your staff to easily prepare for appointments and provide a unique, personalized experience, then request a demo to speak with an expert!

                                  Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                  How different teams use appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-different-teams-use-appointment-scheduling Wed, 23 Sep 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-different-teams-use-appointment-scheduling

                                  Appointments can redefine how you interact with your customers and how you run your business at a high, strategic level.

                                  But implementing appointment scheduling software is only part of the job. It’s not solely about the technology. It’s about the processes you build around it, how different teams interact with it, what the guardrails around it should be, and so on. Done correctly, it affects and benefits multiple teams across organizations.

                                  Let’s look at how different teams across service-based businesses, such as retailers or banks, can use appointment scheduling to improve service and make their teams more effective.

                                  Appointment scheduling for staff

                                  Your staff are on the frontlines, interacting with customers every day and serving them during appointments. It’s crucial that appointment scheduling software gives them tools to make every appointment even more valuable. Here are a few ways it can do just that:

                                  Make the customer experience more personal

                                  Whether you’re a retailer who wants to create a powerful personal shopping experience, or a bank that wants to ensure your customers feel taken care of when solving complex problems, appointments are geared for a personal touch. One of the most surefire ways to improve conversion rates and basket size is by providing appointments where trained staff can give a customer personal attention and help make the best choices for them.

                                  Build long-term relationships through appointments

                                  Appointments are a prime opportunity to build deep relationships with customers. eCommerce may be convenient, but personal attention is something that even Amazon can't do. Successfully using appointment scheduling is a matter of using customer data to inform every interaction.

                                  When a customer returns to a store, staff have crucial information like past purchases, interests, sizes, etc. at their fingertips to ensure every appointment feels like a continuation of the relationship. By increasing the value of every interaction for the customer, you increase their lifetime value to your business.

                                  Gather real-time feedback

                                  An appointment scheduling solution should include the ability to send follow-up surveys after each appointment. Feedback is critical for relationship-based businesses, such as retailers or banks. Allowing your staff to get feedback will help them hone their approach to serving customers, identify weak points in the service model, and understand how customers feel about your products and offerings.

                                  Appointment scheduling for marketing teams

                                  Corporate marketing teams gain a powerful asset when their companies implement appointment scheduling. Here’s how marketing teams are using appointment data to fuel their efforts.

                                  Improve customer segmentation

                                  Appointment scheduling software will let you keep records of customer appointments, including what they bought. This data is powerful for segmenting out your best customers for additional promotions. Beyond that, you can segment customers based on what products they show interest in and use that data for email list and ad targeting. This can help expand revenue opportunities in your existing customer base, rather than solely relying on new customer acquisition for growth.

                                  Integrate with CRM

                                  Tracking individual customer relationships based on appointments can be difficult if you don’t have easy integration with your CRM software. You’re either relying on staff to manually input customer interactions into your CRM, or you have multiple sources of “truth” in disparate systems. Appointment scheduling and CRM integration ensures real-time syncing of customer booking information for new and existing customers.

                                  Increase conversion rates

                                  Appointments are a powerful promotional tool for marketing teams who need to help drive traffic to stores, not just websites. Additionally, appointments booked is a powerful metric to validate the UX and conversion rates of digital channels.

                                  Appointments are high-value actions due to their impact on customer lifetime value and increased basket sizes. Marketing teams can influence this by promoting appointments and driving high-value users deeper into the funnel.

                                  Appointment scheduling for regional management

                                  Appointments can simplify store operations and give regional managers several ways to improve efficiency and customer service at their locations. For regional managers, appointments can be a way to improve profitability and efficiency by more effectively allocating staff resources.

                                  So what can regional managers use appointment scheduling for? Here are a few key things:

                                  Reduce downtime

                                  Employee downtime occurs when there are too many staff members on the clock for the work that needs to be done at that time. Appointments help reduce downtime in two key ways: You can offer appointments during known lull times to smooth the peaks and valleys of foot traffic, and you can reduce your staff levels to an appropriate point during times when customers simply aren’t coming into the store. Additionally, when customers come in for appointments, you know your employees will be engaged with them, ensuring that there’s minimum downtime.

                                  Set hours of operation

                                  Appointment volume can be a useful metric for determining hours of operation. For example, if you notice that you get very few appointments on Mondays, and that dovetails with lower foot traffic overall, you have a compelling case to close business on Mondays.

                                  Reduce no-shows

                                  One of the downfalls of manual appointment setting is that appointment reminders are also a matter of having staff make follow-up calls. By contrast, appointment scheduling software sends automated reminders via text or email so customers get timely appointment information. This reduces the likelihood they no-show. With a reminder, they can easily reschedule or cancel in advance if they’re unable to make the appointment.

                                  Increase regional revenue

                                  Appointments increase basket size and revenue, so regional managers who need to show growth can turn to them as a means of improving revenue numbers.

                                  According to JRNI’s Consumer Behavior Research, 64% of respondents said they typically spend or invest more in products after they’ve had a personalized appointment. One leading retailer, Jojo Maman Bébé, used appointment scheduling to increase overall appointment volume by making it easier to book from the website. They found that the conversion rates of appointments were higher than those of walk-ins, with 60% of customers making a purchase after an appointment.

                                  A study from Forrester Consulting looked at the Total Economic Impact™ of using JRNI. The researchers tracked results for a major enterprise with over $3 billion in revenue and 200+ locations. The results over three years include:

                                  • 60% annual increase in appointment volume
                                  • $3.1 million in increased profit from appointments
                                  • 143% ROI

                                  Read the full study here.

                                  Manage and even out foot traffic

                                  For now and the foreseeable future, COVID-19 is impacting how businesses can serve customers on-location. It’s not just about making people wear masks or implementing a limit on occupancy. Research from McKinsey showed that consumers are still worried about shopping, and are avoiding out-of-home activities that aren’t essential. When they do go out in public, whether to a store or to the bank, they are looking for visible signs that businesses care about safety.

                                  Managing traffic flow has always been essential for businesses to run smoothly, but due to the safety concerns caused by COVID-19, it has only increased in importance. Appointments are one way to alleviate consumer concerns about safety. They can be a replacement for walk-ins, or can give customers the option to have a 1-1 meeting with a staff member, rather than have to wait in lines.

                                  Additionally, remote appointments are a powerful alternative for customers who want a face-to-face meeting, but aren’t comfortable actually doing it in-person. Businesses that can offer these options and give customers more flexibility will have an advantage until we reach a point where medical officials remove their restrictions.

                                  Appointment scheduling for operations

                                  Appointments require an operational commitment. They aren’t just an add-on to your existing business. Here’s how operations teams can leverage appointments to improve how their businesses run.

                                  Create an omnichannel experience

                                  Brick-and-mortar stores aren’t dead. They’re being put in their proper place as a part of the customer journey. They’re a distinct touchpoint and should be treated as such. The hard part for businesses is that seamlessly getting users from digital channels to physical ones is difficult. Appointment scheduling software can be a powerful connection between online and physical channels, creating a true omnichannel experience.

                                  With appointment scheduling integrated into digital channels, customers can use digital channels to research, compare, and identify possible items to purchase. If they want to go deeper, or get support on a complex decision, appointment scheduling is a few clicks away. This helps them connect their online activity with face-to-face, in-store interactions.

                                  Identify profitable services

                                  Understanding what services and products customers care enough about to book an appointment for can be a guide to where your competitive advantage is. These are likely profitable offerings that people are willing to pay more for.

                                  Operations and product teams can use this data when improving existing offerings or looking for new, complementary products they can introduce.

                                  Appointment scheduling goes beyond the interaction between staff and customers. It can unlock new opportunities across multiple business units, even those that don’t directly work with customers. It can improve revenue and profitability, drive a deeper understanding of your customers, and make operations more efficient. Before you deploy appointment scheduling, make sure you understand how different teams can leverage appointments and the resultant data so you can make the most of it.

                                  The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                                  Footfall management: Safety in lower numbers https://www.jrni.com/blog/footfall-management-safety-in-lower-numbers Tue, 15 Sep 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/footfall-management-safety-in-lower-numbers

                                  The entrance of COVID-19 onto the world stage has resulted in many firsts. For most customers, March 2020 marked the first time they wore a mask in public, the first time a store associate spritzed hand sanitizer into their palms, and the first time they had to stand in line to gain entry to their bank. It meant challenges for the mall, a disruption to store footfall and a challenge for customer service.

                                  Capacity management is another first we all can share. For the first time, businesses needed to think about footfall management and occupancy with an eye toward managing traffic rather than encouraging large numbers. Tight limits were in place, whether you operate retail stores, bank branches, or any other spaces where visitors congregate to conduct business, their safety was your priority.

                                  How COVID-19 is changing the landscape

                                  Until 2020, managing footfall and crowds was primarily a response to guidance around fire safety. In the past, the more customers you had inside your stores at any given time, the better; it implied that you had the right products or services and conveyed an air of demand. More bodies simply meant there was an opportunity for higher revenue. When COVID-19 hit, the experience of visiting physical locations changed drastically for businesses and customers alike - literally overnight, a full store or branch was cause for fear.

                                  Changes for businesses

                                  Now that we're all facing the aftermath of the pandemic, our new normal dictates a need for social distancing. This means creating spaces where customers have the autonomy to manage their own distance, and respect that of others.

                                  In our COVID-19 world, businesses need to rethink capacity as it relates to social distancing guidelines and find ways to measure how many occupants are in their stores in real time. With this data, businesses can manage perception and customer experience.

                                  Changes to customer experience

                                  Before COVID-19 created the need for social distancing, customers were able to come and go as they pleased and retailers depended on foot traffic.

                                  Customers are balancing two competing desires: They want to feel as much freedom as possible when visiting a bank branch or brick-and-mortar store. But they also want to feel safe in public.

                                  So when a customer drives up to a business to see other visitors waiting in a long line manned by a "bouncer" holding hand sanitizer, they don't feel reassured. They're likely feeling anxiety about the shopping experience: Will they waste too much time in line? Will their desired item be out of stock by the time they get into the store? Will they even get inside before the store closes? The queue also means that customers have to be in close proximity with strangers, not all of whom are guaranteed to be careful about wearing masks or maintaining six feet of distance.

                                  Consequently, customers are tempted to drive away. They may return when they assume the lines have died down, they may find a new store or preferred branch, or they may turn to shopping online. E-commerce marketplace volume rose 14 percent within the first two weeks of social distancing rules in March, according to RetailDive.

                                  The importance of capacity management

                                  In light of new social distancing requirements and customer concerns, businesses need to be purposeful about focusing on customer experience more than ever. To that end, footfall management is key.

                                  Defining capacity management

                                  Capacity management, in this environment, means enabling customers to stay six feet apart by doing these three things:

                                  • Controlling the number of customers entering your locations
                                  • Monitoring how many customers are on-site
                                  • Knowing when you can let more customers in the door

                                  If you know how to effectively manage footfall, your customers can both enjoy themselves and feel safe.

                                  Benefits of capacity management

                                  There are three main benefits of capacity management:

                                  1. Protecting customer and employee health and safety

                                  The goal of capacity management is to create an environment where customers have no trouble maintaining enough distance to keep themselves and others safe. The more you facilitate footfall management in your locations, the easier it is for your customers to manage their own physical proximity to others.

                                  2. Reducing customer and employee frustration

                                  In a time when tensions are already high, customers don’t like feeling deprioritized because of long lines or poor occupancy management. Your employees’ morale may suffer through dealing with customer dissatisfaction, or worse - the New York Times reports that employees have even been injured trying to enforce mask rules.

                                  Footfall management can relieve frustration on both sides by giving you strategies for handling your locations’ busiest times of day. These might include virtual queues with wait time notifications or prebooked appointment times.

                                  3. Avoiding business loss and maintaining customer loyalty

                                  Before the pandemic, it was already common knowledge that retaining an existing customer was easier than attracting a new one. SignalMind reports that the probability of a sale from a new customer is only 5 to 20 percent, whereas the probability of converting an existing customer is between 60 and 70 percent.

                                  In the age of COVID-19, customer retention is even more crucial. Customers are highly attentive to which businesses provide a positive in-store experience - and which don’t. According to a study by McKinsey, as of mid-June, 75 percent of Americans had gone to new stores, tried new brands, and otherwise changed how they shopped during the pandemic. Even more importantly, more than 60 percent said they expected to stick with their new shopping patterns after the pandemic.

                                  Capacity management will help your business be one they want to return to again and again. They’ll know to expect adequate distance from other customers and quality customer service because of smart occupancy preparedness. Plus, they’ll know that if they do have to wait, there will be a safe and convenient system in place to let them be in line without actually being in line.

                                  Leveraging capacity management in your locations

                                  Capacity management is still an evolving concept. Businesses are continuing to experiment with a variety of solutions, from the simple, like spacing customers six feet apart with tape on sidewalks, to the technologically advanced, such as deploying new software that can measure customer occupancy.

                                  Capacity management solutions

                                  The following capacity management strategies have proven to work well for many businesses since the start of the pandemic.

                                  Offering prearranged appointments

                                    This method allows customers to reserve a time slot at an establishment, usually through the business's website. This guarantees the customer entry with no wait time. Apart from general use, this solution also helps businesses reserve time slots for at-risk populations.

                                    People counting

                                      With this method, a store greeter manually logs visitors as they enter and exit to ensure that occupancy doesn't go over capacity. In the most basic application of this strategy, a single greeter manning one door can simply use a whiteboard and marker. However, new software allows multiple greeters at numerous doors to sync and view the current occupancy count in near-real time.

                                      Virtual queuing

                                        When an establishment reaches maximum capacity, an employee can add walk-ins to a virtual queue. Some systems also allow visitors to add themselves to a virtual queue through the business's website. The virtual queue system can notify customers of their wait time via email or phone, and then send another notification when it's the customer's turn to enter the location.

                                        Educating your customers on capacity management

                                        It may seem strange to enlist the customer’s help in maintaining optimal capacity management. However, customers will feel more at ease if they clearly understand how your business locations are managing footfall and how they can cooperate with your efforts.

                                        Start by educating your customers before they arrive at your locations. In order to let them know your newly implemented strategies, you can use email lists or social media, depending on what kind of advertising your locations are already doing.

                                        Clearly lay out the options customers have for visiting your locations, as well as the rationale behind them. For instance, you could encourage customers to opt for your virtual queue during more popular hours and let them know that less popular hours are better for appointment scheduling.

                                        Promoting the options you’d like your customers to choose at any given time of day educates them on what they can expect and gives them a choice for how and when to engage with your stores. For example, if you own a crafts store where customers could once freely drop in to classes, you may now choose to limit class capacity by inviting customers to register for classes.

                                        This gives you the ability to lay out your classrooms to accommodate participants according to social distancing guidelines, as well as automatically cap the number of participants.

                                        Employee training for better capacity management

                                        Another part of educating your customers is educating your employees. Some retailers have employees assigned specifically to the role of sanitation. It’s not uncommon for an individual employee or team of employees to provide excellent customer service by greeting customers at the door, offering hand sanitizer and face masks.

                                        Employees assigned to the role of sanitization can teach customers about your stores’ safety procedures and set the tone for their customer experience. A friendly greeting, an invitation to follow procedures, and a thank-you for following those procedures all serve to educate the customer.

                                        You also need to teach your employees how to work with a mask on, keep their distance from customers, and help customers navigate new layouts and product placement. When you educate your customers before they arrive, educate them again once they are in your stores, and empower your employees to reinforce your company’s procedures, you have more control over footfall.


                                        Managing capacity in retail stores, the shopping mall, bank branches, or other businesses helps you maintain the health and safety of your employees and customers during the pandemic. As the global community continues to learn more about COVID-19, you have the opportunity to show your customers you are concerned with their individual well-being - as well as your willingness to pivot in innovative ways.

                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                        The case for prioritizing accessibility in software https://www.jrni.com/blog/prioritizing-accessibility-in-software Thu, 10 Sep 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/prioritizing-accessibility-in-software

                                        At JRNI, we’re fully committed to delivering an inclusive platform that considers the needs of all users. Accessibility is not an afterthought, but a core part of our development process that is considered from ideation through to delivery.

                                        How do we make sure we get this done? By following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), version 2.1 AA. WCAG 2.1 covers a wide range of recommendations for making content more accessible to a wider range of people, including those with visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities. To learn more about how JRNI incorporates WCAG 2.1 into our product, check out our datasheet.

                                        JRNI is regularly tested by a third-party company, QualityLogic, to ensure that we’re adhering to WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines, and we sat down with two of their team members to have a chat about accessibility with the experts.

                                        Clyde Valentine is a Client Engagement Lead at QualityLogic. He helps prospective clients understand how the company's services can help meet their needs as well onboard them with the QualityLogic team.

                                        Paul Morris is the QA Engineering Manager and Test Lab Manager for QualityLogic. He is responsible for the quality assurance professionals and processes at the company’s Boise operation. Paul also developed and now leads QualityLogic’s accessibility testing program. He happens to be blind.

                                        Why do you think accessibility is an important topic that all companies should consider?

                                        Paul: Two reasons come immediately to mind. The first is the basic concept of compliance. There is increasing legal pressure to make digital assets accessible and compliant with WCAG standards. The second reason is based around the human element. Assistive technology allows many people to participate in the digital arena with a high level of competence and skill. In fact, the assistive technology experience can be so good, it may be impossible to tell if someone has a disability.

                                        This remains true until someone using assistive technology comes across a digital property that simply does not work with their assistive technology. The level of effort to make a digital product that works well with assistive technology is not overly burdensome, and it is my opinion that making the effort is good for the populace as a whole. Enabling people to interact with products so that they can enjoy the same level of access as a non-disabled individual is simply good for the economy and good for the spirit.

                                        What’s the low-hanging fruit when it comes to accessibility - the items that are fairly easy to fix but make a huge difference in achieving inclusive design?

                                        Paul: The low-hanging fruit is to follow good coding practices, ensuring all controls are properly labeled and tagged. For website design, staying as close to basic HTML as possible is always the best option to make a product fully accessible. WAI ARIA (more on this below!) can complicate things, so if a control can be implemented in standard HTML, that is the preferred route.

                                        For the techies among you: WAI ARIA is the accessibility evolution that occurred when companies started making websites act more like applications. User interface elements were added using Javascript that emulated experiences that were more akin to native mobile and desktop applications. Many of these tools were not accessible to screen readers and WAI ARIA closed this gap. If you consider visually common controls such as date pickers and dropdown menus, these were often not accessible. WAI ARIA adds markup to the code which instructs the assistive technology on how to handle the controls, thus making them accessible.

                                        What’s the biggest mistakes companies make when it comes to accessibility?

                                        Paul: When you look at a website, a lot of the way a user is supposed to interact with the site is guided by visual queues. For example, many websites have a navigation bar that is visually indicated by a background color or a specific link or button style. Imagine if all of the coloration and styling were gone and the entire website was composed of a long list of links and elements that had no columns or visual layout. That is how websites appear when they are being read by assistive technology. All content is read from the top left, announcing each element until the bottom right of the content is reached. Developers and user interface designers often think in pure aesthetics rather than in functional terms, and this can create a great deal of ambiguity for the user who is interacting with assistive technology.

                                        Many developers rely on font styling to indicate different areas of the page and text that they want to emphasize. Rather than just font styling, though, the assistive technology relies on developers specifying headings and regions using the appropriate HTML markup. By marking up HTML with headings and regions, assistive technology can allow a user to jump around to different sections of the page using a single key.

                                        Clyde: I would say that one of the biggest mistakes is not so much technical as it is cultural. Having a company culture that does not value accessibility or views it as something to have a bandage slapped on and then disregarded is a company bound for failure in this area. Ideally, a company promotes inclusivity and taking time to do things the right way. They also view accessibility as the responsibility of everyone from business analysts to developers to QA and above. Accessibility, like any aspect of producing a high-quality product, can definitely be facilitated through techniques, but the overall effectiveness of the organization at achieving these goals is dependent upon the value of and mentality that accessibility is important and worth the time.

                                        “Having a company culture that does not value accessibility or views it as something to have a bandage slapped on and then disregarded is a company bound for failure in this area.”

                                        Clyde Valentine, Client Engagement Lead

                                        Have you seen a change in focus on accessibility over time, and what do you attribute this to?

                                        Paul: There has been a marked increase in this area. My best guess is tied back to why companies consider this to be an important topic. I think there is a blend of companies facing litigation because their products aren’t accessible, or individuals are becoming more aware of the subject and are making a conscious decision to be inclusive. My hope is that it is more the latter than the former.

                                        What’s the top tip you would give a company that is just embarking on an accessibility journey?

                                        Paul: Talk to a company that understands the problem and who has individuals with disabilities. At the end of the day, having some accessibility consulting prior to laying down code can make all the difference to a successful program. That way designers get to know their audience, and get to experience a little of just what needs to happen to make a design accessible.

                                        Clyde: Get educated and get started. Like anything, success is a game of inches and not miles, so getting started and working to make improvements (even if it’s not perfect) is really important. Make an active effort. And beyond that, get informed about it. Take the time to understand what accessibility is all about, and like Paul suggested, try to get direct experience from people with disabilities so you’re not just understanding it conceptually but really understanding it from the user’s perspective.

                                        “At the end of the day, having some accessibility consulting prior to laying down code can make all the difference to a successful program.”

                                        Paul Morris, QA Engineering Manager and Test Lab Manager

                                        What do you think is the biggest benefit companies get from inclusive design?

                                        Clyde: I think the benefits span the board. While it depends on the product, there’s a financial incentive because enabling more users to access your product is just expanding your audience and the benefits that come with that user base. It’s also low-hanging fruit in many ways because you already have an audience potentially there, so, rather than having to go out and market, you’re really just making it accessible to people who would already be interested. But on the marketing front, having a product that is accessible and a pleasure to use is a great way to tap into this audience and differentiate yourself from your competitors. Beyond that, you can feel good about the effort that you’ve made to make your product inclusive, and you can avoid the headache of litigation.

                                        Want to learn more about how JRNI prioritizes accessibility? Be sure to check out the blog post: The importance of accessibility in appointment scheduling.

                                        How COVID-19 has impacted retail (infographic) https://www.jrni.com/blog/covid19-impact-on-retail-infographic Tue, 08 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/covid19-impact-on-retail-infographic

                                        How has COVID-19 impacted retail?

                                        It goes without saying that retail may be forever changed by COVID-19. Like in many other sectors, the pandemic has accelerated trends that were already underway. This includes customers preferring online shopping, curbside pickup, virtual queuing, and virtual events. COVID-19 also brought new challenges impacting retail, such as social distancing and remote shopping appointments. Here's a breakdown of the changes we're seeing:👇

                                        COVID-19 impact on retail

                                        Adapting retail to the impacts brought by COVID-19

                                        As things continue to change during the pandemic, retailers are still adapting to changing needs. It’s clear that many of the impacts of COVID-19 will last quite a while, and retailers need to adopt an omnichannel approach.

                                        Want to learn how JRNI can help? Then sign up here to speak to an expert!

                                        Everything looks different in 2020, so why not holiday shopping? https://www.jrni.com/blog/changes-to-holiday-shopping-in-2020 Fri, 04 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/changes-to-holiday-shopping-in-2020

                                        As the golden quarter approaches, retail analysts, eCommerce vendors, and pundits of all sorts start issuing predictions for the upcoming peak season. Unsurprisingly, the data tells a confusing story this year, as COVID-19 has rendered the rule book useless.

                                        Although stores are officially open, the threat of local retail store lockdowns and second and third peaks loom. However, customers are still shopping, and online transactions are accelerating globally.

                                        Consumers want a shopping experience that is better, faster, and safer. We are seeing a blend of online and physical channels - a hybrid shopping experience - becoming more popular as consumers look to safely engage with brands.

                                        COVID-19 is also driving long-lasting behavioral shifts. As a result, many consumers no longer feel comfortable about undertaking 'normal' activities such as traveling on public transportation or using a changing room when shopping in-person. So, what will peak season look like in 2020?

                                        Shoppers are anxious but still spending

                                        According to research, the value of online retail sales in the US and abroad is estimated to increase by the end of 2020. Shoppers are making fewer trips to shops, but when they do, their basket value is much higher. Research undertaken by the ONS in April and May on the impact of the coronavirus on British society reveals a significant variation of anxiety levels among the UK population. Older generations are twice as likely as young adults to be experiencing high anxiety levels, while women are more than twice as likely as men to report feeling highly anxious. Similar results are evident in the US where a March study from the American Psychiatric Association revealed that:

                                        • 6 in 10 Americans felt the coronavirus disrupted their daily life;
                                        • 48% expressed fear of catching the virus;
                                        • 1 in 3 reported that COVID-19 was affecting their mental health.

                                        More recently, the ONS has released findings that highlight the enduring nature of these elevated anxiety levels on people's lives. Almost a quarter of people said they felt it would take more than a year for their life to return to 'normal' - or that it never would. This was true for each shopper, across age groups, including those between 16 and 29.

                                        With consumers predicting that, despite lockdown restrictions easing, it will take a long time to become comfortable about undertaking day-to-day activities, retailers will need to go the extra mile to generate foot traffic and ensure customers feel less wary about visiting stores.

                                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                        Retailers need to rebuild trust using a toolbox of resources

                                        Retailers are taking proactive steps to mitigate consumer anxiety and make the shopper experience in-store as seamless and convenient as possible.

                                        This includes offering more in-store contactless payment options that eliminate the need for shoppers to queue or use cash, as well as managing the physical environment to make it easier for shoppers to observe social distance when browsing, or entering and leaving the store.

                                        Utilizing technologies that enable enhanced footfall management will also support retailers in creating environments shoppers feel comfortable visiting.

                                        Monitoring occupancy levels and analyzing traffic data will also be critical. Solutions such as people counters, occupancy managers, and pre-booked appointments will allow retailers to proactively throttle footfall traffic, while building in adequate time for cleaning.

                                        Finally, retail stores able to satisfy returning customer shopping needs will be the most successful at getting them to make purchases. While occupancy restrictions may be in place, retailers should plan to overstaff to ensure that appropriate manpower is available to enforce new protocols and be available to deal with customer questions. Returning loyal customers will not tolerate waiting unnecessarily in-store to satisfy their pent-up desire to spend.

                                        Offer customers new shopping options

                                        Retailers should plan to provide alternative shopping options that can improve the customer experience.

                                        Allowing customers to schedule their visit to the physical store, or shop by appointment, will give them the added reassurance that they are unlikely to encounter a crowd. Such footfall management strategies will also ensure the retail store is properly staffed. Providing a full up-to-date and detailed overview of the shopping option available to customers on the store's website will enable shoppers to assess the measures a retailer has put in place and select the option that's most appropriate to their immediate needs.

                                        Many retailers adopted innovative new approaches to providing shopping services for loyal customers, while lockdown was still in place. These includes offering online video appointments for customers preferring a one-to-one personal shopping consultation or product demonstration. This next highly personalized evolution of the shopping experience gives customers the opportunity for product discovery, curation, and 'live' customer service interactions they crave - and looks set to become an established part of the way we continue to shop going forward.

                                        Sustaining the rebound

                                        Planning for peak season will no doubt be different, however, early indications are that many consumers are eager to experience a hybrid experience of human interaction and personalized online shopping. Queue management and footfall management solutions will be the helpful elves behind the scenes as shoppers queue to sit on Santa's lap this year, and those retailers that provide a safe and engaging store experience will be hearing the sound of bells ringing this season. Well, at least hearing the ringing of cash registers.

                                        Single virtual queues vs. multiple virtual queues: Which is right for your business? https://www.jrni.com/blog/single-queues-vs-multiple-queues Wed, 02 Sep 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/single-queues-vs-multiple-queues

                                        The virtual queue is not a new concept: for years, businesses like banks, restaurants, and telecommunications retailers have used virtual queuing systems to help their customers avoid the tedium of waiting in a physical line.

                                        During the pandemic, virtual queues have taken on a new importance. With restrictions on footfall, and a need for social distancing, retailers are being driven to find new solutions to manage walk-in traffic, while delivering safe and exemplary service. For scale, it’s important to note that in April 2020, Walmart restricted in-store customer capacity to just 20 percent of usual traffic to guarantee customers a safer shopping experience. Retailers that had not previously needed to employ virtual queues now need more seamless ways to meter the flow of customers into stores, while guaranteeing customers a safer and less stressful experience.

                                        Setting up a virtual queuing system is vital to ensuring a safe and frictionless experience for customers. At the most basic level, a single queue funnels each customer into the same virtual line, whereas multiple queues translate to multiple lines, usually for different goods or services. Each queuing system has its pros and cons and can be useful for specific situations.

                                        Single virtual queues

                                        A single queue is the most straightforward type of queue, whether physical or virtual. They are generally simpler to set up than multiple queues and are fair and efficient in cases where all customers are waiting for the same thing.

                                        Businesses that use single virtual queues

                                        Before the pandemic, a variety of businesses were using a variety of solutions to manage queues. Many restaurants have implemented queuing systems where customers check in at an entrance, give their mobile numbers to a host, and then get a text message when a table is available. Retail shops sometimes use this system as well; for example, there are some tire shops that enter customers into a queue when they arrive, and then notify those customers when it’s their turn to have their tires changed; ; similarly, we’re all familiar with going to the phone store and awaiting our names to escalate to the top of the board.

                                        In recent months, a wider range of establishments have been experimenting with virtual queuing systems. Grocery chains have adopted a queue management system to control entry into their stores: customers check in on an app and can then wait in their cars or elsewhere for their turn to enter and shop.

                                        After reopening with newly established safety protocols in place, Universal Orlando offers virtual queues for select rides and attractions to control park attendee capacity inside the ride queues themselves. Guests still wait in line, but virtual queues keep those lines short and moving more quickly. Similarly, retailers such as Dunelm are using virtual queues to power their Deliver to Car application designed for consumers to pick up their purchases post checkout. The commonality between each of these establishments is that they provide one basic service type, making a single queue ideal.

                                        Benefits of single virtual queues

                                        For businesses like these that need queues to funnel customers toward a single shopping or service experience, a single queue offers distinct benefits.

                                        First, customers appreciate the feeling that a single queue is fair, making the arrival process easier: the first to arrive will be the first served. Furthermore, anxiety about being forgotten or being in the wrong line can make wait times seem longer.

                                        In a single virtual queue, customers know for sure they’re in the right line and that they haven’t been forgotten. In fact, many solutions will specify just where the customer is in line, so they can track progress as they move to the head of the line. And a virtual queue has the benefit of being impossible to cut - customers aren’t able to jump ahead online.

                                        Multiple virtual queues

                                        Multiple queues can be more complex, but there are some cases where it’s worth the extra time and effort to build a multiple virtual queuing system.

                                        Businesses that use multiple virtual queues

                                        At a single bank branch, a customer may want to access a broad array of services, from a simple check deposit to taking out a home loan or accessing a safe-deposit box. Asking these customers to wait in a single line for all of these services may not make sense - customers may need to see a particular type of employee for a particular type of service, and some services take much longer to provide than others. For these reasons, using a separate queue for each service type is one of the many ways banks can improve their wait times and customer satisfaction.

                                        During the COVID-19 pandemic, Apple has implemented multiple queues for customers interested in shopping at an Apple store or receiving tech support in person. As before the pandemic, customers can make an appointment for service at an Apple Genius Bar, but now customers can also make appointments online to pick up equipment they’ve purchased. In some stores, customers wishing to browse will also have to wait in a physical line to enter the store, given reduced store capacity. In this instance, Apple is using multiple queues to sustain safe access to their core services.

                                        Benefits of multiple virtual queues

                                        If you’ve ever been in a long waiting line at the Department of Motor Vehicles just to be told you have to go wait in a second line to get the service you actually need, you’ll understand how multiple queues can improve the customer experience. Similarly, there’s nothing worse than getting to the airport, waiting in the security line, only to find out you’ve been waiting in pre-check line, without the credentials to be there.

                                        Giving customers straightforward access to the services they need makes them feel well taken care of: a 2018 Oracle survey found that 77 percent of consumers think inefficient customer service worsens their quality of life, and the ability to immediately access the right person would improve their experience. Setting up a queuing system with multiple queues can ensure that customers get the correct staff members to assist them, and you won’t need to transfer a customer from person to person.

                                        A smart multiple queue system can help provide customers with a more accurate estimate of wait times, since it takes into account which specific service they’ll need. Customers are much happier to wait if a queuing system gives them realistic information about the wait time. Many studies over the years have repeatedly noted that customer satisfaction declines when customers have longer waiting times than expected.

                                        In a multiple queue system, staff members also get more information about who is coming their way. They can see what services upcoming customers need so that they can better prepare for the next task. Managers can also see if there’s a long queue with multiple consumers waiting for a particular service and reallocate staff members as needed.

                                        Managing single and multiple virtual queues

                                        Given the benefits of virtual queuing systems, what are some of the best practices for deploying them? A good queuing system, once set up, allows customers to join, monitor, and leave the queue with ease.

                                        How to set up a single queue system

                                        A single queue system should include the following features:

                                        • Check-in options: To begin, customers need a way to join the queue. Businesses can choose different systems that make sense for them, including physical kiosks at the entry, a greeter at the door with a tablet, or even an all-online solution where customers can join a queue through a simple interface on their phone or computer. In systems that run primarily on appointments, it can be useful to include a walk-in option for customers who arrive without an appointment.
                                        • Centralized queuing dashboard: This gives a real-time overview of the state of the queue. Users can monitor queue length, see all the customers in the queue, track wait times, view available staff, and more.
                                        • Estimated wait times: Virtual queuing solutions should be able to generate accurate wait times that keep customers and staff informed and prepared.
                                        • Customer self-serve: These features give customers the ability to monitor their place in line, leave the line, or note that they’re running late without having to interact with staff or even be nearby.
                                        • Notifications: Customers receive SMS or in-app notifications when they’ve reached the end of the line and staff is available to assist them.
                                        • Data analysis: Virtual queue management systems allow businesses to collect information they can analyze to improve their services. For example, by looking at information about when certain services are in high demand, managers can better plan their staffing for the future.

                                        For an example of how this works on the ground, consider the system that Starbucks has put into place: Customers can use their mobile app to order ahead. The app remembers their favorite orders and allows them to pay online. Once they select a store for pickup, the app gives them an estimated wait time. On arrival at the store, their order will be waiting at the designated pickup area. This seamless process allows a customer to skip the crowd at the counter and get their favorite order with minimal hassle.

                                        How to set up a multiple queue system

                                        A multiple queue system should have all the features listed above for single queues but also give you additional options:

                                        • Ability to configure multiple virtual queues: The user should be able to set up multiple queues and access information about each queue through a single application.
                                        • Capacity to match customers with qualified staff: The system should allow you to deploy staff members who have the skills required to meet a customer’s needs and to monitor whether you need to reassign staff to different queues as demand changes.

                                        Innovative credit unions are employing these systems: on arrival, customers sign in at a kiosk in the lobby and request the service they need. For simple services, like address changes, customers are directed to a teller, reserving service reps for more complex tasks.

                                        Managers report that tellers and service reps love being able to see who is waiting and for what services. They also appreciate being able to use analytics to further reduce wait times and increase staffing during rush periods, improving efficiency across the board.

                                        Choosing the best virtual queuing system

                                        To realize the benefits of a virtual queue system, it’s important to follow the best practices of queuing theory. Solutions aren’t one-size-fits-all, and you’ll need to take into account the specific needs of your business.

                                        For more information on virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                                        Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                                        How to create a digital waiting experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/create-a-digital-waiting-experience Thu, 13 Aug 2020 10:01:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/create-a-digital-waiting-experience

                                        COVID-19 has had a sweeping impact on businesses across the globe, and it shows no sign of slowing down. As the pandemic continues to play out, many businesses are moving their customer experiences online for the health and safety of their customers. Although this transition comes with obvious changes for both businesses and the people they serve, some parts of the customer journey remain the same.

                                        Regardless of whether customers are interacting with a business in-person or online, waiting is often a key part of the customer experience. No matter how customers are waiting—standing in line in a bank or retail location, sitting in their cars, or multitasking at home—businesses should create a waiting experience instead of leaving customers to stew in the frustrations of boredom and wasted time. It’s time for businesses to create a digital waiting experience.

                                        Rather than considering the necessity of transitioning to online services as a negative, businesses can view it as an opportunity. Before the pandemic, many consumers were already expressing an interest in involving technology in the shopping process. In fact, a survey conducted by Bouncepad revealed that 78 percent of consumers want retailers, restaurants, and hotels to do a better job of using technology to improve the customer experience. Businesses should take that as a green light to use the critical digital waiting experience to optimize the customer experience.

                                        Features and benefits of digital waiting rooms

                                        According to the New York Times, Americans spend about thirty-seven billion hours each year waiting in line. That’s a large number, but it pales in comparison to how long Americans feel like they’re spending in line. It’s not surprising, then, that research on queuing suggests people tend to overestimate how long they spend in lines by about 36 percent. Research also suggests that wait times feel shorter when people are occupied as opposed to unoccupied.

                                        Key to a successful digital waiting room are features that distract customers from both real and perceived wait times. Businesses should look to educate and entertain customers while they wait, striving to make the wait time more productive and less frustrating.

                                        Highlighting products and services

                                        For example, the best digital waiting room or lobby experiences will educate waiting customers about new or additional products and services. Retailers can highlight special promotions, showcase new styles, or inform customers about curbside pickup options. Similarly, banks might highlight new video banking services or financial planning services. Showcasing services that help meet customers’ altered needs during the COVID-19 pandemic is especially valuable right now.

                                        Offering reassurance and establishing trust and credibility

                                        Businesses should likewise focus on preparing customers for the interaction awaiting them on the other end of their wait time and providing reassurance in what is undoubtedly an anxiety-filled time for many. While waiting for an in-store appointment, for example, customers can be shown more information about the cleaning regimen and safety precautions their local store or bank branch is utilizing for their protection. Additionally, customers can learn what documentation or identification they need to have ready for their upcoming appointment or transaction, which offers the added benefit of streamlining the upcoming customer interaction.

                                        While highlighting health and safety measures to build customer trust, businesses can also more generally use waiting time to educate customers on their areas of expertise. A local bank branch might, for example, highlight mortgage experts or small business loan specialists to expand customer awareness.

                                        Providing entertainment

                                        Lastly, businesses shouldn’t neglect the opportunity to entertain customers while they wait. Interactive quizzes and games distract customers and provide a platform for additional educational opportunities. A fun financial literacy quiz can assess a customer’s existing knowledge base concerning financial services and serve as a segue for tailored product and service recommendations.

                                        According to research from the Content Marketing Institute, 77 percent of marketers agree that interactive content can have reusable value. In other words, it encourages repeat customers and multiple exposures. So interactive content is especially important for businesses looking not only to improve customers’ current waiting experience but also to encourage repeat customer interactions.

                                        Creating a digital waiting experience that works

                                        A frustration-free wait experience is the overall objective for any digital waiting room. Successfully creating such an experience requires effort. Businesses looking to meet this objective can focus on three key tools: virtual queue management solutions, digital signage, and designated web pages.

                                        Virtual queue management solutions

                                        Virtual queue management solution systems include front-end and back-end features that provide advantages to both customers and staff alike.

                                        Front-end features provide customers with self-service options to add or remove themselves from the queue and choose what services they need during the booking process. The system can also provide customers with a predicted wait time and alert them with SMS notifications when they are near the front of the line. Providing customers with greater control over their waiting experience and updates about wait time helps reduce frustration.

                                        A key back-end feature of virtual queue management systems is a robust staff dashboard. This dashboard can provide staff with up-to-date line metrics and help prepare them for upcoming customer interactions by providing information on who is next in line, how long they have waited, and what they need. Queue management systems also provide valuable data that businesses can leverage for future customer experience optimization. This includes data on peak service times, top customers, and basket size.

                                        Digital signage

                                        Digital signage is a great way to optimize the customer waiting experience—and benefit staff as well. Whether in stores or in parking lots, digital signage can provide customers with up-to-date, rotating information on a business’s products and services and health and safety policies. In addition to the more obvious information—cleaning regimens, promotions of new products—consider the other myriad messaging opportunities with good digital signage:

                                        • Alert customers to what they need to be prepared for when they go inside, especially in terms of face mask and social distancing policies.
                                        • Highlight information about local store or branch managers.
                                        • Advertise job openings.
                                        • Provide upbeat messaging, whether it’s a “Welcome back!” or a thank-you note to staff and customers supporting your business during closures.

                                        And don’t forget to maximize technology use with your digital signage. Many facilities currently have a maximum capacity; attaching an automatically updating data source (via Excel, for example) to your digital sign helps potential customers keep track of how many people are currently onsite.

                                        Designated web pages

                                        While providing educational content to waiting customers, digital signs can also direct customers—especially those waiting in their cars—to specific web pages. And by functioning as an ideal platform for interactive content, they’re a great resource for customer entertainment.

                                        Businesses should ensure that all their designated web pages for customers waiting in line are mobile friendly. After all, more than 50 percent of Google searches are now done via mobile devices. Likewise, businesses should tailor web pages geographically. By analyzing customer data, companies can highlight the most popular products or services on regionally specific web pages to best meet customer needs.

                                        Improving the digital waiting experience

                                        If a business seeks to best meet customer needs, it can’t rest on its laurels and become complacent once it has established a virtual waiting experience. Instead, businesses must continue to tweak and track the system’s success by managing its operation for improved performance. For example, businesses should test features of the system and ensure that designated web pages are, in fact, mobile-friendly and that customers receive SMS notifications about their place in line at the correct time.

                                        As mentioned, businesses should consider integrating customer surveys along with interactive quizzes and games into the waiting experience. While functioning as activities to keep customers occupied and reduce their perceived wait time, such surveys can help companies find out what’s working well and what needs some retooling.

                                        Survey data also works well to complement the data that a queue management system provides. Consequently, both data sets help banks and retailers improve their digital waiting experience for optimal customer and staff experience, thus improving overall business success.

                                        Ultimately, a successful digital waiting experience is a great touchpoint that enhances and streamlines the customer’s experience with your company. And now, more than ever, it’s time for your digital engagement solutions to shine.

                                        Resources for your business

                                        In the face of uncertainty, digital solutions are evolving to help serve the needs of your business and your customers. For more information on how JRNI’s virtual queuing solution can help assist your company during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, check out our queuing datasheet and consider reaching out to a JRNI representative for more guidance.

                                        Download the datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing
                                        How to reduce waiting times with queue management https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-reduce-queue-wait-times Wed, 29 Jul 2020 09:19:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-reduce-queue-wait-times

                                        Worth the wait: queue management done right

                                        All over the world, businesses are grappling with the novel challenges of operating during a global pandemic. Organizations have long been aware of the benefits of a well-organized queuing system. However, the benefits of reducing time spent waiting in a queue are even more pronounced due to recent events.

                                        For example, the six-foot rule means many customers prefer not to wait in a long queue, in close proximity to others. Accordingly, brick-and-mortar stores are putting measures in place to help maintain that distance and emphasize their commitment to customer health and wellness. These measures include painting circles on the floor, erecting plexiglass barriers, requiring masks, and offering hand sanitizer.

                                        However, not all solutions are physical. Virtual queue management can give customers peace of mind by offering transparent wait times and the control to decide where they wait, and how they choose to social distance. Organized, well-managed queues can reduce customer anxiety, alleviate customer frustration, and create positive brand experiences.

                                        The benefits of well-organized queue management

                                        Over the past few months, online and mobile banking have become more widely adopted with the use of mobile banking, up by 85 percent in the spring. In addition, online retail has understandably surged during lockdown. In both cases, the reopening of physical locations has seen an increase in foot traffic.

                                        It’s likely, however, that customers will be even more impatient about having to wait. So on the one hand, long lines at an establishment suggest desirability and can even increase purchase quantity. On the other hand, people hate feeling like they’re the last in line, and a visibly long line can deter customers altogether, while generating concerns about overall health and safety.

                                        With this in mind, retailers and banks can use optimized queuing systems to improve their businesses in four key areas.

                                        1. Safety

                                        In these days of COVID-19, a store or bank’s clear adherence to CDC guidelines for health and social distancing goes a long way toward reassuring customers and ensuring repeat business. For example, virtual queues allow customers to avoid physically lining up at all. This frees them to browse the store or even wait outside or in their cars until they can be seen.

                                        A recent survey of 2,000 banking customers conducted by Shikatani Lacroix showed that 45.6 percent of respondents would welcome a mobile feature for customers to book appointments. Similarly, 44.1 percent thought banks should implement a system allowing customers to queue via mobile app rather than in the branch. In other words, these banking customers were hoping for virtual queuing and appointment scheduling.

                                        2. Customer experience

                                          While safety is currently an especially crucial part of making customers feel welcome, the psychology of queuing has some fascinating effects on the overall customer experience. While it sounds dramatic, research from the Northridge Group suggests 72 percent of customers are tempted to switch companies after only one negative service experience. Additionally, our own research on consumer banking suggests that 44 percent of consumers who visit their bank’s branches reported that a long wait in line was the primary reason for their dissatisfaction with the experience.

                                          All this suggests that waiting in line (whether for a service or to make a purchase) has a significant effect on customers’ overall perceptions of a brand. In part, this is because waiting is a static and solitary experience, one that can leave customers feeling ignored.

                                          Optimized queue management systems help improve customer flow, reduce or even eliminate lines, and allow staff to focus on customer service.

                                          3. Revenue impact

                                          Queues are not inherently problematic. In fact, sometimes a longer wait gives customers time to add things to their basket and even induces larger customer purchases. As researchers from the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University note, “This is driven by mental accounting: A larger purchase allows people to offset the fixed cost of the long wait.”

                                          This same research project suggests that offering customers interesting diversions (such as informational displays or reading material) can improve the queuing experience and keep people from abandoning their purchase and the establishment. The key seems to be clarity. If customers understand why they must wait and can make a reasonable estimate of how long the wait will be, they’re more likely to be patient. Inexplicably long lines (or a sense that the order in which people are seen is unfair) quickly erode customer goodwill.

                                          4. Operational efficiency

                                            A well-managed queue has a positive impact not only on customer experience and revenue but also on operational efficiency. The right queue management system offers valuable and actionable data, such as

                                            • average wait times,
                                            • relative traffic on different days and times, and
                                            • variable wait times for different services.

                                            These metrics can guide staffing decisions, opening hours, and service lines. Sophisticated queue management systems should also allow a company to test different types of queues to learn which work best for their specific needs.

                                            Waiting times—perception and reality

                                            Thirty-seven billion hours—that is the approximate amount of time Americans spend waiting in lines every year. The actual time spent in lines is not really the problem, though. MIT professor Dr. Richard Larson, one of the world’s foremost experts on queuing theory, told the New York Times that people typically overestimate how long they’ve waited in a line by about 36 percent. This means that the actual wait time, no matter how brief or well managed, is not the issue. The real issue is perceived wait times - how long people feel like they are waiting.

                                            Equally importantly, research from Columbia Business School shows that the number of people in line affects customer behavior more dramatically than how quickly the line moves. Customers seem to prefer more lines with fewer people in each line than one long line that feeds into multiple tellers or cashiers, even if the latter is in fact the more efficient system.

                                            Thus, the optimal solution is a system that reduces both the perception and the reality of wait times.

                                            Six ways to reduce queue waiting times

                                            The question is therefore this: How do businesses ensure their queues are both organized and effective? These six queue management strategies can help to shorten wait times (both actual and perceived) and improve the customer experience.

                                            1. Implement a queue management system with both in-location and virtual queue options.

                                            Choosing and implementing a queue management system is an ideal first step. That’s because these systems enable a retailer or bank to collect the data they need to drive beneficial immediate and longer-term decisions.

                                            For example, a good queue management system can help customers by facilitating self-service through a real-time concierge interface. Simultaneously, it can help staff by managing customers’ arrival times and allowing staff to focus on providing the best-possible service during their in-person interactions with customers.

                                            2. Be transparent and keep customers informed.

                                              Customers mind waiting more when they don’t know how long their wait will last. For instance, a bank client may come into a local branch on her lunch hour, hoping to get in and out and head back to work. If she comes in and there are other people in line ahead of her, she might try to guess how long her wait will be, and that guess will affect her decision to stay or go.

                                              In contrast, if she knows she will get service before her lunch hour is over, she is much more likely to stay. Banks can avoid wait time uncertainty by making wait times public. A clearly visible display board showing approximate wait times helps keep customers informed. It also helps prevent customers from possibly misjudging a long line and leaving.

                                              When using virtual queues, businesses should also proactively notify customers of their place in line. If customers have to continue checking their wait time themselves, the virtual option may cause just as much tension as waiting in person. But if they receive convenient notifications that they are “moving up” in line, they are less likely to become frustrated.

                                              3. Offer appointment scheduling.

                                                Another excellent way to reduce customer uncertainty in relation to wait times is to offer appointment scheduling. Open-access scheduling, also known as advanced-access or same-day scheduling, allows customers to choose the time that best works for them. This means that when a customer arrives, they can immediately get the service they need.

                                                This advance scheduling also gives staff members the opportunity to prepare for the customer’s visit. They can look at the information they have about the customer and be ready with personalized service as soon as the customer arrives.

                                                4. Speed up service time.

                                                  Overall, staff members can much more quickly and effectively serve a client if they are at least somewhat familiar with the person they are helping. Virtual queues and hybrid queues help provide staff with relevant information while also keeping clients engaged.

                                                  With these types of queues, customers can begin their wait by checking in via a digital system and filling in key information, such as their name and details about their orders or services. Initially, this keeps them busy and minimizes their perceived wait time.

                                                  It also gives the staff relevant information about the customer so they can be prepared to assist them. The end result is faster service and improved customer satisfaction.

                                                  5. Use queue data to optimize staffing and pinpoint staff training needs.

                                                    The information that queue management systems provide can let managers know what kinds of problems are taking the longest to solve. It also helps managers know if staff are adequately trained to handle such problems.

                                                    If a staff member is taking noticeably longer (or noticeably shorter) to serve customers, managers can identify why that is. This can be an opportunity to improve training and also evaluate the success of overall training procedures.

                                                    6. Provide entertainment or education while customers wait.

                                                      Not all businesses can provide musical water fountains or jewel-mining games like vacationers get while waiting for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train at Disney World. All businesses can, however, make sure their customers have things to do and look at while they are waiting.

                                                      Wait times are an opportunity to engage patrons. For instance, companies can offer digital signage and video displays of new products or upcoming promotions. Banks can offer screens that cycle through financial tips, promotions for specific banking services and products, and information about the bank’s core mission and areas of expertise.

                                                      Another way to keep customers engaged is through the use of surveys or fun quizzes. There are two benefits of such interactive activities: (1) they give customers something to do with their wait time while (2) also providing valuable customer feedback.

                                                      Queue management is the key to reduce waiting times

                                                      Queues can be complicated to manage. However, when done right, they will not only fulfill customers’ needs but also benefit banks and retail stores in both short-term and long-term ways. By considering ways to reduce waiting times, businesses embrace the potential for improved customer service experiences, increased brand loyalty, and greater overall efficiency.

                                                      For more information on ways to improve queues, reach out to a JRNI expert. We can help you choose and implement the best queue management solutions for your business.

                                                      Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale - speak to an expert.
                                                      What will holiday shopping look like in 2020? https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-shopping-in-2020 Thu, 23 Jul 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-shopping-in-2020

                                                      Holiday music plays as people roam around crowded stores with mince pies and mulled wine in their hands; the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping. Doesn’t that feel like something from a different era? Could we see a glimpse of normality restoring in a matter of months? With COVID-19 restrictions in place, and the ever-present possibility of another spike in cases, what will the holiday retail rush look like in 2020?

                                                      The unpredictability of the current climate means it’s hard to predict what will happen during what retailers usually consider as their peak trading time. But what do we know, what can we do, and how can we ultimately ensure we adapt to the ever changing landscape of retail, and in a wider sense, the world?

                                                      1. Prepare now. The early bird catches the worm. 60% of consumers start their shopping before Christmas, with the top items consumers purchase for themselves during the holiday season being clothing, shoes, food, liquor, and books. Most retailers will have their holiday campaigns and sales planned out by the end of the summer in anticipation for the busy time ahead. We’ve been speaking to our retail clients who have been spotting key trends and changes over the last few months to predict how to act in the future, and what to invest in. We’re seeing that it’s very much a case of preparing for the best, while continuing to adapt quickly to what the next few months throws our way.
                                                      2. The rushed return to brick and mortar stores - what does this tell us? In certain places when quarantine restrictions lifted, consumers in their masses charged to return to normality. In the midst of a pandemic, this news screams that brick and mortar stores are greatly valued. Consumers really enjoy in-store shopping.

                                                        Some of our high end luxury retail clients have seen over a 500% increase in store revenue by offering 1:1 appointments, which offer a safe space where shoppers know they’ll be seen and have someone to speak to at a particular time. While some retailers have permanently closed stores, the priority should be about how to generate the most revenue out of the existing stores. Given the statistics, provided there is not another nationwide lockdown, retailers should prepare for busy stores in the lead up to the holiday season, prioritizing queue management and crowd control. 65% of consumers have indicated that during this crisis, a brand’s actions have a significant impact on their trust in the brand.** Guidance and reassurance as to how consumers can return to the stores safely is crucial for slowing the spread of infection, and nurturing a sense of trust across their customer base.
                                                      3. Engage virtually: “Retail therapy” is real. The phrase “retail therapy” has never been more poignant. Brick and mortar stores aside, the pandemic has given way to a huge spike in digital sales and engagement, with online sales growing 76% in June. Since stores have reopened, some brands are now seeing a slightly more equal balance of store vs digital revenue, while many others are still seeing a 50%-80% decrease in footfall. To cater to the entire customer base, and in preparation for another potential spike in infection, it’s key that retailers offer a way for customers to engage remotely. Not being prepared when COVID-19 first hit was understandable given the unprecedented nature of a global pandemic. But if brands aren’t prepared for a second wave, it will mean significant damage to their reputation. Engaging virtually could include offering curbside pickup, personalized 1:1 appointments, or interesting and educational events online. Ultimately, brand loyalty will soar by showing customers retailers are there with them, and for them, during these uncertain times.

                                                        So what will the peak trading months and the holiday season look like in 2020? Well… Who knows? What we do know is that retailers, now more than ever, must take a multifaceted approach when planning for peak season. Adaptability should be at the forefront of planning, preparation is key, and engaging with customers on a different level to distinguish themselves from other brands is fundamental to whether 2020 is the year that makes or breaks a brand’s business.

                                                        **Qualtrics – April 1, 2020

                                                        Consumers want to shop on their terms more than ever before. Download the white paper "Back in Business: The new rules of retail customer experience" to learn the five new rules of retail CX as the industry gets back to business.

                                                        The new rules of retail customer experience - download the free white paper!
                                                        How to improve the credit union member experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-the-credit-union-member-experience Tue, 21 Jul 2020 08:45:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-the-credit-union-member-experience

                                                        Consumers are turning to credit unions for a variety of reasons: competitive prices on products, commitment to local communities, and personalized service. Learning how to build on these strengths will help you attract and retain loyal members.

                                                        By paying attention to member engagement, technology, and personalization, you can improve the credit union member experience.

                                                        Effective ways for credit unions to improve member experience

                                                        Attracting and retaining credit union members requires learning who your potential members are and what they want. Once you have this information, you can then provide tools and software to your employees so they can exceed your members’ expectations.

                                                        Positioning staff to wow members

                                                        Personal, one-on-one interactions are critical for impressing your members. For example, increasing customer lifetime value (CLV) requires adding a human touch to every customer channel, whether it’s online or in a physical branch.

                                                        To help personalize your interactions with members, try the following strategies:

                                                        • Create an open culture and listen to members
                                                        • Take surveys and accept member feedback
                                                        • Incorporate member feedback in staff meetings
                                                        • Have an open-door policy and accept constructive criticism

                                                        You’ll also want to match your staff experts to member needs. A teller isn’t always the best staff member to handle an inquiry. So, for example, if members have questions about buying a home, you’ll want to pair them with a mortgage expert. Once you’ve done that, you can take advantage of scheduling software to manage booking appointments between members and staff.

                                                        Targeted communication, especially during the coronavirus pandemic, is also a key to building loyalty. Regular email newsletters from experts on your staff can help guide your members through uncertain times. Whether from the CEO or a small business loan specialist, such newsletters can help inspire confidence in your services and expertise.

                                                        Building relationships with a range of members

                                                        Across a wide variety of consumer types, banking customers and credit union members have a core set of interests. A 2019 global financial services consumer study from Accenture found that most consumers wanted the following:

                                                        • Integrated products for core needs: Consumers liked one-stop shopping for checking accounts, mortgages, auto loans, and insurance.
                                                        • Personalized offerings: One in two consumers wanted customized services, such as financial advice based on their spending habits.
                                                        • Shared data in return for better deals: If they trusted the security of their banking institution, consumers would provide information for discounts or faster service.
                                                        • Integration of physical and online channels: Consumers wanted truly omnichannel experiences incorporating branches and digital channels.

                                                        In addition, the report found that consumers generally fell into one of four categories: pioneers, pragmatists, skeptics, and traditionalists.

                                                        “Pioneers” are generally younger. They are more open to new technological advances and more risk tolerant. “Pragmatists” span all age groups. They are comfortable switching between various channels, careful about sharing data, and open to advice. “Skeptics” are wary of technology, averse to risk, and generally unsatisfied with their banking experience. And “traditionalists” are generally fifty-five years or older, less interested in technology, and value personal interaction with staff.

                                                        With this in mind, try surveying your members and paying close attention to each demographic. By doing so, you’ll better understand how to tailor your products and member services to meet all of your members’ needs and increase member satisfaction.

                                                        How you meet the needs of your diverse array of members requires flexibility and an awareness of consumer segmentation. Our detailed report on consumer preferences finds that one-on-one visits are crucial. For instance, 67 percent of consumers will invest more in services after a personal meeting. Ensure you’re efficiently managing these meetings with a range of products and services designed for the COVID-19 era and beyond.

                                                        Improving credit union member experience through employee engagement

                                                        A desire for one-on-one interactions is one of the core reasons consumers turn to credit unions. So in order to stay competitive, credit unions need to hire, train, and maintain skilled, knowledgeable, and happy staff. Enhancing employee experience services is a first step toward true engagement with your members.

                                                        Ways to enhance your employee experience

                                                        Generally, employees want a good salary and benefits, a comfortable and welcoming workplace, flexibility in work schedules, and potential for career advancement.

                                                        The benefits of a good employee experience are clear. They include lower rates of staff turnover, more productive employees, higher revenue, better employee engagement, and better customer service. A recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology survey found that profitability was 25 percent higher in companies with high levels of employee experience.

                                                        Thus, it’s important to take a proactive approach to the employee journey: recruit talent, train and grow your staff, allow for advancement, obtain feedback during performance reviews, and utilize your human resources department to engage and retain high-quality staff.

                                                        Credit unions are unique because they’re engaged in local communities. Because of this, involving your employees in community efforts can help them feel more connected to the place where they work. Consider participating in volunteer efforts at a local food bank, collecting donations for local nonprofits, or working for racial justice in your community.

                                                        Differences between employee engagement and employee experience

                                                        Better employee experience has proven to increase employee engagement. And this is the next step in creating more loyal, happy members. While employee experience is focused on what makes employees happy, employee engagement is focused on what makes your members happy.

                                                        Highly engaged employees are 2.25 times more productive than merely satisfied employees. So it’s crucial to your growth strategy and improving credit union member experience to promote and expand both employee and member engagement.

                                                        Here are several ways to enhance employee engagement:

                                                        • Be strategic: Make your mission clear and create ways for employees to buy in.
                                                        • Measure engagement: Take surveys of your members and employees and measure your progress.
                                                        • Create an authentic culture: Commit to an ongoing process of building member loyalty.

                                                        Employee engagement involves creating a culture where employees are on board with your credit union’s mission, products, and services. Once your employees are on board, you can promote these aspects of your credit union to your members with enthusiasm and passion. Credit unions that excel in employee engagement (such as Navy Federal Credit Union) know that employees who are passionate about their work create happier, more loyal members.

                                                        Technology to improve credit union member experience

                                                        Technology can help improve credit union member experience in a number of important ways. For example, it can help with offering more omnichannel options for members and providing tools for you to better collect and track member data.

                                                        The value of technology for member experience

                                                        Innovative, technology-based products and services are especially important to “pioneer” members—who are generally younger. These members are more likely to want and adopt innovations such as mobile phone banking, digital wallets, social media, text alerts, and member loyalty rewards.

                                                        The 2020 Credit Union Innovation Index found that nearly 22 percent of credit union members would consider dropping their financial institution for lack of innovation. In addition, more than 35 percent of the survey respondents indicated an interest in person-to-person payment services.

                                                        Keep in mind, of course, that these services don’t appeal to everyone. You don’t want to neglect in-branch services in favor of online banking and lose your more “traditionalist” members.

                                                        Using technology to sustain member relationships

                                                        Using technology like appointment-setting software to enhance one-on-one connections can help bridge the gap between traditionalist members and your branches. A dynamic queuing system can ensure that members don’t have long wait times and can find answers to questions quickly and efficiently.

                                                        Technology can also help credit unions better track member preferences and personal data. As long as your security is strong, most credit union members are willing to share personal data in return for better, more relevant services and products.

                                                        Credit unions have access to mountains of member data. And yet, the 2020 Credit Union Innovation Index finds that only 11 percent of credit unions have innovated their data analytics over the past three years.

                                                        CRM is an essential piece of the data analytics puzzle. By tracking essential member financial data and even personal information such as birthdays, family members, and important life events, credit unions can build on the personalized, one-on-one experience members expect.

                                                        Creating a truly omnichannel experience across platforms is another way to incorporate technology that has appeal for all of your members, whether they’re pragmatists, skeptics, traditionalists, or pioneers. Scheduling appointments and creating in-branch events such as financial planning classes can help add new benefits to the member experience and build loyalty. These innovations can also promote personalization of member products and services—another key piece in the member experience puzzle.

                                                        Member personalization strategies for credit unions

                                                        Credit unions have a distinct advantage over fintechs and large financial institutions: they know and interact closely with their members. Still, many credit unions are losing opportunities to take advantage of the information they have about their members in order to provide personalized service.

                                                        The importance of member personalization

                                                        A survey by Total Expert found that 65 percent of respondents do not use their institution’s data as often as they should to educate and cross-sell to members. In addition, 19 percent say they don’t use data-driven insights at all. This suggests that credit unions have a lot of room to grow in terms of personalizing their members’ experience.

                                                        Credit unions should prioritize improving personalization because the benefits of doing so are clear. These benefits include reduced member churn and increased member loyalty.

                                                        Ultimately, members want personalization. Accenture’s 2019 global financial services consumer study found that one in two consumers have a strong interest in financial advice that is shaped by their personal experiences.

                                                        Creating a member personalization strategy

                                                        You’ll want to create a member personalization strategy that looks at KPIs, identifies your strengths and weaknesses, and surveys your members about what they want most (and don’t want). This personalization strategy also needs to be realistic in its goals. Getting employees to buy into personalization by tracking and using personal information in all interactions with members is also essential.

                                                        For each individual member, creating a personalized customer journey map can be a helpful tool for building loyalty. Find out exactly what your members want, either in online forms or one-on-one interactions with your team. Ask questions, find out about personal goals, and engage members with interactive activities and financial planning seminars. Then, create a unified member experience by tracking the responses to these questions and making them available to all your employees across departments.

                                                        Personalization helps members feel unique and special. It allows them to feel like they’re more in control of their financial choices and helps prevent information overload.

                                                        Our research finds that collecting customer data and making it available to all staff is essential for businesses that want to better engage customers and give them more control over their choices. Personalized interactions with staff will give your members more incentive to purchase additional products, whether it’s checking accounts, mortgages, auto loans, or insurance.

                                                        Putting it all together

                                                        You can improve credit union member experience best by creating a data-driven strategy that leverages employee engagement, adopts technology innovations for members and staff, and increases personalization of products and services. By building on member knowledge and one-on-one interaction, credit unions can build a better omnichannel experience that increases member loyalty.

                                                        For more on how JRNI can guide your credit union, check out JRNI’s full suite of tools for credit unions, which can help you accelerate digital transformation, control branch traffic, and better understand your data.

                                                        JRNI for credit unions

                                                        Learn more about JRNI's full suite of tools for credit unions!

                                                        Credit Unions
                                                        The advantages of video banking https://www.jrni.com/blog/advantages-of-video-banking Fri, 17 Jul 2020 10:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/advantages-of-video-banking

                                                        Customers expect greater efficiency and flexibility from their financial institutions, especially after becoming accustomed to new virtual service options during the pandemic. Globally, consumers are now using video calls to communicate with businesses and service providers 67% more than a year ago (Vonage 2021). This substantial increase in video calls means banks have a great opportunity to meet new demand by offering video banking services.

                                                        With 77% of financial customers preferring to interact face-to-face with their bank to discuss more in-depth topics, video banking provides the best channel to combine digital empowerment and human expertise. For customers, the advantages of video banking are numerous, offering greater access to more high-quality banking services whenever from wherever.

                                                        How video banking benefits the customer

                                                        Benefits of online and video banking for customers

                                                        One of the more obvious benefits of online banking is convenience. Instead of having to go to a physical location or use an ATM, customers can download a mobile app and utilize banking services from their mobile device.

                                                        With video banking, customers can also enjoy access to banking services twenty-four seven. The retail banking industry group Efma, together with Vidyo and CUNA Strategic Services, conducted a survey that found over half of organizations that had implemented video banking solutions reported improved customer satisfaction. In addition, recent research found that video banking cuts waiting times by up to 43% and increases NPS to +50 on average.

                                                        Digital banking also gives customers access to an easy track record of all their banking transactions. They can see where their money is going, including toward fees and purchases.

                                                        Some customers prefer to conduct certain banking-related activities online as opposed to going into a branch. These activities include opening a new checking account or savings account, applying for a credit card, and meeting with a financial advisor.

                                                        Reasons customers may choose video banking

                                                        For a customer, the decision to choose a video banking solution when possible is often intuitive. For one thing, video banking provides service whenever you need it, from the comfort of your home, car, or office. This enables a more flexible customer experience.

                                                        Another important benefit for many customers is the safety of staying home and accessing video banking services online.

                                                        Video banking solutions are also more personal than a phone call. Instead of merely hearing a person’s voice, customers can see the person helping them face-to-face during the video chat. This also reinforces the notion that they’re getting personal attention from an expert.

                                                        Video banking technology also offers customers particularly good access to expertise. Instead of being limited to the in-person expertise available at their local branch, customers can talk to a staff member who may be in another city.

                                                        The ability to share screens is another reason a customer may prefer video banking solutions. Customers do not have to describe their problem or their concern to a bank representative. They can simply screen share, pull up their account, and show them.

                                                        Best use cases for video banking

                                                        One of the most important uses for video banking solutions is high-value consultations. If a customer wants guidance on a certain type of banking service, it is a good idea for a bank to have video banking technology enabled for that service.

                                                        The mortgage application process is one example of a high-value consultation. The procedure is complex and can be daunting for even the experienced home buyer. Choosing to apply for a mortgage is a significant financial decision, and a person who is doing so is likely to have questions.

                                                        Retirement savings discussions are another type of banking service that consumers often have questions about. Banks could answer these questions in video consultations in addition to in-person at branch locations. Wealth management services, such as quarterly portfolio reviews, and loan-related banking services are also ideal for video banking.

                                                        How video banking benefits your bank

                                                        Video banking can benefit your bank in surprising and powerful ways. In particular, this new type of banking can help with increased flexibility and expanded capacity.

                                                        How you can utilize video banking to support your bank’s success

                                                        To get the most out of video banking, start by enhancing the customer experience by expanding hours of service. Video banking technology, including interactive teller machines, can help serve customers who want to talk to a teller outside of a branch’s limited in-person hours of operation. This is one of the more powerful aspects of video banking technology. It provides a way for a teller to serve a customer without the two of them being in person together. This is why many banks and credit unions are also embracing the idea of a virtual branch.

                                                        This, in turn, means your bank can expand its service footprint. Because you can serve more people in more areas for more hours of the day, you can have customers in a wider area, and be able to open your doors - virtually - to more people.

                                                        You can even serve people without having a local branch in the area. Even if there is strong competition, you may still be able to find customers who will gladly talk to employees using video. In fact, many customers are embracing video banking technology. U.S. Bank recently launched virtual appointments to connect with customers using video, and one branch banker said, “We had no issues connecting and after roughly 5 minutes of chatting, we both almost forgot that we were not meeting in person in the branch, because the connection felt so real.”

                                                        Video banking technology can also enhance the customer experience. Customers do not like to wait in line to receive banking services. The same is true for members of credit unions. By implementing video banking technology, your bank can serve more customers quickly and efficiently. Enhancing each customer interaction will boost your customers’ loyalty to your bank and reduce churn.

                                                        How banks are using technology to thrive

                                                        Banks that are making the most of video banking are investing in technology to enhance the customer experience. These banks understand that software is changing the banking industry in ways that make it increasingly necessary to upgrade.

                                                        Software programs and artificial intelligence can provide customers with a better banking experience by giving them banking advice and tips. Technology also makes it easier for banks to enhance their cross-selling potential. If banks can offer customers better services that are more customized, they will benefit accordingly. It is much easier to cross-sell to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one.

                                                        Best technology and software for video banking

                                                        In general, the best technology and software for video banking are helping banks achieve better returns by offering more services and better services to their customers.

                                                        The banks with the best banking technology

                                                        Flexibility and efficiency are key to the best banking technology. Consider the case of Oriental Bank, which was able to reduce waiting times by more than 50% by partnering with JRNI. Oriental Bank wanted to alleviate customer frustration from long wait times in the branch, increase visibility into customer volume and visits to better allocate appropriate staff, and generate more accurate data in its systems for continuous improvement.

                                                        Working with JRNI, Oriental Bank centralized appointment data and gained access to real-time data to improve the business. The result was shorter waiting times, 13,000 booked and registered appointments monthly on the new system, and better continuous improvement strategies improved by access to better data.

                                                        The technologies that are used the most in video banking

                                                        Many banks use third-party technologies for video banking. However, there are advantages to using native video, as it offers a more secure way to connect than third-party applications.

                                                        JRNI handles remote appointments natively, from a proprietary scheduling platform, as well as offers industry-leading video conferencing options like Zoom. This provides banks and credit unions options to use the tool that works best for their businesses.

                                                        Interactive teller machines are another important video banking technology that many banks are using more and more frequently. They provide a way for customers to get much more personalized service than a conventional ATM could provide.

                                                        Trends in video banking

                                                        Video banking is already evolving toward certain trends that highlight the reasons customers are responding to it in the first place. These reasons include personalization, ease, and efficiency, not to mention safety in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                        Toward the future of video banking

                                                        Bank branches will continue to be important for high-value decision-making and consultations. Some people will not want to handle all their banking through a mobile app. They will want banking solutions that include in-person interactions.

                                                        This trend toward increased mobile banking was accelerated during the pandemic, and will probably reverse to a degree. That is, while customers will continue to do some of their banking by mobile app or other online solution, some will want an in-person interaction at a bank branch when making higher-level financial decisions.

                                                        This will mean more demand for in-person tellers and branch experts. But in light of this demand, remote video consultations will continue to be important. Some customers will be perfectly willing to talk to a video teller, particularly because of the increased flexibility to meet with an employee from the comfort of their homes, or wherever they choose.

                                                        Some recent trends in digital banking

                                                        One of the most significant trends in digital banking is the use of data to personalize customer experience. According to Boston Consulting Group, “For every $100 billion in assets a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing its customer interactions.”

                                                        According to Boston Consulting Group, “For every $100 billion in assets a bank has, it can achieve as much as $300 million in revenue growth by personalizing its customer interactions.”

                                                        Banks that take the lead in eliminating data silos will help to ensure that there is a consistent experience across all channels. Consistent experiences mean more customer satisfaction—in other words, happier and more loyal customers.

                                                        Banks will also likely continue to partner with fintech firms. They will continue to have an important role to play in offering back-end banking services to make fintech possible.

                                                        The ability to offer exemplary customer service will always be relevant for banking. The more that banks can stay on top of trends in video banking and offer flexible technological solutions, the better they will be able to engage customers. This will be particularly important in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as customers adopt new ways of banking and continue to expect new ways of connecting with their financial institutions.

                                                        Moving forward with video banking for banks and customers

                                                        In conclusion, video banking has much to offer bank customers and the banks themselves.

                                                        For customers, the key benefits have to do with the ability to access convenient banking services. No one enjoys waiting in line. Video banking greatly reduces that need and generally offers better flexibility. Now customers do not need to be in the same city or even state as the person they are talking to.

                                                        Banks, in turn, can reap significant advantages by offering their customers video banking services. The banking industry itself is in the throes of a technological transformation. In the midst of this transformation, video banking will become increasingly necessary to deliver the kinds of flexible responses and efficiency that customers expect from their banks.

                                                        If you want to learn more about how you can deliver great video banking experiences with video appointments from JRNI - then sign up to speak with an expert!

                                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale - Speak to an expert!
                                                        A guide to retail traffic solutions: how to increase store sales https://www.jrni.com/blog/retail-traffic-solutions Tue, 14 Jul 2020 13:23:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/retail-traffic-solutions

                                                        How to increase sales with omnichannel technology

                                                        Previously, businesses tended to think of online sales and brick-and-mortar sales separately. But using an omnichannel approach that leverages online and in-store sales together can lead to higher sales and profitability.

                                                        Below, you'll learn about some new retail traffic solutions and we'll discuss how you can track this traffic. You'll also find guidance on top solutions for increasing retail traffic. By acting on this information, retail businesses can boost sales, even in the era of social distancing.

                                                        New technologies to increase retail traffic and sales

                                                        If your business has a strong online presence, it’s important to offer options designed to drive customers back to brick-and-mortar stores. Retail traffic in physical stores tends to increase customers’ basket size from three to ten times. According to a First Insight Report, 71 percent of shoppers spent at least $50 more while shopping at physical stores rather than online stores.

                                                        Physical stores also encourage human experiences. Impulse buying and human connection often have a strong impact on consumers’ decision-making. For instance, 64 percent of customers in a recent survey indicated they were more likely to make a purchase or invest in a service after an in-person meeting. So if you want to boost sales, driving traffic to retail locations is crucial. Since customers have become more accustomed to shopping online, it’s important to be strategic in evaluating retail traffic solutions. q

                                                        Make sure your website runs smoothly

                                                        Technology can play a significant role in driving customers into retail stores. A well-designed website can prepare a customer for their in-store experience. It allows them to research products and prices, learn about special offers, and find a physical location. One study found that 82 percent of smartphone users research products while in a physical store. Because of this, providing easily accessible, mobile-friendly information on your website can help improve the customer experience.

                                                        Use appointment booking to create a personal shopping experience

                                                        Allowing customers to book individual, socially distant appointments is another effective strategy to increase retail traffic. Many retailers are increasingly relying on one-on-one appointments to manage and boost sales during the pandemic. In addition to increasing consumer safety, one-on-one appointments (either in-person or virtual) can help increase sales of big-ticket items. Turn to appointment scheduling software to help your business add a human connection that increases sales.

                                                        Use queue management software to reduce waiting times

                                                        Managing lines and wait times is also crucial to improving the in-store experience—as well as maintaining necessary social distancing measures. For over thirty years, Professor Richard Larson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), known as “Dr. Queue,” has studied the psychology of waiting. He finds that distraction and expectations are often more important than actual waiting time. His research concludes that, on average, people overestimate how long they’ve waited in a line by about 36 percent. Dynamic queuing software can reduce wait times, manage people counting, and allow customers to manage expectations and continue shopping as they wait.

                                                        Queue management software does more than just manage lines. It also allows you to track, analyze, and adapt to customer behavior. Using technology to track a customer’s past purchases, current preferences, and other metrics can help sales representatives custom-tailor each client’s in-store visit. As Cisco reports, 44 percent of businesses that use customer data and retail analytics have seen a boost in sales. When trying to increase sales, it’s particularly important to identify which of your customers spend the most so you can build on their brand loyalty.

                                                        In addition, as retail businesses adapt while emerging from COVID-19 stay-at-home orders, tracking peak visit times and managing customer store traffic data are critical.

                                                        How to track and manage your retail traffic

                                                        If you want to grow your in-store foot traffic, it’s not enough to simply track your sales figures and hope for the best. Luckily, there are a range of analytics tools at your disposal that enable you to optimize and improve sales and profitability.

                                                        For instance, retailers know about the importance of holiday season sales. But you’ll want to take a deep dive into other seasonal variations in your traffic. Ask yourself questions like:

                                                        • What products are popular in summer?
                                                        • Are there surprising months when there is more foot traffic in your retail store?
                                                        • Will the easing of COVID-19 restrictions lead to an unusual off-season bounce?

                                                        Traditional metrics and tracking

                                                        The classic metrics of foot traffic, average selling price, and average basket size can tell retailers how strong their sales are, and the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. Conversion rates are another powerful metric. Additionally, footfall management solutions can help businesses determine the ratio of visitors to staff or visitors to square footage in their stores. People counting solutions also have an added benefit during current times, and ensure low store densities so customers can shop safely.

                                                        Game-changing revolutions in the retail industry, such as the impact of online shopping and COVID-19 restrictions, are reshaping approaches to traditional metrics. A traditional conversion rate measures the number of sales per customer who enter a store. But oftentimes a shopper only makes the decision to buy online after visiting a physical store. Tracking how customers travel and shop within a retail location is crucial to understanding changing patterns of customer behavior.

                                                        Important metrics during times of social distancing

                                                        One key metric to track during the coronavirus pandemic is the ratio of customers who book appointments online versus those who are walk-ins. According to CNBC, curbside pickups have surged 208 percent during the coronavirus pandemic. So you’ll want to make sure that you accurately track those sales and find ways to keep them returning.

                                                        Similarly, line wait times are a critical metric during social distancing: customers want lines to meet COVID-19 guidelines and move efficiently. Queue management solutions can help you identify strategies to efficiently manage lines and keep customers happy and shopping while they wait.

                                                        Occupancy levels are also especially relevant these days. Before social distancing, a crowded store—while perhaps a nuisance—wasn’t something you absolutely had to avoid. Now, it’s essential. But even before COVID-19, retailers recognized that consumers behaved differently in a crowded store, sometimes avoiding impulse buys or spending less time shopping.

                                                        New tracking tools

                                                        As retailers have new metrics to track, they also have new tools at their disposal. These tools help retailers measure how and where customers shop and move around their stores.

                                                        Prism Skylabs, for example, has created software that uses video and “heat maps” of customer foot traffic to identify which areas of a store people visit most—and which they neglect or ignore. These sorts of metrics can help you better plan store layout. When you know which areas are neglected, for example, you can use popular items to drive traffic to these spots.

                                                        In the era of COVID-19, many retailers are already radically shifting store layouts. For example, many are creating enhanced online-order-and-pickup areas and expanded back rooms. Additional attention to store layout can help boost foot traffic and sales.

                                                        It is especially important that retailers are taking action to boost retail traffic and sales. But you also want to make sure you are doing so safely. By closely monitoring metrics, you can ensure you’re meeting social distancing guidelines while encouraging customers to visit your retail business.

                                                        Top solutions for retail traffic management

                                                        Once you’re tracking your existing customer traffic, you can analyze that data and test new strategies that put this information to use with the goal of increasing retail store traffic. Think of testing and refining these strategies as an ongoing process of learning what your business does well, what doesn’t perform (and needs to be left behind), and areas that show potential but need to be improved.

                                                        Leveraging social media

                                                        Social media—including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok—serve as great platforms for testing new marketing campaigns and special offers. If a key demographic of your customers is under twenty-five years old, TikTok is where you’ll want to test fun, participatory contests and content. Facebook, with 2.5 billion active users, also continues to be a powerful tool to market to customers. Just be sure you take steps to ensure your social media campaign stands out.

                                                        The value of social media for retailers is not limited to testing out marketing campaigns and special offers, however. Social media channels also offer great ways to build brand loyalty, create a community among your customers, and generate excitement for in-store events.

                                                        Hosting special events

                                                        Those special events— whether exclusive wine tastings, advance previews of new products, or an invitation-only holiday experience—can set your business apart from others, according to research by the US Small Business Administration. Look at your retail store’s traffic data to find downtimes. Then, use those to schedule in-store (or virtual) events. In addition, explore your retail analytics to find your highest-end customers and target them with invitation-only VIP events to improve customer loyalty and ensure they continue to return.

                                                        Innovative retailers are sponsoring creative interactive events such as a Stranger Things Halloween experience to draw customers into physical stores. Athletic footwear retailer Fleet Feet has responded to COVID-19 restrictions by shifting its one-on-one appointments with experts to video conferencing. This has allowed customers to get a personalized assessment of their running gait and find a customized shoe fit. As you consider hosting special events, be sure to keep in mind that using an enterprise event scheduling system can help you safely manage these interactions with your customers.

                                                        Responding to changing customer patterns and preferences

                                                        Footfall analysis is important in the era of social distancing requirements. As you attempt to grow retail foot traffic, you’ll need to carefully plan, and distribute those customers. Prioritize appointments and online-order-and-in-store-pickup options, and plan events during slow retail times. Analyze data to determine which products customers prefer to order online as opposed to in-store.

                                                        Also, keep in mind omnichannel approaches to sales, both online and in-store. Many consumers are comfortable ordering technology hardware (computers, tablets, and phones) online. But certain items customers still prefer purchasing in a physical retail store. For instance, a majority of customers report that they like to see what they’re buying in-store when shopping for items like clothing, furniture, and gifts.

                                                        Even if a customer eventually buys a product in a physical location, remember that 87 percent of retail purchases begin with online research. Webrooming—in which a customer researches a product online, then purchases in-store, is a growing trend for electronics, clothing, and household items—accounting for 74 percent of in-store sales. Meanwhile, showrooming—where a customer checks out products in-store but then makes the final purchase online—is also a growing trend. Keep a close eye on how your consumers use multiple channels. From there, tailor your customer service, marketing campaigns, and inventory accordingly.

                                                        How JRNI can help

                                                        Growing retail store traffic is a complicated prospect, especially given all the changes over the past year. But your retail business will be steps ahead by taking advantage of our suite of retail solutions. This powerful enterprise suite includes solutions to facilitate remote appointments, virtual events, and virtual queuing. All of these tools can help you analyze and grow retail sales, and personalize experiences at scale.

                                                        Want to learn more? Then sign up time to speak to an expert!

                                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                        How to improve bank branch performance https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-improve-bank-branch-performance Tue, 07 Jul 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-improve-bank-branch-performance

                                                        Running a bank amid the ongoing evolution of the financial industry can be quite challenging. Even so, banks can’t ignore changing consumer expectations. For branch managers uncertain about how to improve bank branch performance, we see several often-untapped opportunities.

                                                        In this article, we discuss common performance challenges for bank branches and how to improve customer experience, secure customer data, and attract new customers. In doing so, we hope to provide you with helpful strategies to optimize branch performance.

                                                        Common performance challenges in a bank branch

                                                        In recent years, digital banking has seen remarkable growth. And the COVID-19 crisis is now having a significant impact on branch interactions. With this in mind, banks need to leverage customer data to optimize bank branch performance.

                                                        Common issues that financial institutions face

                                                        Despite the unique opportunity before them, many financial institutions do not bother with collecting customer data. And even if they do, many of them still neglect to leverage it for business decisions. In fact, two-thirds of financial service organizations use customer data only “sometimes” or “infrequently.”

                                                        Data builds relationships. Understanding a customer’s income level, lifestyle, and recent life milestones can inform marketing strategies. Unfortunately, banking customer data lives in disparate silos separated from the branches that need this information.

                                                        However, giving this data to the right people is just one step toward making good use of it. Data needs to be organized and distilled into actionable information. But this presents a challenge of monumental proportions. As Wells Fargo’s chief data officer Zac Maufe stated, “We’re sitting on over twenty-eight Libraries of Congress.”

                                                        Problems that bank branches face

                                                        In tandem with financial institutions, bank branches have their own share of challenges. Lack of data from higher-ups ultimately impacts branch performance. This directly impacts how banks respond to consumer trends that suggest clients want banks to make better use of their data to offer targeted services.

                                                        Consumer expectations have risen higher than ever. And to meet those expectations, banking needs to move toward authentically building relationships with existing customers. After all, you are dealing with money—it’s personal!

                                                        Branch-level data can help your advisers provide a tailored experience for each customer. Showing you care about each customer experience will always go a long way in building long-term trust.

                                                        Performance challenges banks need to overcome

                                                        On a practical level, lack of data directly impacts the delivery of financial services.

                                                        Consider planning for peak times. At any given branch location, you want to avoid a long line of people waiting to meet with a mortgage adviser while you have overstaffed for other banking services. This demonstrates poor planning and also risks losing potential customers.

                                                        Customer data helps a branch manager schedule staff, and it also allows banks to evaluate the amount of time spent in customer-driven activity. Banks can track this information through video-based analytics or an integrated queue and appointment system.

                                                        Understanding lead time, wait time, capacity by location, and time of interaction can provide valuable insight on where to focus efforts. In addition, a branch network can use this information to evaluate individual branch performance.

                                                        In short, leveraging data to create targeted messaging should play an integral role in any branch strategy.

                                                        How to improve bank branch customer experience

                                                        Banks have a difficult time differentiating their products from their competitors’. In fact, many customers are more likely to switch banks due to bad customer service than to get a better deal.

                                                        Because of this, each bank branch should focus on differentiating itself by providing an excellent customer experience.

                                                        How bank branches can improve the customer experience

                                                        Personalization plays an integral role in a successful customer service strategy. As we have already mentioned, customers want banks to leverage their data to provide customized suggestions.

                                                        Not only is this good practice, but we also have seen case studies showing its financial benefits. One bank that implemented personalization grew by 20 percent over three years. Another institution saw a 30 percent sales spike after implementing similar targeting strategies.

                                                        The numbers don’t lie. Understanding the customer experience and thoughtfully analyzing each step of the customer journey will reveal a plethora of opportunities.

                                                        Just make sure you don’t request too much personal information! One-third of millennials have stated they have stopped or limited a business relationship because of personal data requested.

                                                        To avoid alienating customers, banks can focus on only collecting data relevant to the products they offer. Or instead, they can build trust to gradually gather customer data over time. Asking a few relevant questions in each customer interaction can help a bank gradually develop a better understanding of each customer.

                                                        Understanding why customers become dissatisfied with bank performance

                                                        The average American sticks with their bank or credit union for fourteen years. However, the banking industry has made significant strides to streamline the process of switching accounts. Studies show that men primarily switch banks for lower rates and fees, while women prioritize branch convenience and customer service.

                                                        While banks have less wiggle room when it comes to fees, financial institutions have endless opportunity to optimize the customer experience. As banking becomes more omnichannel, each touch point provides an opportunity to engage and please customers.

                                                        On the flipside, if customers have recently switched banks to work with you, they are more likely to open additional accounts. This includes accounts for high-value products such as mortgage loans and home equity lines. In addition, these newer customers are twice as likely to open a new savings account than existing account owners.

                                                        By impressing new customers from the start, banks can help build many fruitful, long-term relationships.

                                                        Avoiding customer dissatisfaction

                                                        At the end of the day, customer experience depends on building solid relationships with customers. In fact, 80 percent of customer churn occurs with clients who do not have a relationship with their bank.

                                                        So to prevent customer churn, banks should gain an individual understanding of each customer—understanding how pivotal life events may affect each touch point. In addition, they should actively listen to what customers want. Our studies have shown that customers expect bank branches to continue improving in several areas, including the following:

                                                        • Time it takes to complete a bank visit
                                                        • Branch staff availability
                                                        • Prices, rates, and terms
                                                        • Range of products

                                                        In addition, bank branches can improve by providing multiple avenues to connect with their advisers. Given the international impact of COVID-19, banks need to prioritize creating new contact points now more than ever.

                                                        To meet customer needs, connect with clients via video appointments, digital banking, or scheduled in-branch appointments. Ensure each of these channels provides a consistent level of customer service.

                                                        These suggestions only scratch the surface of available opportunities. What is most important is to realize that modern customer service depends on accessible yet secure data for maximum effectiveness.

                                                        Making customer data more secure at a bank branch

                                                        At this point, we can all readily nod our heads in agreement that, yes, data is an invaluable resource. However, data security still remains a hot topic of concern—especially in banking.

                                                        Protecting consumer privacy

                                                        People trust their banks to protect their money and data. To maintain this trust, banks should always ensure they use up-to-date data security protocols.

                                                        The rise of fintech has created additional tension in regard to consumer privacy. Customers have welcomed the convenience of fintech products, but a consequence is that customer data now lives in multiple locations.

                                                        While no straightforward solution currently exists for this, banks have requested increased transparency from these products. Time will tell if fintech complies with these demands.

                                                        Ensuring the security of branch data

                                                        Data security needs to be prioritized from the top down. Banking leaders should ensure they have a dedicated team keeping up with security technologies. US federal law outlines security guidelines for financial institutions. While these guidelines allow for flexibility between branches, banking leaders need to ensure security across all locations.

                                                        How to protect customer data

                                                        Banks can also implement technologies and procedures that help customers protect their own data. These technologies include multifactor authentication, encryption, and transparent privacy policies.

                                                        However, banks should also train customers how to best protect their own data. This training not only helps protect both the bank and the customer, but it also provides another opportunity to build customer relationships.

                                                        How to attract new customers to the bank branch

                                                        Today, attracting customers to a physical location looks much different than fifty years ago. Now, digital banking allows anyone to open a new checking account with just a few clicks.

                                                        While this presents new challenges, customers still seek out bank branches for significant life events. With this in mind, branch managers should take steps to provide convenience to develop lifelong customers.

                                                        What do customers look for in a bank?

                                                        An October 2019 study showed that people choose new financial institutions based on four top factors:

                                                        • Fees
                                                        • Convenient bank branch locations
                                                        • ATM network and deposit interest rates
                                                        • Ease of resolving problems

                                                        Surprisingly, mobile banking did not make the top priorities—even among young consumers. All generations see the value of having an accessible bank location for when they need face-to-face interaction for significant purchases. And we can also see that problem-solving remains a top priority.

                                                        As we will discuss in more depth later on, millennials particularly face certain financial hurdles. This provides an excellent opportunity for community banks to step in and act as the financial counselor for a generation that has many long-term concerns.

                                                        Attracting new customers through technology

                                                        Banking institutions have more opportunities than ever to create targeted, granular campaigns to reach new audiences. Understanding the life stage of each customer can inform messaging and placement of ads.

                                                        For example, members of Gen Z have only just started opening their first checking accounts and may soon have interest in a debit or credit card. On the other hand, many of the millennial generation have only just started getting married or buying homes.

                                                        Each of these generations obviously has different needs, so ensure your messaging caters to them. Again, tracking and evaluating customer data plays an integral role in targeted advertising.

                                                        Additionally, emphasize value-added services and excellent customer service. As we already mentioned, building relationships and customer experience can determine whether a client stays with a bank long term.

                                                        Optimize your bank branch performance by offering appointment scheduling. Host events and workshops on personal finance and answer questions in person. This both increases face time with clients and builds the invaluable customer relationship.

                                                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                        Attracting new customers to your branches

                                                        In order to attract the millennial customer, the banking industry should take the time to understand the priorities of this generation.

                                                        For one, millennials grew up during a national recession and face additional stress when it comes to money as a result. Unfortunately, this stress translates into 56 percent of millennials feeling like their financial goals are out of reach. And 55 percent state they do not have enough money to make ends meet.

                                                        This presents a unique opportunity for banks to step in to give stability and expertise to this generation. Banks can provide workshops, training, and resources geared toward future financial stability.

                                                        This level of communication can help clients feel more secure about their futures. It also provides an above-and-beyond customer experience and establishes long-term trust.

                                                        Additionally, banks should focus on building brand awareness. Retail banking brands can stand out to modern consumers by highlighting services that help clients reach their goals. So when a potential client decides to open an account, your brand should always come to mind.

                                                        The future of bank branches

                                                        The banking industry has a unique opportunity to empower branches with data and provide customer service excellence. By using data to build client relationships, bank branches can improve their performance and increase customer satisfaction. Want to learn more about the future of branches and how to level up your strategy? Check out these blog posts for additional information:

                                                        Looking for ways to optimize your branch experience? JRNI creates appointment scheduling and queuing solutions for banks, credit unions, and financial institutions. Schedule a demo to speak to an expert to see how JRNI can work for you.

                                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                        Selling behind a mask: connecting while social distancing https://www.jrni.com/blog/selling-behind-a-mask Thu, 02 Jul 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/selling-behind-a-mask

                                                        This is a guest post by Liz Cichowski, Instructional Design Lead at Learning Means Business.

                                                        Last week I visited two different convenience stores to get some much-needed supplies. Both stores were doing a great job with social distancing, cleaning, and keeping customers and employees safe with face coverings. Both stores were (thankfully) well-stocked. However, there was one store I will DEFINITELY go back to, even though it’s a bit further from my house. That other store? Not so much. No one even said hello to me! More on that in a moment.

                                                        The CDC Recommends Face Masks: This Does Not Mean Retail Stores are Hospitals

                                                        Maybe government officials are requiring face coverings where your stores are located. Maybe they are not. Either way, you may be requiring them for employees and maybe even customers … to assure the health and safety of as many people as possible. This may present several challenges to you, whether you’re open right now or you’re reopening soon:

                                                        • Certain customers may object to wearing a mask, and you may need to politely turn their business away if you’re serious about a “face-covering required” policy.
                                                        • If employees are uncomfortable wearing masks, you may not get consistent compliance with a face mask policy. This may endanger both employees and customers, and even damage your reputation.
                                                        • Some employees who were once outgoing and friendly may change their style when hidden behind a mask, either because they are either uncomfortable with it and/or they are missing out on some relatively simple best practices for engaging with customers while wearing a mask.
                                                        • Unless employees are able to properly and sincerely greet and engage with customers from behind a mask, people who may already feel isolated or unable to connect may feel even more isolated. Without a human connection, they’re more likely to try another store next time, or to shop online.

                                                        In this article, I’ll give some tips for connecting socially with customers from behind a mask. Incorporating this information into training on new health and safety protocols may help your employees feel more comfortable wearing a face covering, which may help customers feel more comfortable with it. And a genuine connection, whether you’re wearing a mask or not, gives customers a reason to want to shop with and buy from you.

                                                        Connecting: What’s Changed; What Remains the Same

                                                        Going back to the two stores I visited, in both stores every employee was wearing a mask in proper fashion. That what’s changed since the CDC guidelines came out. Here’s the difference: In the one store I visited, I was sincerely greeted by every employee I encountered. They looked up from cleaning and stocking to say hello. I could tell they were happy to see me because they were smiling with their eyes. I returned the favor by asking them how they were doing, whether they were comfortable wearing a mask all day, etc. It felt good to connect! We were all happier as a result.

                                                        In the other store, I was ignored. This did not feel good. I don’t think the employees felt good either. Most humans are social beings, and we thrive on social connections. If you want YOUR customers to shop with and buy from you, your employees need to make human connections. This is true even when someone has ordered online and is simply doing curbside or in-store pickup.

                                                        Masks and social distancing are what’s changed as a result of COVID-19. What remains the same: Genuine connections are still required to create sales and to capture market share from your competition. The question is: How do you connect socially from behind a mask?

                                                        Tips for Selling Behind a Mask

                                                        Here are some tips for engaging with customers from behind a mask, whether an employee is selling from six feet away, a cashier is ringing sales and selling loyalty programs, or someone is running curbside pickup and stocking shelves. Regardless of any technology, you may have implemented (e.g., BOPIS or buy online-pick up in-store, scheduling in-store appointments online, etc.), I believe these guidelines still apply.

                                                        • Greet every customer with a genuine smile. In most cultures, a smile means you’re happy to see someone. When people can’t see your mouth, your eyes reveal a genuine smile. Look up from what you’re doing, smile, say “Hi!” or “Thanks for coming in!” and BE HAPPY TO SEE YOUR CUSTOMERS. They are the only reason your store is open. Period.
                                                        • Speak clearly. There is now a door greeter at my local grocery store. I call this new role “the mask police.” One greeter, Tanner, greets me with a HUGE grin and a friendly “Hello. Welcome!” And I can understand everything Tanner says to me. The other greeters frown, and I can’t understand a word they say. I don’t like being greeted by the other greeters. But I LOVE being greeted by Tanner. I want to meet Tanner’s parents and congratulate them! The bottom line: It is EXTREMELY frustrating when customers can’t hear you. When customers CAN hear you, they are much happier.
                                                        • Ask questions to check for understanding. A lot of customers may be too embarrassed (or in too much of a rush) to tell you they didn’t understand. Ask questions like, “Does this match up with what you were looking for?” “You said XYZ was important to you, I think this is great. What do you think?” “Hey, I know it may be hard to hear me from inside this mask. Am I missing anything?” Said with a smile, these kinds of questions WILL be appreciated.
                                                        • Use body language to connect. Eye contact, people! Not staring, but making eye contact when speaking. Nod your head to indicate you’re listening. Don’t cross your arms, and relax your shoulders. If you are social distancing, you can still be social with your body language.

                                                        Consider incorporating these tips into any training or communication you have around requiring employees to wear face coverings. Make sure your managers help employees practice and are out on the sales floor, recognizing employees for a job well done. People tend to do what they get recognized for. And make sure people are recognized as often as possible. That way, when someone misses an opportunity to engage with a customer, they’ll be more receptive to a little corrective coaching.

                                                        How to manage an increase in foot traffic https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-in-foot-traffic Mon, 29 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-in-foot-traffic

                                                        Since the beginning of the coronavirus lockdowns, the retail industry has had to innovate to maintain profitability. As restrictions ease, retailers face a new challenge-safely reopening. To help meet this challenge, retailers are reevaluating how to drive an increase in foot traffic as stores begin to open.

                                                        In this article, we cover the importance of managing retail foot traffic, tracking foot traffic, directing customer traffic throughout the store, and balancing efficiency and customer service.

                                                        Why is it important to manage foot traffic in retail?

                                                        As stores reopen, retailers are putting systems in place to protect both employees and customers. Managing foot traffic plays a huge role in catering to consumer comfort levels and safety concerns, meeting state mandates, and understanding staff needs.

                                                        What happens when you don’t manage foot traffic

                                                        Retailers currently face the difficulty of balancing safety and providing an excellent customer experience. Without a clear plan to manage an increase in foot traffic, retail stores may face a variety of challenges including:

                                                        • The spread of illness
                                                        • Long lines
                                                        • Less employee resource efficiency
                                                        • Fewer personalized interactions
                                                        • Compromised customer experience
                                                        • Data deficiency

                                                        In contrast, with a plan to manage an increase in foot traffic, stores can exceed customer expectations, while protecting public safety.

                                                        How to manage an increase in foot traffic

                                                        During lockdown, many retailers have pivoted to curbside pickup as one method of managing foot traffic. Even before COVID-19, many stores, such as Target, already offered this service. This trend grew by a remarkable 208 percent during the pandemic. On top of that, as one report notes 59 percent of surveyed consumers stated they plan to continue this practice even after the coronavirus pandemic. The appeal of curbside pickup is the ability to shop in the safety of your home, yet receive your purchases quickly and with minimal, if any, contact.

                                                        For customers who still desire an in-store experience, retailers have options. First of all, retailers can limit the number of individuals in stores a one time. However, without careful planning, this can create long lines snaking outside of stores and around buildings-not an ideal customer experience.

                                                        Alternatively, retailers can pivot to appointment scheduling for in-store visits. By scheduling appointments in advance, customers can avoid physical lines, expect a safe in-store experience, and receive more personalized time with store staff. This also allows staff to block off time to properly disinfect any high-touch areas between customer visits.

                                                        Retailers also have the option of creating virtual queues. This provides customers with a stress-free waiting experience. Customers can secure for their place in line via a store kiosk or their smartphone.

                                                        The virtual queuing system notifies the customer when it is time to check in without requiring a physical line.

                                                        Why customer retention is an important foot traffic retail metric

                                                        Acquiring a new customer is much more expensive than retaining an existing one. Before investing in new local inventory ads, or other customer acquisition efforts, retailers should prioritize satisfying and retaining their current customer base.

                                                        Our research indicates that customers who prefer shopping in-store do so because they want employees to answer their questions in a way that makes sense to them. Of our survey respondents, 64 percent stated they typically spend more after a face-to-face meeting with a staff member.

                                                        In other words, retailers need to listen to customer desires for face time with employees and find ways to (safely) encourage customers to return to their stores. However, without tracking footfall data, retailers will never know if they meet their goals.

                                                        The pitfalls of not having a foot traffic management plan

                                                        Neglecting to track and manage foot traffic may lead to an incomplete understanding of business efforts. Without data readily available, you may miss key strategic business opportunities. As an example, if you open the store at specific hours for customers with existing health issues, and the store fills up, understanding the pattern will help you better staff for that influx of traffic.

                                                        In contrast, tracking store traffic helps retailers keep tabs on the following:

                                                        • Peak customer activity times
                                                        • Seasonal trends
                                                        • Products sold
                                                        • Customer time spent in store
                                                        • Lost sales

                                                        A retailer's failure to recognize traffic patterns can cause understaffing during peak hours. This can lead to frustrated customers and stressed employees. For retailers with multiple locations, traffic pattern numbers provide critical insight to achieve individual store success.

                                                        By tracking data patterns and outliers, you can start to investigate the reasons for success or failure. Use this information to continue to move the needle and improve business.

                                                        How do retailers track and manage foot traffic?

                                                        While more retailers understand the value of foot traffic, not all have invested in the tools to track it. However, as we suggest above, understanding store traffic will help you discover how to optimize your store.

                                                        Tracking foot traffic and daily sales

                                                        To understand physical store performance, retailers should keep track of foot traffic and daily sales as well as the relationship between the two. Specifically, retailers should analyze the conversion rate of foot traffic to sales, looking at how the number of people entering a location translates into product purchases. If the conversion rate proves unsatisfactory, retail professionals should take steps to investigate the cause of the issue.

                                                        One method of investigation requires tracking the customer journey throughout a store. This process can highlight friction points in a store layout. Do customers get confused on where to find products? Did a store employee offer to help them at any point?

                                                        To answer these questions effectively—without requiring staff to follow customers throughout a store—stores should invest in automated foot traffic management tools.

                                                        Tools for measuring foot traffic in retail locations

                                                        Today’s retailers have a wide selection of technology-based foot traffic tools. Each of these helps retailers gain a better understanding of customer interactions.

                                                        Virtual queuing technology, for example, can help retailers manage store capacity to help enforce social distancing. This technology works by giving each customer, via smartphone, a number and time frame to visit the store.

                                                        Customers can wait for their slot from the comfort of an air-conditioned car or run other errands-knowing they won't give up their place in line. This allows retailers to maintain a safe maximum occupancy and foster an enjoyable customer experience.

                                                        As retail returns to normal, technologies such as footfall management can help stores track and analyze foot traffic data. With footfall management, stores benefit from the ability to:

                                                        • Set maximum occupancy.
                                                        • Know exactly how many people are on-site.
                                                        • Eliminate outside lines.
                                                        • Guarantee zero wait time.

                                                        The best type of tracking system will always depend on the number of locations and size of your stores. Make sure you do your due diligence when comparing prices and viability.

                                                        Tips for directing the customer in a retail store

                                                        Amid shifting store and shopping trends, customers still rely on a store’s layout and signage. This is particularly important as stores are directing traffic, and limiting capacity in the wake of the pandemic. Keeping this in mind, retailers should evaluate how they strategically guide the customer journey.

                                                        How to direct customers to stay longer in your retail stores

                                                        Good customer service and customer outreach efforts are key to creating a positive customer experience and retaining loyal in-store shoppers.

                                                        As part of their advertising campaigns, many retailers promote in-store events such as DIY workshops, books signings, and workout classes. Lululemon stores, for example, provide free yoga classes—giving potential customers more opportunity to interact with their merchandise.

                                                        Retailers can also encourage in-store shopping with the promise of early access to products. According to our research, 64 percent of consumers are more likely to visit a store to receive early access to a product.

                                                        Additionally, a retail store can provide conveniences to give consumers an excuse to stay longer in stores. For years, IKEA’s Småland has provided free childcare, so parents can shop without distraction. Other retailers set up charging stations for mobile devices to encourage customers to spend more time in their stores.

                                                        However, without an optimal store layout, these perks only go so far to entice customers.

                                                        Optimize your store layout to direct customers within your retail store

                                                        In one form or another, we are all trained to interact with stores in consistent ways. Interestingly, 90 percent of customers turn right when entering a store. Because of this, retailers need to make sure they have optimized their store layouts to maximize the customer journey. Depending on their niche, retailers typically choose one of four layouts.

                                                        Grocery stores and pharmacies typically use a grid layout. This maximizes product displays, minimizes dead space, and encourages predictable traffic flow. However, grid layouts do not provide the unique, experiential retail space many consumers desire.

                                                        The herringbone layout is very similar to the grid layout. Retailers typically use this layout in small spaces with little real estate or flexibility.

                                                        The loop—or racetrack—layout provides a very experiential approach to the customer experience. Consider IKEA’s one-way path with arrows on the floor to direct store traffic. Loop layouts allow retailers to control the customer journey to the smallest detail. However, this may frustrate customers with a get-in-and-get-out mentality.

                                                        Lastly, we have the “free-flow” layout—where rules don’t matter and anything goes! Well, not exactly. Even if they choose not to follow any set rules, retailers should still take data into consideration when designing a creative layout. Make sure you take into consideration common human behaviors, such as turning right upon entering a store, to prevent customer confusion and encourage staff interactions.

                                                        Effectively use signage to direct retail customers

                                                        Traditionally, signage engages customers by highlighting sales and new products. However, during COVID-19, signs can also help direct customers to maintain social distancing and prevent bottlenecks in aisles.

                                                        To maximize health and safety, retailers can add floor stickers at checkouts to encourage a six-foot distance between shoppers. Stores can also install clear signage at the front of their stores to instruct shoppers to wear masks.

                                                        How to increase efficiency without sacrificing customer service quality in retail

                                                        Customer satisfaction and the business bottom line always go hand in hand. A survey by Gladly showed that 26 percent of customers would switch companies after just one bad experience. After three bad experiences, that number skyrockets to 92 percent. Today’s retail businesses simply cannot afford the cost of delivering a poor customer experience.

                                                        Determining customer service expectations in your retail stores

                                                        Current technology allows retailers to connect with customers in a myriad of new ways. Instead of talking to a customer service rep from a call center, customers use social media and live chat to ask questions and communicate expectations. To that point, 75 percent of marketers state that social media represents a large portion of their customer service strategy.

                                                        While connecting with customers through social media, retailers should focus in particular on online reviews. These reviews provide one of the most direct methods to understand the customer experience. Retailers should look for trends, common phrases, and outliers among reviews. Local business owners especially should pay attention to their reviews and respond promptly - both by responding to the reviewer, and by taking their feedback into consideration.

                                                        Inexpensive, effective methods for increasing retail store efficiency

                                                        Retailers can work to increase retail store efficiency while satisfying customers and ensuring customer loyalty. Key to doing so is identifying pitfalls in the customer experience—such as waiting in long lines, which we discussed earlier—and solving them.

                                                        To help further improve the customer experience, retailers should train employees to regularly interact with customers and provide opportunities for them to do so. At Trader Joe’s, for example, employees restock shelves during business hours to increase the likelihood of customer interaction. In doing so, employees have a valuable opportunity to serve the customer and further impact brand loyalty.

                                                        The future of foot traffic

                                                        During this time, retailers should make sure they take appropriate steps to protect both employees and customers while maximizing profit. By tracking and managing foot traffic, retailers can better prepare for the future.

                                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                        Business by appointment https://www.jrni.com/blog/business-by-appointment Fri, 26 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/business-by-appointment

                                                        Earlier this month, The Economist wrote a piece called “Welcome to the Appointment Economy.” The definition referred to clothing retailers, supermarkets, bars, and gyms that have introduced appointments and virtual queuing as leading solutions for the capacity parameters of a post-COVID era.

                                                        Massachusetts, where JRNI’s US headquarters is located, has joined that appointment economy. Effective this week, Massachusetts enters Governor Charlie Baker’s Phase 2 Part 2 of reopening non-essential businesses. And effective this week, fitting rooms which were closed at the outset, are reopening...by appointment only. And while it seems like a small thing, fitting rooms are part of the customer experience that separates in-store shopping from online shopping.

                                                        The question remains: will consumers take to appointments? I postulate that the answer is yes, and that there are a myriad of applications for appointments in today’s environment that benefit both shopper and retailer.

                                                        Personal shopping appointments

                                                        Nordstrom built a reputation on creating a personalized shopping experience for anyone who entered their store. As an evolution of that experience, they introduced personal shopping online, enabling consumers to reserve time with a personal shopper and then provide information in advance on what event they’re attending or what size they may be, so upon arrival, a curated array of selections are available. And imagine having someone else pull matching shoes, bags, ties, or pocket squares to complete an outfit. For the shopper, the experience is completely personalized and for the retailer, our data shows a 3 - 10X uplift in basket size is enjoyed when an appointment is set up in advance.

                                                        Remote appointments

                                                        For shoppers who have equally important events, but are not yet ready to enter a physical store, personal shopping appointments can be arranged remotely. The same questions are asked to qualify specific needs, and the looks can be viewed via live video. Similarly, consultations of all sorts can happen remotely from matching a lipstick to purchasing that perfect baby gift.

                                                        Expert consultations

                                                        Whether you’re planning a new layout in the living room, planting the back garden or just finding a scarf to finish an outfit, sometimes you just want to consult with an expert. Retailers are making specialty staff available to support the unique needs of each customer via a choice of in-store or remote appointment. If there’s a need, be sure to check your retailer’s site to see what’s available.

                                                        Pick it up curbside

                                                        Still prefer online shopping? That’s totally understandable. Whether you choose to save the online shipping costs, want the instant gratification of receiving your item the same day, or just don’t want to risk exposure to other people, curbside pickup is there for you. In this model, you can shop online and arrange to pick up your goods curbside or at a specific bay or kiosk. And at the heart of curbside pickup is an appointment, where you’ve scheduled a time to pick up your merchandise, and the store knows you’re coming and is ready for you.

                                                        Managing store traffic

                                                        Just when you thought appointments were just reserved for the doctor’s office, retailers can leverage appointments to manage the number of visitors in-store at one time. And they can stagger times to ensure ample time for sanitization in between shoppers. For shoppers, there’s a feeling of safety and comfort knowing that there won’t be overcrowding at the rack, and for retailers, there’s an automated way to manage store capacity without the need for counters and greeters.

                                                        So, while Massachusetts thinks of leveraging appointments to reserve a fitting room, the larger retail market is taking a second look at their investment and counting the ways to utilize it in these trying times. Shoppers will enjoy the personalized and safer shopping experience, while retailers will enjoy the 57% higher average transaction from booked appointments versus standard sales.

                                                        Want to learn more about the benefits of appointment scheduling for your business? Then be sure to download "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling".

                                                        The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!
                                                        A banking guide - the dos and don’ts of reopening branches https://www.jrni.com/blog/branch-dos-and-donts Wed, 24 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/branch-dos-and-donts

                                                        Forty-three percent of banking customers have expressed their desire to change the way they bank due to COVID-19. As with retail and hospitality, several key customer segments have doubts about visiting physical locations, and are transacting more remotely. The challenge for banks is to make services available wherever customers want to bank - be it by phone, online, or in branch - and when it comes to any transaction, the key is to make customers feel cared for, heard, and secure.

                                                        With social distancing parameters in place along with other health and safety measures, there’s significant focus on the need to retool the branch experience. Here are a few suggestions as we move into that next stage of business and interaction:

                                                        DO: Have a plan.

                                                        Think about how customers will enter and exit each location. Plan for increased space between people in line, how to attend to at-risk customers, properly spaced lobbies, and waiting areas. Consider your employees and what they need in order to stay safe including break rooms with increased space between lounging areas, removal of shared snacks, availability of hand sanitizer and masks.

                                                        DON’T: Rush in.

                                                        If you are not ready, it will show, and it will be very hard to gain back consumer confidence once compromised. Social media will not be your friend. Forrester Research reports that 52% of US online adults prefer to buy from companies that demonstrate how they are protecting customers against the threats of COVID-19, so the stakes are too high to reopen too soon.

                                                        DO: Make sure you can effectively manage footfall.

                                                        Overcrowding will create fear and loss of confidence. Make sure you have plenty of directional signage, crowd control measures, and staffing. Solutions including people counters, occupancy managers, and pre-booked appointments both allow for the throttling of traffic, and the ability to build in cleaning time.

                                                        DON’T: Overcrowd or fill your branch to capacity.

                                                        Consumers are being trained to avoid crowds, so failure at the branch to comply could result in losing their business. Most physical locations are operating with fewer staff, and accommodating 10 - 25% of the traffic once allowed. Keep in mind that you only have one opportunity to make a first impression on customers, and they’re looking to trust you have their best interests in mind.

                                                        DO: Hire the right team and staff adequately.

                                                        Being courteous and in control will be the most important ingredient to a successful reopening. Overstaff in the beginning, you will need the extra hands to ensure that all staff is properly trained and ready to enforce new protocols. Customers will be understandably on edge returning to branches, and some will feel entitled that everything has returned to normal, so staff may need to be very firm and well-versed in a new operating style.

                                                        DON’T: Understaff.

                                                        You will need to expect the unexpected, and having more hands on deck will prove to be beneficial in the long run. And having the wrong staff, or those that don’t take the time to learn new operating procedures, or feel comfortable telling that customer who won’t keep a mask on, may not be the best fit.

                                                        DO: Offer customers the ability to bank when and how they prefer.

                                                        We’re not suggesting that you remain open for 24 hours, but the goal is to make it easy for the customer. Adding the ability to set an appointment with a wealth manager or an advisor online will enable customers to bank from home, and will enable banks to provide the personalized service customers have come to expect. Leverage online appointment confirmations to remind customers to have key documents available if they need them. Virtual solutions position the bank to serve as an advisor rather than just a financial institution.

                                                        DON’T: Make it difficult for customers to do business with you.

                                                        Social distancing introduces a number of disruptions to the way you’ve traditionally done business. So limiting options to customers - providing no ability to bank online or via phone, not having a live customer service voice or chat option - is not going to help with a smooth reopening. In addition to making sure the services are available, it is imperative to communicate all options to customers.

                                                        DO: Demonstrate your commitment to a safe environment.

                                                        Use clear signage to convey the measures in place to ensure customer and employee safety. Make hand sanitizer or wipes available throughout the branch, and in all high-touch areas. Ensure cleaning supplies are visible, around doorways and near greeters to provide customers with an added sense of security. And make sure that employees are following every measure required of customers.

                                                        DON’T: Assume someone else will do it.

                                                        Bank staff need to show that the branch is being tended to, cleaned between visitors, and before opening each day. It is important that staff jump in to help move customers safely through the branch, ensure their questions are answered and overall, take a proactive approach to service without assuming that a sign or another staff member will take care of it.

                                                        Consumers will come back to the branch, but gaining their confidence is everything. Don’t lose it by not being prepared. It will be very hard to win it back.

                                                        Consumers are looking for ways to bank with you on their terms - in a way that is simple, convenient, and safe. So how can you enable hybrid banking experiences to exceed expectations? Find out by downloading the eBook, "The rise of hybrid banking".

                                                        The rise of hybrid banking: Enabling hybrid banking experiences to meet new customer and member demand.
                                                        Thinking about virtual events? https://www.jrni.com/blog/thinking-about-virtual-events Tue, 16 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/thinking-about-virtual-events

                                                        At JRNI, one of our core offerings are one-to-many events -- sign up online and show up in-store or in-branch for an experience that interests you. It’s one of our more popular offerings - but what happens when a pandemic enters the picture?

                                                        With nary a second thought, customers demand to learn new things to stay engaged and socialize with others. That’s why we accelerated JRNI’s ability to facilitate virtual events.

                                                        You’re all familiar with Peloton classes and teachers with their distance learning programs, but ever wonder how else virtual events are being used? Here’s a few ideas to get you thinking about making virtual events work for you:

                                                        Host online classes

                                                        One of my favorite bakery chains in Boston is Flour Bakery. Each week, the founder and creator of most of the recipes announces a recipe to bake together. Sweets fans, frustrated bakers, and homebound professionals can order the kit of ingredients for delivery or pick up, and everyone cooks together. It passes time, it’s creative, and it’s collaborative. Similarly, we’ve seen online wine tastings, cocktail mixing, financial planning seminars, and more that enable people with similar interests to gather from a very safe distance.

                                                        Provide expert consultations

                                                        Consumers are buying all kinds of products online. What if you leveraged a virtual consultation to get them up and running? Imagine your local telco provider offering a class on setting up your new phone - it saves you the in-person interaction, but follows through with the connection your provider has always offered. Or a bank advisor setting up a session with the parents of recent graduates to learn more about financing your child’s college education. The possibilities are endless, and the value, limitless.

                                                        Show off hot items

                                                        With the holidays around the corner (gasp), leverage a virtual event to invite top customers to see the newest, most desirable products for the season - new toys, party dresses, bow ties. Make it a festive event by inviting attendees to drink something sparkly, and then show them how to wrap a gift while offering them the opportunity to pick up that must-have item. This allows the store to generate revenue through product sales, while providing the personal and safe service that customers crave.

                                                        Livestream a key speaker

                                                        With all of the questions around PPP and the post-pandemic economic recession, have your financial advisors offer advice, answer questions, or allay fears for today’s investors, live. Similarly, livestream an author reading from a new work, a chef creating a new dish, or really any expert in their field addressing an issue that has broad appeal.

                                                        Offer a group activity

                                                        Museums and galleries are leading guided tours with narration. Companies are taking advantage of virtual escape rooms. Virtual events provide an excellent opportunity to engage a captive audience and maybe also educate them, all while alleviating the logistical issues that accompany live events. Think about the workout classes that have gone on in living rooms across the world for the past 12 weeks!

                                                        Like live events, virtual events serve multiple purposes:

                                                        • For brands and service providers, they’re an extension of your brand
                                                        • They provide support and interaction, all from a safe distance
                                                        • They bring together like-minded people for a sense of community
                                                        • They serve as a foundation for upsell
                                                        • They enable a continued relationship between vendor and customer
                                                        • They keep your employees and customers as safe as possible

                                                        Click here if you want to learn more about virtual events.

                                                        How COVID has transformed the way we work at JRNI https://www.jrni.com/blog/transforming-work-at-jrni Tue, 09 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/transforming-work-at-jrni

                                                        As a People Team, we’re used to the fast-paced nature of a growth-stage company and its changing priorities. But it’s safe to say that nobody was prepared for a global pandemic as one of those priorities.

                                                        We were monitoring the news regularly as we started to hear that COVID-19 was quickly becoming a real concern in countries such as China, and then closer to home in Italy and Spain, but even then I didn’t comprehend the effect this would have on the world as time went on.

                                                        We’ve been incredibly quick at adapting and reacting to the changing updates of our respective local governments, and have been regularly updating our teams on the latest protocols, advice, and support. This last month, to ensure that we’re fully supporting our employees, we’ve treated COVID-19 as a “health and safety risk,” meaning we’ve assessed all potential “risks” to our employees, documented our findings, and published a plan to our employees showing everything we’re doing in our power to keep them safe.

                                                        Here are the key directives:

                                                        • Not putting pressure on people to return to our offices: We have made it 100% clear to everyone that they are not expected to return to work - in the UK, in the US, or in Australia - until we are completely out of this pandemic. It’s unrealistic to think that we will be business as usual until a vaccine is found and rolled out to all. However, some employees are within walking distance from our offices, and some suffer from the isolation of living alone. They’re keen to return when things ease, so we’ve been prepared for this case.
                                                        • Ensuring social distancing in our office: This has been a case of revamping our seating plan, assessing potential “high traffic areas,” and creating one-way systems in public areas such as the kitchen.
                                                        • Asking employees to bring their own water bottles and hot drinks cups if possible, and bringing food and snacks that can be kept at desks and require little or no prep: Sounds simple, but it’s again an important step in keeping contact minimal and localized to assigned areas.
                                                        • Acting on personal symptoms: We’re insisting that employees experiencing any symptoms do not come into work and follow their respective Government guidelines. It’s as simple as that. No one should feel pressure to be present at work if they’re feeling ill, but this is an absolute 100% must during COVID-19 to lessen the risk of spread. If you’re feeling ill at work, leave immediately and call your manager on your way out.
                                                        • Acting on close-contact symptoms: The same goes if anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms. We’re insisting that employees self-isolate for 14 days.
                                                        • Hand washing and sanitizer stations: We are asking all teams to wash their hands immediately upon arrival to the office, and then regularly throughout the day. Handwashing and social distancing appear to be the best way to protect from the virus.
                                                        • Limiting the number of people in meeting rooms, and encouraging people to use their own laptops or phones for Zoom meetings: We have communal conference phones in our meeting rooms, and we want to mitigate the possibility that this will be a high contact point when people eventually return.
                                                        • Face masks: Government advice on facemasks differs worldwide. In Australia, their usage has not yet been encouraged unless you’re sick. In the UK, the government is still debating their effectiveness, but they’re a must when traveling on public transport and protecting others while in public. Meanwhile, in the US, it is suggested that masks are the latest accessory any time you’re out and about. We have advised that our teams are free to wear these in the office should they wish, and if they do not, they must dispose of them properly in a sealed bag in a bin Then wash your hands; we cannot say this enough!

                                                        All of the above and more was published to our employees this week. We want to give employees the time and opportunity to process, read the information, and put forward ideas and concerns. Ultimately it is key to understand that people are scared and it’s our responsibility to make them feel as comfortable returning to work when we do eventually return to “normal” - whatever the new normal will be!

                                                        3 reasons you should up-level clienteling with appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/clienteling-and-appointments Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/clienteling-and-appointments

                                                        It’s a largely accepted fact of business that focusing marketing and sales efforts on repeat customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new customers. According to Forbes, Gartner has found that 80% of future revenue comes from 20% of current customers, and Bain & Company has found that repeat customers spend 67% more money than first-time customers.

                                                        Great! If you’re in the retail industry - what do you do with that information?

                                                        In recent years, there’s been a lot of buzz around the new poster child for driving customer loyalty: clienteling. But the term “new” is relative. The concept of clienteling has been around for ages; all it is, really, is the concept of cultivating long-term relationships with specific customers. It has always been the key strategy at play for companies with certain business models, like boutiques. So, really, clienteling isn’t new.

                                                        What is new, though, is the idea of using technology to bring clienteling techniques to the masses.

                                                        In the way it used to work, clienteling was a time-intensive and high-effort activity - a lot goes into keeping track of what you need to know about an individual customer. These days, though, it can be managed with a glance at a tablet. If a customer walks into your store (or - more likely, these days - engages with you on your website), you can look at a customer record and - even if you’ve never met the customer before in your life - greet him or her like a personal friend. Want to know her size? Check out your clienteling app. Want to know about his past purchases? Check out your clienteling app. Want to send her a follow-up message after she leaves the store to mention a few additional items she might be interested in? You can do that in your clienteling app, too.

                                                        According to research from Forrester, customer demands that have changed in the last two years include increased demand for more personalization (59% of survey respondents want more!). So in an age where personalization is becoming a customer expectation, clienteling is a great way to get there.

                                                        If clienteling is your big play for driving customer loyalty, we applaud you - it’s a good one! Especially in an environment where most people are staying at home, having the ability to reach out to specific customers and show that you know what they need and want gives you a huge competitive advantage (plus, it’s kind of a nice thing to do). So: well done, you!

                                                        But we also want to share a top-secret pro tip, from us to you: You can be doing more.

                                                        Here are the three reasons you should up-level your clienteling strategy by adding appointments.

                                                        #1: To build stronger loyalty with extra-special treatment for your extra-special customers.

                                                        Clienteling used to be about identifying top customers and giving them special treatment. With clienteling apps, you can now use the data and tools at your fingertips to give this special treatment to any customer. However - that doesn’t mean you should leave your top customers in the dust! They’re still a key revenue driver for you - and by showing them that you know it, you can continue to build upon the loyalty that they already feel.

                                                        Offering appointments is the perfect way to show valuable customers that they are at the top of your mind while also giving them the personalization they’re looking for. With appointments, you can do more than give them personalized experiences - you can give them one-to-one personalized experiences. And in a world where “social distancing” is, unfortunately, the newest buzzword - a one-to-one experience strategy is also an essential way to make customers feel safe.

                                                        #2: To increase revenue by driving upsell.

                                                        In addition to building goodwill and loyalty with your customers, one-to-one experiences drive something even more tangible: hard revenue. But don’t take our word for it. According to Inside Retail, Australian retailer Honey Birdette reports measurable increases from appointment-generated revenue: “The average transaction value from sales through booked appointments is 57 percent higher than our usual benchmark,” said founder Eloise Monaghan.

                                                        #3: To reach your customers even when they’re staying at home.

                                                        Most clienteling apps were built around the concept of brick-and-mortar store visits, which, in the age of a global pandemic, is certainly problematic. That doesn’t mean, though, that you can’t use your clienteling app to its fullest effect - you just need to get a little creative.

                                                        By offering remote appointments, your customer can have her cake and eat it too: A one-to-one, personalized customer experience - in the safety of her own living room. You can continue to answer questions, recommend products, and even showcase them - all without the need for an in-store visit.

                                                        All this to say: If clienteling is your thing, we’re huge fans. And if you want to know how you can take your personalization strategies to the next level - JRNI is here to help. Sign up to speak to an expert today!

                                                        Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                        Welcome back shoppers https://www.jrni.com/blog/welcome-back-shoppers Mon, 25 May 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/welcome-back-shoppers

                                                        As more states lift shelter-in-place orders and retailers slowly begin to reopen their brick-and-mortar locations, the focus shifts to getting customers back into stores. How will retailers go about this task, especially considering in-store foot traffic was on the decline prior to the COVID-19 pandemic?

                                                        Giving in-store shoppers a positive, safe, personalized experience that makes them feel comfortable will enhance a retailer’s chances of getting them to return. And that’s the beginning of developing long-term customer relationships that drive profitable businesses.

                                                        A safe experience for consumers still wary of being in public places and among crowds is the first order of business for retailers looking to win back in-store shoppers. But just as important, perhaps even more so when evaluating the future health of the retail business, is the experience consumers get once they're inside their doors.

                                                        Consumers have come to expect a personalized, streamlined in-store experience, and they're increasingly relying on programs such as buy online, pick up in-store and appointment scheduling to help them get it. For example, appointment scheduling can be used as an effective tool for allaying consumers’ fears of having to spend extra time in crowded retail stores, and it has been proven to drive sales as well.

                                                        Our new report, “Open for business,” authored by Total Retail, offers insights and prescriptive actions to help retailers successfully welcome back in-store shoppers. Check it out!

                                                        Contributed post by Total Retail

                                                        How to use personalization in retail https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-future-of-retail-personalization Tue, 19 May 2020 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-future-of-retail-personalization

                                                        (Editor's Note: This article was originally published in December 2016 and has recently been updated for accuracy and clarity)

                                                        Personalization is the act of tailoring an experience or communication based on information a company has learned about an individual. Just like you may tailor a gift for a good friend, companies can tailor experiences or communications based on information they've accumulated about their prospects and customers. Personalization in retail enables a retailer to gather everything they know about a customer and leverage it to provide an optimal and unique experience.

                                                        In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of a personalization in retail. Then we’ll look at how retailers can leverage technology and data to improve the customer experience and build customer loyalty.

                                                        Why personalization is important in retail

                                                        Today’s digital technology provides retailers with access to unprecedented amounts of data, which they can use to build a personalized and enhanced shopping experience. A data-driven experience allows retailers to engage with their clientele on a deeper level by guiding them through a customized conversion funnel. The result is often stronger customer relationships, increased loyalty and larger basket sizes.

                                                        Who retail personalization benefits

                                                        From a consumer’s perspective, personalization is beneficial because it (a) makes them feel that a brand values them and (b) helps them save time and money finding the products they want to buy. And who doesn't want to feel like every interaction was designed specifically for them?

                                                        The latter benefit is a consequence of the first, and here’s why: brands can show value by collecting and using descriptive, behavioral, interaction, and attitudinal data to create tailored conversion funnels for their customers. And these funnels help customers quickly and efficiently find the products they love.

                                                        On the flip side—from a retailer’s perspective—personalization is beneficial because customers who feel valued are more likely to stay loyal to a brand. Loyal customers engender more loyal customers through classic word-of-mouth advertising, generate higher customer lifetime value and build stronger customer retention. So, personalization in retail is purely win-win, benefiting both business and consumer.

                                                        How retailers can personalize experiences

                                                        It’s no secret that customer expectations are rising in an age of immediacy. The new generation seeks instant gratification, convenience, and real-time personalization and relevance whether they’re ordering from an online store or shopping in a physical one. So retailers must find ways to personalize across sales channels. In other words, it’s time to go “phygital.”

                                                        Launching tech-savvy stores

                                                        By combining the convenience of shopping online with the satisfaction of browsing store shelves, technology can create a cohesive online-offline—or phygital—customer experience. Plenty of companies are adding augmented reality, interactive touch screens, and other such technology to the sales floor to bridge the phygital divide.

                                                        Case study: Rebecca Minkoff

                                                        Rebecca Minkoff is bringing the best of online shopping in store, using cutting-edge technology to create a unique and unforgettable customer experience. Several of Minkoff’s luxury physical stores have augmented reality touch screens embedded in “magic mirrors.”

                                                        These allow customers to browse and style different products in interactive fitting rooms. Customers can click on items in their mirrors to notify retail associates that they would like to try the items on. They can then pay for items with their mobile phones.

                                                        Customer experience innovations, including radio frequency identification technology and interactive displays, are the main features of Rebecca Minkoff’s stores. The company also uses sensors and cameras to track customers inside its stores and uses the data to improve its store layouts, inventory, pricing, and window displays.

                                                        Here are two other retailers mastering the in-store experience alongside Rebecca Minkoff.

                                                        Enhancing the customer experience with data

                                                        Let’s take a step back for a moment and talk about data. Data plays a valuable role in relevance, a key ingredient to personalization. And whether your company is creating social media content, placing an ad, sending out an email marketing campaign, or extending in-store customer service, today’s consumers expect relevance.

                                                        In other words, consumers want their retail experiences to cater to their own needs, wants, and expectations, not those of others. And the more relevant the message, the better the chance of interaction.

                                                        Retailers can collect the data they need to inform relevance from the following sources:

                                                        • Mobile apps
                                                        • Online/in-store point-of-sale systems
                                                        • Order histories
                                                        • Help tickets
                                                        • Surveys
                                                        • Browsing data
                                                        • Web analytics
                                                        • Third-party data
                                                        • and more

                                                        These channels allow retailers to capture, store, and analyze information that can improve the way they design their customized conversion funnels.

                                                        Case study: Nordstrom

                                                        One of America’s most iconic fashion retailers, Nordstrom, is a leading brand using cutting-edge technology to personalize the consumer’s buying journey. The company has set up an Innovation Lab to learn how big data analytics can enhance the customer experience. This forward-thinking retailer is already trialing beacon technology to send customers personalized promotions and more from collated data on customer preferences and behaviors. It’s one of several companies using data to fuel personalized shopping experiences.

                                                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                        Data continued

                                                        Analytics can automatically track conversions and revenue, as well as identify seasonal trends and business patterns to inform future retail decisions. Data also provides a knowledge base that helps businesses understand how their customer service skills perform among a variety of channels, including on social media, through phone support, in one-to-one marketing, and in sales.

                                                        Companies can develop strong relationships with customers on the phone, through an email loyalty program, on social media, and on other electronic communication channels. Brands use these real-time personalization technologies and behavioral data to inform customers about upcoming events or relevant promotions they may be interested in or to ensure customer satisfaction on a recent purchase exchange.

                                                        Customer segmentation also uses data for unsupervised learning. A company can divide its customer base into different groups to deliver effective, personalized social media and marketing campaigns to valuable potential customers. This way, businesses can target specific customers with products and services tailored to meet their specific needs and goals.

                                                        Empowering staff with data for better customer service

                                                        Customer-focused retailers are recognized for their genuine commitment to delivering value to customers. A customer-centric culture focuses on providing positive customer experiences that drive loyalty and growth. Retail brands can leverage data to better understand their customers’ needs and desires and provide superior customer service.

                                                        Building a customer-centric culture starts with strong employee engagement and empowerment. Executives should empower employees at all levels, from the sales floor to the boardroom, to use data to inform and enhance customer satisfaction.

                                                        According to Red Ant CTO Dan Hartveld, “Smart retailers know that to drive customer engagement, service, and loyalty, customer service needs to be of the same standard, whether online or offline. Providing shop-floor workers with customer information, real-time company updates, and integrated communications across business divisions enables retailers to manage brand reputation, stock efficiencies, and customer experience more closely.”

                                                        For example, employees can analyze sales insights on a weekly or monthly basis to find out what products are most popular with customers. They can use these insights to guide future customers with more product information.

                                                        Product information arms employees with the tools they need to develop strong customer service skills. Employee empowerment and product knowledge boost employee engagement, confidence, and communication to engage with customers on a deeper level. By keeping product knowledge central to customer service, companies can further engage with individuals inside their physical stores, growing customer loyalty.

                                                        By arming staff with insight into a customer’s previous purchase history, browsing data, and even returns history, a retail associate can home in on that customer’s shopping preferences. Retailers can give their employees access to this data through analytics tools that provide valuable, easy-to-understand reports that break down purchasing trends and customer behavior.

                                                        Employee engagement defines an employee’s commitment to a company’s goals and business efforts. And consumer data gives employees insights to better assist their customers and in turn build stronger connections with their brands. Engaged employees can help lead retailers to success with strong customer loyalty and a high Net Promoter Score.

                                                        Furthermore, when employees are given the tools and real-time data to make customers happy, they will also feel more engaged and purpose driven at their job. Forbes recognized these brands’ service teams for providing gold-standard customer service.


                                                        Today’s consumers want a proactive customer service team and approach that identifies an authentic, prospering business. A proactive retail team that practices good customer service habits and delivers an unforgettable customer experience unveils a strong customer-centric culture that encourages customer loyalty.

                                                        Most importantly, customers are looking for a relationship and personalized experience with their service providers. Customer relationship management technologies are enabling businesses to extend relationships with customers beyond face-to-face interactions.

                                                        Want to learn more about what attracts and retains the consumers today? Then be sure to check out our recent research, "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement".

                                                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                        5 ways to promote remote appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-promote-remote-appointments Wed, 13 May 2020 08:58:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-promote-remote-appointments

                                                        As customers become accustomed to engaging with their service providers across channels, it becomes incumbent on the retailer or financial services institution to make them aware when new channels become available. During COVID-19, many companies added remote or virtual appointments to their bag of tricks, as a complement to their existing websites, apps, and social profiles.

                                                        Many broadened their scope by offering remote appointments to provide the human, conversational elements of an in-person engagement with the safety and social distance that the times require. Their goal? To provide the same level of personalized service that consumers are accustomed to, while keeping employees and consumers safe. Even now, as many businesses have reopened with some level of in-person service, remote appointments provide flexibility, efficiency, and convenience.

                                                        To boost remote appointment volume, it’s essential to make customers aware of its existence and utility. Wondering where to begin? These five channels are a great starting point regardless of industry:

                                                        1. Email

                                                        Email is a staple in any marketing plan. When promoting your appointments via email, consider the following:

                                                        • How can I personalize the email?
                                                        • How can I segment my database to make the email more effective?
                                                        • How can I test my messaging around this service?

                                                        Don’t be afraid to test so you can learn which elements yield higher open rates, click-through rates, and appointments.

                                                        2. Social media

                                                        Social media networks have seen a substantial increase in traffic during the pandemic, and continue to be a main source where customers check for up-to-date business information. In fact, there are currently 3.78 billion social media users worldwide, and research shows that 44.8% of social browsers use social media to research products and services. Ensure your offering is front and center as users spend more time scrolling through their feeds and absorbing new content.

                                                        Need inspiration? Check out how BHLDN is promoting their remote appointments on Instagram:

                                                        BHLDN Instagram image

                                                        3. Website placement

                                                        When businesses closed during the pandemic, their website became the new “storefront.” Websites remain a vital source of information for your current and prospective customers, so ensure that your site is updated to reflect your current offerings, and add remote appointments as a service.

                                                        Check out how Bank of America features appointments on their website:

                                                        Bank of America homepage with Book an Appointment button

                                                        4. Blogging

                                                        In retail, it’s becoming de rigeur sales associates to establish personalities online. In fact, associates are opening Instagram and TikTok accounts to tout their favorite items and provide tips and advice to top prospects and customers. Each post ends with a call to action to set up a remote appointment.

                                                        Similarly, we’re seeing the same trend in blogs. From banks touting experts in saving or long-term investing, to retailers introducing opinions and interviews with product experts, blogs are a great vehicle for offering remote appointments. They capture interest, educate and leave the consumer wanting more. And it’s direct and personal.

                                                        See how British jeweller, Ernest Jones, is doing just that.

                                                        5. Customer outreach

                                                        Have employees reach out directly to your VIP customers. Your top customers and prospects would welcome the white glove approach, the personalized, one-to-one, and convenient experience that remote appointments have to offer. Not only is this a great way to schedule more appointments, it is also a great way to build deeper customer relationships that improve loyalty.

                                                        And as a follow up to each remote appointment, leverage the follow-up survey to find out how each customer found the experience. The feedback can provide great quotes for the site, especially the Contact Us page, or provide insight on how the solution might be optimized.

                                                        And since it’s been a rough year, we’re going to throw in a sixth suggestion on how to promote remote appointments. Leverage hold time. When a customer calls into a business, include a recording that says “head to the site and sign up for a remote appointment with an expert.” It’s instructional, prescriptive and a great alternative to some of that awful hold music!

                                                        Want to learn additional ways to promote your remote appointment options? Then don’t miss our helpful, industry-specific guides! Each has promotion ideas, industry examples, and tips to help supercharge your campaigns.

                                                        Don’t miss our helpful, industry-specific guides! Each has promotion ideas, industry examples, and tips to help supercharge your campaigns.

                                                        Introducing JRNI Analytics https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-jrni-analytics Mon, 11 May 2020 08:58:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-jrni-analytics

                                                        As you’ve probably heard from us in the past, we believe strongly in the importance of analytics. Why? Because getting insight about the one-to-one and one-to-many experiences you provide your customers can help you:

                                                        • Increase conversions
                                                        • Reveal hidden trends
                                                        • Improve customer experience
                                                        • Optimize your workforce
                                                        • Track progress against KPIs

                                                        And now, thanks to the release of our newest product: You can do all these things with JRNI.

                                                        We’re excited to announce the availability of JRNI Analytics, our industry-leading tool to help you get the most value out of your data. We designed JRNI Analytics so that you can see the story behind the statistics - and use that information to make decisions and take actions.

                                                        Keep reading for a glimpse into what you can do with our new tool.

                                                        Get insights without expertise

                                                        We designed JRNI Analytics so that it can be used by anyone. Don’t have reporting skills? No problem. Get a library of report and visualization templates that tell you exactly what you need to know without any report building or configuration.

                                                        JRNI Analytics dashboards

                                                        Reveal seasonal trends

                                                        Understanding past trends is essential for making good decisions. JRNI Analytics gives you date comparison reports that show you performance across time periods and compared to previous time periods, so you can uncover seasonal trends that inform your future actions.

                                                        Seasonal trends

                                                        Receive alerts and notifications about important KPIs

                                                        The last thing you want to do when analyzing data is to drown in a sea of too much information. With JRNI Analytics, you can set alerts and receive notifications so that you can always find the signal in the noise. Set custom KPIs and get alerted when your numbers drift below or above them.

                                                        JRNI Analytics alerts and notifications

                                                        Answer questions we haven’t thought of yet

                                                        Although JRNI Analytics comes with dozens of preconfigured reports, we also give you the ability to build your own. If you want full control over your analytics, you can have it. Customize dashboards and reports to your heart’s content!

                                                        JRNI Analytics preconfigured reports

                                                        Track revenue and conversions

                                                        Measuring ROI is crucial to any business strategy. JRNI Analytics tells you what you need to know about the revenue and conversions that are driven by the personalized experiences you’re providing your customers.

                                                        Understand wait time

                                                        How long are customers waiting to be served - and how long does it take to address their needs? JRNI Analytics gives you key insights on where you need to improve customer experience.

                                                        Get insight into staff capacity

                                                        Too busy, not busy enough? JRNI Analytics provides capacity analysis reports that show you the gaps in your workforce planning so that you can fix it at the store, regional, and staff-member level.

                                                        JRNI Analytics outcomes dashboard, conversion dashboard, and capacity dashboard

                                                        Intrigued? Want to see more? Contact us to speak to an expert and get a 1:1 walk-through, or watch our JRNI Analytics demo to learn more about the value that JRNI Analytics can bring to your business strategies.

                                                        JRNI Analytics demo: Watch the demo
                                                        Tips and tricks for remote meetings https://www.jrni.com/blog/tips-and-tricks-for-remote-meetings Fri, 08 May 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/tips-and-tricks-for-remote-meetings

                                                        COVID-19 has forced more people to work from home than ever before. According to an article by Forbes, an early-April 2020 MIT survey of 25,000 American workers found that 34% of workers have begun working from home in the past four weeks and roughly 15% of workers worked from home pre-COVID-19. That means close to 50% of workers are working from home, and are adjusting to a new remote working space.

                                                        One of the consequences of working from home means that all meetings are now remote. According to Microsoft, a new daily record of 2.7 billion remote meeting minutes in one day was recorded; with a 200 percent increase from 900 million remote meeting minutes on March 16. With so many remote meetings occurring, we laid out tips and tricks to help you hold the most effective meetings possible.

                                                        Stay professional

                                                        We get it. Kids are home, spouses are working from home, and finding a secluded working environment is difficult. You want to minimize distractions by finding a room with great wifi, clean background, and secluded from others. While we have compassion that not everyone can hide away in a completely secluded and quiet environment, best practices for remote meetings is to keep a quiet environment during the meeting.

                                                        That pan of uncooked brownies can wait - do not do anything in a remote meeting that you would not do in an in-person meeting. This means dress appropriately, use appropriate language, and do not multi-task during the meeting.

                                                        Practice the remote meeting software beforehand

                                                        Practice, practice, practice. There is an abundance of remote meeting tools on the market right now for companies to utilize. Do not allow the first time you use an application to be during the remote meeting, especially if it’s with a client! You will need to answer some questions to choose which one is the best tool for your remote meeting:

                                                        • Do I need to screen share for this meeting?
                                                        • How many people do I expect to attend?
                                                        • Do I need to record the meeting for others to watch later?

                                                        To answer these questions, make sure to test several remote appointment software tools before presenting. The last thing you need is 15 people sitting awkwardly during a meeting while you try to share your screen.

                                                        While testing remote software, keep in mind that safety and security during a remote meeting is a must. We suggest a fully native feature, which means neither you nor your customers need to integrate with any third-party apps. This reduces the risk of “Zoom-bombing,” or sharing of media credentials with those who don’t belong in the meeting.

                                                        Have an agenda

                                                        With so many other things happening in people’s lives and their homes, you never want to hold a remote meeting without a purpose. Be completely clear with the topic and expectations prior to the meeting. Whether meeting is with a client or colleagues, prepare for the meeting with a clear agenda and distribute it prior to the meeting if needed. A meeting with a potential client differs greatly from a meeting with colleagues, and will depend on how you prepare the agenda for the meeting. Either way, keep notes next to your computer and have your talking points laid out. If it makes sense for the meeting, utilize strong visuals, large fonts, or even GIFs to keep your attendees engaged.

                                                        Allow time for small talk

                                                        Conversations during remote meetings can sometimes be uncomfortable and do not flow well, especially if you are meeting someone for the first time or do not have a strong relationship with them. Give yourself time to chat before the meeting. If you are meeting with a customer for the first time over a remote meeting, create discussion questions or ice-breaker questions that you can discuss ahead of time. This tactic gives the conversation more of a flow.

                                                        Give your attendees the opportunity to input their suggestions

                                                        You lose a lot of non-verbal cues when everyone is muted during a remote meeting. After someone makes a point, allow others to jump in and contribute to the topic. Even when presenting, you want to hear thoughts or opinions. Recognize moments when you may need to ask for opinions or thoughts. People tend to mute themselves during meetings, and do not want to interrupt. However, interruptions are quite natural during in-person meetings. Make sure to pause a few times during your remote meeting, and utilize that information to address any pain points or issues later.

                                                        We know that remote meetings may not seem comfortable right now, and sometimes, unavoidable distractions or interruptions occur. Keep going, and give yourself grace during this time. We’ll be here to help in any way we can.

                                                        Want to create better remote meetings? Learn more about how JRNI Appointments can help you meet with your customers remotely - from the safety and convenience of wherever they choose!

                                                        A look into the post-pandemic future https://www.jrni.com/blog/a-look-into-the-post-covid-future Wed, 06 May 2020 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/a-look-into-the-post-covid-future

                                                        For the past several weeks, we’ve been chronicling movement as it pertains to branch and storefront closures, and subsequent openings. We’ve spoken with experts, provided advice, and put relevant solutions out into the market.

                                                        At the same time, we’ve been working closely with customers and prospects, helping them to connect to customers in challenging times, supporting them as they accelerate customer engagement initiatives, and listening to their requirements as they combat a new business landscape. In the midst of it all, we pause, and offer our own thoughts on what impact this pandemic is having on us, on our customers, on our futures.

                                                        Workforce of the future

                                                        2020/21 will be the year "workforce of the future" comes into sharp focus in the boardroom. Emerging technologies will present an undeniable opportunity for organisations to truly innovate and empower their people. Forward thinking executives will take stock, and reflect on recent events, and deep dive into the impact COVID has had on their ability to truly engage with their people and customers, whilst also seeking to responsibly limit operational overheads. The new workforce "norm" will be a fluid evolution, as businesses grapple with the short, medium, and long term implications of remote working in these unprecedented (yes, I said unprecedented!) times.

                                                        Social issues such as family, climate change, mental health, and education will take on heightened meaning when defining what cultural values a business places on its future workforce strategy. Boardrooms will embrace these ideas, and overlay shareholder accountability to ensure it continues to find creative ways to provide customer continuity across all channels, whilst promoting and adopting creative ways to offer points of market differentiation. With a (physically) fragmented workforce endorsed, IT and Business Continuity will become a critical supporting agent to ensure that the "workforce of the future" is well supported to excel now and into the future.

                                                        Jonathon Coleman, General Manager, Asia-Pacific

                                                          Always support the customer

                                                          Customers do not forget.

                                                          They might be maintaining your relationship now, because changing suppliers is not their priority. But how you’ve treated them during this time will affect what happens to your relationship in the future.

                                                          If you were proactive, consultative, and helpful, the chances are you’ll have a more successful partnership for the long term.

                                                          If you were absent, difficult, and inconsiderate of their needs, the likelihood is that they won’t be your customer for much longer, unless there really is no way to go elsewhere.

                                                          There will be little “down the middle,” time to reflect on a need in crisis will mean most customers will make a decisive view on their supplier then do something about it when the time is right for them (not you).

                                                          HJ Cone, Chief Customer Officer

                                                            The impact on workforce

                                                            The globalisation of technical teams will increase in pace as the barriers to remote workforces (processes, tools, and culture) will diminish as companies adapt to the impact of COVID-19.

                                                            On top of this, declining economic growth will add fuel to the fire, as companies will seek cost savings to offset the impact to their bottom line, providing opportunities for developing countries to take advantage of these changing trends.

                                                            Joel Sturmfels, Head of Technology

                                                              COVID-19 has crept into every aspect of life

                                                              • Many businesses will question the value in renting large offices when they have found working from home to work well.
                                                              • Tools specifically designed to further enhance and enable the work from home experience will become a growth sector.
                                                              • An inevitable wave of no win, no fee legal services will emerge relating to claims of unfair dismissal due to COVID-19.
                                                              • Fewer people will commute, further increasing financial pressures on rail companies leading to less services and high ticket prices.
                                                              • Oil companies and motor manufacturers of non-electric vehicles will struggle as governments try to balance increased pressure to use this inflection point to adopt a green agenda versus the need to kick-start their economies and manufacturing sectors.
                                                              • The tragic loss of so many people and the inability of loved ones to be with their relatives at the time of passing, will drive a significant increased demand for mental health support.
                                                              • In the UK, years of under investment in the NHS will be reversed in the short term to avoid other political parties capitalising on this vote winner.
                                                              • There will be many more calls for Amazon to be broken up on the grounds of monopoly.
                                                              • Data collected by governments and big business in the name of fighting infections, will be found to have been put to purposes not explicitly stated to users at time of consent. The benefit of holding such an insightful data set is sufficiently overwhelming to make companies like Google and Apple collaborate. These moves tick both marketing and data acquisition objectives and are likely to get a green light with substantially less scrutiny than at any other time in the last decade.
                                                              • Many will question whether their room full of toilet paper, rice, and dried pasta would not be more useful as a guest room.

                                                              Simon Copsey, CTO

                                                              New speed bumps in the path to purchase

                                                              “Fear” has been introduced into the path to purchase, heightening one of the key elements retailers try to manage when driving footfall and repeat business: “Angst” retailers are looking for guidance to overcome this new complex obstacle.

                                                              There is a tremendous amount of reprioritizing going on with both the consumer and the retailers. This uncertainty will drive a lot of learning activity. As an example, we’ll need to understand the new drivers for consumer purchase habits:

                                                                • Decision Trees, Segmentations, Consumer Interaction Data Analysis, etc. (e.g.- how much does delivery weight into your decision now and will it impact the way you shop going forward)
                                                                • Brand/Retail- “Safety”- Thought Leadership is a new “lever” for competing - e.g.: What are the things consumers are looking to their retailers for, to keep them safe?

                                                              Economic uncertainty will drive the need for communication in the sector between financial institutions and its consumers.

                                                              Healthcare organizations will need to confront the fact that people are afraid to go to their facilities because they feel they will catch COVID. This lends itself to new solutions including remote consultations and curbside consultations/testing.

                                                              Ed Carroll, Vice President, Sales

                                                                And what of a new normal?

                                                                There will be a fear of returning to the “old normal”, whether that’s a reticence to embrace public transport, an unwillingness to spend leisure time in cinemas or shopping centres, or a desire to work from home full-time. The “new normal” will mean technology is more embraced, you speak to your family more often, and the sense of community has deepened through both neighbourliness and staying local.

                                                                Working from home will become a more accepted practise, leading to decentralisation from large cities, a redistribution of wealth, and change to the location of disposable income.

                                                                Large government projects (such as HS2, a scheme to bring faster rail links between the north of England and London) will get scrapped as a result of less need to come to London, and to make up the huge hole in the government finances.This will also result in a higher tax burden across the board, especially on higher earners, for a long time.

                                                                The housing market, especially in larger cities, will initially see stagnation as people delay their moves, leading to pressure on construction companies and related supply chains, and subsequent pressure on the consumer spend chain and significant taxes to the government. However, home improvement and DIY will become increasingly popular and eventually the housing market will get going again.

                                                                Eating habits and types of groceries bought will be changed, as we have become a world of better home cooks who have more time to experiment.

                                                                And finally, things might be difficult for a while, so I suspect people will want to save up for a bumper Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, or other festival they might celebrate towards the back-end of 2020.

                                                                HJ Cone, Chief Customer Officer

                                                                  A new kind of pride

                                                                  News of a work at home order was a little shocking, and after the first hundred or so video calls, you had to wonder how long you could keep it up. But this new working environment has brought out a new pride, a new energy, and a new drive toward productivity. There’s pride in a team who has communicated at new levels and created some really great work; there’s pride in management for steering the ship in the right direction and making everyone feel like they’re part of the journey, and there’s pride in my colleagues, who in the most trying of circumstances leverage their collective senses of humor and purpose every single day. I’m hoping this collaborative spirit will become part of our new environment.

                                                                  Nancy Liberman, Vice President, Marketing

                                                                    Lessons learned

                                                                    COVID-19 will have an impact on the world in more ways that we can anticipate. The learnings we gain will allow us to be more prepared, and the personal impact will make us more grateful, appreciative, and respectful to the people we love, and the earth where we live.

                                                                    Amy MacIsaac, Vice President, Partnerships

                                                                    May analytics be with you: 5 powerful things you can do with data https://www.jrni.com/blog/may-analytics-be-with-you Mon, 04 May 2020 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/may-analytics-be-with-you

                                                                    There’s a lot going on in the world, and we get that. It’s not business as usual anywhere, and it’s silly to pretend it is. Here at JRNI, we feel lucky that we have the ability to do our part by staying at home, and we feel grateful to the people who are out taking care of our sick, making sure everyone has food, and keeping our streets and buildings clean and safe.

                                                                    In unprecedented times like these, though, we also feel that a little levity goes a long way. And that’s why, today, in the middle of a pandemic, we want to say:

                                                                    May the 4th be with you

                                                                    That’s right. It’s Star Wars Day. And like all proper nerds, we’re excited about it. So our team got together and wracked our brains to decide: What can give businesses a power equivalent to the Force?

                                                                    The answer? Analytics.

                                                                    I find your lack of analytics disturbing

                                                                    Okay, you may not be trying to save the galaxy from an evil empire, but you’ve still got a job to do: Delivering personalized experiences for your customers. So what’s your secret weapon for getting it done better than anyone else? Darth Vader had the Force choke. Luke Skywalker had Jedi mind tricks. And you have - that’s right - analytics.

                                                                    Data is the undercurrent of any business strategy, and a business strategy involving one-to-one and one-to-many experiences is no different. Under all these appointments, and under all these events, there’s valuable data waiting to be uncovered - whether or not you can see it.

                                                                    So how does this kind of Force help you? Here are 5 things you can do by harnessing the power of analytics.

                                                                    1. Increase conversions.

                                                                      The Dark Side had its fair share of conversion failures (May the Force be with you, Luke) and conversion successes (looking at you, Kylo Ren). So how is your business doing when it comes to conversions?

                                                                      Any company with an appointments and events strategy should understand how that strategy contributes to the overall business in terms of revenue, and be able to track how that revenue comes in (by service, by location, by staff member, etc.). Armed with this kind of data, you have the ability to maximize conversions where they occur, and increase conversions where they might be lacking.

                                                                      2. Reveal hidden trends.

                                                                        Is it a moon or is it a...Death Star? For the Rebel Alliance, this was an important question for driving decisions - and there are a lot of similarly important questions in any business. Data analysis can help you reveal information that you might not have otherwise identified: seasonal trends, regional patterns, and more. If you’re monitoring what’s happening now, you can use it to help you make better decisions in the future.

                                                                        3. Improve customer experience.

                                                                          “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” is never something you want to hear a customer say. But what are you doing to prevent it? Harnessing data about your appointment and event strategy is a key element of making sure that you’re delivering the kind of experience your customers want. How far in advance do they need to book an appointment for their desired service? How long are they waiting once they get there? If you can’t answer these questions, you’re missing a big part of the customer experience.

                                                                          4. Optimize your workforce.

                                                                            We can’t all have an army of Stormtroopers at our service (and let’s agree...that's probably for the best). But that doesn’t change the fact that the people who run your operations are key players in delivering superior experiences to your customers. Are you making sure that you have the right people in the right places at the right times - or are there gaps in your workforce optimization strategy that are leaving customers with less-than-desirable experiences? Data can tell you where you have too much and where you need more, so you can make sure your workforce is ready for anything.

                                                                            5. Achieve your KPIs.

                                                                              Never tell Han Solo the odds - but that’s not how you should feel. When it comes to business, everyone can benefit from knowing how they’re tracking, and whether it’s likely that actual numbers will stack up to planned targets. With proper data analysis, you can understand exactly how you’re doing compared to how you hoped to be doing, and easily see where you need to take quick actions to correct any curves heading in the wrong direction. Advanced businesses will even set up alerts - so that you get immediately notified when something is below (or above!) company expectations. Don’t be like Han - listen to what C-3PO has to say.

                                                                              If you’re not convinced that analytics can you give the same power as the Force...well, fine. It’s not going to raise your X-wing out of the swamps of Dagobah...we’ll give you that. But these 5 things are just examples of some of the ways analytics can give you a big leg up on the competition (or an evil empire), and help you continue to drive success for your business (or rebellion).

                                                                              May the Force be with you!

                                                                              JRNI Analytics is an industry-leading analytics tool that helps companies understand and improve the value of the personalized experiences they’re giving their customers. Want to learn more? Then be sure to watch the demo to learn what kind of insight you can get into your business!

                                                                              JRNI Analytics demo: Watch the demo
                                                                              Announcing COVID solutions: getting you back to business in COVID-19 https://www.jrni.com/blog/announcing-jrni-forward Thu, 30 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/announcing-jrni-forward

                                                                              If you’ve been following along here at JRNI, you know that we’ve spent the last few weeks focused on providing best-practice insights for thriving during and after COVID-19, including providing tips on how to promote remote appointments to your customers (for retail and for finance), best practices for using signage, and more.

                                                                              No one knows what the next few years hold, but we do know that, for the near future, no company can afford to continue operating under a “business as usual” mantra. Times like these call for flexibility, adaptation, digital transformation - shifting business models on their heads, and rethinking what it means to serve your customers. The way we see it, there are 3 core things that all companies - no matter the industry - are going to have to do: control crowds in brick-and-mortar locations, reach customers through remote appointments and virtual events, and plan for the next generation of customers. JRNI can help you with every one of these things.

                                                                              1. Control crowds in brick-and-mortar locations

                                                                              When stores and lobbies reopen, there’s going to be people flocking to them - and those people want to remain socially-distanced. Virtual queuing enables businesses to manage the flow and entry traffic into a branch or store. For customers looking for 1:1 service, or those who want more control over their situation, queuing redefines what it means to wait in line, and enables consumers to pick a convenient time, wait in their car or at home until it's time to enter. It's safe, entry is staggered and crowds are managed.

                                                                              2. Reach customers through remote appointments and virtual events

                                                                              For those services that can be delivered remotely, JRNI has you covered. Whether you want to integrate with your existing Zoom account to talk to your customers at their homes, or whether you want to take advantage of our fully-native voice and video feature (no third-party apps = no security risks!), JRNI’s options for remote connection are exactly what you need to go virtual. And forget Instagram Live - not only can JRNI help you schedule and hold 1:1 appointments, you can also broadcast live events that include registrations, reminders, follow-up communication, and - best of all - the ability to showcase specific product pages in the event livestream, bringing your attendees to their product of interest with just a single click.

                                                                              3. Plan for the next generation

                                                                              Lastly, it's crucial to have more than "now" in mind - you also have to plan for the next generation. And we don’t mean the next generation of COVID-19: We mean the next generation of customers. After months of social isolation, your future customers are going to expect different things than they do now. The ability for a company to create personalized experiences - experiences that make their customers feel connected, understood, and cared for - is going to be the next great brand differentiator.

                                                                              It’s time to journey forward. JRNI can take you there. Learn how we can help by signing up to speak to an expert today!

                                                                              Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                                              Give your customers a sign https://www.jrni.com/blog/give-your-customers-a-sign Wed, 29 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/give-your-customers-a-sign

                                                                              After six or seven weeks of self-isolation, business owners are getting ready to reopen. In the US, the first beaches and parks are ready for visitors, and states like Georgia, South Carolina, Alaska, and Oklahoma are starting to open non-essential businesses including gyms, salons, bowling alleys, and movie theaters. Similarly, the UK is preparing guidelines for non-food retailers as they get ready to welcome customers, starting with a number of DIY stores.

                                                                              While many officials believe it’s too early to open, and we need to see more progress in testing and flattening of the curve, consumers are, understandably, anxious to get out of their homes and back into their favorite restaurants, retail shops, banks, and gyms. So what happens when a customer shows up and the business isn't operating as it once was?

                                                                              One of the keys to keeping customers and prospects engaged is to offer clear communication, making customers aware of how to take advantage of your services. If you’re an essential business, you may want to provide your customer base with options leveraging some very clear signage.

                                                                              Signage elements for open stores with modified hours.

                                                                              • Business hours: Let customers know that your business is open, and provide hours of operation since they’re probably reduced in this unusual time. If you have special hours for specific audiences, convey that clearly to alleviate any unnecessary worries.
                                                                              • Crowd control: Make it very clear if you are discouraging families or large groups of consumers at a single time. Outline any wait requirements to avoid frustrations. This includes posting information like “1 in for every 1 out” and the like. In addition to occupancy concerns, this is a great place to point out that a safe distance of six feet be maintained between customers - in some stores, it’s the length of two shopping carts; in a teller line, it will be marked on the floor.
                                                                              • Alternative modes of meeting: If you are currently offering remote appointments or phone consultations, post a URL that customers can reach once they’ve arrived. If there’s bad weather, or time is limited, it’s a great way to achieve your goals without the wait.
                                                                              • Phone number: Always be sure to post your phone number and have a call center representative available to answer. In this climate, customers want to feel trust in their service providers, and sometimes a calm voice on the other end of the line is all it takes.
                                                                              • Cashless payments: If you’re able to accept cashless payments, this is an easy way to remind people. Again, it alleviates unnecessary fears as someone takes care of their business.
                                                                              • Our final recommendation for any signage is to thank your customers for their continued support as we get through these trying times. A thank you always goes a long way.

                                                                              Signage elements for closed storefronts.

                                                                              If your physical location isn’t open, sometimes signage is your only option. Good signage doesn’t just require legibility - it needs to provide access to your services in the way that a good customer service representative would.

                                                                              • Business status: Let customers know that you are currently closed, but not permanently closed. If possible, provide a date or month that you’ll be open. If a nearby location is open, this would be a beneficial detail to point out. Or, leave a call to action so that the customer can sign up (for a phone call, email, or text message) to be notified when you’re opening.
                                                                              • Alternative modes of contact: In many cases, even if your business’ physical location is closed, you can set up other options for meeting - pre-arranged appointments via video or phone. If you’re offering remote appointments - whether you’re a tailor, a financial advisor, or a healthcare provider - include a URL or QR code that enables the booking of a consultation or meeting with the relevant staff member.
                                                                              • Phone number: As with signage about reduced hours, closed physical locations should also always be sure to post a phone number and have a call center representative available to answer.
                                                                              • And, again: Say thank you!

                                                                              It may seem like a trivial thing to do - to hang a sign. But ultimately, it’s your calling card, assuring customers that you are there for them, even in trying times.

                                                                              Learn more about how JRNI helps retail companies and financial services organizations personalize experiences at scale.

                                                                              5 ways healthcare providers can leverage appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/healthcare-providers-can-leverage-appointments Mon, 27 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/healthcare-providers-can-leverage-appointments

                                                                              According to the Center for Disease Control, COVID-19 has affected 2,531,804 individuals worldwide. On the upside, 665,448 of those cases have recovered as of April 22, 2020. This unprecedented virus has turned our lives upside down, and wreaked havoc on the medical and healthcare communities.

                                                                              With such a burden on the system, healthcare interests are looking for a way to journey through the chaos and get back to business, and consumers are looking for safe and effective ways to interact with their healthcare providers with minimal risk. There’s no silver bullet, but thinking about ways to work within this new environment point to implementing an appointment scheduling system.

                                                                              An appointment scheduling system, or an appointment booking solution, offers a number of highly appealing capabilities including:

                                                                              • The ability to space out appointments in accordance with social distancing requirements and occupancy concerns
                                                                              • Enablement of built-in time to clean, sanitize, and disinfect between appointments
                                                                              • Remote connections via phone or video for a personal touch from a distance
                                                                              • Integration with existing systems for personalized service
                                                                              • The ability to survey patients for key pieces of information in advance of a meeting, an appointment, or consultation

                                                                              Once you consider the capabilities, think about the potential applications that offer wide appeal for ensuring the safety of your patients and staff:

                                                                              1. Powering testing

                                                                                Appointment scheduling allows clinics, hospitals, and drugstores the ability to have customers sign up for a slot to drop in and get tested, without the risk of waiting in line. Similarly, some health systems are offering patients the ability to schedule a testing time, drive through to get tested keeping everyone at a distance, managing the patient flow, and reducing impact on the call center. CVS, Walmart, and other pharmacies have started similar practices and it takes the worry out of the experience.

                                                                                2. Prescription consultations

                                                                                I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to do is queue with a bunch of sick people! Leveraging appointments allows you to pre-arrange a consult with your pharmacist in person or via video. You can also arrange to dial in your prescription and schedule pickup - either in-store or curbside, and check-in once in-store to ensure your pickup is ready.

                                                                                3. Offer visitation for vulnerable populations

                                                                                Relegate store or office hours for the elderly, the infirmed, or the vulnerable by making specific appointment slots available to them, and them alone. This allows drugstores, pharmacies, clinics, or medical practices to alleviate any unnecessary stress on a patient in need of medical attention. It also provides the ability to manage footfall into each location.

                                                                                4. Facilitating remote appointments

                                                                                According to Healthgrades, 85 percent of patients still schedule medical appointments over the phone, and of those, 60 percent are booked after hours. And each phone interaction takes an average of 8 minutes. Imagine offering patients the ability to book online, select phone, video, or in-person, and send a confirmation in just a few minutes. Joslin Diabetes has deployed a remote appointments solution, and they do a great job providing patients with a list of materials to have in advance of each call including prepared questions or requests for refills from the physician, any requirements from your insurer, and details on specific blood levels. It’s a tremendous time savings, and a huge boost in customer service.

                                                                                5. Enable telehealth

                                                                                With a shortage of PPE and a general wariness of the outside world, patients are open to new models of communications with their healthcare providers. As part of a larger move toward telehealth, appointment scheduling allows medical personnel to manage their day through an admin console leaving time for follow up, patient visits, emergencies and the like, while patients receive personalized service from a safe distance. An appointment booking journey, in this case, might include several qualifying questions to determine what level of care a patient might require based on symptoms, route that patient to the subject matter expert, and minimize risk to patient and provider.

                                                                                TIP: As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to grow, more tactics will be introduced to streamline testing and care. Appointment scheduling - remote and in-person - will certainly be one key lever for healthcare providers to better serve their members, while keeping staff and patients safe.

                                                                                Navigating the now, preparing for the future https://www.jrni.com/blog/preparing-for-the-future Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/preparing-for-the-future

                                                                                While the powers that be decide when we’re officially out of shelter-in-place mode and back to business as usual, the time is perfect to begin planning your return. Businesses are thinking about all of the details:

                                                                                • Do we open all at once, or location by location?
                                                                                • Do we open with full staff or skeleton staff?
                                                                                • What changes need to be made to the hygiene and sanitization of our facility?
                                                                                • And most importantly, how do we alleviate any customer and employee fears?

                                                                                There’s no correct answer, and each business’ path will differ based on location, number of storefronts, financial security and any number of other factors. While we have no crystal ball, we did pose the question to a number of JRNI partners and asked them for their best advice on getting back to business:

                                                                                Transition the magic of the in-store experience remotely

                                                                                • Ensure your teams are equipped with the tools to enable your teams to service the customer remotely. Lockdown periods may become the new norm, so act now so that you can service the customer from wherever your teams happen to be.
                                                                                • Break down traditional barriers associated with "working from home" and allow your teams to engage and interact personally with their customers. It builds trust and nurtures the customer relationship.
                                                                                • Allow your teams to send personalised edits and product recommendations and find ways to enable seamless payment options via text or social messaging.

                                                                                Cathy McCabe, CEO, Proximity Insight

                                                                                Proximity Insight logo

                                                                                Proximity Insight’s digital black book and outreach capabilities empower customer-facing teams to build powerful connections with customers and make it simple for brands to transition the magic of the in-store experience remotely.

                                                                                Concierge services come into play

                                                                                Retailers will need to put the safety of their employees and customers front of mind, so I would expect to see a more concierge-type service. The winning retailers will be the ones that offer pre-arranged visits to limit numbers in-stores, and deliver a more consultative and personalised experience, giving customers peace of mind whilst in-store.

                                                                                Dan Mortimer, CEO, RedAnt

                                                                                Red Ant logo

                                                                                Red Ant’s pre-integration with JRNI allows store associates to manage the consultation process from appointments and customer preferences, order history, wishlists and communication to drive an exceptional in-store experience.

                                                                                Offer multiple fulfillment options

                                                                                When retail stores reopen, social distancing guidelines are likely to remain. Consider offering multiple fulfillment options such as buy-online-pick-up-in-store as well as buy-online-fulfill-in-store as well as giving visibility on real-time inventory availability via your website and/or mobile app.

                                                                                Lee Cash, Sales Director, Europe, PredictSpring

                                                                                PredictSpring logo

                                                                                PredictSpring provides omnichannel retail technology, from mobile apps to full POS, to enhance customer and store associate experiences and facilitate modern retail use cases.

                                                                                Consider your employees

                                                                                As much as businesses rely on things going back to normal as quickly as possible - it’s important for employers to be cautious in hastily attempting to return to a pre-COVID routine. Employers need to put their employees first - by being both flexible, and ensuring that they provide a safe and supportive space for individuals who have gone through a very difficult and uncertain time. Although there will be some staff members who will be excited to go back to work, there are others who may be anxious about being exposed to colleagues and customers and it is up to managers and company leaders to ensure that the wellbeing of their staff is at the core of how they move forward and through these unprecedented events. Listen, be transparent and understand each individual employee’s situation; it is likely that some employees may have lost family members, know individuals exposed to the virus or even contracted the virus themselves at some point.

                                                                                Tara Dunham, Account Executive, Rotageek

                                                                                Rotageek logo

                                                                                In a time of uncertain trade levels, Rotageek allows 1-click notification of schedule changes and a seamless workflow for broadcasting extra shifts to find cover if people fall sick or if trade levels are higher than anticipated. We are also lucky enough to be a fast-moving company that is flexible in our offering and how we assist our customers; as a result of COVID, we’ve released some functionality that aims to reduce and contain the exposure risk inherent in customer schedules by updating our algorithms to take this into account.

                                                                                Provide the answers your base requires

                                                                                In the wake of this ongoing global crisis, consumers are more dependent on accurate and up-to-date online information than ever. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, ushering out the more acute crisis and bringing in new phases, all new questions will accompany this shift. The true strategic insight for brands to take away from this moment isn’t how to develop a battery of specific answers to a finite list of COVID-related questions — the real insight is how important it is to make your brand answers-ready at all times in all the places your customers are asking questions.

                                                                                The key is understanding what exactly a customer wants to know, or what action they are ultimately looking to perform. To do this, you must make sure your website’s search functionality is optimized for discerning a customer’s true intent when searching.

                                                                                Duane Forrester, VP of Industry Insights, Yext

                                                                                Yext logo

                                                                                Yext Answers is a revolutionary site search product that understands natural language and delivers answers on your website to help consumers convert — right in the search results.

                                                                                Let’s get rolling

                                                                                The US is not ready to go back to business just yet, but when it does Anthony Fauci, NIAID director said to expect a "Rolling Reentry" where specific areas return to business at different times and at different levels. Meanwhile, specific states like Michigan are placing local only restrictions on what items retailers like Target, Walmart, and Costco can or can't sell. Conveying these nuances to customers will be key in making reopening successful.

                                                                                Sandeep Bhanote, Co-Founder & CEO, Radius8, Inc

                                                                                Radius8 logo

                                                                                The Radius8 Welcomer is a geo-targeted, mobile-first, digital solution for your website that provides businesses a quick way to deploy and manage hyper-localized content based on the consumers physical location. As the pandemic evolves, up-to-date communication will be paramount. As businesses begin to reopen at the local level, we enable you to effectively get back to business as usual in every local market. For more information on their offering, please visit https://www.radius8.com/covid19response.

                                                                                Adapting to new behaviors

                                                                                The retail industry will face a new consumer with altered behaviors post COVID-19. There will be pent-up demand, however, it may be tempered by a new appreciation for consuming less, especially as the economy slowly bounces back.

                                                                                The pandemic will accelerate structural and behavioral changes we've been witnessing across retail in the last few years. As stores start to reopen slowly, we’ll continue to see a strong shift towards direct-to-consumer and omnichannel interactions. As best practice, retailers will need to stay closely connected with their customers and adapt to their new needs and habits. Providing associates with the technology and devices to continue communicating and servicing their customers, such as clienteling and web chat, will help bring the in-store experience into the homes of customers. Successful retailers will be those that invest in the right technologies and infrastructure to support their associates and provide hyper-personalized customer experiences across the entire connected store.

                                                                                Learn more about how JRNI is helping retail companies and financial services organizations meet new and evolving customer demand.

                                                                                3 reasons banks are using remote appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-reasons-banks-are-using-remote-appointments Wed, 22 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-reasons-banks-are-using-remote-appointments

                                                                                Consumers are quickly learning which of their service providers are adapting best to this new world. Are financial services providers like banks and credit unions adapting, or falling behind?

                                                                                Finances are a highly personal topic, and often, illogical or emotional. Will I have enough? Will it be available when I need it? It is always a hot topic of conversation, but especially during a pandemic when unemployment rates are rising, and the economic landscape is unsettled. In the past, a consumer could walk into the bank, have a reassuring conversation with a representative and move on. But today, how can banks help their customers through tough financial times when in-person communication is nearly impossible? One solution is to provide helpful, personalized customer service through digital channels.

                                                                                While in-person assistance will remain important after COVID-19, consumers are looking for assistance now. In this article, we will look at why banks are turning to video and voice appointments to boost customer satisfaction and meet customer expectations.

                                                                                1. Comply with social distancing

                                                                                  Our Modern Consumer Banking Report last year showed that when consumers visit branches, it’s primarily to talk face-to-face and ask questions/get help.

                                                                                  The top reason UK and US consumers go in-branch for banking and financial services is to talk face-to-face

                                                                                  Research from Bain reinforces this, and emphasizes that “many retail banking customers think it’s easier to purchase through a human channel, or prefer to speak with an employee before buying a product.”

                                                                                  Many retail banking customers think it’s easier to purchase through a human channel, or prefer to speak with an employee before buying a product.

                                                                                  Due to social distancing measures, branches cannot be customers’ primary way of managing their finances during this pandemic. However, this doesn’t mean that customers aren’t interested in personalized attention that can be made available via video and voice.

                                                                                  2. Meet new demand

                                                                                    Although spending habits may have changed, consumers are still making critical financial decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                    Individuals: The financial effects of coronavirus are drastically different from one consumer to the next. While some are counting down the days to receipt of their unemployment check, others may be taking advantage of low-interest rates to buy a house. Ultimately, banks and credit unions need to address each customer segment with a unique message and way of providing assistance.

                                                                                    Small business banking: Countless small businesses around the world have been forced to close their doors. Whether they’re needing loans, payment deferrals, or advice, small businesses are looking to their bank as a guide, and a comfort.

                                                                                    Investment management: A recession is upon us, and with that comes a new approach to investing. Financial advisors are fielding questions, providing recommendations, and staying up to date on the market. Beyond this, many are building entirely new strategies for their clients.

                                                                                    Regardless of customer type, it’s clear that each subset of customers needs help from their financial institution at this time.

                                                                                    3. Boost customer retention

                                                                                      Financial institutions cannot afford to lose customers during the pandemic, so customer retention is crucial.

                                                                                      Great customer service boosts customer loyalty, and research from Bain shows that loyalty is key to retention:

                                                                                      • Customer loyalty increases revenue, and loyal customers are less likely to switch to a competing bank.
                                                                                      • Customers who are a bank’s “promoters” recommend the bank to others as much as six times more than “detractors.”
                                                                                      • A bank’s “promoters” spend one-quarter more than detractors on their primary credit card.

                                                                                      Ultimately, being able to connect with a customer in need using video or voice can give customers peace of mind and boost loyalty. Delivering personalized financial services without interruption is crucial.

                                                                                      Initial results from video banking show that consumers consider the service valuable. Phoenix Synergistics’ survey from December 2019 found that 17% of customers polled had used video chat through a website or app with their financial institution. Of those that had used video chat, 89% found video chat valuable.

                                                                                      Tips for banks using remote appointments:

                                                                                      • Ensure your solution is secure and doesn’t expose personal information outside of the conversation
                                                                                      • Create a culture of consultation to alleviate outstanding fears or unsettledness
                                                                                      • Leverage appointment setting to allow customers to pre-schedule consultations and inquiries
                                                                                      • Include remote appointments as part of a suite of “touchless” offerings
                                                                                      The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                      My Journey to JRNI: John Nolan https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-john-nolan Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-john-nolan

                                                                                      Meet our customer support technician, John Nolan.

                                                                                      We sat down with him to learn more about his career experience, why he enjoys working for JRNI, his interests outside of work, and more!

                                                                                      Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                                                                                        Professionally, I come from a non-tech background. After college, I interned for the Massachusetts Probation Department, but decided that line of work was not for me. At that time, I was offered a management position at Anton’s Cleaners, and spent the next seven years managing a team ranging from 5 to 10 people at various locations. My passion was always tech, and I finally decided to take a leap into this industry, and JRNI was gracious enough to grant me this opportunity.

                                                                                        What’s one of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career at JRNI?

                                                                                          I’m proud of the amount of information that I have been able to absorb since coming to JRNI. My colleagues are experts on our platform as well as this industry, and are always willing to teach. I could not be more grateful to all of them!

                                                                                          What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                                                                                            The most rewarding part of working at JRNI is the Eureka moment when I finally get to the root of a bug or issue that has proved difficult to pin down.

                                                                                            What are some of the projects you’ve been working on recently?

                                                                                              Lately, I have been in training for JRNI’s newest product (launching soon!), which will be a key addition to our platform. Stay tuned to our blog and social media for more updates!

                                                                                              What’s a typical day like for you?

                                                                                                Being part of a global team on a “follow the sun” support model, I typically come in and get caught up with everything that has transpired since I signed off. I then work on any open issues I have, react to any new issues that arise, and support other members of the customer experience team that may need my assistance. The day ends with passing the torch to the next support team that comes online, which is our support team in Sydney, Australia.

                                                                                                Tell us a little about JRNI’s culture. What’s your favorite part about it?

                                                                                                  JRNI has a great internal culture. We work hard but we encourage enjoying our day together at the same time. Whether it’s the summer outing, a surprise pizza party, or just a coworker sharing a funny story about their son in the middle of a workweek, I always hear cheerful people in the office. The combination of simultaneously being heads down and getting work done while still cracking jokes and laughing creates a wonderfully balanced environment that I love being a part of.

                                                                                                  What’s your favorite thing about your coworkers/team?

                                                                                                    We have a very dynamic team, and rely on each other across 4 offices globally. No matter what time of day it is locally, individuals are always willing to help each other out and work together. I appreciate that no matter who, where, and when I ask for help; our team will always get me what I need and take the time to explain the solution if it was something I was unfamiliar with.

                                                                                                    What's one thing that people don't know about you?

                                                                                                      I used to write and animate comics all throughout elementary and high school.

                                                                                                      If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

                                                                                                        I would love to visit Istanbul, and stand on top of the remains of the walls of Constantinople.

                                                                                                        Interested in working alongside John and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointhejrni!

                                                                                                        We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!

                                                                                                        Retail redefined https://www.jrni.com/blog/retailers-redefined Thu, 16 Apr 2020 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/retailers-redefined

                                                                                                        With customers huddled safely in their homes, and many businesses eager to work but declared non-essential, the spirit of the retail community has been nothing short of inspirational. In the face of having to close doors, furlough employees, and wonder when business as usual will resume, retailers are stepping up to find new purpose and contribution to the greater good.

                                                                                                        Leveraging expertise

                                                                                                        Retailers known for their impeccable styling and tailoring are pitching in to leverage resources, skills, and facilities for the production of personal protective equipment (PPE). Rather than stay at home, retail workers are giving back to the industry, helping to ensure an upside to our isolation orders.

                                                                                                        Nordstrom: As the largest employer of tailors in North America, the Seattle-based retailer is sewing over 100,000 masks, which will be sanitized and distributed to healthcare workers. Teams in four states are working on the project.

                                                                                                        Jo-Ann Fabrics and Neiman Marcus Group: The fabric company jumped into the fray to help make PPE for healthcare workers by providing sewing machines, guidance, and materials to volunteers who want to help with the effort. In addition to assisting with production, they are helping hospitals to source key materials like vinyl and elastic.

                                                                                                        Beyond their own effort, Jo-Ann Fabrics is collaborating with Neiman Marcus Group to make gowns, masks, and scrubs for the medical community. Neiman Marcus had the sewing skills, but called on Jo-Ann Fabrics for material and CDC-approved patterns. Right now, the pieces are being assembled in four of Neiman’s alteration facilities. The next challenge is looking beyond masks into other types of necessary PPE.

                                                                                                        Michael’s: The crafts store recently donated $1 million in fabric to provide various local organizations the material to produce 750,000 masks. In addition to the fabrics, they’ve provided instructions, patterns, and links to any required products from their site.

                                                                                                        Repurposing facilities

                                                                                                        Along with the feeding frenzy on toilet paper, consumers were quick to empty retail shelves of hand sanitizer and other cleaning supplies. To make sure there was adequate supply, innovative retailers retooled their manufacturing facilities to move away from cosmetics and perfume, and began producing cleaning materials.

                                                                                                        LVMH and Estee Lauder: LVMH kicked off the trend in the beauty industry by converting its French fragrance facilities into hand sanitizer production factories. The end product is being distributed to local hospitals. Shortly after, Estee Lauder Companies reopened a manufacturing plant to begin production of hand sanitizer.

                                                                                                        In the United States, a number of distilleries pitched in to provide their versions of sanitizer.

                                                                                                        Good will hunting

                                                                                                        While the virus is wreaking havoc in hot spots across the world, it is bringing out an altruistic, community-oriented movement toward providing support and other modes of good will.

                                                                                                        Crocs: The manufacturer of those colorful rubbery clogs have launched a program called “A Free Pair for Healthcare,” and are donating shoes to medical teams across the county. Healthcare workers, who appreciate the shoes for both comfort and easy clean up, can visit the Crocs site to order. When they hit 10,000 pairs in a day, the site invites visitors to come back the following day. Crocs’ CEO said “The duration of our giveaway will depend on our level of inventory and the amount of requests we receive. These workers have our deepest respect, and we are humbled to be able to answer their call and provide whatever we can to help during this unprecedented time."

                                                                                                        Rothy’s: Last month, Rothy’s posed a challenge to their Instagram followers to see how they might contribute to COVID-19 relief efforts. After receiving hundreds of ideas, they created the Open Innovation Coalition along with a number of other retail brands. Each company contributes materials, patterns, skills, and distribution - allotting close to 30% of their manufacturing time to making masks. Various partners contribute what they can in terms of raw materials, and they collaborate toward a finished product.

                                                                                                        Williams Sonoma: This kitchen and homeware brand is working with No Kids Hungry to make sure that children are receiving meals while they aren’t in school. Sweetgreen is making sure healthcare workers are amply fed. And the Starbucks Foundation is donating $500,000 to support front-line responders, and providing free coffee to those front-line workers through early May.

                                                                                                        TIP: While you’re on your journey through this precarious time, and you have the time, the inclination, and the supporting community, leveraging your collective skills for the protection of others pays a whole new kind of dividend for retailers.

                                                                                                        How to increase credit union member loyalty https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-credit-union-member-loyalty Wed, 15 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-credit-union-member-loyalty

                                                                                                        (Editor's Note: This article was originally published in October 2017 and has recently been updated for accuracy and clarity)

                                                                                                        The availability of information and online services is empowering today’s consumers. With access to more purchasing choices in the internet age, consumers are able to make better-informed decisions about the things they invest in—from coffee and pillows to savings accounts and investment options.

                                                                                                        Therefore, it’s extremely important for credit unions to be smart in how they acquire and retain members. Customer loyalty can bring major benefits. And thankfully, strategies for boosting customer loyalty aren’t kept secret. Keep reading to learn how to increase credit union member loyalty through technology, staffing, and personalized services.

                                                                                                        How the top credit unions value their members

                                                                                                        To start, members value credit unions primarily for the products they offer. The better a credit union’s products—that is, the more money members can save with them—the more members it’ll attract and retain. That’s step one.

                                                                                                        The consumer financial services company Bankrate evaluates the best credit unions in the United States each year. Time and again, credit unions that offer cheap checking accounts and high-interest savings accounts, for example, rank high on Bankrate’s lists.

                                                                                                        Here are the credit unions that topped Bankrate’s list in 2020:

                                                                                                        • Alliant Credit Union
                                                                                                        • Star One Credit Union
                                                                                                        • Boeing Employees Credit Union
                                                                                                        • Quorum Federal Credit Union
                                                                                                        • Pentagon Federal Credit Union

                                                                                                        Offering affordable accounts and paying high interest rates are certainly ways credit unions can seek recognition. But there are also other ways for credit unions to differentiate themselves and earn loyal members.

                                                                                                        Why should credit unions show that they value their members?

                                                                                                        Credit unions boost retention and customer lifetime value (CLV) when they go the extra mile to show members they care about them. By strengthening relationships with members, particularly through face-to-face interactions, credit unions can increase their CLV.

                                                                                                        According to our consumer behavior research from 2018 , 67 percent of consumers will invest more in a service following an in-person interaction. Through in-person interactions, credit unions can prove that they value their members and, in turn, boost their member retention and profitability. How so?

                                                                                                        Reaching out to members on the phone, through email, and on social media can save employees time. But they’ll miss golden opportunities to really connect with the people they’re trying to serve. Only when employees meet with members in person will they get a true sense of what members are thinking and feeling in response to service.

                                                                                                        In-person meetings facilitate continual two-way feedback. And there’s no better way to cultivate insight into what members need and want.

                                                                                                        Why do consumers choose credit unions over banks?

                                                                                                        People often choose credit unions because these member-owned financial institutions offer more customized products based on member interests. With credit unions, members have access to conventional banking products such as checking, savings, and money market accounts and loans. And they typically benefit from access to higher rates on savings accounts and lower costs on borrowing.

                                                                                                        It’s also important to note that deposits in credit unions can be federally insured. This means that credit union members don’t have to take on any additional financial risk when doing their banking.

                                                                                                        What separates the best credit unions from other credit unions?

                                                                                                        While it’s certainly true that the best credit unions offer great products and services, they go beyond to stand out: For example, many leverage self-service banking technology for members on the move. But they also build time into their day-to-day operations for in-person customer service to help those who need a little extra guidance.

                                                                                                        Self-service banking tech using the Internet of Things to connect mobile devices with banking systems can allow cash automation, mobile check-in, portable tellers, and more. The best credit unions are constantly finding ways to innovate, ensuring they provide the best customer experience possible to build long-term relationships with satisfied members. (More on technology below.)

                                                                                                        At their root, the best credit unions are customer centric—they value relationships with their members over anything else.


                                                                                                        Consumers are recognizing several credit unions for their impressive new approaches to technology.

                                                                                                        How can technology help sustain a customer relationship?

                                                                                                        Technology can make member-business interactions efficient and enjoyable. For example, the Arizona-based Hughes Federal Credit Union has demonstrated how one particular type of technology, a biometric system replacing the need for passwords, can improve members’ banking experiences while also improving employee productivity.

                                                                                                        Rich Griesser, the vice president of information technology at Hughes, explains how this new technology functions: “It works below the surface of the skin, reading the vascular signature of the palm, which is unique to each person and replaces the need for manually entering usernames and passwords.”

                                                                                                        He also notes that this technology eliminates some of the problems that members commonly have while trying to log on to secure systems. These problems include forgotten passwords in need of reset and insecure passwords, which expose security holes in customer data protection.

                                                                                                        While eliminating these problems, this new technology also reduces the loss of employee productivity associated with these log-on problems. In a win-win situation, the system saves employees time and increases member convenience and security.

                                                                                                        As Griesser notes, the biometric system is “fast, secure, and easy to use” and has been “a huge success so far.”

                                                                                                        What technology options are credit union members looking for?

                                                                                                        Biometric log-ons are just one type of innovative technology that appeals to credit union members. In general, they look to technology that makes banking easier and faster. For this reason, online banking and mobile banking are extremely popular, especially among young members.

                                                                                                        Interest in easier and faster service interactions also makes technology that allows members to book service appointments in advance and avoid waiting in line very appealing. Check out this article for more information on why lines, or queues, are an issue for financial services companies and how technology can help reduce them.

                                                                                                        Staff efficiencies

                                                                                                        It’s vital for credit unions to understand the importance of frontline staff, especially during the introductory phase of new technology. It’s crucial that credit unions train them properly to support every product they offer.

                                                                                                        How can credit unions optimally position staff to wow members?

                                                                                                        Managing staff at a credit union is challenging. Having the right number of employees at each branch with the appropriate training to meet member demand for depositing checks, applying for loans, withdrawing cash, and more is more complicated than it may initially seem.

                                                                                                        Credit unions are looking to make their branches more profitable and efficient. The easiest way to achieve these goals is to implement scheduling and queuing software to better meet the needs of a credit union’s members and employees.

                                                                                                        How can credit union staff attract, retain, and grow relationships with younger consumers to strengthen the vitality of member bases?

                                                                                                        One important way that credit union staff can attract, retain, and grow relationships with younger consumers is through a queue management system. No one likes long wait times. And for younger consumers—who are accustomed to the speed and efficiency of online interactions—spending a lot of time waiting in line can be particularly unappealing.

                                                                                                        Appointment booking empowers credit unions by solving two key problems that just about every financial institution has. The first problem is that everyone goes to their branch around the same time. The second is that branches often don’t have sufficient staff to meet crunch times.

                                                                                                        An appointment booking platform provides an easy way to increase staff efficiencies. This is because it allows people to pick convenient times to visit their credit union branches, and it allows branches to optimally schedule staff for member visits.

                                                                                                        To learn more on how to make your branches’ operations more profitable and efficient, check out our blog post “6 reasons why your bank needs a scheduling and queuing solution.”

                                                                                                        To help build community and loyalty with younger consumers, credit unions can also host bank events, such as educational workshops on home buying, or “shred days,” where members can securely destroy cancelled checks and other private documents. Credit union staff can promote these events on social media, making sure that they are visible to younger consumers.

                                                                                                        Why is an efficient staff important to increasing member loyalty?

                                                                                                        Members value positive interactions with efficient staff. When members have questions about different financial products and services or their overall financial well-being, they need knowledgeable, trustworthy, and available people who can provide answers. Efficient staff is key to assuring members that their financial well-being is in good hands. And member confidence increases loyalty.

                                                                                                        Member personalization

                                                                                                        In addition to taking advantage of technology and staffing effectively, credit unions can use personalization to increase member loyalty. Member personalization is the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach to business. Businesses that embrace personalization work to ensure that they customize interactions with members to meet their specific needs and interests.

                                                                                                        What are the most effective member personalization methods for credit unions?

                                                                                                        Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are key to member personalization. To provide effective personalized services, credit unions need to ensure that each member’s data is accurate in their CRM databases and integrated with other systems that can make use of it, such as marketing automation systems.

                                                                                                        It is crucial that every member-facing employee has access to this data so members don’t have to explain their needs over and over. Providing member service representatives with a quick snapshot of members’ transaction histories can go a long way toward improving member experience and building trust.

                                                                                                        Additionally, simple things such as knowing why members are visiting their branches and knowing their names are extremely valuable in effective member personalization.

                                                                                                        How can member personalization help your credit union?

                                                                                                        Ultimately, member personalization goes hand in hand with efficient staff and innovative technology use to help credit unions build loyalty among members. With happy and loyal members, credit unions can continue to thrive as financial institutions well into the future.

                                                                                                        Want to learn more about improving member loyalty? Here are a couple resources to check out:

                                                                                                        Want to learn more about how JRNI helps schedule and manage in-person and virtual appointments that provide personalized, one-of-a-kind experiences that improve experiences? Check out JRNI for Credit Unions. Additionally, watch the video below to learn how Visions Federal Credit Union quickly surpassed their appointment booking goal after implementing JRNI as a way to improve their member experiences:

                                                                                                        3 ways to manage footfall https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-ways-to-manage-footfall Mon, 13 Apr 2020 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-ways-to-manage-footfall

                                                                                                        Footfall management is defined as the measurement of the number of people entering a retail store or a shopping mall. It's also referred to as people counting, shopper counting, and sometimes capacity management. In the past, footfall management was a data-driven KPI designed to maximize sales and profits, inform retailers where to set up shop and accurately staff each location. However, the advent of COVID-19 changed some of that strategy significantly.

                                                                                                        The pandemic changed the way we live, and - perhaps permanently - altered the way we shop. Consumers are reluctant to enter retail stores full of strangers, some with gloves, some with masks, and some just thinking "it'll never get me." The notion of foot traffic and walk-ins is more of a rarity than it had been previously.

                                                                                                        So, it shouldn’t be surprising that research from Shopkick demonstrates that nearly three quarters of consumers have changed their shopping behaviors as a direct result of this virus.

                                                                                                        Early in the pandemic, they found:

                                                                                                        • 60% of consumers are wary about shopping in stores;
                                                                                                        • 85% are taking some action to maintain their health like using masks, shopping at less crowded times, and using self-checkout;
                                                                                                        • Online purchasing has not increased at a pace that equalizes the lack of in-store shoppers

                                                                                                        With some European retailers open opening, and US retailers managing new policies, we have three recommendations for driving traffic, while carefully managing footfall, capacity, and the customer safety.

                                                                                                        1. Meet me at the curb

                                                                                                          Retail leaders like Best Buy are testing out new models to work within the confines of social distancing, while still providing an excellent customer experience and managing foot traffic.

                                                                                                          In March 2020, Best Buy introduced curbside service for all of its stores. The effort was designed to protect both employees and consumers, while keeping revenue flowing. The solution allows consumers to shop online, and pick up at the store location without ever having to leave their cars. The appeal is multi-fold as consumers like the convenience, while retailers appreciate the reduced shipping and packaging requirements, and both appreciate the built-in distance.

                                                                                                          With the success of such programs, retailers are including curbside options as an alternative to in-store foot traffic, home delivery and unused physical stores.

                                                                                                          2. Manage crowd size

                                                                                                          Similarly, Home Depot announced limits on the number of customers that can be in-store at a given time. They're also closing early to ensure sufficient time for restocking and enhanced sanitization.

                                                                                                          Early in the pandemic, Walmart announced that they would be proactively deploying footfall management strategies, throttling the number of shoppers entering the store. After reviewing footfall data, they determined that the right solution was allowing five customers per each 1,000 square feet of floor space. They have also embraced other solutions for crowd management, including one way in-aisle foot traffic to avoid people running into one another, and requesting that people shop alone rather than bringing families. Costco has taken a similar route.

                                                                                                          And my local Whole Foods is allowing 10 shoppers in at a time using a guard and a people counter, only allowing new shoppers in as one exits. Who would expect a supermarket to employ the same footfall management strategy as a nightclub?

                                                                                                          3. Offer pre-arranged appointments

                                                                                                          Retailers looking for footfall management solutions are busily evaluating appointment scheduling and planning how to best leverage their current solutions. Innovative stores can offer customers the ability to sign up online for 15 or 30-minute slots to check into the store, take care of business, and leave. Pre-arranged time slots eliminate the need to queue outside the store into dangerous parking areas, or stand in the pouring rain.

                                                                                                          In the near term, bookstores are combining scheduled appointments with curbside pickup for a pre-arranged pickup time. That way, a bag can be left with a customer’s purchase in front of the store with no need for human interaction.

                                                                                                          For some retailers, particularly beauty brands, remote appointments are being leveraged to provide personalized experiences and the ability to purchase online until retail stores reopen. Because shopping is emotional, consumers still want the one-to-one personalized experience. If you've deployed an appointment scheduling solution, see if your provider offers video appointments for the intimacy of an in-person meeting combined with the safety of a remote one.

                                                                                                          Research from Censuswide on behalf of JRNI reported that 57% of consumers were more likely to book a retail store visit than they were prior to the pandemic. And appointments were far preferable to queuing outside the store. Leveraging appointments for footfall management emerged as a leading trend throughout the pandemic, and through the recovery.

                                                                                                          With masks required in some parts of the world, and a strong desire to stave off the next wave, retailers continue to analyze footfall data, and tweak the strategies they've put into practice. We'd love to hear how you're deploying footfall management in your retail store, especially because the need for social distancing isn't going away any time soon.

                                                                                                          Learn more about how JRNI is helping retailers manage customer flow and provide personalized, one-to-one experiences at scale.

                                                                                                          Ready to make your journey forward? https://www.jrni.com/blog/journey-forward Wed, 08 Apr 2020 09:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/journey-forward

                                                                                                          When we rebranded around this time last year, we selected the name JRNI to reflect our commitment to the customer journey. It represents the seamless, personalized communication that a business provides a customer or prospect to deliver a service or an experience.

                                                                                                          Today, against the backdrop of COVID-19, the journey has taken on new meaning .

                                                                                                          Your journey now:

                                                                                                          Your top customers are at home, your employees are at home, and the possibility that your physical business is closed is strong. The challenge is delivering experiences by reaching consumers at home. We’re aware that business must go on, and we have the remote solutions to help you execute.

                                                                                                          Your journey through:

                                                                                                          JRNI is committed to supporting our community as they make the journey through today’s challenges, and help prepare for what’s coming. We’ll be providing you with tools and tips to manage the journey through this period, and help set the foundation to make a strong reentry.

                                                                                                          Your journey forward:

                                                                                                          To us, the most important part is the journey forward. Today, we are announcing an initiative called Journey Forward. The initiative is designed to help you get back to business - to Journey Now through the immediate challenge, to Journey Through to set your business up for success, and to Journey Forward to prepare for what’s coming next. We’ll be providing an ongoing stream of best practices, new product offerings, and support to help you navigate this uncertain time.

                                                                                                          As a starting point, we encourage you to check out Remote Appointments to see the latest in our scheduled appointments suite. Remote Appointments offers phone and native video-based appointments for secure, personalized connections.

                                                                                                          If you’re interested in learning more about what we have for your industry, please visit our Financial Services or Retail pages.

                                                                                                          It’s time to journey forward. JRNI can take you there.

                                                                                                          12 months at JRNI: 5 questions for John Federman, CEO https://www.jrni.com/blog/john-federman-1-year-at-jrni Mon, 23 Mar 2020 16:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/john-federman-1-year-at-jrni

                                                                                                          What were the top 3 highlights of your first 12 months at JRNI?

                                                                                                          As an incoming CEO, I think the first 12 months at any company should be about one big thing: figuring out what you don’t know. Like any new employee, I joined JRNI as a newbie, and I’ve spent the last 12 months learning from all the people around me - so it makes sense that my top three highlights are all centered around this theme.

                                                                                                          1. Getting to know our team. At JRNI, we’re about helping organizations provide personalized experiences for their customers. But what I’ve found in the last 12 months, and one of the greatest things about working at JRNI, is that the value we put on building human-to-human relationships isn’t just part of our product - it’s also part of our culture. This is a team that works together and plays together, and those two things are also what help us succeed together.
                                                                                                          2. Getting to know our customers. One of the fun things about working at JRNI is that, actually, I already knew our customers - and you do too. It’s inspiring to work with true household names like LEGO and Levi’s - and to know that, here at JRNI, we play a part in making them household names. That said, it’s one thing to know a brand...and it’s a completely different thing to know a brand. In the last 12 months, I’ve had the opportunity to go behind the scenes and understand exactly what keeps our customers ticking - as well as their visions for what comes next. It’s been a truly enlightening process, and it’s only getting more exciting.
                                                                                                          3. Getting to know our product. The undercurrent to both the team and our customers is, of course, the JRNI platform. I joined JRNI knowing that our product was exceptional, but it wasn’t until I spent some time here that I understood its true potential. What we’re doing now is exciting - but what we’ve got on the roadmap is even more so.

                                                                                                          What was the most surprising thing you learned in your first 12 months at JRNI?

                                                                                                          We’ve all heard “The customer is king” and we’ve all heard “The customer is always right.” Those are just two examples of trumpeting the age-old principle of keeping your customers happy. But the most surprising thing I’ve learned in my first 12 months at JRNI is that this principle is way more than a couple of catchy expressions, or a thing people say because it sounds good. Our customers live and die by this idea - and they shape their own companies based on it. When it comes to their focus, it’s razor-sharp: They want to innovate based on their customers’ wish lists. Their passion about this goal is inspiring, and I feel lucky that JRNI is a part of these plans.

                                                                                                          If there was one thing you think not enough people know about JRNI, what is it?

                                                                                                          This sounds like it should be a hard question, but it’s actually a really easy one: I want people to know that JRNI is ready to forge a new path. We started as appointment scheduling software, and we’re proud to be a best-in-class solution for enterprises all over the world. But we know that appointments are just one aspect of providing consumers with personalized services that keep them coming back for more. We’re poised and ready to start using this core scheduling foundation as a way to help our customers not just schedule appointments, but launch truly experiential business strategies.

                                                                                                          If you could go back and tell First Day at JRNI John one thing, what would it be?

                                                                                                          Hey, First Day at JRNI John, go get a coffee or three: Because appointment scheduling for enterprises is more complex than you think.

                                                                                                          It’s true. As part of my 12 months of getting to know JRNI, I definitely got to know the challenges faced by our enterprise customers, and all the ways something that sounds deceptively simple - like appointment scheduling - is affected by that. An enterprise’s scheduling strategy influences everything from brand loyalty programs to workforce optimization - and figuring out the best way to make sure all these moving parts are working together is no easy feat. Still, First Day at JRNI John wasn’t fazed, and neither is 365th Day at JRNI John. The mechanics of integrating scheduling into an enterprise’s larger business strategies is a great opportunity, and we’re ready to seize it.

                                                                                                          What do you most look forward to in your next 12 months?

                                                                                                          The future of JRNI is about executing on a vision, and the next 12 months are going to be all about that. Our customers are evolving from booking appointments to providing personalized experiences at scale - and JRNI is evolving to be the platform that helps them get that done. We’re expanding our offerings, we’re extending our partner network, and we’re reaching across verticals. For the last 12 months, we’ve been in a drumroll - and in the next 12 months, we’re going to be hitting the big notes. The experience economy is here, and JRNI is ready to power it. Let’s go!

                                                                                                          Adapting to the new normal: remote appointments with JRNI https://www.jrni.com/blog/remote-appointments Wed, 18 Mar 2020 09:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/remote-appointments

                                                                                                          COVID-19 is, first and foremost, a human crisis, and we at JRNI are doing our best to manage it as humanly as possible. Employees in our 4 offices around the world - London, Boston, Manchester, NH, and Sydney - are working remotely while we continue to serve our customers and fulfill our mission of helping businesses build personal relationships.

                                                                                                          Of course, in this time of social distancing, the phrase “helping businesses build personal relationships” takes on new meaning - even within our own company. Instead of gathering in a conference room, we’re dialing into a video meeting. Instead of popping over to someone’s desk, we’re sending an email or Slacking for some semblance of conversation. And instead of exchanging small talk at the coffee machine, we’re pinging GIFs over chat. Our communication channels are different, but - and here’s the important part - our relationships are the same. At JRNI, we know that we’re lucky to have the tools in place to make this possible.

                                                                                                          We also know that, as of right now, not all businesses have the tools they need. That’s why, today, we’re announcing the release of remote appointments with JRNI, a new feature of our platform that helps organizations quickly shift from a face-to-face business model to a remote business model. Whether your customers schedule appointments for interior decorating, mortgages, or anything in between, remote appointments can make it happen - seamlessly and easily, with no need to download or integrate with external apps.

                                                                                                          Remote appointments, powered by Twilio, the leading cloud-based communication company, is a feature that was, in fact, on our roadmap - because we know it’s a need that many businesses and their customers already have. Although we accelerated it due to the crisis, we are certain that, when this all settles down, remote appointments will be a feature that businesses use out of convenience, not necessity. In the short-term, you can use it to keep your business running. In the long-term, it can be much more.

                                                                                                          Here at JRNI, we look forward to the time when we can go back to our daily routines - and we know that time will come. But, until then, we all have to develop some workarounds. We’re here to help you do it, as much as we can.

                                                                                                          Stay home, stay healthy. And if you need a GIF to cheer you up, just let us know.

                                                                                                          Want to learn more about remote appointments? Reach out to us!
                                                                                                          7 appointment scheduling trends changing your business https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-trends Tue, 10 Mar 2020 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-trends

                                                                                                          Meeting with an expert or specialist is not a new concept, be it a personal shopper, a wealth manager, or a retirement consultant.

                                                                                                          It’s one of the many reasons why appointment scheduling - and the software that facilitates it at enterprise scale - is becoming more and more prominent in today’s consumer landscape.

                                                                                                          Changing consumer habits have vastly altered the playing field that retailers, banks, and other service-based businesses must operate within. Many of the trends that are moving these industries can be attributed to their reaction to forces unleashed by the ascent of digital-first or digital-only businesses, namely using data to drive personalization and convenience. Couple that with the proliferation of an array of device types, and a whole new category of needs and customer engagement challenges exist.

                                                                                                          Yet, there are many things that digital-first or digital-only businesses cannot do that the once-maligned brick and mortar retailers can, and that includes doing well in the areas where online and mobile technology supposedly had the last word. These retailers and banks have made great strides in the realm of ecommerce, and still have the advantage of physical locations, thanks in no small part to the high level of service that only a human (and not an algorithm) can provide.

                                                                                                          That’s where appointment scheduling is coming in.

                                                                                                          In this article, we will look at some of the major trends that are leading retailers, banks, and other businesses to embrace appointment scheduling software to drive tangible business results while improving their customers’ experiences.

                                                                                                          1. Leveraging data to improve the customer experience and operational efficiency

                                                                                                              Almost every major trend in both retail and banking today - from changing consumer preferences, to the commoditization of many services and products, to technological innovations - comes back to the question of how companies can use data more effectively to attract and retain customers while showing bottom-line results.

                                                                                                              The movement to make data serve the customer experience more fully is well underway. According to recent survey data that Arm Treasure Data provided Marketing Dive, 29% of retailers are gearing their customer data strategies toward the needs of their customer experience teams. Some other findings of the survey include:

                                                                                                              • 26% of retailers plan to create a single view of customer across all of their touchpoints
                                                                                                              • 26% of retailers want to use analytics solutions to unlock the potential of their data
                                                                                                              • 19% will bring on new tools and platforms that help them improve data collection and analysis.

                                                                                                              The survey found that retailers are particularly focused on sentiment data and collecting device ID information from users.

                                                                                                              Research from technology provider Pitney Bowes revealed some key uses of customer data that can help retailers improve operational efficiency and grow revenue; for example:

                                                                                                              • Single views of customer data, with an increased focus on cleansing the data.
                                                                                                              • Analytics that identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities to increase basket size and average transaction value.
                                                                                                              • Location-based data to help identify the optimal mix of physical and online presence in a given geographical area.

                                                                                                              What is happening in retail is having a noticeable spillover effect in the banking sector as well.

                                                                                                              As Accenture wrote, disruption in the banking industry is not coming from legacy banks, but challenger banks, fintech startups and payment platforms, and major tech companies are all making inroads into what was traditionally the territory of national and local banks.

                                                                                                              But banks shouldn’t despair. They should be taking steps to make customer data work for them to improve the experience by using that data to facilitate stronger customer relationships, rather than simply trying to mimic the services these new challengers bring.

                                                                                                              “Traditional banking functions are being contested and becoming commoditized. As a consequence, value is shifting from functional capabilities to relationships,” IBM wrote. “While emerging competitors may be able to replicate banking functions better and at lower cost, they will find it much more difficult to build and manage the breadth and depth of customer relationships traditional banks have carefully built over decades.”

                                                                                                              One example is how Capital One’s Second Look program is using customer data to foster trust and deeper relationships. Tearsheet reported that this program monitors customers’ financial activities, sends them targeted messages that help them manage their finances, find new products, learn from useful content, and quickly respond to potential fraud. Other banks, such as Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan are following suit with similar initiatives.

                                                                                                              When it comes to using data to fuel every part of the customer experience and internal operations, retailers and banks should consider the following:

                                                                                                              • Are your data sources connected across functional areas?
                                                                                                              • Is your data clean and useful?
                                                                                                              • How can you use customer data for more than just marketing?
                                                                                                              • How can you ensure this data gets to the hands of your frontline staff?
                                                                                                              • What metrics will you use to measure success in these initiatives?

                                                                                                              2. Making your customer feel like a person, not a number

                                                                                                              Personalization has been a major pursuit for retailers, banks, and other service-based businesses, yet most are not nearly as mature in their personalization practices as they could be.

                                                                                                              According to research from Boston Consulting Group, “companies that implement personalization initiatives and become best in class in delivering personalized experiences can quadruple the revenue lift they receive from their personalization initiatives.”

                                                                                                              Businesses have more customer data than they’ve ever had, but putting it to good use in the pursuit of personalized experiences is still a work in progress for most. It’s easy to talk about personalization in the abstract, but there are some concrete decisions and questions that businesses need to answer.

                                                                                                              • To which touchpoints in the customer journey should personalization be applied? Hint: It’s not everywhere! That would be prohibitively expensive. What are the most critical points where personalization would provide the highest value to both customers and the business?
                                                                                                              • How can we use first-party and third-party data across disparate touchpoints to inform personalization experiences?
                                                                                                              • How can personalized experiences make the shopping experience more convenient and useful?

                                                                                                              BCG’s research turned up some interesting data that speaks to that last point from a retail perspective, which is ultimately what will make personalization valuable:

                                                                                                              “...customers increasingly prefer a shopping experience that’s easy and fast and that helps them make purchase decisions … For example, when the shopping experience was highly personalized, customers indicated that they were 110% more likely to add additional items to their baskets and 40% more likely to spend more than they had planned.”

                                                                                                              Additional research from BCG also spoke to the need for personalization in banking as well. With more and more consumers indicating that they would be open to banking with a tech company like Google, Amazon, or Facebook, it’s clear that banks need to do more to create personalized experiences beyond sales and marketing.

                                                                                                              “Although much of the discussion about personalization in banking focuses on marketing and next-best offers,” BCG wrote, “its true potential lies in transforming all of an organization’s customer interactions by using data and analytics to anticipate individual needs, target segments of one, and build deep relationships that stand the test of time. To be sure, personalization in banking is not primarily about selling. It’s about providing service, information, and advice, often on a daily basis or even several times a day.”

                                                                                                              Getting to that point, however, means that the customer has to have a consistent experience across all channels. At every step, the customer should be seeing recommendations based on their history that make sense for their financial situation, style, or lifestyle.

                                                                                                              Of course, businesses themselves benefit from making greater efforts to personalize their customers’ experiences. Understanding patterns of behavior from specific segments of customers allows for targeting based on both psychographics and demographics. For example, customers in a specific market who are identified as high value based on spending can be targeted with promotions just for them, stoking even greater loyalty and customer lifetime value.

                                                                                                              The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                              3. Having virtual conversations

                                                                                                                Ecommerce made convenience a cardinal virtue for all service-based businesses, and traditional brick and mortar organizations have had to scramble to find ways to incorporate digital touchpoints into their customer experiences. Yet, physical locations are persistent survivors. It turns out, they have a very important place in the customer experience.

                                                                                                                Virtual conversation technology, such as video conferencing, has been a deceptively simple way to bring convenience to customer interactions without sacrificing the things that make going to a physical location great. Customers can book appointments at a time that works for them, and then they can simply video chat with an expert on whatever they want to accomplish. No waiting in line or making a trip to a store or bank branch.

                                                                                                                When it comes to banking, digital channels are great at facilitating routine transactions, but a large segment of consumers still want to speak face-to-face to a human for anything complex related to their finances.

                                                                                                                Video conferencing is a great way to bridge the gap between the convenience of banking online and the comfort of knowing a real person is there to answer questions and ensure any issues get solved.

                                                                                                                One example is Extraco Bank in Temple, TX who uses video conferencing to serve its retail customers. Per a report from American Banker, video has contributed to a 30% reduction in full-time-equivalent work.

                                                                                                                “Video conferencing in bank branches should be serving the small business customer and customers with complex needs like mortgage origination,” American Banker reported.

                                                                                                                That’s the other side of virtual conversations - businesses benefit too when they integrate video to improve operational efficiency while creating better experiences for customers.

                                                                                                                4. Guiding users based on their activity

                                                                                                                  While there are still those consumers who are concerned about their privacy and how their data is being used, the norms around using data to personalize the experiences of individual consumers are changing. According to a recent Forrester Research study, 22% of US consumers would prefer that retailers use their information to personalize shopping experiences.

                                                                                                                  One way in which businesses can use appointment scheduling software to provide this sort of experience is by promoting appointments based on actions taken through a digital channel. For example, if a visitor on a retailer’s or bank’s website has viewed multiple products/services several times, but has failed to make a purchase decision, an alert that offers an in-person appointment is both timely and helpful.

                                                                                                                  This sort of personalization can facilitate a better customer experience because it’s not intrusive. You’re simply making the next logical step a customer can take very obvious and attractive based on what they have demonstrated interest in. You could also be making them aware of a service, such as appointments, that they didn’t know existed. This can also include providing periodic reminders to customers who have booked an appointment, thereby preventing abandonment.

                                                                                                                  Businesses benefit too by solidifying a funnel that turns solution- and brand-aware consumers into engaged customers. People who are browsing your website now have a path to meet in-person with a staff member for their needs. Customers who have viewed several items over a period of time but have not made a purchase can get extra touch to help them break through decision paralysis.

                                                                                                                  5. Showing the person behind the brand

                                                                                                                    Familiarity brings mutual benefits to both brand and consumer. According to a 2019 study from Edelman, 81% of consumers say that brand trust has a positive impact on their decision to buy from a company. RightNow found that almost 90% of consumers will shop with your competitors after receiving poor customer service.

                                                                                                                    One of the best ways to grow and maintain trust is to allow knowledgeable and helpful staff members work with a consistent customer base. Allowing customers to choose who they want to work with based on in-depth staff profiles is a powerful means of initiating a long-term relationship built on trust and positive interactions. It’s ultimately about giving customers a higher level of control over their experience and access to specialists who are well-suited to serve their exact needs.

                                                                                                                    There’s a branding benefit here as well - organizations that can showcase a diverse staff with the skills to work with a wide variety of customer needs can position themselves as experts without coming off as daunting and one-size-fits-all. A single services page with bland copy that asks users to fill out a form on a webpage can’t do that.

                                                                                                                    For example, many retailers are using personal shopping or styling appointments as a way to give customers a personalized experience that is not just transactional. Personal shoppers and stylists act not only as salespeople, but as experts and confidants to people who want to have an experience beyond simply going into a store or onto a website and being left to their own devices. This is how retailers are finding ways to gain an advantage on Amazon, which for all its market power, cannot offer this kind of personal touch yet.

                                                                                                                    The retail banking industry has bought into the idea of letting their individual customer-facing staff members be the faces of the brand. Investment management and loan servicing are two areas of banking that require consistent touch with customers, as well as a high degree of trust. These activities can be stressful and confusing for some customers, so the ability to select who they want to work with over the long haul is crucial.

                                                                                                                    6. Integrating with products consumers already use

                                                                                                                      For most service-based businesses, the customer journey today is winding and complex, covering both owned and unowned channels. For example, even if a retailer has an intuitive conversion-focused website, well-run social channels, and a powerful digital experience, there are still many unowned touchpoints that are nonetheless vital parts of the customer’s buying process.

                                                                                                                      Successful businesses in the retail and banking industries are coming to terms with the fact that they need to find ways to fit into the ways consumers research, compare, and buy what they want. For example, Google is increasingly turning into an all-in-one tool that allows users to search for something they want, say, a dinner reservation, and then make the reservation right there in the search results.

                                                                                                                      Voice search is also growing dramatically and having a notable impact in retail. Consumers are growing more and more comfortable using voice-activated assistants on their mobile devices or smart homes to find information and take specific actions quickly and easily. In fact, Google’s own research showed that 72% of people who own a voice-activated speaker use it daily.

                                                                                                                      Retailers need to understand how these devices and channels fit into their existing and potential customers’ lives and how they can adapt the experience on their owned channels to better align with third-party ones. This could involve better optimizing web pages for search, keeping updated profiles in Google My Business to ensure presence on local search results pages, monitoring social channels for trends, questions, and complaints, and more. The in-store experience is not immune here either - consumers are growing accustomed to having tech-enabled shopping experiences at brick and mortar locations.

                                                                                                                      Seamless interplay of channels, platforms, and touchpoints is hardly a major differentiator, but an expectation for savvy shoppers now.

                                                                                                                      “Higher consumer expectations are no longer limited to just the digital shopping experience,” Forrester Research found. “Consumers expect physical stores to deliver the same product assortment, rapid delivery, and product information that they get online. But they expect online and offline touchpoints to work together seamlessly.”

                                                                                                                      This is why the furor over webrooming and showrooming has started to subside. Retailers are quickly coming to their senses and realizing that consumers want to do both. Having a consistent experience across every channel and being able to find the information needed to take the desired next step is rapidly becoming a meets-minimum threshold for retail, banking, and other service-based businesses.

                                                                                                                      7. Using appointments as part of an immersive customer experience

                                                                                                                        The drive toward greater personalization through the effective harnessing of customer data is also changing how retailers think about their success metrics for each individual touchpoint as well as the interplay between the whole.

                                                                                                                        But the customer experience can only be considered immersive and coherent if consumers find it to be so. For all of the talk of using customer data effectively, none if it matters if it doesn’t create an environment where friction is removed from the typically frustrating parts of the shopping experience.

                                                                                                                        One way in which appointment scheduling software is helping retail and banking organizations make the transition between digital and physical spaces more seamless is by using customer location data to find the store or branch with the shortest queues or soonest availability to speak to a staff member. If a customer has four stores in her geographical area and wants to book an appointment, the system should take lead time into account when assigning her appointment to the most convenient time slot at the nearest possible location.

                                                                                                                        It’s not just about getting customers to physical locations. What happens when they are there is just as important.

                                                                                                                        For businesses that understand brick and mortar are key parts of the customer experience, there’s more to measure than simply topline revenue. For example, “time in store/branch” is an increasingly important metric as businesses see their brick and mortar locations as experiential destinations and not only transactional ones.

                                                                                                                        There are a lot of ways to do this. Appointments, such as the personal styling appointments Nordstrom offers, can give consumers a personal experience they can’t get online. Working with an expert who can help them achieve the style they want, rather than just help them pick out specific items of clothing, is a key selling point that will keep Nordstrom’s best customers as loyal fans, while turning casual shoppers into devoted ones.

                                                                                                                        In putting together our third annual Modern Consumer Research Report, we found that consumers are interested in in-store events, such as product launches, educational events, and workshops. One example of this in action is Sur La Table, a major kitchenware retailer that regularly hosts cooking classes in its 80+ stores. According to the National Retail Federation, these classes attract over 600,000 students each year and are the retailer’s biggest acquisition channel.

                                                                                                                        Organizations benefit from this sort of interconnected experience as well. By connecting digital and physical channels and tying data to specific interactions customers have, businesses can better understand their funnels across channels, allowing them to find bottlenecks, conversion points, location and staff member performance, capacity utilization, and other vital information that can help improve the business as a whole, from marketing to IT and operations.

                                                                                                                        Adapting to the changing landscape of retail and banking requires not just new software, but a shift in strategic thinking about how to deploy the right types of channels and tools that facilitate the experiences modern consumers crave. Appointment scheduling software is a critical piece of the puzzle that must be solved on the way to a more seamless customer experience.

                                                                                                                        Want to learn more about the value one-to-one appointments provide? Then be sure to download our eBook "The ROI of appointments".

                                                                                                                        The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                                                                                                                        7 bank event ideas that boost customer engagement https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-event-ideas Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-event-ideas

                                                                                                                        Why do banks host events?

                                                                                                                        Events can be a powerful acquisition channel for financial institutions for connecting with customers. It’s not a matter of simply planning events in an ad hoc way - financial services event management should be a core component of a wider marketing and customer retention strategy.

                                                                                                                        Before you build the case internally for why you should be planning events for your bank, you have to start with the why. Why are financial institutions - from investment management firms to retail banks - using events to attract and retain customers?

                                                                                                                        To build community and loyalty

                                                                                                                        Customer loyalty is crucial in banking, and a loyal customer base improves revenue, churn, labor costs, satisfaction scores, staff experience, and customer lifetime value.

                                                                                                                        According to Bain, “customers who are promoters of their banks own more products there than detractors do; they spend more on their primary credit card; and they are more likely to buy the next product from the primary bank, which means they are less likely to defect to competitors.”

                                                                                                                        Additionally, banks and credit unions with high customer loyalty more customers reporting positive experiences, rather than those reporting hassles or disputing fees. This results in lower support costs (and headaches!) for the bank.

                                                                                                                        To become trusted advisors

                                                                                                                        Our Modern Consumer Banking study revealed the top four areas consumers want financial institutions to improve about the branch experience, and it boils down to convenience and access to expertise:

                                                                                                                        1. Less waiting in line
                                                                                                                        2. Better staff attitude/knowledge
                                                                                                                        3. Easier to get to
                                                                                                                        4. More access to trained staff

                                                                                                                        Consumers expect banks to provide a range of products, like debit and credit cards, checking and savings accounts, personal loans, mortgages, etc. In 2020, this is a basic requirement to be in business. Events are a way to go above and beyond the industry norm, and position them as the educated, trusted experts that consumers want.

                                                                                                                        The best way to do this aside from one-to-one appointments and interactions? Host events, workshops, and seminars.

                                                                                                                        To showcase their range of products and expertise

                                                                                                                        Events offer customers a unique experience with products and staff without the hard sell. In fact, many customers may not realize the extent of a provider’s product offerings.

                                                                                                                        By hosting events, bank staff can answer questions and connect with customers instead of feeling obligated to make a sale. If they spend time building a relationship and guiding attendees, the attendees will feel more favorably toward them when they do have a need.

                                                                                                                        3 popular types of bank events

                                                                                                                        Though there are several types of events offered by financial service providers, these are three of the most common types of events.

                                                                                                                        Educational workshops

                                                                                                                        Customers of all ages are in desperate need of education and guidance. Consider this:

                                                                                                                        • 72% of early adults say they would benefit from more financial guidance (Merrill Lynch)
                                                                                                                        • 1 in 5 homeowners don’t know how much they need to save in order to retire comfortably (Unison)
                                                                                                                        • The typical member of Generation X has an average debt of $125,000, which far exceeds the national average consumer debt of $88,313 per adult (Experian)
                                                                                                                        • 23% of baby boomers surveyed currently have no retirement savings and never did (Insured Retirement Institute)

                                                                                                                        EY’s recent study found that having financially savvy customers also helped with retention: “Clients who self-identify as having high investment knowledge are significantly less likely to switch [wealth managers] over the next three years compared with those with low investment knowledge.

                                                                                                                        For banks, it’s impossible that all customers are already experts at personal finance, business finance, or wealth management. This is an opportunity to position themselves as trusted advisors or experts that are willing to share knowledge.

                                                                                                                        Promotional events

                                                                                                                        Hosting promotional events helps customers learn more about a bank product or service without the pressure to commit on the spot. Though the size of the attendee list will differ by topic, these events are clearly focused around a product or need that the bank could satisfy. Because they are events instead of one-on-one appointments, customers feel less pressure and may ask questions more openly.

                                                                                                                        Community events

                                                                                                                        Community events are a great way to reinforce that your local bank branches or offices are an important part of your neighborhood or town. These events may not be centered around banking, but instead are about topics important to the local community. Perhaps you have an influx of small business loans – consider inviting these business owners to a networking event.

                                                                                                                        For smaller banks and credit unions, community events are a crucial way to gather feedback from customers about your products, customer service, and local presence.

                                                                                                                        A fundraising event is another way to add value and raise awareness. Whether you plan the event, or just offer to host the event in your branch, it's a great way to make connections and gain brand exposure.

                                                                                                                        7 bank event ideas and examples

                                                                                                                        Back to basics

                                                                                                                        Merrill Lynch recently surveyed Americans ages 18-34 to learn more about their opinions and habits, and they learned:

                                                                                                                        • 72% of early adults say they would benefit from more financial guidance.
                                                                                                                        • 1 in 4 early adults with a 401(k) has already made an early withdrawal, and the top reason why was to cover credit card debt.
                                                                                                                        • Among the individuals with credit card debt, the average balance was $3,700.

                                                                                                                        Similarly, Charles Schwab found that 59% of millennials say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, and 44% carry a credit card balance.

                                                                                                                        It’s not just millennials who need guidance. Consider this: Money management typically falls to one person within a household. When that person is no longer managing finances due to sickness, death, or divorce, someone else automatically assumes that role with little to no guidance. To eliminate anxiety, confusion, or poor decision making, all ages can benefit from a “back to basics” financial workshop.

                                                                                                                        Chase Bank is a prime example of a major bank that has mastered hosting events. In Chase’s Harlem location, they always have several events with a strong focus on personal finance.

                                                                                                                        Santander Bank has hosted similar events, and like Chase Bank, tends to lead with an educational focus and not a hard sell. Santander’s community partnership manager Toby Baba shared with Reuters what he’s experienced about the company’s approach to educating consumers about their banking options:

                                                                                                                        “When we’re teaching people about the different account options and banking services, naturally they want to know, ‘Okay, what does Santander offer?’ … I think when it’s done right, coupling the two can help with trust.”

                                                                                                                        Starting young

                                                                                                                        Financial services institutions like KBC Bank, Spencer Savings Bank, and Royal Credit Union have committed to increasing financial literacy among young people.

                                                                                                                        One of KBC’s initiatives is their Get-a-Teacher program, which allows secondary schools to “order” a KBC financial expert to visit their classroom. After being matched with a school request, the KBC employee will lead the classroom in a two-hour lesson about basic financial information. According to KBC, the event is free and totally unbranded, as it doesn’t include any KBC logos or discussion of KBC products.

                                                                                                                        Spencer Savings Bank hosts annual events in April each year, on the American Bankers Association’s annual Teach Children to Save Day. These events focus on teaching young students the basics of savings, creating a budget, and determining wants vs. needs.

                                                                                                                        Though it isn’t run as an event, Royal Credit Union has a financial education program called “School $ense” that operates student-run credit unions in 29 different schools. These in-school credit unions ensure students get exposure and real-world experience with finances from an early age. This effort, combined with educational events, could really make an impact on the finances of young people in the community.

                                                                                                                        Home buying

                                                                                                                        There’s countless misconceptions about buying a home for the first time, and nearly all misconceptions relate to the financial aspect of home buying. For example, 44% of those surveyed in the 2017 Down Payment Reality Report said they believed you need to put down 20% or more. It's clear that prospective homeowners need more education about the process.

                                                                                                                        Navy Federal Credit Union, Chase Bank, and SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union are three financial institutions that have stepped up to the plate to host informative seminars to educate their customers and local communities on the intricacies of mortgages, taxes, and other financial considerations most first-time home buyers miss.


                                                                                                                        Networking events provide an opportunity for local business owners to meet, share knowledge, and form relationships. Santander and BNZ are two examples of banks that regularly host networking events.

                                                                                                                        BNZ’s events are part of their “BNZ Connect Panel” program, and have two to three panel speakers from different businesses each month. February’s topic is “Why collaborating is the new competing,” and the panel will discuss how collaboration and technology give businesses a competitive advantage. Following the panel, guests are able to meet with one another and discuss the presentation, as well as meet like-minded individuals for networking opportunities.

                                                                                                                        Meet the advisors

                                                                                                                        Community banks, credit unions, and national banks alike can benefit from promotional events that offer customers the ability to meet their team of financial advisors. This provides a more casual environment for customers to get to know their financial advisor better without the pressure of a one-to-one meeting.

                                                                                                                        If customers are looking for a more private environment to talk about the details, they can book a follow-up appointment with their advisor.

                                                                                                                        Retirement basics

                                                                                                                        Unison’s “State of the American Homeowner” found that 1 in 5 homeowners don’t know how much they need to save in order to retire comfortably. For example, 70% of homeowners surveyed plan to fund their retirement using Social Security, despite the fact that the latest annual report by the trustees of Social Security and Medicare points out that the social security trust fund will be depleted by 2035.

                                                                                                                        This study reinforces the need for more education about the financial side of retirement. Navy Federal Credit Union and SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union host retirement planning sessions in several branches each month in an effort to help educate and guide their customers through the next phase of their lives.

                                                                                                                        Shred days

                                                                                                                        Countless banks and credit unions offer shred days as a way for their customers to properly and securely destroy their canceled checks and other private printed documents. While these are not educational or informative, they are convenient and provide an additional way for banks to provide value to customers beyond the transactional.

                                                                                                                        Promoting your events

                                                                                                                        When in the event management planning stages, involve your marketing team to help with promotion. Your clients and potential customers are busy, and you'll need creative marketing ideas to break through the noise. Consider how to use these channels to promote your event:

                                                                                                                        • Social media
                                                                                                                        • Ads
                                                                                                                        • Mobile app
                                                                                                                        • Signage in bank branches
                                                                                                                        • Email marketing
                                                                                                                        • Customer interactions

                                                                                                                        When your event team involves marketing in event ideation, execution, and reporting, there's clear alignment and a consistent message being shown to the event's target audience. Ultimately, your marketing campaign will become more and more refined as you host more events and gather more audience feedback.

                                                                                                                        Aside from looking into providing one-to-many experiences for your customers and members with events, have you considered the impact of providing one-to-one experiences with appointments? Appointments enable banks to maintain relationships with customers however, whenever, and wherever they prefer to engage! Check out our eBook "A case for appointments" to learn more about the numerous benefits for financial institutions.

                                                                                                                        A case for appointments - engaging banking customers online and offline: Access the eBook!
                                                                                                                        My Journey to JRNI: Angie Tiwari https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-angie-tiwari Tue, 11 Feb 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-angie-tiwari

                                                                                                                        Meet Angie Tiwari

                                                                                                                        Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                                                                                                                        In the lead up to university, I spent summers working at record labels and places like NME magazine in London. I was a radio DJ and in a band while at university, so I thought the music industry was going to be my future. However, after studying English Literature and Classics at University, I returned to London and somehow fell into the world of technology. When I was 12, my IT teacher ripped up my homework in front of me, so I’ve come far since then!

                                                                                                                        After working in customer-facing roles in search engine optimization, digital transformation, and content management systems, I made my move to JRNI. I’ve worked across an array of sectors globally including higher education, charity and non-profit, government, utilities, media and publishing, advertising agencies, banking, and retail. In every role, customer experience has been at the very heart of my work, so the move to JRNI was a great next step.

                                                                                                                        What drew me to JRNI - other than the new challenge of working in another sector of tech - was my intuition! Everyone I interviewed was switched-on and welcoming. They could all easily articulate their genuine love of working at JRNI, indicating that it would be a great place for my continued professional and personal growth. I was even invited to the winter party before I officially started! After accepting an offer from JRNI, I was grateful that I could delay the start date to spend an incredibly formative month in my motherland of India to do my yoga teacher training.

                                                                                                                        You’ve been at JRNI for 2 years now. How has your role changed? How have you grown?

                                                                                                                        After a year and a half of working as a Customer Success Manager (CSM), I realized that a key part of the role I loved was being commercially focused. In the Summer of 2019, I transitioned to the sales team so that I could expand into new business as well as continue working with existing accounts. It has been a fantastic next step for me, and I’m grateful that JRNI supported me in this transition.

                                                                                                                        The knowledge I gained as a CSM has helped me give prospective customers real insight into our core product’s potential. I’ve seen firsthand how my customers rely on JRNI to help them increase revenue and foot traffic, and improve their staff and customer experiences. Therefore, it’s easy for me to share their successes and best practices with prospective and new customers.

                                                                                                                        What’s the most rewarding part of working at JRNI?

                                                                                                                        JRNI is a company with no red tape. If there’s a process you think could be improved, your suggestions and constructive feedback will be encouraged and valued.

                                                                                                                        I have seen this time and time again at JRNI, and have always felt confident to initiate change. This has included:

                                                                                                                        • Writing articles on key trends in retail for our blog
                                                                                                                        • Speaking at events
                                                                                                                        • Running weekly yoga classes
                                                                                                                        • Leading a petition for a healthier option among all the cookies (in the form of a huge jar of mixed nuts)
                                                                                                                        • Setting up quarterly sustainable swap events in the office

                                                                                                                        What’s your favorite part of working with customers?

                                                                                                                        I thrive on building honest and open relationships with my customers, understanding their needs, and working with my team to figure out the best solution to help them achieve their goals. Establishing and earning trust both internally and externally is key to my role. I truly love being the face of JRNI to my customers, and the face of my customers to JRNI. Organization is critical to my success and to offering my customers a proactive service rather than a reactive one.

                                                                                                                        At JRNI, we’re engaging with customers for some really exciting and fun experiences that they offer their customers. Filming and starring in our LEGO case study video (below!) for their Mosaic Maker Experience was one of my favorite moments as a CSM. Not only did I have my face made out of tiny LEGO pieces, but it now hangs proudly in our London office which is not something many people can say about their workplace!

                                                                                                                        What’s your favorite thing about the London office?

                                                                                                                        The LEGO picture. No, I’m joking! It’s definitely the warm, friendly, and welcoming aura of the team. It’s something we are really proud of, and strive to maintain.

                                                                                                                        Our open plan kitchen is a space that fosters this kind of environment so we can sit together over breakfast, lunch, or simply a coffee. The huge windows in the London office make it a bright place to work and allow our numerous office plants to bloom!

                                                                                                                        What makes JRNI different?

                                                                                                                        The autonomy and responsibilities you are trusted with at JRNI makes it stand out. The support is there if and when needed, but you are also able to operate independently and flourish. JRNI caters to many different employee needs and offers flexibility along the way.

                                                                                                                        Aside from work, we have a multitude of events in the office to celebrate every occasion. From birthday cakes to pancake day, Halloween parties to Valentine’s day card making, it’s a truly great balance of work hard, play hard.

                                                                                                                        Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?

                                                                                                                        Yoga and meditation! If I’m not practicing, I’m teaching. It’s incredible what some deep breathing and lengthening of the limbs can do. I also love reading poetry, cooking, and baking.

                                                                                                                        I’m a huge Scrabble fan (any word game has me hooked) and even take it on vacation with me! My Scrabble set is unique as I lost one letter when I accidentally flung it off a balcony overlooking Lake Ohrid in North Macedonia. I think it was the letter ‘E.’

                                                                                                                        What’s next for Angie Tiwari?

                                                                                                                        I’m proud to say that my career trajectory has soared during my time at JRNI. Since JRNI is a place that cultivates and nurtures growth, I’m intrigued to see what the future holds. I have regular check-ins with my manager to set goals so I can focus my energy on how to achieve them.

                                                                                                                        For now, I’m excited to continue managing some of our world-class luxury brands, from retailers to jewelers and beyond.

                                                                                                                        Interested in working alongside Angie and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointhejrni!

                                                                                                                        We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!
                                                                                                                        What are the best retail events? https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-retail-events Wed, 05 Feb 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/best-retail-events

                                                                                                                        What are the best retail events?

                                                                                                                        Drawing customers into a brick and mortar store has become more challenging with the proliferation of ecommerce. With the ability to purchase anything online, customers would rather spend their money and time on experiences rather than purchasing inside a retail store. To get customers back into the stores, the retail industry is utilizing experiential retail to provide fun, unique experiences they cannot get anywhere else.

                                                                                                                        Experiential retail attracts customers by using immersive shopping events and customer experiences that tell the story and sell the products. Customers now want an original, connected experience that they could share with others. Retailers must shift their focus to offering a desirable retail event to drive their customers to the physical store.

                                                                                                                        What makes a successful event?

                                                                                                                        Let’s define what makes a successful retail event. For an event to be considered successful, it needs to:

                                                                                                                        • Generate revenue;
                                                                                                                        • Engage customers;
                                                                                                                        • Cultivate relationships with the customer

                                                                                                                        According to the Event Marketing Institute, 87% of consumers purchase a brand’s products after having attended an in-store event. These events engender relationships and trust between the retailer and the customer through engagement, knowledge sharing, community, or consultation.

                                                                                                                        Who’s winning with retail events?


                                                                                                                        Lululemon welcomes customers in-store for yoga and workout classes. Classes are positioned as workout events, creating trust and loyalty, rather than as sales events for their merchandise.

                                                                                                                        Why are these classes great? Their use of in-store events aligns with customer interests. Lululemon has set the stage to engage and develop relationships with their customers. Store associates can address pain points the customer may have. Is your yoga mat too large for travel? Don’t worry, they can now recommend a mat for your lifestyle use after engaging with you on the workout floor! These events produce constant potential revenue opportunities for each Lululemon representative.


                                                                                                                        Bark & Co, the company behind BarkBox, put on BarkShop Live, a week-long experiment of a new retail experience where dogs do the shopping themselves. Bark & Co encouraged owners to buy a ticket and schedule a personal shopping appointment for their pup. Once arrived, the dogs were fitted with RFID-enabled vests, which tracked the toys they played with the most. Humans could choose any of their dog’s favorite toys, and Bark & Co delivered them to their doors.

                                                                                                                        Why was this event great? BarkShop Live brought appealed to their specific market segment: dog owners. They placed their products in front of the dog owners by promoting a fun event for the owners to attend with their pups. Once the owners made a purchase, BarkBox showcased their platform further by delivering the toys directly to their front door. This not only brought the owners into their pop-up store, but also showed them the quality of the toy, developed a customer relationship, and generated revenue.


                                                                                                                        Looking for a beautiful way to celebrate the coming of spring? Look no further than Macy's Flower Show. Occurring every year for over 70 years, Macy’s Flower Show features spectacular gardens filled with millions of live flowers, plants, and trees from around the world. During the last week of March to the beginning of April, Macy’s allows customers to come into their stores to view and purchase flower merchandise.

                                                                                                                        Why is this event great? This event draws customers to their stores by appealing to their interests. Thousands of visitors immersed themselves in the enchanted gardens that took root in the stores which created a beautiful, captivating experience for the customer. Macy’s then used this immersive shopping experience to sell their products.

                                                                                                                        Total Wine & More

                                                                                                                        Total Wine & More has transformed the customer experience in liquor stores by having wine, beer, and liquor tastings in their store. Customers can visit the retailers’ website to register for sessions like “Wine and Chocolate: A Spectacular Pairing.” Once the customer arrives at the store for the event, they learn more about the products and foster a relationship with their sales representative.

                                                                                                                        Why are these events great? They utilize online platforms and in-store events to bring the customers back into the store. The customers enjoy learning from an educated employee, and build stronger brand loyalty from the event. By building the brand loyalty from these events, customers are more likely to return back to the store for another fantastic experience. And, if they tried something they liked, they most likely will purchase it. This turns a free (or paid) wine tasting into a revenue generating event.

                                                                                                                        Each company that has employed an event focused on one thing: creating a community rather than selling a product. The modern day retailer needs to cultivate relationships with their customers to continue bringing them into a brick and mortar store. As ecommerce grows, reinventing the customer in-store experience will draw those customers back into the store. To be successful, retailers must offer consumers a desirable retail experience to drive sales.

                                                                                                                        Check out our latest research report to learn what attracts and interests the modern consumer.

                                                                                                                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                        What is a queuing system? Advantages of queue management https://www.jrni.com/blog/advantages-of-queuing-system Tue, 21 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/advantages-of-queuing-system

                                                                                                                        The question of how to create and manage an effective queuing system is not a new one. It has been the subject of academic and practical research for decades now, and there’s a good reason for that: The effective design and management of queues has major implications for how any service-based organization serves people. An efficient queuing system allows customers to leave with a positive experience, while poor queue management wastes time and leaves customers irritated.

                                                                                                                        Solutions for this problem were historically physical check-in at the counter and sit in a waiting area, take a ticket, velvet cords draped around a space to corral queuers, and so on. Today, a queue management system is the solution for tech-enabled businesses. The problems it solves may not be new, but a virtual queue management system is a powerful solution to queuing problems in the digital age for many reasons. The advantages of a queuing system extend far beyond managing customer flow. Learn how effective queue management benefits your customers, your employees, and your business outcomes.

                                                                                                                        Queuing system management and operational efficiency

                                                                                                                        Improve employee productivity

                                                                                                                        Organized queues enhance the customer experience and minimize any frustration that employees experience.

                                                                                                                        A queue management system will have a robust employee dashboard that eliminates the guesswork and chaos that so often come with unmanaged queues. The system should provide all of the most important line metrics in a way that employees can see at a glance what the status of the line is. This is especially important when there are multiple queues at one time. Your employees need to be able to see who is coming next, when they are expecting to be served, and what they need. It’s about making every customer interaction as efficient and effective as possible.

                                                                                                                        When employees have advanced knowledge of what they need to prepare for a given customer, they will spend less time waiting around for their next set of tasks. The customer, in turn, benefits from your employees being ready to serve them with everything needed for the meeting, rather than wasting time on basic discovery. Overall, this means fewer peaks and valleys in workloads and more productive employees.

                                                                                                                        Streamline lobby management

                                                                                                                        Reducing employee downtime is important, but the benefits of improved queue management can be felt across many areas of a store, branch, or service center.

                                                                                                                        More and more, employees at brick and mortar service centers are equipped with tablets that give them all the data they need to serve customers efficiently and effectively. This applies to queue management as well. Managers or individual employees can view wait times, check employee availability, move customers forward and backward in the queue, and get important customer details to personalize each interaction.

                                                                                                                        Queue data also gives managers and executives insight into peak times, inefficient appointment types, employees who are not keeping up with their queues and need to be retrained, etc. This is information that is directly actionable, but would not be accessible without a queue system.

                                                                                                                        Gain customer insights

                                                                                                                        One of the major advantages of queuing systems is that you can drill down into the data and understand trends at the individual customer and business-wide level. Powerful reporting modules should give you deep insight into top-level metrics like average bookings over a set timeframe, customer feedback, and deeper metrics into who your top customers are by frequency of appointment and basket size.

                                                                                                                        More importantly, integrations can ensure that your records are updated across your customer relationship management platforms in real time. This means that employee notes can be recorded once and then be populated in your organization’s CRM.

                                                                                                                        This reporting can have a marked impact on your entire organization. Whether it’s reducing employee hours during low-volume times or segmenting your email promotions based on who you identify as top customers, appointment and queue data is incredibly valuable for understanding the performance of your brick and mortar locations and making strategic adjustments.

                                                                                                                        Reduce walkaways

                                                                                                                        Few things are as discouraging to customers as walking into a store or bank branch and seeing a line of people snaking out from the checkout area into the rest of the space. Today’s consumers are used to the convenience of doing almost anything they want online or through a mobile app. It’s all too easy to walk away from a long queue and find a way around it.

                                                                                                                        Brick and mortar business units need to adapt to what the modern consumer wants - convenient and frictionless experiences. A virtual queue management system is a powerful means of diffusing the urge someone would have to walk away from a long queue.

                                                                                                                        By allowing customers to check in using a ticketing kiosk or a virtual queuing system, track their progress through the line through a mobile app, and return to the waiting area when they are close to service time, you are making it much easier and manageable to interact with you on their terms - not yours.

                                                                                                                        Walkaways are a difficult metric to track, so it’s not always clear how much revenue you’re leaving on the table by not optimizing your in-store or in-branch experience. But it’s clear that keeping customers in the store or branch is a sure way to prevent lost sales due to frustrated customers.

                                                                                                                        Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!

                                                                                                                        Organized virtual queuing system = Better customer experience

                                                                                                                        Of course, operational efficiency is only half the battle. Improving the customer service in your physical locations must also drive tangible results in terms of increased basket size and customer satisfaction.

                                                                                                                        Reduce negative perceptions of wait times

                                                                                                                        When your customers don’t have to physically wait in line, they can be free to use the wait time at their discretion. Proactive notifications keep them up-to-date as they approach the front of the line.

                                                                                                                        Americans spend about 37 billion hours waiting in line each year. But the actual wait time isn’t what is causing the negative experience around queuing. MIT professor Dr. Richard Larson, one of the world’s foremost experts on queuing psychology, told The New York Times, “Often the psychology of queuing is more important than the statistics of the wait itself.”

                                                                                                                        According to Dr. Larson’s research on queuing, people overestimate how long they’ve waited in a line by about 36 percent. Essentially, whether or not you actually provided fast service is for all practical purposes irrelevant. It’s all about the customer’s perception of the wait.

                                                                                                                        Additionally, another consumer banking study shows that, 44% of consumers who visit their bank’s branch said waiting in a long line was the primary reason for their dissatisfaction with the experience.

                                                                                                                        An intelligent queue management system tends to give people a more positive experience by eliminating the stifling feeling of being in a crowded line with other frustrated people. When customers can use their mobile devices to reserve their place in line and receive notifications when they are about to be served, they will not feel as though they wasted their time just standing around.

                                                                                                                        Increase customer lifetime value

                                                                                                                        Customer loyalty is no guarantee, even for the most well-resourced enterprises. In the financial industry, 37.3 million US consumers are either actively planning to or are open to switching banks in the next year, recent research from Resonate showed. In retail, giants of the space are finding out that if they can’t find ways to differentiate from Amazon through a better customer experience in-store, they will lose on price and convenience and ultimately lose outright.

                                                                                                                        Brick and mortar stores are not extinct, and it’s unlikely they ever will be. If anything, they are simply becoming another touchpoint where customers can have unique, engaging experiences and this effectively bridges the physical and digital divide.

                                                                                                                        Virtual queuing systems can be a major differentiator that keeps customers coming back to your spaces. If eCommerce and online/mobile banking win on convenience partly because customers don’t have to wait in line, a queuing system that lets people wait on their terms is a powerful draw back to physical locations. As part of a wider strategy to improve the customer experience in your physical locations, better queuing can be a deciding factor for someone who would otherwise avoid the hassle.

                                                                                                                        What are the key features of a queuing system?

                                                                                                                        With brick and mortar locations becoming an increasingly important touchpoint in the customer experience, queue management can be a powerful differentiator for service-based businesses. Here are some important features to look for in an enterprise queue management system.

                                                                                                                        Multiple line types

                                                                                                                        Any queuing system should be flexible enough to allow for multiple types of queues in a single location. For example, in some cases it’s best to have one snake line that leads to multiple employees. In other situations, having multiple lines for different appointment types is a stronger option.

                                                                                                                        Take a bank branch for example. A single bank branch must service several different customer needs, which is everything from routine transactions, to working with a loan officer, to personal wealth management and beyond. A single line would fail to capture these nuances. A queue management system should be robust enough to offer multiple lines for different customer needs. It’s important to consider whether single queues or multiple queues are best for your business.

                                                                                                                        Weighted queues

                                                                                                                        Not all appointments and customer needs are equal. There are many instances where a first-come-first-serve queue doesn’t make sense. That’s why a robust queue management system will offer the ability to weight certain queues differently.

                                                                                                                        JRNI, for example, offers several levers to manage queues, such as:

                                                                                                                        • Service priority: Prioritizes appointments by the service type and value to the business. As an example, customer service would have higher priority than a low-value consumer appointment. JRNI lets you group your unique services into different queues that can be served in a weighted order.
                                                                                                                        • Booking type priority: Consists of pre-booking, or on-demand (queuing) appointments. The priority given determines which types are addressed first. A “dissatisfaction coefficient” is used to calculate the optimal weighting between how late to serve a pre-booked appointment against how long to let a walk in wait.
                                                                                                                        • Efficiency priority: Prioritizes by efficiency metrics such as employee idle time or overall utilization. This factor can be used to ensure an appropriate balance between customer value and cost is achieved.
                                                                                                                        • Customer priority: Determines customer priority by a number of factors including customer value score, combination of CLV, NPS, or Social score, or any other metrics that may indicate value. This ensures that the highest value customers are served quicker.
                                                                                                                        • Wait priority: Ensure that customers who have waited longer receive a higher priority by default. Adjusting this metric allows control over the impact on priority the wait time has.

                                                                                                                        Proactive notifications

                                                                                                                        If your customers have to constantly check their position in line, you aren’t helping to reduce the stress of waiting in line. Your queue management system should provide push notifications to the end user that will alert them when it is their turn to be served. The option to leave the queue or move back in the line is another layer of flexibility that puts customers back in control of their experience.

                                                                                                                        Customer position management

                                                                                                                        Customer position management is a great way to prioritize or deprioritize particular customers or appointment types. For example, if someone with an appointment enters the store during a period where there is a crowd of walk-ins, you can move the customer who booked ahead to the front of the queue. Likewise, if someone has been waiting for a long time, you can move them to the front of the queue.

                                                                                                                        The flexibility works for customers too. If a customer is in the virtual queue but realizes that he or she needs more time, it’s possible for them to move themselves back in line without losing their place completely.

                                                                                                                        Smart customer assignment

                                                                                                                        Where it doesn’t make sense to have a customer choosing which queue to get into, a queue management system can automatically place a customer in the best possible line based on a number of factors, such as employee availability, queue length, appointment type, upcoming bookings, etc.

                                                                                                                        This automated workflow takes the manual work of managing the queue out of the process and ensures customers are always in the best possible place in your queues. That said, a queue management system should allow for a manual override of the automated queuing so that managers can have more control over their locations.

                                                                                                                        Display boards

                                                                                                                        On-location display boards are a crucial part of any queuing system, and should present wait times and employee availability in a clear way for customers to see. Customers should know they are always choosing the shortest line with the lowest wait times; that transparency is vital for reducing walkaways and improving the overall customer experience during wait times.

                                                                                                                        The wait times provided by queue management systems are a powerful way to counteract the natural tendency of customers to overstate how long they waited. By putting wait times on a display board in the waiting area, or in your queuing app, customers and employees will have full transparency into wait times for each individual.

                                                                                                                        Wait times also give your employees the information they need to make adjustments on the fly. If one queue is showing long wait times, you can divert customers to another queue or inform customers of the reasons for any delays.


                                                                                                                        Your queue management solution should offer several reports, ranging from the simple to the complex. These reports are vital for marketing and operations decisions. Reports can include:

                                                                                                                        • Bookings by day, week, month, or year
                                                                                                                        • Customer issues solved
                                                                                                                        • Purchase reports and basket size
                                                                                                                        • Peak times

                                                                                                                        When a basic queuing system isn’t going to cut it, you need a platform that can address all your needs. JRNI automatically handles complexity like multiple queues, locations, employees, and more - all while doing it quickly and securely. To learn more about our virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                                                                                                                        Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                                                                                                                        5 ways to promote appointment scheduling in retail https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-promote-appointment-scheduling-in-retail Thu, 16 Jan 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-promote-appointment-scheduling-in-retail

                                                                                                                        So you’ve selected your new appointment scheduling software. Now what? As with most new tools, the “If you build it, they will come” strategy might not be the best choice.

                                                                                                                        Launching new software is similar to launching a new product or service. If you don’t tell anybody about it, how will they know it exists? Without promoting the option to book appointments, you’re simply leaving it up to chance that your customers will find the link and start booking appointments.

                                                                                                                        Wondering where to begin? Always start with internal adoption and promotion.

                                                                                                                        Don’t neglect internal promotion

                                                                                                                        Firstly, internal promotion should begin shortly after you sign a contract with your appointment scheduling software partner. It’s your opportunity to get employees excited and understand the benefits that pre-arranged appointments can offer. At this time, you should inform relevant teams about the project, project goals, and how it will improve their work days.

                                                                                                                        It’s also important to keep internal teams in the know as you move through implementation. It’s advisable to share a team update when you reach significant implementation milestones, such as moving from development to QA. Regular updates will give employees ample time to plan how to best leverage this capability, plan for an imminent launch, and prepare for their first customer appointment.

                                                                                                                        Teams will also need to think about your customer’s current purchase journey, and understand what needs to change. Several teams are interacting with your customers, both at your headquarters and within stores: social media, email, direct mail, advertising, loyalty and retention specialists, store associates, regional managers. To have a successful launch, all teams must be in lockstep.

                                                                                                                        If appointment scheduling is already deployed within your organization, and you’re solely changing your online appointment scheduling software provider, this is a great time to evaluate performance and establish benchmarks. Review what’s different about your new appointment booking software, and inform district managers of what’s coming. This will allow them to prepare store associates.

                                                                                                                        Never underestimate the importance of internal marketing. After all, how can you get customers excited if your team isn’t excited?

                                                                                                                        Learn more: 7 mistakes companies make with scheduling software adoption

                                                                                                                        Once the internal team is onboard, it’s time to launch. It’s time to make customers aware. It’s time to drive adoption. With experience spanning a decade over thousands of businesses, here’s our top five list to help you promote appointment scheduling to enhance your customers’ journeys:

                                                                                                                        5 ways to promote appointment scheduling

                                                                                                                        When it comes to promotion, you want to ensure that any new campaigns are coordinated with existing ones. Meet with your advertising, content, email, influencer, and loyalty teams (and more, if relevant). Create a strategy that addresses the following questions:

                                                                                                                        • Through which channels can we promote this offering?
                                                                                                                        • How will this fit within our existing communication?
                                                                                                                        • How can we use segmentation to target specific customer groups?
                                                                                                                        • What KPIs will we use to determine success?
                                                                                                                        • How will we track success, and how often should we evaluate performance?

                                                                                                                        Here are five tried and true ways to promote appointment scheduling.

                                                                                                                        1: Run advertising campaigns

                                                                                                                        Pair an advertising strategy with your customer communications program. Regardless, if you choose to advertise on social media, Google’s Ad Network, or via traditional channels, advertising is one of the quickest ways to get in front of an audience. After all, social media today is primarily a “pay to play” channel.

                                                                                                                        Ads are an eye-catching way to promote the ability to book an appointment. You can also use this channel to test different retargeting audiences. For example, you could retarget users who have visited your booking page, but didn’t end up booking an appointment.

                                                                                                                        2: Embed appointment scheduling into your website

                                                                                                                        It should be easy to book an appointment using your website. The ability to schedule an appointment should be in multiple areas, and the user shouldn’t have to click too many times to find it. Wondering what pages to offer appointment scheduling on? Take a look in Google Analytics, or a similar tool, to learn which pages get the most traffic.

                                                                                                                        Still have questions? Ask your online appointment scheduling partner. They’ll be able to give you advice about what’s worked best for other customers in your space. At a minimum, you should promote the ability to book an appointment on your “store locator” page, in your navigation, and footer.

                                                                                                                        Here’s an example of how Harry Rosen showcases the capability on their store locator page:

                                                                                                                        A screenshot of Harry Rosen's store locator page on their website: showing Harry by appointment as an option to schedule an appointment

                                                                                                                        3: Don’t forget about in-store promotion

                                                                                                                        Leverage paper and electronic receipts, along with in-store signage, to promote customer appointments. You should also encourage store staff to remind customers about store services and appointment scheduling, whether upon store entry or at check out. Often, your POS system can be configured so a pop-up reminder shows when a staff member goes to check out a customer.

                                                                                                                        After all, if your appointments are taking place in-store, it makes sense to promote them there. It’s particularly effective if you have a waiting area and you can capture consumer attention.

                                                                                                                        4: Take advantage of user-generated content

                                                                                                                        Whether content is in the form of testimonials, survey responses, or social media posts, use user-generated content to your advantage.

                                                                                                                        It’s customary to send customers a post-appointment survey where they can rate and review their session. Allow a free text section where the customer can provide their own feedback, and ensure that it’s known that this feedback could be used in your marketing materials.

                                                                                                                        5: Use after hours greetings

                                                                                                                        Oftentimes, customers call to check store hours, or product availability. Before they’re prompted to choose which department they’d like to reach, ensure your automated message mentions the ability to book an appointment for a service or shopping experience. Also, mention the URL where they can book appointments online.

                                                                                                                        Have you tried these five tips? Let us know what success you've had by tweeting us at @JRNI_inc!

                                                                                                                        If you’re currently offering remote appointments, and looking for some tips and tricks to promote your virtual options, then check out our retailer guide: 45 ways to promote remote appointments in retail.

                                                                                                                        Discover 45 ways to promote appointment scheduling in retail, download the guide!
                                                                                                                        NRF 2020: A look at day two https://www.jrni.com/blog/nrf-2020-day-two Mon, 13 Jan 2020 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/nrf-2020-day-two

                                                                                                                        It’s day two at NRF and it looks to be a banner day. There’s lots of activity happening in booth #1139 and around the floor for the JRNI team!

                                                                                                                        Meet JRNI’s partners

                                                                                                                        At 12:30, Rotageek will be in the JRNI booth demonstrating their retail solutions. Rotageek uses data to create optimized schedules while distributing shifts fairly, and will increase revenue in each of your stores and drive overall happiness and retention of store associates. See firsthand how Rotageek is reducing admin of schedules by up to 80% and complements your appointment scheduling solution.

                                                                                                                        Closing out the day is Radius8 who will be showcasing an integrated demo with JRNI of Welcomer, their hyperlocal shopping experience. With Radius8’s Welcomer solution, retailers can geofence store locations and surface relevant content on their websites, such as local promotions, events, offers, trending products, and more. With JRNI, scheduling functionality can be surfaced seamlessly to the homepage via the Welcomer – early in the consumer’s shopping journey – alerting the consumer about the capability to book an appointment. Learn more about Radius8 and JRNI here.

                                                                                                                        Big Ideas

                                                                                                                        In addition to partner activities, JRNI’s Chief Architect will be taking the stage for a Big Ideas presentation called “Technology: How retailers can stay alive and create exceptional customer experiences.”

                                                                                                                        The session, slated to begin at 11:00am on Stage 2, Expo Level 1 will focus on how technology can help retailers stay alive and create exceptional customer experiences. His presentation will include a Q&A with Andrea Albicocco, Total Wine & More’s senior manager, customer experience and events, where she’ll share how the retailer is delivering immersive in-store experiences for its customers.

                                                                                                                        The team is out and about, and we hope you’ll stop by to say hello, learn more about our enterprise scheduling solution, and share your plans for engaging customers in the new year!

                                                                                                                        Still wondering what sessions to attend at NRF? Here’s our top recommendations.

                                                                                                                        How to build discoverable and high-converting landing pages https://www.jrni.com/blog/build-discoverable-landing-pages Tue, 07 Jan 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/build-discoverable-landing-pages

                                                                                                                        This is a guest post by Sonia Elavia, a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Yext.

                                                                                                                        Search is a massively important marketing channel. Fifty-three percent of website traffic comes from organic search, so it’s critical that businesses optimize for these experiences. But how do you actually build out a strong presence in organic search? Having search-optimized landing pages is crucial.

                                                                                                                        Structure landing pages for search

                                                                                                                        To be eligible to show up in organic search results, a landing page must have structured data, (or Schema.org markup), a fast page load speed, and it must be mobile responsive.

                                                                                                                        Structured data is a critical element of any good landing page because that’s what allows the search engines to read and understand the content on a page — which is how they determine what content to show someone who is performing a search.

                                                                                                                        Having a fast page load speed matters too, because search engines prefer to show their users pages that load quickly (a slow loading time makes for a poor customer experience). Pages that are mobile responsive will load faster on mobile devices, so making your landing page mobile responsive will again improve the customer experience on your site, which in turn will improve the likelihood that you will rank in search.

                                                                                                                        Ensure landing pages are user friendly

                                                                                                                        Too often, landing pages are not built to drive conversion. You want your visitors who find you through organic search to be able to transact easily once they arrive on your page.

                                                                                                                        So in addition to being structured for search, your landing pages should have user-friendly designs — with clear calls to action, and the most important content prominently displayed. They should be well organized, use space effectively, and have a functional layout. The page design, organization, and use of space — as well as the choice of font, font size, and background — make the main content prominent.

                                                                                                                        Use data to continuously improve

                                                                                                                        For any landing page, you should be able to see how and when customers interact with your content, and how those interactions drive business. This data should include industry-standard analytics like search terms, page views, traffic sources, and more. Plus, you should always have access to a complete view of your brand’s performance across search engines, devices, and geographies.

                                                                                                                        The impact of Yext pages

                                                                                                                        Yext Pages delivers an effective landing page solution for businesses across all verticals. Every one of our pages comes with search optimizations automatically built in — so they are always eligible to show up in search. Our pages also are optimized for an excellent customer experience, with dozens of design options so that you have a variety of ways to display your most important content effectively, and in a way that inspires conversion.

                                                                                                                        Yext Pages also makes it easy to check in on how your landing pages are performing. Simply log in to Yext to see the most up-to-date performance metrics, either on an individual or mass view. Then take these analytics and turn them into insights, so that you can keep optimizing your pages according to what makes the most sense for your customers. We work with customers around the world, and many leading brands like Taco Bell, Kiehl’s, and GUESS are using Yext Pages to improve their search experience.

                                                                                                                        To make Yext Pages even more effective, it’s critical that we partner with apps and services like JRNI. We collaborate with JRNI to create a seamless experience for booking appointments on landing pages. JRNI’s appointment scheduling software, coupled with Yext Pages, reduces friction for consumers who are looking to quickly make appointments — speeding up their time to conversion. For instance, a retailer can build their landing pages using Yext to capture traffic from search. Then once a customer is on the retailer’s website, they can easily book appointments using JRNI’s scheduling software. This integration enables customers to enjoy the benefits of in-person interactions, and strives to increase conversion as well as improve consumer-brand relationships across channels.

                                                                                                                        To learn more about how good landing pages can positively impact your overall search experience, check out our free whitepaper Listings and Landing Pages: A Powerful Pairing.

                                                                                                                        Sonia Elavia - Yext

                                                                                                                        Sonia Elavia is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Yext, with previous experience at Slack, Microsoft and Box. She is based in New York City and holds a B.A. from the University of Chicago and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

                                                                                                                        JRNI's 2019 in review https://www.jrni.com/blog/2019-in-review Fri, 03 Jan 2020 08:32:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/2019-in-review

                                                                                                                        As another year comes to a close, let’s take a look back at what happened in the JRNI-verse in 2019.

                                                                                                                        In case you missed it...

                                                                                                                        Platform updates

                                                                                                                        In January, we announced the launch of Studio, our new staff experience. While there are countless benefits to using Studio, the features our customers love the most are:

                                                                                                                        • 360-degree customer profiles
                                                                                                                        • Multi-location staff scheduling
                                                                                                                        • New data and reporting section
                                                                                                                        • Enhanced calendar functionality
                                                                                                                        • Refreshed concierge interface

                                                                                                                        In fact, our customer JoJo Maman Bébé called it a “game changer.” 🤩

                                                                                                                        In June, we announced the launch of our Marketplace, an array of prebuilt apps and scalable integrations from technology partners, systems integrators, and developers. While we did have several integrations already in use, formalizing the Marketplace reinforces the importance of our RESTful APIs and growing partner community. Keep an eye on this space because we’re always working on building new partnerships and integrations!

                                                                                                                        With October came the launch of Adaptable Journeys! With Adaptable Journeys, our customers can now leverage a configurable catalog of pre-designed templates to quickly implement bookings for appointments, events, and queues.

                                                                                                                        JRNI Adaptable Journeys

                                                                                                                        These pre-designed templates were the result of analyzing over 70 million bookings from the past decade. This feature set showcases 18 unique layout options and more than 50,000 different permutations. 😲

                                                                                                                        Though there are several benefits, here’s what our customers have been loving the most:

                                                                                                                        • Mobile and tablet readiness
                                                                                                                        • Easy brand personalization
                                                                                                                        • Integrated Google Analytics
                                                                                                                        • Reduced total cost of ownership
                                                                                                                        • Rapid implementation, quicker ROI, and immediate improvements to customer experience

                                                                                                                        Company updates

                                                                                                                        May was quite busy for us! We announced the company’s rebrand from BookingBug to JRNI. We do so much more than bookings, so we needed a name that represents what our product is here to do and the impact it has for our customers.

                                                                                                                        We also announced a new CEO, John Federman, and a new role for Co-founder Glenn Shoosmith as Chief Architect.

                                                                                                                        As if we weren’t busy enough in May, we launched a new website and opened our first U.S. development office in Manchester, N.H. Why? Our Manchester office complements our development efforts in London and guarantees that we have around the clock availability.

                                                                                                                        In August, we closed a $6 million extension to our Series C financing led by PeakSpan Capital with participation from Downing Ventures and Somerston Group. The round brought our total funding to $23.2 million. We also announced our first Chief Technology Officer, Simon Copsey.

                                                                                                                        What a year! We’ve been working hard on some exciting projects for 2020, and can’t wait to publicly share!

                                                                                                                        New research

                                                                                                                        In 2019, we released our third annual research reports for the banking and retail industries. Here’s what we found:


                                                                                                                        • 67% of modern shoppers like the in-store experience.
                                                                                                                        • Consumers want to see improvements to staff behavior and knowledge, staff availability, speed, and the store atmosphere.
                                                                                                                        • 55% of consumers would schedule appointments with in-store staff if given the opportunity.
                                                                                                                        • If invited, 64% of consumers would attend a product demonstration in store, half would attend an educational event, and even a majority (54%) would go for DIY workshops.

                                                                                                                        To learn more, check out what retail stores should focus on next, or download the full research.


                                                                                                                        • 72% of consumers rate the branch experience positively.
                                                                                                                        • Customers want to see improvements to staff availability and the time it takes to complete a visit.
                                                                                                                        • 61% of respondents are interested in scheduling appointments online to meet with branch staff.
                                                                                                                        • While only 20% of consumers have been invited to banking events over the past year, 63% of them would consider attending events.

                                                                                                                        To learn more, check out what modern consumers actually think about banks, or download the full research.

                                                                                                                        Behind the scenes

                                                                                                                        This year, we also took time to gather with coworkers, improve our skill sets, and add to our JRNI community.

                                                                                                                        In early May, we gathered in London for a company meeting during which we announced the rebrand to JRNI, aligned on priorities and product updates, and launched our new website.

                                                                                                                        Cupcakes with JRNI logo

                                                                                                                        Between our summer party, Halloween festivities, and holiday gatherings, our team was able to gather together, reflect, and celebrate all our hard work.

                                                                                                                        Our team in Sydney, Australia
                                                                                                                        Our team in Sydney, Australia
                                                                                                                        Our team in London
                                                                                                                        Our team in London
                                                                                                                        Our team in Boston, MA
                                                                                                                        Our team in Boston, MA

                                                                                                                        What a year! We’re thankful to have great customers, partners, employees, and investors. Here’s to continued success in the new year!

                                                                                                                        Looking for us in 2020? Follow along with us on LinkedIn, our blog, or catch us at a conference or show near you!

                                                                                                                        Six must-attend sessions at NRF 2020 https://www.jrni.com/blog/sessions-to-attend-nrf-2020 Thu, 02 Jan 2020 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/sessions-to-attend-nrf-2020

                                                                                                                        We’re about one week away from the world’s largest retail conference and expo: NRF 2020: Retail’s Big Show. Hosted by the National Retail Federation, NRF 2020 convenes more than 38,000 attendees, including 16,000 retailers, from nearly 100 countries to discuss insights for the future.

                                                                                                                        While we’re excited to head to New York City and participate as an exhibitor, we also can’t wait to network with the industry at large. Here are six must-see sessions that we’re circling on our agendas:

                                                                                                                        Driving commerce through content: how industry leaders are embracing the power of social commerce

                                                                                                                        Sunday, Jan. 12; 10:30a.m.-11 a.m.; Featured Session; Medallia Stage, Hall E, Level 1

                                                                                                                        Social media is playing a critical role in shaping the future of retail and driving in-store traffic as consumers use their digital channels to engage with their favorite brands. In this panel discussion, which features Sephora’s senior vice president of eCommerce, we’ll understand how retailers can use social media to build communities and make consumers’ shopping experiences more seamless.

                                                                                                                        Grassroots mission: The journey to sustainability

                                                                                                                        Sunday, Jan. 12; 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m.; Featured Session; Kustomer Stage, Hall E, Level 1

                                                                                                                        We might have to split up our team to attend this session and the previous one since they’re at the same time because we can’t say no to a conversation about sustainability in retail. One of the hottest trends in retail, sustainability is top of mind with consumers as they try to reduce their carbon footprints. In this informative discussion, we’ll hear about the sustainability efforts from Lush Cosmetics North America and Williams-Sonoma as they strive to make their brands more green.

                                                                                                                        Technology: How retailers can stay alive and create exceptional customer experiences

                                                                                                                        Monday, Jan. 13; 11 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; Exhibitor Big Ideas; Stage 2, Expo, Level 1

                                                                                                                        Our Founder and Chief Architect Glenn Shoosmith is presenting an Exhibitor Big Ideas session about how technology can help retailers stay alive and create exceptional customer experiences. His presentation will include a Q&A with Andrea Albicocco, Total Wine & More’s senior manager, customer experience and events, where she’ll share how the retailer is delivering immersive in-store experiences for its customers.

                                                                                                                        Harnessing an innovation culture and customer obsession: secrets from four global retailers

                                                                                                                        Monday, Jan. 13; 12 p.m.-12:30 p.m.; Featured Session; Kustomer Stage, Hall E, Level 1

                                                                                                                        Today’s consumers demand personalized experiences. In this customer-focused conversation, we’ll learn how leading retailers, such as Gap and Chloé, are empowering their employees with more access to customer intelligence, so they can give their consumers the experiences they want. We’re eager to hear how retailers on this panel are putting their customers at the center of their conversations.

                                                                                                                        How voice and other AI-powered experiences are reshaping retail

                                                                                                                        Monday, Jan.13; 2:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m.; Featured Session; Kustomer Stage, Hall E, Level 1

                                                                                                                        As retailers look to the future, voice and other artificial intelligence-based technologies will certainly influence the customer journey and the state of commerce. Artificial intelligence-driven experiences can create opportunities for retailers to provide seamless experiences across converging touchpoints and channels. This panel, which features the vice president of Amazon Pay, will examine how retailers can use voice and artificial intelligence solutions to enhance the customer experience and develop personal relationships.

                                                                                                                        Serving customers on their terms: A conversation with Erik Nordstrom

                                                                                                                        Tuesday, Jan. 14; 8:30 a.m.-9:15 a.m., Keynote Session; SAP QualtricsXM Theatre, Level 1

                                                                                                                        Nordstrom is one of the leading retailers that’s reimagining the overall customer experience. With its flagship store in New York City to its inventory-free shops that act as convenient and accessible service hubs, Nordstrom is meeting consumers where they live and work to engage deeper with them. In this keynote presentation, Erik Nordstrom, co-president of Nordstrom, will share the company’s vision for evolving its customer service and creating outstanding in-store experiences in other markets.

                                                                                                                        Will we see you at NRF 2020? We’ll be at booth 1139, so we’d love to meet you. Feel free to tweet us at @JRNI_inc, or send us a message if you’d like to connect!

                                                                                                                        The future of in-store experiences: A Q&A with Room & Board https://www.jrni.com/blog/room-and-board-predictions Mon, 23 Dec 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/room-and-board-predictions

                                                                                                                        As we head into the new year, 2020 is poised to be the year of engaging in-store experiences.

                                                                                                                        Today’s multichannel consumers demand immersive in-store experiences that allow them to interact with products and services. It’s an experience they can’t replicate online, and it helps to build stronger relationships with their favorite retailers in-person.

                                                                                                                        As 22% of consumers rate the in-store experience as “excellent,” according to our third annual Modern Consumer Research Report, how can retailers provide exceptional in-store experiences for their customers?

                                                                                                                        We spoke with Karen Wickett, regional retail market manager, and Liz Schultz, retail customer experience leader, of Room & Board, a leading retailer of modern furniture and home decor. Wickett and Schultz explained how Room & Board plans to evolve its in-store experiences and drive more foot traffic in the new decade.

                                                                                                                        With about a week left in 2019, what do you see as the biggest trend impacting retail in 2020?

                                                                                                                        Wickett: Personalization of the customer experience continues to be a strong trend as customers seek experiences that connect them with our brand in ways beyond simply a transaction. We’re seeing incredible value for our customers in meaningful showroom events, customizable products, and engaging store presentations.

                                                                                                                        Driving foot traffic is incredibly important for retailers to build stronger customer relationships. How are you planning to increase in-store traffic in the new year?

                                                                                                                        Schultz: Inviting customers to our showroom for design appointments through JRNI is an exciting part of our showroom engagement plans for 2020. While we’ve always offered free design services, we’re excited for the opportunity to make it easy for the customer to make an appointment.

                                                                                                                        Additionally, we want to welcome customers to visit our showrooms often by expanding our home décor options, infusing seasonality in product and presentation, and hosting smaller localized events.

                                                                                                                        When consumers shop in-store, they want to receive experiences that make their in-person journeys worthwhile. Why are in-store experiences so important in retail?

                                                                                                                        Wickett: For Room & Board, our showrooms have always been designed for exceptional customer experiences. Inspirational, tactile, and designed for immersing oneself in our product and aesthetic, the showroom experience invites customers to explore our collection and partner with one of our knowledgeable Design Associates on projects of any size.

                                                                                                                        For retailers to be successful today, they must bridge the digital-to-physical divide and use technology to bring consumers in-store. Once consumers are in-store, how does technology help to enhance their overall experience?

                                                                                                                        Schultz: Technology enhances our ability to connect the customer with the right information at the right time. Being able to capture product selections, show customers additional options, and put the customer in the driver’s seat if they’re not ready to transact. Technology allows us to support a seamless experience before, during, and after the shopping experience.

                                                                                                                        To learn more about Room & Board, visit their website. To learn more about changes in consumer behavior and how provide seamless shopping experiences, check out our recent research.

                                                                                                                        Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                        A look into the future: JRNI-style https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-predictions-2020 Tue, 17 Dec 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-predictions-2020

                                                                                                                        2019 has been a year of change at JRNI. We started off as BookingBug, and are entering the new decade as a leading enterprise scheduling platform for personalizing and optimizing the customer journey. We’ve seen tremendous advances in our platform and in our customer base, and we’re living the mantra “one team, one JRNI.”

                                                                                                                        Moving into 2020, we thought we’d provide some insight into what makes the minds behind JRNI tick. Following are some thoughts on what we’re considering in the new year.

                                                                                                                        The year that Nordstrom makes Amazon wish they had more physical stores

                                                                                                                        A few years ago, it would have been an unthinkable notion: Amazon wishing they were anything like the tired, physical department-store model they spoke of obliterating. Today, consumers continue to validate Amazon's model. There's nothing more ubiquitous, or time-saving, than starting their journey online, whether they’re learning about selection, features, price, and brand, and there’s no sign of that behavior waning.

                                                                                                                        However, if there's one thing we all know about Amazon is that they know how to interpret data better than most. As a result, they appreciate reality like few others. Some products or services simply don't convert as well online as others. Amazon sees it; and, because they show no signs of not doing whatever it takes to be the world's #1 retailer across every product category, they're thinking about what's next.

                                                                                                                        Service and the human touch matter. Experiences are at the core of Nordstrom's new flagship in New York City. It's a place where personally relevant experiences are designed to envelop the consumer. It drives conversions that are significantly higher than average and is proving to be a powerful new approach to fostering deep brand relationships.

                                                                                                                        Amazon brought its power to groceries, acknowledging people want to pick their bananas in person. But they may need to rethink what it will take to sell you that great outfit for the company party.

                                                                                                                        • John Federman, CEO

                                                                                                                        The year of significant technological developments

                                                                                                                        2020 will be the year in which accessibility, or rather its absence, will force businesses to deploy solutions that enable all staff to engage effectively and comfortably; that or face the wrath of no-win-no-fee lawyers across the Western hemisphere.

                                                                                                                        2020 will demonstrate the importance of explainable machine learning, learning that can explain how and why it arrived at a particular conclusion. This will lead to new enterprise products for auditing in the face of autonomous decision-making, in tandem with the emergence of industry-specific compliance frameworks.

                                                                                                                        For technology and retail, 2020 will be the year during which reasonable people start to question the merits of short-lived, highly disposable, single-use items. In retail, shoppers will be paying greater attention to products' resilience and serviceability, complemented by numerous trading, sharing, and recycling services.

                                                                                                                        • Simon Copsey, Chief Technology Officer

                                                                                                                        The year of more Brexit

                                                                                                                        The uncertainty of the UK's political climate with Brexit looming leaves all businesses in the UK, and many abroad, running with multiple strategies for success, and a readiness to change direction at relatively short notice. It also depends on the public’s daily viewpoint of a parliament that’s turned more into a series of “The Apprentice” or “EastEnders” than a group of people working together for the long-term success of the country.

                                                                                                                        This is all happening at a time when digital natives are becoming the next set of people with cash to spend. They’re the ones that businesses are trying to focus their energy on as they try to work out how to successfully catch the eye of someone who spends less time focusing on each message than the length of time it’s been proven a goldfish can remember for.

                                                                                                                        This isn’t great news for the High Street or the big organizations that have always been successful doing what they’re doing. There will also be struggles for the smaller challenger companies that have come to the fore over the last couple of years. Those companies that have the resources to plan for multiple outcomes, yet are agile enough make quick changes whilst focusing relentlessly on their customers, will be successful.

                                                                                                                        Those who are determined to stick with online-only methods or remain traditional in their working practices will struggle.

                                                                                                                        • Hayley-Jayne Cone, Chief Customer Officer

                                                                                                                        The year to look beyond

                                                                                                                        We'll continue to see an increase in the global distribution of technology teams, with Africa becoming a far more common player in the outsourced technology space.

                                                                                                                        In Europe, the gap in the cost of the best developers between the major tech hubs (London, Barcelona, and Berlin) and traditionally cheaper regions has closed vastly. With the demand for developers continuing to outpace supply, and as access to the internet increases, Africa sharing a timezone with Europe puts itself in a great place to serve the European market.

                                                                                                                        The other trend emerging is the demand to understand how everything that contributes to a product is transparent and easy to access. Were the materials sustainably sourced, were the factory workers paid, and the appropriate age, and were the transportation costs net carbon neutral? The building of the product will be transparent, similar to having the ingredients on packaging.

                                                                                                                        • Joel Sturmfels, Head of Technology

                                                                                                                        The year to become (way) more personal

                                                                                                                        In 2020, the retail industry is going to get a little more personal with their consumers.

                                                                                                                        People want convenience when they shop. They want to use technologies, such as smartphones, shopping apps, and digital coupons, in ways that are tailored to them. Because technology enables individuals to shop whenever they want, retailers must rethink their engagement strategies to put individual customers at the center of them.

                                                                                                                        And that’s why the new year is going to be all about the individual shopper. Consumers have set the expectation that retailers must connect with them however they demand to help drive foot traffic. It’s no longer about one-size-fits-all approaches; the retailers that engage in such strategies will falter.

                                                                                                                        The natural evolution of the marketplace has commanded that there will never be one silver bullet to harness the power of omnichannel. However, with the right assortment of digital channels, retailers can successfully deepen their customer relationships and retain profit margins and growth projections.

                                                                                                                        • Ed Carroll, Vice President of Sales

                                                                                                                        The year of ethical data collection

                                                                                                                        In the early dotcom 2.0 days, several short-burn startups operated with the premise of grabbing as much personal data about people as quickly as possible, and then turning around and selling it to bigger companies for marketing.

                                                                                                                        Over the last decade, we've seen a massive push by companies to gather personal data to target and sell product at people with little regard for the individuals behind the data. Equally, digital rights movements and legislation have pushed back on this trend, and turned from protecting companies to protecting individuals.

                                                                                                                        We're at a turning point right now, where the next 10 years are going to continue the trend of individuals taking control and visibility over their “digital identities.” Through legislation, such as GDPR and CCPA and their followers, and the awareness that the public will continue to expand, individuals will realize the importance of securing their online data.

                                                                                                                        My prediction in the upcoming year is that companies will continue to land grab personal data as this is the way. However, the companies that are going to start to shine over the next year will be those that are transparent about how data is being used and that promote ethical use of the information that they have under the spirit of the new legislation.

                                                                                                                        • Niall Giggins, Head of Engineering

                                                                                                                        The year of proactivity

                                                                                                                        Consumers continue to want more choice, more options, more control, and they want it immediately and personally. Over the next year, companies will evolve to leverage customer data - personal preference and history - to drive more proactive service. Service will transform from a traditional Q&A format to a model where predictive assistance and enhanced service is provided proactively.

                                                                                                                        • Nancy Liberman, Vice President, Marketing
                                                                                                                        Voice search in retail https://www.jrni.com/blog/voice-search-in-retail Thu, 12 Dec 2019 08:29:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/voice-search-in-retail

                                                                                                                        30% of all searches will be done without a screen by 2020, according to Gartner. Voice search has become embedded in consumers’ daily lives for shopping, weather updates, directions, learning, and more.

                                                                                                                        “Alexa, how much is a new 40” TV?”

                                                                                                                        “Alexa, what are the best deals on Amazon today?”

                                                                                                                        “OK Google, reorder my Crest toothpaste from Target.”

                                                                                                                        These commands, or similar ones, are heard in homes around the world. In fact, 72% of people who own voice-activated speakers say that their devices are used as part of their daily routines, according to Google.

                                                                                                                        It’s clear that voice is a huge component of the future of search, but what does this mean for retail?

                                                                                                                        An overview of voice search

                                                                                                                        According to Tech Target, voice search is “a speech recognition technology that allows users to search by saying terms aloud rather than typing them into a search field.”

                                                                                                                        Voice searches can be conducted on several types of devices, including:

                                                                                                                        • Mobile devices
                                                                                                                        • Smart speakers
                                                                                                                        • Computers
                                                                                                                        • Smart watches
                                                                                                                        • Vehicles

                                                                                                                        As voice search has matured, the number of answerable search queries has also grown. Users can now use voice technology to purchase products, and make appointments or reservations.

                                                                                                                        What retailers need to know about voice shopping

                                                                                                                        Today’s retailers are looking to capture market share, increase basket size, and boost customer loyalty. Voice search can help by increasing revenue, driving in-store traffic, and fostering a better customer experience.

                                                                                                                        Consumers can use voice search to easily order products, but not all shoppers will want to make purchases right away. If a consumer isn’t ready to purchase, they may still be interested in learning more about the product from a skilled staff member. Voice technology can also be used to schedule in-store appointments with expert staff to discuss the product in more depth. An increasing number of retailers are implementing appointment scheduling software to manage these services, like personal shopping and product consultations.

                                                                                                                        Though there is no immediate sale, retailers still benefit from offering the customer the ability to learn more in-store. When shoppers go into stores, they spend more than online shoppers.

                                                                                                                        • 64% of JRNI survey respondents said they typically spend or invest more in products/services after an in-person appointment or face to face meeting.
                                                                                                                        • 71% of consumers spent $50 or more when shopping in store, compared to just 54 percent who shopped online, according to First Insight.

                                                                                                                        Voice search also improves the customer shopping experience. As voice technology rises in popularity, consumers are embedding this into their daily lives. VoiceBot.AI asked why shoppers like using voice technology to shop, and consumers said:

                                                                                                                        • 27.3% like that it’s a hands free technology
                                                                                                                        • 20.7% enjoy that they can shop while doing other things
                                                                                                                        • 18.9% find that it’s faster to get results and answers

                                                                                                                        Ultimately, retailers must meet consumers where they are. According to Forbes and PwC, 40% of adults use voice search on a daily basis, and 80% of consumers report satisfaction with the voice shopping experience.

                                                                                                                        How do shoppers use voice search?

                                                                                                                        Voice technology helps consumers research, buy, and track purchases.

                                                                                                                        In fact, close to 50% of people are now researching products using voice search, according to Social Media Today. Stores like REI, B&H Photo, Best Buy, and Levi’s have created Alexa “skills” for consumers who own Amazon Echo devices. Retail brands are creating these skills – similar to apps – to help customers better interact with their brand and products using voice technology. Using the Levi’s skill, consumers can ask Alexa to locate their nearest store, find a pair of jeans, and get information on their return policy.

                                                                                                                        Consumers purchase these items the most through voice shopping, according to a study from VoiceBot.AI:

                                                                                                                        • Everyday household items: 25.11%
                                                                                                                        • Apparel: 21.15%
                                                                                                                        • Entertainment like movies and music: 21.15%
                                                                                                                        • Games: 18.94%

                                                                                                                          After purchasing products, shoppers can use Alexa to track their package. Alexa and similar voice technology has officially made its way into the consumer shopping process from research to delivery.

                                                                                                                          How to prepare for voice search

                                                                                                                          In an ideal world, a retail brand would perform well for all queries – branded and non-branded searches, and for short-tail and long-tail keywords. However, that’s no easy feat.

                                                                                                                          When asked how businesses can prepare for the rise of voice search, Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller said: “I think for the most part if you make a website such that the information is easily accessible and useful for search engines and for users as well, then you don’t need to do anything special for voice.”

                                                                                                                          Ultimately, optimizing for voice falls under search engine optimization, which is a key component of any marketing strategy. Given that, there’s still a few things to keep in mind:

                                                                                                                          Consider the audience

                                                                                                                          How important is voice search to different demographics? Path Interactive recently surveyed 620 people ages 13-85 about how they use voice technology. Here’s what they found:

                                                                                                                          How often do you use voice search devices?

                                                                                                                          Combine that with VoiceBot.AI’s data on what consumers purchase the most using voice, and you’ll have an understanding of who uses voice shopping and what they purchase.

                                                                                                                          Voice search optimization

                                                                                                                          When it comes to voice search optimization, Mueller mentions that businesses should focus on having an accessible and easily understood website. Marketing and development teams should use Google’s Developer Documentation to ensure the proper schema markup is added to the site. At the end of the day, voice is simply another way of accessing a search engine. What search engines prioritize is useful, organized content.

                                                                                                                          Want to learn about new and changing consumer behavior? Be sure to check out our recent research "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement" to learn more.

                                                                                                                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                          6 ways to increase your appointment attendance rates https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-appointment-attendance-rates Tue, 10 Dec 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-appointment-attendance-rates

                                                                                                                          This is a guest post by Anastasia Masters, a Content Marketing Associate at G2.

                                                                                                                          Missed appointments in your appointment schedule are costly. You’ve spent time preparing for your meeting with a customer, and now you have an empty block on your schedule last minute that could’ve been filled by another appointment. In order to maximize your business potential and your time, it’s important to increase your chances of customers attending your meetings.

                                                                                                                          There are a few proactive ways that you can minimize appointment cancellations. These require a little action on your end, but it’s well worth it. The main thing being that you need to provide value to your potential customers in different ways before the actual appointment.

                                                                                                                          Offer online scheduling

                                                                                                                          Today’s consumer spends some portion of their time investigating products online, and some of that process is conducted in-store or in-branch. With so many choices available to consumers, the key to success lies in the consistency of experience - wherever it happens. As such, letting customers control when to move from online to offline by leveraging a pre-arranged appointment can reduce the number of no shows you experience.

                                                                                                                          The modern consumer wants control and the choice to meet any time, anywhere, and on any device. Putting the ball in their court ensures they can make an appointment on their own terms- no matter the time of day.

                                                                                                                          This can help reduce the number of cancelled appointments since the customer is choosing the best time for them at the time of booking. Though if they do still cancel, they’re easily able to reschedule the appointment at a time that you’re both available.

                                                                                                                          Send appointment confirmations and reminders

                                                                                                                          After your customer books an appointment, they shouldn’t be left in silence until your meeting. Sending appointment reminders and/or confirmations can increase the likelihood that your potential customer attends the meeting.

                                                                                                                          Your appointment scheduling software should have the ability to remind your meeting attendees before the event. Make sure to send a confirmation two days before the scheduled meeting, and also a reminder the day before. Even better, ensure your reminder mentions any documents or materials the customer should bring to the appointment. The double reminder gives your customer two chances to reschedule if the time no longer works for them.

                                                                                                                          Choosing between email or SMS messaging is up to your discretion or customer’s preference. However, a text message will pop up on their phone, which they will likely have with them more often than they check their email. Figure out what works best for your customers and run with it. Your customer will not be surprised by the confirmation and reminders, and they can use it as a chance to move the appointment if need be rather than no show.

                                                                                                                          Get buy-in

                                                                                                                          The more buy-in you get from your customer before the meeting, the better odds you have of them attending it. Before scheduling an appointment, make sure they have a reason to commit to attending. They’ll need to see the benefits of your offering so that they see that the meeting is worth their time.

                                                                                                                          If you sense any doubt before the first meeting, try to eliminate it as much as possible. Clarify the benefits and the agenda of your meeting. You don’t want your customers to come in with a closed mind. Identifying areas for doubt early on will be easier to overcome rather than dealing with them after a no show.

                                                                                                                          Openly communicate

                                                                                                                          Unless your meeting is set for the very next day, it’s important to not leave your potential customers in complete silence before your meeting. When setting up the meeting, make sure that you ask your potential customers the right questions. Use questions to learn what value they see in your offering and where your service can fill in voids.

                                                                                                                          Get to know your customer’s needs during the appointment booking process, so that you can be prepared with answers and tailor your meeting directly towards their needs. By being proactive, you can get customer buy-in and see a higher rate of meeting attendance since the customer will feel as if their needs are valued from the beginning.

                                                                                                                          Get personal

                                                                                                                          Increasing the chance of customers attending your meetings can be as easy as getting to know your customers before your appointment happens. Learn their names and refer to them by name during the conversation. If they feel valued, they’re going to feel more guilty about abandoning your meeting without warning. The more personal and connected you can get, the more trust you’ll build with them.

                                                                                                                          As such, it is imperative that your appointment scheduling solution offers the ability to integrate with internal systems. It will allow staff to track past appointments, preferences, milestones, and mishaps. In addition to greeting someone by name, it’s also a great way to welcome them back and start from a point of familiarity.

                                                                                                                          Lead by example

                                                                                                                          If you want to reduce the number of no shows that you experience, it’s important that you lead by example. Don’t be late to your appointments and make sure that you leave enough time in between so that if one runs over, you won’t be scrambling. You can’t expect your customers to respect your time if you aren’t respecting theirs.

                                                                                                                          Follow up

                                                                                                                          No matter what you do, you’re still likely to have a few customers that don’t attend. If your customer doesn’t show up, follow up with them and include your calendar booking link so they can reschedule. Stay dedicated and don’t drop them after one instance. Have an open line of communication and work to ensure that you can get a new meeting on the calendar as soon as possible.

                                                                                                                          These tips can help maximize your meeting attendance, but don’t worry if you still see some no shows. After all, life can get in the way and things come up. Regardless of that, the more trust and connection that you build with customers, the more they will go above and beyond to ensure they’re at every appointment on time.

                                                                                                                          Related reading:

                                                                                                                          In addition, you can learn more by downloading "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling".

                                                                                                                          Anastasia Masters

                                                                                                                          Anastasia Masters is a Content Marketing Associate at G2. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in history. In her spare time, Anastasia enjoys eating her way through Chicago's different neighborhoods, planning her next trip, and binging a new show on Netflix. You can follow her on Twitter at @anastasia_mm0.

                                                                                                                          My Journey to JRNI: Simon Copsey https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-simon-copsey Thu, 05 Dec 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-simon-copsey
                                                                                                                          Meet our Chief Technology Officer, Simon Copsey

                                                                                                                          His passion for technology first developed when he taught himself digital electronics and programming while at secondary school.

                                                                                                                          He then built his first computer from scratch – a trial-by-error experiment that involved assembling individual chips, reading countless datasheets, and, upon connecting to power, witnessing smoke engulfing the machine. An operator system of sorts and even a floppy disk eventually emerged. The learning was more important than the outcome.

                                                                                                                          Now, he’s turned his love of technology into a successful career that has included numerous leadership roles at global enterprises and scaling startups.

                                                                                                                          Meet Simon Copsey, JRNI’s chief technology officer, who oversees our technology and product strategy and leads the development, engineering, and product teams.

                                                                                                                          We connected with Simon to learn more about his outstanding career, vision for the JRNI platform, personal interests, and more.

                                                                                                                          You’re an accomplished technology executive with more than 30 years of experience working with global brands and burgeoning startups. Give us an overview of your professional career.

                                                                                                                          It’s been an enormously enjoyable journey. I started in engineering, software, and project delivery for BBC News and Current Affairs. Later, I worked as a solution architect on the launch of the digital platform for Sky, a British telecommunications company. There, we debuted the world’s first interactive TV ad with Domino’s.

                                                                                                                          Following that opportunity, I worked for a startup that created enhanced TV apps, where I served in various capacities. I then returned to the BBC to build and launch its iPlayer, its internet-streaming service, working with Red Bee Media to turn a fabulous vision into reality. It’s a privilege to work on a major public launch and hearing people talking about it on the streets; it provides a rare level of connectivity with end users.

                                                                                                                          After the iPlayer launch, I worked for another startup that developed mobile solutions predominantly for broadcasters. As vice president of engineering, I launched mobile apps for CNN and the National Basketball Association in the U.S. and the first video on-demand mobile service in China. A couple of years later, OpenText acquired the company, which threw us into the deep end of mobile enabling for the hundreds of products they offered.

                                                                                                                          After what I call my “enterprise immersion,” I caught the startup bug again and became chief technology officer at a company in the hospitality industry, where I delivered mobile and tablet apps for luxury hotels. Luxury hospitality takes customer focus to the next level. When paying many thousands per night, guests expected every experience to be exemplary.

                                                                                                                          That opportunity was followed by numerous other vice president roles, including one at Import.io, an utterly fabulous business doing web scraping at scale. Unfortunately, the company relocated to the U.S. not too long after I joined, so it was a brief stint.

                                                                                                                          And that brings you to your latest role, working as chief technology officer at JRNI. You joined us about three months ago – what attracted you to JRNI?

                                                                                                                          It was clear from my very first interactions with the JRNI team that there was a fantastic culture and a team utterly aligned behind the founder’s vision. Everyone was excited about the future. I’ll always choose working in a business with exciting challenges and a thirst for growth and change over one that just wants to crank the handle and keep producing the same old stuff year after year.

                                                                                                                          As chief technology officer, what are some exciting projects that you’re leading?

                                                                                                                          Where to start! When working across both retail and banking sectors, you need to be cloud agnostic. There are many ways to achieve this; however, it’s always a challenge.

                                                                                                                          Successful startups know not to roll out their own solutions if viable ones already exist. When I first used Amazon, for example, it only had about four services in its control panel. Now, I’ve lost count. Many startups, including JRNI, have taken advantage of some of Amazon’s excellent-yet-bespoke cloud services.

                                                                                                                          Charting the path of least resistance between a tightly coupled cloud solution and a cloud-agnostic solution is one of the many exciting challenges I’m leading.

                                                                                                                          Our mission is to help our customers create exceptional experiences for their customers. How do you see us evolving the JRNI platform to address our customers’ goals in their ever-changing industries?

                                                                                                                          It’s all about extensibility. Rarely do two customers have the exact same requirements. To deliver remarkable customer experiences and maximize the value of those experiences, we need to adapt to our customers’ requirements without distorting our core proposition.

                                                                                                                          That’s been the driver behind our extensibility framework; it makes pretty much anything possible. With an extensibility foundation in place, it’s all about the tools, ease of use, learning materials, and automation.

                                                                                                                          If you could describe JRNI and its technology in one word, what would it be, and why?

                                                                                                                          Inspiring. There are so many opportunities for creating new capabilities through our platform, and in doing so, more and more value for clients. It’s inspiring for me, personally, because I love transforming fast moving startups.

                                                                                                                          What aspect of technology do you enjoy the most?

                                                                                                                          The fact it never stays still. It constantly presents new capabilities, opportunities, and challenges. It’s impossible to know everything but it’s fun trying.

                                                                                                                          Most recently, I’ve been playing with the NVidia Jetson Nano. A fabulous little computer; a little more expensive than a Raspberry Pi. It has real CUDA cores, which may not mean much to many people, but essentially, it has the ability to run the same functions in parallel as if you owned hundreds or thousands of machines. This type of processing is at the heart of machine learning and many other computationally expensive technologies.

                                                                                                                          Working in any dynamic and high-growth technology business is going to be exciting. It’s guaranteed to keep you on your toes and necessitates continuous innovation. Solving problems with technology and delivering great experiences is at the heart of what makes me tick.

                                                                                                                          For people seeking to step into technology leadership roles, what’s some advice that you can share with them?

                                                                                                                          Successfully moving up means staying out of the weeds, being comfortable with knowing less detail, and trusting others to do your previous job. You must share your knowledge and experience, enable and empower others, and never do someone’s job for them. Always feed those who are curious and encourage those who aren’t.

                                                                                                                          Most importantly, leaders must ensure that everyone has equal voices. It isn’t only the loudest people in the room who have good ideas. Embracing multiculturalism in all of its forms is critical for innovation.

                                                                                                                          Different people bring different perspectives to the table, and the more perspectives that contribute to your decision-making process, the greater the probability that you’ll uncover winning ideas.

                                                                                                                          What do you like to do outside of work?

                                                                                                                          Spend time with my family, learn, and make stuff.

                                                                                                                          What’s the best journey that you’ve taken in your life?

                                                                                                                          Becoming a father to my beautiful daughter. I wouldn’t trade the journey of parenthood for anything else.

                                                                                                                          What’s the most interesting fact about yourself?

                                                                                                                          I used to play unicycle hockey.

                                                                                                                          Interested in working alongside Simon and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointhejrni!

                                                                                                                          We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!
                                                                                                                          Price comparison in retail: Think like consumers to win the sale https://www.jrni.com/blog/price-comparison-in-retail Tue, 03 Dec 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/price-comparison-in-retail

                                                                                                                          This is a guest post by Matt Ellsworth, the Content Marketing Manager at Wiser.

                                                                                                                          Price. Depending on who you ask, it's either the most important buying factor or ... one of the most important buying factors. Yes, price is a big deal in retail.

                                                                                                                          Your average consumer agreed. Wiser Solutions, an omnichannel retail analytics provider, surveyed nearly 2,000 U.S. shoppers. Out of that group, 96 percent said they compare prices before buying. If you want to win at the point of sale, then price needs to be one area where you win.

                                                                                                                          Here's how else shoppers look at price, so you can remain competitive throughout the customer journey.

                                                                                                                          When do customers compare prices?

                                                                                                                          By channel

                                                                                                                          Do brick and mortar shoppers compare prices more than online shoppers? Or vice versa? According to the Wiser poll, it's a mix of both.

                                                                                                                          Only 4 percent of consumers check prices when shopping in-store only, in addition to about 4 percent who search prices across retailers when buying online. That means 92 percent of the roughly 2,000 shoppers compare prices no matter which channel they're using.

                                                                                                                          That means prices are top-of-mind for your customers whether you're a brick and mortar, pure-play eCommerce, or omnichannel retailer.

                                                                                                                          By product category

                                                                                                                          It's a fair assumption that some products are more price-sensitive than others and that shoppers are more likely to compare prices when shopping in certain categories.

                                                                                                                          While true, the gulf is not as great as you might think. For example, Wiser data showed that customers compare prices the most when shopping in the consumer electronics category (90 percent). However, second place was appliances at 85 percent with food in third place at 78 percent. More than 70 percent of the roughly 2,000 consumers also compare prices when buying clothing and streaming devices like Roku or Amazon Fire.

                                                                                                                          This aligns with JRNI data on why consumers like the in-store shopping experience—the clothing and electronics categories were both featured, as buying these products in-store was preferred to ask for advice (electronics) and the ability to see products before buying (clothes).

                                                                                                                          Overall, comparison shopping is prominent for these types of goods because consumers want to get the best deals, from the quality of product to the right brand for their needs and, of course, cost.

                                                                                                                          How do shoppers check prices?

                                                                                                                          It's certainly beneficial to know whether shoppers are comparing prices in-store and online, and for which products, but how are they going about it?

                                                                                                                          Wiser's shopper survey found that the majority—63 percent—use Google, unsurprisingly. An additional 24 percent turn to price comparison websites or apps to get the job done. Some people also ask their family and friends (4 percent) for advice if they've bought that product in the past.

                                                                                                                          In general, though, shoppers are using their mobile devices to save money and time. Nearly 90 percent use mobile apps on a consistent basis, and 84 percent use mobile apps to check prices on their desired products. While not part of the survey, it's not a stretch to assume that many of the 4 percent who ask family and friends for advice are also using their mobile devices to text, call, or message on social media.

                                                                                                                          What does this mean for brands and retail stores?

                                                                                                                          We've established that price is a major reason why shoppers choose one product over another. But, what can brands and retailers do with this knowledge?

                                                                                                                          It helps to take note of what shoppers do once they compare prices. Of the nearly 2,000 shoppers, 79 percent will buy from a third-party seller for a lesser price. This means they're willing to leave your brand or store if they find a better price on a comparable item from a (potentially) less-reputable retailer. Only 21 percent are willing to buy from the established brand for that higher price.

                                                                                                                          Therefore, you have to know where you stand when it comes to price. Your shoppers will. Consider these tips when evaluating your pricing strategy:

                                                                                                                          Think omnichannel

                                                                                                                          It's crucial that you monitor your prices using real-time data across all channels, whether you have a unique product or are in a competitive industry. JRNI research shows that 57% of consumers research in-store, then purchase online. Conversely, 75% of shoppers research online, and then purchase in-store. Consumers are researching your products across multiple channels, so you must monitor pricing across channels too.

                                                                                                                          Spot unauthorized, grey market sellers

                                                                                                                          Tracking SKUs can identify areas where your products are sold by unauthorized sellers, or potential counterfeiters or thieves. A good price intelligence tool can call out where your brand is sold, so you can quickly identify places where you shouldn't be sold, to begin with.

                                                                                                                          Reprice quickly, and with confidence

                                                                                                                          More likely, monitoring prices will highlight the competition and guide you as you make pricing decisions. Because of how easy it is for shoppers to compare prices via their mobile devices, both from their couches and while they're standing at the shelf, you need to be able to quickly and easily reprice your products to align with competitor pricing.

                                                                                                                          Protect your brand

                                                                                                                          Furthermore, price intelligence will help you protect and support your brand reputation. Are you a premium brand, like Apple? A discount brand? Somewhere in between? Your price will say a lot about your brand, and you don't want to have the highest or lowest prices. That can confuse consumers and degrade your brand reputation. Instead, monitor prices and maintain expectations with your customers.

                                                                                                                          Value price as much as shoppers do

                                                                                                                          Given that 96 percent of shoppers compare prices before buying, the cost of your product must be a major consideration during the customer journey. After all, they likely won't buy from you if there's a cheaper option out there.

                                                                                                                          That's why great brands and retailers are the best on price, too. They have full control over their price position and they can be flexible and responsive with price reductions or increases. They know what their customers want and they can provide the goods.

                                                                                                                          You can find the two research pieces mentioned in this article below:

                                                                                                                          In addition, check out our research on what retailers need to meet new consumer demand.

                                                                                                                          Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                          Matt Ellsworth

                                                                                                                          Matt is the Content Marketing Manager at Wiser, the leading provider of actionable data for better decisions. He holds a BA from Salem State University.

                                                                                                                          An inside JRNI into our Sydney, Australia operations https://www.jrni.com/blog/australia-office Wed, 27 Nov 2019 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/australia-office

                                                                                                                          With so much innovation flourishing due to significant investment, the Australian technology community shows no signs of slowing down.

                                                                                                                          For JRNI, that means we’re growing to meet demand and looking for talented people like you to join our team.

                                                                                                                          Take an inside look at our Sydney office, and meet some of our team members and customers, and then you can visit our Careers page to apply to #jointheJRNI.

                                                                                                                          Our teamwork philosophy

                                                                                                                          Located at 64 York St., Level 12 in the heart of downtown Sydney, our office is home to numerous teams, including support, implementation, customer success, sales, solutions, technical architecture, and management.

                                                                                                                          Working cross-functionally, our team collaborates with each other to ensure that we’re providing our customers with the best technology solutions.

                                                                                                                          “I’m part of a global team, and I always feel supported from both local and global resources,” said Elliot Campbell-Smith, Technical Solutions Architect. “We’re always open to exploring new ideas for our customers, and we’re always pushing each other to execute on those ideas.”

                                                                                                                          The best part of working in our Australian office is the teamwork. While we’re a growing group, we’re also a tight-knit circle, so we work together to accomplish our customers’ goals.

                                                                                                                          “We've cultivated a team mentality, keen to share each other’s success, while focused on delivering exceptional experiences for our customers,” said Jonathon “Jono” Coleman, Asia-Pacific general manager. “Everyone across the globe is eager to contribute to our success in the Asia-Pacific region. It’s been exciting to see how we've scaled the business with a start-up feel.”

                                                                                                                          No matter if we’re working with colleagues in London, Boston, or Manchester, N.H., we’re “one team, one JRNI,” as we say. Not to mention that we also have some fabulous workplace perks, such as 90-days, full-pay maternity and paternity leave, flexible working options, personal learning days, volunteering days, and more.

                                                                                                                          Our customer snapshot

                                                                                                                          We’re proud to call some of the region’s most notable financial services, retail, and technology companies our customers. While we have more than 1,100 customers globally, here’s a peek at some of our local ones:


                                                                                                                          A “Big Four” retail bank, ANZ has been one of our customers for the past three years and has used our technology to allow their customers to make appointments online to visit branches. Over the course of our partnership, we’ve helped them improve their customer experience and staff productivity.

                                                                                                                          Super Retail Group

                                                                                                                          One of the region’s top 10 retailers and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, Super Retail Group uses our platform to allow customers to schedule appointments for automotive parts and installation.

                                                                                                                          Baby Bunting

                                                                                                                          Established in 1979, Baby Bunting is Australia’s largest specialty nursery retailer and one-stop baby shop. With JRNI, Baby Bunting’s customers can arrange appointments for all-important car seat fittings.

                                                                                                                          MECCA Brands

                                                                                                                          Bringing the best in global cosmetics, MECCA Brands is a high-touch, high-service beauty boutique. Their customers can schedule beauty appointments and group makeup tutorials.


                                                                                                                          A leading telecommunications company, Spark uses our platform for in-store events and appointments at their flagship stores. We help them provide personalized experiences for new devices, training, and troubleshooting.

                                                                                                                          Come work with us

                                                                                                                          There’s no better time to join our team in Sydney. You’ll help our existing and future customers use the JRNI platform in visionary ways, challenge the status quo in technology, financial services, and retail, and, of course, have fun.

                                                                                                                          “You get to work with some truly amazing people day in and day out, and it’s inspiring to see everyone come together and work towards something that delivers immense value to our customers,” said Prash Ranjan, customer experience solutions lead. “Most of all, we celebrate our achievements, and we’re always up for the next challenge.”

                                                                                                                          Sound like you? Check out our open roles here. We can’t wait to hear from you!

                                                                                                                          We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!
                                                                                                                          How to increase basket size https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-basket-size Thu, 21 Nov 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-basket-size

                                                                                                                          As we enter 2020, retailers are challenged to differentiate themselves by delivering great customer experiences. The extent to which retailers turn those efforts into customer loyalty and larger basket size will determine their ultimate profitability. PwC underscored the need to reap profits from improved customer experiences in its Global Consumer Insights Survey 2019. In fact, the survey’s actual title speaks volumes: It’s time for a consumer-centered metric: introducing ‘return on experience.’

                                                                                                                          The ideal way to measure the return on customer experience, particularly for brick-and-mortar retailers, is to measure basket size. Retail basket size tells a retailer the sales value of each customer visit to a store, and the quantity of items that makes up that sales number. As retailers invest in experience-focused strategies and tactics – such as personal shopping and personalized promotions – they can measure basket size growth to determine the return on those investments.

                                                                                                                          In this post, we explore experience-focused tools and how they help boost basket size in retail, both on their own and as part of a combined strategy.

                                                                                                                          Here are six ways to increase basket size:

                                                                                                                          1. Offer personal shopping
                                                                                                                          2. Run events
                                                                                                                          3. Use an advanced POS system
                                                                                                                          4. Perform market basket analysis
                                                                                                                          5. Offer appointment scheduling
                                                                                                                          6. Strategically use click and collect

                                                                                                                          1: Personal shopping increases product quantity

                                                                                                                          Personal shopping appointments are the powerhouse of connecting with consumers. After all, a retailer can create a team of trained experts that meet with customers in person, understand and analyze their needs, and then create a personalized shopping experience. It’s no wonder iconic luxury department store Lane Crawford – China’s first luxury omni-channel fashion retailer – sees basket sizes driven by pre-booked personal shopping experiences that are nearly four times larger than the average sale.

                                                                                                                          Customers who are treated to personal shopping experiences don’t just purchase higher-priced items; they purchase more of them. The right guidance can help customers go from buying a dress, to buying a full outfit that includes shoes, a purse, and jewelry.

                                                                                                                          Leading retailers are taking two critical steps to maximize the return on their personal shopping service:

                                                                                                                          1. Training personal shoppers in a unique manner
                                                                                                                          2. Segmenting their customer base

                                                                                                                          Retailers that train personal shoppers on soft skills, such as those displayed by a concierge with deep product knowledge, can quickly gain a customer’s trust and loyalty. By investing in soft-skills training, retailers can transform sales associates into the customer’s confidant. Rather than push a product sale, the sales associate (or personal shopper) makes appropriate, high-value product recommendations in line with the customer’s desires. The long-term effect is higher customer trust, repeat purchases, and greater loyalty and basket sizes.

                                                                                                                          Savvy retailers offering personal shopper programs have also learned to segment out their high-value customers from the rest of their customer base. By collecting data from personal shopping appointments, a retailer can quickly gain insights such as:

                                                                                                                          • Who has purchased the largest baskets over time
                                                                                                                          • Which customers have the most shopping visits in a six-month period
                                                                                                                          • Who is a top referrer of other customers

                                                                                                                          Learn more: How to increase personal shopping appointments

                                                                                                                          Customers who are treated to personal shopping experiences don’t just purchase higher-priced items; they purchase more of them.

                                                                                                                          2: Run events concurrently with appointments

                                                                                                                          With the convenience of mobile and online shopping, consumers need more than a wide selection and discount pricing to drive them into physical locations. They want exclusive events and in-store experiences that connect them to their passions and interests.

                                                                                                                          Our 2019 Modern Consumer Research on the types of events customers are looking for from their favorite retailers provided key insights. Specifically, it found that special occasions like new product launches, demonstrations, DIY workshops, experiential education, and celebrity appearances would entice more than half of consumers in the US and UK to visit a store.

                                                                                                                          Consumers want to attend in-store events.

                                                                                                                          3: Advanced POS systems bring cross-sell and up-sell opportunities

                                                                                                                          Though retailers are wise to draw high-spending customers into the store for personal experiences in order to grow basket size, they can also call upon in-store technology to boost purchases.

                                                                                                                          “Regular customers” (i.e., those who aren’t guided through a personal shopping experience) also tend to increase their basket size at retailers that leverage advanced POS systems enabling consistent up-selling and cross-selling by any sales associate. At the time of customer checkout, a robust POS system can instantly consider old or unusual stock, marked-down items, and inventory that is not moving through other channels and locations to suggest real-time offers for the customer. On the employee’s screen at the counter, prompts aid the salesperson in recommending these additional products.

                                                                                                                          A POS can aggregate a broad array of data, such as that about products related to today’s transaction, products recently purchased by other family members, and even products that complement all family purchases within the last six months.

                                                                                                                          In essence, today’s retail POS systems can transform the counter from a checkout location to a basket growth opportunity. After all, the customer is already in buying mode and more likely to be influenced by complementary offers while in that state of mind.

                                                                                                                          The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!

                                                                                                                          4: Market basket analysis

                                                                                                                          The fifth way retailers can grow basket size is by performing market basket analysis, or MBA, to better understand customer purchases across a wide range of factors and for multiple purposes. As with a modern POS system, MBA delves into past purchases to glean insights. Yet, unlike a POS system, MBA allows a retailer to analyze purchases far beyond their own customer base.

                                                                                                                          As an example, a retailer can purchase big data and transactional data from third-party sources, run analytics software against that data, and discover patterns across a much broader market of buyers. Potential findings are virtually limitless, such as the:

                                                                                                                          • ‘Must-have’ products at a home improvement store during the holiday season
                                                                                                                          • Three items that women most frequently purchase after 5 pm on weekdays
                                                                                                                          • Most-purchased products on Black Friday where the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit

                                                                                                                          Since retailers can potentially drive high returns by performing MBA, those lacking the necessary experience and creativity often hire a specialist analytics firm to conduct the analysis.

                                                                                                                          5: Appointment scheduling software lifts engagement and sales

                                                                                                                          Retailers are leveraging appointment scheduling solutions to engage customers over the last decade. That said, today’s enterprise-class appointment scheduling solutions provide seamless integrations, powerful analytics and, perhaps most importantly, omnichannel conversion capabilities.

                                                                                                                          As customers engage a retailer on the web or within a mobile app, they may find it helpful to be able to book an appointment to address their specific needs. No matter the channel the customer uses, the software can collect information from them in advance and use that data to help in-store staff prepare for their appointment and deliver an outstanding experience.

                                                                                                                          After just a few months of using a modern appointment scheduling solution, a retailer should have new and valuable data at its fingertips that can be used to drive sales and larger basket size. The analytics capabilities of an enterprise-class appointment scheduling solution can offer fast and accurate answers to important questions, such as:

                                                                                                                          • What are the top three types of appointments in terms of sales?
                                                                                                                          • Which appointment types are most popular among existing customers?
                                                                                                                          • Which appointment types are most popular among new customers?
                                                                                                                          • Which staff members are performing the best in terms of basket size (by store, by geography, etc.)?
                                                                                                                          • Which partner companies can complement our offers to drive more appointments?

                                                                                                                          Once retail managers and their executive teams recognize the value of certain appointment types and from which channels they originate, they can invest in targeted sales and marketing campaigns that deliver higher returns.

                                                                                                                          The type of return on customer experience is impressive with appointment scheduling software. Here is the ROI we see across our customers:

                                                                                                                          • 80% increase in conversions
                                                                                                                          • Up to 5x increases in customer spend

                                                                                                                          In fact, one of our customers – a multinational retailer – realized a 3x lift in basket size with online appointment shoppers. Another customer – a department store retailer with 800 locations – saw 200% larger basket sizes for appointment-based customers than walk-in customers.

                                                                                                                          Learn more: The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling

                                                                                                                          6: Strategically organize click and collect services

                                                                                                                          Click and collect is becoming a common choice for today’s busy shoppers. Our latest research shows that 54% of consumers use click and collect, a 4% increase since our previous study. Recognizing the tremendous value in this option, stores like Bed Bath & Beyond, Best Buy, Macy’s, Nordstrom, and Urban Outfitters have launched click and collect options in recent years.

                                                                                                                          Click and collect is another purchase channel that can be strategically designed to boost basket size. By moving the merchandise pick-up location to the back of their stores, retailers ensure customers walk through additional aisles. As customers do this, they are exposed to hundreds of products they wouldn’t have seen otherwise – greatly increasing the chance they’ll make an impulse purchase.

                                                                                                                          In conclusion, experiment with omnichannel customer experiences that suit your customers.

                                                                                                                          As a retailer, your goal for 2020 should be finding the right blend of solutions and in-person interactions to form a stronger bond between your customers and your in-store professionals. Achieving this will give you the personal relationship advantage and customer loyalty that you simply cannot win via online-only interactions. By calling upon the six strategies outlined in this post, you can do just that to improve the customer experience – and realize larger basket size in the process.

                                                                                                                          Appointment scheduling can boost both engagement and sales. Check out our latest resource, "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling software" to learn more.

                                                                                                                          The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Download the guide now!
                                                                                                                          Innovation in online and retail banking: top trends https://www.jrni.com/blog/innovation-in-banking Tue, 19 Nov 2019 08:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/innovation-in-banking

                                                                                                                          The retail banking industry continues to experience a great customer revolution. Driven by omnichannel consumers, new competition in digital and brick-and-mortar banking, and innovative technologies, bank executives and marketers are delivering better-than-ever experiences to consumers.

                                                                                                                          How omnichannel consumers are driving innovation in online banking

                                                                                                                          Without a doubt, the rise of mobile and online banking changed the way consumers bank, giving people convenient 24x7x365 access to their financial information and critical applications. For the last several years, customers have increasingly opened accounts and transacted with financial services via smartphones, tablets, and computers, leading numerous retail banks to shutter many of their physical branches.

                                                                                                                          Although 2020 saw an increase in conducting bank activities online only or via phone, the online banking experience is not suited to all customers and their needs. The reality is that retail banks are improving the branch experience, and customers are excited to conduct activities in-person again. Yet, the reality is that retail banks are improving the branch experience. Simultaneously – even if they like the convenience of online or mobile app banking – consumers have realized they find comfort in a bank’s physical presence.

                                                                                                                          While consumer desire to use both online and in-branch financial services can squeeze banks’ operating margins, banking executives have little choice but to satisfy customer demands. According to PWC’s Retail Banking 2020 report, retail banks recognize the need to deepen their customer relationships and focus more on specific customer outcomes in 2020 – regardless of channel. Novantas echoes the sentiment, stating that the banking industry finds itself in an awkward middle ground, having to balance investment in digital channels with the overhead costs of branches.

                                                                                                                          Innovation strategies in retail banking

                                                                                                                          The percentage of financial services firms that invested more in innovation grew to 82% in 2018. The highest level of investment went to improving the customer experience, as you can see in the chart below from Efma.

                                                                                                                          increase in technology for innovation in online banking

                                                                                                                          Recognizing that consumers are demanding robust services in the digital and physical realms, banks blended their investments in both areas using innovative technologies. Let’s explore how financial institutions used them to maximize consumer satisfaction.

                                                                                                                          As BCG data reveals, banks acknowledged the overwhelming need to deliver both Amazon-like convenience and great “personal shopper” experiences, as the chart below demonstrates.

                                                                                                                          where innovative online banks are investing

                                                                                                                          To deliver the convenience analogous to Amazon – where customers know what they want, but require some automated help – financial institutions called upon automation and AI.

                                                                                                                          Financial services companies using the joint DocuSign-Intelledox solution enable online consumers to engage with automated banking forms that guide them through a common process, such as initiating a loan request. As consumers select what they want to do, adaptive forms populate with relevant data and prompt the consumer on next steps. Once the consumer completes the guided forms, the system automatically launches a single or multi-party signing process. As with Amazon, there is no need for the consumer to visit the store/branch.

                                                                                                                          As for delivering a personalized consumer experience, the most immersive banking experience is the live, in-person meeting with a banking knowledge expert. But why stand around waiting for an available in-branch expert? This is where online appointment booking improves the experience.

                                                                                                                          Trends in retail banking innovation

                                                                                                                          Artificial intelligence

                                                                                                                          Artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting consumer-facing industries, and the financial services industry is no exception. Financial services firms are using AI and machine learning to improve customer service, deepen personalization, and optimize processes.

                                                                                                                          One particular area where AI is improving customer satisfaction and driving down costs is in customer service. With the right use of AI in customer service, a bank can can serve many customers simultaneously. The key is to enable self-service for simple tasks and reserve live customer service agents for the most complex or urgent matters. Financial institutions call upon modern customer service platforms that incorporate AI, in particular AI-driven voicebot/chatbot, to reduce the need for person-to-person interactions.

                                                                                                                          Neon Pagamentos, a fintech startup, is using an AI-driven customer service platform from Helpshift. The online bank has inexpensively scaled to support 600,000 users. At the same time, it is providing a fully conversational messaging experience that results in a consistent customer satisfaction score of 4+ (on a scale of 1 to 5). AI-driven support bots engage consumers in a conversation similar to one enabled by WhatsApp or iMessage. This makes it possible for customers to start a process, leave the conversation to tend to other things, and return minutes or hours later and pick up right where they left off.

                                                                                                                          Since digital-only banking startups are delivering this type of customer experience, it’s little wonder that 55% of bank executives responding to PWC’s Retail Banking 2020 survey view non-traditional players as a threat to traditional banks. Globally, bank executives say that enhancing customer service is the number-one investment priority for their business.

                                                                                                                          Two-factor authentication and biometrics

                                                                                                                          Along with customer service, retail banks must remain ever vigilant about fraud – especially as the industry adopts a growing number of digital products.

                                                                                                                          By now, most financial institutions are aware that fingerprinting and voice recognition greatly help to prevent fraud. Even small brick-and-mortar banks, like Cambridge Savings Bank in Massachusetts, offer fingerprint-based identification via Android for their customers as part of two-factor authentication — and that’s just scratching the surface. But that’s just scratching the surface.

                                                                                                                          Royal Bank of Scotland is among a handful of banks collecting biometric behavioral data, a newer type of biometrics that goes beyond the basics. Once a customer logs in, software records 2,000+ movements on the keyboard, mobile app and/or website. It even measures the angle at which a customer holds a smartphone, the specific fingers they use to swipe, and the pressure they apply when touching the screen. Given that banks spend $2.92 for every $1 of fraud, behavioral biometrics could be a major cost-saver in the financial services industry.

                                                                                                                          Voice-activated banking

                                                                                                                          Voice-activated banking is another area of opportunity. The number of smart speakers is skyrocketing, and Juniper Research predicts that 8 billion people will be using voice technology by 2023.

                                                                                                                          Banks can take advantage of several opportunities when it comes to voice technology, from simple requests to advanced scheduling. In addition to offering convenience for customers, banks will benefit from cost savings and time savings.

                                                                                                                          PwC found that 52% of call center time is spent on basic requests. If these rudimentary requests were serviced by a voice system, the potential cost reduction for banks could be as high as $3 billion (PwC). Furthermore, 67% of smart speaker owners are comfortable using voice technology for banking transactions, according to Mercator. It’s safe to say that consumers are ready for voice-activated banking.

                                                                                                                          A more advanced opportunity for banks to use voice technology is as a bridge between a customer’s digital and physical experiences. For more complex transactions, customers can use voice technology to book a branch appointment with an advisor. In fact, our research found that 26% of consumers prefer branch banking because they want to ask questions and get advice. Whether customers prefer to conduct banking transactions in-branch or via mobile app, voice technology can enhance the experience.

                                                                                                                          Learn more: JRNI’s smart speaker integration

                                                                                                                          Why you should act on retail banking innovations

                                                                                                                          While most retail banks and credit unions don’t consider themselves pioneers in innovation, as the chart below demonstrates, more consider themselves ‘Fast Followers.’ This means that the financial services industry quickly follows leaders into innovations that help win business and reduce costs.

                                                                                                                          organizational approach to innovative online banking

                                                                                                                          If your bank is not a pioneer or fast follower, you risk being displaced. According to McKinsey, banks only set aside 35% of their IT budgets for innovation and reinventing strategies -- a paltry sum when compared to the more than 70% fintech players spend. Considering that fintechs are already undercutting retail banks in basic areas like personal loans, this investment disparity is cause for concern.

                                                                                                                          We agree with PWC’s assessment on innovation in banking: “Staying the same is not an option. We believe that the winners will not only execute relentlessly against today’s imperatives, but will also innovate and transform themselves to prepare for the future.”

                                                                                                                          As banking trends continue to evolve, one thing is certain: customers want to bank with you on their terms. Appointments enable banks to maintain relationships with customers however, whenever, and wherever they prefer to engage. Want to learn more about how appointment scheduling can set your financial institution up for success? Then be sure to check out our eBook "A case for appointments"!

                                                                                                                          A case for appointments - engaging banking customers online and offline: Access the eBook!
                                                                                                                          JRNI extends partnership with Yext https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-yext-extended-partnership Tue, 29 Oct 2019 08:45:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/jrni-yext-extended-partnership

                                                                                                                          Today’s businesses struggle to increase their digital discoverability and engagement across multiple channels, including SEO, web, and social.

                                                                                                                          Companies have spent significant resources to be discoverable online – and now, they can take it one step further by making their pages and listings more actionable.

                                                                                                                          To help enterprises overcome this challenge, we’re building on our partnership with Yext – the industry leader in driving high-intent traffic directly to customers’ websites to generate stronger loyalty – so now, every listing can extend the customer journey through booking of appointments and events.

                                                                                                                          Enhancing the integration to provide high-conversion landing pages

                                                                                                                          No matter the channel, companies must provide consistent experiences for their customers because consumers demand them.

                                                                                                                          Building on the initial integration of location data from Yext Knowledge Manager to JRNI, the latest version allows businesses to drive increased online conversions by enabling Yext Listings and Yext Pages with new booking capabilities.

                                                                                                                          What does this mean for businesses and users?

                                                                                                                          • Enterprises: Decreased admin time, automated bi-lateral syncing, and a seamless customer experience
                                                                                                                          • Customer Experience: A seamless online experience from discovery through conversion

                                                                                                                          Taking the integration one step further with events

                                                                                                                          The other key capability of the integration is to support events.

                                                                                                                          With Yext for Events, businesses can create, publish, and optimize their events across the web to streamline planning, automate promotion, and produce stronger analytics. JRNI Events naturally complements Yext for Events by adding scheduling and management capabilities for businesses seeking to organize events at scale.

                                                                                                                          Showcasing our partnership at ONWARD19

                                                                                                                          We’re excited to showcase the new solutions as a gold sponsor at Yext’s ONWARD19: The Future of Search conference in New York City today and tomorrow.

                                                                                                                          With 28 breakout sessions, more than 100 speakers, and more than 1,200 attendees, ONWARD19 explores the paradigm shift in consumer search from keywords and chaotic results to questions and verified answers. Some of the keynote speakers include:

                                                                                                                          • Earvin “Magic” Johnson, National Basketball Association legend and chairman and CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises
                                                                                                                          • Seth Meyers, Emmy Award-winning writer and host of “Late Night with Seth Meyers”
                                                                                                                          • Jill Ellis, the all-time winningest coach in U.S. soccer history

                                                                                                                            Over the two days, you can catch the JRNI team at the following sessions:

                                                                                                                            Emerging search trends: putting them into action

                                                                                                                            Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time, Astor Ballroom

                                                                                                                            Our CEO John Federman, along with a panel of technology executives, will analyze trends in search and conversion.

                                                                                                                            Consumers are no longer searching keywords; they’re asking questions, and companies must have the correct answers to all of their inquiries. This engaging conversation will provide actionable strategies and tips to help make customers answer-ready, so they can give consumers the detailed information they’re chasing.

                                                                                                                            How to build a powerful and high-converting landing page

                                                                                                                            Wednesday, Oct. 30, at 11:15 a.m. Eastern Time, Shubert Complex

                                                                                                                            Federman, Graham Johnston, Three’s head of omnichannel and digital first, a U.K.-based telecommunications company, and Gideon Weiler, Yext’s product manager, will discuss how to create incredible landing page experiences.

                                                                                                                            Powerful landing pages are essential for customers to easily access information and get the answers they want. In fact, compelling landing pages help businesses convert more customers. This is a must-attend presentation to learn more about the JRNI and Yext partnership and how it can help your business.

                                                                                                                            Learn more about how JRNI and Yext partner together👇

                                                                                                                            Learn how JRNI and Yext keep location, appointment, and event data up to date.
                                                                                                                            My Journey to JRNI: Paul Coates https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-paul-coates Mon, 28 Oct 2019 04:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/about-paul-coates
                                                                                                                            Meet our technical integration manager, Paul Coates

                                                                                                                            Meet Paul Coates, our technical integrations manager.

                                                                                                                            We spoke with Paul to learn more about his career experience, why he enjoys working with customers, his interests outside of work, and more!

                                                                                                                            Give us an overview of your professional experience.

                                                                                                                            Well, I started working for IBM when I left school (on my gap year before attending university). At IBM, I was in a software development role, so I was mainly scripting and doing light software development. After a year, I went to university and completed a computer science program, where I learned about the science and math behind development.

                                                                                                                            After university, I spent two years in Japan teaching English, which was an eye-opening experience. Because there’s a language barrier, I had to work hard to build relationships. It was a really interesting period of my life that was unlike anything else!

                                                                                                                            When I returned to the U.K., I worked in consulting and applied the technical material I learned while at university. In that role, I collaborated closely with clients to choose technical solutions that would solve their business problems. My role there grew until I eventually owned entire technical solutions for some of the largest banks. I credit this role to teaching me a lot about client and vendor relationships and expectation setting.

                                                                                                                            After my consulting role, it was time for me to #jointheJRNI. At JRNI, I work closely with our internal teams to build bespoke solutions. I enjoy working at JRNI, and I can say with confidence that my breadth of knowledge has certainly increased.

                                                                                                                            You’ve been at JRNI for more than two years now. How have you grown in your role thus far?

                                                                                                                            I've gained much more experience with integration patterns, as well as being a consultative partner to our customers. Oftentimes customers haven’t worked with a platform like ours before, so I enjoy educating our customers about best practices and the technical side of things.

                                                                                                                            I’ve also had the opportunity to flex my leadership skills. My role recently changed from technical architect to technical integrations manager. Now I lead the global Technical Architect and API Support teams.

                                                                                                                            How did you transition into your current role?

                                                                                                                            As a technical architect, I noticed that there was a gap in our team. My manager and I worked closely together to define the role that was needed, and determined that it was a great next step for me at JRNI.

                                                                                                                            What are some projects you've been working on recently?

                                                                                                                            Recently, I spent time working with an iconic fashion brand to expand our partnership to their stores worldwide. This was exciting because of the scale of the project, and because of how closely I was able to work with the customer.

                                                                                                                            There were countless meetings to ensure we were working in lockstep, and we also had a very productive in-person session at their headquarters in Paris. There, we discussed how JRNI’s RESTful APIs and extensive knowledge about appointment scheduling would play a role in improving their customer experience.

                                                                                                                            This project has now transferred to our API support team members to prepare for their global launch!

                                                                                                                            What’s the most rewarding part about working at JRNI?

                                                                                                                            1. My role. My work involves problem solving and “mental exercise,” which I enjoy. I work with several different teams, so I’m constantly interacting with intelligent people.

                                                                                                                            2. The people at JRNI. They're very knowledgeable, open to suggestions, and friendly. I've made some great friends here!

                                                                                                                            What’s your favorite part of the culture at JRNI?

                                                                                                                            JRNI has great diversity and inclusion initiatives, and it's all about inclusion here. There's a strong effort across the company to ensure that everyone feels part of the team.

                                                                                                                            JRNI is not one of those places where I get up in the morning and think, “Oh no, I’ve got to go to the office.” There’s a great vibe here, and the people are great too.

                                                                                                                            What's one thing that people don't know about you?

                                                                                                                            I’ve been to a garden party with the Queen – I actually went as a plus-one with my mum!

                                                                                                                            Interested in working alongside Paul and the rest of the JRNI team? Check out our current open roles and #jointheJRNI!

                                                                                                                            We're hiring! Want to work alongside the JRNI team? Then click here to check out our current open roles and join the JRNI!
                                                                                                                            Webrooming and showrooming: What retailers need to know about the customer experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/webrooming-vs-showrooming Wed, 23 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/webrooming-vs-showrooming

                                                                                                                            Webrooming and showrooming are two terms that seem to draw an instinctive grimace on the faces of even successful retailers. The idea that customers could come into the store, check out what’s being offered, and then leave to find everything cheaper online is a frightening thought to businesses that have invested so much into their physical spaces.

                                                                                                                            There’s no doubt that online channels - mainly Amazon, Google, Instagram, and YouTube - have given consumers unprecedented power to research, compare, and purchase on their own terms. But rather than try to discourage this behavior, forward-thinking retailers are already thinking about how they can turn these dynamics to their advantages.

                                                                                                                            In this article, we’ll look into why the question of “webrooming vs. showrooming” should not be considered in such binary terms. We’ll also provide some actionable tips that retailers can use to make themselves more robust in the face of these trends.

                                                                                                                            Webrooming vs. showrooming

                                                                                                                            What is webrooming and showrooming? Before we can get into how retailers can make sense of these terms, we have to define them. Fortunately, these concepts are fairly easy to define and remember, as they’re essentially opposites.

                                                                                                                            Webrooming is when consumers do research online - compare prices, read/watch reviews, check social media and online communities, look at product specs, etc - and then, go to a store to do a final evaluation or consideration, and ultimately make a purchase.

                                                                                                                            Showrooming is when consumers go into a store to test, try on, or otherwise compare items before leaving the store and making a purchase online. This allows them to narrow down their choices and then leave to find the best price or promotion, even if it’s with a different retailer.

                                                                                                                            That these two phenomena became commonplace among consumers enough that they earned specific names can be traced to several converging trends:

                                                                                                                            • The ubiquity of smartphones. Now that every consumer has a browser and a slew of apps that help them compare prices, features, promotions, etc., it’s easier than ever for people to bypass an individual retailer’s information to shop on their own terms.
                                                                                                                            • The trust in online reviews. According to a 2018 study from Bizrate Insights, 90.8% of consumers use online reviews as part of their research process at least some of the time. Research from BrightLocal found that 94% of consumers age 18-34 use trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This applies to a wide range of industries - Yelp for restaurants, Amazon for most consumer goods, TripAdvisor for destinations, etc.
                                                                                                                            • The lower prices of online retailers. While many retailers are offering price matching for certain goods, online retailers - specifically Amazon - often had lower prices than their brick-and-mortar counterparts. Knowing that, people opted to forgo the immediacy of purchasing in-store to simply buy what they needed online at a discount.

                                                                                                                            Essentially, webrooming is the pendulum swinging back in the other direction. Consumers are gathering information online, reading reviews, comparing choices, and then heading into the store to make their final evaluation and purchase.

                                                                                                                            While most commentary on these retail trends initially explained them as being separate modes of consumer behavior, the truth is that webrooming and showrooming are two sides of the same coin.

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                                            Why do customers go in-store versus shop online?

                                                                                                                            The initial fear that many brick-and-mortar retailers had when customers started coming into their stores to see, touch, and test different items then retreating to their mobile devices to order the items online was somewhat misdirected. The problem wasn’t that e-commerce was dislodging physical stores from the retail environment - the problem was that most retailers were caught flat footed by changing consumer expectations.

                                                                                                                            The fact is that as omnichannel became table stakes for success in the retail industry, discouraging or preventing shoppers from seamlessly switching between digital and physical channels will simply push customers away. Customers use the channels they want to use based on where they are in their decision-making process. Thus, stores, mobile apps, review sites, and anything else today’s consumer relies on to make purchases must not be seen as siloed, standalone touchpoints, but as one interconnected experience.

                                                                                                                            Our recent research report found considerable evidence pointing to this shift in how consumers shop across industries and channels. In fact, we found that webrooming is far more common than showrooming. 74 percent of consumers in our study reported webrooming this year, while only 57% said they engaged in showrooming.

                                                                                                                            We found that stores tend to win consumers over in the following areas:

                                                                                                                            • 70 percent of consumers prefer stores to online channels when they want to make a purchase quickly, compared to 17% who felt online shopping was faster.
                                                                                                                            • 56 percent said they can get their specific questions answered faster in-store than trying to research online, as opposed to 24% who preferred online channels for asking questions.
                                                                                                                            • 46 percent said they choose the in-store experience when they need something explained to them, whereas only 30% said they choose online channels for this task.

                                                                                                                            Online channels, on the other hand, have their own distinct advantages in the customer journey.

                                                                                                                            • 65 percent of consumers favor online channels when looking for reviews and recommendations, while just 17 percent use stores to hear what others are saying about products and services.
                                                                                                                            • 55 percent of shoppers gravitate toward online channels when they want to compare the full range of products, and only 24% said they go in-store for this.
                                                                                                                            • 57 percent said they prefer online channels to find in-depth product information, while only 21% said they go in-store to gather the same information.

                                                                                                                            The drivers of in-store purchases is also different for each vertical.

                                                                                                                            Reasons for shopping in-store

                                                                                                                            In verticals such as clothing/apparel, furniture, and household items, we found that consumers care deeply about the ability to go in-store and see/try what they are buying before committing to a purchase. In the case of electronics, we’re seeing that asking for advice is something a significant subset of consumers want from a store.

                                                                                                                            Regardless of vertical, it’s clear that retailers need to continually incorporate the voice of the customer when constructing the omnichannel experience. Understanding the buyer personas that make up their customer base and being flexible enough to cater to both the webroomers and the showroomers is vital for success.

                                                                                                                            How top retailers make the best of webrooming and showrooming

                                                                                                                            The retailers best positioned to succeed in the retail industry are the ones who ensure they don’t need to worry so much about whether customers are webrooming or showrooming. Regardless of how customers prefer to shop, they should find it as seamless as possible to get what they ultimately want.

                                                                                                                            Buy online, pick up in-store, and vice versa

                                                                                                                            We’ve discussed the importance of “buy online, pick up in-store” before, but it’s worth repeating in the context of webrooming and showrooming. Our research showed that one of the best ways for retailers to fend off Amazon and other online retailers is to offer “click and collect” services as a key part of an omnichannel strategy.

                                                                                                                            Consumer interest in click and collect is growing. 54% of consumers actively purchase products online and collect them in store.

                                                                                                                            While the vertical you’re in impacts how your customers will want to shop, it’s far more likely that your customers will be webrooming than the opposite. As RetailMeNot shows, most major retailers are offering buy online, pick up in-store, making it simple for customers to place an order online at their convenience and pick up their goods same-day or next-day. Retailers as diverse as Home Depot, Apple, Bloomingdale’s, and more are bridging their physical and digital channels in this way.

                                                                                                                            Encourage reviews

                                                                                                                            Online reviews play a major role in the buyer’s journey for consumer goods. Research published by Zendesk showed how online reviews can impact customer acquisition and lifetime value: 88% of consumers reported being influenced by an online customer service review during their decision-making process.

                                                                                                                            Zendesk’s research also showed that consumers are more likely to leave a negative review if they had a bad experience than they are to leave a positive one. This means you can’t leave your online reputation up to chance. Encourage your customers - especially your repeat ones - to leave an honest review for both your customer service and your products.

                                                                                                                            These reviews can have a major impact on customer acquisition, as they are a main driver of decision-making in a key stage of the buyer’s journey. They are also a critical part of understanding what customers love about you, and what they don’t care for.

                                                                                                                            Combine online and in-store experiences

                                                                                                                            Customers using their mobile devices in-store used to make most retailers cringe, but today, smart retailers are starting to wake up to the opportunities these devices bring.

                                                                                                                            In an interview with Gaurav Pant, research director for EKN Research, Retail Dive noted that any retail omnichannel strategy has to include mobile.

                                                                                                                            “The reason mobile can play a big role is because of the dexterity it affords retailers – it combines e-commerce, social media and native mobility such as location sensitivity, device features and app features into a powerful, portable customer channel,” Pant told Retail Dive. “We see retailers leveraging mobility to enable omnichannel integration across four key areas: customer engagement, commerce and payment, delivery/fulfillment and the in-store experience.”

                                                                                                                            Rather than seeing mobile experiences as mutually exclusive with stores, retailers have to find a way to incorporate them into the brick-and-mortar model. One leading example here is Hointer.

                                                                                                                            MyTotalRetail outlined some of the ways customers can use the Hointer mobile app seamlessly within the store to combine the best of online and in-store shopping. E-tags on each item can be scanned to show reviews, product videos, style ideas, and similar items, just as if they were shopping online. Omni-cart apps allow shoppers to simply scan the items they want to try on, and an associate will pre-prepare the fitting room with those items.


                                                                                                                            Despite some early innovations, mobile has not yet reached maturity in the retail space. As Retail Dive pointed out, only a quarter of retailers have equipped associates with tablets and other devices. This means that their associates are unable to access detailed customer profiles to better assist individual shoppers when they’re in the store.

                                                                                                                            With a more complete merger of mobile and brick-and-mortar, retailers won’t have to think about webrooming and showrooming. The very idea of both will be more or less irrelevant.

                                                                                                                            Make appointment scheduling easy

                                                                                                                            Personal shopping is making a comeback in a big way, particularly in the beauty, apparel, and home goods verticals. Many retailers in these spaces are offering appointment scheduling as a means of improving their omnichannel experiences.

                                                                                                                            This is how you turn webroomers into in-store shoppers. With an appointment scheduling application that is completely integrated with digital channels, shoppers can research and compare items, narrow down their choices, and make an appointment with a personal shopper to get more in-depth advice in a face-to-face format.

                                                                                                                            Appointments are a powerful way to provide a great customer service and increase basket size. One of our clients, a retailer with over 250 stores, found that customers who schedule appointments with a personal shopper spend 4x more than customers that didn’t. By increasing the number of personal shopping appointments you make, you can make noticeable improvements to your bottom line, as well as improve the customer experience through ease of use.

                                                                                                                            Webrooming and showrooming are not going away anytime soon. The goal for retailers is to find ways to make both concepts obsolete by better integrating digital and physical channels to better suit their customers preferences.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more about the ROI of appointments? Then be sure to download our eBook to find out how appointment scheduling improves revenue and strengthens customer relationships.

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                                                                                                                            What are modern consumers’ perceptions of today’s banks? https://www.jrni.com/blog/consumer-attitudes-banking Thu, 17 Oct 2019 08:45:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/consumer-attitudes-banking

                                                                                                                            The global financial services landscape, especially retail banking, has changed dramatically over the past three years in which we’ve conducted our research on banking consumers.

                                                                                                                            The rise of mobile and online banking have certainly altered the way consumers bank, allowing people to satisfy their financial needs at times most convenient for them. Since simple transactions can now be made via smartphones, tablets, and computers, many physical branches have shuttered.

                                                                                                                            But there’s good news for both consumers and banks.

                                                                                                                            Our third annual Modern Consumer Banking Report – compiled from banking preferences of 2,000 U.S. and U.K. consumers – shows that consumers want omnichannel experiences from their banks. They want to visit branches to have deeper conversations, and they want to access both online and offline channels to power their entire banking journey.

                                                                                                                            Here’s how consumers view their banks, and how they want them to improve:

                                                                                                                            Consumers demand exemplary service

                                                                                                                            Unfortunately, banks are known for long wait times, and customers are unhappy with the amount of time spent during their branch visits. In fact, 44% of customers said waiting times were the primary reason for their unhappy visits.

                                                                                                                            To mitigate that challenge, banks can either add more staff or change the times that customers visit their branches, at least according to nearly 70% of consumers. Adding staff can certainly be expensive, but banks must ensure there’s enough staff to match customer demand. Allowing customers to schedule appointments is a cost-effective way to ensure positive branch experiences.

                                                                                                                            Survey responders say that Queues/waiting times are why they had a poor in-branch experience.

                                                                                                                            Consumers crave personalized appointments

                                                                                                                            At the backbone of creating immersive in-branch experiences is appointment scheduling – the ability for customers to book appointments online to meet with in-branch staff and have in-depth conversations with them. We see that 61% of respondents, on average, are interested in scheduling appointments online to meet with in-branch staff. When customers and staff meet in-person, they can not only promptly resolve any issues, but develop stronger relationships.

                                                                                                                            Consumers visit branches for in-person conversations

                                                                                                                            Our research found that 35% of consumers, up from 25% of consumers in 2016, on average, visit banks to talk face-to-face. It’s much easier to ask bank representatives questions about complex mortgage or loan applications in-person. And, not to mention, customers can receive immediate responses to their questions because they don’t have to wait for electronic replies if completing applications online.

                                                                                                                            As a result, branches are becoming increasingly important for high-value transactions, where consumers want to speak directly with staff. The stakes are high – if customers receive poor experiences, they’ll move to the competition.

                                                                                                                            Survey responders go in-branch to talk face-to-face with bankers.

                                                                                                                            Consumers want to attend special events

                                                                                                                            Interestingly, 63% of consumers have raised their hands to express interest in attending in-branch events, which can include investment workshops, mortgage courses, or financial planning seminars. Consumers want opportunities to learn more about new or existing products and services, and events are perfect vehicles to showcase such items and staff expertise.

                                                                                                                            As the retail banking industry continues to evolve over the next few years, how will customers’ perspectives of banks continue to change? While we might not know yet, we do know that they want flawless omnichannel experiences and service.

                                                                                                                            Download the full report for all the insights, and actionable tips! 👇

                                                                                                                            2020 Modern Consumer Banking report: 2,000 consumers reveal what they truly want from their banks.
                                                                                                                            Banking in 2020: the demand for omnichannel experiences https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-the-modern-banking-consumer Tue, 15 Oct 2019 08:50:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-the-modern-banking-consumer

                                                                                                                            Looking to 2020, consumers worldwide are banking in more ways than ever before, and there’s one commonality that has emerged: omnichannel. Consumers are banking by phone, in-branch, and online – it’s all steeped in convenience and preference.

                                                                                                                            Consumers expect their banks and credit unions to provide them with omnichannel financial services experiences, connecting with them whenever, wherever, and on whatever devices they prefer. They no longer just want online experiences or offline experiences – they mandate more fluid processes, transcending digital and physical opportunities with consistency between touchpoints.

                                                                                                                            For banks, the opportunity lies in maintaining a consistent relationship with prospects and customers – online and face-to-face – to engage in powerful conversations that drive loyalty and ignite exceptional experiences. To successfully achieve this, banks must allow their customers to make seamless transitions from online channels to offline ones – if they don’t, they’ll jeopardize their relationships and businesses.

                                                                                                                            JRNI’s third annual Modern Consumer Banking Report identifies the key trends in omnichannel banking based on the behavior of 2,000 U.S. and U.K. consumers from June 2019 to July 2019.

                                                                                                                            Here are some of the highlights:

                                                                                                                            Engage consumers via omnichannel banking

                                                                                                                            Omnichannel shopping for banking products and services is accelerating globally. On average, 55% of consumers, up from 48% in 2016, research banking products online, and purchase in-branch. Alternatively, 44% of consumers, up from 37% in 2016, on average, research banking products in-branch, but purchase online.

                                                                                                                            How do consumers bank? A graph showing the percentages that consumers do research online then buy in person or research in-branch then buy online

                                                                                                                            There is good news for banks as 46% of consumers prefer to meet with financial planners in-branch, as opposed to 18% who prefer to do so online, signaling strong desire for in-person meetings.

                                                                                                                            Offer online appointments for personalized conversations

                                                                                                                            Consumers want more face-to-face interactions with their banks, which is why 61% of respondents, on average, are interested in scheduling appointments online to meet with branch staff. In fact, 35% of consumers, up from 25% of consumers in 2016, on average, visit banks to talk face-to-face.

                                                                                                                            When customers meet with branch representatives in-person, they can have more personalized conversations, ask more complex questions, and establish stronger relationships. Most importantly, appointments help bridge the digital-to-physical divide and allow banks to put the convenience of scheduling directly into the hands of their customers.

                                                                                                                            Organize in-branch events to foster loyal communities

                                                                                                                            Providing exclusive in-branch events is another opportunity for banks to enhance customer experiences, cultivate brand advocacy, and forge trustworthy communities.

                                                                                                                            Banks must prioritize events because consumers are interested in attending them. While only 20% of consumers, on average, have been invited to banking events over the past year, 63% of them, on average, would consider attending events.

                                                                                                                            Bringing like-minded customers together bolsters banks’ chances to garner feedback about products or services. When customers share their candid thoughts with banks, they can initiate two-way dialogues that yield strategic relationships – the foundation of loyal communities.

                                                                                                                            Graph showing the percentages of how often a consumer was invited and attended an in-branch event from 2017 to 2019

                                                                                                                            Refine in-branch experiences for customers

                                                                                                                            While 72% of consumers rate their in-branch experiences as “good” or “excellent,” there are some areas where banks must improve.

                                                                                                                            Respondents said wait times, staff knowledge, and convenience are the most important areas where banks must enhance their services. We found that:

                                                                                                                            • 67% of consumers want banks to reduce time spent waiting in lines.
                                                                                                                            • 69% of consumers want staff to increase their knowledge of products and services.
                                                                                                                            • 70% of consumers want more convenient locations to bank.

                                                                                                                            When banks create great customer experiences, they’ll achieve more loyalty and foot traffic.

                                                                                                                            Connect with consumers... now

                                                                                                                            Customers’ experiences with banks used to be universal, but they now want tailored approaches for their banking needs.

                                                                                                                            Consumers expect to open loans online, and complete transactions in-branch, and they want to make appointments at the most convenient times for them to open new accounts or obtain lines of credit. They want to attend in-branch events to learn more about products and services and build relationships. Online booking solutions enable institutions and companies to manage all of these omnichannel banking interactions effortlessly.

                                                                                                                            Banks must engage consumers across channels and deliver remarkable experiences. If they don’t, they’ll lose to the competition. Check out our Modern Consumer Banking Report for actionable insights about the modern banking consumer!

                                                                                                                            2020 Modern Consumer Banking report: 2,000 consumers reveal what they truly want from their banks.
                                                                                                                            Introducing Adaptable Journeys https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-adaptable-journeys Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-adaptable-journeys

                                                                                                                            The problem: Retailers and banks are faced with the growing need to increase foot traffic in brick and mortar locations, reduce operational costs, and increase profitability. Appointments and events are proven vehicles for increasing conversions, thereby delivering true return-on-investment.

                                                                                                                            Enterprises that have recognized this are moving faster than ever to deliver personalized experiences that deepen customer relationships and boost lifetime value. The results? A new competitive advantage over eCommerce players like Amazon!

                                                                                                                            So today we’re introducing Adaptable Journeys – customer journeys built to maximize bookings.

                                                                                                                            JRNI: Adaptable Journeys

                                                                                                                            How Adaptable Journeys came to be

                                                                                                                            We’d been thinking about the concept of Adaptable Journeys for a long time at JRNI.

                                                                                                                            The idea came about from seeing a regular challenge across our customer base. Our customers indicated that they wanted to be able to move faster to offer new services, whilst having increased control for the day-to-day management of appointment, event and queuing services.

                                                                                                                            These new services were critical to engage customers more, and deliver superior in-store experiences. And they wanted a platform that offered just that - agility to add new services, self control through an admin interface, and personalized to reflect their branding. The bespoke journey concept was a limiting factor in its flexibility, speed, and self-management capabilities.

                                                                                                                            After analyzing more than 70 million bookings, we concluded that a large percentage of journeys followed a similar customer booking flow and design. So, we built a configurable catalog of pre-designed customer journeys with the goal of increasing bookings for appointments, events, and queues. The catalog includes a variance in design layouts, the performance of the customer flow, the way data is captured from the customer, and how they performed on mobile and tablet.

                                                                                                                            Meet Adaptable Journeys 🤩

                                                                                                                            Every enterprise wants to build an experience for their customer that is unique and aligned with their brand. It was crucial that JRNI could deliver on this while maintaining the goal of fast implementation.

                                                                                                                            With 18 unique layout options, and 50,000 different design permutations to offer tailored customer booking experiences, Adaptable Journeys offers a seamless customer booking experience which offers:

                                                                                                                            • A fast implementation
                                                                                                                            • A reduction in total cost of ownership
                                                                                                                            • Maximum flexibility for our customers to add and edit existing services in real-time

                                                                                                                            With unique designs at each step of the booking flow, fully-tested to WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessibility standards, and optimized for tablet and mobile use, our first wave of customers with adaptable journeys have already experienced high conversion and improved customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Powerful brand personalization

                                                                                                                            Adaptable Journeys offer tailored customer booking experiences via a vast catalog of templates. The entry to the booking flow and journey steps are configurable, enabling customers to customize the journey's service, style, and branding to meet their needs.

                                                                                                                            It's safe to say that Adaptable Journeys suit a vast array of business needs AND reduce the time it takes to go-live!

                                                                                                                            Example of "pick an event" adaptable journey


                                                                                                                            The number of website accessibility lawsuits filed in federal court rose to at least 2,258 in 2018, up from 814 in 2017 — almost tripling year-over-year. Accessibility has become a core requirement for any brands’ online service, and testing for compliance can be costly and time-consuming.

                                                                                                                            Adaptable Journeys are fully tested to WCAG 2.0 Level AA accessibility standards so our customers can proudly make their services more accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities.

                                                                                                                            Full admin control

                                                                                                                            The overall management of the journey has now shifted to the hands of the admin user.

                                                                                                                            Through our new staff experience - Studio - admin users have the ability to create new, edit, and update services. These changes instantly reflect in customers’ live booking journeys, which eliminates the need for costly technical resources that are traditionally required for creation, implementation, and ongoing maintenance of bespoke journeys.

                                                                                                                            Lower total cost of ownership

                                                                                                                            Delivered in a software-as-a-service model, once implemented, our customers no longer experience additional maintenance costs for management, upgrades, and changes to their booking journeys. This results in an immediate reduction in total cost of ownership by selecting Adaptable Journeys.

                                                                                                                            Mobile and tablet ready

                                                                                                                            Mobile internet usage has worked its way into the daily life of smartphone and tablet users so all consumers can access information on the go.

                                                                                                                            As of February 2019, mobile devices accounted for 48 percent of web page views worldwide. As we move to a mobile-first market, it was an essential requirement for our Adaptable Journeys to offer a fully responsive experience across mobile, tablet, and desktop. Our continued testing across all modern browsers gives our customers peace of mind knowing they can fully support all customer engagements across all devices.

                                                                                                                            Insightful reporting

                                                                                                                            Built-in events tracking ensures customers can integrate with third-party analytics platforms, like Google Analytics, to unearth powerful insight into the performance of their booking journeys.

                                                                                                                            Customers can now track metrics like:

                                                                                                                            • Time on page
                                                                                                                            • % of visitors that convert
                                                                                                                            • The drop-off rate of each journey
                                                                                                                            • The source that customers entered from

                                                                                                                            This additional data helps customers optimize their booking flow to increase conversions.

                                                                                                                            Rapid implementation

                                                                                                                            Another important factor for new customers selecting JRNI is the ability to quickly implement and see immediate returns from launching booking services.

                                                                                                                            The benefit of having a set of pre-configured templates is that the implementation time is now reduced to weeks, rather than months. Ultimately, this means faster implementation, faster return on investment, and an immediate improvement to customer experience.

                                                                                                                            The future is ours

                                                                                                                            This is just the beginning. Are you ready for what’s next? 😁

                                                                                                                            Our team is hard at work on more capabilities for Adaptable Journeys that increase conversion and create personalized, value-added experiences for consumers. The software-as-a-service delivery model means customers have instant access to new features and enhancements throughout their lifetime with JRNI.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn how Adaptable Journeys can support your omnichannel engagement strategy? Book a demo with an expert from our team today. To learn more about appointment scheduling, check out "The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling software".

                                                                                                                            The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling: Get the guide!

                                                                                                                            What should retail stores focus on next? https://www.jrni.com/blog/what-stores-should-focus-on-next Thu, 26 Sep 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/what-stores-should-focus-on-next

                                                                                                                            For the last 3 years, JRNI has been tracking the behaviors of consumers as they move between online and offline, try new services, and advance the notion of what makes a modern consumer.

                                                                                                                            Between 2017 to 2019, retailers across the globe have improved the way they deliver in-store experiences. Yet, the findings from the 2019 edition of our “Modern Consumer Research Report” show they have plenty of room to improve.

                                                                                                                            To discover what retail stores are doing well and their greatest opportunities to attract more consumers, we collaborated with independent research firm MarketMeasures. A survey of 2,000 US and UK shoppers between June and July of 2019 yielded the third edition of our Modern Consumer Research.

                                                                                                                            Read on for an overview of some key findings.

                                                                                                                            The store experience is improving

                                                                                                                            In both the US and UK, the percentage of shoppers who rated the in-store experience as "excellent" grew by approximately 50% since 2017.

                                                                                                                            Retailers across the board have improved in 9 out of the 10 critical areas of the in-store experience.

                                                                                                                            A chart showing that in both the US and UK, the percentage of shoppers who rated the in-store experience as

                                                                                                                            Areas for retail stores to focus on next

                                                                                                                            Our survey also revealed concrete steps that brick and mortar stores can take to further improve and win over consumers.

                                                                                                                            Modern consumers would visit physical stores more often if they could:

                                                                                                                            1. Gain more access to well-trained staff
                                                                                                                            2. Get products into their hands quickly
                                                                                                                            3. Experience products in better ways

                                                                                                                            Focusing on these areas will help to overcome in-store’s shrinking advantage over online in a critical area – immediacy. Since consumers are increasingly enjoying the immediacy of online stores, retailers need to catch up when it comes to the in-store experience.

                                                                                                                            Offer click-and-collect services

                                                                                                                            Stores can further fend off online by providing ‘click and collect,’ which is when consumers can order products online and pick them up at the store. US consumers favor click and collect for clothing and household goods, while UK consumers favor it for clothing and electronics.

                                                                                                                            Our research shows that 54% of consumers click and collect, an increase of 4% since 2017.

                                                                                                                            Attract shoppers with special events and personal appointments

                                                                                                                            Retailers can win against online and showrooming by hosting in-store events and setting pre-booked meetings with expert staff. Sixty-one percent of US and 58% of UK consumers said they would be or might be interested in attending events at stores. In fact, in-store events that feature early access to products, book signings, education, and product demonstrations all draw 50% or more of invitees into stores.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, 57% of consumers would likely take advantage of pre-booking appointments with expert staff. Along those lines, consumers expressed desire for knowledge sharing and service that in-store experiences can provide.

                                                                                                                            Online pre-arranged in-store staff appointments

                                                                                                                            Consumers are increasingly omnichannel

                                                                                                                            Whether through showrooming, webrooming, or click and collect, today’s consumers are embracing omnichannel shopping. This should not scare retailers.

                                                                                                                            Instead, they can take steps to leverage online preferences to draw consumers into their physical stores.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn what else consumers are looking for along with omnichannel shopping? Then be sure to download our latest research, "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement".

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            The state of the modern consumer: 2020 and beyond https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-the-modern-consumer Tue, 24 Sep 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-the-modern-consumer

                                                                                                                            As we head into 2020, modern consumers are becoming more omnichannel. Despite the hype about the risks that omnichannel presents to physical stores, consumers continue to favor the in-store experience over online. Yet, there is more that stores can do to continue their lead over online stores.

                                                                                                                            To surface the key shopping trends defining the modern consumer, we collaborated with independent research firm MarketMeasures to survey 1,000 US shoppers and 1,000 UK shoppers between June and July of 2019.

                                                                                                                            Read on for a sneak peek into our shopping trend data, and download the full Modern Consumer report – the third in our multi-year series on the “Modern Consumer.”

                                                                                                                            How do consumers shop?

                                                                                                                            There’s little doubt that the modern consumer is an omnichannel shopper. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of consumers webroom – research a product online, and purchase in store. This is great news for physical stores, as they benefit from what consumers learn when searching online.

                                                                                                                            Even when consumers purchase online, 51% of them perform ‘click and collect’, further driving them into physical stores to pick up what they’ve ordered online. On the flip side, 57% of consumers showroom, or research a product in store and purchase online.

                                                                                                                            Consumers still like the physical store – why?

                                                                                                                            Overall, 67% of modern shoppers like the in-store experience. They cite the ability of stores to get products into their hands quickly, answer their pressing product questions, and provide explanations surrounding the products/services they are buying.

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                            Stores are still far from perfect

                                                                                                                            Despite making positive strides in customer satisfaction since the last edition of our “Modern Consumer Research,” physical stores can perform better in certain areas, specifically improving staff behavior and knowledge, staff availability, speed, and store atmosphere. By doing so, they can remain competitive against online shopping venues.

                                                                                                                            For example, stores should increase staff knowledge to continue attracting the 60% of modern consumers who say they like shopping online because of access to detailed product information. Currently, only 44% of consumers like the store’s ability to explain products/services at a satisfactory level.

                                                                                                                            Appointments and events differentiate physical stores

                                                                                                                            Consumers show a strong penchant for attending in-store events, particularly when they can meet with knowledgeable staff and subject matter experts.

                                                                                                                            If invited, 64% of consumers would attend a product demonstration in store, half would attend an educational event, and even a majority (54%) would go for DIY workshops. It’s little wonder that 57% of consumers told us they would schedule appointments with in-store staff if given the opportunity.

                                                                                                                            The modern consumer is ready to engage

                                                                                                                            With these trends in mind, retailers should feel encouraged about the progress they have made in attracting omnichannel consumers and recognize how they can maintain their in-store advantage by taking a few simple steps.

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            Scheduling at scale with Microsoft Outlook/Office 365 https://www.jrni.com/blog/scale-scheduling-with-microsoft-outlook-office-365 Mon, 23 Sep 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/scale-scheduling-with-microsoft-outlook-office-365

                                                                                                                            As enterprises continue to add tools to support omnichannel conversion, one common requirement is an integration with Microsoft Outlook/Office 365.

                                                                                                                            This integration removes the manual creation of calendar items, tasks, and contacts in Microsoft Outlook and Office 365 for all staff, and enables them to use a familiar tool resulting in quicker implementation and higher user adoption.

                                                                                                                            JRNI’s extensive integration with Microsoft Outlook/Office 365 is designed to provide a full suite of capabilities needed to deliver seamless, intelligent, and scalable scheduling. Our integration offers a host of benefits to enterprises including:

                                                                                                                            1. Increases the visibility of key information across multiple business applications
                                                                                                                            2. Removal of duplicate data entry
                                                                                                                            3. Reduction in administrative time and cost
                                                                                                                            4. Increases employee productivity
                                                                                                                            5. Quicker training time with a familiar toolset
                                                                                                                            6. Dynamic content creation for email subject and body text

                                                                                                                            A recent successful implementation required JRNI to deliver this integration at significant scale, ensuring the user upload, sync, and confirmation response times of bookings between JRNI and Exchange. In order to deliver at this scale, all components of the integration have to work in tandem from the underlying architecture, to load balancing, to syncing of data.

                                                                                                                            Over the past three months, JRNI has been improving a host of performance and scalability enhancements to this integration based on our initial benchmark performance results.

                                                                                                                            This blog looks at some of these improvements in more detail and the positive results this has delivered for our customers.

                                                                                                                            Task prioritization

                                                                                                                            Using new capabilities, JRNI is now able to determine which tasks take longer than others, and which are more critical when it comes to syncing between JRNI and Exchange. We identified that certain tasks need to be completed in near real-time, where other integration background tasks can take a few moments longer.

                                                                                                                            For example, we know that performing a calendar sync is a higher priority in terms of making sure that availability is correct. Therefore, these tasks are set as high priority.

                                                                                                                            Concurrency of tasks

                                                                                                                            In addition to task prioritization, we have invested a lot of time looking at how we can do things concurrently rather than sequentially, working out parts of the Exchange integration which were not reliant on the completion of other parts.

                                                                                                                            We are now able to split each “chunk” of tasks into its own process, meaning that we are able to effectively infinitely scale horizontally depending on how many calendars we needed to sync within a given time period.

                                                                                                                            Learn more about JRNI's integration with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365.

                                                                                                                            Utilization of multithreading

                                                                                                                            In order to know that something has changed within a given Exchange calendar, we need to listen to streaming events. The integration was flawless at a hundred to a thousand events, but as the numbers increased, there was an issue in effectively scaling without delays.

                                                                                                                            To address this issue, we added additional utilization of multi-threading and background processes to speed this up.

                                                                                                                            New sync process

                                                                                                                            We also delivered a new method of getting Exchange calendar information. Our new approach only returns items changed since the sync id that is passed to the function resulting in a lot less data being returned in the API response. Less data to compare and process has resulted in a single person having sync time decrease from 6 seconds to less than half a second.

                                                                                                                            Dynamic content creation for email subject and body text

                                                                                                                            The integration also includes personalized calendar interactions controlled within our admin experience, Studio. Businesses can now customize the subject and body descriptions sent to staff in their event invitations via dynamic objects which sync with Outlook and Office 365.

                                                                                                                            To achieve this, JRNI implemented liquid templates. Liquid uses a combination of tags, objects, logic, and filters to load dynamic content.

                                                                                                                            The end result for our users

                                                                                                                            Since delivering these enhancements, the overall result is a significant reduction in the time we have received a notification that something in the Outlook or Office 365 calendar has changed and that change being reflected within JRNI’s system.

                                                                                                                            The detailed results have also been incredible. The latest version of the integration delivered the following benchmark results at scale:

                                                                                                                            • 74% improved performance on total time to conduct Business as Usual sync
                                                                                                                            • 91% improvement in notification response time
                                                                                                                            • Horizontal scalability to manage increased users and load management
                                                                                                                            • Ability to prioritize work processes to make the integration more intelligent

                                                                                                                            Learn more about JRNI’s scalable integration with Microsoft Outlook or Office 365.

                                                                                                                            Learn more about JRNI's integration with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365.
                                                                                                                            How to drive holiday traffic in store with events https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-event-ideas Thu, 12 Sep 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/holiday-event-ideas

                                                                                                                            The holiday season isn’t just a time for family and friends — it’s time for shopping. Lots of shopping. In store, online, click and collect - all flavors of shopping!

                                                                                                                            With research showing that shoppers are still spending more in store than online, it’s important for retailers to draw those customers in, especially throughout the holiday season.

                                                                                                                            One way to do that is to leverage appointments and events to create experiences that drive foot traffic, increase basket size, and better engage customers.

                                                                                                                            Think about this:

                                                                                                                            • In 2018, $707.5 billion was spent during the holiday season.
                                                                                                                            • The NRF predicted an average spend of $1,007 per shopper.
                                                                                                                            • 64% of shoppers spend more in products/services after a face-to-face meeting or appointment, according to our Consumer Behavior research.

                                                                                                                            Knowing that basket size increases when you can get buyers in-store, what are some strategies to drive foot traffic in-store to ensure a very merry holiday season?

                                                                                                                            Host an event! Events are designed to deliver personalized experiences while creating a unique connection between retailer and customer. And the additional source of revenue doesn’t hurt either. 😉


                                                                                                                            Classes offer an ideal opportunity to invite your best prospects and customers into the store and have them walk away with an experience and a gift. Think about offering sessions in wrapping gifts, ornament making, or cookie baking.


                                                                                                                            Create an opportunity for customers to truly experience the toys, fashions or specialty items of the season. Last year, Target cleared 250,000 square feet of store space to make room for toy experiences creating an opportunity for children to interact with the latest toys, ride on electric vehicles, and test out various playsets. This year, they’re looking to build on the success of last year’s program.


                                                                                                                            Invite the after work crowd for a cocktail and a sneak peak at higher end items with a grand piano in the background and personal shoppers on hand. It’s a great solution for apparel vendors who may choose to have a trunk show or fashion event in the background.

                                                                                                                            Or perhaps a different type of party is more your store’s ethos: Walmart hosted thousands of individual holiday parties across the country to bring holiday traffic in-store last year.

                                                                                                                            Pop-up stores

                                                                                                                            Like events, pop-up shops enable retailers to set up a seasonal presence that offer something new to shoppers. They are ideal for testing out new concepts, new merchandise, and driving engagement.

                                                                                                                            Or consider the concept of a “store within a store” where you can offer monogramming, specialty items, and personalization of gift items.

                                                                                                                            Community-oriented events

                                                                                                                            In line with your store’s community or social efforts, the holidays are a perfect time to invite local kids in-store to meet Frosty the Snowman or Santa. They not only leave with a photo or a new toy, but with an unshakeable memory of the occasion and your brand. Similarly, toy drives will bring people in store to drop off gifts and shop for more, all while sharing the joy of the season.

                                                                                                                            It’s clear that the event possibilities are endless. You may ask why we are emphasizing the importance of an in-store experience. Here's the facts:

                                                                                                                            As consumers evidently value the physical browsing experience, it’s vital to provide options for shoppers to navigate through the store and help them find that perfect item. Setting up your event toward the back of the store and directing traffic through multiple aisles exposes customers to more products, and could result in larger basket sizes.

                                                                                                                            There are countless ways to draw shoppers into the store to make the most out of the holiday season, and capture your share of wallet. Are we missing anything? Share your ideas with us on Twitter!

                                                                                                                            Read more: 8 examples of in-store events (for any time of year!)

                                                                                                                            Additionally, check out our eBook, "Enhancing customer relationships with in-store events" for more tips.

                                                                                                                            Learn how to enhance customer relationships with in-store events - download the eBook!

                                                                                                                            How to increase personal shopping appointments https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-personal-shopping-appointments Thu, 05 Sep 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-increase-personal-shopping-appointments

                                                                                                                            Contrary to the premature proclamations that eCommerce killed in-store shopping, retail brands are finding that their brick-and-mortar stores are a vital touchpoint in their customer experiences. For the discerning consumer, it’s not just about picking something off the shelf - it’s about getting the hyper-personal expert concierge touch that helps them get the most out of every trip to the store.

                                                                                                                            Personal shopping appointments are a powerful means of connecting with customers, driving loyalty, and increasing basket size. In this post, we’ll examine why retail brands are adding services like personal shopping and styling to round out their customer offerings and differentiate themselves.

                                                                                                                            Personal shopping appointments are a powerful means of connecting with customers, driving loyalty, and increasing basket size

                                                                                                                            What is personal shopping?

                                                                                                                            As a concept, personal shopping service has its origins in the world of London’s venerable department stores, such as Harrods and Selfridges. The idea of the personal shopper, however, has gone far beyond department stores. Modern retailers are seeing customer service and personal shopping as a differentiator in increasingly crowded markets.

                                                                                                                            How can personal shopping services drive business?

                                                                                                                            Improved customer connection through personalization

                                                                                                                            As eCommerce brands rose to prominence, they invested heavily in algorithms that largely aimed to mimic the job that a personal shopper would have done. For example, almost everyone has seen the “Frequently Purchased Together” and “Customers who viewed this item also viewed” sections on every product page in Amazon’s inventory.

                                                                                                                            It’s an algorithmic way of doing what a personal shopper aims to do: Introduce customers to complementary products that will make them feel as though their needs are understood and their desires are being met. The benefit to the eCommerce retailer is that this process facilitates cross-sells and upsells.

                                                                                                                            But what gets missed is the personal touch. These algorithms can show a shopper what other people bought, and it can make surprisingly effective guesses about what a particular shopper might want based on that data, but it can’t truly create a shopping experience that makes it feel like your order was tailor-made to your specifications by an expert who took the time to understand you.

                                                                                                                            A personal shopping appointment does just that. It allows your trained experts to meet your customers face-to-face, take the time to connect with them and understand what they want, and create a unique shopping experience.

                                                                                                                            Increased basket size

                                                                                                                            That kind of unique experience would be worth it if only for the customer loyalty it generates. But this level of customer service has a direct impact on the financial performance of a given store and a company as a whole. As Business of Fashion reported, creating an environment and bringing in the resources to provide personal shopping experiences at scale is no small investment, but the returns can be staggering.

                                                                                                                            “It can increase a sale to grow almost 100 percent on average,” Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at market research firm The NPD Group, told Business of Fashion. “Imagine a person going into a store to buy a new skirt; personal shopping can turn that skirt into an outfit.”

                                                                                                                            Chinese department store Lane Crawford found that the basket size from a personal shopping appointment is almost four times larger than the average sale.

                                                                                                                            At JRNI, we've also seen similar results from brands we work with. One of our customers with over 250 stores noticed that customers who schedule and attend appointments spend 4x more than walk-ins. Similarly, another multinational customer saw their basket size increase 3x for customers who had scheduled appointments.

                                                                                                                            The process is fairly straightforward. A professional personal shopper can take what the customer thinks they want, and turn it into a fun process of discovery in which they are shown not just what they asked for, but everything they need to truly walk out feeling like they weren’t just another customer. If a shopper enters a store wanting to see a pair of boots, they can also see the accessories and clothes that complete the outfit.

                                                                                                                            Learn more: The ROI of appointments

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                                            Deeper customer data

                                                                                                                            Tracking customer visits at the individual appointment level will give you valuable insights when aggregated. Understanding who your best customers are and what they truly want is an indispensable asset that will inform several aspects of the wider operations, including your promotions, merchandising, and hiring.

                                                                                                                            With this data, you can get a sense of seasonal trends, which items are frequently cross-sold/upsold, and which customer profiles exist in your overall base. In the next section we’ll discuss some of the many ways that data can be used to drive appointment scheduling. You can also get a better feel for favorite styles, shoppers, best days for shopping and adjust each visit to address each.

                                                                                                                            Better use of employees’ time

                                                                                                                            One problem that has historically plagued traditional retailers is inefficient use of employee time. While there are a number of strategies you can use to reduce employee downtime, including by-appointment personal shopping as part of your business model can be a powerful means of making better use of employee time.

                                                                                                                            Rather than trying to predict peak and off times for a given store, allowing customers to book an appointment to see a stylist or personal shopper will make it easier to schedule employees for when they know customers will be coming in, and scale down the staff presence in stores when appointments are light.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, your employees will be better prepared for any given customer when they know who is coming in and what they want to do during their appointment. Before the customer arrives, employees can pre-select products in the customer’s size and bring them to the fitting room. Upon the customer’s arrival, the stylist can focus solely on providing a great and personalized experience.

                                                                                                                            One of the most effective ways to bridge the divide between digital channels and brick-and-mortar locations is to integrate appointment scheduling software with your website.

                                                                                                                            How to boost personal shopping service appointments

                                                                                                                            Facilitate a seamless customer journey

                                                                                                                            Today’s customer journey is not linear - it takes place across online and offline channels. Whether someone is buying from you for the first time, or is thinking about returning for another purchase, they are likely interacting with multiple touchpoints along the way. Consistency in messaging across every touchpoint is key. A disjointed customer experience means frustrated customers and money left on the table.

                                                                                                                            One of the most effective ways to bridge the divide between digital channels and brick-and-mortar locations is to integrate appointment scheduling software with your website. This makes it simple for users to view promotions, browse your selection online, and book an appointment with a personal shopper/stylist all in one sitting.

                                                                                                                            One possible flow could be that your customer receives an email promotion from you, clicks through to the offer, and leaves the site. A few days later, a social ad brings them back to the site, where they browse and see something they like. In that same session, they could book an appointment through your website or your app - no hassles and the same consistent message throughout their journey.

                                                                                                                            Communicate on social media

                                                                                                                            It’s crucial that high-value customers who are looking for personal shopping experiences trust and respect the skills and taste of the person they’re letting into their lives to ultimately spend money for them.

                                                                                                                            In an age where social media - and Instagram in particular - plays such a major role in how consumers find new products, you can’t afford to keep your stylists and shoppers hidden in the store. If you give your staff the guidance and resources they need to build and maintain a professional, eye-catching social media presence, they can be some of your most powerful marketing assets. Here’s how you can start:

                                                                                                                            • Provide photography tips. When it comes to posting on social media, your stylists should feel empowered to curate their own feeds. To ensure that posts are engaging their customer base/followers, teach them a few basic iPhone photography skills. This will ensure whether they’re posting about new arrivals, new appointment types, or their availability, each post looks professional and interesting.
                                                                                                                            • Train your staff on social media best practices. Effective use of hashtags, commenting etiquette, and using engagement data to better hone their profiles will help your stylists and experts stand out in a crowded space.
                                                                                                                            • Allow social media to be a two-way communication channel. If someone reaches out to an official retailer social profile or an individual stylist with a serious and honest query, be sure they get a timely response.

                                                                                                                            Segment and email high-value customers

                                                                                                                            The customer data you collect from personal shopping appointments will give you what you need to start segmenting your customers. While there are countless ways you can segment customers, one of the most powerful is to isolate your high-value customers and give them extra attention.

                                                                                                                            Value can mean many different things in different contexts, but in this case, segmenting customers by average basket size per appointment, most frequent visitors, and top referrers can all be a way to understand who your most valuable clients are. Once you have these segments created, you can use email and other personal channels to engage them with exclusive content and offers.

                                                                                                                            Start a referral program

                                                                                                                            Delighting your customers has the effect of improving word of mouth for your personal shopping services. But it never hurts to add a little more incentive to sweeten the deal for your best customers. Devoted customers who have enjoyed their experiences in your stores and referred their friends and family should be rewarded. This can be as simple as a coupon for their next appointment, or access to exclusive products and services.

                                                                                                                            Focus on ongoing training with personal shoppers

                                                                                                                            Personal shoppers aren’t just sales reps. For your customers to be wowed, they need to be equal parts expert, concierge, and confidant. That means that investing in ongoing training is essential for success in any personal shopping service. Here’s what to do:

                                                                                                                            • Train on soft skills. Product expertise is obviously important, but the ability to make customers feel like they were heard, respected, and helped to find the exact right items for them is what will stick with them long after the moment of purchase. Invest in training for soft skills, and make that a point of emphasis when hiring a new personal stylist or shopper.
                                                                                                                            • Keep in contact with customers to find new opportunities to shop for them. You will eventually have a database full of customer data that will help your experts find reasons to reach out and connect with their clients. Retailers should empower their stylists and shoppers to reach out to customers proactively with personal messages and recommendations that show them someone is thinking of them.
                                                                                                                            • Encourage strong one-to-one relationships with customers/shoppers. When customers don’t see their personal shopper as just a salesperson, it goes a long way to fostering long-term loyalty. When customers feel like they can ask for advice without being pressured to buy or forced into something they don’t need, it ultimately creates a path to repeat purchases and lower customer acquisition costs in the long run.

                                                                                                                            Host events concurrently with your appointments

                                                                                                                            Smart retailers understand that consumers need more than just a vast selection and discount pricing to justify going to a retail location. They want exclusive events and in-store experiences that connect them to their passions and interests.

                                                                                                                            Consumer research on the types of events customers are looking for from their favorite retailers revealed that special occasions like new product launches, experiential education, DIY workshops, exclusive performances, and celebrity appearances would entice more than half of consumers in the US and UK to go into a store.

                                                                                                                            Retailers who aren’t incorporating events such as the ones listed here are missing out on crucial opportunities to engage with and delight their best customers. Check out our blog post, “8 examples of in-store events that bring in customers” to see what kinds of in-store retail events other retailers have seen success with.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more about changes in consumer behavior and what new shopping habits are here to stay? Then check out the "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement" report!

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            How to deliver great customer experiences in banking https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-deliver-great-customer-experiences-in-banking Thu, 29 Aug 2019 11:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-deliver-great-customer-experiences-in-banking

                                                                                                                            Today’s consumers have numerous options for their everyday financial requirements.

                                                                                                                            When it comes to high-value banking transactionsones that require extra consideration, expertise, and advicethe desire and need for face-to-face interactions still matter the most. To be successful in the competitive financial services industry, banks must prioritize their in-branch experiences.

                                                                                                                            However, many banks struggle to consistently meet customer satisfaction requirements, thus driving customers away. For example, customers often experience long queues due to staff availability or must return for additional meetings because the right experts weren’t available or the right documents weren’t outlined in advance.

                                                                                                                            While the majority of day-to-day transactions occur online, banks must take an omnichannel approach to connect with consumers wherever they are, whenever they want, and on whatever devices they choose. In other words, banks must meet customers on their preferred channels to engage them.

                                                                                                                            When banks put customers at the heart of their businesses, they can successfully bridge the digital-to-physical divide and create more positive experiences. And when they do that, they’ll win against the competition.

                                                                                                                            The significance of scheduling

                                                                                                                            One way to engage customers is providing them a mechanism for pre-scheduling appointments, which enables them to select convenient dates and times. They can also be matched with the most informed staff, either in-person or via video conference.

                                                                                                                            By scheduling appointments, customers can speak with staff about complex issues, such as mortgage applications, that can’t be easily solved online. After all, it’s much easier to ask questions when sitting with an advisor, as opposed to submitting inquiries online and waiting for responses.

                                                                                                                            Once consumers schedule their appointments online, staff can begin to prepare for their conversations. They can guarantee that they have the appropriate documents ready for meetings, so they can maximize their time with customers. Banks won’t waste customers’ time by asking basic questions that can be easily answered via the appointment information, or rummaging through files to ensure they have the right paperwork for discussion.

                                                                                                                            When banks deploy online scheduling, they can accomplish impressive resultsfor example, Oriental Bank reduced wait times by more than 50% by using online appointment scheduling for customers.

                                                                                                                            The power of personalization

                                                                                                                            While in-person promotions might not entice every customer to visit branches, banks must send personalized offers, such as invite-only meetings with banking specialists, to the right customers. Why? By giving customers personalized offers, banks can drive more foot traffic and generate more loyalty because consumers know that they care about them and understand their needs.

                                                                                                                            The benefits of personalization are outstanding: 93% of companies are successful in converting prospects into customers when they personalize their marketing strategies, according to Econsultancy’s 2017 Conversion Rate Optimization Report.

                                                                                                                            By making customers feel special and offering them something that they can only receive in-branch, banks can create exceptional experiences and have engaging conversations with their customers.

                                                                                                                            The extent of events

                                                                                                                            Hosting exclusive in-branch events is another avenue for banks to enhance the customer experience and cultivate brand advocacy.

                                                                                                                            In fact, 82% of U.S. consumers have expressed interested in attending events, but only 14% of them have been invited to events at banks over the past year, according to our Modern Banking Research. In the U.K., 88% of consumers have expressed interested in attending events, but only 7% of them have been invited to attend events at banks over the past year.

                                                                                                                            While digital banking might reign supreme for simple transactions that consumers can complete via their computers, tablets, or smartphones, banks must use events, such as mobile banking course or mortgage seminars, to drive customers in-branch.

                                                                                                                            When banks bring their customers in-branch, they can speak directly with them and solicit feedback about their products or services. More times than not, customers will speak more candidly in-person than through online reviews because face-to-face lets both customers and staff have two-way dialogues with follow-up questions for clarification.

                                                                                                                            Events represent enormous opportunities for banks to meet with their customers in-person and give them the financial tools and advice that they need to meet their personal goals.

                                                                                                                            The orchestration of omnichannel

                                                                                                                            It’s critical for banks to deliver incredible customer experiences that can increase conversions. No matter the needs of customers, banks must see the value in producing positive and productive experiences that create memorable and profitable customer engagements.

                                                                                                                            When banks use an omnichannel approach to connect with consumers via appointments, personalized promotions, and events, they’ll not only be able to quickly grow their businesses, but will also achieve more loyalty.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about current banking consumer demand, and how to exceed customer and member expectations, download the eBook: The rise of hybrid banking.

                                                                                                                            The rise of hybrid banking: Enabling hybrid banking experiences to meet new consumer and member demand.
                                                                                                                            Sustainability: a buzzword in retail or critical to success? https://www.jrni.com/blog/sustainability-in-retail Tue, 20 Aug 2019 10:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/sustainability-in-retail

                                                                                                                            As Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist everything except temptation.”

                                                                                                                            In this day and age, temptation is everywhere we look. The temptation to keep scrolling through the latest trends on our devices, the temptation to be lured into stores, and the temptation to shop till we drop because of falling retail prices. The temptation is real.

                                                                                                                            However, do we question our temptation when we’re confronted with the facts?

                                                                                                                            The state of sustainability in retail

                                                                                                                            The reality is that the fashion industry is one of the top polluting industries in the world. With water pollution, toxic chemicals, child labor, and high levels of landfill waste, fashion brands have made a huge impact on our world.

                                                                                                                            The Attenborough effect has made us more aware of climate change and our carbon footprint, but has it also made us shop differently? The British government now actively encourages and incentivizes businesses to go green and works with the British Retail Consortium to address sustainability across the industry.

                                                                                                                            But do retailers that are aware of their environmental footprint, and with sustainability initiatives in place, succeed in meeting consumer demands?

                                                                                                                            What do consumers want?

                                                                                                                            According to Nielsen’s 2015 Global Corporate Sustainability Report, 66% of consumers would spend more money on products if they came from sustainable brands, and 67% of business school students would aim to incorporate environmental sustainability into their future jobs.

                                                                                                                            In addition, Nielsen found that more than 85% of millennials said that it is “extremely” or “very” important that companies implement programs to improve the environment.

                                                                                                                            85% of millennials said that it is “extremely” or “very” important that companies implement programs to improve the environment. - Nielsen 2018

                                                                                                                            In general, consumers want to see more from their favorite brands. Interestingly, 81% of consumers want brands to take a stand on environmental issues, according to Sprout Social.

                                                                                                                            Rumor has it that retailers that show little to no compassion for the environment are destined to lose to their competitors. So, who’s a leader in this space? Here are some examples of global retailers that have created successful sustainability initiatives:

                                                                                                                            Brands investing in sustainability


                                                                                                                            Backed by the Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at the LEGO Group, LEGO has committed to using sustainable materials in all of its blocks and packaging, aiming for zero waste across all operations by 2030.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, LEGO has partnered with World Wildlife Fund to support and build demand for sustainably sourced plastic. Since establishing its partnership in 2014, LEGO has met or exceeded all of its climate targets, including: balancing 100% of energy use with renewable resources through investing $6 billion Danish Krones in two offshore wind farms, researching and developing more sustainable materials, and improving energy efficiency of producing LEGO bricks by more than 12%.


                                                                                                                            From toy bricks to little black dresses, the fashion house CHANEL has also shown its dedication to sustainability. The retailer has partnered with Sulapac, which creates sustainable packaging from biodegradable materials.

                                                                                                                            There are many simple changes that brands can make to show their consumers that they are a part of this movement, and technology can enable them to do so.


                                                                                                                            Selfridges uses its social media channels to engage with and educate its consumers about the importance of sustainability in retail. The department store often shares statistics about this issue and gives customers complete transparency about its sustainability actions and goals.

                                                                                                                            Awarded “World’s Best Sustainability Campaign by a Department Store” at the Global Department Store Summit 2016, Selfridges has shown its awareness of the sustainability issues at hand.


                                                                                                                            For brands that want to move toward being more environmentally conscious, there are some simple ways of achieving thisfrom hosting clothing swap events to holding talks about sustainable fashion products.

                                                                                                                            H&M, with its global garment-collecting strategythe Global Garment Collection Program is a great example. Its initiative focuses on rewear, reuse, and recycle, rewarding customers who hand in old or unused clothing to them. For every bag of clothes that consumers donate, they receive discount cards for 15% off for their next in-store purchases.

                                                                                                                            H&M has also committed to hitting certain sustainability milestones in the next decade. By 2025, all of its packaging will be reusable, recyclable, or compostable. By 2030, all packaging will be made of 100% recycled or sustainably sourced materials.

                                                                                                                            Furthermore, H&M has committed to ensuring that its employees and suppliers have fair compensation and good working conditions.


                                                                                                                            Zara’s parent company, Inditex, has recently announced how its need to be green has changed its entire business model. The shocking statistic that clothing items are worn about 7-10 times before they’re discarded has convinced Zara to amend its garment production and design strategies.

                                                                                                                            Sustainable, organic, and recyclable clothing is all that Zara will sell in its stores as early as 2025. That’s less than six years away and shows that the retailer has made a serious sustainability pledge with a strong sense of urgency.


                                                                                                                            Just one visit to Everlane’s website makes it clear that it’s passionate about transparency and sustainability.

                                                                                                                            Interested in a particular product from Everlane? You can quickly discover the “true cost” of producing it, by checking Everlane’s breakdown of the cost of materials, labor, transport, duties, and hardware. It’s also committed to exclusively working with ethical factories, and each factory has to go through a thorough compliance audit before a contract is signed.

                                                                                                                            A prime example of Everlane’s commitment to sustainability is found in its jeans. According to Everlane, it takes 396 gallons (1,500 liters) of water to produce an average pair of jeans. But when Everylane makes a pair of jeans, it only uses 0.1 gallons (0.4 liters) of water.

                                                                                                                            What’s next for Everlane? Although the company is already a market leader in sustainable fashion, it has specific goals to tackle next: No new plastic in its entire supply chain by 2021.

                                                                                                                            There are some easy ways for retailers to participate in sustainability efforts. They can set up “hire me” appointments, or “recycle me” appointments, to not only increase in-store traffic but to also show proactiveness in sustainability.

                                                                                                                            As Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist everything except temptation.” The ever-growing and pressing need to live on both an ethical and sustainable planet has influenced everyone. From baby boomers to post-millennials, our temptation has switched and continues to move toward buying better.

                                                                                                                            Our buying behavior has changed, and retailers that continue to keep abreast of sustainability issues will ultimately succeed in becoming industry leaders.

                                                                                                                            Learn more about what consumers want by checking out our recent report: "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement".

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            What are virtual queues and how are they used? https://www.jrni.com/blog/what-are-virtual-queues-and-how-are-they-used Thu, 15 Aug 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/what-are-virtual-queues-and-how-are-they-used

                                                                                                                            What is a virtual queue?

                                                                                                                            A virtual queue allows businesses to set up online waiting lines, so customers can wait for assistance without physically standing in line. Whereas a regular queue tethers a person to a location while they wait to checkout or get assistance, a virtual queue holds their spot without requiring them to actually line up.

                                                                                                                            For the consumer, it’s the difference between waiting in a warm car versus outside on a rainy day, or being able to enjoy a nice cup of tea rather than queuing up on a sidewalk. For a business, it’s the consideration for your customer to give them some time back in their day rather than needing to wait in a physical queue.

                                                                                                                            We’ve all been in a virtual queue whether we realize it or not. Think about the last time you went online to purchase concert tickets from Ticketmaster, or when you were on hold waiting for customer support. Or think about that time you provided a phone number to be summoned when your table was ready!

                                                                                                                            Benefits of virtual queues

                                                                                                                            Virtual queues provide benefits for both customers waiting in line, and businesses offering the virtual waiting experience. For customers, a virtual queue provides better service, a more enjoyable waiting experience, and gives them back their time.

                                                                                                                            When used in a retail environment, customers can take this time to browse the storeand potentially add more items to their baskets. When used in banks, this is a great time to ensure that your branch is stocked with both print and multimedia materials about other products offered.

                                                                                                                            Since you’re providing customers with a stress-free waiting experience, virtual queues help you attract and retain more customers.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, with virtual queuing, you can:

                                                                                                                            • Increase basket size
                                                                                                                            • Eliminate long lines
                                                                                                                            • Collect data about who is waiting

                                                                                                                            Hybrid queues vs. fully virtual queues

                                                                                                                            Now that we’ve looked at traditional physical queues and virtual queues, let’s talk about hybrid queues versus fully virtual queues. I bet you never knew that queue management was so nuanced!

                                                                                                                            Here’s an example of a hybrid queue. A customer walks into a bank and wants to meet with a loan officer. To do so, the customer signs-in on a tablet, notes what they need help with, and enters key personal information that identifies them as a current bank customer. Though they’re now entered in a virtual queue, and can do what they please while they wait, the customer is still in a physical location and will meet face-to-face for assistance.

                                                                                                                            Conversely, fully virtual queues are when the customer waits online, and gets helped online or by phone, or they may choose to wait in the comfort of their car or squeeze in a quick errand at a nearby location.

                                                                                                                            Here’s an example of a fully virtual queue. A customer is online shopping for an at-home bike, but has a few final questions. They want to get answers quicklyand don’t want to wait 24 hours for an email response back – so they join the line online to get sales support. After entering their contact information, the customer gets an estimated wait time and is free to take care of other matters while waiting in line.

                                                                                                                            How are virtual queues managed?

                                                                                                                            Many companies are turning to an enterprise-grade virtual queuing system to manage their queues.

                                                                                                                            Though consumers only see a seamless experience, the technology that powers these simultaneous high-value interactions must be advanced. With the right enterprise solution, front line staff, store managers, and corporate headquarters will all be able to analyze and track key performance indicators like wait times, staff service times, and service outcomes.

                                                                                                                            Below are just a few examples of virtual queue management features these platforms should offer, both on the front and back end.

                                                                                                                            For customers:

                                                                                                                            • Customer self service: customers can add themselves to the queue and leave the queue. They typically do so via tablet or kiosk at the location.
                                                                                                                            • Predicted wait times: algorithms predict how long a customer will have to wait based on historical data, available staff, number of people in the queue, etc.
                                                                                                                            • Service selections: customers can add the services they need during the booking process.
                                                                                                                            • SMS notifications: text messages will alert the customer as they’re nearing the beginning of the queue.
                                                                                                                            • Display boards: in-store display boards show who is being served, what staff is available, and who is next.

                                                                                                                            For staff:

                                                                                                                            • A centralized dashboard: the virtual queue system interface provides a single view of all live virtual queuing info.
                                                                                                                            • Staff availability: while a staff member is providing customer service, they’re marked as unavailable until they’re finished. Breaks are also taken into account.
                                                                                                                            • Automated and manual customer assignment: both fully automated customer assignment based on staff availability and the option to make manual adjustments too.
                                                                                                                            • Record outcomes: staff can capture the outcomes at the end of an appointment to provide better business insights.
                                                                                                                            • Multiple queues: in more complex venues, multiple queues can be used across different departments and specialist staff.

                                                                                                                            What companies are using virtual queues?

                                                                                                                            Telecommunications companies have long taken advantage of virtual queues. From sales, like buying a new cell phone, to support with an existing device, virtual queues have helped thousands of telecommunications locations improve their customer experience, keep customers satisfied, and maintain orderly stores.

                                                                                                                            Banks are also getting into the virtual queue game. Banks can benefit from a virtual queuing system that integrates with their existing appointment scheduling system. When used together, this technology allows banks to manage their appointment schedule and customer experience from start to finish.

                                                                                                                            Read more: How to reduce queues in banks

                                                                                                                            Retail websites such as Flywheel Sports, Backcountry, and similar companies that offer premium products offer fully virtual queues to ensure they can provide assistance and reassurance when consumers are making a purchase.

                                                                                                                            Technology companies use virtual queues to help schedule demos. Oftentimes, these companies combine their queuing system with an appointment scheduling system. This ensures that customers have the option to wait in the virtual waiting room, or choose to schedule an appointment at a time that’s convenient for them. Considering these virtual meetings need to occur online and be tracked in a system such as Salesforce, strong integrations are crucial.

                                                                                                                            Many other types of businesses have begun using virtual queues to stay on top of their customer flow and reduce walkaways. In fact, the theme park Disneyland actually launched a new virtual queue app for their Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge park to improve the Disney experience. Additionally, every call center uses some form of virtual queue to stay on top of their inbound calls.

                                                                                                                            Banks can benefit from a virtual queuing system that integrates with their existing appointment scheduling system to manage their customer experience start to finish.

                                                                                                                            How do customers join a virtual queue?

                                                                                                                            Some companies have kiosks or tablets in their store locations. Other companies have customers use a mobile app on their phone to enter and manage their time in the queue.

                                                                                                                            Oftentimes, fully virtual queues may have a button that activates a chat box, or a pop-up that allows users to enter their phone number for a call back. Virtual queuing can be combined with online chat or help systems so companies can communicate with shoppers via their preferred channel.

                                                                                                                            However you choose to structure your queue, once you’ve put the customer in charge and given them more time in their day, you’ve increased your odds of both retaining that customer and boosting your ROI.

                                                                                                                            For more information on virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                                                                                                                            Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                                                                                                                            Improve branch experience and reduce service abandonment https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-branch-experience-and-reduce-service-abandonment Thu, 08 Aug 2019 10:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/improve-branch-experience-and-reduce-service-abandonment

                                                                                                                            As the role of the branch for banks and credit unions faces a reinvention, forward-thinking enterprises are investing in customer flow management solutions to perfectly choreograph customer experiences and branch floor operations. Early results show that this is having a positive impact on top line revenue growth, bottom line profitability, and overall customer satisfaction. In this blog, we take a deep dive into the concept of customer flow management and five key use cases these forward-thinking businesses are implementing to be successful.

                                                                                                                            What is customer flow management?

                                                                                                                            For generations banks and credit unions have evaluated ways to optimize physical layouts, engagement points, and services to deliver remarkable customer experiences. With the trend toward mobile banking and fewer branch visits, banks and credit unions are now focused on making every branch visit an experience to remember.

                                                                                                                            With the help of advanced technology, banks can now use software which optimizes the flow of customers within the branch. This technology effectively reduces lines or even eliminates lines altogether, freeing up physical locations to be better optimized and enabling staff to focus on delivering world-class customer service.

                                                                                                                            What technology empowers effective customer flow management?

                                                                                                                            A key technology to support this initiative is lobby and queue management software which prompts customers to take action when they enter your location, and gives staff an interface to manage the flow of customers throughout the branch.

                                                                                                                            Let's look at some of the key use cases:

                                                                                                                            Visitor registration

                                                                                                                            A customer attending a pre-booked mortgage appointment is presented with a self-serve kiosk or tablet with a welcome check-in screen upon entry into the branch. The customer enters the required information, checks themselves in, and is directed to wait in the waiting area. An automated notification is sent to the staff member with whom the appointment is booked informing them that the customer has arrived and is in the waiting area.

                                                                                                                            This example shows how banks and credit unions are creating experiences that enable a customer to self-serve while effectively managing the flow of that customer and their expectations. This reduces the administrative burden on branch staff, freeing up skilled staff members to carry out more profitable activities.

                                                                                                                            Estimated wait time

                                                                                                                            Customers want greater visibility into how long they will have to wait in branch for a particular service. One piece of technology that is a fantastic enabler for this is queuing. Effective queue management software allows customers to view real-time wait times and join the appropriate queue.

                                                                                                                            For example, a customer walks into a branch on their lunch hour to open a savings account. The customer is greeted at the door by a member of staff who informs the customer that the estimated wait time for that service is 30 minutes. The customer decides to wait, so the staff member enters the customer’s name and phone number, and the customer is added to the queue.

                                                                                                                            The customer is kept up to date with their queue position via notifications, so they’re able to wait in branch or go do another activity, like grab a drink from Starbucks! Once the customer reaches the front of the queue, they receive an SMS notification informing them of the status.

                                                                                                                            In branch digital signage can also display the wait times for each queue, and customers’ current positions and average wait times. This keeps the customer updated should they choose to wait in branch.

                                                                                                                            This example shows how banks and credit unions can retain footfall and increase conversion rates by keeping customers informed. This is proven to offer a seamless and hassle-free waiting experience that your customers will enjoy.

                                                                                                                            Queue management

                                                                                                                            In order to manage customer flow efficiently, banks and credit unions are turning to queue management software which is fully integrated with their appointment booking software.

                                                                                                                            The concierge interface on a tablet or smartphone helps staff to manage multiple queues in-branch effectively, and also take into account any pre-booked appointments and time blocked off on staff calendars. The technology provides a complete, real-time view of the branch queue on a tablet device, with insights into staff availability, service engagements, wait times, and more, allowing branch managers and HQ to make operational improvements quickly and efficiently.

                                                                                                                            This approach is proven to increase staff efficiency, providing them with the ability to serve more customers. It also leads to a more organized branch with access to performance data to drive further improvements.

                                                                                                                            Appointment booking

                                                                                                                            In certain situations, the customer just won’t wait. This is lost opportunity and leads to high abandonment rates which, in turn, leads to customer dissatisfaction and potential churn.

                                                                                                                            Banks and credit unions leverage appointment booking to mitigate this risk. By prompting customers to book an appointment at an available time and date of their choosing, these enterprises are seeing improved abandonment rates and increased engagement with their entire customer base.

                                                                                                                            In addition to this benefit, appointment booking on its own is proven to increase customer engagement and conversions. Newer technologies also fully integrate appointment booking and virtual queuing, providing the online customer with a richer experience whereby they can see the average wait time in branch online and make the choice whether to join the queue remotely or book an appointment in the near future.

                                                                                                                            Valuable insights

                                                                                                                            The final element is a robust and interactive insights application providing staff with real-time monitoring of the branch performance against operational metrics.

                                                                                                                            This delivers a host of benefits including better insight into the average handling time per customer, the average wait time per service, the overall branch performance for demand versus availability. The end result is more informed decisions.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about queuing, check out:

                                                                                                                            For more information on virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                                                                                                                            Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                                                                                                                            How to reduce queues in banks https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-reduce-queues-in-banks Tue, 06 Aug 2019 14:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-reduce-queues-in-banks

                                                                                                                            There's no doubt that online and mobile banking have done a lot to improve the customer experience for retail banks. But there's more to providing optimal customer service than a mobile application and a website. For all of the focus on digital channels, the physical branch location is still a major asset for any bank. For example:

                                                                                                                            • 62% of consumers prefer to use banks or credit unions that have a physical presence according to goMoxie.

                                                                                                                            • Deloitte's most recent global digital banking consumer survey found that in most countries, a majority of people prefer opening major accounts (mortgages, wealth management) or applying for new financial products in a branch , rather than online.

                                                                                                                            • In 2020, 60% - 70% of Chase's new accounts were opened in branch with similar trends for B of A.

                                                                                                                            This means that even in an age where the overall number of physical bank branches is declining, a bank’s physical locations are still a vital touchpoint in the customer journey.

                                                                                                                            Even if customer acquisition and day-to-day transactions are increasingly taking place through digital channels, physical branches are key for retention, upsell, and cross-sell. Investments in digital channels, therefore, cannot be mutually exclusive with efforts to improve customer service in bank branches.

                                                                                                                            One of the areas of in-branch service that's ripe for innovation is queue management. Consumers have grown accustomed to seamless service in most areas of their lives, and they are certainly looking for it in their banks. Few, if any, customers would say they want to deal with long wait times and disjointed service.

                                                                                                                            Why are queues such an issue for retail banks?

                                                                                                                            McKinsey revealed several market realities that retail banking leaders have to contend with when it comes to their customer service models. In fact, as many financial products become commoditized, customer service is increasingly a differentiator for retail banks.

                                                                                                                            Slow or disorganized queues and lobbies can be extremely detrimental to customers' perceptions of a branch's service. Even during peak hours, customers will expect prompt service that solves their problems. Banks that fail to consider good queue management or crowd management practices will inevitably frustrate customers.

                                                                                                                            Queues can make or break the customer experience

                                                                                                                            Deloitte’s other findings validate the point made in the McKinsey study, showing that customers’ satisfaction with the in-branch experience has the greatest impact on their overall satisfaction with their banks. The authors of the study believe this is because the most common reasons people go to their bank’s branches - problem resolution and account opening - are often complex, urgent, and require more human touch than a routine transaction.

                                                                                                                            Adding to the customer’s stress and urgency levels are the times in which people tend to go to the bank: before they go to work, during a lunch break, the time between leaving work and going home for the evening - in other words, peak hours. They want to get in, get what they need, and move on with their days. Even if customers aren’t necessarily in a rush, it’s unlikely they want to spend more time than they absolutely have to waiting in line.

                                                                                                                            It doesn’t matter if wait times in one branch are not noticeably different from any other branch at any other bank, customers who perceive their time is being wasted will develop a negative impression of their bank.

                                                                                                                            As Dr. Richard Larson, an expert on queuing theory and psychology at MIT, found, consumers consistently overestimate the time they spend waiting in queues by about 36%. Moreover, Larson concluded that satisfaction is a function of expected and perceived wait time, not actual wait time.

                                                                                                                            That’s why queue management is more than just optimizing queues for speed. Most people are going to think they waited longer than they did, even if they truly received fast service. Thus, missing some of the other dimensions of managing a queue - such as communication, transparency, fairness, and occupied time - can force customers into a frustrating experience, which can be incredibly detrimental to the overall customer experience. In the case of a customer who is already dealing with a stressful financial problem, the added frustration can damage the relationship irreparably.

                                                                                                                            Poorly managed queues impact bank staff and managers

                                                                                                                            Poorly managed queues aren’t just a customer problem. Bank staff and management are also affected by poor queue management. The following are just a few issues that can negatively impact employees, and by extension, the bank as a whole:

                                                                                                                            • Managers have a lack of insight into when peak and lull times are at the individual branch level, leading to inappropriate levels of staffing.
                                                                                                                            • Managers can’t pinpoint issues in the customer service experience, such as one employee who is slowing the queue due to inadequate training, or customers who have a certain problem that consistently takes longer to solve and requires better processes to handle.
                                                                                                                            • Employees cannot prepare for the customers who are coming up in the queue, many of whom will have unique needs. This forces the staff member to ask multiple discovery questions just to understand what action needs to be taken.
                                                                                                                            • Employees have to not only solve a customer’s problem, but potentially have to deal with a frustrated person who expects fast service.

                                                                                                                            Mismanaged queues lead to frustrated customers, stressed out employees, and managers who are at a loss as to how they can remedy the issues with their branches.

                                                                                                                            What happens when queues are done right?

                                                                                                                            The consequences of chaotic queues are well-known, but what does a queue done right offer? There are several benefits to banks and their customers.

                                                                                                                            Better customer experience

                                                                                                                            This almost goes without saying - of course customers will find their experience in a branch much more enjoyable if they don't find waiting in line to be irritating. However, given what has been revealed by in-depth studies about the role of the brick-and-mortar branch in an omnichannel banking experience, banks must see clearly the rewards that come with convenient and useful service in their branches.

                                                                                                                            Customers who come to a branch usually want to solve a problem or get useful advice about their financial situation. It's common for people to be anxious when they come in. Prompt service with minimal hassles can go a long way to alleviating that stress.

                                                                                                                            Faster customer service

                                                                                                                            More organized and efficient queues make it easier for banks to get customers to the right staff member to help them solve their problems and be on their way. Moreover, eliminating confusion in the queue allows for less downtime between customers.

                                                                                                                            Fewer walkaways

                                                                                                                            Customers who are in a rush may give up waiting if there is no end in sight to a queue. On the other hand, if queues are showing progress, with timely updates on estimated wait times, it reduces the chances that they will give up on their visit.

                                                                                                                            Higher likelihood of return visits

                                                                                                                            It can’t be overstated how important it is that customers don’t dread going to a branch to receive service. Well-managed queues, in conjunction with other improvements to branch service, can be a major selling point for people who want that face-to-face interaction with a representative.

                                                                                                                            How banks can improve queuing

                                                                                                                            The branch is a crucial touchpoint in the customer experience, and it’s worth it for banks to seriously consider ways in which they can improve their queues. In this section we’ll outline four ways that banks can bring order to their queues and drive tangible results for customers, employees, and management.

                                                                                                                            Implement a queuing system

                                                                                                                            A dedicated queue management solution can help banks overcome some of the most difficult issues that queues present. In fact, a virtual queuing or lobby management system can be the perfect bridge between a bank’s digital and physical experiences. Here’s how:

                                                                                                                            • Customers enjoy a seamless experience. People increasingly expect service to be consistent across all of their channels. Being able to effortlessly handle transactions through a mobile banking app and then immediately book an appointment with a representative within seconds is a powerful way to allow customers to handle all of their banking needs with no hassle.
                                                                                                                            • Customers can wait on their own terms. By allowing customers to reserve their spot in line through a mobile device, tablet, or self-service kiosk, it removes the need for them to be physically present in the branch to wait in line. Moreover, it allows customers to wait on their terms, not their bank’s. They’re free to run other errands, do some work, or simply relax until it’s their turn. In the meantime, they receive timely updates by text message. Moreover, if something comes up, it’s easy for people to remove themselves from the queue.
                                                                                                                            • Customers have full transparency into their waiting experience. They can see their arrival times, the expected wait times, how many people are ahead of them, what representative they’ll be working with, and anything else they need to know. This alleviates the stress that comes with the uncertainty of a traditional queue.

                                                                                                                            Customers aren’t the only ones who reap the benefits of advanced queuing: Employees and management do as well.

                                                                                                                            • Employees don’t have to focus on the queue, only their customers. A queue management system can be configured to automatically assign customers to a particular rep based on their need. This allows employees to focus solely on doing what they do best: solve problems and provide experiences that enhance customer experience.
                                                                                                                            • Employees get the insight they need for fair queuing. Customers can usually tolerate a long line, but if they perceive the line to be unfair, that can absolutely tarnish their relationship with the branch. A queue management system will make it so employees always serve the right person at the right time. If someone made an appointment for a given time slot, no customers from the queue will be assigned during that time.
                                                                                                                            • Employees always know what’s coming. Queue management systems can store customer information, or send it to the bank’s CRM, and allow staff to see the reason why someone is coming to see them. This foresight makes it possible to prepare what’s needed for each appointment to eliminate wasted time on discovery.

                                                                                                                            The benefits to a queue management system are numerous and can radically evolve the service offering of any bank. Banks struggling to bridge their digital properties and physical branches should consider how consumers operate in other areas of their lives and work to align with those expectations.

                                                                                                                            Design branches around the queue

                                                                                                                            Banks should design branches in a way that fosters an optimal queue experience, rather than forcing customers to conform to what the bank finds to be a convenient setup.

                                                                                                                            As a recent CNN feature explains, the science of queuing is complex, and different types of queues can be better suited for different situations. It’s worth understanding the psychology of queuing and how spaces can be designed to provide comfort to the people within them.

                                                                                                                            Even if a bank implements a queue management system and reduces the number of people physically waiting in line, some customers will prefer to wait in the branch. Banks will have to consider how to make people feel like they’re not waiting, even when they are.

                                                                                                                            Read more: What are virtual queues and how can they be used?

                                                                                                                            Have multiple queues

                                                                                                                            Banks that want their branches to be versatile service hubs can’t just have a single queue for all services. A customer that just wants to perform a routine transaction or wants to clarify an error will require much different service than someone who wants a session with a wealth manager. Instead of having one or even several parallel queues where people are funneled into a line regardless of their need, banks should have multiple queues where people can speak to the representative that best suits their needs.

                                                                                                                            Provide helpful signage

                                                                                                                            Digital signage and dashboards that make clear the wait times for different staff and services are a great way for banks to be transparent about how long everyone’s wait is going to be. A queue management system can integrate with in-branch dashboards that are visible for all customers.

                                                                                                                            Facilitate ‘occupied time’

                                                                                                                            One concept that Dr. Larson discussed is “occupied time,” which means that giving people who are waiting in queues something to do is better than forcing them to idly pass the time. He cites Disney as the masters of this aspect of queuing psychology, noting that their use of digital displays and room decor give queuers something to read, watch, and discuss while they wait.

                                                                                                                            In supermarkets, putting magazines and snacks in lines allow people to occupy their time with something other than waiting for the line to move (As a bonus, these are usually impulse buys that can increase basket size).

                                                                                                                            Retail banks should think about how they can effectively implement some of these ideas to create their own versions of occupied time. This could take many forms, such as:

                                                                                                                            • Digital signage that offers helpful tips on financial management and success
                                                                                                                            • Promotional materials for services and products that in-branch customers can take advantage of while they are there
                                                                                                                            • Food and beverage service
                                                                                                                            • Video and interactive content that lets people test their financial knowledge in a fun way
                                                                                                                            • Customer surveys that allow consumers to share their opinions while giving banks more ways to hear from their customers

                                                                                                                            The queue is a captive audience. Banks can use that reality to their advantage by improving customer service and creating opportunities for upsells and cross-sells.

                                                                                                                            Queuing and customer loyalty

                                                                                                                            What banks must remember is that the customer journey does not end with acquisition. Consumers are more empowered than ever to shop around for the services and experiences that suit them best. Just because someone is doing business with you today, it doesn’t mean they’ll stick around forever if there’s a perceived better option.

                                                                                                                            As Deloitte’s findings indicated, only 8% of satisfied consumers would consider switching banks, whereas 18% of dissatisfied consumers would.

                                                                                                                            In fact, 37.3 million U.S. consumers are planning to–or could be persuaded to–switch banks in the next year, according to recent research from Resonate.

                                                                                                                            A failure to provide a superior customer experience is an open door for competitors to steal business and market share away.

                                                                                                                            For more information on virtual queuing solutions, please reference our latest Virtual Queuing datasheet.

                                                                                                                            Datasheet: JRNI Virtual Queuing - download now!
                                                                                                                            How to bridge the digital-to-physical divide https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-bridge-the-digital-to-physical-divide Tue, 30 Jul 2019 14:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-bridge-the-digital-to-physical-divide

                                                                                                                            “You will never see eye-to-eye if you never meet face-to-face.”

                                                                                                                            So are the words of Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He emphasizes the importance of human interaction despite today’s environment where relationships often exist behind email, text or phone. We’ve spent the last several years building new ways to interact — chat, click-to-call, FaceTime — yet none build the intimacy, or effectiveness, of face-to-face conversations.

                                                                                                                            In today’s business climate, technology has been used to supplant face-to-face engagement. In retail, consumers are researching and purchasing goods via smartphones, tablets and computers, swapping the in-store experience for at-home convenience, while retailers rely on email to communicate with their best customers. However, according to Harvard Business Review, face-to-face requests were 34 times more likely to garner positive responses than emails.

                                                                                                                            Retailers need to bring consumers back in-store to not only strengthen their relationships with them, but because it’s a good business move. When retailers can move online consumers in-store, basket size can increase by 3X–10X by providing consumers with an experience — an opportunity to interact with products and services, or exposure to ancillary and complementary items.

                                                                                                                            To read more, check out the full feature on Retail TouchPoints.

                                                                                                                            Learn how to enhance customer relationships with in-store events - download the eBook!
                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling and the omnichannel customer experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-and-omnichannel-customer-experience Thu, 25 Jul 2019 12:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/appointment-scheduling-and-omnichannel-customer-experience

                                                                                                                            Customer engagement technology is constantly evolving and shifting to create a more seamless customer experience. It used to be simple. Businesses and customers conversed face-to-face. As technology proliferated, it seems every company had a solution how to improve communication with the customer, and every customer could be reached on a different type of device. Digital became the status quo. Businesses perfected their multichannel strategies, unaware that omnichannel requirements were right around the corner.

                                                                                                                            Fast forward to today, and we’re in an age of redefining the customer journey through an innovative interface that maximizes conversions, and drives engagements like never before. And despite the technology, we have come full circle to put the emphasis back on meaningful human-to-human interactions by uniting digital and physical channels.

                                                                                                                            So, what makes an omnichannel experience, and how does it differ from multichannel? Let’s break this down.

                                                                                                                            What is omnichannel?

                                                                                                                            Multichannel enables the customer journey through multiple, siloed channels. It encourages the consumer to select how they want to engage with a brand.

                                                                                                                            Omnichannel is an integrated approach that gives the customer a quality of experience across digital and physical workflows. Omnichannel approaches ensure that regardless of where a consumer begin or end the journey, it is one consistent and seamless experience.

                                                                                                                            As of now, 36% of companies have reported using an omnichannel model in 2018. Making the switch sooner rather than later “paves the way for cultural change in the organization towards a holistic view of the customer,” as CX Network has stated.

                                                                                                                            One of the clearest examples of an omnichannel experience is the acceptance of intelligent appointment management systems. Intelligent appointment management guides online traffic to in-store and in-branch visits. These meaningful interactions have proven to improve customer loyalty and increase revenue. To give you context for the potential scale of success, customers increased their basket size by 3x-10x with our Appointments application.

                                                                                                                            A solid omnichannel strategy is the new standard, and that’s why the largest enterprise companies are adopting this innovative approach. Ulta Beauty, one of the leading beauty store chains in the United States, announced in December a more-than-a 16 percent increase in year-over-year net sales in the third quarter—all credited to a highly integrated omnichannel experience for their customers.

                                                                                                                            Other industry leaders such as Apple and Bank of America are using unified appointment scheduling to bridge the digital to physical divide for their customers. By offering the ability to drive customers in-store or in-branch with service options, they generate more than just customer satisfaction, it allows for staff optimization, a high rate of no-shows, and an ability to track cancellations. All of this equates to a higher ROI and an increase in customer loyalty. Two phrases every company wants to hear.

                                                                                                                            So, how do you build an omnichannel customer experience? Let’s discuss your journey to success.

                                                                                                                            Evaluate your current customer journey vs the ideal customer journey

                                                                                                                            Ask yourself, are you offering customers the ability to select when, where and how they begin or end their journey with you, regardless of platform? Research shows that leads that begin online and stay online deliver minimal returns especially in comparison to conversion rates in store. But when you couple them, in an omnichannel experience, results and basket sizes soar 3X - 10X.There is an unlimited growth potential waiting to be untapped.

                                                                                                                            Evaluate customer satisfaction results

                                                                                                                            When your customers are happy, they will show it. You can measure their satisfaction in a few ways. One is brand loyalty, and another is basket size. If your customers are happy with the quality and fluidity of your service, they will end up buying more.

                                                                                                                            Customer loyalty program/brand loyalty

                                                                                                                            It’s called the customer journey for a reason. The customer comes first and foremost. Are you respecting your customers’ time? Are you putting them first? Are you creating an experience that’s familiar, consistent and straightforward? How likely are they to maintain their brand loyalty after their experience? Or, how likely are they to become brand loyal after their visit?

                                                                                                                            By implementing a fully integrated platform into your business, your customers will not only feel more appreciated for their seamless shopping experience, but they will show their appreciation by staying devoted time and time again. As they say, a happy customer is a loyal customer.

                                                                                                                            Personalization efforts

                                                                                                                            By having a 360-degree view of the full customer journey, you will gain deeper insights into countless data to better understand your customer. This real-time data will allow you to know more about each customer, and provide a more personalized experience. Such insights should include but are not limited to: booking history, preferences, service options and more.

                                                                                                                            For example, if your customer wants to book an appointment with a specific employee on a specific day at a specific store, it can happen at the touch of the fingertips based on the customer’s personalized needs.

                                                                                                                            After creating personalized customer services at their physical locations, JRNI customers have seen up to a 5x increase in customer spend.

                                                                                                                            By implementing appointment scheduling through omnichannel customer experience, your business will reap the benefits of increasing revenue and improving customer loyalty. Learn more about JRNI’s Appointments application.

                                                                                                                            Get the enterprise appointment scheduling purchasing guide
                                                                                                                            4 customer engagement considerations for banks https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagement-considerations-for-banks Mon, 22 Jul 2019 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/customer-engagement-considerations-for-banks

                                                                                                                            In today’s competitive financial services industry, banks are striving to leverage every customer interaction for maximum conversion and revenue. Customer expectations have pushed the branch to a fundamental inflection point, financial institutions must rethink, reimagine and retool branches if they are to succeed.

                                                                                                                            Forward-thinking financial institutions are reinventing branches through digitalization. They understand the need to meet the growing requirements of omnichannel consumers and drive foot traffic into brick and mortar locations by moving consumers seamlessly from online to offline appointments.

                                                                                                                            As retail banks look to address the needs of the connected customer and evaluate online appointment scheduling applications, there are 4 critical criteria that demand evaluation to take your omnichannel strategy to the next level.

                                                                                                                            Let's dive in.

                                                                                                                            Criteria 1: Deliver a seamless customer journey

                                                                                                                            The key to driving omnichannel conversion is the delivery of a seamless customer journey. The journey should enable your customers to engage, book, and manage appointments across multiple channels with ease. Financial services staff require access to journey analytics to support evaluation of drop-off rates, conversion, and time spent per booking step.

                                                                                                                            Criteria 2: Gain staff adoption

                                                                                                                            A critical element to selecting the right customer engagement platform and gaining adoption is the staff experience.

                                                                                                                            The solution needs to be easy to use, providing staff members with vital insights at their fingertips. This frees up their time to focus on the interaction with the customer rather than the navigation or setup of the software.

                                                                                                                            The branch experience is also evolving, and requires support staff who are on the move. The UI should be tailored to different customer engagements. As an example, there should be an interface designed for the concierge experience of welcoming and managing customer flow through the branch, while a different booking interface should be built to manage the appointment and collect the outcome.

                                                                                                                            Finally, the experience needs to remove routine administration tasks through automation to deliver staff efficiencies and increase ROI. For example, using an AI-powered scheduling engine can dynamically match the right staff member and skill set to the right service at the right time at the right location.

                                                                                                                            2,000 consumers told us what they want banks to improve. What they said might surprise you. Download now!

                                                                                                                            Criteria 3: Analyze the performance

                                                                                                                            Booking performance, wait times, no shows, lead times, capacity utilization, staff performance, and business outcomes help evaluate the operational performance and customer experience. This rich insight helps to identify areas to improve and optimize.

                                                                                                                            Criteria 4: Fast time to market

                                                                                                                            The speed of branch transformation is not slowing down. Therefore financial institutions need to select a flexible platform that is:

                                                                                                                            1. Quick to implement
                                                                                                                            2. Secure, robust, and ISO accredited
                                                                                                                            3. Easy to manage with zero additional cost
                                                                                                                            4. A single platform with additional applications and integrations for future use cases.

                                                                                                                            The key to getting this right the first time is selecting a partner who is experienced in omnichannel conversion across the globe.

                                                                                                                            You may also like our 2019 Modern Consumer Banking research, which highlights what banks need to know to cater to today's consumer.

                                                                                                                            2020 Modern Consumer Banking report: 2,000 consumers reveal what they truly want from their banks.
                                                                                                                            4 ways to use appointment scheduling in banking https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-use-appointment-scheduling-in-banking Wed, 17 Jul 2019 08:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-use-appointment-scheduling-in-banking

                                                                                                                            Putting Appointment Scheduling to Work in Banking

                                                                                                                            Bank branches are still some of the most valued brick and mortar stores around. When it comes to financial advice or large financial decisions, 77% of US adults prefer to have in-branch conversations, and 93% of millennials prefer key matters be handled face-to-face.

                                                                                                                            Increasingly, banks are facilitating these conversations by providing their customers with the ability to set appointments, meetings, and consultations online, and matching them with the right skilled advisors and consultants in-branch.

                                                                                                                            In addition to providing a better customer experience, online appointment scheduling helps consumers avoid the stress of long wait times, or miss the professional that is best suited to give them advice.

                                                                                                                            Leading banks have found a number of ways to put online booking solutions to work:

                                                                                                                            Home loan consultations

                                                                                                                            Purchasing a home is an incredibly stressful experience for consumers, and providing a great customer experience can help people better research and obtain their home loans. By providing the option to pre-schedule an appointment with a loan expert online, home buyers can make sure the right experts will be in the branch during their visit, and can make the meeting more convenient for themselves.

                                                                                                                            After implementing JRNI’s appointment scheduling solution, one local building society saw a significant increase in mortgage appointments. They also used qualifying questions to ensure a higher quality of meetings with consultants.

                                                                                                                            Wealth management consultations

                                                                                                                            Managing a customer’s wealth is quite a responsibility as it has a direct impact on what the customer can spend and when they can retire. Naturally, handling someone’s life savings requires significant trust which cannot be built through a screen.

                                                                                                                            In fact, 77% of adults prefer an in-branch consultation when needing advice or making big decisions. Clearly, the power of a face-to-face interaction cannot be overlooked. Even in a zeitgeist of rejecting authority opinions (the fake news movement), banks retain their trustworthy status.

                                                                                                                            Another benefit of appointment scheduling is saving timecustomers spend less time waiting in lines, and companies spend less time booking appointments and doing administrative work. In fact, Oriental Bank introduced JRNI and reduced wait times for customers by fifty percent. In an average month, they take over 13,000 appointment bookings.

                                                                                                                            Read more: how Oriental Bank uses JRNI to reduce wait times by 50%

                                                                                                                            Opening a new account

                                                                                                                            Though many banks encourage accounts to be opened online, some customers prefer to go into the bank to get a better understanding of their new account’s benefits.

                                                                                                                            Few people enjoy just giving their money away, and it can be helpful to have a friendly expert discuss what a new account means for their finances. With hungry tech giants like Amazon and Google eyeing the banking industry for their next takeover, banks with both digital and physical channels have a clear advantage.

                                                                                                                            The ability to meet customers in-branch and create a personal connection, rather than simply using a chatbot or a Q&A page, sets traditional banks apart. Now, it’s time for banks to utilize a powerful appointment solution to continue growth and maintain their status as trusted advisors.

                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling also helps banks tackle resource allocation issues. Take Oriental Bank, for example, who was experiencing issues with properly scheduling branch staff. Ultimately, this impacted customer satisfaction and meant customers left when lines were too long. Once Oriental Bank implemented an appointment scheduling solution, they leveraged appointment data to better allocate staff in accordance with traffic peaks and lulls.

                                                                                                                            Private equity appointments

                                                                                                                            Nearly 63% of baby boomers said having access to knowledgeable and well-trained associates is a factor when choosing one business over another, according to JRNI’s Consumer Behavior research.

                                                                                                                            Establishing a personal connection is essential for private equity consultations where trust is such a key element. If a client feels that a bank is disorganized, or they spend thirty minutes sitting in the lobby before their meeting, they may go elsewhere for their needs.


                                                                                                                            High value transactions require personalized face-to-face interaction. Any ways to make the process more seamless, from initial online research to consultation to taking action, is invaluable for a business relationship.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about how to choose an enterprise solution, check out our guide to enterprise appointment scheduling.

                                                                                                                            To see JRNI Appointments in action, then download the video demo!

                                                                                                                            Get the enterprise appointment scheduling purchasing guide
                                                                                                                            5 sessions you can't miss at Future Branches Boston https://www.jrni.com/blog/sessions-at-future-branches-boston-2019 Tue, 16 Jul 2019 09:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/sessions-at-future-branches-boston-2019

                                                                                                                            If you’ve already signed up for the 2019 edition of Future Branches Boston, you’re in for an action-packed two days of networking with senior retail banking executives.

                                                                                                                            This year’s conference will take place at the Westin Boston Waterfront from July 23-24 and will explore how leading financial institutions are revamping retail banking technology, retooling front line associates, and creating the branch experience of the future.

                                                                                                                            The agenda is filled with several noteworthy keynote speakers who will touch upon a variety of topics – from customer experience to wealth management strategy. Though there are over 30 keynotes to choose from, we think these are the top 5 sessions you won’t want to miss.

                                                                                                                            Day 1: Tuesday, July 23

                                                                                                                            The Benefits of Bringing Retail and Operations Under One Leadership Team to Streamline Your Consumer Facing Business

                                                                                                                            Speaker: Aleda Amistadi, SVP / Retail and Operations at PeoplesBank

                                                                                                                            Time: 9:00 am

                                                                                                                            Why attend: If you’ve been contemplating putting retail and operations under one roof in your organization, this is the talk to attend. Aleda Amistadi will take you step by step through the strategy behind bringing these two parts of the business under one leader, and how it will influence the holistic customer experience. She will cover a range of topics under this umbrella—from growing pains of the transition to the benefits and efficiencies of it.

                                                                                                                            You’ll get to hear first-hand Amistadi’s experience-based advice on making this transition worthwhile and effective for your organization.

                                                                                                                            Making Customer-Centric Branch Technology Investments

                                                                                                                            Speaker: Shon Aguero, Executive Vice President of Retail at Landmark Bank

                                                                                                                            Time: 9:25 am

                                                                                                                            Why attend: It’s easy to get caught up in the latest piece of banking technology, but choosing the right piece of technology isn’t always that simple. Aguero’s case study will take you through commonly asked questions about making branch technology investments. He’ll ask you the tough questions about potential investments such as, “How can it be useful for your customers? And how can it help your employees service your customers?”

                                                                                                                            For example, choosing modern banking technology that has RESTful APIs rather than SOAP APIs is a beneficial investment for your company. You’ll save time and money by having control from the corporate/administration management side—such as adding services, staff, etc.—without having to rely on a vendor.

                                                                                                                            Day 2: Wednesday, July 24

                                                                                                                            Planning the Ultimate Branch Experience: Can You Read Your Customer’s Mind?

                                                                                                                            Speaker: Jeremy Balkin, Head of Innovation at HSBC

                                                                                                                            Time: 8:40 am

                                                                                                                            Why attend: How do you know what your customer expects from you? This session will explain the importance of personalizing your customer experience to better understand what your customers need and expect.

                                                                                                                            Balkin will walk you through how to make your customers feel heard throughout the entire customer journey - from point A to point Z. You will leave with the necessary tools to improve customer experience and overall branch strategy.

                                                                                                                            Finding the Right Mix of Employees and Technology in Branch

                                                                                                                            Speaker: Mark Sanchioni, SVP / Director of Retail Banking at UnitedBank

                                                                                                                            Time: 9:05 am

                                                                                                                            Why attend: This session dives into an important element of technology: how does technology influence human interaction, and how does it help customers feel physically connected to your business?

                                                                                                                            Financial institutions are constantly searching for a balance between the convenience of technology and the desire for customers to have self-service. Today, not every customer has switched to digital - there are still plenty of baby boomer customers who prefer completing transactions in branch. How can your branch balance the use of technology while preserving the human element of in-store visits? In this session, you will hear Sanchioni’s strategy of how to ensure quality customer service while innovating with modern technology.

                                                                                                                            Planning Your Wealth Management or Private Wealth Strategy

                                                                                                                            Speaker: Ronald Belle, Chief Experience Officer at AmeriCU

                                                                                                                            Time: 11:25 am

                                                                                                                            Why attend: If you’re a retail bank or credit union that provides wealth management services alongside typical retail products, this is the session for you. If your clients are specifically requesting face-to-face interaction, you’ll be intrigued by Belle’s discussion of the following questions:

                                                                                                                            • What are the needs of those clients?
                                                                                                                            • What technology do they want to see?
                                                                                                                            • What kind of staff do they require?
                                                                                                                            • How specialized are their roles?
                                                                                                                            • What should the design be?

                                                                                                                            Ultimately, you’ll walk away from this fireside chat knowing more about the on-site wealth management strategy of banks and credit unions.

                                                                                                                            Now that you have five great sessions to attend at Future Branches Boston, we look forward to seeing you there!

                                                                                                                            Stop by booth #17 to discuss the latest technology trends in banking and see the latest innovations we’ve made to JRNI.

                                                                                                                            9 ways to increase retail store foot traffic https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-store-foot-traffic Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:30:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/increase-store-foot-traffic

                                                                                                                            According to a First Insight Report, 71% of shoppers spend $50 or more when shopping in-store, indicating that consumers purchase significantly more per visit in retail stores than online.

                                                                                                                            In today’s digital age, more consumers are researching and purchasing products via their smartphones, tablets, and computers at home. While it’s convenient to purchase products quickly with a swipe of the screen or a click of the mouse, customers are losing out on having in-store experiencesopportunities to engage deeper with their favorite brands. More so, retailers are losing out on chances to turn prospects into loyal customers if they can’t get them back in-store.

                                                                                                                            It’s incredibly important for retailers to drive foot traffic back into their stores. Brands have the opportunity to increase consumers’ basket sizes by 3X-10X through in-store experiencesgiving consumers the chance to interact with products and services, or exposing them to ancillary and complementary items.

                                                                                                                            Here’s how retailers can increase their foot traffic and create exceptional customer experiences.

                                                                                                                            retail store foot traffic
                                                                                                                            71% of shoppers spend $50 or more when shopping in-store, indicating that consumers purchase significantly more per visit in retail stores than online.

                                                                                                                            How to increase retail store foot traffic

                                                                                                                            1. Store signage

                                                                                                                            One of the first interactions that consumers have with brands in-store is their signage. A store’s sign visually displays the brand and attracts people in-store. Brick and mortar retailers must properly display their exterior signageeither hanging it above the entrance or displaying it on windows. If consumers can’t see the signage, they might not know what the store sells, which can leave consumers confused or unimpressed.

                                                                                                                            Once consumers enter stores, in-store signage must help consumers buy productseither by conveying the benefits of products or services or heralding discounts and promotions; essentially, these signs must warrant strong calls to action. Complementing store signage, visually appealing window displays can help to attract foot traffic by showcasing the latest products or fashions, which can capture shoppers’ attention. Though signage isn’t a new tactic, it’s significant in reaching consumers and persuading them to purchase, and brands must use that to help potential customers make in-store sales.

                                                                                                                            2. Marketing

                                                                                                                            One of the most important strategies to attract more foot traffic is marketing. After all, marketing helps expose potential customers to brands’ products and services. It can also allow retailers to engage deeper with consumers and create loyal customers, especially through mobile, websites, and social media.

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                            3. Mobile

                                                                                                                            Mobile is a consumer’s most personal device, so by having conversations with brands via the device signals that customers are eager to engage more with retailerseither by app, email, or text. Now, retailers must use mobile to drive traffic in-store.

                                                                                                                            Brands can send exclusive promotions or offerings to their mobile subscribers, inviting them to purchase in-store goods at discounted prices. Retailers can also use push notifications to alert customers about new items or flash sales in-store in an effort to increase foot traffic.

                                                                                                                            Old Navy is a great example of a brand that sends consumers text messages to drive them in-store. Text messages are consistently sent each weekend, so consumers know to check their messages for their discounts.

                                                                                                                            4. Websites

                                                                                                                            Retailers’ websites are perfect vehicles to showcase product images and descriptions. According to eCommerce Foundation, 88% of consumers research products online before making purchases either online or in-store. How can retailers capitalize on this opportunity?

                                                                                                                            Like with mobile marketing, retailers can offer exclusive promotions and incentives to encourage online browsers to purchase products and services in-store.

                                                                                                                            As more consumers use online to research and offline to purchase, retailers must ensure that their websites provide enriching experiences for consumers that move them from digital to physical.

                                                                                                                            5. Social media

                                                                                                                            Social mediaTwitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other channelspresent tremendous opportunities to engage with consumers and drive store traffic. Arguably, brands’ most loyal customers are already following their social pages because they’ve chosen to learn more from them and stay in touch about future news.

                                                                                                                            On social media, retailers can host contests with customers and award them in-store promotions. They can also ask them to post reviews about products and services with chances to receive exclusive rewards that they can redeem in-store.

                                                                                                                            6. Appointments

                                                                                                                            In-store appointments are incredibly powerful to drive foot traffic. In fact, 64% of respondents said they typically spend or invest more in products or services after in-person appointments, according to JRNI’s 2018 Consumer Behavior Research.

                                                                                                                            Scheduling in-store appointments allows retailers to give customers personalized servicessomething they can’t receive online. For example, customers can meet with in-store stylists for recommendations about what styles best fit them for suits or dresses.

                                                                                                                            By offering appointments, there are enormous opportunities for upselling and cross-selling; for example, for customers getting fitted for suits, in-store stylists can offer suggestions for shirts, belts, and shoes.

                                                                                                                            For customers looking for the right dresses, in-store stylists can offer recommendations for accessories such as jewelry and handbags. These appointments deepen customer relationships because of the time and attention given.

                                                                                                                            Read more: How to choose an enterprise appointment scheduling solution.

                                                                                                                            Read more: The ROI of appointment scheduling

                                                                                                                            7. Events

                                                                                                                            Hosting events and providing entertainment in physical stores can boost retailers’ annual sales by 14% on average, according to Barclaycard.

                                                                                                                            Events are also effective for increasing foot traffic and creating exciting customer experiences. Hosting in-store events allow brands to give their customers live experiences and interactions with them, which generate loyalty.

                                                                                                                            With events, brick and mortar retailers can invite customers to the launch of new products, or they can have them attend VIP gatherings with exclusive promotions or offerings.

                                                                                                                            If retailers are opening new stores, they can turn them into events by inviting customers to preview sales with in-store promotions. Events can even produce benefits to brands’ bottom lines.

                                                                                                                            8. In-store experts

                                                                                                                            One of a brand’s biggest competitive advantages is its in-store staff, and retailers must build their brands around them. These individuals can share their extensive knowledge of products and services with customers, illustrating that their products and services greatly outweigh any ones that customers might consider to purchase from competitors. Speaking with in-store experts can help consumers find the best products or services for them because in-store staff can provide tailored recommendations.

                                                                                                                            As with appointments, in-store experts have opportunities to upsell and cross-sell to consumers. For example, consumers might be in the market for a certain type of smartphone, but after speaking with in-store representatives, they might actually want to purchase a different smartphone than originally envisioned. After all, knowledge is power, and this knowledge can create powerful in-store experiences.

                                                                                                                            9. Loyalty programs

                                                                                                                            Loyalty programs are the pinnacle of brands’ experiences with their consumers. Customers who’ve joined loyalty clubs are brands’ biggest fans because they either consistently purchase products or services from them or they enjoy their experiences with them.

                                                                                                                            With loyalty programs, retailers have opportunities to take their customer relationships to the next level. They can establish deeper connections with their top customers by knowing their preferred products or services and their purchase histories. These insights allow brands to customize promotions and offerings to customers who’ve voluntarily opted into their favorite brands.

                                                                                                                            How top retailers drive in-store traffic

                                                                                                                            From keeping inventory fresh to building stores of the future, retailers are savvy in their strategies to increase foot traffic. Here are some examples from top brands:

                                                                                                                            TJ Maxx

                                                                                                                            American department store chain TJ Maxx is known for its creative ways for bringing customers in-store, especially by keeping inventory fresh.

                                                                                                                            The brand has a motto of “door to floor in 24,” meaning that the retailer’s goal is to distribute products on the floor within 24 hours of delivery. This strategy results in consumers purchasing goods at faster pacesan average of 25 days versus 100 days that traditional stores such as Macy’s typically see per inventory turn.

                                                                                                                            This approach keeps styles fresh, so customers can almost always find new merchandise with every visit. And with products at discount prices, potential customers will undoubtedly flock to their nearest TJ Maxx for some great in-store sales.


                                                                                                                            Athletic apparel maker Lululemon’s name alone might draw customers in-store, but when consumers shop in some of the brand’s stores, they might notice new layouts and designs.

                                                                                                                            The innovative retailer recently unveiled a new in-store format, designed to create more immersive shopping experiences, according to Chain Store Age. In July, Lululemon plans to debut a 25,000-square-foot “experiential” store in Chicago that will include yoga studios, mediation spaces, healthy juice and food selections, and community gathering areas.

                                                                                                                            The goal? To develop stronger relationships between the brand and its loyal customers.

                                                                                                                            “We believe we are operating from a position of strength as we invest in creating dynamic experiential moments for our communities to connect and come together,” said Lululemon CEO Calvin McDonald.

                                                                                                                            Ulta Beauty

                                                                                                                            Beauty store chain Ulta Beauty is mastering the in-store experience by unveiling stores of the future, or what it’s calling “digital innovation ecosystems.”

                                                                                                                            According to Retail Info Systems, the U.S. beauty giant is set to expand internationally to Canada and is planning numerous store openings. In fiscal 2019, the retailer is eyeing to open about 80 new stores, remodel 12 stores, relocate eight stores, and perform 270 store refreshes.

                                                                                                                            In these stores, Ulta is using various technologies to drive consumers from the web to the store via chatbots, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality. Perhaps most interesting is that Ulta’s “Ultimate Rewards” loyalty program now has 32.6 million active members, growing 14% on a rolling 12-month basis, according to Retail Info Systems.

                                                                                                                            This growth signals that consumers are extremely loyal to Ulta and that the retailer honors them by delivering personalized offers, which can help to drive in-store traffic.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more about recent changes in consumer behavior? Then check out our recent research report: "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement".

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                            Why top brands use appointment scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-use-appointment-scheduling-software Fri, 28 Jun 2019 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/why-use-appointment-scheduling-software

                                                                                                                            Imagine this scenario: You’re in the market for a new suit. You want to buy the best-fitting suit, so you want to meet with an in-store stylist for a fitting consultation. After all, a suit is an investment piece in your wardrobe, and you want to ensure that it’s the right fit and style that’ll last a lifetime.

                                                                                                                            You research suits online, and find one at your favorite retailer that you think might best fit you. You go to make an appointment online, and you realize that the retailer doesn’t have that option available.

                                                                                                                            How do you schedule your appointment? You have to pick up the phone, and call the store. When speaking with the stylist, you scramble to view your calendar on your phonesince you’re on the goto find the best day and time to book an appointment. After some back and forth on availability, you confirm your appointment for Saturday, June 29, at 10 a.m. And then, finally, you put the appointment in your calendar as a reminder.

                                                                                                                            Imagine how easy it would have been if you booked the appointment onlinewhere you could’ve seen the stylist’s availability, picked the best time for you, and it would have automatically been added to your calendar.

                                                                                                                            The good news is that some retailers and banks have appointment booking capabilities, which create powerful experiences for both consumers and brands. The benefits of appointment scheduling software extends to both customers and businesses. Customers can seamlessly connect with brands at times that are most convenient to them, and retailers and banks can increase their customer engagement, loyalty, and conversion.

                                                                                                                            What is online appointment scheduling software?

                                                                                                                            Appointment booking software easily allows customers to schedule and update appointments via web-based systems. The technology is available 24 hours per day, seven days a week, and can integrate with various customer relationship management tools. It also offers the ability to capture scheduling statistics, accept online payments, and send automated notifications like an SMS and email appointment reminder.

                                                                                                                            Customers can book appointments with the right people (in-store and in-branch staff) at the right time, saving employees a tremendous amount of time trying to arrange appointment logistics via phone and shuffle through various calendars. The collective data that companies can glean from an online scheduling tool allows them to gather deeper customer insights, and provide exceptional customer experiences. As a result, businesses can strengthen their customer relationships, which creates more revenue and loyalty.

                                                                                                                            Why use online scheduling software?

                                                                                                                            Benefits for customers

                                                                                                                            The primary advantage of using appointment scheduling software is the accuracy and convenience for customers, which allow them to schedule appointments in real-time with a click of a mouse.

                                                                                                                            Customers can easily update scheduling information, view in-store staff availability through calendars, and purchase services via secured payment options. Perhaps the greatest consumer benefit is how much time an online scheduling platform saves them. Consumers can quickly sign online to book an appointment and don’t have to call stores or branches to speak with staff to make their appointments. The entire online scheduling experiencefrom selecting the most convenient time to receiving automated appointment reminderscan be done wherever consumers areat home, in the office, or on the go. Plus, this automation ensures customers are aware of their upcoming appointment.

                                                                                                                            Benefits for businesses

                                                                                                                            There are also tremendous benefits for businesses. Brands can use online appointment scheduling software to drive foot traffic back into their stores and branches by creating personalized experiences that customers won’t receive online; for example, in-store fittings for suits where consumers can receive personalized and expert recommendations from staff. And imagine the upsell opportunity for tailoring once the appointment with a stylist is set!

                                                                                                                            Retailers and banks can even give consumers the option of scheduling their appointments via social media to increase engagement, offering another channel to converse with customers. After all, the most loyal customers are most likely follow or like companies on social media.

                                                                                                                            Businesses can also use the technology to give their employees an at-a-glance view of all customer interactions, highlighting key behavior patterns that can result in them offering deeper recommendations to their customers. With consumers’ information such as their purchase histories or personal interests, in-store staff can deliver highly tailored experiences that make customers feel appreciated because of the time and attention given to them.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, scheduling software provides automated reminders, which translates into less no-shows. No missed appointments, no wasted employee time! With features to reschedule, an online appointment scheduler also helps reduce cancellations as customers can easily manage the process on their own. This all gives more time back to your employees.

                                                                                                                            The most important benefit for retailers is that online appointment scheduling drives conversion, which can yield increased basket sizes of 3X-10X.

                                                                                                                            According to a First Insight Report, 71% of shoppers spend $50 or more when shopping in-store, signaling that consumers purchase significantly more per visit in-store than online. Additionally, 64% of respondents said they typically spend or invest more in products or services after in-person appointments.

                                                                                                                            71% of shoppers spend $50 or more when shopping in-store, signaling that consumers purchase significantly more per visit in-store than online

                                                                                                                            For financial institutions using an online appointment solution, the benefits are also clear with 90% of these appointments resulting in new accounts opened and new balances gained.

                                                                                                                            Who uses online booking software?

                                                                                                                            There are some examples of major brands in retail and banking that use online scheduling software. Let’s take a look at some examples, and the results they’ve achieved with an appointment scheduling solution:

                                                                                                                            John Lewis & Partners

                                                                                                                            John Lewis & Partners is a chain of high-end department stores with 49 shops operating throughout the U.K. While steeped from years of selling products and services in traditional manners, the retailer moved toward delivering engaging experiences to their customers by offering 22 in-store and at-home services that start with in-person consultation appointments.

                                                                                                                            Over the past three years, John Lewis & Partners tripled its appointment volume by delivering exceptional customer service, which builds stronger customer relationships and has been a strategic business initiative.

                                                                                                                            Oriental Bank

                                                                                                                            Oriental Bank is one of Puerto Rico’s largest banks that experienced long branch wait times for customers. The bank had little to no visibility into their customer volume, which made it difficult to resource staff appropriately. It also needed more accurate customer data to provide continuous improvements to service.

                                                                                                                            Oriental Bank reduced its wait times by more than 50% for customers who booked appointments online. It also registered more than 13,000 scheduled appointments in its first month using appointment scheduling software. Accessing more insightful customer data, the bank can now continuously improve its customer service strategies to provide exceptional experiences.

                                                                                                                            Bank of America, Apple, and the U.S. Government’s Global Entry program are also effectively using appointment scheduling software:

                                                                                                                            Bank of America

                                                                                                                            A financial leader in the U.S., Bank of America has an easy-to-use online booking system that allows consumers to speak with financial specialists at their convenience. Customers can manage and reschedule their appointments, and they can provide details in advance about discussion items so that specialists are prepared to have engaging and helpful conversations with them.


                                                                                                                            One of the kings of customer service and one of the world’s most iconic brands, Apple provides a booking portal that puts the power of convenience directly into consumers’ hands. Customers can make in-store appointments at Apple’s Genius Bar directly from the site, allowing them to view a calendar of available appointments and selecting a store that’s most convenient for them. Customers can simply pick the date and time for their in-store appointments, and they receive an automated reminder via email and text. View Apple’s online appointment scheduling portal here.

                                                                                                                            U.S. Government’s Global Entry Program

                                                                                                                            The U.S. Government’s Global Entry program, which permits expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers entering the U.S., enables people to schedule in-person appointments for applications. Customers can view a calendar to select the date, time, and location for their in-person appointments, and they can even schedule multiple appointments for multiple people; a great feature for families applying for Global Entry.

                                                                                                                            What should I look for in a scheduling solution?

                                                                                                                            It might be difficult to select the best type of online booking software, but it’s crucial for brands to have complete visibility into valuable customer data to increase conversions. No matter the company size, there’s a solution for all brands.

                                                                                                                            However, to achieve the best possible results, large companies need a true enterprise-scale software solution that can grow with their businesses and provide the deep intelligence that’s needed to succeed in today’s competitive market.

                                                                                                                            Learn more: The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling solutions

                                                                                                                            Large companies need a true enterprise-scale software solution that can grow with their businesses and provide the deep intelligence that’s needed to succeed in today’s competitive market.

                                                                                                                            What are trends in appointment scheduling?

                                                                                                                            Online appointment scheduling has certainly transformed over the past few years, boasting slick and easy-to-use interfaces as more retailers and banks roll out the technology to their customers. What’s next for appointment scheduling software, and how will it advance from the services of today to make an even greater impact for consumers, tomorrow? Artificial intelligence, deeper personalization, and on-the-go scheduling are three of the major trends we’re keeping an eye on toward the future:

                                                                                                                            Artificial intelligence

                                                                                                                            While we’re far off from true artificial intelligence (where actual robots with human empathy will undoubtedly help us to do more work in less time, especially in corporate workplaces), we’re in the midst of machine learning and robotic process automation (RPA); two critical components that lead toward artificial intelligence. Machine learning and RPA are helping to understand our online behaviors by undertaking easy and repeatable tasks. These systems are helping software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed, according to TechTarget.

                                                                                                                            As machine learning and RPA advance, speed will become an even more critical factor. For customers, speed means that they’ll be able to schedule their appointments even faster because their online appointment scheduling software already knows their behaviors and interests. As a result, customers can receive even more individualized serviced. For retailers and banks, this can result in significant cost savings and greater dividends.

                                                                                                                            Deeper personalization

                                                                                                                            Advancements in machine learning and RPA also create more opportunities for deeper personalization. The smarter our computers and online systems become, the more data we’ll have to make more informed decisions about our customers and their online behaviors.

                                                                                                                            For example, knowing more about customers’ buying profiles, which include preferred locations for in-store and in-branch appointments, best availability to schedule appointments based on previous appointments, and opportunities for cross-sell and upsell, can help increase the overall in-store and in-branch experience. This will inevitably save consumers time and help them schedule their online appointments even faster. And retailers will be able to establish stronger relationships with their customers.

                                                                                                                            On-the-go scheduling

                                                                                                                            According to GSMA, there are nearly 9 billion mobile connections worldwide, illustrating a ripe opportunity for brands to reach consumers on their most personal devicetheir mobile phones.

                                                                                                                            As today’s digital consumers are constantly on the go, retailers and banks must offer scheduling opportunities via mobile devices. It’s a convenient and easy way for customers to schedule appointments. Brands need to reach consumers wherever they are, and most customers aren’t with their computers all the time. Customers will always have their phones with them so consumers should have the opportunity to schedule, cancel, or update appointments while on the go. They can also easily access their calendars to view upcoming appointments or receive reminders via email and text. Not to mention, mobile provides a great personalized experience that can lead customers back into stores by building loyalty through exclusive promotions and offerings sent directly to them.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more about the benefits of managing appointments with scheduling software? Then download our eBook to learn more about the ROI of appointment scheduling software.

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.
                                                                                                                            The complete guide to enterprise appointment scheduling https://www.jrni.com/blog/guide-to-enterprise-appointment-scheduling Mon, 24 Jun 2019 14:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/guide-to-enterprise-appointment-scheduling

                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling software increases customer loyalty, grows revenue, and drives down costs. Today, it's used by countless retail, banking, technology, and telecommunications companies as part of their customer engagement strategies.

                                                                                                                            Because of its effectiveness, appointment scheduling has become increasingly popular. With so many options on the market, however, it can be overwhelming to evaluate, review, and choose a trustworthy partner. Thorough evaluation is a worthy time investment to ensure you choose the right partner that can scale with your business.

                                                                                                                            In this guide, we'll cover:

                                                                                                                            • What is appointment scheduling software?
                                                                                                                            • Industry trends and appointment scheduling
                                                                                                                            • The benefits of enterprise software
                                                                                                                            • What companies are seeing great results
                                                                                                                            • The various types of software
                                                                                                                            • How different teams use appointment solutions
                                                                                                                            • How to evaluate vendors
                                                                                                                            • What to look for in a solution

                                                                                                                            What is appointment scheduling software?

                                                                                                                            At its core, appointment scheduling software allows consumers to book an appointment with a service provider via a website, mobile application, or kiosk, with no need for staff members to manually ensure the appointments are scheduled.

                                                                                                                            For executives and managers, appointment scheduling software should include:

                                                                                                                            • Multi-mode appointments that allow you to offer many different types of appointments.
                                                                                                                            • An easy way to manage multiple locations.
                                                                                                                            • Customizable pre-booking questions that provide deeper insight into what customers want out of each appointment.
                                                                                                                            • Centralized dashboards that give executives and managers an easy way to track KPIs and find areas for improvement.
                                                                                                                            • Key metrics such as capacity utilization, cancellation rates, top locations, most popular appointment types, appointment outcomes, and more.

                                                                                                                            On the customer-facing side of the platform, appointment scheduling software should include:

                                                                                                                            • An intuitive, easy-to-use customer portal that allows organizations to build seamless experiences that make it simple for customers to book appointments
                                                                                                                            • Real-time, automated booking that shows staff availability so customers can always find the best time slot for them.
                                                                                                                            • Personalized notifications and reminders that reduce appointment abandonment and improve the customer experience.
                                                                                                                            • A quick and easy way to cancel or reschedule appointments to ensure staff resources aren’t wasted on rescheduling customers manually.
                                                                                                                            • The ability to book an appointment through multiple channels, such as SMS, chatbots, email, and even face-to-face.

                                                                                                                            When customers don’t have to call or email you to set up an appointment, and staff don’t have to wade through spreadsheets or paper-based appointment systems, you’re taking a major step toward a more seamless omnichannel customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Industry trends and appointment scheduling

                                                                                                                            The growing importance of appointments in retail industries - consumer goods and retail banking in particular - is not happening in a vacuum. The use of appointment scheduling software, especially at the enterprise level, is part of the shift in how consumers prefer to interact with their providers.

                                                                                                                            In this section, we’ll take a deep dive into two industries, consumer goods retailing and retail banking, to understand how broad industry trends are driving the adoption of appointments as part of the customer service model.

                                                                                                                            Retail industry trends and appointments

                                                                                                                            • Serving the omnichannel consumer - During the early years of the so-called retail apocalypse, retailers were scrambling to figure out what to do about “showrooming” - when consumers come into the store to see, touch, and compare items before leaving and buying them online. The pendulum quickly swung the other way, however, and consumers began “webrooming,” which is when they do research online and then go into a store to make a purchase. The fact is that different buyer personas have different ways of moving through their decision-making process before buying. Retailers are starting to understand this, and aren’t thinking in terms of webrooming and showrooming being antagonistic to their goals. They are actively seeking ways to make it easy for the customer to do research, compare options, and make the final purchase through any means they like.
                                                                                                                            • Finding ways to differentiate from Amazon - There are a lot of hard lessons brick and mortar retailers had to learn from Amazon, and while the e-commerce giant did not kill traditional retail, it certainly changed the playing field forever. While Amazon is more or less unmatched in its ability to make finding what you want (and even the things you didn’t know you wanted) and buying it incredibly simple, there are still so many things Amazon cannot do. The retailers who have survived Amazon’s onslaught are finding growth opportunities by going where e-commerce can’t. Highly curated product selections, the ability to interact with experts and ask for advice, and exclusive events are all ways that traditional retailers are winning where Amazon can't compete.
                                                                                                                            • Meeting the desire for personalized in-store experiences - Our research showed the one of the most important things for the modern consumer is personalization of their shopping experience. One way to do this is to provide personal shopping appointments that give customers an opportunity to work directly with an expert who can help them make the best choices for themselves, and find items they wouldn’t otherwise think to buy. With customer attention and loyalty coming at a premium, providing expertise and support for customers beyond the transaction can be a major driver of value for both retailers and shoppers.

                                                                                                                            Banking industry trends and appointments

                                                                                                                            • Moving toward omnichannel banking - Our most recent research focused on consumer attitudes toward retail banking, and we found that consumers crave the ability to do different banking-related tasks through different channels. For example, consumers prefer to do routine account management tasks online, but want to speak to a representative in a branch when solving a problem or opening a new account. As in retail, the goal for banks is to make it seamless for customers to transition between physical and digital channels.
                                                                                                                            • Personalized service to solve complex problems in-branch - Personalization wins in banking, just like it does in retail. According to a 2018 study from McKinsey, consumers are growing increasingly comfortable handling their finances through digital channels, but many of them still prefer branches for complex account servicing and learning about/applying for new products.
                                                                                                                            • Addressing the lack of patience for long waits - Consumers have taken note of how convenient it is to work with retailers that offer appointments and queuing solutions, and expect their banks to catch up. Appointments are a great way to provide convenient, personalized service because they give staff insight into the customer’s needs and eliminates the time wasted by doing basic discovery for every visitor. This increases customer flow, prevents walkaways, and ensures every visit a customer makes is impactful for them.

                                                                                                                            The benefits of enterprise appointment scheduling software

                                                                                                                            Provide seamless customer journeys

                                                                                                                            Customer experience today must be viewed broadly. It’s not just what happens in-store, online, or on mobile platforms, but is the total sum of the experiences customers have across and between all touchpoints.

                                                                                                                            Consumer retail and retail banking have felt the trend of having fewer brick-and-mortar locations, but that doesn’t mean that physical locations have diminished in importance. The fact is that they are touchpoints to be thought of as part of a digital-physical ecosystem of touchpoints for customers. Your customers should be able to move easily between interacting with digital channels and going to a physical location when face-to-face service benefits them most.

                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling software should be able to integrate with your website and mobile app to allow consumers who are researching your offerings or making routine transactions an easy path to making an appointment and getting the personal touch they need.

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                                            Improve your customer experience and drive revenue growth

                                                                                                                            Appointments are a powerful means of serving customers in a way that got lost with the explosion of big box retailers. Big box retail made massive selections available at cut-rate prices, and spent untold billions advertising those facts. The draw was that you could get everything you needed in one place with little/no support.

                                                                                                                            Even the innovation of eCommerce didn’t do much to change this dynamic, with the main difference being the added convenience of doing your research/comparison and purchasing from your personal devices instead of driving to a store. It’s still very transactional.

                                                                                                                            But competing on price and convenience will ultimately be a race to the bottom - one that Amazon will likely win. Instead, what forward-looking retailers are doing is opting out of that race and are letting service and expertise be their differentiator. Appointments are a powerful way to facilitate that. For example, fashion retailers are using personal shopping appointments as a means of building deep relationships with engaged customers and increasing basket size. Personal shopping appointments are a way for your expert shoppers to have a face-to-face session and create a unique shopping experience with valuable customers.

                                                                                                                            According to the Business of Fashion, retailers who are effectively implementing personal shopping appointments are seeing direct impact on their revenues.

                                                                                                                            “It can increase a sale to grow almost 100 percent on average,” Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at market research firm The NPD Group, told Business of Fashion. “Imagine a person going into a store to buy a new skirt; personal shopping can turn that skirt into an outfit.”

                                                                                                                            After implementing our appointment scheduling solution, one of JRNI’s customers with over 250 stores noticed that customers who schedule and attend appointments spend 4x more than walk-ins. Another multinational retailer saw basket sizes increase 3x for customers who had scheduled appointments over those who did not.

                                                                                                                            Maximize your staff productivity

                                                                                                                            With an appointment-enabled service model, skilled staff will be less subject to the peaks and valleys of a typical day where the ebbs and flows of customers dictate their workloads. Appointment scheduling makes it possible for staff to know exactly who they will be helping in a given shift, and be able to come to those appointments prepared to serve the customer effectively.

                                                                                                                            Employee downtime is a major cost driver for service-based businesses such as retail or banking. A steady stream of appointments will keep staff productive and focused on serving customers, rather than passively waiting for someone to walk into a store.

                                                                                                                            Design your customer journey with custom or pre-built workflows

                                                                                                                            No two organizations will provide the same services, products, or overall customer journeys, so your appointment scheduling solution shouldn’t be limited in what you can input as a customer path. Flexible booking rules should give you the freedom to customize the kinds of appointments you want to offer, what staff will be made available for those appointments, and how they will be tracked within your systems.

                                                                                                                            That said, there isn’t always a need to reinvent the wheel. When we introduced Adaptable Journeys, we analyzed over 70 million bookings and found that many journeys followed predictable paths, even across verticals. The result was that we could offer pre-built templates and workflows that adapt the best practices we discovered to all of our users. These make it simple to create customer journeys that make sense for your customers without having to design something from scratch, or having to pay significant development fees to make alterations to a flow.

                                                                                                                            Automate customer communications

                                                                                                                            Managing appointments at scale requires a significant degree of automation. It doesn’t benefit staff or customers if appointment details need to be changed manually in the event of a postponement or cancellation, or if an employee needs to send reminders manually.

                                                                                                                            To that end, your appointments solution should include automated messaging that keeps customers up to date on everything they need for a hassle-free appointment. This automation is crucial for increasing attendance rates for your appointments.

                                                                                                                            Use powerful integrations with the rest of your customer experience stack

                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling cannot and should not exist in a vacuum. It needs to be an integrated part of your customer experience strategy that works with the other systems you have in place in your CX stack.

                                                                                                                            For example, if a retailer wants to understand its customer base broken down by most frequent appointment setters, or clients with the largest average basket size, the appointment scheduling solution used should integrate with CRM software to ensure that data is properly piped into the customers’ profile.

                                                                                                                            From there, that information can be used to build email lists for targeted promotions, or for data that can assist in cross-sell or upsell strategies.

                                                                                                                            What companies are using appointment scheduling software?

                                                                                                                            JoJo Maman Bebe

                                                                                                                            JoJo Maman Bébé is a boutique multichannel maternity and children’s wear retailer with nearly 100 stores across the U.K. and U.S.

                                                                                                                            In response to being in an increasingly competitive space, JoJo Maman Bébé was looking for a way to personalize the shopping experience for expecting mothers while also helping staff work more efficiently. The retailer needed to provide a more bespoke service by enabling customers to schedule online appointments for the year-round Maternity VIP Shopping Experience, which lets pregnant mothers book appointments for a variety of services including bra fittings, fashion consultations, and baby product demonstrations.

                                                                                                                            In the 10 months after implementing JRNI’s appointment scheduling solution, the retailer booked over 3,000 appointments, with about 60 percent of consumers purchasing items as a result of their appointments. It also saw a significant increase in lifetime value for customers who shopped via appointments versus those who shopped without appointments.

                                                                                                                            “JRNI plays an important role in our strategy to grow our in-store customer experience events,” said Jessica Hartnett, JoJo Maman Bébé’s marketing executive. “The dynamics of the JRNI platform help us to achieve our business goals, which include driving more conversions through online scheduling and in-store events.”

                                                                                                                            B&H Photo

                                                                                                                            B&H is one of the world’s largest independent retailers of photography, video, and audio equipment.

                                                                                                                            Initially, B&H sought to provide an easy way for customers to schedule online appointments with its in-store experts at its 34th Street SuperStore in New York. The goal here was to ensure that customers could have a simple way to book personal meetings with B&H experts to answer questions and explain technical issues with newly purchased gear.

                                                                                                                            Previously, B&H customers could only book appointments over the phone or by email. This was inconvenient for customers and staff, who had to manually schedule and track appointments.

                                                                                                                            B&H chose JRNI for its ease of use, customization offerings, simple navigation, and robust security features. The results of the initial implementation were stellar - over 1,000 appointments booked through the appointment scheduling on the company website. B&H is using appointment scheduling as a key part of its engagement strategy, and is planning on using it as one of many tech-enabled touchpoints in its overall customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Types of appointment scheduling software

                                                                                                                            Developed in-house

                                                                                                                            It’s an age-old question: to build or to buy? Many enterprise-scale companies lean toward building as they already have IT and development in-house. From a management perspective, it can be seen as time and cost-effective.

                                                                                                                            However, when you evaluate the level of complexity involved in creating and maintaining your own appointment scheduling solution, it is quite the opposite. It’s far from just merging some calendar functionality into your website or app.

                                                                                                                            Time and resource strains

                                                                                                                            When evaluating whether to build or buy, you must consider crucial details like security, integrations, payment processing, user experience, and reporting needs. With each of these also comes the need to ensure the solution is optimized for each level of the organization, while still being easily scalable.

                                                                                                                            You must also consider your internal skill sets and time. Building complex and dynamic scheduling capabilities that can accurately automate the appointment booking process and management is extremely time-intensive. It involves researching, designing the application and its architecture, developing, testing, deploying, training, and ongoing maintenance.

                                                                                                                            Ongoing maintenance and support

                                                                                                                            As your business and industry evolves, your appointment solution needs to reflect and adapt to those changes. Top enterprise appointment scheduling solution providers have a quarterly release process, where they will automatically roll out any improvements or new features to your environment. This ensures that your customers and staff are always using the newest version of their platform.

                                                                                                                            Should you build your own appointment solution, it’s up to your technical team to vet feature requests and then design, develop, test, and deploy new updates on an ongoing basis.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, your technical team must be on call to support the solution 24/7/365.

                                                                                                                            Level of expertise

                                                                                                                            When you choose an enterprise provider, you instantly benefit from their years of expertise focusing on specific, similar projects. They will create the best experience for all levels of your organization - from C-Suite executives, to regional managers, to your customer-facing staff.

                                                                                                                            Enterprise solutions are also better at predicting where your industry is going. Because these providers also work with several other customers, they can identify common consumer trends and implement them to keep pace with consumer expectations. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt that enterprise platforms are inherently more flexible and able to adapt to a variety of use cases.


                                                                                                                            In summary, homegrown solutions require your team’s time and financial resources to consistently manage, upgrade, and scale the software. Another factor to consider is that this project is diverting your team’s focus away from your core business, and what they were hired to work on.

                                                                                                                            The end result? A high true total cost of ownership and limited expertise.

                                                                                                                            Free/SMB options

                                                                                                                            For companies that don’t want to use internal resources to build a booking system from the ground up, a specialist service provider is often the best choice. However, there is a significant difference between enterprise providers and low-cost tools built for small/medium businesses (SMBs).

                                                                                                                            Their focus

                                                                                                                            Free or low-cost scheduling tools built for SMBs are typically designed to help with a single use case. This is something to keep in mind if you are considering other appointment scheduling opportunities down the line.

                                                                                                                            You will find most low-cost vendors feature testimonials on their website from hair salons, fitness studios, photography studios, and similar types of SMBs. It’s likely that these businesses have fewer locations, fewer employees, and far less complexity than large enterprise businesses. For example, some free options put a cap on how many employees you can have in your scheduling system. This would be untenable for an enterprise that could have dozens or even hundreds of employees in one location.

                                                                                                                            Often, these SMBs have a single need and do not need customizations, integrations, or optimization of their staff and resources.

                                                                                                                            Ongoing innovation

                                                                                                                            When it comes to evolving a small-scale solution, all software providers typically have some sort of plan for how frequently they will evolve their tools. However, they’re simply modifying their existing product, which is often not suited to keep up with the growth of an enterprise company and its users.

                                                                                                                            Reviews left for SMB solutions include phrases like, “Good software...but could be much better if the software team solicited feature suggestions from the actual users.”

                                                                                                                            Expertise with large enterprises

                                                                                                                            Large enterprises require their scheduling solution to offer integrations with other customer experience and relationship management solutions, powerful analytics, and be designed for omnichannel conversion.

                                                                                                                            Though now free and SMB solutions are making their way into the enterprise market, their products are still designed for small businesses and small use cases. Ultimately, moving from being a product for small businesses to a product for enterprises is no simple feat – we learned firsthand that it takes time, experience, and top technical skills.


                                                                                                                            Despite limitations in features and scalability, the free/SMB option shines when it comes to price. However, keep in mind that price is also a key indicator of quality. Though these options may look cost-effective at first glance, it’s worth considering the amount of time and cost involved in switching providers after realizing that your solution will not scale or innovate as you do.

                                                                                                                            Enterprise solutions

                                                                                                                            Their focus

                                                                                                                            Like most enterprise SaaS companies, these providers are always evolving. Though most have origins rooted in appointment scheduling, many have expanded to focus on omnichannel conversion as a whole. Thus, queuing and event management can frequently be seen as part of the “total package” that enterprise solutions offer.

                                                                                                                            Since large companies already have several types of software embedded in their workflows and processes, enterprise providers must have a marketplace of pre-built integrations and apps. This ensures that appointment scheduling solutions are a helpful add-on, not an entirely separate system.


                                                                                                                            Enterprise solutions provide various opportunities for customization. Even better, they can consult you on what should be customized versus what should be standard. These vendors should have years of experience testing different layouts and calendar views, so they can recommend what’s best for conversion right off the bat.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, you can leverage enterprise vendors’ APIs to build your own custom apps that extend the platform’s core capabilities. This, combined with powerful integrations, means you can capture and analyze data in any way you’d like. This makes determining ROI a breeze.

                                                                                                                            Level of expertise

                                                                                                                            Reference calls and case studies are a great indicator of proven success. When reviewing them, don’t simply look at brand names of current customers, but also look for data that shows scalability, volume, relationship tenure, and ROI.

                                                                                                                            Another way to gauge expertise is to ensure your project stakeholders are on calls with vendors along the way. For example, if your CTO is particularly interested in security, you should have the option for your team to meet your vendor’s security and technical leadership and address any concerns.


                                                                                                                            With an enterprise solution comes an entirely different pricing structure than homegrown and free/SMB options. Price is based on multiple factors and is specific to your individual use cases.

                                                                                                                            Consider the ROI associated with appointment scheduling:

                                                                                                                            • 80% increase in conversion
                                                                                                                            • Up to 5x increases in customer spend
                                                                                                                            • Up to a 50% cost reduction (after using appointments data to optimize physical locations and staff)

                                                                                                                            With results like that, an enterprise solution is the safest investment.

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                                            What to look for in an enterprise appointment scheduling solution

                                                                                                                            Ultimately, using scheduling software will elevate your customer experience strategy. When considering an enterprise solution, there’s countless elements to consider, such as:

                                                                                                                            • Customer experience
                                                                                                                            • Staff experience
                                                                                                                            • Executive experience
                                                                                                                            • Technical ability
                                                                                                                            • Vendor expertise and support

                                                                                                                            Customer experience

                                                                                                                            Design and functionality are critical elements to consider when building your "booking journey.” That is the front-end process that customers go through to schedule appointments. Besides being intuitive and consistent with your brand, your appointment scheduling solution has to be functional and easy to use. After all, if customers are confused by your online scheduling process, they simply won't use it.

                                                                                                                            In addition to a well-designed user interface, it's important to include other features that help customers book appointments, then prepare for and attend the appointment.

                                                                                                                            Appointment reminders can reduce no-shows, and keep your employees' days organized and on time. Whether sent as SMS reminders and/or email reminders, notifications ensure that customers are bringing the correct items or information to their appointment. Within these emails, you should also include a download link so customers can add it to their calendar, and the ability to reschedule, confirm or cancel meetings in advance.

                                                                                                                            Another important feature that improves the customer experience are booking questions which are asked at the time of scheduling the appointment. Booking questions collect information from customers about their upcoming visit, so that staff don't have to spend the customer's valuable time asking those introductory questions. This also helps staff prepare for the appointment in advance, so they can gather the necessary paperwork or items to bring, and delight the customer rather than run out in the middle of the appointment.

                                                                                                                            Staff experience

                                                                                                                            Staff will be the most frequent users of appointment scheduling software, so it's critical to ensure the staff interface is built to handle all their daily tasks and responsibilities.

                                                                                                                            In the employee's centralized calendar view, the most important details of the day's upcoming appointments must be visible. This ensures employees can review the customer's booking questions, preferences, and needs in advance. As soon as the customer walks through the front door, a staff member can instantly begin the appointment. Upon completion of the appointment, staff members should be encouraged to log the appointment outcome, next steps, and schedule the next appointment for the customer's requested time (if any).

                                                                                                                            Employees also benefit from advanced settings, such as calendar blocking and follow-up surveys. Calendar blocking ensures that employees are only booked for appointments during their working hours. Their availability appears as "busy" to customers in the scheduling process. This should help employees feel that their time is more structured, and they aren’t wasting time on non-value-added tasks. By making appointments a benefit to employees, you will have more success in driving adoption and promotion of your appointment scheduling.

                                                                                                                            Follow-up surveys are effective for providing staff with feedback on how customers felt about their appointment experience. For more advanced analysis, store managers can combine follow-up survey data with actual outcome data and start identifying ways to improve outcomes.

                                                                                                                            Executive experience

                                                                                                                            When it comes to enterprise scheduling software, executives are often involved to understand how it's being used, the outcomes when used, and to make decisions about how to optimize their location and staffing accordingly.

                                                                                                                            Comprehensive analytics capabilities are essential to monitor key online booking metrics including volume, outcomes, appointment type, appointment time, staff performance, staff utilization, and lead times.

                                                                                                                            With analytics at their fingertips, executives are able to answer questions like:

                                                                                                                            • Which types of appointments are most popular with our customers? Which are least popular?
                                                                                                                            • Which appointments drive the most revenue? Are our appointments driving revenue growth in a meaningful way?
                                                                                                                            • How do customers like to schedule an appointment?
                                                                                                                            • How long is each type of appointment scheduled for? How long do these appointments actually last?
                                                                                                                            • Who are my top performing staff members across the country, region, and individual locations?
                                                                                                                            • What appointment times are least popular? Are we overstaffed at certain times, leading to excessive employee downtime?
                                                                                                                            • Do we need to bulk up staffing on specific days or at certain times?

                                                                                                                            With answers to these questions, it's easy to make operational decisions to both improve performance and reduce wasted time.

                                                                                                                            For example, if you see that there are consistently no appointments on Tuesday afternoons, but there's a line out the door on Saturdays, you can adjust your hours or staff levels to accommodate these traffic peaks and lulls.

                                                                                                                            Another example is related to appointments driving revenue. When store managers or executives see that one appointment type brings in ten times more revenue than others, they can create targeted campaigns to increase appointment volume.

                                                                                                                            Technical ability

                                                                                                                            When you're researching providers, you should evaluate each vendor's technology and grade them on their level of extensibility, scalability, and security.

                                                                                                                            When reviewing extensibility, consider how the platform is built. Does the vendor have a modern tech stack and offer API integration? How flexible are their APIs? What solutions integrate with their online booking software?

                                                                                                                            Here’s a tip: RESTful APIs are much better to use in scheduling software because they're faster and more flexible – in fact, they were originally created to address problems with SOAP APIs.

                                                                                                                            When you evaluate technical ability, also examine how the solution can be integrated with existing tools. Do you have Salesforce, Microsoft Office, analytics/BI tools, or other software already in use? The best appointment scheduling solutions ensure that you can connect your existing solutions to your booking software for a 360 degree view of your customers.

                                                                                                                            Don't forget to examine each vendor's platform security. Are these vendors all ISO27001, PCI, and GDPR compliant? Do they manage all compliance in-house?

                                                                                                                            After determining that the technology is sound, learn whether the solution will scale as you scale. Does the vendor have case studies that showcase their volume of bookings? This is just one way to analyze whether they’re the best choice to execute your project.

                                                                                                                            Vendor expertise and ongoing support

                                                                                                                            The appointment scheduling space has become quite saturated, with varying levels of tools, and disparate levels of expertise across the industry. Look for a provider that offers 24/7/365 support, and provides you with a dedicated point of contact to make recommendations to increase ROI. This will ensure your stakeholders and staff constantly have a resource to help them.

                                                                                                                            Innovation is another key component to consider. Top enterprise SaaS companies have product roadmaps that outline which new features or upgrades they’ll be making, and when. The roadmap should include feature requests and requirements directly from their customer base, mixed with their own innovative ideas.

                                                                                                                            Most enterprise SaaS service providers also have beta programs, which allow them to secure customer feedback on new features before rolling out them out to their entire customer base.

                                                                                                                            Successful implementation and use of an enterprise solution will result in profitable customer engagements, increased revenue, and better utilization of your resources. Want the downloadable version? Click here.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about the ROI of appointment scheduling, check out our eBook:

                                                                                                                            The ROI of appointments: 3 ways appointments improve revenue and relationships.

                                                                                                                            Goodbye BookingBug, Hello JRNI! https://www.jrni.com/blog/goodbye-bookingbug-hello-jrni Wed, 15 May 2019 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/goodbye-bookingbug-hello-jrni

                                                                                                                            We're experts at converting online activity into real business outcomes.

                                                                                                                            Starting today, we’re excited to announce that BookingBug has become… Drum roll please… JRNI.

                                                                                                                            JRNI, pronounced “journey,” is efficient, modern, to the point, and describes exactly what we’re about: the customer journey. We turn online activity into real business outcomes for your company.

                                                                                                                            Why is BookingBug becoming JRNI?

                                                                                                                            When Glenn Shoosmith and Greg Bockenstette co-founded BookingBug in 2008, they were determined to create a new kind of scheduling tool. Familiar with the pains and struggles of small businesses, the founders targeted these companies and quickly grew to dominate the market.

                                                                                                                            In a short amount of time, we caught the eye of enterprises - retailers, banks, telcos, and government entities - looking to engage customers throughout their journeys. With the company growing rapidly, and the needs of their customers changing, the product evolved to include Events and Queuing, with the ability to accommodate data, security, and integration requirements of enterprise businesses.

                                                                                                                            Today, we do so much more than bookings, so we needed a name that represents what our product is here to do and the impact it has for our customers.

                                                                                                                            JRNI’s mission

                                                                                                                            While our brand is evolving, our core mission is unwavering. We continue to be committed to enabling enterprises to better engage with their customers and help them along their respective journeys toward conversion.

                                                                                                                            Companies are striving to leverage every customer interaction for maximum conversion and revenue. With so much browsing, research, and purchasing originating online, JRNI offers a customer engagement platform that enables companies to interact with potential customers, online to offline, and across lines of business, while providing a 360-degree view of the full customer journey.

                                                                                                                            JRNI is designed to facilitate powerful human-to-human experiences that increase conversion and revenue, customer loyalty, and lifetime value. Forward-thinking executives from companies like U.S. Bank, ANZ, John Lewis, and LEGO rely on JRNI’s AI-driven workflows to deliver predictive actions across touchpoints - appointments, events, concierge, queuing - and optimize resources to deliver superior quality of experience.

                                                                                                                            What else is new?

                                                                                                                            JRNI’s mission is being led by a new CEO, John Federman, a SaaS veteran with deep roots in the retail and financial services industries. Most recently, Federman served as CEO at Webcollage, the leading cloud-based content management platform for the publishing of rich product information and syndication across retail sites globally, through its acquisition into the Syndigo platform. He’ll be based in the Boston office.

                                                                                                                            From the technical side, Co-founder Glenn Shoosmith will be leading innovation as Chief Architect. This role ensures Shoosmith can focus on his passion: building the most complete and effective customer engagement platform.

                                                                                                                            We have a new look…

                                                                                                                            JRNI logo

                                                                                                                            Not only do we have a new name, we also have a fresh new look! We’ve updated our typeface, color palette, and design style to give our brand a modern feel that better illustrates the energy and dynamism of the company.

                                                                                                                            The new brand has a new logomark which you’ll see across all of our channels, publications, and website. So, if you see that 👆 you’ll know it’s us.

                                                                                                                            … and we have a new website! #jointhejrni

                                                                                                                            We’ve carried the new branding across the site and made it quicker and easier for you to find what you’re looking for with more detail around the extensibility of the platform.

                                                                                                                            journey to JRNI

                                                                                                                            Introducing Studio: Improving every CX touchpoint https://www.jrni.com/blog/studio-improves-customer-touchpoints Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:30:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/studio-improves-customer-touchpoints

                                                                                                                            The rise of the digital consumer has disrupted industries like retail and banking with profound and sudden impact. Personalised self-service is the new normal, as are growing consumer expectations for speed, choice and fluidity.

                                                                                                                            This transformation has left retailers and banks stuck in the digital-physical “failure zone”: when companies do not provide a frictionless customer experience, and consider their physical and digital experiences to be completely separate.

                                                                                                                            Businesses are struggling to bridge the gap between these digital and in-person consumer interactions, and it shows:

                                                                                                                            • Only 6% of companies have confidence in their online-to-offline strategy.
                                                                                                                            • Only 16% of consumers think companies adequately integrate online/offline experiences.

                                                                                                                            Studio is our new next-generation staff experience that gives users actionable customer analytics to help them deliver personalised service.

                                                                                                                            With a sleek and highly secure interface, Studio offers a fully integrated suite of modules that support the modern consumer.

                                                                                                                            The best part? Studio helps employees at all levels of an organisation.

                                                                                                                            The impact on customers

                                                                                                                            Today’s consumers find it difficult to engage with services (like personal shopping and retail banking) offered in-store/in the branch. Though consumers expect a seamless experience across online and offline channels, they rarely experience it.

                                                                                                                            Self-service mobile experiences are simple until customers have a question. Stores and bank branches are plagued with long lines, high waiting times, and an inability to access the right staff at the right time.

                                                                                                                            For customers, this means frustration and a lackluster customer experience.

                                                                                                                            For you? Expect abandoned purchases and high churn.

                                                                                                                            Studio creates the frictionless experiences customers desire. Customers can feel in control of their time, with clear visibility of upcoming appointments and events online, and the ability to join queues virtually. When needed, they can also contact a call center and connect with knowledgeable agents who have a full view of all customer interactions, upcoming bookings and availability.

                                                                                                                            Enterprises can now deliver the personalized high-quality experiences customers expect—a huge benefit considering our consumer research found 60% of consumers say they would consider visiting physical locations if they could schedule appointments with staff. Just think of the revenue potential!

                                                                                                                            Screenshot of the Studio interface

                                                                                                                            The impact on staff

                                                                                                                            Staff must have customer insights at their fingertips before, during and after each interaction.

                                                                                                                            A lack of upfront customer information makes it difficult for staff to understand the customer’s previous interactions, purchases and preferences. This ultimately results in both inefficiencies and missed opportunities to provide a great customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Additionally, a lack of upfront customer information often means associates must handle a high level of manual administration work. Unfortunately, each minute that an associate spends doing admin work means a minute away from satisfying customers.

                                                                                                                            Studio makes it easy for staff to provide profitable customer experiences. With a full 360° customer profile at their fingertips, staff can see detailed customer analytics and previous transactions, and use them to deliver world-class customer experience.

                                                                                                                            A user-friendly admin experience empowers branch/store staff to efficiently manage all customer interactions -- whether that includes upcoming bookings, new booking availability, staff availability, or documenting outcomes for effective reporting.

                                                                                                                            The impact on leadership teams

                                                                                                                            Leadership teams and head offices have a massive opportunity to use data as a tool to reduce business costs, make better management decisions and improve customer experiences.

                                                                                                                            Currently, many leaders are complacent with the inefficiencies in their customer-facing interactions, which leads to costly physical assets that are both underutilised and over-resourced.

                                                                                                                            Studio delivers leadership teams the intelligent data they need to make high-impact decisions. At a glance, leadership teams can see:

                                                                                                                            • Customer purchasing patterns
                                                                                                                            • Wait times
                                                                                                                            • Lead times
                                                                                                                            • Capacity utilisation
                                                                                                                            • Staff performance
                                                                                                                            • Appointment/event outcomes
                                                                                                                            • And much more!

                                                                                                                            This wealth of data helps identify areas to enhance in-store operations, increase staff performance and ultimately elevate the customer experience to surpass any competitor.

                                                                                                                            Screenshot of Studio showing bookings per day, etc.

                                                                                                                            The opportunity

                                                                                                                            The opportunity for today’s retailers and financial services organisations is to move appointments and events to the forefront as the most valuable moments to catalyse the digital-physical journey.

                                                                                                                            They must engage digital customers wherever they are, orchestrating a unified journey across the digital-physical divide while mastering multiple dimensions of complexity required to do so.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn how Studio can help your organization climb out of the digital-physical “failure zone”? Then be sure to sign up to speak to an expert.

                                                                                                                            Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                                                                                            How to introduce a scheduling application https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-introduce-a-scheduling-application-into-your-current-business-workflow Wed, 28 Nov 2018 03:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-introduce-a-scheduling-application-into-your-current-business-workflow

                                                                                                                            The adoption of scheduling technology and more sophisticated customer engagement processes have had profound implication on the overall customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Banks and retailers need to start servicing their customers across all channels without hurting their existing business and services while maximizing high-value human-to-human interactions. Those that don't tackle the gap between digital and in-person interactions will quickly fall behind!

                                                                                                                            Let's take a moment to set the scene.

                                                                                                                            Enterprise architectures, by design, tend to consist of many systems and applications, which provide the critical services a company relies on to run its day to day business. Since these systems are the glue that runs the day to day operation, any proposed integrated solutions should be highly robust, stable, and scalable while supporting standards-based data transfer.

                                                                                                                            As a business manager, you must know that the components of your future systems are robust, can grow with your changing requirements and that they just deliver what you need without additional overhead.

                                                                                                                            A critical component of the successful introduction of a new technology into your business workflow is its ease of use within your existing enterprise architecture. The more seamlessly you can introduce the new integration into your daily operations, and the simpler it is to use, the more people adopt it, the better the result and the higher probability a clear ROI can be achieved.

                                                                                                                            Here's how to introduce a scheduling platform smoothly into your existing business workflow:

                                                                                                                            1. Understand the real business requirements and throw out artefacts of the existing solution that are adding no value. Document the expected savings upfront in key areas such as administration, automation, customer empowerment, brand experience. Using business analysis approaches to evaluate requirements may help separate “nice ideas” from ones with real business value.
                                                                                                                            2. Build the new solution in line with the requirements - but make sure the first project is what you need, not everything you might like. Digital transformation is going to be a journey to tackle the items that generate the biggest impact first, deliver them and then move onto the next. Don’t get bogged down in the weeds trying to make this perfect first time. Make it good enough, and learn the lessons so the next try will be even better.
                                                                                                                            3. Work with the delivery teams to make sure it's going to work and get champions and testers who will make it a success from the outset. Share insights, learnings and the expected behavior upfront so expectations can be met.
                                                                                                                            4. Test the solution rigorously before going live. Ensure stakeholders from all facets of the business are included i.e. management, day to day users, delivery and technical teams. We don’t want "sure it will be ok" type assumptions.
                                                                                                                            5. Launch the newly integrated solution and start listening to your teams and champions for feedback. Engage with your marketing team to ensure a fully integrated marketing campaign is delivered, once service reliability has been achieved, to drive demand. Establish the ROI you have achieved!

                                                                                                                            Additional resources to help as you launch your new appointment scheduling solution:

                                                                                                                            Financial services resources -

                                                                                                                            Retail resources -

                                                                                                                            How Waitrose increases customer loyalty with in-store events https://www.jrni.com/blog/waitrose-cookery-school-events Wed, 31 Oct 2018 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/waitrose-cookery-school-events

                                                                                                                            We love partnering with our customers to ensure they are successful, driving revenue, and creating better customer experiences.

                                                                                                                            Over the last three years, we've partnered with Waitrose, one of Britain's famous and largest grocery chains in the UK with over 350 locations, creating a partnership where we developed one of the leading examples of added value services in the market today.

                                                                                                                            Waitrose has used our platform to introduce in-store services and events like cooking classes and yoga, with fully branded booking systems, wait lists, and other features.

                                                                                                                            This helps them differentiate themselves, create a closer relationship with customers, as well as literally delivering new revenue streams alongside the core business.

                                                                                                                            We spoke with Chantelle Morgan from Waitrose to dig into some of the detail here.

                                                                                                                            Can you introduce yourself and your role?

                                                                                                                            My name is Chantelle Morgan and I work across all three cookery schools as assistant Marketing Manager. In terms of using JRNI (formerly BookingBug), my role is to plan our calendar of activity at all schools and post online for customers to book identifying what customers want and when.

                                                                                                                            With three schools across the UK and two in London, we attract a very large range of customers. Our classes range span the spectrum of cuisines, from classic world food such as Italian or Spanish to street food such as Indian, Thai, Japanese, Persian and Korean.

                                                                                                                            We teach a large range of different skills such as different levels of breadmaking, afternoon tea, pastry work all the way to learning knife skills such as filleting a fish.

                                                                                                                            The day courses include vegetarian, vegan and all the current trends in cooking at the moment. We then have our evening classes, which are more of a social experience. Here we teach simple recipes like sushi, pasta, tacos, steamed bao buns, and curry courses just to name a few.

                                                                                                                            What was the situation that lead you to look for a new solution?

                                                                                                                            When I came on board about six years ago, JRNI was still in the pipeline and Waitrose was using SeeTickets to offer bookings. This solution wasn’t scalable and didn’t integrate with the rest of our online presence.

                                                                                                                            We needed a way for customers to book cookery classes from the Waitrose website, a solution that could be accessed by the team from anywhere while providing real time insights on attendees and interest.

                                                                                                                            This way we could keep track of if customers cancelled, had allergies or dietary requirements, etc. Before having a centralised system, we had chefs asking how many people would be attending and we couldn’t prepare accurately.

                                                                                                                            How has it affected your business practice?

                                                                                                                            JRNI makes life a lot easier for us. It supports all of the essential functions we need including email reminders and promotions. For example, using JRNI we can generate a coupon ourselves and easily track how many people are using it.

                                                                                                                            JRNI also allows the customer team at each school to self manage and better plan their week.

                                                                                                                            For the customer, it’s a seamless system. It uses all of our branding, look and feel, which is crucial in the food industry. Imagery of fresh pasta or a delicious meal makes the customer more inclined to book.

                                                                                                                            How have you measured success?

                                                                                                                            The biggest benefit is that the system makes things a lot easier, clearer and quicker. For example, if I want to add a new Pad Thai course or view attendees of a certain class, I can do it seamlessly and instantly through JRNI.

                                                                                                                            We now take over 7,000 bookings a year for individuals through the platform. We also get groups contacting us directly which are also scheduled on JRNI by the team in-house. It’s a truly multichannel solution.

                                                                                                                            The marketing team and general managers can also use JRNI to track our history. When we are planning the next two months of activity, we can look back at the best selling events and track trends to ensure we are constantly putting on the most popular events.

                                                                                                                            Our customer service team constantly has JRNI open on their screens every day and we sell a lot of gift certificates for classes which can be easily booked by their recipients.

                                                                                                                            What’s next for Waitrose Cookery School and how do you see JRNI fitting into this plan?

                                                                                                                            At the moment, the current trends are Japanese tapas (Izakaya) and Persian food. Healthy eating is an ongoing trend as people are becoming more conscious. We even do a vegan macaron course and see more things like this coming up.

                                                                                                                            JRNI definitely supports our expansion plans. We are already looking at how branches of Waitrose could potentially adopt JRNI as well. This could be for any type of activity including product demonstrations or tastings.

                                                                                                                            Last year we even offered some in-store yoga classes using the platform so I’m excited to see what comes next.

                                                                                                                            Want to continue learning about retail events? Download our free eBook, Enhancing customer relationships with in-store events here.

                                                                                                                            Learn how to enhance customer relationships with in-store events - download the eBook!

                                                                                                                            Creating the bank of the future https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-of-the-future Tue, 23 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/bank-of-the-future

                                                                                                                            In the past, a bank's competitive edge came from product, price, and branch network size. Often, the institutions with large branch numbers took the lion’s share of the market through pure locality and convenience.

                                                                                                                            Today, the main competitive advantage goes to the bank providing the best customer experience.

                                                                                                                            The role of the branch

                                                                                                                            Although online banking has become the primary channel for customers to conduct their day-to-day finances, research by Celent found:

                                                                                                                            • 77% of adults in the USA prefer in-branch conversations when needing advice or making big decisions.
                                                                                                                            • 93% of millennials prefer some matters to be handled in person.

                                                                                                                            The retail banking experience must combine traditional elements, like relationship and rapport, with new emphases on simplicity, convenience, and speed.

                                                                                                                            Today's consumers still have some contact with the branch, considering they still need to go into the bank when buying a new product such as a loan, mortgage, or credit card. For banks, this means that in-branch customer service must be seamless, as fewer face-to-face interactions means customers are more aware of the service they receive when they do go in-branch.

                                                                                                                            Yet branch banking is failing when it comes to customer experience, primarily because banks fail to introduce new technologies.

                                                                                                                            This has cleared the way for a new wave of hungry, non-traditional competitors such as fintech startups, next-gen banks, and non-banking institutions. These savvy newcomers understand the value of customer experience and put significant resource towards prioritizing it. This could get even worse for the banking industry with the next wave of challengers: the tech giants.

                                                                                                                            2,000 consumers told us what they want banks to improve. What they said might surprise you. Download now!

                                                                                                                            Technology predators on the horizon

                                                                                                                            Tech giants including Google, Amazon and Facebook have become integral to our daily lives by making all interactions simple, efficient, and convenient. With traditional banks falling so far behind in their ability to use technology to improve the customer experience, these tech giants are closing in with plans to apply their expert knowledge to the financial industry.

                                                                                                                            Amazon has already successfully invaded various industries, specifically retail, music, books, television, and grocery. Now, Amazon have set their sights on banking, and this seems to be something that customers would consider.

                                                                                                                            60% of banking and insurance customers globally have said they would consider switching their accounts to Google, Amazon, or Facebook if the tech giants offered financial services, according to a new survey. This percentage was even higher for younger customers aged between 18 to 34, as 73% said they would try a tech firm’s credit card, deposit account, investment, or mortgage.

                                                                                                                            Gerard du Toit, a Bain & Co partner and co-author of their latest report says:

                                                                                                                            “They’re saying if you come up with an experience as simple and easy as my shopping experience is with Amazon, I’m ready to do that now. We’ve seen this happen already in China, where it’s common for people to do many of their banking activities through WeChat and Alipay and players like that.”

                                                                                                                            There’s hope for banks

                                                                                                                            The biggest weapon in the traditional banks’ arsenal is the branch. Contrary to belief, “consumers continue to see the value of branches for the ‘human factor,’” says Adrian Kirschfink, Managing Director at Accenture Financial Services.

                                                                                                                            Although 24% of consumers say they would consider a branchless bank, nearly 90% of customers believe they will continue to use their branches, and an increasing number of consumers believe that the branch is the single most important channel.

                                                                                                                            Kirschfink goes on to say: “The key to success will be to create a new mission for branches -- moving away from simply serving customers -- to adding tangible value for customers by educating them though digital tools, assisting them through problem-solving and enabling them to make their own financial decisions with thoughtful and well-timed advice.”

                                                                                                                            Just as the rise of innovative technology has intimidated the branch in the past few years, it also carries the key to their future success.

                                                                                                                            If banks can implement the right solutions, they can ensure that their branches are cost-effective and play their part in providing an excellent customer experience. Offering in-branch events like information sessions for first-time home buyers, or “Investing 101” workshops can increase customer loyalty and utilize branches.

                                                                                                                            Before the potential invasion of the tech giants, banks must start investing in the customer experience and technology that will help them compete.

                                                                                                                            3 ways to supercharge your branches in 2019:

                                                                                                                            1. Experience

                                                                                                                            Drawing people in branch for an ‘experience’ rather than a utility has been key in the retail industry’s battle to retain customer footfall.

                                                                                                                            Banks can do the same by offering their customers an inviting space to conduct their personal banking, get personalized advice from an expert at a time that suits them, or attend an informative event on how to manage finances.

                                                                                                                            An example of this is Capital One's recent venture, Capital One Cafés, which aims to market to millennials and bridge the gap between customer and branch. At the cafés, customers can get answers to questions and manage their finances in a casual, relaxed atmosphere. The expansive open layout is “designed to facilitate discovery, conversations, hospitality, education, and community events,” says Ryan Laudenbach, Seattle Market Lead for Capital One Cafés.

                                                                                                                            2. Convenience

                                                                                                                            Person doing banking services on their phone

                                                                                                                            Recent years have seen many banks closing branches in a push to move services online, save money, and modernize the customer experience. Although this has proven convenient for simple transactions like transferring money and checking a balance, many services still require customers to go in-branch. Due to limited available hours, this often means inconvenient lines at peak times and a rushed, impersonal customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Metro Bank has defied this trend by taking banking to a new level of customer convenience, with branches open seven days a week and speedy service to suit the busy lifestyles of their customers.

                                                                                                                            Paul Riseborough, Metro's chief commercial officer, explains: “Service is at the core of our model and at the heart of the banking experience we provide. It's about being convenient in our customers' busy lives and our bank manager's role is to be embedded in the local community."

                                                                                                                            3. Insights

                                                                                                                            The in-branch customer experience is becoming a key touchpoint for modern banks. With customers stepping in-branch less regularly, but for higher-value interactionsfor example, getting advice or buying products like mortgages or loansthe interaction they do have in-branch is important.

                                                                                                                            Research by Capgemini indicates that only 37% of customers believe that banks understand their needs and preferences adequately. But with each customer interaction, banks collect an immense amount of data that could be used to give banks an edge when creating a personalized customer experience.

                                                                                                                            A great example of a bank that has successfully leveraged data to build a better customer relationship is Zions Bank, based in the US. Zions Bank employs big data to derive insights about the growing Hispanic community.

                                                                                                                            In an interview with American Banker, Senior Vice President Juan Carlos Judd explains how data analytics helps “the bank identify Hispanic consumers within its geographic footprint and see their education levels, home ownership, affluence and other factors. The bank then breaks the segment down into groups and identifies financial needs for each.”

                                                                                                                            Based on these segmentation insights, Zions Bank has strengthened their customer relationships and have grown their Hispanic customer base 10-15% in the past few years.

                                                                                                                            To learn more, check out our free Modern Banking research that surveyed 2000 consumers and outlines what they want from banks.

                                                                                                                            2020 Modern Consumer Banking report: 2,000 consumers reveal what they truly want from their banks.

                                                                                                                            The future of retail customer engagement https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-future-of-retail-customer-engagement Fri, 12 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-future-of-retail-customer-engagement

                                                                                                                            Five Retail Predictions That Will Define the Way Consumers Engage with Brands and Who Will Come Out on the Other Side

                                                                                                                            Retail employees discussing business.


                                                                                                                            Digital transformation has impacted every aspect of our daily lives - both as consumers and as businesses. From coast to coast and “across the pond,” as they say, daily news cycles continually highlight another brand closing locations, reducing workforces and eventually going out of business completely as retailers struggle to keep up with online demand.

                                                                                                                            I often get asked the question, “Hayley-Jane, why is this happening?” The reality is that it’s not just one thing–it’s many. The catalyst, however, is the accelerating rate that consumers are shifting from in-store to online shopping, with significant growth in mobile. Just take a look at how larger retailers have evolved in the last few months -Amazon, Wayfair, Overstock, the list goes on and changes daily.

                                                                                                                            Although this is the trend today, it doesn't mean that it will be the reality of tomorrow and that all brands with a physical location should just pack it in. What it does mean is that the pressure is on for retailers to step it up, and find that connective tissue between their online presence and brick and mortar locations to make a seamless, engaging and cohesive customer experience.

                                                                                                                            For those of you who think having a mobile responsive site, social media channels and maybe an app is good enough, you may be on the cusp of margin decline, or worse–becoming a “has been” brand who will eventually be highlighted in a future BuzzFeed Top 10 list of “Brands Gen-Z Will Never Know Existed.”

                                                                                                                            So, now that I have your attention, I want to help.

                                                                                                                            The following five predictions are how I see the shifts in retail playing out over the next 5-10 years. My hope is that these may help you find versatility between online and brick and mortar and create a customer experience for the consumers of tomorrow before it’s too late:

                                                                                                                            Retail employees attending a meeting

                                                                                                                            1. Balance between price, service and quality: While lower-cost shops are likely to become more boutique-like, if they want to keep consumers coming back, they will need to know the margins well to ensure they don’t try to overstretch themselves by being too service driven.

                                                                                                                            Man pushing shopping cart to store

                                                                                                                            2. Online research and in-store pickup/purchase will continue: For various reasons, starting online and ending in-store will continue to be a process for many retailers. For example, post offices here in the UK are closing, and if I’m not there when I’m getting a delivery, I now need to drive 15 miles to pick it up from the depot. In that amount of time I may as well have gone directly to a physical shop! Companies that can support and scale more of this online to in-store behavior (e.g. collection with the ability to try on or discuss with someone) will be more successful than those that keep things status quo.

                                                                                                                            Consumers engaging on a variety of platforms.

                                                                                                                            3. Behavioral Predictability to Proactively Engage Your Customer: Customer engagement is more than discounts and reward points. Really getting to know who your customer is, what they like, what they do (or might want to do), before you set anything up, is much better than trying to play catch up afterwards when they ask you to change something. This rings true for across all industries and applies to all brands– even here at BookingBug.

                                                                                                                            Retail employees discussing ideas for improvement.

                                                                                                                            4. Agility is more than a buzzword– it is THE word: “Agile" is a real buzzword, especially for tech companies, but it should be seen as a company ethos rather than a technology methodology, and is central to providing a great customer experience. If retailers are talking about themselves as digitally native, I suspect they use a lot of the agile methodology to ensure they are open to changing things quickly, and are aiming to try new things so they can experiment with what makes their customers more or less satisfied. Those that have the realization that digital transformation is an ongoing and an evolutionary landscape that keeps you on your toes, will be the better for it.

                                                                                                                            Meeting with employees going over data.

                                                                                                                            5. Customers are becoming digitally native: Introductions to technology are happening earlier and earlier in life–think of those 5-year old children who happily tap away on an iPad! This means that consumers of today (and especially tomorrow) expect to receive an experience that suits them and their lifestyle, and it’s up to you to tailor and personalize your approach to each person (e.g. the expectations of an 18-year old shopper are very different from a 70-year old who doesn’t do a lot of tech-based activities). Brands that are aiming to engage and attract the 18-30 age group must have a digitally native process in mind, as this is absolutely key to providing the experience the shopper expects. An 18-30 year old is not going to expect catalogue-type shopping for example – they want to “try it on,” take selfies, and eventually see stars wearing the same thing as them.

                                                                                                                            Now, I will let you in on a little secret. At the end of the day, no one person knows exactly what's going to happen or how things will really play out. But, we do know change is not eminent–it’s happening, and very, very quickly. Those brands that remain enlighten to this notion, hungry to improve and grow, and stay agile to the continued changes, are more likely to do well vs. those who are stuck in their ways.

                                                                                                                            How can you capture consumer attention now and in the future? Check out our recent research to find out!

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            BookingBug introduces new Salesforce and Microsoft integrations https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-salesforce-and-microsoft-exchange-integrations Mon, 16 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/introducing-salesforce-and-microsoft-exchange-integrations

                                                                                                                            Enhancing its integration capabilities, the platform provides a more interoperable, secure, and scalable solution to its enterprise clients.

                                                                                                                            Today we launch our next generation integration layer which includes powerful enhancements with Salesforce Lightning and Microsoft Exchange.

                                                                                                                            With these updates, we’re continuing our effort to drive technology innovation for our enterprise clients. These enhancements propel our platform to become more interoperable, secure, and scalable, ultimately resulting in faster deployment and implementation times for our customers.

                                                                                                                            Enterprise architectures, by design, tend to consist of many systems and applications, which provide the critical services a company relies on to run its day to day business. Since these architectures are the glue that holds together a modular infrastructure, integration solutions must be highly robust, stable, and scalable.

                                                                                                                            As we continue our focus on the enterprise sector, it was important for us to invest in maintaining our market-leading position and expand on our integration capabilities. This new release does just that.

                                                                                                                            What's new for Microsoft Exchange?

                                                                                                                            Microsoft Exchange is a critical system within our banking clients enterprise architecture. It was important for us to enable a seamless integration between our clients existing Microsoft Exchange application and BookingBug. The new integration is now incredibly simple to deploy and offers our clients a more interoperable, scalable and secure connection between the two applications.

                                                                                                                            The manual creation of calendar items, tasks and contacts in MS Outlook is an administrative cost organizations could live without. Our new Microsoft Exchange Integration is designed to provide a full suite of capabilities needed to deliver seamless, intelligent and scalable scheduling within Microsoft Outlook. The integration increases the visibility of key information, removes repetitive data entry, and increases employee productivity. It also now includes appointment lock which minimizes accidental editing of a customer created an appointment in Outlook.

                                                                                                                            The new features empower business users to be faster and more efficient in their roles.

                                                                                                                            What's new for Salesforce Lightning?

                                                                                                                            BookingBug’s admin experience is now directly embedded within Salesforce Lightning enabling business users to manage all time-based services within one platform including configuring the BookingBug platform.

                                                                                                                            The auto-creation feature automatically creates the booking and customer data into Salesforce when they don’t exist in the clients system and updates the lead or contact record when the customer does exist. The booking automatically updates if any changes take place throughout the booking lifecycle.

                                                                                                                            Both these enhancements will significantly reduce administration and minimize record duplication for our clients resulting in savings on operational spend. An additional operational benefit is that all future updates to BookingBug are instantly available to users within Salesforce due to the simplistic nature of the integration reducing the burden on internal IT teams to manage updates.

                                                                                                                            When is it available?

                                                                                                                            Our new product enhancements are available to all new and existing customers today.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about our integration with Microsoft Exchange, download the datasheet.

                                                                                                                            How Oriental Bank cut branch wait times by over 50% https://www.jrni.com/blog/oriental-bank-cut-branch-waiting-times Mon, 09 Jul 2018 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/oriental-bank-cut-branch-waiting-times

                                                                                                                            In less than a decade, Oriental Bank has had a meteoric rise in the Puerto Rican banking space. In fact, since introducing digital transformation initiatives in 2013, they’ve risen from 9th to the 3rd largest financial services provider in Puerto Rico. While other banks are closing their branches left and right, Oriental has found success by sticking to one of their core principles: delivering superior customer service.

                                                                                                                            As a part of their digital transformation, Oriental either develops technology in-house or turns to best of breed providers (like JRNI!)

                                                                                                                            Oriental’s partnership with JRNI began earlier in 2016 after deciding to implement an appointment scheduling solution across their branches. Now, customers can now use the bank’s site or mobile app to make appointments at the time and branch of their choice, scheduling meetings with product and service specialists. When customers do schedule an appointment, their waiting times have dropped by over 50%.

                                                                                                                            With plenty of appointment data to back up the results, Jessica Lugo and Debbie Sabater, VP and SVP of Oriental’s Retail Strategy team offered more insights into the project.

                                                                                                                            JRNI: Talk me through your recent work on customer experience at Oriental Bank

                                                                                                                            OB: It all started with us looking closely at the customer experience and how well we delivered on the promises of our brand. Our brand promise to the market is that we are different, and so a lot of work goes into making sure that comes true across all our channels.

                                                                                                                            We started with branches, where we still see a large volume of customer interactions. It became clear that wait times and lines were still a frustration for customers, especially if they didn’t know how long they might have to wait.

                                                                                                                            In some cases, they might have come in to open something like a new account, waited for their turn, only to find that they didn’t have the proper documentation. This story will come as no surprise to anyone who has been on either side of a bank experience.

                                                                                                                            JRNI: How far did these challenges extend into how you were able to run the business?

                                                                                                                            OB: We found there was also an “in-branch traffic” management challenge. It was an unreliable and manual process to assign customers to resources with accuracy based on need. Or to move them from phone inquiries to the branch or back.

                                                                                                                            We couldn’t always see visibility of capacity around these matters -- for example, how many customers were coming in each day? For what reason? How long was each type of meeting taking?

                                                                                                                            Further to this, we run a process of continuous improvement in our team, always challenging ourselves to use data to learn what’s working and optimize towards it. Without these signals, a lot of time was spent manually reviewing and monitoring new processes -- so as to be able to calculate “we invested in X, and the results were Y.”

                                                                                                                            JRNI: And what do you think was the crucial impact of all this?

                                                                                                                            OB: Ultimately, because of this experience, we lost potential customers – and potential revenue with it.

                                                                                                                            Across the management side, we also had to acknowledge an unavoidable increased cost of inefficiency. Overcapacity in branches meant idle resources. Not being able to make decisions on real resourcing data added further cost.

                                                                                                                            JRNI: Now, how did you tackle these challenges?

                                                                                                                            OB: Ultimately, the more we looked at it, the more our research pointed us toward a booking and appointment platform that would truly unite our online and offline channels.

                                                                                                                            Because of their broad experience with projects like ours, we felt confident in JRNI's ability to deliver a solution that would work in the real world. The project management support we received made the process run smoothly, and we were up and running as planned.

                                                                                                                            JRNI has indeed helped us both in allowing customers to proactive arrange their visits to our branches, and also better manage in-branch walk-in traffic through the “walk-in” solution that allowed us to holistically simplify bookings and walk-ins, while providing a more accurate and transparent time expectation to customers as they arrived, thus a better customer experience.

                                                                                                                            As far as statistics, booking solution adoption rates are still very low, as we haven’t made much “noise” about it yet, ensuring proper internal adoption and usage.

                                                                                                                            Nevertheless, we managed over 20,000 in-branch customers through JRNI, again allowing us for a better customer flow and proactive handle. Furthermore, tracking this inflow by time slots has provided us the proper intelligence and insight to better equip with personnel our branches and capitalize on idle hours and be more efficient on our operations.

                                                                                                                            JRNI: What’s your overall philosophy regarding the perfect customer experience?

                                                                                                                            OB: As we touched on at the start of this conversation, it’s where the customer perceives our brand as accessible, convenient, and innovative.

                                                                                                                            If you asked them what their experience was with us, we want them to say one of those list of characteristics. And we want to make banking easy for our customers and do what they want, wherever they are.

                                                                                                                            The benefits we have obtained from this project have helped us look farther into the future. It has sparked us a vision of things we would like to do more.

                                                                                                                            To do it right, you should think about how you alter your processes so the technology (which has been thoroughly tested and used by many) is more useful.

                                                                                                                            I think there’s a balance there. Rather than trying to fit the tech into your current way of doing things, you should look to the experts that have thought through that process and built more efficient technology.

                                                                                                                            Want to continue learning about Oriental Bank’s digital transformation with JRNI? Download the case study here.

                                                                                                                            Oriental Bank and JRNI logos
                                                                                                                            How to revitalize your bank’s CX strategy https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-revitalize-your-banks-cx-strategy Fri, 01 Jun 2018 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/how-to-revitalize-your-banks-cx-strategy

                                                                                                                            As digital innovation continues to evolve, so does the way consumers interact with the brands and businesses around them. While banks and other financial institutions have made efforts to adapt to this ever-changing landscape, not all digital transformation strategies are created equal.

                                                                                                                            We thought it might be helpful to share a few key insights and approaches that have been successful for leading financial institutions.

                                                                                                                            1. Provide consistent service across all channels

                                                                                                                            Research shows that consumers expect (but don’t always receive) a consistent level of service regardless of how they’re engaging their bank–whether by visiting the brick-and-mortar, going online, or talking over the phone.

                                                                                                                            However, leading banks have managed to provide a full customer experience by truly understanding how to optimize each channel and the service that accompanies it.

                                                                                                                            In both the US and UK, there was an increase in the rating customers gave their in-branch experience

                                                                                                                            For example, simple day-to-day transactions should be reliably satisfied through the bank’s mobile app or an ATM, while more complex interactions that require expertise and guidance should encourage branch visits.

                                                                                                                            Capital One is a great example of a financial institution that has been highly-lauded for their app and in-branch experience with their famed Capital One Cafés.

                                                                                                                            Leading banks and credit unions have implemented technology, like appointment scheduling, to drive customers with more complex requests into the branch. These are the institutions that are truly able to refer to their strategies as omnichannel.

                                                                                                                            2. Exceptional in-branch experiences

                                                                                                                            While data shows that in-branch traffic has significantly decreased due to online options, branches are an increasingly valuable asset for upsell opportunities and still serve as a place to establish customer trust.

                                                                                                                            improvements to in-branch experiences

                                                                                                                            In the US alone, 67% of customers would visit their bank branches more often if they were given more access to trained staff. This is a huge opportunity for banks, but they simply need to optimize their staff to allow that higher level of customers interaction.

                                                                                                                            Oriental Bank, one of the largest banks in Puerto Rico, was facing a similar challenge. They wanted to give their customers enough face time, while keeping administration time at a minimum. Oriental Bank chose to introduce an appointment scheduling solution for their in-branch services, which decreased customer wait time by 80% and ensured employees were more prepared for each appointment.

                                                                                                                            3. Community building through events & education

                                                                                                                            One of the largest opportunities identified for the financial industry, specifically banks and credit unions, was hosting events to further connect with customers and build a community around branch locations.

                                                                                                                            Across the US and UK, only 11% of respondents had ever been invited to a bank’s event, yet 85% said they would consider attending if invited. This is a great opportunity for established banks to better connect with their customers and educate them about financial planning. Whether services offered include classes, services, or workshops, all are a great way to establish trust.

                                                                                                                            This ultimately achieves the personal peace of mind we all crave around having confidence in our future financial planning – a key element to maintaining a lengthy and mutually beneficial relationship.

                                                                                                                            Were you invited to or did you attend an in-branch banking event?

                                                                                                                            Additional insights

                                                                                                                            As you can see, the financial industry will continue to evolve as consumer behavior and demand evolve. It’s so important to stay connected to what’s happening in the market, and also to ask customers directly what they want.

                                                                                                                            For more recent research results, read our 2019 Modern Banking Research.

                                                                                                                            The state of modern banking https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-modern-banking Tue, 08 May 2018 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/the-state-of-modern-banking

                                                                                                                            Changing technology continuously influences consumer behavior and interests. As consumer behavior changes, so do their wants and needs.

                                                                                                                            To keep up with their preferences, we recently completed our 2nd year of consumer research.

                                                                                                                            The free report, Modern Banking Research, is based on responses from 2,000 respondents and provides a global view of what today's consumers want from their financial institutions.

                                                                                                                            The democratization of banking

                                                                                                                            In comparison to previous research, one overarching concept stood out to us – a concept we’re calling "the democratization of banking."

                                                                                                                            We define this as the freedom for consumers to decide how they will do their banking. It’s 2019 and banking has evolved into a more interactive omnichannel experience. Choosing a bank is no longer limited to the options in your local town square, nor are banking activities limited by the stereotypical “banker’s hours.”

                                                                                                                            The reality is that customers can try out any number of credit unions or virtual banks without boundary. Consumers can even download apps that instantly analyze their investment portfolios, enable check deposits with a signature and photo of the check, and make instant cashless commerce transactions.

                                                                                                                            Customers are now increasingly likely to select an organization that provides interactive banking services in a way customers want to use them.

                                                                                                                            Recommendation #1: Service consistency

                                                                                                                            The research shows that consumers expect (but are not receiving) a consistently high level of service, regardless of how they bank.

                                                                                                                            In fact, in the US, 21% of respondents now only shop for these products online, a 6% increase from 2017.

                                                                                                                            In the US, 21% of respondents now only shop for these products online, a 6% increase from 2017.

                                                                                                                            Recommendation #2: In-branch experience

                                                                                                                            Data shows that although branch traffic has significantly decreased due to online options, branches are an increasingly valuable asset for upsell opportunities and still serve as a place to establish customer trust.

                                                                                                                            In the US, 68% of people would visit branches more often if they were afforded more access to trained staff with better attitudes and a higher knowledge base.

                                                                                                                            In the US, 68% of people would visit branches more often if they were afforded more access to trained staff with better attitudes and a higher knowledge base.

                                                                                                                            Recommendation #3: Events

                                                                                                                            One of the largest opportunities identified for the financial industry, specifically banks, was hosting events to connect with customers and build a community around a branch.

                                                                                                                            Across the US and UK, only 11% of respondents had ever been invited to a bank’s event, yet 63% would consider attending if invited. What an opportunity!

                                                                                                                            Across the US and UK, only 11% of respondents had ever been invited to a bank’s event, yet 63% would consider attending if invited.

                                                                                                                            Recommendation #4: Education

                                                                                                                            Established banks are losing market share to fintech competitors who offer robust and innovative banking services. Because there's such an abundant amount of choice available to consumers, this presents an opportunity for established banks to better educate their customers on their best course for financial planning.

                                                                                                                            Providing classes and advising through all channels can further establish trust between institutions and their customers, which is a key element to maintaining a lengthy and mutually beneficial relationship.


                                                                                                                            Whether you’ve already been investing heavily in tech/customer experience or are just ramping up, there is demonstrable value in focusing on customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Perhaps innovating your online customer experience means improving feature functionality and optimizing your user interface.

                                                                                                                            Innovation in-branch may mean spending additional time training staff and reducing administrative tasks. Ultimately, the focus should be to spend more time creating seamless experiences with customers.

                                                                                                                            To learn more about how banks can adapt to the latest industry trends, view our newest Modern Consumer Banking Research (2019).

                                                                                                                            2,000 consumers told us what they want banks to improve. What they said might surprise you. Download now!

                                                                                                                            8 examples of in-store events that bring in customers https://www.jrni.com/blog/8-examples-of-retail-events Wed, 31 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/8-examples-of-retail-events

                                                                                                                            (Editor's Note: This article was originally published in January 2018 and has recently been updated for accuracy and clarity)

                                                                                                                            In-store events are an amazing way to build genuine excitement, entice new prospects, generate footfall, and engage loyal customers. But how do you come up with an event concept that makes people want to attend and then spread the word among their community?

                                                                                                                            See how retailers are innovating with in store event ideas that attract customers:

                                                                                                                            In store event ideas to improve your business

                                                                                                                            Bringing customers into your store doesn’t just improve revenue through sales, it also entices customers who are excited about your brand and in search of a unique experience. And in such a social media-driven society, there’s nothing better than having your event splayed across Instagram and TikTok. With the right booking system, you can manage attendance, stagger crowds and gather useful customer data to improve your marketing efforts later.

                                                                                                                            Product launch party

                                                                                                                            Inviting loyal customers to the launch of a new product is a great way to make customers feel valued and part of an exclusive group. You also give them the opportunity to learn more about your product, test it out, and ultimately be one of the first to own it.

                                                                                                                            One brand that mastered the product launch experience is Chanel, who enticed customers to their pop-up store on Bond Street in London. They invited customers to not only see, but also experience, their new perfume scent. Attendees also learned about Gabrielle Chanel, more commonly known as Coco Chanel, who was the inspiration for the fragrance.

                                                                                                                            The event also included educational workshops where customers could hear firsthand where the inspiration for the new fragrance came from, and learn which flowers were used to create the scent. Chanel also offered customers the chance to schedule a spot in a workshop in advance, which gave them useful customer data to help with follow-up communication and future events.

                                                                                                                            Book signings

                                                                                                                            Barnes & Noble, one of the USA's longest established bookstores, has managed to hold its ground during the dot com revolution. This is because they are offering customers something that online giants simply can't: the opportunity to have a unique experience.

                                                                                                                            The events that are attracting customers to Barnes & Noble are often book signings with well-known authors and celebrities, who each attract their own following of dedicated supporters. Barnes & Noble benefit from the opportunity to sell books that the featured author signs.

                                                                                                                            Barnes & Noble have been able to re-market their physical space as a place to come and meet authors, attend classes, and even take a comfortable seat while browsing for their next read. Ultimately this results in people spending more time in-store and building a stronger connection with the brand.

                                                                                                                            VIP events

                                                                                                                            In-store event ideas

                                                                                                                            Making your most valuable customers feel special is a guaranteed way to keep them coming back time and time again.

                                                                                                                            Selfridges is known for introducing festive events that make their customers feel like VIPs - including breakfast with Santa, an in-store pantomime, and "Elfridges" personal shoppers. By offering customers the opportunity to access these services and events, usually reserved for those with a higher budget, Selfridges made all their customers feel valued and appreciated.

                                                                                                                            REI offers a loyalty program that includes events as a perk, but consumers must pay to join rather than earn points to enter. Once customers pay, they instantly have access to discounts, members-only specials, and REI events and classes.

                                                                                                                            Holiday events

                                                                                                                            By tapping into holidays and seasons, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving, brands can attract customers who are looking for a special experience. Many retailers are now tapping into this event opportunity - don't miss out!

                                                                                                                            Think sitting on Santa’s lap is just for kids? Think again! Petco focused on making the holiday season magical for pet owners too by offering a photo opp with Santa Claus for their furry friends. In addition to receiving a pet photo with Santa, Petco’s #SantaPawsForACause campaign also donated 100% of the proceeds to local animal welfare organizations. Petco’s photo event was a great way to engage their pet-loving customers during the holiday season.

                                                                                                                            Learn more: How to drive holiday traffic in store with events

                                                                                                                            Educational events

                                                                                                                            Many retailers with a specific niche are attracting customers with educational learning experiences, which brings customers in-store and also demonstrates their expertise.

                                                                                                                            As an example, Swedish retailer IKEA is experimenting with a new concept to educate customers about sustainability. They are turning every store visit into an event, and creating the “home experience of tomorrow.” Customers are invited to become part of the furniture, hang out with social influencers or participate in workshops where they can build or repair household items. Trials are rolling out worldwide with the goal of teaching people how to live with a respect for nature, lead a more sustainable lifestyle and test their zero-waste cuisine.

                                                                                                                            Experiential events

                                                                                                                            Experiential events started taking hold, in this author’s opinion, with the FAO Schwarz piano scene in the movie BIG. Retailers have been introducing innovative ways for their customers to engage with items in the store as a means of engendering a relationship.

                                                                                                                            In the past few years, retailers such as lululemon athletica, Athleta, and Outdoor Voices offered a variety of free and paid events to reach new consumers, and engage with existing customers. In fact, these in store event ideas have become a standard for others in the space, and have set a new standard in event marketing. Similarly, Lego recently opened a New York City flagship which combines their toys and augmented reality, so shoppers can create their own events in a virtual world.

                                                                                                                            Waitrose Cookery School are catering to those who want to give "experimental gifts," with cooking lessons ranging from Knife Skills to Bao-Steamed Buns to Churros and Hot Chocolate.

                                                                                                                            The ability to purchase gift vouchers for the Cookery School, or buy a loved one a full day experience, gives Waitrose the ability to reach new potential customers and expose them to their product range, all while the customer is enjoying themselves.

                                                                                                                            Charity events

                                                                                                                            Events for the greater good are always very popular as they have a "do good, feel good" element. Often, customers are willing to spend a little bit more if it's for a good cause. Affiliating the brand with a charity that is also close to your customers' hearts makes the brand more personable and in return encourages loyalty.

                                                                                                                            Hamleys are showing customers the true meaning of Christmas with "Mission Christmas, Cash for Kids" campaign. Customers are encouraged to bring in toys, or buy at a discounted rate in-store, to give to children who are less fortunate over the festive period.

                                                                                                                            Bring a friend events

                                                                                                                            Word-of-mouth has remained one of the strongest marketing tools for retailers for all time. People are known to value recommendations from family or friends over any other form of advertising. Retail brands are capitalizing on this by hosting "bring-a-friend" events.

                                                                                                                            IKEA held a bring-a-friend event, and invited followers of their Facebook page to "like" the event page to see the secret deals available to people who brought their friends to the event in-store.

                                                                                                                            Those Facebook users could then invite their friends through the site, increasing brand visibility during the promotion. Once in store, IKEA offered friends free food, discounted rates, and a chance to win a shopping spree.

                                                                                                                            Have a great event idea for driving traffic into your store? We'd love to hear about it!

                                                                                                                            Check out our latest research report to learn what attracts and interests consumers now and in the future.

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                            6 ways to minimize employee downtime and improve engagement https://www.jrni.com/blog/6-ways-to-minimize-employee-downtime Wed, 24 Jan 2018 03:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/6-ways-to-minimize-employee-downtime

                                                                                                                            Every company has their busy times and their slow times.

                                                                                                                            Employees often think about downtime as a chance to relax, and chat with peers. But for organizations in retail or finance, this can be very frustrating for managers who want to maximize productivity.

                                                                                                                            A work environment with engaged employees will use even downtime efficiently, and also leaves customers with a positive experience

                                                                                                                            Improving employee engagement doesn’t just make for a happier work environment, it also allows a company to improve productivity and avoid time being wasted, especially during downtime. Here are six ways to maximize employee productivity during slow periods.

                                                                                                                            1. Communicate the downtime policy

                                                                                                                            It's crucial to communicate downtime "protocol" when employees are going through new hire orientation. Reinforce the policy during every slow period.

                                                                                                                            The Container Store is known for exceptional employee engagement. They believe that hiring 1 great person is equivalent in productivity to hiring 3 good people, so they are happy to offer good pay and development opportunities. In return, staff are expected to work hard and this is communicated clearly throughout the hiring process.

                                                                                                                            2. Create a downtime to-do list

                                                                                                                            Create a running to-do list of items that need to be done, but not urgently.

                                                                                                                            Make sure that any preparation to fulfill these tasks is accomplished beforehand so the task can be started as soon as foot traffic slows. Communicate the importance of these tasks during the new hire orientation. By setting the tone as soon as an employee starts, it's more likely they will take the to-do list seriously.

                                                                                                                            A great way to build awareness of downtime tasks is to offer incentives and rewards for employees who complete a certain number of tasks. This encourages employees to maximize their time, and also creates another way to recognize exceptional employees.

                                                                                                                            For more guidance about how to address non-urgent and important tasks, we recommend Stephen Covey’s book, "7 Habits of Highly Successful People."

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                            3. Smooth out foot traffic

                                                                                                                            Every establishment must track foot traffic, and consistently analyze traffic patterns. From there, you can identify gaps and brainstorm how to attract additional customers.

                                                                                                                            Appointment scheduling is one option, but other ways to attract traffic during non-peak times could include special events, how-to seminars, giveaways, and free samples.

                                                                                                                            Here are 8 examples of in-store events that will attract customers.

                                                                                                                            Tools that analyze foot traffic are now widely available, and can highlight trends in how your staff and physical resources are used. Godiva, the luxury chocolate store, invested in in-store tracking to measure footfall at particular times. They used this data to plan staff schedules, and decide when they should host special events.

                                                                                                                            Yorkshire Building Society streamlined their use of mortgage advisors based on information from JRNI. They used the information gathered to reduce admin time by 50% (!!) and now they use free time to provide better customer service.

                                                                                                                            4. Offer appointment scheduling

                                                                                                                            Being able to offer appointments during quiet times is one way to smooth the peaks and valleys of foot traffic.

                                                                                                                            Another benefit of appointment scheduling is that it helps employees better prepare for upcoming customers. In retail, this means that staff can pull the appropriate clothes for a personal stylist appointment. In banking, employees can prepare the correct mortgage applications and have them ready in advance.

                                                                                                                            5. Offer employees the option to leave early

                                                                                                                            Sometimes an entire day can be slow.

                                                                                                                            If this is the case, offer employees the opportunity to leave early for the day. For hourly employees, the time off may be worth more than the paycheck. For salaried employees, unexpected time off is a great surprise.

                                                                                                                            6. Offer training

                                                                                                                            Cross-training employees during slower periods is a great way to improve your team's skill set and capabilities.

                                                                                                                            By using downtime to develop staff skills and abilities, employers are building a stronger workforce while also making employees feel valued.

                                                                                                                            The Container Store is consistently rated as a top 100 employer due to their investment in staff development. In comparison to the average 8 hours of training that most stores provide, they offer all new employees 200 hours of training in their first year of employment. This means they have a best-in-class workforce where staff feel valued and are likely more productive.

                                                                                                                            Conclusion: Improving employee engagement will maximize productivity

                                                                                                                            These recommendations are easy to implement for any location and can pay huge dividends. Slow periods are the perfect opportunity to regroup, reward, and train.

                                                                                                                            New technologies can help by allowing you to predict traffic flow and better understand customer preferences. The correct technology, and these recommendations, will help you ensure downtime is productive.

                                                                                                                            At JRNI, we have the technology to help you and your employees personalize experiences at scale through appointment scheduling, virtual queuing, and more! Learn more by watching the video below:

                                                                                                                            And if you want to learn more about how JRNI improves the staff experience, empowering your team to easily prepare for appointments and provide unique, personalized experiences, then request a demo to speak with an expert!

                                                                                                                            Learn how JRNI can help you deliver personalized experiences at scale. Click to schedule a time to speak to an expert.
                                                                                                                            3 genius retailers mastering the in-store experience https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-genius-retailers-mastering-the-in-store-experience Tue, 02 Jan 2018 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/3-genius-retailers-mastering-the-in-store-experience

                                                                                                                            (This post was originally written in January 2018 and has been updated for accuracy and relevance)

                                                                                                                            There's no denying that technology has changed retail. Brands must be willing to learn from, and adapt to, changing consumer needs. If not, they may follow in the steps of Pier1 Imports, Payless Shoesource, and Sears.

                                                                                                                            One of the most drastic changes has been how today's consumers use technology to research and purchase. Despite the rise of online shopping, Shopkick reported that 82% of consumers were more likely to purchase in a physical store after seeing, holding, or demoing a product. The store experience still plays a significant role in the purchase cycle.

                                                                                                                            Innovative retailers are integrating a number of offerings to enrich the shopping experience with everything from virtual try-on, omnichannel options to better research products while in the physical store, and AI-powered experiences. When you consider that 71% of shoppers spend $50 or more in store versus only 54% of shoppers who spend $50 or more online, improving the in-store experience is a no brainer.

                                                                                                                            So, who are the frontrunners that provide a great in store experience? Let's take a look:

                                                                                                                            1. Rebecca Minkoff

                                                                                                                            Rebecca Minkoff smart mirror

                                                                                                                            Luxury brands are implementing a top of the line shopping experience to maintain a personal and high-class feel in their stores.

                                                                                                                            U.S. brand, Rebecca Minkoff, stood out as an early leader by bringing the ease of online shopping into the physical store, and more specifically, into the changing rooms.

                                                                                                                            Each store has been outfitted with smart mirrors in changing rooms enabling each shopper to browse for other sizes or products that might complement whatever they're trying on. Meanwhile, smart walls suggest new styles when people pass by or enter. They also let customers order champagne while they browse.

                                                                                                                            This digitally-driven shopping experience is responsible for a large boost in sales with 30% of customers reportedly requesting additional items thanks to the smart mirror recommendations.

                                                                                                                            2. IKEA

                                                                                                                            The Swedish retailer is testing new formats for their physical store, taking a left turn from the familiar warehouse feel. Starting in Shanghai, they are testing a store of the future format, creating spaces where a consumer can participate in a variety of activities that aren't shopping.

                                                                                                                            As an example, they are running a "Maker's Hub," where a store associate will work with customers to repair old items, or build new ones. They've created spaces where shoppers can relax and meet up with friends. And to add to the customer experience, shoppers can use their phones to scan items for more information, or for purchase and next day delivery.

                                                                                                                            This is just one way that IKEA is integrating technology into the landscape of the in-store experience.

                                                                                                                            3. Ulta Beauty

                                                                                                                            Ulta Beauty storefront

                                                                                                                            At a time when some retailers have seen foot traffic decline, Ulta Beauty is excelling. In the first quarter of 2021, Ulta saw U.S. sales surge 65.2% as compared to the same period in 2020.

                                                                                                                            Ulta prides itself on being a beauty superstore offering everything from low budget to premium items.

                                                                                                                            For a true customer experience, they also offer a full-service salon in every store with hair, skin, brow, and makeup services.

                                                                                                                            By offering a personalized in-store experience with input from beauty experts, Ulta has created a spa-like environment. Instead of being another grab-and-go store, Ulta's physical store has become a destination for every shopper with the guarantee of having an optimized retail experience.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more about what attracts and retains the consumers today? Then be sure to check out our recent research, "Rewriting the rules of retail engagement".

                                                                                                                            Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                            Banks need to supercharge branches with latest technology https://www.jrni.com/blog/banks-supercharge-branches-with-technology Mon, 04 Dec 2017 00:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/banks-supercharge-branches-with-technology

                                                                                                                            Unless you still hide your cash under the mattress, you’re probably aware of how technology has revolutionized the way we engage with money.

                                                                                                                            Despite being able to transfer money, pay with our phones, and report our card stolen via an app, retail banking is falling far behind the curve when it comes to customer experience. This shortcoming opened up a void for companies that can meet consumer needs for an excellent customer experience.

                                                                                                                            Banking isn’t quite as fast-paced as other industries, so it may surprise you that banking was one of the first to adopt an online approach to improve customer experience. Back in 1981, four New York City banks (Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan, Citibank, and Manufacturers Hanover) started offering an online home banking service. Soon many more early adopters followed suit as they introduced online and mobile banking services that have now become the norm.

                                                                                                                            Online banking is now an integral and expected part of customer’s personal banking experience, but the banking industry has not moved much further.

                                                                                                                            The failure to adopt new technologies to improve customer experience has cleared the way for a new wave of hungry, non-traditional competitors offering a better customer experience, such as fintech startups, next-gen banks, and non-banking institutions. This could get even worse for the banking industry with the next wave of challenges: the tech giants.

                                                                                                                            Technology juggernauts on the horizon

                                                                                                                            Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple logos

                                                                                                                            Tech giants including Google, Amazon, and Facebook have become a huge part of our everyday lives, and have become popular by making the interactions we have with brands and friends ever easier. With traditional banks falling behind in their ability to use technology to improve the customer experience, these tech giants are closing in.

                                                                                                                            Amazon has already successfully invaded industries such as retail, books, music, television, and grocery services. Now Amazon have set their sights on banking and this seems to be something that customers would consider.

                                                                                                                            60% of banking and insurance customers globally have said they would consider switching their accounts to Google, Amazon, or Facebook if the tech giants offered financial services, according to a recent survey from Bain. This percentage was even higher for younger customers aged between 18 to 34, with 73% willing to try a tech firm’s credit card, deposit account, investment, or mortgage.

                                                                                                                            “They’re saying if you come up with an experience as simple and easy as my shopping experience is with Amazon, I’m ready to do that now,” Gerard du Toit, a Bain & Co partner and co-author of the report, said in a recent interview. “We’ve seen this happen already in China, where it’s common for people to do many of their banking activities through WeChat and Alipay and players like that.”

                                                                                                                            There’s hope

                                                                                                                            Customers meeting with bankers in a branch.

                                                                                                                            The biggest weapon in the traditional banks’ arsenal is the branch.

                                                                                                                            “Consumers continue to see the value of branches for the ‘human factor’,” says Adrian Kirschfink, Managing Director at Accenture Financial Services.

                                                                                                                            Although 24% of consumers say they would consider a branchless bank, nearly 90% of customers believe they will continue to use their branches, and an increasing number of consumers believe that the branch is the single most important channel.

                                                                                                                            Kirschfink goes on to say: "The key to success will be to create a new mission for branches -- moving away from simply serving customers -- to adding tangible value for customers by educating them though digital tools, assisting them through problem-solving and enabling them to make their own financial decisions with thoughtful and well-timed advice."

                                                                                                                            Read more: How to add value with appointments.

                                                                                                                            Just as the rise of innovative technology has intimidated the branch in the past few years, it also carries the key to their continued future. If banks can implement the right solutions, then they can ensure that branches are cost-effective and play their part in giving excellent customer experience. Offering in-branch events like first time home buyer informative sessions or investing 101 can increase customer loyalty and utilize branches.

                                                                                                                            Before the inevitable invasion of the tech giants, banks must start investing heavily in customer experience by implementing technology.

                                                                                                                            Want to learn more? Download our eBook "Banking from anywhere" to learn how to embrace technology to enable customers and members to bank on their terms - in a branch or digitally.

                                                                                                                            7 ways your organization can help promote scheduling software adoption https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-ways-your-organization-can-help-to-promote-scheduling-software-adoption Thu, 09 Nov 2017 03:00:00 -0500 https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-ways-your-organization-can-help-to-promote-scheduling-software-adoption

                                                                                                                            Your organization understands the value of scheduling software and has committed resources to implement this software into your systems. Employees must spend time learning the scheduling software, have embraced it and are sharing with colleagues, friends and customers on the ease and value of the software, but there is one problem.

                                                                                                                            It’s not enough.

                                                                                                                            Therefore, your organization needs to get as many customers and prospects as possible to use the software. Communicate the key benefits. Customers need to understand the value that scheduling software provides them before they will commit to using it.

                                                                                                                            Here are a few best practices to promote the availability of scheduling appointments.

                                                                                                                            1. Promote locally/in-store

                                                                                                                            We recommend organizations use both physical and digital signage to remind customers that scheduling software is now available.

                                                                                                                            This can be especially effective if signage is near a line or waiting area. Customers will be motivated to use the scheduling software to avoid standing in line next time.

                                                                                                                            2. Promote via email

                                                                                                                            Promoting scheduling software availability in your marketing emails is crucial.

                                                                                                                            Mention your new scheduling capabilities consistently, not just at launch. Be sure to mention its availability on customer welcome emails after a user has created a new account with you.

                                                                                                                              3. Promote via website

                                                                                                                              We recommend promoting the availability of appointment scheduling by using banners on the homepage and throughout the website.

                                                                                                                              4. Promote via mobile app

                                                                                                                              Digital natives are mobile-optimized and will expect to be able to schedule appointments with your mobile app.

                                                                                                                              5. Promote on social media

                                                                                                                              Create a selection of content and artwork that can be queued to run continuously on your social media channels.

                                                                                                                              If you're lucky, your satisfied customers will help spread the word for you by posting on their social media channels:

                                                                                                                              6. Promote while on hold

                                                                                                                              When customers call in and are placed on hold, do you play music? If so, in between the latest Coldplay and Radiohead songs, add in a little promotion announcing that “instead of waiting on hold, you can now book an appointment to speak with someone at a time of your choosing.”

                                                                                                                              7. Promote on receipts

                                                                                                                              If you are a retailer, announce the availability of scheduling appointments on all of your customer receipts. Just make sure it doesn't cause the receipt to become longer than a yard (like CVS).


                                                                                                                              These are just a few tips to ensure that customers and prospects are using the scheduling software. Make sure you give your internal teams plenty of advance notice in order to create artwork and content to meet launch dates. Be sure to track progress and increase your organization’s promotion efforts if adoption lags!

                                                                                                                              If you want to learn more about how to promote appointments, here are some industry-specific resources:

                                                                                                                              Discover 45 ways to promote appointment scheduling in retail, download the guide!
                                                                                                                              6 reasons why your bank needs a scheduling and queuing solution https://www.jrni.com/blog/6-reasons-why-your-bank-needs-a-scheduling-and-queuing-solution-2 Wed, 27 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/6-reasons-why-your-bank-needs-a-scheduling-and-queuing-solution-2

                                                                                                                              Every bank wants to make their branches more profitable and efficient, but there are countless variables that go into

                                                                                                                              The easiest way to achieve these goals is to implement queuing and scheduling software to better meet the needs of a bank’s customers and employees.

                                                                                                                              Here are six reasons why banks need to invest in a queuing and scheduling solution.

                                                                                                                              1. Customers can set up appointments

                                                                                                                              Implementing a scheduling solution allows customers to pick the best time for them to meet with the bank team member without having to wait in line. This means that customers will be better prepared and ready for their meeting, which means a more productive meeting for the bank.

                                                                                                                              2. Avoid missing paperwork

                                                                                                                              Employee overwhelmed with paperwork

                                                                                                                              When customers come without all the necessary paperwork it is a waste of time for everyone involved. These instances will leave customers frustrated and feeling that they did not receive clear communication about the paperwork required. With appointment scheduling software, it can be a rather simple process to query customers whether they have all the necessary paperwork before scheduling an appointment.

                                                                                                                              3. Banks can predict walk-in traffic

                                                                                                                              Banks can use queuing and scheduling software to build data traffic models that allow them to predict when customers will come into their branches.

                                                                                                                              4. Banks can streamline branch traffic

                                                                                                                              By incorporating store traffic prediction software, banks can now streamline these traffic peaks and valleys. By offering appointments when the branches are fairly empty or when employees are most willing to work, banks can minimize the time people are waiting in line and the chance they will walk out the door.

                                                                                                                              To queue or not to queue: Best practices for queue management - Download the white paper!

                                                                                                                              5. Customers know how long they will have to wait

                                                                                                                              Communicating real-time wait times to your customers allows them to choose when to visit your location or which location to visit if you have multiple locations.

                                                                                                                              6. Customers get orderly queuing

                                                                                                                              Banks practically invented standing in line with their ubiquitous metal poles and adjustable straps as they corral their customers to the next available teller. Smart financial services institutions try to mitigate long lines by offering waiting customers the opportunity to schedule an appointment at a later time via signage.

                                                                                                                              Banks are investing billions in artificial intelligence and machine learning in order to make better decisions about their customers. For a fraction of the cost, banks can invest in scheduling and queuing software to make it easier for their customers to do business with them.

                                                                                                                              Predicting and streamlining traffic makes the branch visit more convenient for the customer. No customer wants to wait in a long line to be serviced. Banks can use queuing and scheduling software along with web, mobile apps and email alerts to give the customer control over how they would like to do business with their financial institution.

                                                                                                                              And while bank employee turnover is at about 20%, a number which is lower than traditional retail’s 65% turnover, banks can do a better job incorporating employee scheduling wishes into their work schedules will result in lower turnover and happier employees. With these recommendations, Banks will be better able to meet both customer needs and employee needs, while making their branches more successful.

                                                                                                                              For more research on waiting in line, download our eBook, To Queue or Not to Queue.

                                                                                                                              To queue or not to queue: Best practices for queue management - Download the white paper!
                                                                                                                              7 mistakes companies make with scheduling software adoption https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-mistakes-companies-make-with-scheduling-software-adoption Wed, 06 Sep 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-mistakes-companies-make-with-scheduling-software-adoption

                                                                                                                              In the Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams, a voice tells him to build a baseball diamond in his cornfield. “If you build it, they will come,” the voice says.

                                                                                                                              Unfortunately for scheduling software this is not true. Too many companies successfully implement scheduling software, but adoption falls flat.

                                                                                                                              Here are the top 7 mistakes companies make with their scheduling software adoption efforts:

                                                                                                                              1. Not naming an adoption phase sponsor

                                                                                                                              To ensure successful adoption, it is important to name an adoption phase sponsor.

                                                                                                                              This person is preferably an executive stakeholder who will be responsible for protecting the adoption budget, leveraging HR support, recruiting internal champions, and ensuring objectives are aligned with metrics. The most critical objective in this role is to ensure that there is executive-level support for the software solution across the organization to prevent any adoption roadblocks.

                                                                                                                              2. Not having a plan

                                                                                                                              This phase is even more important than implementation, considering employees and customers could choose not to use the software and use existing technology. It is vital to have an adoption plan that outlines the efforts to increase software usage, how you will measure success, and ensure that adoption is not failing.

                                                                                                                              3. Not having enough budget

                                                                                                                              Too often companies will spend budget during the implementation phase, and will have nothing left to spend during adoption. Plan on spending half of your total budget (or more) on adoption activities to ensure success.

                                                                                                                              4. Only doing employee training

                                                                                                                              Every employee is vitally important to the success of software adoption and just training them is not enough.

                                                                                                                              We recommend that you identify employees during training who are embracing the software and designate them as software champions. These champions will be crucial to raising awareness and adoption throughout your organization.

                                                                                                                              Strongly encourage all employees to share the availability of scheduling software with their networks.

                                                                                                                              5. Not getting to the adoption phase as quickly as possible

                                                                                                                              With software adoption, it is better to release a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) as soon as possible than to wait for a fully-baked solution. This allows the opportunity to gain valuable feedback from employees (and scheduling software champions) about the scheduling software and keeps enthusiasm strong for adoption phase.

                                                                                                                              6. Not promoting scheduling software across all of your marketing channels

                                                                                                                              Too often, companies don't do enough to communicate to customers and prospects that a new software is now available for use.

                                                                                                                              Use your website, marketing emails, social media, and mobile apps to promote availability. It's important to focus on the benefits that scheduling software provides. Remember that all of these promotional efforts take content, graphics, and lead time. Communicate with your marketing teams as soon as you begin implementation so they have proper time to ideate and prepare for an effective launch.

                                                                                                                              Learn more: Are remote appointments a part of your appointment scheduling solution? Don’t miss our helpful, industry-specific guides! Each has promotion ideas, industry examples, and tips to help supercharge your campaigns.

                                                                                                                              7. Not tracking metrics

                                                                                                                              It's important to track the adoption of scheduling software across your organization. If internal and external usage does not meet your business objectives, then additional training and promotional efforts should be deployed.


                                                                                                                              Scheduling software has a tremendous competitive advantage for companies who implement it. This software allows your employees to be more productive and better understand their customers.

                                                                                                                              To achieve these results, take steps to ensure the software has been properly implemented and adopted. If you avoid these common adoption mistakes, we are confident your company is well on its way to success.

                                                                                                                              7 truths about waiting in line companies should be aware of https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-truths-about-waiting-in-line-companies-should-be-aware-of Tue, 29 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-truths-about-waiting-in-line-companies-should-be-aware-of

                                                                                                                              We've all done it. We order ahead or book an appointment from our favorite establishment and then swoop into the store, breezily passing by the people who are patiently waiting in line.

                                                                                                                              Is this considered “cutting the line” or a necessary convenience for busy customers who have neither the time nor patience to wait?

                                                                                                                              With the advent of mobile phones and technology, ordering ahead and booking appointments is increasingly easy. We can save our food orders on mobile apps and then in seconds, re-order our favorites in advance. We can book appointments in advance at the Apple Genius bar or at our local bank branch, skipping past all walk-in customers.

                                                                                                                              As ordering ahead and booking appointments in advance has become easier and more available, time-strapped consumers are taking advantage.

                                                                                                                              In the U.S., ordering ahead accounts for 10% of the estimated $225 billion in outside the home food spending and will grow to almost 50% within five years.

                                                                                                                              How should companies best implement an appointment scheduling solution while not alienating walk-in customers?

                                                                                                                              Here are 7 things to consider about waiting in line:

                                                                                                                              1. Understand “waiting in line” etiquette

                                                                                                                              As appointment scheduling grows, companies must be aware of any potential resentment from patrons that did not plan ahead.

                                                                                                                              Ironically, pre-scheduled customers might believe that they are actually cutting the line and don't want to be unceremoniously called out by others, so they may choose to stand in line to avoid any “cutting the line” controversy.

                                                                                                                              2. “Waiting in line” etiquette varies by country

                                                                                                                              If you're a global company, be aware of etiquette differences about waiting in line.

                                                                                                                              In the U.S., they call it “waiting in line,” and people who are waiting in line are more than willing to call people out who are cutting the line. The UK calls it “queuing” with plenty of personal space between the people in line and minimal conversation between patrons.

                                                                                                                              While the western world is fairly accommodating and generally follows local etiquette, Asia is a completely different story.

                                                                                                                              In China, the government had to post line monitors before the Beijing Olympics to ensure that people followed the queue rules. Meanwhile in Hong Kong, many residents credit McDonald’s with teaching the population how to queue in an orderly fashion. In India, people are so wary of people trying to cut the line, they get so close to the person in front of them that they are literally spooning that person.

                                                                                                                              To queue or not to queue: Best practices for queue management - Download the white paper!

                                                                                                                              3. Offering scheduling increases customer loyalty

                                                                                                                              A mobile app offering ordering ahead increases customer loyalty because it reduces ordering or appointment friction. The customer must choose between a quick online order or potentially waiting in a long line.

                                                                                                                              Companies should be cognizant that implementing an ordering ahead solution may decrease conversations between customers and your employees. It is important to implement feedback mechanisms with any online food ordering to ensure that your company is getting sufficient input from these loyal customers.

                                                                                                                              Meanwhile, implementing appointment scheduling actually increases the quality of conversations between customers and employees because meetings are now happening at a customer's chosen time. More quality conversation leads to increased customer loyalty.

                                                                                                                              4. Think about your store layout

                                                                                                                              Stores have a variety of location layouts to accommodate customers waiting in line. Most banks have a serpentine line, to ensure order and fairness.

                                                                                                                              Now that customers are able to book whatever they need in advance, there is a third type of line that needs to be provided. Usually this line doesn’t have anyone standing in it, so make sure you have big signage clearly marking where customers should go to make if they have booked or ordered aheadyou don’t want anyone standing in more lines than they need to.

                                                                                                                              5. Don’t forget about training and staffing with advance booking

                                                                                                                              While ordering ahead can be a boon to your customers and your bottom line, ordering ahead changes the well-established process for addressing customer needs. This can put a strain on your staff. Your staff is crucial to the success of an ordering ahead solution.

                                                                                                                              Improperly implemented, it can lead to irate customers and a loss of customer goodwill. Starbucks’ online ordering has actually been too successful, leading to ordering bottlenecks and customers walking out of the store without ordering.

                                                                                                                              At JRNI (formerly BookingBug), we conduct proper training for employees during solution implementation to kickstart adoption and ensure launch goes smoothly.

                                                                                                                              6. Ordering ahead increases order sizes and productivity

                                                                                                                              Consumers ordering on a mobile app can take as much as time as they need to make their order as opposed to feeling rushed while in line at the store.

                                                                                                                              This along with familiarity with the menu results in larger orders than in-store orders. Taco Bell is already seeing 30% larger order sizes from their mobile app. There is a little bit of psychology going on here, too, as consumers might be more likely to order the decadent chocolate sundae via an app rather than via the fast food cashier.

                                                                                                                              By taking orders in advance, stores can batch and streamline preparation, increasing productivity.

                                                                                                                              7. Best to start small with ordering ahead

                                                                                                                              Before you launch your solution nationwide, start with a pilot store or 100 to make sure you work out any kinks.

                                                                                                                              McDonald’s, leery of the pitfalls that Starbucks encountered, launched a pilot “order ahead” program in 180 stores before launching it in all 14,000 U.S. stores.


                                                                                                                              Booking an appointment in advance or ordering ahead will continue to grow exponentially. Retailers need to follow the lessons learned from companies who have already launched so as not to repeat their mistakes.

                                                                                                                              While technology is a key part of a booking ahead solution, companies must consider the expectations of both types of customers (order ahead and order in store) as well as perceived etiquette rules as they roll out their ordering ahead solution.

                                                                                                                              For more information about waiting in line research, download our eBook, To Queue or Not to Queue.

                                                                                                                              To queue or not to queue: Best practices for queue management - Download the white paper!
                                                                                                                              4 reasons why your retail store needs an omnichannel solution https://www.jrni.com/blog/4-reasons-why-your-retail-store-needs-a-queuing-and-scheduling-solution Wed, 16 Aug 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/4-reasons-why-your-retail-store-needs-a-queuing-and-scheduling-solution

                                                                                                                              It's difficult to schedule staff to appropriately meet fluctuating levels of store traffic.

                                                                                                                              Although you can try to use past traffic patterns as an indicator, every day is a new day in retail. Also, employees provide their own constraints with shift preferences, turnover, scheduled and unscheduled time-off, etc.

                                                                                                                              Despite these complexities, the best retailers use a queuing and scheduling solution to help inform their decisions.

                                                                                                                              Here's why:

                                                                                                                              1. Proactively alter daily traffic volumes

                                                                                                                              Have you noticed that your stores are consistently empty every Monday and Wednesday from 2-4 PM? Smooth foot traffic by offering appointments or hosting an event. This will help ensure that traffic is steady and employees are busy.

                                                                                                                              Here are 8 ideas of great events that drive traffic to the store.

                                                                                                                              2. Publicize wait times

                                                                                                                              Customers will also benefit from an omnichannel solution. By communicating real-time waiting times, you're allowing them to choose which location they'd like to visit, and when.

                                                                                                                              Retailers are advised to carefully monitor queue waits and make staffing adjustments accordingly.

                                                                                                                              Some grocery stores are even becoming so advanced that they track the number of shoppers in the store, so they can calculate average shopping time and predict when new checkout aisles need to be opened.

                                                                                                                              Now, even your local department of motor vehicles broadcast wait times. If they can do it, anyone can.

                                                                                                                              3. Ease customer nerves

                                                                                                                              Orderly lines can help customers remain calm. Customers don't need to worry about someone else "cutting them" in line when there is clearly an established system.

                                                                                                                              While at times frustrating, this system communicates that the company wants to be fair.

                                                                                                                              Implementing a queuing and scheduling solution achieves two goals for retailers.

                                                                                                                              First, store managers will be able to better meet customer needs. Predicting and streamlining traffic makes it more convenient for the customer. No customer wants to wait in line to be serviced. Not only can it impact current sales (the customer leaves before purchasing their intended items), but it can also impact future sales (customer chooses a different retailer because their existing store is too busy).

                                                                                                                              Next, managers will be better able to meet employee needs. With retail turnover at 65% for hourly employees, incorporating employee feedback into their work schedules will result in lower turnover and happier employees.

                                                                                                                              4. Use data to make decisions

                                                                                                                              Don't rely on guesswork anymore. JRNI Analytics offers various types of reports that will help you make decisions.

                                                                                                                              • Analytics dashboard
                                                                                                                              • Capacity utilization report
                                                                                                                              • Lead times report
                                                                                                                              • Location reports
                                                                                                                              • Service reports

                                                                                                                              For more information about waiting in line, download our eBook, To queue or not to queue.

                                                                                                                              To queue or not to queue: Best practices for queue management - Download the white paper!
                                                                                                                                Latest in-store innovations that are driving customer loyalty https://www.jrni.com/blog/latest-in-store-innovations-that-are-driving-customer-loyalty Fri, 23 Jun 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/latest-in-store-innovations-that-are-driving-customer-loyalty

                                                                                                                                Modern day retail loyalty is no longer as simple as collecting loyalty points on a plastic card. Nowadays it is the entire user experience which will determine whether customers choose to return again. Retail brands from all over the world are investing more and more in customer experience to create genuine long term customer loyalty, especially through recent technological innovations. By making sure their stores are up to date with the most innovative technology, they hope that customers will have the ultimate shopping experience. Enticing customers into the store is key for retailers, whether it’s with an interactive window display or a new in-store service.

                                                                                                                                A survey provided by Bouncepad said that 78% of 1,000 consumers surveyed want businesses such as retailers, restaurants and hotels to do a better job of using technology to improve the shopping experience. Furthermore, 61% want self-service tools at their disposal rather than tracking down an employee to drive the experience for them.

                                                                                                                                This year Walmart topped the list of retailers that made the best use of in-store technology. Walmart installed touch-screens in some of their stores to help shoppers access some of the information such as prices, searching for items, and redeeming discounts and promotions.

                                                                                                                                Technology is driving demand for the most seamless customer experience, using the newest gadgets and ideas to attract new and maintaining old customers. The bar has never been higher to impress your customers, and the playing field of technology is growing at an accelerated rate. A survey commissioned by JRNI (formerly BookingBug) found out that if retailers improved their stores with more inspiring displays, 22% of people were more likely to go in the UK and 27% people in the US. Some examples of how stores have used the best technology to reflect a positive experience to their customers include those used by popular brands such as Topshop and Pepe Jeans.

                                                                                                                                The atmosphere has always been reported as a key reason for in-store shopping and an area that needs urgent investment. Topshop, has done exactly that by launching SPLASH! in their famous Oxford Street store in London. SPLASH! is a seasonal campaign revolving around the brand’s summer clothing line using virtual reality at its heart. For this initiative, the company has turned its shop window into an interactive pool scenario with a water slide that customers can take a virtual ride on. This experience pairs physical and digital by asking customers to sit on an inflatable at the top of the water slide and wear an Oculus Rift headset. Each rider gets to experience a 360-degree VR ride on a water slide that twists and turns through a virtual Oxford Street and beyond. After the ride is over, customers can share their experience with their friends through social media, including a special Snapchat filter and a customized hashtag. These social integrations help to spread the brand’s message even further and give them a reason to keep coming back, as well as encouraging others to visit.

                                                                                                                                VR is not new, but it is finally becoming affordable enough to be used by brands and customers who have access to an array of devices. This is not the first time Topshop has used VR, and this proves that the brand sees the technology as an enabler of retail experience by helping it do something it couldn’t do otherwise. The store is even pumped with the smell of sun cream with special in-store pop-ups offering ice creams, hair tutorials, summer nails and swimwear personalization.

                                                                                                                                In our recent Modern Consumer report we discovered that the overall retail experience is good, but it could be better in areas like staff help and service.

                                                                                                                                Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19

                                                                                                                                Retailer Pepe Jeans hopes that with the new innovative in-store technology, these problems will be a thing of the past. The brand opened a brand new London flagship store using RFID (radio frequency identification) technology to tag each item of clothing, automatically detecting what a customer brings into the changing room. Once in the dressing room, the interactive screen mirrors will display outfit options as well allowing customers to request different sizes and styles.

                                                                                                                                RFID is a technology that allows employees to cut down the time that it takes to count stock as well as trigger a number of customer-facing digital initiatives, such as interactive mirrors and proximity digital signage, which is a true innovation in the retail market! Each member of staff will have a mobile handheld till point, which aims to create a seamless in-store experience.

                                                                                                                                The role of a store has changed from a convenient method of purchasing goods and services, to one of elevated emotional experience where shoppers expect to be given a high level of service, care and expertise.

                                                                                                                                With its interactive dressing room, Pepe Jeans is hoping to generate excitement for the customers visiting the store, offering a convenient alternative to the traditional shopping experience.

                                                                                                                                “Our objective for Regent Street was not just to open a new store, the objective was to deliver an innovative retail experience,” according to Mark Blenkinsop, Pepe Jeans Group’s chief marketing officer.

                                                                                                                                Although online shopping is increasing more and more, the store is very important and will remain so for the foreseeable future. However, there is no room for retailers to be complacent as their consumers have given very clear indication that the atmosphere and the staff must improve to retain and secure their loyalty. With the help of technological innovations, particularly in retail, brick-and-mortar stores will be less likely to be in danger of losing the battle to online shopping.

                                                                                                                                Learn more about how to capture consumer attention now and in the future in our recent research.

                                                                                                                                Rewriting the rules of retail engagement: research shows what consumers want now and after COVID-19
                                                                                                                                7 ways employees can help to promote adoption of scheduling software https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-ways-employees-can-help-to-promote-adoption-of-scheduling-software Fri, 16 Jun 2017 03:00:00 -0400 https://www.jrni.com/blog/7-ways-employees-can-help-to-promote-adoption-of-scheduling-software

                                                                                                                                Before you can ensure that customers are using your newly implemented scheduling software, you need to get your employees up to speed.

                                                                                                                                If employees are not on board, then customers won’t be either. Successful online appointment scheduling software adoption depends on people. Consider:

                                                                                                                                • Do employees know how to use the software?
                                                                                                                                • Does the software work with internal processes?
                                                                                                                                • Can employees skillfully explain the benefits of the software?
                                                                                                                                • Do customers know about the scheduling software?
                                                                                                                                • Are customers using the software to book appointments?

                                                                                                                                The answers to these questions give your company an indication of how well adoption is going.

                                                                                                                                Here are seven ways you can help your employees to start using the software and get them to be promotional ambassadors.

                                                                                                                                1. Employees need to attend training

                                                                                                                                It is imperative for employees to participate in training. Since this software is customer-facing, it's crucial that employees fully understand its capabilities.

                                                                                                                                Similarly, managers should understand how to use reporting features to make operational decisions.

                                                                                                                                2. Employees should use and discuss it internally

                                                                                                                                During the pre-launch of the software, managers can encourage employees to create appointments with each other, so they can better understand the process from the customer perspective.

                                                                                                                                After launch, managers should provide opportunities for employees to connect with each other informally to discuss best practices using the software.

                                                                                                                                3. Have a “friends and family” soft launch

                                                                                                                                Right before the launch, make it possible for employees’ friends and family to access the scheduling software.

                                                                                                                                Let employees use this opportunity to discuss the benefits, and work on their talking points. This provides more practice opportunities with a receptive audience and helps to start building the “word of mouth” effect.

                                                                                                                                4. Share with customers

                                                                                                                                With plenty of practice, employees now should be able to confidently share the benefits of scheduling software with customers.

                                                                                                                                5. Employees’ email signatures

                                                                                                                                Steal a viral tip from the Hotmail launch and have your employees add a blurb about the scheduling software launch to their email signature. It only takes a second.

                                                                                                                                6. Employees share on social

                                                                                                                                Create and share social media content about the scheduling software launch with employees. Recognize employees who get the most engagement with their shares to encourage more sharing.

                                                                                                                                7. Employees play detective

                                                                                                                                A few weeks after the launch is a good time for your employees to put on their Sherlock Holmes hat by having them ask the customers a few questions.

                                                                                                                                Have the customers already heard about scheduling software availability? How did they hear about it? How did they like the software?

                                                                                                                                All of this feedback is important to capture in order to ensure software adoption success.


                                                                                                                                These are just a few recommendations to help ensure a successful software adoption. Your employees might have even better ideas, so after you share these ideas with them, ask them if they have any thoughts. Remember that every employee is vitally important to the success of scheduling software adoption.

                                                                                                                                Let us know how your software adoption goes, we love to hear feedback. In our next blog post, we will share what your company can do to ensure a successful software adoption.
